The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 25, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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(PublMitxl fcvcry Wednesday)
Editor and Publisher.
Managing Editor.
Associate Editor.
An Independent newspaper stand-
in. for tho so Jot clean bus.-
ncss, clean, politics and tho best In-
terosts of aBcnd and Central Oregon.,
uno year. $1.00
Six nioritliB... 80
Thrco months.... 60
All subscriptions nro duo nnd
expiration nro mulled subscribers and
It renewal Is not inndo within reason
ablo tlmo tho paper will bo discon
Plenso notify us promptly of any
cbango of address, or of lallure to re
ceive tho tmncr rcgalarly. Otherwise
wo will not bo responsible for copies
Mnko all chccKB and orders "pay
able to Bend Bulletin.
Kveryone who Is Interested In
getting n square deal for the
west side of Crook county In
road expenditure, and who
- wnntA to pet at the truth In re- -
gnnl to county affairs. Is urged
to be present at the County
- Court meeting next WctfncMht),
March 4.
------ ---
Elsewhere In this paper the re
port of Judge Springer expert, re
garding county affairs Is pretty
thoroughly covered. The allegations
It makes against officials are Indi
cated, and, as regards the sheriff and
the assessor, tholr side of the case Is
Briefly, Judgo Sprtagor, through
tho medium of his Investigator, al
leges Crook county Is administered by
crooks with one notable exception,
himself. The embers at suspicion
which he has fanned at the court
house for many months, and which
now flicker Into flame, make incense
for the nostrils of this Only Honest
Man. the County Judge. At least, It
Is so Intended.
Without hesitation The Bulletin
states Its belief that the entire re
port was instigated as n political
move. That does not necessarily
condemn Its findings, hut It does Im
pugn Its motives. We believe the
expert was directed, at least tacitly,
to find some mud to sling. He has
earned his money by obeying Instruc
tions. -
Election time approaches; the
Judge hates his fellow officials, and
seeks their political extermination.
A previous expert he secured for a
county audit managed to produce
only a farcical report which repre
sented nothing at nil except a waste
of taxpayers' money.
For the most part, as Indicated In
the news stories and communica
tions relative to It, we believe the
Ball report untrustworthy, and, If
not malicious, at least so weakly
based upon Tic t and knowledge that
It Is next to negligible.
The holy row stirred up by Spring
er In regard to the sheriff's "swip
ing" of his own tax rolls has blown
up in thin smoke. There Is no doubt
whatever that the sheriff was in the
right In this fracas. He has been
sustained In his actions absolutely.
Nothing was accomplished by the
Springer spasm but a waste of Judic
ial energy and, probably, some more
county cash. The whole affair was
an effort to get the sheriff "In bad"
with voters; no one should be de
ceived on this bead. Mr. Hiking, In
n letter printed iri this Issue, makes
a comprehensive and fair reply to the
report In this regard.
The insinuations against the as
sessor, as Indicated elsewhere In this
paper, we regard as utterly false,
while the legal opinions and dedu -
tlons or the "expert in connection
with this office are ridiculous.
We havo always believed, and have
given voice to our conviction, that
tho surveyor's office has been eon
ducted with gross extravagance and
perhaps Incompetence and has been
little short of a convenient meal tick
et for that officer's entire family.
On one head we do sympathize
with Judgo Springer. If his talk for
economy is sincere, we are with htm.
But we first wish to assure ourselves
that be Is sincere. Frankly, we find
It hard to swallow virtuous plans for
economy, as promulgated by Mr.
Springer, without a grain of salt and
a secret suspicion that after all thev
are but the old, old gag of appealing
to tho voters with the "lower taxes '
uong. We understand that some of
Mr. Springer's own shortcomings as
an economist arc soon to seo the light
of day.
Thuro is good reason to hellove
that a decided effort is to be made to
stop further investigation of tho
hooks. True, it Is likely that the
present "expert Investigation" Is far
cical and probably malicious. But the
faat remains that It there Is an effort
to choke off light from county finan
'- - -- - - n
cial affairs, a bowl of criticism, and
Just aritlclsm, will rise. Wo would
bo sorry to seo any county officers al
low themselves to be placed in such
a ItoloV Instead, they should do all
they can to get their financial affairs
sifted to the bottom, once and for all.
The allegation is made that the de
linquent taxes have not been collect-
cd properly for many years! that the
ttmo tins co'me when tho backsliders
should bo forced to pay up; nnd that
effort to check such procedure may
bo expected from thoso who woul.l
suffer, nnd who will try to stop ur
thcr Investigation because It might
result In costing them money.' On
this head Tho Bulletin urges that a
i thorough nccouutluK bo mndo. If
the sheriffs ofllco has boon remiss,
lt ' known and lot Its incumbent
. "' -S(
nn, ncomintl, ror; by M lnonn8 ,8t
0)0 vo,ora know ao tnat cmm can
be given tho sheriff and discredit ac
corded thoso who nought to Injure
him with false accusations. Certain
ly thero Is no reason why thoso who
pay tholr taxes en oh year should,
through an ever-Increasing levy, bear
the burdens of the delinquents who
nro allowed to escnpo tholr respon
sibilities It such actually is the
Tho west side of Crook county has
had some hard knocks In Its time,
when It comes to paying taxes and
then seeing them spent, but undor
the Springer regime It has suffered
more than evor.
As the statistics show, this por
tion of the county has had tho privi
lege of paying the brunt of tho taxes,
nnd then the pleasure of seeing them
spent elsewhere. The recent order
of tho court appropriating $25,000
for remote eastern districts Is a
last straw.
In the past tho west side has been
more or less powerless. It has pos
sessed taxable timber, but precious
little population nnd population
We Expedt a Car About
Order Now
United Warehouse Co.
A. M. Pringle, Mgr.
Ironclad Hose
This excellent line of hosiery is now
being handled by our Dry Goods de
partment, and here will be found the
highest grade of hose for Men, Women
and Children. We have just received
a shipment of Ladies' and Children's
Wash Dresses
and other Dry Goods are arriving daily.
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
Something Good
to Eat
can be found at SHUEY'S GROCERY
if it can be found in Rend.
Wall Street, Bend, Oregon
S moans votes, nnd votes nro Curious
ly apt to Influence tho actlotin of olll-
clals. Tho west flldo has witnessed
the annual harvesting of tho politi
cal plum crops In tho "old" districts,
season after season, olthur too weak
to object or too stupid to combine
Its strength and mnko Its objections
of consideration.
"Taxation without ronds la tyran
ny." Isn't there some local Patrick
Henry to nimounco that truth? And
doesn't It occur to you. Mr. Voter of
tho went rldo, that thoro nro enough
of you to demand nnd get your Jtml
duo? Study the table. You w 111 sec
that 12 easterly road districts, with
n little over a third of tho assessed
valuation of 'the county, and paying
less than a third of tho taxes, are re
ceiving already this season llvo-sev
onthn of tho amount spent In the
whole county for roads lust year,
Also, It Is apparent (hat this east side
robbory will gut tho treasury.
Thoro Is no disposition on the part
of the ruling portion of tho court to
give Justice, except to Intimate o)ltl
cal friends. Hut one argument will
prevail, and that I thu. argument of
It tho west sldo will got together,
and Redmond, Sisters, Laldlaw,
Bend, tho southeast country and I .a
Pino will fight this fight together,
perhaps wo may get something. Wo
at least can organize enough to keep
our votes, for all tlmo, from the
money grabbers, and to give them,
when tho chance comes, to those who
wilt give us a square deal; and thoro
la yet lime for the court to make re
spectable appropriations for our dis
tricts. The court meets In Prlnovlllo next
week. Cannot theso communities bo
represented at (lint mooting'' If they
accomplish nothing else, thuy nt'least
can act ns grave diggers, some day,
for thoso who will persist In working
ngalust thorn. They Imxo tho otes,
Tho foolishness continues, An
other lino tree has been out down,
this time tho one on Greenwood itvo
nlio. and by tho city. Other commu
nities nro planting trovto. Hoinc day,
when all our trues nro Roijtf, wo will
wuko up, ti
powKiiii nrrn:.
POWULL 11UTTK, Feb. S3.- Mrs.
Anna Bootgor returned to Redmond
Tuesday after n two week's vucntlop
visit In this section.
J. A. Rlggs nnd J. I., tllbson haul
ed hogs to Itedmoud Tuesday to bo
loaded out for tho Portland market.
Miss Mabel Allen was a Vrluovlllo
visitor Tuesday and Wednesday.
Geo. llohbs entertained thrco gen
tlemen friends at his home last
week. Frank llnlloy who visited Mr
llobbs Inst fall wns one of the party,
all of whom are mining men from
California and are Interested In some
placer mining claims at the head of
the Ochocho for which place they
started Friday, accompanied by Mr,
llolilis. It Is said that these gentle
men took several thousand dollars
from their claims last fall hefmn
tho snow became too deep for fur
ther operations.
Clnrke Morse attended tho K, of
P. lodge In Prlnovlllo Thursday
evening, returning home Friday.
The Ladles Aid held an afternoon
session at tho homo of Mrs. Geo.
Kissler Thursday.
Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon nnd mother,
Mrs. Geo. II. Roe, visited In Prlno
vlllo Thursday, returning home Fri
day, Geo. Trucsdnlo wont to Prlnovlllo
Friday. Ho wns accompanied hom
by Miss Vloln nnd Miss (llsdys nnd
Hniel Ilayn, the girls coming out for
a week end visit with home folks,
I). A. Yates was n Prlnovllh) visitor
Friday, his niece, Miss Orsa Heats,
returned homo with him.
Mrs. Hall, 8r., returned to her
home In Portland Saturday, after t
pleasant two week's visit at tho home
of her son, K. N. Hall,
J, T. Benson formerly or Tennes
see Is a visitor at tho It. I.. Moore
The sale and supper given by the
"Sorosls" Friday evening at WIIwh
school house wns a huge success. The
ladles cleared approximately ft S, 00.
which 11k u re were far In advance '
the hopes or the most optimistic and
go to show that our people urn unit
too glad to respond to an Invttatlo.i
ror u social evening when the oppor.
(unity Is given them, Imd weather de
taining a great tunny living at a dis
tance. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. X. Hall, Miss
Gladys and Haml llnjn and J. A.
Rlggs attended the Hsturdny night
dance In Redmond.
R. Ij, Moore and sons, and J. T.
Benson spent several days east of
Prlnovlllo Inst week where they were
looking ror horses to buy. Mr.
Moore bought two at the big Geo.
Russel horso ranch.
John'Tengman sold several head
or brood sows at public auction st
Redmond Saturday.
Bert Reynolds nnd Miss Mabel
Doak of Prlnovlllo visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Ross llussett.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. II Roc, Mr.
snd Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon nnd dau
ghter. Harriett, and Miss Ins Roe,
visited In Deschutes Sunday, guesti
of Mrs. William Nanny.
A. W. Bayn moved his house be
low tho ditch on his homestead last
week and Is busy remodeling It.
Geo. Kissler Is having a brick
chimney put in hln house.
Mrs. Robert Ellis was n guest of
Miss Viola Truesdale Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Pauls entertained
Rev. and Mrs, Ragan, Mr. and Mrs.
I). A Yates, and Mr. and Mrs. N. P
Alley and family at dinner Sunday.
S. D. Mustard bought a line reg
istered Holstcln bull Wednesday from
Mr. Cox of Crooked river. Ho also
bought a cow. By picking up n few
choice nnlmnls In this way Mr. Mus
tard will soon own the flneit dairy
herd In this locality .
Road supervisor Wlllcoxon and
crew are doing considerable work on
the lower Prlnevlllo-ltedrnoud road
W Q Mustard sold his fine team
of young horses to Mr. Dlckersoo of
Crooked River last week, delivering
themThursday, This Is the team that
landed tho first prlxe for "best team
of geldings" at the Crook count
fair last rail, the prize being n fJSfi
farm wagon. Mr. Mustard .received
1400.00 ror tho horses,
Geo. L. Ilrmt'O has been adding
somo moro stock to his dairy herd,
having bought several head or young
heifers from Mr. Braeioy or Redmond
last week, these heifers are of the
Guernsey breed.
It was ImposHlblo to seat tho aud
ience which turned out to hear Rev.
Ragan at Uie Wilson school house
POWKM IIUTTK. Fob. 23 Near
ly overyono Is suffering with an nt
taok resembling Inlluenxn. Thuro 's
scarcely a family that has not linen
uffecld ami tho rough and sore
throat are really severe.
Mr. and Mrs. Winter nnd family of
Bend are welcomed In this neighbor
hood where thsy have taken a home
stood. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Blnlr of Port
land havo rented the. Whitman 80 in
the river bod nnd nro also welaomo
additions In this vicinity.
Irvln lllalr, brother of L. W. Blair,
has seftlod hero with his family.
coming from Portland. He ban rott
ed the Rodman place ciiie-hnlf mile
iio low ueilinoixl.
Tho friends nnd relatives of Mr
nnd Mrs. Orn Foster mot on tho 12th
of Fobrunrv to celobrato tholr first
wedding snnlvrsnry. Mr. and Mrs.
Fostor recMvd a number of orceins
and all prusent unjoyed tho bounti
ful dinner prepared by Mrs. Fostor.
Mrs. Ilonry Young of Redmond
has been visiting, her mother, Mrs.
Mary Brown. Mrs. Yqung has but
rocontly recovered from a serious Ill
ness, D. A, Patterson has sufforod wjth
(Continued on Pag 0)
v . AiltertlvemeutM Inxortoil ttuiler thN
heading nt the rate of OMI til.NT A
WOltlt each Inset Hon, Oodi iuut
iWH-oiiipniiy nil order from perMtns
not luivlng n regular tu count with
Tho Bulletin. No mUertUemeut ink
ror h'H limn Iff cents each Insertion.
FOR RKNT Furnished room, ta
ble boarders tnken'nlso. I). II. Mnr
tin, across street from llaptlst church
In Johnson house. flip
FOR RKNT Two room shack In
J.ylle, 1 per mo. IIok 14, Bend, Cltr
FOR RKNT In Park Addition, a
4 room houao pnrtly furnished. In
quire of Geo. Gove, Park Add, COtf
FOR RKNT Bmall house partly
furnished, fi a month; also tent
house adjoining. Near depot. In
quire nt Bulletin, Otf
FOR RKNT Offices on Wall street
very cbeup, Apply Bulletin Office.
FOR RKNT Rooms centrally lo
cated. Klectrlo lights and water.
8ultnblo for housekeeping, Cboap,
Apply Bulletin Office.
FOR RKNT Largo store, modern
front. Good location. Apply to F.
O. Minor, Deschutes Bank. S7tf
-tj !.-; i as
High school girl not under IB
wanted to work for board. Good
treatment for neat work. Inquire
nt Bulletin. fcltr
WANTKD Team ror a week to
haul light load to Lake county. Will
pay 1 per day and lued. Ilux 41.
llend. ' MU
WANTKD Man to do Japltor
work. Apply at Deschutes mate
Hank. 51c
W A N T K I) lly young married
itinn, position on farm. Inquire liul
lotln. fto-blp
Wish to bny ono or two good dairy
co, preferably dry. Glut full In
rormnthin nnd price. Box 267.
llend. tutr
AUKNT8 WANTHD Write toda
ror perinanont position on our sales
roree. Previous selling oxperlence
not necessary, HequlremHt, must
be willing to work and follow Instruc
tions, with a desire to better your
condition. We teach sstesmsnshlp.
I'Hcltic Nursery Co., 3Q0-3OK Ntock
Kxchange ltldg., Portland, Ore.
WANTKD Position as bookkeep
er or stenographer, six years' experi
ence. Address Miss K. II. Whltmorn.
llend. 4tf
TO TRADK One or to city resi
dence lots. Good location. Will trade
for anything. Write P. O. Ilox
It,. fiOtr
TO K.XCilANOK 40 acres ono
mile from Redmond. All cfenred.
Good 4 room house, barn. Will trade
for Bend city property. Inquire A
Uulletln. 4Ctf
To TRADE For team or horses
lot and cabin or lots, 3H blooks
from First National Bank. Inquire
Bulletin. 4StI
FOR BALK Hamilton organ, ft
octave, good condition. Will sell
cheap . Also, range, davenport, book
rase snd Incubator. Must sell In 30
days. Write W. O. Wilson, Box ICi,
Bend. 61 2p
FOR HAT.B All tho time, good
horsrs, no od cows, harness, wagons,
etc. J. M. Judd, tho auctioneer. &ltf
FOR SALE By stale or Oregon,
2&G acres of choice alfalfa and clo
ver lauds, under tbo Tumalo Project
Conditions are Ideal for stock rais
ing and dairying. Lands are highly
Improved, with buildings, ditches,
complete water rights, etc. Complete
Information will be furnished upon
request to the Project Engineer,
Luldlnw, Oregon. rile
FOR SALE Good two-seated
hack. Inquire at Bulletin. & 1-1 p
FOR HALE Four year old mare,
harness and buggy, reasonable. ('
R. Kurrle, ' blocks east or cunal on
Greenwood avenue, Clp
new Htudebaker wagon slxe 34 with
California box und fixtures for lead
Magon. Call or write F. G. Atkin
son, Redmond, or Inquire of J M.
Judd, Bend. Cttf
FOR SALE At a bargain Over
land 30 roadster, dosed body, top,
windshield, speedometer, large gan
tatfk; In fine running condition. Rea
son for selling, leaving Central Ore
gon. Address Ilox 114, Terrebonne,
Oregon. Mi
FOR BALK Mule team. Inquire
at R. D, George's barber shop.
Bend. r.Otf
FOR BALIS Baled wheat and ill
fnlfn hay. Peter Jensuu, three miles
north at Laldlaw. 50-51 t-hg
Ono now McClanahnu Incubator for '
sale by Mrs. Jiih. Putton, Laldlaw, ;
Oregon. Write or phono, CO-filu1
FOR SALE Thoroughred H. (' I
White Leghorn und Humid Rock
coakerels, ulso hatching eggs fl it
sotting. Mrs. E. A, Smith, Box xl,.
Bend. 4-52p
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Whlto
Orpington, Rhode IhIumi t.oil and
Business Directory
Directory of cch Cltr, Town and
Village, sl'ln dtwrlptlvo skotsh o(
ccli place, location, population, ttlo
srsph, thlpplnir and banking- point)
aJuo Clanlfled Dlreclory, compiled by
builneM and proreulon. .
lllnck hnngahnn chlokeuvt.--G. v.
Hhrlnor, Park Addition, 48tfn
FOR HAM J 0 nurcii Irrigated
laud, close liij water right, etc.
1 1200. Imitilro lltillutlu Ollico. IKtfo
FOR HAMC-Full blooded blank
Minorca rnoHlnrH nud pullets. Kit
llitlvorson. v 47fC
FOR HAMJ-Tobncco nt cut
prices. Htnr and Horseshoe 4So lb.
Ileitd Cash Grocery, east of depot, lilt
(JpMPNI.Mtl) TO HUM Two f.O
fool Jots, one of them n corner City
water, Or ono lot with tent UxH.
Four blocks from Flint National
llauk. A bargain for sumo uno. In
quire lleuklo & Ryan. fiOtr
FOR HAI-K All kinds of rou&ti
nnd dressed lumbvr, nt Anderson
llros. sawmill half ny butweun lloud
and I.aldlnw, on old Tumnlo roud.
Reasonable prices, rough lu in be r $10
per M. Delivering to llend or La Id
law 12 per M. Tolephono. lVtf
I.OHT lly Owen J, Woods, Feb.
2, between warehouse nud tbrevtulln
post on lluiid-llurus road, sultcasn
with uwor's name Inside, containing
dress, shoes and notions, Uultnble
reward will bp paid for return of
above to this ollico. &ltf
Reglitsred Duroc Jorsuy boar for
service. Kd Hnlvorson, 4 4t(
CINITY. iii. in: studio
Bend .... Oregon
Vienna Cafe
We are now located In the
(Infill Building next to the
lillte Studio, (load meals
servrd. Bread and all kinds
of pastry for sate.
wiiirx YOl" VIHIT
I The Tumalo Project
Tho .Barrels
ils )tl
Doublo and Slncto Barrel
KUlly kUiI wl AT -VVMMX t4it
ir rum r X'SIHIU. CFii
finUSiiltffun4 kt km .lit, iu.r ilj
f lk t4 (wt JYI, imi CWiln lkiwi 1.
i " -'-
JT Oar flUtro
fimoul Una t astswa friuti.,Ltu.n..b
tW U Hf tbt f ffct lp if Ctlv I'lLt.
DUmJ Qttlilt " xSySfNI
rtmuj )YMi lit!
MllSlMMMUSMSjasyly M
ujri-avniLiui uuivss isnisi
ikiM t Mvtrt J u Ml
CmJmw-A UU iiU. 'Ml
m war A luantr ot a wn 1WI
Si H tan ' SiKtttt In MTvInf I Hf
Bkj y,. qaahUl Ul to Mfi
' Ss3S113Z5usW'
Ask for CntJilogue No, 700,
Rt llVl7fi5a.,U S fil.
wiiaoA -.