The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 25, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    mwn nwifiiniy, mm, onn VfKusiWhW, riumi'Aiiv iw, jou.
County Offleor, Attacked by .Imln
ftlmiil Invrwtljintlnir Huper!," Htte
"lIN Hliln or W, mid In Caustic
In 1 1 In Hot HoiiiiuclatJoii
Prlnevlllo, Oro., Fob, 21, Ml
To Hit) Kdltnr:
I havn lionn nukucl anroral tlnina to
ulvo publicity lo thn Court House
troubles, but until tlin (nut "on..
Ifronk" of tho County JiuIro, I w
very relctnnt lo make any mention
of tho mntlar. Hvory official In tho
ourt house tin boon annoyed fro
iitMilly by the- insono nntlcn of thin
Individual who linn worked hlumnlf
Into n Una froniy nt tlmoa, trylnK to
inn Wo each oITlclnl do anil net ns he
wishes without record to Uia laws
governing tho cano, but aololy on bU
opinion. Thl U a strong slatomont
but a dUngrncalilo fnct,
Tho clork linn boon proomptorlly
ordered to chanse county records
when they conflicted with tho opinion
of tho JikIko, nnil was assaulted who't
ho refused. Tho assessor wan order
ed to do things that no man In bin
rlKht mind (or with honesty of nur
iotn) would nak to liavo dono.
Tho lax collector haa boon ordered
n great many tlmra to cut down tho
tax of aomn mpoclnl friend of tho
Judge merely on bin say-so Instead
of dO it course of law. Uccninlns:
highly Incensed whnn It waa refused.
Ha rocontly Kot tho ldta that bn
oould clear tho court homo out by
Netting annthnr export (thli la tin
third In 12 montba) to go through
tlin book, especially as It waa near
Ink election.
Thla "oxport" nftnr 19 daya (f
atnmunus and painful labor brought
forth n "report" and not a vory load
report nt that.
Thla report waa founded generally
on hear-any nnd waa Inaccurate
throiiKhout, especially ooncrnlriK th
Mhiirlrr. thn larger part of thla bolng
untlroly false and npparontly for a
iHallcloua puroo; Wo will refer to
hla stntnmont thnt h could linvn per-
loruioii nil Hint waa dono by Mr. I'oo
tila In two daya. Could ho? Mr
Peoples, from Janunry 18th, 1PU
until April 1. 1013, worked sixteen
flours every day except Hunday, n
whloh day bo worked until noon.
During which tlmo $206,000.00 In
round nurnbora waa collected. From
Juno lt until AtiRtiat lat, Mr. Poo
idea laid off, tbon worked on tho do.
HiKiuiMit rolla until put In na build
l8g Inspector by tho County Court to
tako chnrgo of tho work In tho court
liniim baanmont. fllnrn January lat,
19 H. bo bna boon chief duputy to
tho County Treasurer.
At tho adjourned term of tho coun
ty court. March 16, 1913, tho follow.
Ing proceedings worn had: "It ap
roaring to tho court that considerable
wxponan In nuto hlrn may bo savd
liy tho county, should It own Ita own
NUlomnbllo; It la hereby ordered thnt
the county purchase n 'llaynna 10'
for tho nu in of (2400.00. It la t ho ro
tor o ordfartHl that tho clnrk draw n
-warrant In favor of Jirseph Paquat of
1'ortland, Oregon for tho aunt of
31100.00. It a alto ordered that tho
wherlff bo authorlinl to koop said
HiuoiHODiin nuiirtMi.
Tho automoblln wna purchaaod In
jiuraunncn with tho order and I In
jured thn car for tho mini of $1700,
nt n yearly premium of $31, which
wna paid by thn county.
I notion from tho "oxport'a" report
that ntnnnR tho expenses charged to
tho aberlff, I am wrnnRfully chant"!
with tho following Komi:
Halary of T. N. Ilnlfour,
ahiirlff .(Nov. nnd Deo.
1912) ' $ 41G.U6
Automobllo 2100.00
Insurance 34.00
Unrago repalra ' 2R.30
Hopalnt 6S3,ur.
Itopalra to Court house
(ahorlff'a ortlce) 03. IK
Claaollno $ 38S.39
olnlma I hnvo rofilsod o turn ovnr to
tho County Tnmauror. Thin can bo
properly placed under thruo liouda, nn
followa: (1) Moimya paid to ahorlffn
of otlinr countloM for IokbI norvlcoi;
I-) MonuyH pnld to Bpoclnl ofneora
within tho county for loRnl aorvlcon
nnd for tho enro of poraonnl propnrtyj
(3) Monoyn paid to nowapapora for
tho publication of lonl notlcen,
Tlnno rnnttnrn nro poraonnl tninn
ncllona botwnon tho aliorlff nnd tho
lUuuuoyn and In no way county b'irl
noan, but nro plncod on tho ahorlff'a
docket nn coata that thn aliorlff haa
noon put to in carrylriR out tho In
atructloun of thn dlfforont court a and
nro not fnon. Tho foo colloctnblo by
tho Hhorlff and imyablo lo tho County
Tronauror la mllonRo. (Hoctlon 3129
h. 0, h,
"For oach mlln noconanrlly trnvol
oil In HorvltiK nny civil proroaa oi
aubponnn, ton conta, I'ltOVIDIJI) (hut
no (ilinrno alinll bo inndo for conntruc
tlvo iiilloaKo In nny cobo."
Wn now refer you to tho lnnt iinrn.
Rrnph of 3112 I,, O. U, which roada
na followa: "Tho aliorlff la not roqulr
ml to romlt to tho Troaauror tha
niiiotint received for nny an in rocolvod
for tho proaorvntlou of noraonnl oroti.
iirlv ...
.j. . ,
Tho abovo, with tho exception of
9418.08, ahould hnvo boon charged
to '(lenornl oxponao.' Tho aurn of
418.fl0 haa no place In thla roport
vhntovor. Thla automobllo, nhh
baa now bocotno famoua, haa boon
ned by member of the CountrCourt
3970 mlloa. nnd over 1000 nTIlca by
varloua other omcera of tho county,
wxceptlnB the ahorlff, who with tho
district attornoya, a considerable part
of tho tlmo, haa mado n total of 0S00
mllea on criminal work, Tho civil
inuonRo mado liy tho car nmounta to
nbout 1000 mlloa, mnklnp a total of
' nbout 7S00 mlloa which tho enr ba-j
boon uaod by thn ahorlff.
I wlah to etnto hero thnt 127 crlm-
1 Innl complnlntn hnvo boon Invnatl
Kntod nnd 62 nrroata hnvo boon made
of which 18 hnvo boon aontoncod to
thn ponltontlnry, 12 of whom nro
nerving aontonco and 0 pnrolod. 7
Inaano pntlontn hnvo nlao boon
brought to tho county aont by moan
of thla car. Tho nbovo montlonrd
uriminnl work haa resulted In tho
bronklnB up of tho moHt notorloua
band of homo thlovoa that ovor op-
uroiou m utook county nnd hua. un
t doubtodly anvod thn atockmou of thlv
county many dollars. A consider
able amount of Stolon nronnrtv haa
, boon rocovorod and restorod to tho
J ownora. For tho pnat threo monthi
tho county Jail haa boon without nn
I icccupnnt, whllo nt thin tlmo lnnt
year, wo had fro eight to twolvo.
1 I hnvo ropontodly auRKoatod to tho
Mf county court thnt n amnllor enr
nM huouki no aubatltutod no.tho one now
H operated la too lnrso nnd too boavy
Vfnr tho work required nnd too ox-
ponalvo of oporntlon.
f Hoforrlnu to tho nllopxid ahortnito
V)f $460.00, which tho "oxporf
I will atatn further Hint tlin nno.
tlona of law referred to by Mr, Hall
have boon auporaeodod by thn 'Flat
Bnlnry l.nw' which bnenmo offoctlvo
In 1896, and tha only lawn undor
which tho aborlrf can work nro na
Mated nbovo, 3112 nnd 3120 L, O.
Aa to Mr. llaU'n atntomont thnt tho
foea on tho docket woro oxtnndml on
inn iiockoi nftnr bo canio hero on l)a
enmbnr 18. Thla atntomnnt la nb
aolutoly fnlno. I. lmraonnlly. mado a
atatemont of tho foon duo tho county,
filed tho original with tho clnrk, nnd
attached a copy to tho check which
waa delivered to thn Troaauror on tho
flrat of the year aa haa boon cuato
mary with thin omen for ynnra mn
Vouchcra tor thn abovo mentioned
I4C0, together with Individual re
ports of each expenditure aro on Ma
In thla offlco and worn tendered Mr
Hall, but woro rofuaed nnd Ignnr-d lr
him. Thnro haa been no deviation
from tho regular routine work of thla
office, notwithstanding tho advent of
Mr. nan.
Now, hero la whom 1 itntn tho
County Tax Holla. During my nl
aenro from thn omen on tho 11th of
thla month, Mr. Hall came Into the
ofTlco, took nil the tnx rolla In my po
annnslon nt that tlmo to thn 'Attorn
oy'a HmokliiK Itoom upatalra. ,On
my return that ovonlnx I wan advla
I'd by Deputy Van Allen of thn netlou
of Mr. Hall. Thlnklmt, hownvir,
thnt ho would return thorn to tho
vniil I for aafekeopInK during the
nlKbt, I went homo. Tho next morn
line at eight o'clock (at which bou-
nii nuiillc omre abould open,) I
went to the ofTico nnd found no bnoKi
In the vnult. I found thn door iff Um
room upntnlrn locked. After wnltlnm
a few mlnuton, nnd no "expert" n
ponrlng, I got thn pana key from Hie,
Janitor, wont to tho room whero thn
tax rolla worn, and returned thorn to
thn omce. leaving Mr. llnll tnx rolla
for the yeara 1904, 1906, 1900 nnd
1907, on which tin spumed to bo ,n
work. After waiting until 8:30, I
atarled for Mr Hall'a hotel, meniliu
him and bin assistant on tho wny I
told hi in thnt I bud returned the
hooka to tho omen nnd Informed him
that In tho future ho would not 'to
nllowod to keep thn rolla out ovor
night, but tendered him thn nan of
my prlvnto oinco for his Invo-itlgi.
Hon, atatlng In explanation that I
wna not permitted by law lo nllow the
booka taken out of tho omen nnd
kept, that they wero n publle record
and, even whllo being "nxportod,'
worn nun in llio clmrgn oT thn tax
collector and bv ualng tho private of
flee, there would be no Inconvanlourn
on either band Thla offar waa
haufhtllv refusMl and I waa nrdornd
forthwith to return the hooki to hi
nlllee nwM ponnltv of the law. Ho
further Informed me thnt tho bookn
were aolejv In Ida charge nnd thnt I
had nn right to even aeo them during
the time that they wero being "ox
oerted ' CM the meeting nt tlio court
house on tho lfith. M. Ilall atntn.l
that I would be permitted to examlno
tho rolls whenever neecna,rv. )
Tho lKoka wore not returned nnd
Springer Immediately got busy nnd
Intervled all tho local attornoya who
advised him that tho sheriff could
not Ingally allow the tax rolla to n)
out of bin possession whoreiivon Iih
Immediately called Judgo llradsbnw
and (Jovornor Wont, who both rofunoJ
to lntorforo.
Attornoy llnnoy of Portland wnn
tbon employed at n coat of $100 nnd
oxponnen lo tho COUNTY to mako tho
ahorlff "como ncroaa."
At Mr. Ilanoy'a request I called on
him Hunday, the 16th, whan ho In
formed mo tliut ho had boon minis-
lurmati an to tno truo ataln of affalra
by tho Judge, and that front a legal
point of vlow I wna acting within my
During tho mooting of tho tai
payora with tint County Court on
Monday, the HUIi. Hull Minimi iimi t
had found between $19,000 and $20.
000 of dollnriuont taxes on tho 1907
Tho trim condition of tho 1907
rolln In thla: On Octobor lnt, 1908,
tho dnto when thla roll wan balanced,
tho dollnijiient tax was $16,824.11,
oi wrncn amount i7,r80.49 wan D.
U. &!. Co, tnx which the ahorlff at
that tltnii wna enjoined from collect
ing by tho Circuit Court, which no
tion wna sustained by tho Huprome
Court. Thin lonvnn a balance of
$8,243.02 on October lot, 190V
Hlncn that time $3,961.74 ban been
coiiociijii, leaving dollnquont on tin
roll at thn pronont time, $4, 291. Si.
When tho roll In checked ovor to
cauuul double naneaameiita thorn will
bo found possibly $1,000 of collect
able tax. Thn ahorlffa offlco forco
ha boon working alnco August lat,
1913, chocking all rolln, canceling
double nsaennmenta no that cortlfl
ccata at dellniiueucy can bn Issued ti
tlin county. Tho above figures takon
directly from county records when
compared with ntatnment of Mr. Hall
yhow thn manifest unfjlrness shown
by thla ao-called "oxport" of Hprlng-
To got down to 8prlngor' scream
to the (Jovornor, mat an Immense
sum of money waa turnod over to
thn Treasurer when ho got buay with
bin "expert" could only refer to tho
annual cleanup, nn wo call It.
During tnx-collectlng time, we
turn thn money over to tho Troia
uror na faat ai wo aro able to got ou
requisitions, which require consider
able tlmo nn all auma have to bo seg
rugnmu mio tun uiciorcnt rundf,
which Include flvn county fund, five
Inrorimrated towna, and 91 school
districts. It In some tank to get ft
ndjuated nnd na collections near
the closo of tho yonr nro practically
nothing, wo mnko thin turn over or
clean up, na wo call It, on tho last
two montba or alx weekn collection
I understand from Chief Deputy Van
iimn uiai tun mm clean up w.i?
$0740.63 from all tho rolla for nine
ymira buck. Thla wan turnod over
to tun Treasurer on January 1, 1914
la (hero iinj thing strange or hystori-
on i a mill i in in 7
All tax moneys are kept in the
I'rlnnvllta bnnkn subject to cheek of
Frank Klklna, ahorlff, an by law re
quired, and payable only for refund
on taxoa or to the Troaauror, thare
being no connection between thla and
any poraonnl account that thla offlc
may haw,
Ab to Mr. Hall'a oldllty to "expert"
County Hecorda. Ho ban ehnwn nh.
solute Ignornnco of tlin law govern
ing county omolala, and, upon Investi
gation, wo hnvo found that ho haa re
sided In Oregon lean than one year
and wo have not round whero bo haa
over attempted to audit a set of ooun-
ty itooKa before.
I court n full Investigation of tnr
omco and my notions alnco being l-i
olllso nnd tbero always haa boon and
always will bo oxtonded to all expert
both public and private, every cour-
ytcny of thla office.
An examination or tho County Hec
orda will nliow that Mr. Hall receiv
ed $412.86 for th to renort nnd vil
further show that ho wnn In Trln
vlllo leaa tban twenty daya.
Tho Court Hecord ahowa that he
wna to bo employed nt the rato i,f
ton dollara per day and traveling
nun noiei cxiKtnse. Kindly ilgure
out bow much Mr. Hall ahould hao
rocolvod for hla work.
Your vory truly.
Don't Piasters,
wvw anener nesuits
Beautiful WaBs tlT
and Cei!In$ I fi
iniitr snan nin wjk m m
loned "lalh. SSKSSLV
coit ara li
br th uxor in.
oprlo Wall lloird.
all. ""
n .
ra. uurwappir
ThOUUnill nt hnma t.nlM. .... .
and coatrao tori a vln tuna and wonir
fcy Uilnn "llUhoprio" for Int.rior of riw
up ttuo or bucnicot rounu.
Tha Wall IlojhJ. comet I
WrlWrVrY.11.",." ,00n " "W
pNw Houtta or Ramodaltna; Uaa
Allnnenota Street
Promptly Attended to
n shottt 4 ftat
, mar 10 nail to atudJ Ina. Na tnnii
aw and liaromrr needed. doa on dry.
tnuil. Klv lilf-.-.,,'r -.i., nil," .'.
-.i.-rr:i'." --:-" "t r.w
dried la h f ndhaavy flbroboard. L
btddad In hot Aiphalt-Mattla unde
pronure. Tha only wall board aUffaned by lata
preituro-w own tin patunU. MwrX
uemraiuoorfi Lumber Co.
lkmsn Kminturiri
480 ClhanSI.
All tltnullclurcn ol
HUboprlc Iniou Hai. J K,.
ttta Mrul UU kail Hit pilM,
is ugst.
Clover Leaf Dairy
P. VV. STAATS, Prop.
In the County Court of tho Htntc
of Oregon for tho County of Crook, In
apoclnl session cnlled for tho purpose
of aeourlng free access to thn K-okn
and records of tho county to complete
the work authorized to bo dono by
A. McK, llnll nnd auch other ninlnin-i
na mny bo necessary.
Court convened nt 10 o'clock n m
Fobruary 10th, 1914. Present: O.
Hprlnger, Judge, presiding; H. II.
Hayley. coinmlssloiifir. wiiiu w
llrown commissioner; I'rank Klkmn,
Bhorlff, nnd Warren llrown, county
clerk. Whereupon tho following
proceedings woro had, to-wlt:
(Hecnusu of largo number of tax
poyorn present. kosbIoiih held In the
Circuit Court Hooiu.)
Judge Springer stated tho purpose
of the calling of the meeting, na fol
lowa: An oxport accountant had bo
gun work on tho tax rolla of the
county on Wednesday, l-'cbrunry
11th; that ho had worked until
o clock that night, lockod up tho
booka, and the next morning nearly
all of tho booka wore gono; that nn
Investigation showed thnt thnv i.rwi
been taken by the county sheriff who
reiuseu men anu still refUBcs to re
turn them to the expert except ono
at a tlmo, which the expert claims la
Insuflclent for tho purioso of hla In
vestigation; that the purpoao of thla
meeting In to determlno whether or
not the export shall bo allowed to ?o
Discussion camo up as to whether
or not tho expert waa ever lega'.l
employed by tho County Court. Judge
Springer claimed authority delegated
10 mm unuer tne order of December
6th, 1913, to hire tho present ex-
peri, a. Merc. Hull, whom ho clnlmod
waa the only nppllcnnt, to mnko an
Investigation of the year 1913; that
tho report of thla Investigation aa
made was la tmrt nimroved l.r thn
County Court and that tho court un
der order of February 3, had request
ed Mr. Hall to return and make n
complete audit of tho booka. Jud3o
Springer nlao explained how mlnutuj
of tho meetings of the County Court
were not made permanent and algned
uii until some time after llio mooting
Tho commissioners claimed that
Judge Hprlnger wan given power only
to look Uti n man and la nmwnr In n
direct question from Attorney Hrlnk,
denied that olther one of them had
given hla content to employing any
specially named expert, or approval
any iwrt of a report made by nny ex
pert.. The County Clerk wan nsked to
Jirlng In tho journnl of the court, nnd
read from tho minutes of December
6, 1913. page 172, na followa:
"Now on thla day It la ordered by
tho court that tho county Judge be
Instructed to employ A. McB. Hall,
to export tho county records of Crook
county, at n cost of $10 n day. to
gether with traveling and hotel ex
penses. Approved as read: O. Sprln-
ki.t anu units w. urown.
The clerk then roai! from tho r.
ported minutes of February 3, 1914,
tnot yet placed on tho Journnl.) as
followa: "In tho matter of A. McK.
Hall, accountant, ordered that tho
Judgo write Mr. llnll to return to
Prlnevlllo and go over tho tax rolla
for 1912 or tako up the samo as far
back aa It appears necessary where
the same has not been done and M
audit all booka of officers as far as
appears necessary."
A. McK. Hall was called ond asked
to make statements to the court of
tho facts since hla return to Prlso
vllle. on February 11. whlk ha .n.i
and stated substantially the same aa
Judge Springer.
ftHerin: isikina. by hla attorney
Mr. Hrlnk. then made a statement
atatlng that hla bonds to the ccuntv
did not permit him to allow the tax
rolls to be taken out of hla custody:
that the County Court haa no powr
nt any time or under any clrcum
atancos to ordor records taken from
the otllce of the ahorlff. nnd that Mr.
Hull waa a tresspasser In taklmj
In absence of the county nttornev
and under the ndvlco of District
Judge Hradshnw, that counsel bo re
tained., tho court was represented oy
Hon. Hert K. Haney of Portland. Mr.
Iluney stated that tho sheriff hn.i tii
aumuruy l0 auow the records to bo
taken out of hla otllce. but that the
County Court could not order him to
do ao.
Mr Hrlnk then made the following
atatemont: "I am authorized to aay
that tho aherltr Is at all times wllllus
for a duly authorlxed expert to como
In nnd oxamlno hla booka at any and
all time In tho presence of a deputy
It waa agreed that th rivnnii of
tho ahorlff'a offlco ahould not bo takon
out of hla omco, but that Mr. Hall
and hln assistant bo pormlttod to
work with nn llttlo disturbance nn
possible In tho prlvnto offlco of tho
norm, mm no do allowed to work
at night, tho county treasurer, who
ban tho combination to tho vaults,
agreolng to bo nt tho court houno
pvory night until 10:30 p. m. to lock
tho books tip.
Mr. Hrlnk remarked: "Claims for
delinquent taxes for 1907 and carllor
now outlawed."
Mr. Klllott:
"Acalnst mmmun
senna to hlro an exnort nt ttr. a iiv
to look up taxes that could not b.
Mr. Ilanoy: "Kxport knows his
bualnosn or bo Is not worth having."
Now waa presented lo tho court n
petition alKned by B. U. Mllncr and
76 othor prominent taxpayers from
tho northern end of tho county; when
oir. nrma romnrKeu: "uici you bring
that potltlon In bv ardor lit .In,!
Mr. Mllncr; "No, but at tho request
i mo inxpnycra nno signcra of thla
Petition then road by tho county
clerk, vlx:
.. .. "!Bdrfti' Ore, Fob. 14, 1911.
To tho Ilonorablo County Court:
Prlnovllle, Oregon.
"Oontlcmen: Wo tho underalgr.
od taxpayers of Crook County, urge
nnd request, your Ilonorablo body to
proceed with tho reviewing nnd thor
ough Inveatlgatlon of the tax list
as coinmoncea in accordance with tho
directions of tho ilonorablo Judge
Springer. And that all books, papora
and complete tnx roll bo turned ovor
to tho assigned narty without nr r-
scrvo whatsoever, nnd also proceed
with any otJier Investigation you may
deem advlaable." (Followa Hat of
Judgo Springer expressed hlmsolf
In favor of having the county attor
ney or hla asslatant draw an order
for tho continuance of thla Investi
gation by Mr. Hall. Mr. Hayley said
he had no objection. Judge Springer
men atatcd: "The County Attornoy
la ordered to prepare an order for
tho continuance of tho present ex
porting, If there aro no objections."
nr. urown aasentcd. Thereupon
court adjourned until 1 p, m
Court reconvened at 2:io p. ai.
Present aamo officers as In tho morn
ing. Whereupon, Mr. Haney, acting
as county attornoy, presented an or
der to -tho court- Two commission
ers also presented an order drawn
by an attorney and dealing with tho
aamo matter. Sir. Hall absolutely
iuiiibi-u io (iroceeu unaor tno limita
tions contained In tho second order,
as It would place him under tho di
rection of tho County Court, and
WOUlll limit him In thn mnlnrlnl
which ho needed for a full Investiga
tion, Mr. Hrown and Mr. Hayley,
oach expressed himself aa desiring a
full and complete Investigation, un
restrained by outside interference or
In tho uso of material. Upon motion
of Judgo Springer, tho following or
der was mado:
"It Is hereby ordered that A. McE.
Hall bo and ho la hereby employed to
contlnuo hla work of exporting and
nuditlng tho booka and official rec
ords of tho various officials of Crook
county, and to make his report to
this court, and his compensation U
hereby fixed at the aurn of tin nnr
day per man, together with expenses
(Signed) "G. Springer.
County Judge.
ors In Prlnovllle, nssomblod this 16th
day of Fobrunry, 1914, rcsolvo na
"Flrat: That we havo found a
condition of unreal oxlatlng amongat
tho personnel of our county offlclola.
"Hocond: Thnt nn offlcinl Invcatl
gntlon has been ntnrtod of tho county
offices and officials and wo bog that
this work bo continued until the
work Is fully complotod nnd wo In
?, i..1 tho Prcon "port, A. McB.
Hall be rotalnod to comploto this
"Dated at Prlnovllle, Ore., Febru
ary 1C, 1914."
Now is presented to thfc court a pe
tition by tho Crook County Farmers'
Union, and same was read by the
secretary, as follows:
"Prlnevlllo. Ore., Feb. 1C, 1914.
"We, tho delegates from the Crook
County Farmers" Union, and taxpay-
'Resolved, further, that wo bo
that all our county officials concern
ed Insist that tho Investigation of
their various offices bo full and com
ploto and that thoy assist tho expert
In nil possible moans consistent
"Third: That tho prollmlnnr'y re
port now ready by Mr. Hall bo road
by him to tho County Court In ses
sion toaay.
(Signed) "J. If. HORNBY.
Unanimously agreed upon motion
by Judge Springer that tho petition
bo Approved and thnt tho preliminary
report by Mr. Hall bo road. Mr. Hall
then read hla said report, after
which the varloua county officials
mentioned In the report wero permit
ted by tho court to present their
views and explanations to tho court
and the taxpayers.
Moved by Judgo Springer that tha
sheriff be Instructed to consult with
the county attorney and proceed Im
mediately to collect the dellnqueut
taxes for 1907. ami without fiirthnr
Instructions from thla court to col
lect for the succeeding yoars as soon
aa a roport on the snmo shall bo
turned over by Mr. Hall and to pro
ceed to the full extent or the law
Said motion approvod by Mr. Uayloy!
Mr. Hrown absent.
Moved by Judgo Springer that thla
preliminary report of Mr. Hall be auV
mitted to the Hon. E. Haney, now
acting aa assistant county attorney,
who aball make a report In writing
on the same aa a wholo to thla court
and give his opinion and recommen
dations on the points and logaj ques
tions Involved; and thnt this report
wucu Buomiueu do spread upon tho
Journal of this court. Unanimous.
Judgo Springer asked that those
present who approved of tho roport
aa mado by Mr. Hall rise to their feet,
and thus express a voto or thanks for
tho efficient manner in which eatno
was being done, whereupon all tho
taxpayers present roso.
Upon motion by Judgo 8pringor,
ordered that the two petitions read
In court on this day bo spread upon
the minutes of thla court and that tho
same oo nied with the county cleric.
Upon motion, ordered that A.
McE. Ball bo paid tho sum of f 412.8'!
on account, for his services as an
expert accountant, according to u
bill now on file In tho office of tho
county clerk, and a warrant bo draw a
In hla favor on presentation of thi
eald bill.
Upon motion, ordered that Mrs.
O. Springer be reimbursed for her
expenses Incurred In taking a delin
quent child to Portland, and that a
warrant bo drawn ror the same when
her bill shall be presented to tha
county clerk.
In tho matter of a chnnea In thn
Mrs. O. E. McDowell road, ordered
that tho county surveyor be Instruct
ed to view tho chango proposed In
said road and roport at tho next reg
ular meeting of this court.
In the matter of the expenses of
attorney for County rurt, ordered
that Hert. E. Haney be allowed tho
aurn or $100 and his expenses for bli
services rendered this court at thla
session, and that an order he drawn
for the same when he ahall present
a proper bill to tho county clert.
Whereupon court adjourned.
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