IIKNI) BULLETIN, IH5NI), ORE., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY i!H, Hill. PAOK n iK ! r WILL DISCUSS VITAL QUESTIONS A1BBTINO IN PORTLAND IMPORTANT ,Tliro lluudrvd IMckhIi" KkiiwIwI Xu IrrlKullon (iiKtM Nct Month , Hocrctury Oiilllnt'M Wink To Do ' Tiikcn Up At Till Tlmo. ( Pqrtlanil Jourun).) Wlmt in txK!ctml to lm tliti moat liiiMirtmit session of tho Oruitoti Ir rlKntlon CoiiKrrsu will ho hold In the jmrlot of thn IniiKirlnl Hotel, Febru ary 13 nnd H. J. T. Illuklu or lUir inlntcin, tliu secretary, ostlnuitos tliul (hit nttondnncn will hu over 300 no trodltod detonates, nnd, In u coin iiiiinlontlon, lm tolls not only how iliil(iKiilm nrn niiolutod hilt that lm lortiint mutters coiiiIiik beforo tlm engross, hli loiter rending nil fol- Uiwh: ' "Tho ronl objucl of ,tlm nrumimiil orKuiiltnllon I not a mitro nnniinl hooiit mooting for tlio iiRltittlon of tho duhjitct of Irrljtntlon generally, hut to hrliiK together us ninny n possible of thn nctunl Irrigators, rnrmum nnd water user iimiii thn Inml. who uro notunlly doliiK things In tho Mtntn of Oregon, hut unfortunately nro loss known to in tiny other no onllor Irrl Kulloulsls who never mtw nu Irrlgii lion ditch pttrhmm, except from tho cushioned sent of mi automobile. "In pursunnco of till policy wo nro urging Into our urgnnUntlnti tho truo representative o tho subject nnd In thU wny wo will runch n hotter tin ilerstnudlng of 0110 nuolliur nnd of tho great policies now pursued, mid tluit will In future ho pursued, by thn natlonnl nnd Unto governments In tint reclamation of nrld Innd. Measure In Pending. "Probably tho 11101 Imiiortant sub Jeot to couio heforo this session of thn iHingrens will ho senate Joint nsolu tlon No. 10 (Session Laws 1913, pnK 717 1 for tho proposed amendment to Jho constitution of tho statu of Ore Kon, to ho submitted to ho people for their npprovnl or rejection at tho rcg. ulnr general election in .Novemuer, I5H, nnd. providing for the niuoud uunt of section 7 of artlcla IX. no to permit tho stnto to lend It credit for building nnd tunlntnlnliig jutriiinnent rand nnd for tho purpose of constructing Irrlgntlun nnd powur project nnd developing thn logged (hi or tintllled Und of thu lnto nnd linking tho limitation of Indubtod ni for such purioa 2 luir cunt, of thn vnluntlon of thn property In thn Mate. Much lllciiloii Planned. "Till proposed nmvnduioul will lm n subject for much discussion nnd for resolution doflnltiK tho policy of tho corner.' n to n vtnlawldu enm pnlKn far the passage of tho utiioud .nietit. Tho anntn Joint resolution wn proKd nt tho lnt sunlon of thn loglslnturo by thu Oregon Irrlgn tlon Congress nnd wn drafted pur suaut to n reitolullon of tho congress it rK tied In tho house nnd sonnto anil tlnnlly pnssud tho. loglslutura with few dlsiontlnK votes. "Tho old couitltutlonnl llmltntlon VrcivldliiK thnl thn stnto should not lend Its credit or create sny debt or liability, which singly or In tho ag gregate with previous debts or liabil ities would exceed thn sum of f 60000 except In ense of wnr or to repel In Vmlon or supproM Insurrection. im perhaps n wise lluiltMllon nt tho time of tho adoption of our constitution; but as everybody knows, the stntu lm grown nnd developed to some extent kUjcu tho year 1867. "I nntlclpnto thn co-oporntlvn de velopment of tho power nt Celllo by tho United States govornment mid tho Mates of OreKon nnd Washington will como In for some heavy weighted coustdorntlon nt tho hands of tho toiigrcs. Alio congratulations for thu splendid work of tho statu In bulldliiK thu Tumnlo project, nnd pos sibly iiinui wide rnngo of difference of opinion ns to thu co-operation of thn ntiticuini iMvornnwut auu 1110 Into In tho building of Irrigation projects. Ilunviu Mny Result, "Tho subject of red tnpo and In competence on thu part of the United Htntim and state officials In tho nil- .ministration of IrrlKatlon laws and iHloles will doubtless como In for tho Mini amount of nlrlng, and also thu .mibject of tho necessity far tho estab lishment of rulluhlo bureaus of In formation for tho protection of new ,nettlirs upon our public nnd private lands, and thn Importnuco of procur ing In some mniinur rellnblo duta ns to soil classification mid climatic con- 'dltlons, and nlso on slromn guuglng. topogriiiihltt survoys, ndjudlantlon of water rights nnd various other (iniw tlous of such vital Impnrtmioo iih to thu nctunl Irrigators iih well ns to all tlioHo who nro InteiuHtod In tho state's greatest posslblu dovuloiiiuunt. j l'lKMIXri' AtTI-JI) OX I'AVOUAIU.Y. ' ' WABIIINdTON, I). (', Jnn. 3C Tho Coininltteo on Commorco Irib ir .rortod fnvornbly on Sunntor Chnni herlln's hill authorizing the Buorutnry of wnr to dutall two engineer ofllcois to co-oponito with tho englnoerH of tho Interior department und tho Htntos of Oregon und Wiislilngton In I Investlgattng Tho Halloa power pro Joat. I UHHKICAIIH'IXKTAMj OFI-'ICUIW. ; ' Tho llund ltubeknli Uidgo of tho 1 I. O. O. F. Installed now olllcuru ,lnst Krldny nlglit, Dlotrlot Doputy i l'realdnnt l-uoy French being tho In- r Htnlllng oldoor. Tho following nro I .tho now ollloinU: Mrs. llort Bhuoy, 7 N. CI.: Mrs. II. (1. IMrrla. h. 8. N. O.j j Mr. u. 0. Kudow,.trc(iBiiror; I.. O. X. McltoynolilH, aoorothry; Mrs. J. M. JpUurtd, wnrdon; Mrs. W. W. Caldwell, conductor; J. HI Kngohrotson, It. H. N. a. ; Mra. II. Q. Harris, h. 8. N. Q.; Mrs. W. A. llatos, H.. 8. V. a.; Mm. Ii M McltoynolilH, h. H V. (I i Mlns Noll Mnrliel, Insldo gunrd Inn 1 Claiidn Mnunlioliiiur, oulsldo guitrdlnu; Mm. A. I. French, chup-lain SHORT COURSE FEB. 23-20 l'h Meinhei-s of (I, A. V, I'lirtilly Will Olio liiNtiiicllnii nt I'Hiinvlllo. I'ltlNKVIM.K, Jnn.27.Tlio short course which (ho Crook County High Holuiol Iiiih Hiiouri'd will bo held In I'rlnovlllo from Fohrunry 23-28, In elusive. This Is ilurlng' tho lenst busy period 011 tlio riuicl mid will nllow nil who wish It tit 0 to attend. Tho hotels hiivu promlsud to glvo re duced rales for Unit week and tlio stage Hues will iiiuku special rates to nil who register In tho short course. All uf thu vurlous phases of agri culture will bo dlsaussud by exports from tho Oregon Agricultural College hut special emphasis will bo placed on Irrigation, dry funning, dairying mid general slock farming, In do mestic science (hose problems which confront tho hoiisowlfu In her dully routine will ho dlsuussud nnd the no. lutloiiH sought. It Is tho aim of this short courso to bring to tho rancher of Crook county thu largest amount of prnc tlcnl information, 1u the tlmu avail able, concerning thn various prob lems of his farm, and lo supply this Information In suuli 11 way that ho call iiiidnrstnud It mid apply It to his much, with tho result of mora mono In his pockc. Now Is thu tlmo to begin to pi nn your work so (lint you can spend this wuek In I'rlnovlllo next February, hearing what tho exports have to say, talking with ranchers who have thu same problems that you have, mil learning how they solvo thorn. Fur ther Information regarding thu short courso enn bo obtained by writing to I'rofessor 1'rutt, I'rluevlllc, who lias charge of (he arrangement. CHURCH NOTICES Catholic. r Thoro will bo regular services Sun day, February 1, nt 10:30 n. m. Union. (Northeast of Mend, February 1.) First church Meeting nt Richard son school house. Huudny school nt 11 a. in., preaching servlco nt 12 in. Hecond church Mooting nt Urnngo hall, Hundny school nt 2 p. 111. Third church Meeting nt Arnold school house. Hundny school nt 2 p. tu., prcnohlng nt 3 p. m. No collec tion. KN80K WIUMOUt:, pastor. lUptUt. lllblo school, 10 n. in. Preaching service 11 o'clock, subject "Tho First hcqulromoiits of Now Converts," Hpnelnl singing by tt good choir. Young People's meeting C:30 p. in. Prenchlug servlco 7 30, subject "Tho Predictions of thn Prophets In tho Light of History." flood sing ing. Wednesday evening, prayer meeting nnd Instructions to now con verts, subject "Whut Haptlsts Ho llovo nnd Ho " Tho church will hold n reception In honor uf thu new con verts Friday evening, January 30, oeginning in i.nj), in mo jonnsou building. Tho members nnd friends of thu church, tho new converts nnd their friends nnd relatives nro nil cordially Invited. A good program la being prepnred and refreshment will bo surved. MctiMxIUt. Tho service Inst Hundny morning wns of unique character. Thlrt-y-slx persons woio baptised nnd 30 worn received Into church member ship. An lnlt'.tlon banquet Is to bo given tu new converts nnd nil. tho mombem nt tho church 'on Frldny evening of this woek. Now mem bers will bo tnkon Into the church on Hundny. A baptism servlco will be held Hundny morning. Christian parents having children to bo bniitJi ed nro requested to bring them thou. Hpoclnl music nt each servlco. Hun dny school Hundny at 10 a. in. Preaching servlco nt 11 n. 111. and 1 :30 p. m. Hpworlh League at G:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday nt so. Choir prnctloo Frldny at 7:30. Fresh) terlnn. Huudny, Feb. 1. Hundny sobool 10 s m. Preaching at 11 u. m. Spe cial music by choir nnd contralto solo by Mrs. Tadd. levelling servlco nt 7.30. Lndles qunrtoot nnd chorus choir. Tho oholr and music' under the direction of Mrs. Ashloy Forrest Insure u standard of music4 helpful and Inspiring. Mid-week servlco Wediiusduy nt 7:30 p. in. for tho study of tho book of mark. You nro Invited to theso mooting. O. 11. WfL K1NH, Minister. NOTICK. On Frldny evening nt tho1 Presby terian church, thoro will bo a recoi tlun nnd social under tho auspices of tho Lndloa Clulld Hocloty for nil thoao who nro Interested in tho church. Wu espuolnlly doslro to meet nnd wel come our now nnd Incoming mninbora or our church mid Hocloty. If you enjoy 11 good soclnl tlmo you nro In vited to como with us. 7.30 to 10 o'clock. (Hlgnud) COMMITTER Chinch of tlio llirlliron, Borvlcoa ouch altornato Hundny at 3 p. in. In tho M. K. church No services noxt Hundny. ALTAMONT HOTEL Modern Hooiuw Attractive HiirroiiuillugN Hteam Ileal, Hot anil Cold Water With Until Privileges llroakfastN Horvcil Mis A, 1). HpnldliiK, Proprietor it KM) i-i o ni;a on 40-40p MAItKKT Itlil'OHT. NOIITII 1'OUTLANO, Jan. 24 Ho relpts for tho wuek huvo been: cattta 702, calves i, hogs 4880, nliuop 5070. Livestock receipts totaled consider ably less this week than Inst and business was not brink. Tho cattln munition failed to clear and 011 only 0110 day, Monday, was thoro any In terest aroused. A few cars of choice steum brought $7.00 mid 11 load of young cows $0.75. Hulk of wcek'n steer sales averaged $7.00 to $7.25 mid cown $0.00 to $0.25. All other butcher olflssos wore slow nnd prin cipal causa uf prlcu wonkuuss wiu In ferior beef quality and too much of It. Thu hog market maintained Its strength easily from beginning to end. Prices never rose above $8.05, but choice light slock nvorageii around 8 cunts nil wuek, A lut or swine Hint lacked prime finish sold at lower prices, but good quality pigs mid smooth heavy stuff found n quick ealo nt stonily prices. Hecelpts wnto fairly liberal, but soma 2000 less thun for same period last week. Kheepliousu trade wus brisk only In spots ns liquidation wns unsteady. Totnl arrivals were smaller than for previous six days. A good supply of prime grain fed mutton and lambs aamo In tho first pnrt of the week. Wethers sold at $5.B5 and owes .ll "ofTonm." I.nmb buyers gnvo $0.00 for tho fancy grades und worn not over supplied either. Tho market closed on n weaker basis with a 10 to Ifi-cout decline In nil mutton lines. DON'T KNOW TIIBV , HAVi: AlTlJNDIClTIH Many Pond pooplo hnvo chronic ap. poiidlcltls (which Is not vary pain ful) nnd think it Is Just bowel or stomach trouble. Homo have doc tored for yenrs for gas on tho stom ach, sour stomach or constipation and the Pattersno Drug Co. states If they will try sliuplo buckthorn hark, giy. corlno, etc., ns compounded In Adler 1-ka. thu (lermnn appendicitis rem edy, they will bo surprised nt thu QUICK benefit. A HINULI! D08I3 stops thvso troubles INBTANT- LY. Adv. XOTICi:. In tho Count Court of the Htntc of Oregon for Crook County. In tho mnttor of the estnto of Mcrab 'K. Auderwny, dcccnscd. Nutlcu Is hereby given that tho un dersigned. J. N. .Hunter, was on thu 20th day of January, 1014, appointed administrator of tho estnto of Mornb K, Auderwny, deceased, by the Hon, 0. Springer, Judge of the abovo en titled court. All parsons having claims against tho said estnto nro horoby notified to present snmo with proper-vouchers to me nt my office In tho Bather building In ltend, Oregon, on or before six months from the date N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPEimANGER. EsUjnntcs on application Wall I'nper at Portland Prices Cheapest nnd Beat Wall Paper Samples in tlio county. Get My Prices. Box , - - Bend Oregon 4t I J. A. Eastesi 5 Real Estate Investments Parm and City Property I OroklA ! Lois $150 lo'$350 5 Terms: $G.O0 cosh and $3.00 monthly. TMb gives you a chance to socculato on Dcnd's futuro on a little money Lots uro nil 50 feet wido and every lot a jrood lot. Ofllco on Oregon Street rorvir nunnniM $$ l Hoofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly dono. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. FOR WINTER Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Repair Man. Bond street, Bend, Oro BEND VIEW Commands u charming view of the city of IJentl nnd the uurrounding country. 15 minutes walk from business center. Price $50.00 to $200. Some a little higher. Liberal terms $5.00 down $1.00 u'week. Oflice opposite First National Bank Bldg. Bend, Oregon of tho first publication of tills notice Date of first publication tho 28th day of January, 1014. J. N. HU.NTKIt. Administrator of tho estnto of Mcr nb B. Audorwny, deceased. II. II. DaArmond. Attornoy for Administrator. -17-50 Application for Ornzlnir Penult. NOTICB Is hereby jflven thnt nil applications for permits to grnze cat tlo, horses nnd sheep within tho UBBCHUTHB NATIONAL J-'OKBST dtirliiK tho season of 1014, must bo filed In my office at IJund, Oregon, on or before February 20, 19H. Full Information 1n regard to tho grazing fees to bo charged and blank forms to bo used In making application will bo furnished upon request. 47-40 M. h. MERUIT, Buporvlsor THIS PAPER rtCP.iESENrEO FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE otNCRAL orrtcca NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES t W. E. PARKER & CO. SANITARY PLUMBING ! Stem and Hot Water Heating We carry the largest t stock of goods in Cen- t tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to EppzfflgpMi THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, MACON AND LARD TiTo United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL UNION MARKET L THE WHITE IS KING III sbbbVuI Hi' " ssssssssssmT The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can bo produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each 'machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National. Bank BIdg. San Francisco, ' California BROTHERS rrr iiissirsfltrran II f H I V IS H H AN I) I'ltOKIMHIONAfc JtOIlBHT II. OOl'M) 7 C1ll fT Ilend Orejton KiiKltiecr VOU ItOSS FAUNHAM Attornoy At Irnvr Ofllco In Jonos Hulldlng on Wall Street. J. II. liell A. W. 81ms CItOOK CX)tNTV AIIHTItAOT COMPANY (Inconoratod) Successors to Tho J. II. Hancr Abstract Co., Prinovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurnnco W. W. FAULKNEIt, D. M. D. I) K N T I H T Office Over Postoinco Ilend, ... Oregon WILLAKD II. WinTZ IiA WYKIl Prlnovllle, Oregon. U. C. COB, M. D. Physician nnd Burgeon Office over First National Dank Ofllco Hours. 10 to 12 n. m.; 1 to 3 nnd 7 to 8 p. m. HBNO. -r OREGON nakBsssssBsssssasssBtMBswssHHsasssBsssssssssssMSSBiBssBnBBssBsssssssiaMi C. 8. BENSON Attorney At Liw Benson Building-. Wall Street Bend. Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES IjAWYKR First Natlonnl Bank Building Bend, :-: ;-: Oreeoa G B O R a E S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Kngincer. City Knglnccr. Deputy County Surveyor. Room S First Nntionnl Bnnlc II. H. D o A K M O N D IJlVTYKll Sather Building Bond, Ore. U. N. HOFFMAN NOTARY PUHIilC Bulletin Oflice, Bend, Oregon II. C. ELLIS Attorney-at-Lnw United States Conunihsloncr First Natlonnl Bank Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. H. CONNARN 1 KXTIST Oflice In Sather Building. Hours. 9 to 12. 1 to C. Sundays nnd evenings by Appointment. DR. A. B. CROPP DRUaiiKSS PHYSICIAN Ofllco over Doschutos Bank Hours- 9-12, 1-5.30. Bend, Oro. C P NISWONOER. Bond. Oro. UNDERTAKER IJceused Kiiibulmer, Funeral Director. Phono. Lady Assistant. smrr, iivESQUEjco. 312 Mohawk Bldff. SPOKANE ARCHITECTS Schools and Largo Buildings a specialty Hi mmtvmtmrntm