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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1914)
TACIW 8. hfvti mnj.KTiN, nnNn, ore., Wednesday, fkriiuauy ti, toil. 4 FIRST REPORT ON TUMALO PROJECT (Continued from Pago 1) MM.t AttAMstMi I . InttA Mlaaafeaaao . 9 "' . ta maintain tho project, but It nffalraj cro iimu vur in nwnu me sos Blon of tho legislature which was to meet in January, 1913. lirlgitlon.OiiKrt"M Can Help. After discussing tho causes of tho failure tho report goes on from this point to describe tho manner In Which tho presont law w-ns obtained. "DurlnRAuKUst, 1912, tho Hon orable Oswald West. tfovornor of tho State of Oregon, mado n trip across tho entire state, nasslnr throuch the Hrltl lands In tho central and eastern classed ns one of tho moat progress Blvo stops in legislation over tnkon for tho development of a Western ijtnto." Work by Cwntrnet Unwise, tho construction work finished during tlto soason la described In do tail. In regard to contract work, Mr. Murgaard says: "A few small con tracts were lot for construction work on tho feed canal and mora or less trouble was experienced with each of these contracts with tho possible ox ceptlon of one, and wo bollovo, taken as a whole, that tho state would have accomplished rosults In a groat deal less time, and would have se cured better and more economical work In splto of tho fact that strict supervision and Inspection was main tained over all tho contracts by the engineering organisation." Tht men engaged In the land clas liortlon. A meeting was chIIbiI dur ing this trip at Lnldlaw on August 12, slflcatlon come In for prulso for the i tit which time the condition of the : worn tney tiiii me past season, nnil project watt fully discussed. During this meeting, tho Governor presented n. plan, which, in his opinion, might Jesuit in the oomplote ro-orgunlsa-tlon and reconstruction of the proj ect with the assistance of tho 'State ' directly or Ind'rectly. As tho set tlors on the vrojoct had become thoroughly dissatisfied and had lost nil faith In the probability of private capital being able tg reorganlxo same, they grasped the idea present ed by tho Governor with considerable enthusiasm. Tho settlers on tho Project, together with the people of Laldlaw and vicinity, presented this matter at a meeting of tho Central Oregon Development League at Lako Vlaw on August' 21-23, 1912, which meeting adopted strong resolutions that the state should take soma de cisive steps to assist in tho reorgani zation of tho project and fulfillment of tho pledges to tho settlers, not only by the company but also implied uy certain state officials. "On January 9-11, 1913, at a meet ing of the Oregon Irrigation Con gress, the settlers on tho project again brought this matter up for at-1 tentlon, and after considerable dis cussion, the Irrigation Con grew the heads of the construction depart I nieut are also mentioned as having I accomplished satisfactory results under conditions of nervous strain and rush. Included In the work they hnvo douo was tho construction of 13 Mi miles of telephone lino connect ing tho different cninim of the proj ect with the central office at Lnldlaw, the construction of the various cnmfc occupied by the working Torcea In tho Held, building roads and bridges and excavation and construction of tho feed cannt and clearing right of way. It has been In this construc tion work that many savings over the original estimates were mado which In turn mado possible tho use of material and construction of n type superior to that provided by tho first cost figures. Irrigation in 101.1. During the irrigation soason ofl 1913 the present settlors on tho proj ect were supplied with water from tho old Columbia Southern ditch which was put in shapo by tho proj ect forces and at the end of tho sea son the water users association turned the matter of maintenance and operation over to tho state. Now contracts jaro now being mado with PURCHASE YOUR GROCERIES Where you're assured of the freshest and best gro ceries at the lowest prices FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS ON HAND MISENER & BARCLAY REND, OHEOON FREE DELIVERY HIIOOTINO TO START SUNDAY. HhnotliiK In tho statu league tour nnmeiit will start next Hundny, uml It Is up to tho inumbnrH of tho Demi Hod and (lun Club to bo out at the ground and got n good ntart, Tho other towns In dho shoot all ovor the ntato will begin Sunday also and tho scores will count In the contest tor the atnto championship, Shooting wilt start nt !130 shnrp. O'DONNELL KTH CONTRAQT. All I ho fresh muntn In bo used by tho Htitt'i nit tho Tinimlo Irrigation project will liu furnlnlicid ly O'Doii noil llros, of lloml. Tho project re cently called for bids and tho local firm' was tho lowest bidder. The contract Is for an Indefinite period and will bring n considerable sum of passed strong resolutions recom-1 .,." ,,' ,",. 1 ,.njin. !... t oi.i.,-, i.vnilloWm former contracts or ar rangements mado to cancel them as tho holders elect. Under the head of finances, tho report says: "Under tho system of nccounts kept on the project. It Is poselhlo to obtain with absolute accuracy the cost of every featuro on tho project. prompt and decisive action when they met in tho latter part of tho samo month, to relieve the chaotic condi tions existing on the project. In mak ing theso resolutions, the congress resolved that the state was more or less dlreotly to blame and wore mor ally obligated, if not legally, to oj- 1,"" ."..' ""!' "."""" ".""" K".V' iV '"ArSS!.1'0? LiV.iV'of the work, however, the costs arc- v'v. mm uiu nn i uuni mn iiir hlxiii m - , Hvery of water to lands which had been bought and nald for. The Irri gation Congress, as well as thf Lmd- , f jaw uevoiopmeni league, sent ueie gates to the Legislature which met ; directly at tjio close of the Irrigation Congress, who urged the passage of the Columbia Southern 1U whlc't carried with It an appropriation forr the completion of the project. After the members of tho Legislature be came fully advised as to conditions and facts they passed a law provid ing for tho complete reconstruction of the project by the stato and appro priated $450,000 from tho general fund for this purpose. In doing this an advanced step was taken in tho matter of reclaiming lands within the i domain of. a state, which tnay bo summarised by features at tho close of each month and statements pre pared which are forwarded to tho Desert I.and Hoard." The folowlng Is tho financial state ment as of Decomhor 31, 1913: General expense Adjudication of wator rights I "34.65 Construction telephone system 394.75 Road construction .... 731,84 Preliminary Investigations tinglnoorlng and genrt Engineering feed canal and storago Topography, classifica tion and. subdivision of lands . Feed canal Hlght of way Diversion dam Construction . Drop No. 1 Drop No. 2 Ity-pass ............ Flume No. 1 Klume No. 2 Flume No, 3 Flume No. 4 t 3,110.73 2,102.40 G.UG.Ofc 3,257.67 4,971.03 41,728.59 G0.4I 247.38 948.58 18.231.90 2.SCC.93 17.314.05 C.131.1S Storage works 1 plw mWmMSflBM phone HDK in fflflfn fftr HLLWL! nism ui nil ,,,,,.,, uv, Heads 145.70 Camp No, 5 373.70. Camp No. G 430,00 Malntonanco camp 5 .. 10.51 Malntenancn camp 6 . . 67,93 Corral No. 6 64.06 Distribution system Engineering 045,66 Operation and malntonanco Gonoral 467,40 Grand total 170,507.31 MONKV VOll OIIKGON KAKTKHN. President J. Ti, Farrell of tho Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nnvlga tlon Co. announces that tho Union Pacific system has made nn appro prlaton providing far tho extonslon tills year of tho Oregon Eastern Hall. way which Is being built westward from Valo. Mr. Farroll stated that this work will bo pushed beyond Riv erside as far west as. possible. Rlltll I 1 Jl .. .? ....jka.i.A M.a... ..! i'ihia; v i.r.r.ix, muMtii. ini-i raiiii.ii Waters of TliU Hlicmn Will li-Huutc I.himU of the Tiunnlo Hegrrgittlni.. HAVE TO SELL QUICK 5gr FINEST LITTLE BUNGALOW Properties in town, lot fenced, 52 1-2x120 house 18x30, larfre porch, fine view, city water, electric lights, close in. Como see it. For quick sale, furnished complete... TkcMond wmtklo right ncr crtxulDf Llhl Corapcny brldfr It i ihe bungmlow oa right ride of rod with ybile fcne. M. B. SHICKLEV. $925.00 LANDS AUK WITIIDUAWN. Forest Supervisor Merrltt has re celved word that withdrawals nn ms. count of the OeschutHM survey havel neen mane or sectlona 19, 30 and 31 In township 28 south, range 10 hahI, except for such portions as have al ready been entered upon. Them lauds are about four miles south of I .a Pine and on the eual side of the Deschutes river. MEET AFTER MN(J SEPARATION. There was a happy meeting at tho Pilot Untie Hotel .Monday of alster and brother, after a separation of 40 years, K. 0. Graven of Silver Lako arid Mrs. I.oo C, Wiggins of May, Idaho, were the persons. They had not aeon each other since, thay wero children. They loft yesterday for Sliver liko whore Mrs. Wiggins will visit with her relative A STEADY MARCH --TO OUR STORE- IS WHAT VOU SEE. WIIV? ME CAUSE IT'S AS EASV TO FIND SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT FOR YOUR TAIII.E AT OUR STORE AS IT IS FOR TV COHH TO SMDK INTO SECOND RASE. DON'T FEEL AS FOOLISH AS A MH'IKTV MAN WHO CAST A SHOE DOING IW TURUEV TROT. COME TO Ol It STORK FIRST AND YOU'LL FINi .IUST WHAT YOU WANT AM) FOR -I.ICSS MONin, T(M), W. C. McCuiston NOTHING HIT GROCERIES WIIOIjESALi: AND RETAIL sm! ' SlWf HI I ---- MMMt ---- .PRP fclft HIMMMIMI IMDI MIMM H MIM MM MMMMMM - - ------- ft Kl lit ' -- : A. M lA u ' vHifWi-w iwk A Jk Keai iLSiaie Real itsiaie I'M S-,S KS 4 'J R ' ' T . , . f i . i .. . . .. ' ' ." f ' t 4 4 ft 99 Tr t FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show yon the property conservative buyer that BEND R.EAL ESTATE is a conservative, investment 3K t M . k tc The Bend Company tt "V4,"f , ,' 4 t 4. Office corner Wall and. Ohio Sis. D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Mar itt.rtyitjr:.'. A; ; Pi - t ---- - t - -----. ---- -m-....4. PI IJ n J I '