The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 11, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    flKND nVhhVSXlK, IWW, OKE., WKUHFJWAY, FKIJItt'AItV 11, 1011.
I'AdK 7.
Hi'nlcM Uriel Hnnilny ami Lorttun
Olven Momlny Evening.
Illation It. Ij. l'mldnck of th6 Kola
copal church cnmluctml rollRloua aor-
vicea In tho now Duachutnn Imhk
IuiIIiIIiik H ii ml i y dvoiiIiik, it lanto con
KroKutlon nttomllnK, Much of Ilia
Interior work In tlin now 'junUInK
rooms liml Imon cnniplutod last wonk
ntfil n mnnll orHnii niovml In niul
clinlra. nml lioncliea provided for tho
Monday ovonlntr mnny camo otjt
to honr tlin bishop's loottiro on l'nu
num nml Moxlro, tlia reniitt of n trip
rocontly nntilo by him InmiKli tlin
Cnrlhliann Hon nml up tho oast
jonRt of Control A marlm.
I'lml I.lnR In tJf ,MIcn In Hlirriimn
Tho nml nctunl ntapa In tlin con
Htruotlnn of n Central Orou'tn IiIkIi
wny worn taken Ihla woli w'.tli tlin
lottlwupf n contrnct for contlnotlon
of n road liotwoon lllm nml 'imco,
In Hliorninii county, utiti work m'.II
atari noxt Monday, Nino nip I owe
Imlf miles of road will ho I lit. II
will ho n link not only lit tho Control
Orojcon nlnhwny hut ilai In tho f.
iitnMn rl '.r routo, Aio-;n ft Mom
iulat of I'ortlnml xotn lit lowest
hlddera, nL IC2.00I). Wt In Im: i.t
Htnrtod nt thl tlmo to bIvj i"i Tiy to thl Idle nun In iipmm.
About 400 will ho imoJ.
I'oitrll Hiitir I'coplo llmvy Ixmcr In
Kim nt Ktvtiiionil.
I'OWEI.L HUTTK, I'oh. 10. Klro
arly Erltlay inornlnn (loilro)od tho
Farmer Warehouse nt ItaJmoiid,
nml I'ownll lluttn pooplo wore hnuvy
losers. Tho oxnet nuiount of tho
loin li not known hut thora worn
JlfiOO nnckn of potatoes In ntornRo
thorn from thli section, toft-oUmr with
liny nnd urnln. No Inatiraiicu wna
H. 0. Mustard wan tho heaviest In.
tltvldunl lodor, with 800 sacks of po
tatoes, or hnlf of 111 entire crop for
limt )nr. Ilohlm & laiiKdoii woru
prohnhly tho next k rent est loner,
with (00 nack of Drat clnnn Libers,
narked mid rondy for shipping;. Thoy
nlo hnd 300 vnrh which hnd 1tn
liarjtnlued for by thn rnllrond com
pnuy ami It. la not yet known who
will bo tho loisr In thl ono. Mr.
HoIiIhi nlio lo four load of ont.
Clirla Kottx nnd McNellly llro. woro
ach caiiKht for COO naokn of pota
toe nnd Hooves Wlllcoxon Iot 400
nacks. Allen Wlllcoxon" low I 200
nack. (loo. Haven's 100; Geo. Klu
lor 40,
It I estimated thof 20 carlondn or
11000 ncka ,n all woro burned, and
nt least one-half of theao belotmod to
I'nwell llutto pooplo. Hetldea thli.
a lame part of tho atock of tho ware
house was owned locally, Geo. lira
xeo waa hit hardrat In this respect,
nnd also ha had about 10 ton of
baled hay burned.
(Continued from Pa (to 2)
A comody drntun "Caato," under
tho direction of Clina, It, I'owolaon,
will bo iiroaontod nt tho Hand Then
tro tomorrow nlKht by locnl tnlnnt
front tho 1'lntnvlow soctlon, Tho
piny wnn Klven nt I'lnlnvlow Krld.ty
nlKht, nt Hlstnr Hnturdny and Im to
bo itlveu at Laldlaw tonlKht, Tho
procooda will -tit) townrda bulldltiK a
coiuiutinlty hnlf nt IMnlitvlow, Thoro
tiro elKlit porauiiH In tho, cnat Mr.
I'owolaon. Hoy tMcAll.atnr, llohort
Davis, John Llchtonstorn,, It, Davla,
Mm. h. I'ulllam, Mlaa Violet McKin
noy nnd Mr, llortho OJbson.
mahket niirouT.
NOHTH I'OltTLANI), Fob, 7.
itncolpts for thn week hnvo boon:
Cnttlo 127U, en I von 3, Iiokm. 3403,
ahoop 0102. Cnttlo lluuldntlon lib'
ornl Momlny but very light tho ro-
tnnlmlor of tho week nml outlot hoiiio
whnt Improvod for limited quantl
tlea of choice light Rrnln nnd liny fed
Htoern nml two londa nt 17.80 fea
tured Momlny, Hulk for lx dnya
Hold nt to 17. no. aii pricea
atendy nt clono, Hwlno trndo hnd non
antlounl rlao. I'rlcea Jumped from
$8.10 to $8.50. Hulk of light hoR
nold nt $8.K. nnd $8.3& hut novornl
niiln nt hlRhor llRitren woro tun do.
An extremely abort aupply nnd ener
doinnnd for live Iioku by klllora nil
ovor tho const, severe cold weather
llmtit of tho mountnlna, scarcity of
rtnlshoil stock renay for alilpmonl
woro tho principal factors having an
Inlluonco on tho market's aviation,
Hheop hnuso activity was In Its first
power Monday and Tuesday. Groin
fad wothont sold off cars at $0.75
nml owes nt I4.0G fnntured. I.nmb
top wan $C.C0, with a conalderablo
ciuantlty o florin, Trado In wonk
for poor Rrndn mutton but sentna to
run to fancy choice quality. Itecelpta
hnvo been nbout 20 per cent less than
for antno period a week ago.
tionr Ilonil. Miiot tin free from rim
rock nnd prlco runnonnblo, Hox 2,1K,
Demi, Urn. 40p
rr "i i . - -i juui .'. :z er
AiUrrtUeinrtitu liiM-riel nmler thl
hendltiK nt the rntc of ONK CKNT A
WOltl) cnrli liiM-rtlon, Cnili niiiA
Mcroiupnuy nil onlent from perMttis
not lintlm: n remilnr nrrotini uith
Tho llulletin. .Vn mlvprtlkeiiieut Ink
for loh tlinn in contN enrli limrrtlon.
na wero dinner KUeata nt tho Ouy
Seara homo Hunday.
Mr. nnd Mr. Karl Baundera an.l
fnnilly vlaltcd at tho Froat homo on
Merlon Hhutrum of Portland came
In rpindny for n visit with hla alitor.
Mrs. K. N. Hall, and family.
Itev Itnuan waa a dinner ffuett a
tho Humphrey homo Hunday.
Choir practlca ovory Friday oven
liiK nt tho l.lndqulst homo. Miss Hhba
I.lndqulat leader. All thoao Interests
id ore Invited to attend.
Mr nnd Mrs. I,. V. Van Doron nnd
noli nnd Mr. and Mrs. K. 1. Iverson
woro dinner Rueata at tho N, I'. Alloy
homo Hundny.
Mr. l.lndqulst hna rented tho Mey
er plnco for tho comlnR aonaon.
A number of I'owoll llutto people
will nitehd tho abort course for farm
or In I'rlnovlllo thla inonui.
ALFALFA, Fob. 10. Frnnk
Cowling and family-of Ilend nro mov
Iiir to tholr homeatond north of Al
fnlfn. Jenao Urahnm and wife returned
lust week from Kansaa City whoro
Mr. (jrnnam wan called rocontly bo
(lauso of tho sickness of his father.
Hlnco their return they hnvo ro
colvod word of hla death.
KdKar Hames, whp la teacher of
tho Alfalfa school, la preparing for
n "nttnira weoic" in tno acnooi in
March, During thla tlmo special
studleii will ho mndo In tho seeding,
cultivation and growth of the "queen
of forngo plants."
Mra, Lnurenco Flckort nlado n,
trip to Hond Friday.
Hoy Hall haa bofln quite sick re-
contiy ami u connnoa to hla bed at
tho preaont writing.
A. O. Wnlkor hna boon hnullng
lumber to build a number of brldgon
In thin locality. Mr. Wnlkor la In
I'ortlund thla week to rnprcaont tho
IntoreatH of tho Wntor Usors nt the
IrrlKutlon Congresa.
Jnmlson Hroa. of Honr Crook
panned through Alfnlfa Hundny on
tholr way to Silver Lnko whoro thoy
tiro moving u Inrgo band of horsea
nnd nbout 300 hond or cnttlo.
Mr, Iloyd hnB employed Mr, DnvlH
of Hond to help him clear a largo
trnct of tho Jnnnoy ranch.
Jonu Ilolloro la planning to mako
final proof on hla homestead on tho
20th of thla month,
Mr, nnd Mra, Wnlkor and children
upoiit Hundny With Mr, and Mrs.
Charley Hooch.
Whllo driving a team of young
lioraea Mr. Hturdlvnnt wna hurt last
Wednesday, bolng thrown from a
-wagon which passed complotoly ovor
lilm. It Is not known Juat how oo
rloualy ho la hurt.
Mr, nnd Mm. Clmrloy Hyatt have
moved Into tho Wlllnrd houso.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Knrl Hereford hnvo
returned from n vlHlt with Mrn, Horo
ford's pnrouts, who llvo In I'rlnovlllo.
FOIl IlKNT Hmnll houso partly
furnished. $5 a month: also tent
houao adjoining. Near depot. In
quire at llulletin. 49tf
FOIt HALK Tobacco at cut
prices. Htar and Horseshoe 45c lb,
ltend Cash Grocery, east of depot. 49t
FOIl IlKNT 200 acres, 45 In clo
vor and alfalfa 80 In summer fal
low. Boo J. W. llrown, 3 tnllei
north ol iHaldlaw. 48tf
FOIl IlKNT Offlcea on Wall street
very cheap. Apply llulletin OHlce.
FOIl IlKNT lloorae centrally lo
cated. Kloctrlo llghta and water.
Hultabln for housekeeping. Cheep,
Apply llulletin Offlco.
FOIt IlKNT iJiruo atom, modern
front Qood location. Apply to F.
O. Minor, Deschutes Hank. 27tf
TO TltADK $1C mandolin, with
caso, for anything of equal vnlue.
Wrlto "Mnndolln," enro Hullotln,
stating what you have to offer, 48tf
TO HXCHANOI5 40 ocrca ono
mile from llodmond, All cloarod.
Good 4 room houso, barn. Will trado
for Ilend city property. Inquire A,
llulletin. 40tf
TO TUADK For houao nnd lot,
100 ncro desort clnlm, 8 miles south
or rrinovlllo; lovol land, 30 acres In
crop: 30 more ready for cron: 85
ncro enn bo put In crop after taking
on zoo corda or wood; crook runs u
months out of year; spring; all fenc
ed, Don't answer union you moon
bunlnoaa. Addreaa Hox 431, I'rlno
vlllo, Orogon, 43tf
TO THADK For team or hones
lot nnd cabin or Iota, 3' blocks
from Flral National Hank. Inquire
llullntlu. ;J5tf
for nermanont position on our sales
force. Previous aolllng oxperlonco
not necessary. Requirement, must
bo willing to work and follow Inatruc
tlona, with a doalro to better your
condition. Wo teach salesmanship.
Pacific Nurnery Co., 300308 Stock
Kxchango Hldg., Portland, Oro.
WANTKD-Drcssninklng. Will cnll.
Flrat class work. Mrs. J. K. sloore,
Hand. 40-S0p
WANTKD Position as bookkeo
er or stenographer, six years' oxperl
onco. Address Miss K, II. Whltmoro,
Hond. 40tf
WANTKI To buy smnll acrcngo
iN444444tf 44444444
Minnesota Street
Promptly Attended to
FOIl ham:.
FOIl HALUThoroiighred B. C
Whllo Leghorn nnd Marred Hock
cockerel, nlso hntchlng oggn $1 por
setting, Mrs. K. A. Hinltli, Hox 81,
Hond. 49S2p
atovo, good oxtonalon tnblo, bed
stead, springs and mattress, gas
lamp, 5 chnlra and nil kinds of small
tools, Wrlto Willis Noland, Hem! It.
F. D. 48tfc
FOIt BALK Thoroughbred White
Orpington, Hhodo Island Ked and
Illack Itngsban chickens. O, W.
Hhrlnor, Park Addition, 48tfc
FOIl BALK 80 ncroa Irrigated
land, closo In; water right, otc.
$1200. Inquire llulletin Onico. 48tfc
$45.00 graphorono, good as new,
also A3 record that cost $35.00. All
for $25,00, A, II. Gertson. 48tf,
FOIl HALK Living room and bed
room furniture. K. F. Grecno, I-ara'
houto, 47-50p
FOIl HALK Full blooded black
Minorca roosters nnd pullets. Kd
Halvorson. 47tf
FOIt BALK Hpllt nnd limb wood,
all lengths, Prlcos reasonnblo. For
price address B, Murnsakt, City, 45tf
FOIt BALK Hy J. B. Illchards, No.
1 seed rye, $20.00 por ton, nil sacked
on King ranch north of Iald
law, 45-49p
FOIl HALK All kinds of rough
nnd dressod lurnbor, at Anderson
Hros, sawmill halt x&r botwoon Hond
and Laldlaw, on old Tumalo rond.
Hoaaonablo price, rougli lumbar $10
por M. Delivering to Hond or Lald
law $2 por M. Telephone. lOtf
FOIl HALK 80 ncrea 3i miles
northwest ot Laldlaw, under Tumalo
ditch. Will sell ono 40 or both. J.
L. Couch, Laldlaw, 48-50p
FOIt BALK Team. Weight about
2700. Mare and horso. 8 and 9 yoan
old. Harness and wagon, J. H, Illch
ards. 5 miles north of Laldlaw.
STOLEN Dark Iron gray marc,
branded A 1. low down on right hip,
light face. 3 year old next Juno,
perfectly gonttv. name "Candy." Anr
one seeing mare of thla description
with fresh brand please notify Kd
White, at Hand, for $15 reward. 4pp
Reglatered Do roc Jersey boar for
service, Kd Halvorson. 44tr
LAND CLEAIUNO contracta by tho
ncro or by tho tj-eo. Juniper txoes
Dopnrtmont or tho Interior, If, H.
Lnud Ofllco nt Tho Drtlles, Orogon,
Jnnunry 7th, 1014.
Notlco la horoby glvon Hint Orlca
O. King, of Hond, Oro., who, on July
15th, 1910, mndo homestead entry
No. 071P7, for N4 Bcctlon 27, Town
ship 20 Houth, IlangO 17 Knat, Wll
lamotto Moridlan, ban filed notlco or
Intontlon to mnko flnnl thrco roar
proor, to oatamisn claim to tho land
above described, boforo II. C, Kills.
o. H. Commlsaloner, at Hond, Ore
gon, on tno Zlat day or Kobruary,
Clalmnnt names as witnesses John
F. Wolff, Wllllnm McConnoIl, Itlch
ard V, L. Klrtg, Frank Porclvall, all
of Ilend, Orogon,
4C-49 Hoglitor.
Dopnrtmont of tho Interior, Unftod
Btatos Innd Ofllco, The Dallea,
Orogon, December 8, 1013,
To Whom It May Concern:
Notlco Is hereby glvon that th
stnto or Oregon has filed In this offlco
the following Hat of landa, to-wlt, list
No. 8. for tiatont. all or which Is In
cluded in approvod segregation list
No. 0, serial tip, 011772.
Jlgo, Acros
12K 80.00
12K 40.00
12K 320,00
12K 160.00
12K 40.00
12K 80.00
12K 40.00
12K 40.00
12K 80.00
12K 320.00
12K 100.00
12K 40.00
12K 80.00
12K 320.00
12K 80.00
12K 320.00
13K 80.00
13K 40.00
13K 168.38
13K 40.00
13E 80.00
13K C25.92
13K 320.00
13K 80.00
13K 40.00
13K C35.03
Hon Hoc. Twp.
SHNKVi 23 178
8KHNWH 23 178
Utt .23 17B
NBM 24 178
NBKNWK 24 178
8V4NWU 24 178
HKViBWU 24 178
NKUBK4 24 17B
Btt8E' 24 178
NH 25 178
8W 4 25 178
NKVHKU 26 178
HHBEK 26 178
KV4 26 17H
BSW't 34 178
KW 35 178
BHBWVi 17 178
8WUBEV4 17 178
HWW 18 17H
NWHBKU 18 178
84BKVi 18 17B
All or 19 178
NW 20 178
NV48WU 20 17B
8WUSWU . 20 178
All or 30 178
nnd has applied tor
patent for
snld Innd under tho nets or Aug. 18,
1894 28 BtnU, 372-422, Juno 11.
189C 29 Stat., 43, and March 3,
1901 31 Stat.. 1133-1188, relating
to tho granting or not to oxeced a
million acres or aald land to each ot
certain states; and that tho said Hat,
with Its accompanying proofs, la op
ened for tho Inspection ot all persons
interested, nud tno public generally,
Within tho noxt 60 days followlnc
the dato or this notlco, protests or
contests against the claim or tho state
to any tract described in the list, on
tho grounU or failure to comply with
the law, on tho ground of non-desert
character of the land, on the ground
of a prior adverse right, or on tho
ground that the same Is more valu
able or mineral than agricultural
purpose, win oe received ana noiea
for report to thn General Land Office.
Washington. D. C.
L. E. HOOTH, Reco'trer,
out or the wry for Immediate qultlva?
Hon. U Interested addrosa Box 100V
Deschutes. Oro.
Is It Done Right?
If It U, Ut wlt snoush alons. TJut un
Itss It Is up to tba mark In vry detail
com and uo,
Bend Steam Laundry.
Put Your Duds
In Our Suds"
NOTICE FOIt l'tMil.K'A.TltiN.
Department or tho Intorl6r,Ut 8.'
Itnd Offlco at Tho Dalles. Ordgoh,
December 19th, 1913.
Notlco Is horoby given that KQIa M.
Koppor, widow or Fred E. .tripper,
deceased, or I'rlnovlllo, Oregon, who,
on December 34th, 1910. nindo'homo
alead entry No. 07856, for 8EM
SWVi, 8HBEU, sec. 37, nnd NEU1
NWV4 nnd NKVi. sec. 34. township
19 south, range 15 oaat, Wlllamotto
Meridian, has filed notlco ot Intontlon-
to mnko final three-yonr proof
to estnbllsh claim to tho land abovo
described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. J.
Commissioner, nt Hond, Oregon, on
tho 21st day of March, 1914
Claimant names n witnesses:
Ooorgo Mllllcnn and Ada H. Mllllcnn
of Mllllcnn, Oregon; Otis C. Honkla
and L. Q. Hnkor of Hond. Orogon.
49-1 Huglator.
Clover Leaf Dairy
P. W. STAATS, Prop.
Department of the Interior, United
State i-and office, LAkevlew, Ore-
tho nnmo or tho post offlco to which
you dcslro futuro notices to bo aont
to you.
Data of first publication Fob. 4,
1014. ,
Dato ot second publication Fob, 11.
Data of third mibllcatlon Feb. i.
1914. --.--,
Dato of fourth publication Fob 26,
Department of tho Interior, U. 8.
Land Offlco at The Dalles, Orogon,
Jnnunry 7th, 1914,
Notlco Is horoby given that John
h. Wolff, of Hond, Orogon, who, on
Juno 3rd, 1910, made homestead en
try No. 06926, for W, Section 19,
Township 20 South, Hang- 17 East,
Wlllamotto Meildlan, ban filed notlco
of Intontlon to mako final tbreo year
proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, before II. C. Ellis,
U. B. Commissioner, at Hond, Oro
gon, on tho 21st day of February,
r Claimant names as witnesses: Or
lea O. King. Win, J. McConnoIl, nich
ard V. L. King. Frank Porclvall, all
ot Ilend, Oregon.
46-49 Iteglater.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Offlco at The Dallea, Oregon,
January 7th, 1914.
Notlco la hereby glvon that Rich-
nrd V. L. King, of Hond, Orogon,
who, on Decornbnr 17th, 1010, mado
homestead entry No. 07825 for 8W
Boctlon 27 and NWVi Section 34,
Township 20 South, Ilango 17,
Wlllamotto Moridlan, haa filed no
Tfco of Intention to 'mnko flntjl throo
year proof, to establish claim to tho
land abovo describod, boforo II, C.
Eills, U. 8. Commissioner, at Hond,
Oregon, on tho 21st day of February
Claimant names riJ witnesses: John
F. Wolff, William J. McConnoIl, Or
Ica O. King, Frank Porclvall, all ot
Hond, Oregon.
46-19 Itcgl-tor.
oven eo ycars
Tnaoe Mahks
Anron M-xflnt ik4'1 and dwrtMUfl mar
rvieilf aYvuain pnr nrinim, ir wnct
ikhi I, png.nir pnH.niib vnn
ilcnnodtntui, tU.IDSeW m 1
tknuairtrtlrcixiMtntuL HXUdtOOXo
, tmn mf9vtj tor cnnnjri
tfttut ntUti, without chnrt. la u
hr ma
ant f r. UMmi art-jer tor enrintf miiu.
r"iu isixi iDroon iiim a u. nniri
$cie!ific Jlmxm.
A Tian4aomalr lllntra(d WM-klf. IrrMt at.
aataikm at anr ttttHlM Inarnat. Ttrm. II a
aw i fnar monlaa, It 8oU trail Twwadaalan.
B'sacS Offlca, at T Bl. tVaaalsslpo. IX U.
pulled and renwvod from tillable con. January 23. 1914.
land and plied upon tho waste grpundhfo Erik M. Andoraon of last known
a-tlaS) Sf s aai Mali -., I ova - I a a ai.allla'l ar a a. r- a. - a a a
faaarcss :u wasnington St.. i'ort
lanit. Ornrnn. Pnnlinlon'
T You are hereby notlflod that Mary
At Johnson who gives Hox 327, Ilend.
Oregbn, c-o 8, It. Hogln, as hor post
office address, did on Docembor 17,
1913, file In thla offlco Her duly cor
roborated application to contest nnd
aecure tho cancellation of your home
stead entry no.. Serial No. 04786
mado 191. . for EH. SocUon 1.
Township 22 8, Rango 16 E. Wll
lamotto Meridian, nnd an for grounds
for hor contest she alleges that you
hsvo wholly failed to establish and
maintain your residence upon aald
land, hnvo wholly fulled to cultlvato
and Improvo tho same ns required by
law; and have wholly abandoned the
same for mora than ono year laat
You nro. theroforo, furthor notlflod
that tho said allegations will bo taken
aa confeaaod, and your said entry
will bo canceled without further
right to bo hoard, either boforo thla
olllco or on appeal, if you rail to Die
lu thla offlco within twenty days aftor
tho FOURTH publication ot thla
notlco, aa shown bolow. your answer,
undor oath, specifically responding
to theno allegations ot contest, to
gether with duo proof that you have
sorved a copy ot your answer 'on tho
said contestant either In person or
by registered mall.
You ahould state In your anawer
We are equipped to do
anything In the machine
line, having Installed
Hew machinery with
vwhtch we can handle any
kind of Job. Automobile
Repairing a specially
Doyarmond Machine (Sb
Repair Shop
Hawthorne Ave., Ilend, Ore.
t. Modern Rooms
Attractive Surrounding .
Stcnin Kent. Hot nml Cold Witter
With Hntli Privileges
llrcukfuHta Served
Mis A, I). Spalding, Proprietor
11 END :: OllEOON
Making the BEST FLOUR in
Central Oregon.
Bluestem Blend and Flaky Loaf
For Sale at all Grocers
We also have the best roll feed
and mill feed that money. can
buy and are prepared to han
dle the trade of Crook County
Bend Milling and Ware
house Company
Central Oregon's Leading Insurance Agency
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass, Automobile,
Surety Bonds
City and Farm Property
-v rtfws" f a LOTS J0 T 8330
iVlX.I-t. Terms: 93. cash and $3. monthly
Oftlce on Oregon Street
for This
We know you ca tare
monty and get blt iced
by celling in dirta touch
with the leading teed home.
CamtpmJcac latilad
Headquarters for Commercial Mes
Clectrlc Lighted Throughout
Special Atteutloa to
Traaaieat Travel
Oaod Room
Froe bus to
and from trains
Qood Meals
All arrangements made for persons
desiring to so south and east of hero
I Pilot Butte Hotel!
Idea Stopping Place for Summer Vacationists
and Travellers.
$ J. P. TAtlQART, Proprietor. $
ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad wilL cost you.