The bend bulletin 4 'J O VOI. l. iii;NI), ojii.uov,;si)AV aiti.hnoon, mikii i, imii, NO. 52. H I HONE S M 0 u CIIANOG IS A1ADE SUNDAY ON 4?oiiiuion Ihilli-ry Knlli'lihonril I'nl 'in, iM-llimr Mimlro (Jhmi p HKqlmngo OWio NorJ.K't,i,H In V' liuIltllliK Conf'ft $1000. - A telephone system that I In wver way moilarn and etflrlanl I now In lis -n lod, AM I'bnif '''iWPIPfe -ft Telephone Oft uriK liMHijaWUW It on the. UW A f l-Mwf fiPTafll given Tin) ttiolmnct) haa lnn mnv wl Into the ne.w DaeeltHl IuvuwMl Co 1'iillillttK with tn Oregon 4ilrni, mid entire!) imw Kiulpuieui ii til In. Tim entire outlay waa aiom A common hatiuty awltrh board he lu Installed. n( ample 4-hhcII In fih (or the ueada of the town for year. Thin la the only one of the kind In lb county. The uw nitti la receiving much favorsM omment. though It U not tt In the moat iwrfect working ahao owing lo Ita newness. Mauagei J. K. Pop of 1'rlnevlll haa aint much tin Iter recently assisting In making the change. anl Monday thru of ilu Pioneer dlrerturs were over Ineiant 1nc th eiatem, W. F. King, and U W nod A. J. Noble. Tb change from the old esrhang Vm made Holiday, and th night ser viie started Monday. The new awltchboard wu mantifee urd by the Western Klectrlc Cji.i nany and la of tb type uaad la nil th eicbaHgew of the lata cities. It has a capacity of 30 local llnea. "which means something like fioo phonos, and 10 toll line. There ri now only Hue In use. with I to iiherrlbers ao that ths need of the town Hill be rared fur by tbla board Xreara Aa noon a they hw need- h, two operator ran work at the Imard at th same time. Koomi haa also im left far the leeUiltatloH of another awltekbaard of the asm e!s nd rapacity alongeld Hits board. as n aa audi la neowaeary. Tha jiwlii hiioard and nltir inniilimtit !n tha olflrw rtnit aUiut f l&OU llo tlm hjlnw Wot-ka. Tha data I la of phoning orr tb tiaw ayvtom tra aa follow n- Tb uirlr lift Ua rncwlvor frww lb bo., thla lighting g IttO btmo nn tbr awluhhnard. Tna oiwraior plaga In on U Una anj aa lhu la 4oim tb litht l (ranargivwd to ft Ui Har tb oparaiorli ringing ky Tha mi raw anld being oiilnd. tho ttparator plugt In on that uuni!rr, tlila ratialng a avriMd tamp to llgh' Aa aoun aa tlm party rung anwir. ttoth llgkta go out W hen th par-tii- aia through UUIiik. lotb latnta light again and tk oparator knowa to dlMonaart Uw Unas. If on of in imrtiaa wgata auothr Una. b rhouid bang up tha rnealvar and wait u momant. titan lalw th racelvar down ngala and aaklng for tba naw nunitiar h ant ad Tli urn ara party llnaa for hualaaab houtH ami party llnaa for roauiauaw. Oh Ilia liuatnoaa llna tbara UI ba mly two phonaa Ona la known aa h "rad" and tha othar aa a "blank" Huiacrlhr. Klthar phona can Ito rung without tha othar auliacrlbar knowing It by what la known aa "apllt ringing." by tha uaa of tha red or black koy of tha altrhh ard. On party llnwa lbar will not lie more Keep Your Valuable Papers In Our Vault Tho lict nnil anfaal plnco In tlu world to kryp II ix' nnil llfo Imiininco polled, note oouilnj: iliia, morlKOKCMf (linnl In fnK nil vnlimhlo piiporn Im In a llic-pmof milt. Hvciy 11110 minnut iiifonl to liuo 11 ntccl vniill, or (Hon 11 llr-iMior hiifo In lib liniuo, lint mor)' 0110 emi iiifonl lo Keep IiIn lu ublu uikii In out' mult bccmiio tho rental ohuiKcil I" um 110111111; conimicl with tho initi-vlloii nlTonlflil. Von nn 1 IcitM' 11 altml box with 11 11011. Iihvknlilit, Ynlo look bin tmoiitili to contain nil jour tiiluiihlo piipnm linililo our tnul1 for only i-ilMM) it j oar. Drop In novt tliuo jon'io piiholnK. Deschutes State Bank Hiii'i't'HNor to tho Deschutes Banking & Trust Company lUWD.OUHOO.V. H. KlSItllHIili. I'roa. V. O. MINOR, Soa'y. Ii. M. LAKA, g.vahlpr. . nillKQTOIlS, ' ' 1). Karroll, K. O. Minor, 13. M. Lara s ..r.-t.:,"V' ' -r vr- ' . limn four pliiiiiQM, two lining ' red' mill two "blank '. Whan iiiih auiimrl'i it In rung only tlm othwr on tin ' rid".or "liliwk" I'lrniilt, ns the ca limy Im, will hear tha hell. All tha fiirmam' huI Inlar-rlty Ilium noma Into tli nwltrlilKinril arp iiihIh from Uih locl llnaa, llmrahy olivlntliiK murh lioubln to tlm op Hrntora nail Inaurlnx quicker local atirvlpo. All Uih ImttHrliw u r located In tha bxitlitinge oIIIch, lianca tha nnma oom iiioii lniUary. Tliora am two aata of lliwiH, mm Im'dk In tiaa and th othar IihIiI In rmmrvn. Tim nlxlil opMrator liaa a onttch anil may alaop ilnritiK tlia ilull lionra of (Im nlKlit, but when aha Ihtm tin) Rwlti'tiiiourd the night ball Ii (f'uMlinied o-i luit Iho) SAWMILL OPERATIONS TO BE RESUMED NEXT WEEK lleml Conipnny Will Kntploy r,n li'i. Willi I'Myroll uf i5iiin TlmlKr War il. Ilitfiil lo Ho I'ol Now. Ttfa aiwnilll of The Hand Com. rany V brgltt oprtlona next waak i f'il raparlty, giving rtnploymnnl lo aiiout r.u man Tha monthly pay roll will total mora than f Bfion. Otilr the planar haa been operated during tha wlnirr. A rompttt)naw porting labia haa !ean int In rwcently, thla bolng a de cided lmprovimant to (be aawtnn work. TbH mill would have heou running thla week had tapalra ar rived In time. A hoot 10 men will I omployed at tho mill and yarda and attorn 10 In logging work. Thn aama ramp that waa nied lat enr a rotiple of mllea up river will l In iteration thm annimar. Moat of tha logging however, will be dm near the m'll. Through a trade madv with tha Roger Interact, the com liarjy haa ncqalred about four million fat of timber located from a ij'iar ter of a mile to a mile and a half from thn mill, and thla will N cut. at lha rata of 1.000.000 feat par month, or 40,00 ft per day of 10 houre tha mill capacity. Tblrt) or 40 more man than now are employ, will have work. Tbua looking for Joa ahuuld apply at tat company a oNIcm. WHathar condlttona ware had for ahlpmenta laat month, but at tbnt 16 cara went ISaat. Tbla month Lha ex port will run to about h oar a 4a r Jgondny a carload of oownjogf Ul Innwior wna illapitebad to Hartford. Conn. Thla la tha fart)t hblpmenl yet mode. The K. A. (Irimn mill will atari un aa aoon aa water la turned Into the Arnold ditch for the aeoeon. NO EXTENSJNJF SEWERS Otty (Vnnrlt In Not lo I'nvor of hucii Ht '1 III". IIIIH'. The Hftitln cut of th t't t'oiinrfl it I hi mniiihh pifi-tlng laat nlftht wna agnluat iinv irvvrr rtinlou at tbla III 1 It had hiM'n propound that a lateral le Imllt to connect with the new arhool hu and another to eerva the Oathnllc pariah hona. A remonstrance wma Bltd agalnit the latter, and tho eatlmata of the etfcy engineer ahowod that the coat of a lino lo tha Relo achoot would bo more than 10000 Aaldo from pawing on regultir bllla thwrt) waa little of Intomat transacted at tha meotlng. A francabw to give Sieldl A Tweel power to oonrtruct awl operate aa electric aytem In I lend waa road for the Aral time. Owing lo tho lata hour of adjourn ment, nothing w'aa done about a Are department aa had Immw planned. The council will meet again oa March 17. L IS SUCCESSFUL CO-OPERATIVE CREAM ERY DISCUSSED Ailuitilimci, I'okftlhllltlt'M mill IHill- tlilllco, of rluili mi lnlltilloii Or t'lipy HmwiI'm Ibifoii) (lullirrliiK of jH I'aroicrK mill Otlicra. With CI men prevent, tha flrat Inn cheog given under the HHaplowi of Ilia Coinwtjr l' Club, for 1mk1 bual NMia men and fnrmnm. hsid at tli llond Dotal ninrdgf, prornl a flrat rate gtKMNW. ' '4. I. ICgfM. tnWet Af tho Cow. marrlal Club, prealdad. and in addi tion to an excellent luncheon therg waa conaldernide Impromptu aix-ak l"g, chiefly by farmer Tbe lun rhewn waa tha llret of what la lect4Mt to davalop Into a regular fca lure, (heir purpoee telng to bring all who are fntaraied In the develop- inenl of tha town and country Inttf clue, contact, and to dlacuu pniblemaj of mutual Inter cat. At maurday'n gathering the rh'ef toplo waa a co-oieratlva creamery. Mr. Iteea outlined the advantagea. to uotn ouameaa men ana rarmera. oi , aoch an Institution. W. (1 Waugh , was the flrat man called uion. and he expreeeed h' belief that there wag room and need here for a -o-era. tlve creamery. The others Indoraed this view. However, the difficult! of the undertaking were dwelt upon, as well aa Ha advantagea. The aentiment waa that sufficient cowa coald be secured to make auch an Institution profitable, and that capital to finance the equipment end would be, forthcoming from local huslnana man, who would take stock which later woo Id l taken over by the farmer themselves T. 11. Foley gave a prl!mlnar outline of a plan whereby hi rompan), tha Hand. Watar Mgfet I'oargr Ccwnpany, Wight aoNairvet a ctaOttiary building In eoaneatfon w'tk nn low plant they propo9 lo erect: the advantagea and economies Of mutual operation of the two warn brought out. The advisa bility of purchasing. If poeathle. the equipment of the existing private creamery, waa brought up. Tha great advantage to Uiirsrmia,pi regular Monthly pur ataamAwa dwelt upon. The apaahor ware W. O. Waugk, I. II Dencer. T. H. Foley. II. Kerrel. O. Lanrgaarfl. Clyde M. McKay ami C. 8. Hudson The farmer iiraaont agreed that they would take lmma-1 llate nian to get full data regarding the number of available cuw. etc AM, MK WAHIH'NS lllSMIHelKII. The altate Cmim ('onmJaaioa. at a meeting at Salem lant wsM. dpe ne ed with lava an teas of all gaae war dena In Qhujon. soma 1 la unmiter. It Is sabj that aome of them will bo raitjmlat4. It la not yat known who will gat tba appolntmaot for thla district I'llOI'OHAIi IS IHS.M'I'IIOVltl). According to Washington dla patcuaa. the proposal made by I.. I'. WaVtsnVId of foaUl that the land nUlce for tha Lakaviaw dburtct be removed from there to Craacent dawi not meet with tha apnroval of Cont mtaaloner Tallman Chief among his reaaona are tha lack of rail communication. CUB S The llend Hardware Qq. r. , ) 5$) ) ' , . cutTV in stock u com- 5! s plt'te line of 'J &&& Agricultural Imple- ( yB -4 merits n ? Garden Tools s Garden Seeds 5 I Grass Seeds. s S Cull uiitl get our prices mid ) y$ ) sect! utittdog. fjj) BEND - - S HARDWARE ,.;,.. .-J ? I. nil '"I ' " "rk?' ' f ir'1' TIMBER LANDS BLOCKED MOVE A1EANS MUCH TO BEND llllC Timbre OiMirrw Sow I Into Hold. Iiium In Coiiipnct lllockfi, I'rcpnrcil 1'or Kroiioinlml IikkImk Jolin ItjHii .MnkiM DctaIN I'libllc. What Jijlin 18. Hyan and othur h(g ttmbermen call tha nat ImporUint tranaaetlon over carrlml thrimglt In th Iaacbutg Valley timber belt waa conaummalad a abort tltno aim. and Ha detnlla are now public. IJrtaflr, It la tha blocking up or combining of tha holding of aeveral of tha largatt companlea, io that now their timber la practically In one or two largo, compact bodbe, Inatead of bolng aeat tared widely and mixed one with the other. The big deal meana now at leant WVB ,,f ihm ,,, Hmlwr Boloer, ,i, .... . ..-i. ... .t... milUnH cun , Hon. BMy ltmm ,, with the abeolute minimum of ex penae and maximum of efficiency. It nleo makea It alamlntely certain, ao far aa urh msttera ever can be. that .j 1,1 , .k mnai m..rtm.,t ,.-rfl .m-ui.-i. wm min .1 r , r. ,- . W "... --w. . ,. very near Hend, aa haa nlwaya been understood. The final grouping of tbolr propertlea roncentratea all of It woere the topography doaa not per mit of milling eleewhare, even if rail roads or pond facilities war avail able at any other feaalMa point, which they are not. Aa a reault of the big "swap" tha Bond Timber Company, being tha A. It. Hoara Interests, now have noma 14,000 aeroa Immediately want of Head, practically all of It within f mile. One of the two big black of tba Deschutes Lumber Company t Continued on last tag.) CIRCUIT COURTJEXT. WEEK Wrj I'cw (e on the Docket Itr ThU Twin. fSpecUl to The.lNUalnJ. 1'KINlCVII.l.M. March I. Circuit Court will co arena next Monday. Judge Bradahaw presiding. There re only a faw easoa on tba docket thla term, none of them being of Ira portauce. The following hi the oftl ctftJ J(irv 1Ut 4rawn P K Rouh. Madras: R. J. Ilk el - ton. Siktera. Hldwell Cram, Oatewa) . John l.urky. Jr.. PrineVllle: II. Unk. Madras. A. J. Fiala. Ualdlaw. W. 8 Avers, I'rlnevllla: A. I). Ouer. I'rln. Till J as. Klce. Hay Creak. E P. Broeterhou. Uend: H. L. Friday. Oatewa) W. O. Darnes. Laldbtw; Wm Iwcua. Lav 1'laa: Hugh Oea. "rlnevilla: Thaaatora Anna. Band: J. J. Corn. Laid law: John Bulger. PrlncWlle. Homer Alexander. Metol lua. Tbos. S. Bants. Prtaavllle: Kraok Harner. Ash wood: J. K. How ard. Iiwer llrldse: Wm. nrown, lldlaw; II. Brooking. Hampton: M. S. Mavleld. Itobsrta: Walter Bacon. Alfalfa: J. P. Dgakott,' 8lsters: Sol win Montgomery. Prtnevllla; S. M. Bailey. Roberta: P. D Scammon, Fife 1). A. Yates. Powell .Bulla. O. W. Walls. Redmond. J -;; ul v'jvh. v'J WEST SIDE ASSURED OF AN APPROPRIATION OF 327,800 FOR ROADS (Staff ("orrapondence) VMSKVlUUtt, Mar. I.--I I'. !. Commlaalonar Haylwy toilny gav tha fiend delegation that la horn In the Internet of roada tha Hurne that an ap propriation of $27,800 will bo made for the went atdo. Tbe ordxr to thla effect will be jmt on tho County Court record thla afternoon. Mo order ha prsvlownly been mad for any Mich weat aide appropriation. Mr. Hnyloy haa'heen working from the drat in Om InUraat t an adequate road grant for Um waatorn part of the uaty and haa now rHieceoded In obtnwtnx; daflnlte aaauranc that tba or iler will Ik- mada. Thn mooey la to be apent under the diree tlon of Mr. Imyley, and w1tl ha Rpportlonml approslmatery na follow: Bend-Lalfllaw road, 4(000. ItHil-Hnnm and Bnd-Bar Croak roada. $15,000. Moilmond-ellatera road, $7000. The remainder will be uaed on various other highways. Thin afternoon there are eg. jieeted to be aomo Intereatlng developmentii In the County Court over the Hprlngr reraua other oMclahi affair "KID PARTY" PRODUCES EVENING OF "SCREAMS" ! Young Women of the Tiwn Attend Affair Oh oh lly Ml Stdner In lire of Children, At the home of Mrs. A. C. Lucas Prtday night. Mlaa Martha Sldner was hostess at one of Um most ontertaln- Ing affairs ever given In Bend for those fortunate enough to be pres ent. It was a "kid party" and the reports are that It waa a vary Jolly gathering that everybody had ao much fun that thay want borne with their sides aching from too much I laughter. ah came nreased as cnildren. Well known characters such as Buster Brown. Rather Starling and others were rHprsaented. and It Is said that soma of tha Prisclllas made dandy hoys. Tha color line waa not drawn for one of the dignified school teach ers made a big hit as a "coon girl " All sorts of "kid games ' were played, and atrlped stick candy and animal cookies wars handed out to the "llt Us anas." Badlea asclteasswt was furnished by the presence of a real little mouse Introduced Into tha ns aemblage by tha "girl of color." Every girl brought her doll and soma of the mlschlavoue "brats" msde life for the others "mlaeraMe" by con tinually "swiping" the dolls. It Is said that there was aom "bawling" Indulged In that would do credit to any orphan home. Souvenirs of the evening were pre served In the form of a flashlight picture of tba "kiddle. " COMMKUCIAL t'Ll'll Ll'VCIIKOX. The Commercial Club will hold lu next luncheon on Saturday at the Pilot Butte Hotel at IS o'clock sham. Business man and farmers are all In vited to attend. SIIICKIPP MAK1J.N AltRKST. SharlS Klklna waa her Monday and took back with him to Prlne vtlle John KoUmaa and his brother. 00 a charge of larceny. It la said that other charge may be placed against them Deputy Sheriff Fox aas they were arreeted without a warrant Ihe First National Bank OF BEND, DEND.OREGON U. C. C'OE, rriaeut K A. SATHKK, Vice- I'lwulent t . S Hl'DSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - (35.000 SuruluH 413,000 Th nw Gurrenoy BUI is now a law. Panics are a thing of tha past. Additional security and safety has been added to the banks of the U. S., and therefore to the people. This is the greatest piece of construc tive legislation passed in fifty years. We cannot put its many provisions in writing for lack of space, but will bo ' pleased to tell you personally of the many admirable features of this bill, which are for your further safety and welfare. Gall and talk to us about it. ta FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND "aarixstrasss DIRECTORS ' UIC'COK ' If, . SATHBlt '. S. UDOSOJf O. M. lU'rtt3K0?r If. C. KM.IS i - t i WIEST WRITES TO GOVERNOR SAYS JURIES AFRAID TO CONVICT .More Aclhlty Agalnut Pool Itooma by tlio Loiter of Law nnil Order IHiguc County onfombt Aro Hllrroil Lfp 'mt',, Maili. Aa the rasa It at & letter addressed t Oovortmr Was Vf L. D. Wleat oa bhalf of tb Law and OnlOr Laaguo further activity fat the effort to close tha local pool and (4'llard rooms on Sunday took place last Sunday. Acting on orders from Sharlff Kl klna, Deputy Sheriff Wenandy visited the Carmody ewtaMlshment about noon Sunday and ordered tha patrons who warn watching a bowling match to laara tho room. Mr. Curnwwir i not praaant. Hta employ In cliarcn waa told that ha might keep open tho frmtt nt thm iIam aI.m .. light refresh menu are sold but that mo pooi room and fcowung alloys miMt ) Shut On Vr Plrmi.,1,'. return a short time later, ha raoponed. in ranr room and began to bowl with soma friends. Soon lr. no. cording to Mr. Carmody; Doputy Sheriff Wenaady rams hack and again ordered the place to be closed. ss wnen id is waa refused aatu that h placed Mr Carmody under arrest though havlnv nn warrant in tin an At thla time the rear room waa va cated and the door leading to It nil Np by Deputy Fox. The aeal was re moved at midnight and Mr. Carmody understands that ha Is no longer un. (Continued on Last Page) ICE AND COLD STORAGE K Kcnttcn Itebullillns Near Tracks, anil Itoyil IJulldi Down Hirer. Some portion of the local needs In the way of lee and cold storage wilt be cared for by the completion of tho two plants now undo" construction which will be In operation shortly. In order to provide lea for hla own use In connection wHu his moat bosl neMfORcu. Hftpd. Is now-njasd In building aa artlnenl lea plant on hla property a mile below town. Ho Is devetorlng a small power on tho river which will fora'sh 35 horse power. The lea plant will have a dally capacity of six tons apd roost of the product will be used In tho slaughter nous that Mr. Uoyd Is hulld'ng lu connection with the plant. Any power not needed for the plant will it used to pump water for Irri gation If. K erst en. of the Central Oregon Ic A C0I4 Storage Co., whose plant waa destroyed by fir some months ago. Is wresting a new cold storage plant on the railroad elose to tha Band Hardware Oompanv's ware house near Koa avenue. The build. ng, which la ram, has dimensions 40 by 80 feet. There are six thick nesses of wall, and one foot of Insu lation, of sawdust and air. Tho building w! l used eklofty for stor age of bottled goods, for which, Mr. Kerstea la distributing agent, snd a bottling plant will also be Installed. The outlay on the building la about 11506. m J iuifcli4 if mm f.' J i" 'l . 1 t T- ' V af- 9W9 W'VW,T 44 fX . ,' ,,i4',t?r t - " 'mmmmm.viw4i'vm - v -fi i irmi" r u in rrriars-' V Wl ir i ::