v. .) 1IHNI) IIUMjKTINi xinwi), 01115., WI.nNI.8HAV, JANTAHV 1!H, 101 I. 'M'HM.WJ JMOK 5. . I m : t T . ). " i We Stand Behind JCA'ir AM) KVHlt'HAIiM 01.' Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Willi ii full mill honest 4 niiiiiimifo or entire ftiuiNrni- lion or your moiii')' back. I'Ii'iiniihI lit I like, a uriici ' oiix iuun(llj' foi' Hid lummy JV It outsells nvcry other i cimikIi preparation ton linn. ' die, lieviiusfl It outlines llii'iii , )u kUIiiu iioniit relief, 25c, 50c, $1.00 Patterson Drag Co. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS M. H. I.iiltln Im In Portland on n jmalness trip. . Mis Mury Honson linn taken rootm at tint Altainoiit, ' M. NV tclnv nf llslmilnn liutto will ln,'town this week. t I,, I. I'ux wont to I'orttuittl laat filriht on a husluosa trip, (Jliiruncii .Mniiiihclmnr loft Sunday inoriiliiK mi a trip to Chloaico, It, M, Hinllh , inov'mJ hln oluthlujt uto'ru to hln newjirlck liulldliiK, K circular on (ho lncomo tnx law tiai;bcon posted In thu poslofflru, Nnls HuKfn was In town from till houii-sliiid nt Imperial last week, Thorn will Im a iiinsf-uarndo ilnnco nt Hi it tlrmiKo hull Haturdny tilKltt. Tho debris from the firo In tha Kama hulldlus; U belnic rlearud up. lr.ill. Korrull wont to I'orllnnil ou Sunday mid l expected buok tonlr.lil ' Superintendent J. I'. HuRora of tho Orrison Trunk apeut yosieruay in HooU. ' A! II. Horn of tho llond llrlck & Lumber Co. U on the nloh Hit Uila weak. Mra. K. I'aroona of Portland Mod on i homestead near IniperUI, lost ,nk, Mlesea Anna and (lertrudo-Markol are. In town from their homesteads his,;week." William Fom, n m Pino ranoher, mil In town Friday, roKUterod at tho J'llot liutto. Lloyd Hunter of Madrai was n Hend visitor Hnturday. a KUist of tho llond Hotel. I). !. (Jnrdnor of Hummer lnkn .wan In Hond Monday, registered at tho llond Hotel. W. II. Lucy, tho county sealer. Client Friday and Katurday Ju llond ou orMolal business. , Tho Vienna Oafo haa rooponod now boInK located In tho Onolll build atf on Minnesota atroat. Warren McConnoll and wlfo of Imperial woro llond vliltora Thurs ,KUoata at tho Hotel Wright. 8. W. Morrill waa a guest at tho Grand Hotel laat week from bit 'hoinisitcad at Harnoy Hole. Arthur HUokatona wai In town laat weok from hla Highland home tend, atayluK at tho Grand. J, N. Hunter haa boon appointed 'admlnlalrator of. tbo estate of Mra. Morab B. Audorway, dvcoaaod. , Mra, A. I). Morrill and brother, Itoss Davis, of I'owoll liutto, nro via Itlnij friends In Hond thla wcok. ! U. Fox and Harry Wyeo loft Friday iiIkIU for Portland, roIiik In tho Wenandy Livery Co. auto. 0. V. Silvia loft Monday nlRht for Ht. Paul, whither ho waa called by tho eorlotia Illness of hla mother. Trnlmoaator F. W. Hratnord of tho OroKon Trunk wua a llond visitor on Monday, a i;ucat at tho llond Hotel. Mra. John Pollock of Fremont was nt tho Hotel llond Monday night, ri Iiik out on tho train yesterday morn Iiik. 11. It. llonklo haa Installed a ateam vulcnuUInK mnohlno In tho MutilK fmmo hiilfdlnK lo repair old unto tlroa. 'WHIlrim Walsh loft laat wook to Join Mra. Wnlah in Portland. From thoru thoy huvo roturnod to Detroit, Mich. MATTRESS Ostermoor They nro built, not nt ulfed. TJiey lot you Iteht n h well UH Hl04't tX Thoy c-OHt no : THE ro5 IllT ,l,UttI h E. E THOMPSON Bend, Oregon Where Your Dollar Doca Its Duty, t I). T ViiiikIiii. mnl II, 0 DooH with lleiid visitors from itediiioiid I'rlilny, riKlHlrliiK at tho lloti-l Wrlitlit. Till, giilrttnrlptlnu Chili will linld Hi inl iliiiiim nt llHtliur'N hall on Rutui' ility nvmiliiK, Jiiuiiiiry HI, limlond of Fnbniiiiy 7. Mr, nml Mr. M. 1, Morrill rotiirn oil Hul in ilny from Portland whom Mr. Morrill iiUuihIuiI u foriiHt huivIco onii fcroiico. C. W. Tliorntliwnltn roturnod Ktiu diy from n wook'H vlnlt Hi Porllmul. Ho iitloinliid tho Htnto IniriiotM inuk ora1 ooiivniitlun, John IUIm roturnod yealordny from DiivIm I.iikti whuro Im loft tho party Willi HIH Hook tlllt HplH!llllllllK Of tllll whll(t-tnltod door. John I'otorrt iiuido llnnl proof on Ida lioiiiiwteiul hflforo CommlKalonor iflllla ThiiradHy nml Mra. Mary Hurry iniiti on hor deHort olnlm. , (I. H. Hohorta of loa AiikoIoh wna horn Hnturday, koIwc out Hundiiy to Mllllcau vnlluy to vlalt hla brothor-In-lnw, Voriion ClovoiiKor. A carload of lino furnlluro for tho IrvliiK HtltiiH hoinu hua nrrlvod from Wonjtlo. Tho work of roinodollni; thu hniiHi) In Hourly complutod, Tim work i)f ropnlrliiK tho Huther InillilliiK, which wna diuniiKod by tho rociiiil llro, la now under way, M, A. jl'nlinor haa tho cuutrnot. Tim' work of romadolliiK tho llond Pork Coiiitinuy'H now otllcoa on Oro Kou Mtroet haa boon completed uud tho company haa moved In, H, A. Volkmnn, trnvolliiK roproaou tntlvo of tho Grout Northern railway, with hnadiiiiartiira In Portland, waa In lluud Friday and Saturday. Thoru will bo n nicotine of thoao Interested In thu Now ThoUKht move mont next Sunday afternoon at tho homo of Mra, GeorKo B. Youiik, II. J. O'Neill of the O.-W, It. ft N. Co., foriuorly travolliiK roprt-aentatlvo In thla territory, waa In town laat week renowliiK old udtualntancea. MUa l-ve Grnvea returned Monday from Portland. Shu will hold hor drat cIunm In dancliiK In Suthor'a hall next Monday afternoon at i o'clock. Mra. Joo fiturat cntno up Sunday from Gateway to aocuro medical triuitmunt under Dr. U. C. Coo, Sho waa accompaulod by hor alatar, Mrs. Irma Doutiaa, At a moetlnir of tho board of dlrec tors of tho Arnold Irrigation Com pany Saturday, Charles tilpebon was elected tremurcr, anccoedlDK 1. D. Wloat, realxned. W, F. ItORors, who la In charico of commliiarlea on tho S. P. St 3. Ilnca. spent Monday In llond. Ho la a brother of J. P. Itogers, tho S. P. S. road superintendent. Thu trains on both rallroada woro delayed several days last week owluit to slides In tho canyon, Tho Oregon Trunk duo hero at 8 a. in, Thursday did not Kot In until 3 p. in, II, A. Miller returned this mornliiK from hla trip East. Ho will bo sworn in aa mayor nt tho reicular meeting of tho council noxl Tuesday evening, to gether with this other now city onto lals, Manngor J, F. Pope, of tho Plo neer Tolophono Company waa In town Monday nluht, returning from tho Kant whoro ho and Mrs. Popn woro called by tho death of tho lat ter'a mother, M. T. Green has roturnod from So attlo after a five months' Icavo of ah aonco. going out to hla homestead at Harnoy Holes last week. While In t own ho visited with Walter Taylor at tho Grand. At tho meeting of tho ILiptht Wo man's Union hold lost Thursday thorn was road an lutcrwtlnn letter of thanks from Uio missionaries to tho Oklahoma Indians, to whom tho un ion sent a box of Christmas presents. Tho funeral of Hen l.undborg waa hold Monday from tho Nlswongor un dertaking parlor, conducted by llov. K. fl. Judd. Interment waa In tho Pilot liutto Comotery. Tho dead man's father arrived Hunduy from Oklahoma, On account of tho illness of llov. K. C. Newham, tho Methodist church plans printed olsowhoro In thla Isauo huvo boon fittghtly changed. Tho prayer mooting will bo held as an nouncod and the. Sunday school and Kpworth League will moot, as usual but thero will bo no reaching on biinduy and tho banquet for now members has been postponed. Got your Potor'a . nholls at tho Rkuso Hardware Company, ndv ECONOMY. Mattresses RUSHED TO THE RESCUE. Then Thoy Mails a Tactful, If Ignebli, Rstrist to Qafaty. All mniiNliig slury of Hie adventure that folic men Ini'l with mi Irritable lalll In (old by n lorrciipoiiduiit of (ho London Field, It contain n hint that may bo iiHoful ' in koiiiu reader who shall liiiiiMifliir llinl lilnmolf In u simi lar illMiiuieeiililo Hllmillon. A fanner laid u bull that lie (bought pi'ifiHtly dm Ho. One day ho vfun ipiletly tvnlkliig boblnil tho herd Svheii wllliutit any wnriiliig (lie bull turned and eiuno atrahiht at him. Ho had a heavy eliib In hlx hmnU, nod he airuek the niiliuiil with all tils might over the head and tyiM xeverul thin, when tin lut brolic. For Hie moment ho did not know what to do and thought It wax nil over with him. when he remem bered thai Mime one had told hlui that a bull would out mtaek you If you lay down, no he Ihiew liliuwlf tint on hi fait mid Hhmitod for help, mid three or Mm mod who were not far off tame running to tho iohcup. When they gut within about twenty yard ho (old Iheni lo come on their hand mid kiieon, mid In this way they iiiini' up nloiigxldi1 of hlui The ques tion then wiin what to da Thoy came lo the loiieliittliiii Hint .the only thing left wax fur all of tln;ni to retreat back ward on their band mid knee. T'hl I hey did. and the bull, never mure than it yard off. followed ihem up with hla head xllghtly on one itlde. Meanwhile he snorted mid bellowed, and hla eyes. showing nil tho white, looked, the farmer natd. us If I hey would t-ouie out of hi head At last the men reached the rlrer bank, slipped over the edge and so ewsiK-d. CUT THE RED TAPE. Sarah Osrnhsrdt's.LiMon to Dilglum's Customs Ohlelsls. In the bud old days not o very loot: ago travelers, when thoy reached the Hclglau frontier, were compelled to leave their rviupnrtuienta lu tho mid die of tho ulght In order to be present at tho customs oxamlnatiou of their luggage, A train In which Mme. Sarah Hern hardt wna traveling reached tho frun tier at midnight and the cuitotna of Uclala made their customary raid Into her compartment lloughly awaknel from htr bauty aleep and not In the best of humor, lion Dorsbardt re fused to deacaud. The official uncoupled the actreaa' carrlago, dumped her luggage on the platform and went through It with eoiuclcntloiia vigor. Hy thla time tho train waa about ready to a tart. -You are not going to leave -without mo)" cried the actress. "He so kind ns to couple my enrrtage at once." "When wo have completed our ex amination," replied the Inspector and went on rummaging with redoubled teal. Hut ho did not know with whom he had to deal. The actress took up a portmanteau, placed It between the rails n few yards In front of tho en glue and calmly seated herself. MAnd now," she sold, "you can go on If you please," The officials wero helpless, and the llernbanlt car was attnetml to the train. This lesson In manners soon afterward produced a change in the Hclglau customs. London Telegraph. Inotdsntat Muslo. Ope afternoon a couple from an ad joining town prenented themselves to a HoHton dlrtno and asked to bo mar ried Just as he was about to enter the pulpit to conduct an afternoon service. The mlnlater replied that be regretted Hint he could not nt that moment com ply with their wJhIi. but that Immedi ately upon the conclusion of the serv ice he would tako pleasure In perform lug the ceremony. Tho lovers after demurring seated themselves In the rear of the church. When tho minister had finished the service he made the following announcement: "The parties who nro to b joined In matrimony will present themselvea nt tbo chancel Immediately after the slnglnpof Hymn I in. 'Mistaken Souls That Dream of Heaven!' H Exchange. His Vltw of It. Hond Don't .vou realize that mar rlngo brondena n man! Henedlct Oh. yes. I Huppoxo It can be put thnt way, hut "tlntteiw" Is the word I've always UHed.-London Tlt-Hlts. No mnn wna over so much deceived by niiotlior ns by himself. Grevllle. fc Home Made Candies Dainty Lunches and Ice Cream fdt h Nra- -..iss A GLIMPSE OF SMYRNA. Its Greatest Duslnets fltreot Is Only Fifteen Feot Wide. Let lis In Imagination go nxhore nt tymyrnu from one of the groat blaik Hoam-hlp of the MemHigorliM Mini tlmoM Wo laud ou a nolny, IminIIIiik iiin.v nloimslilo of which run u little oiio horse railway Grout mIiIw from iriONt of the leading ports of tho world are tied up l tho ipiny by their stem. On the other side of the broad street, (ho only one In Smyrna to which this adjective can be applied, are largo warehoUMCs mid one or two pretentious hotels. Puling through a cross street, wo come to the groat btiHluoss artery of the illy, tho so called "Frank street,", which has doubtless obtained Its iiniuo from the fact that so many Frank, a generic name for foreigners, do busi ness on It This street Is only fifteen feet wide, and yet It Is the chief business tbor otighfiiro of n city of n quarter of a million Inhabitants Two peoplo stretching out their arms mid touching hands In the middle could spnn I ho street, mid yet through It hurries n con stant stream of font passengers, dash lug cabs, stately camels, donkeys and donkey loys, beasts of burden and men of bunion, currying every concelv able article that people of the orient or the Occident might wnnr, for this Is one of the chief cities In the world where east nnd west meet on a com mon footing. Christian Herald. GERMS IN THE BLOOD. Why FsVsr and Chills Alternate Whin a Ptrson Has Malarls. When the germs of malaria real llvo animal thee, belonging to the order protoxoa enter the blood with the sa liva of the biting moiuulto they In sfnutly attack the red corpuscles Hnch one eats Its way into a corpuscle and after a brief rest divides hlmsotf Into sixteen. Whnt Is left of tbo cor puscle la now dead. It breaks down, mid tbo sixteen new germs Plasmodia, as the doctors rail tiiein nro set free In the blood. Kacb of tbeo instantly seek out a new red corpuscle, which It attacks In tbo same way. Thla process, In the ordinary malaria, taken just forty-lght hours. When the germs are eating the red corpus cles the temperature, of the body la In creased, causing fever. Wbcn tbo mul tiplied gonna aro discharged Into the blood the whole body feela as if chilled This causes the shivers and shakes that usually come every alternate day and that have given ua the common nam "chills and fever." So when you have tbo chill you may know that your broken down red cor puscles are discharging myriads- of germs into your blood, and when the chill glvee way to fever yon may know that tbeso germs arc busy attacking your red corpuscles. New York World Mother Had the Falling Too. The visitor had dropped in "Just for a minute." but she remained about three hours after tho mlnuto was up. Little Freddie had formed several plana, the execution of which must be otponcd till tho departure of his mother's guest Bo be sat quietly thinking things. "Dear little tunnl" pished the visitor. "And what la he thinking about so deeply t" "I was wondering If It wasn't time for you to te going." anld Freddie. "Hush!" said hla mother. Then, turn ing to her guest: "You mustn't be of fended. Mrs, Smith. Children will go blurting out the truth without think ing Hut they don't menu anything by It" Strnngely enough. It was Just tben that Mrs, Smith recollected that she bad only three minutes in which to catch tho last car home. London Tele graph. Exhumation of Milton. One of the most curious Instances oi exhumation was that of Mtlton'a re mains nt the mtiu church of St Giles. Crlpplegate. Doubta having been ex. prvosed as to tln exact position of the grave, the ground was opened In 1700 A struggle for relics followed, bancs, teeth nnd hair belngselxed by tho par ish olllclnls Crowds flocked to tho church and paid the grnvcdlgger Od per head to see tho remain, while tho workmen engaged there shared In the plunder by refusing admlsMlon to any one who would not pay the price of a. pot of beer And Dually the poor rector, who had not shared In tho spoils, brought an action "for the re covery of dues unjustly withheld from blm."-I.ondiiu Chronicle. Unappreciated Help. The doctor was once culled In to treat tho HHtled child of the family. After hla departure the mother return ed to the room mid told the child that the doctor hud complained that hu had been very ruda to him. "Oh. miiinma." replied tho child, "he's Just nu old fogy! He got ungry bo cnuso I put my tutigiie out for him before ho nuked mo." Youth" Com paulon. Poop Girl. "May I tell you the old, old story?" tie asked Sho looked down, blushed nnd nodded her assent So he told her for the twenty-seventh time how he once won the gumu for Yolo. Hrooklyn Life, -., '. Different. Mndee Did the count ask yon If yotj would love him? Mnrjorle No; he askisl me If I wpuld murry him, Judgo When there Is no good within no good comes. Oute'i Proverb, TWO Black Cat Hosiery CO.MFOHT. WKAIt AND KIT IS WIIITK CAT KLOHFJI KHOTCH UNION HL'ITH TIIKV COST NO 3IOIIK THAN THi: OIUMNAHV KIND, I'lUCKD AT 1.00, I.U3, 91 JOO, -tiW, VMM, frl.OO Illack Cat Hosiery for all tho famlly-r-UMS heme tlue needs no guarantee. iAillcw Hosiery In full fashioned or seamless Slllc Lisle HiblM-d Fleece Lined or Wool S for IWo a for 50c 23c nnd BOc pair Men's half hoe Wool or Cotton 2 for 23 25e JKc and 50c pair Children's Stockings lr Wool and CoUon !I weight Our Children's Double Knee Special Value In All Hire Children's Triple Knee "Tho Wearing Kind" AH alc Priced at , 23e Fon voun shoes, i.osr oh anything to weak, GOTO Mannheimer's HONEST MKHCHANWHK HONEST I'lUCEH Spelling by Ear. The young French stenographer, whose progress in English bad not kept pace with her proficiency In abort hand, was puzzling over aomo notes he bad taken of recitation at a public entertainment A ahe transcribed them the recita.' tlon began like this: La fanthl wurlaf rwldbeu. (hit psnju out pelone. "That's easy," said the export to whom she submitted the notes. "It la part of a poem that begins: "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Vep and you weep slone." Chicago Tribune. The Very Worst Schoolmistress Now. tell me the truth. Johnny Junes. You know what will happen If you tell .a He. don't you? Johnny Jones Yea, ma'am: I'll go to a bad place. School ml tress Yea. and that Isn't the worst of It You'll also be expelled from school. A Falling Most Folks Have. "Don't you think every one ought to k for the good fn tbo world?" "Yes. Hut Instead of looking for the good they aeem to bo looking for the good thlugs." Houston Post Good Luck For Him. "Plumly Is h sblftlesa fellow. That's irao. Ills Idea of a stroke of good luck la being nble to strike somebody for a loan." Houston rost muiusi sorrow. "narold. papu calls you a fortune hunter. I'm Horry I'm rich." "So am L Evoryliody will say that yon bought me." Life. New Patterns IN Spring Ginghams 12 1-2 cent Value Priced at 10 CENTS ee. MrasaV I ' Mannheimer's WINNERS! WK&evUi White Cat erwr T3SB nmnis. To Mr. and Mrs. A. D. CcrUon, on January 20, a girl. To Mr. and Mra. S. A. Gunthcr, oo January 24, a boy. PKHSONAL The person, who by mistake, took from tho Smith building my tabla cloth used at tho luncheon January 7 will please return to Tho Bulletin otSco. Mrs. Ed. DrosterbouB. 47c Get your rotor's shells at tho Skuse Hardwaro Company. adr Get your 1014 hunting nnd fish ing licenses by making application at Tho Ilnlletln offlco Adv. Vienna .Cafe REOPENS i We are now located In Jtho Oneill Building next to tho " Ellto Stodlo. 0od meals served. Bread and all kinds of pastry for aalo. ....ROOMS AND BOARD... M1 tho LmOirroftha i 6estl&sprtngatfaihecost NOHAHHOOCWGV 'NO EACGIWO gtntOJMMOaUNQ DRAQCINO nj artuuinu flTOIINU Hut,.. C: lol1 y& !- par Se VM2z8LVS'Jxlfyiy'it A. L. HUNTER'S A good assortment of other kinds of Beds and all kinds of House Fur niture including Kitchen Ware with 10 and 15c counter of great values in every article. A. L. Hunter Oregon Street. "' ' y . Picture Framing Neatly Done.- WUnd imm&:rVJi