PAOK 0. IIKNI) 1IW,LKTIN, 11KNI), OUR. W KDwNKHDAY, JAM'AUY ai, ll.. 466 PERMITS IN 1913 too long a vista for moat of thoin, to Biiy nothtiiR of tmlldltiK n Btonu house to Inst for cpnturlcs. REPORTONAPPRO . PRIATION OF WATER State KiiRlncCr Issues Statement For Past Year During Qitnrtcr Kml- Iiir December HI, Dozen Penult Given to U'nter Applicant. year i SALEM, Jan. 19. For the 1913, a total of 46C pcrmlta were Is sued by the stato engineer for tho ap propriation of water. Under these permits 442, 1S1 acres will be IrrlRiU ed, 39,225 horsepower will be de veloped and 41 reservoirs construct ed, at a total cost of approximately $7,000,000. Durinc tho quarter endlnc Decem ber 31, 1913, 8& permits wero Issued for tho irrigation of C.933 acres and the development of 1958 horsopower. Among these permits was one Issued to F. D. Small of Tillamook and D. C. Uric, of Camas. Wash., fur the development of 1208 horsepower with the waters of tho Track river In Tillamook county. Tho following are permits issued in Crook county the past quarter; Edgar iLaughlin of Paulina has two permits; one diverts tho water from Mud Springs In section 35, township 16, South, rango 24 E. for the Irri gation of 20 acres and tho other dl verts the water from Dcavor Creek In section 19. township 16. South, rango 25 East, for the Irrigation of 280 acres. N. Ixmgenbaugh of Prlno vlllo diverts the flood waters In sec tion 15, township 14 S, rango 15 E for tho Irrigation of 5 acres with the waters diverted from two springs lo cated in township 18 S, range 17 E and the other for the irrigation of 100 acres with tho waters of Little Bear Creek diverted In section 23, lownsnip i, a, rango 17 B. cnas. Cochran of Meadow for domestic sup ply ana mo irrigation or 80 acres with the waters of Indian creek, di verted In section 31. township 13 8. .rango 21 E. C. T. Hubbard of Grandvlew, for tho Irrigation of 10 acres with the waters or Metollus creek, diverted In section 34, town ship 10. S range 10 E. A. Hrundgo ot uuivor, ror domestic supply, with the waters of Crooked river. In sec tion 14. townshlD 12 S. ranro 12 E. A. E. McCIellan of Sbanlko, ror tho irrigation or 6 acres with tho waters or a spring which Is located In sec tion li. township 8, S. range 14 E. J. T. McCIellan of Shanlko. for do mestic use. David Mllburn of Lower uriuge. ror tho Irrigation of 43 acres with the waters of Squaw creek, di verted in section C, township 14 S, range 12 E. M. D; Nye of Roberts for tho irrigation of S acres with the waters or Little Hear creek, diverted In section 5, township 18 S, range 18 E. EXHIBIT OF HOME PRODUCTS Statewide Cainpnln Planned In In tercata of OreKoit Miimifnrtm-oi-N. A Btatc-wldo campaign In tho In terests of Oregon manufactured products- will bo conduct ml soon from special cars which will visit almost all tho cities having a population of 400 or more. One or two curs will be niled with exhibits of products innuo in uregon. The exhibit will remain from a half day to two davs In all tho cities with u population of. iuu or more on tho lines or tno South ern Pacinc and O.-W. II. & N, Tho territory to bo covered, will extend as far south as Ashland mid eastward to linker City. Addresses and an olnbornto cata logue will bo prepared, describing tho oxniuuion ana tno need of patroniz ing home Industries. Tho catatoguo win contain prices of the products. a usi ot visitors to the exhibition cars will bo given to tho exhibiting manufacturers. TKACIIKKH KT CKUTIFICATKS. The following Crook county toach ors took the state examination re cently nnd have been granted one year ccrtlllcntes: Harriet L. Dolson, cion it. uoss, Angeiino Young. Mrs. Ivy 11. Davidson and Ethel Holmes, irend; Amelia M. Johnson, Clrltxlcy; Victor Ij. Shawo, Hay Crook; draco Polk, Laldlnw: Robert Edgorton, Fife; Hadawav Cochrnn. llmvnrrt Qorald O. Groves, Terrebonno; Eva Janet Hcnnnrd. Post; Samuol Kirk wood King, Madras; Hay Lowthcr, quiver; unmuton uruco Shnw, Uv monta; Mary H. Demarls. Post; L. Mao mtchey, Ilcdmond; Walter W. Klmmet. Prlnevllle: Dora M. Vnn Motcr, Post; Noll Mastln. Hay Creek: Mrs. Delln Foster. Terrebonno: Ellas 8. Payno. Lower Ilrldge; William Guy Gliiaco, Grandvlow; Harry A. Ueck- with, Clino Falls: Gay McCoy, Sis ters; Max Nielsen, Highland; Ethel Lois Fogg, Hampton. flud Hint tho snld nllogntlonn will bo taken by this ollko ns having been confessed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled thorminder without your further right to bo hoard there in, either bbforo this utllca or on ap peal, If you fall to file In this ullleu within twenty days nftur tho FOURTH publication ot this notice, ns shown below, your nuswor, undor oath, Hpecltlcnlly mooting and re sponding to those allegations ot con test, or ir you fall within that tlmu to Mo In this olllco duo proof that you hnvo Borvod n copy ot your answer on tno said contestant In person or by registered mail. It this Borvlco Is mado by tho delivery ot n copy ot your answer on tho sntd contestant in person, proof ot such ser vice must bo either tho said contest ant's written uckuowlodgmont ot his receipt ot tho copy, showing tho date ot Us receipt, or tho affidavit ot tho person by whom the delivery was made stating when nnd whoro tho copy was delivered; It mado by regis tored mall, proof of such sorvlco must consist ot tho affidavit of tho person by whom tho copy wih mailed stnMng when and tho postofllco to which It was mailed and this affidavit must bo accompanied by tho postmaator's receipt for tho letter, You should stnto In your answer tho uamo of tho postoffico to which you deslro further notices to bo sont to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, RogtHtor. Dato of llrst publication Jan 7th, 1914. Dnto or second publication Jiui 14, 1914, Dnto uf 'third publication Jnu 21, Dato of fourth publication Jnn 28, IV 11, tf- J. J. RYAN NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior. United States Land Offlco. The Dalles, Ore gon, December 39, 1913 To Maurice P. Powers of Rend, Oro- kuu, coniesieo: You are hereby notified that David A. Ames. Who gives Rend Ornirnn. caro of C. 8. Hennon. as his postofuce uuurcss. am on ucccmber lGtn, 1913, fllo In this office his duly corroborated application to contest and securo tho cancellation of your homestead, entry No. ... Serial No. 08884, made Slav 9th. 1911. for NHNEU. NWU XU SWU. Section 21. Township 20, S., uuugu ju ,, wuiamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that Maurlco P. Powors has wholly failed to establish his rcsi- aenco on said land, has totally fail ed to cultivate and Improve same as required by law and has abandoned the same for more than one year last past. ( You arc, therefore, further notf- Mlnncnota Street SANITARY PLUMBING STEAM AND'HOT WATER HEATING jobbing: Promptly Attended to ( MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In the machine line, having installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind of Job. Automobile Repairing a specialty Deyarmond Machine (Sb Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave., Rend, Ore. NOTICE OF CONTKHT. Department or tho Interior, United States Land Office, The Dnlleu, uregun, uocoiiiner ig, mi3. To Theodore Torxloff of 232 Main Ave., Spokane, WuhIi., Contentful ou nro hereby nutluod that Union O. Johnson, who gives Rend, Oregon, ns his post-olllca address, did on No vember 19. 1013, tllo In this office his duly corroborated application to con tost and suoiiro tho, cancellation ot your homestead, Entry No, 08513, Sorlnl No. . ., niudo March 39. 1913. for WM, Section 18, Township 30 South, Rango 18 Enst, Wlllnmotto Aicriuinii, mm as grounds ror hs con test he alleges that snld Theodora Torxlurf has failed to establish his residence on said tract,, that ho has fulled to cultlvatu said tract or any part thereof; Unit said ontryinnn has abandoned Bald tract for upward cf six months Inst past and that such failure and nbnndonmuiit was nut duo to his employment In tho army, nnvy ok mnrlno corns of the irniiixl Stntes In time of war or otherwise. ion nro. iherorore, further noti fied that the snld allegations will be taken by thin offien rg having been confessed by you, and your iiald entry will bo cnncolcd thereunder without your further right to bo hoard there in, either before thin offlco or on np- peai, u you inn to lllo in tills office within twenty days nftor tho bUUKTH publication ot this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, spccltlonlly meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test or if you fall within that time to lllo In this offlco duo proof that you hnvo served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either In norson or by registered mall. If this sorvlco is made by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant In per son, proot or sucn servico must bo olthor tho said contestant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, shoving tho dato ot Its receipt, or tho affidavit of tho person by whom delivered; If mado by register ed mail, proof of such senrlco must consist ot tho affidavit ot tho person oy wnom tnc copy was mailed stating when and tho postofuco to which it was mailed, nnd this affidavit must bo accompanied diy tho postmaster's receipt for tho loiter. you should stato in your answer tne namo or theipostoffico to which you deslro futuro notices to bo sont tn you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. Dato of first publication December 31, 1913. Dato ot sccond'publtcatlon Jan. 7, 1914. Dato of third publication Jan. 14, II " I Dato of fourth publication Jan. 21, I iwn. I Complete line of Groceries, , Vegetables, Smokecl Meat Granite Ware , Arrow Shirts and Collars 'Monarch Shirts Peters Shoes for Men, Women and Children Dress Goods'' and Notions Hoynl Worcester Corsets E. A. Sather Auto Delivery Wall Street 2 Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES ft ffl xi iJ The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. 444MU4444WU444UM4)Mu CITY OF RAPID GROWTH Substantial Improvements In Rend Noted Hy Portland Writer. In Sunday's Portland Journal ap peared the following article, written by A. D. Crldge, traveling represen tative or tnat newspaper: REND, ORE., Jan. 17. The City of Rend in the last two years has built 400 residences and Increased from COO people to over 2C00. In tno last year there have been erected six largo, substantial and modern buildings in which are some 1G stores on the ground floors. Much pride Is taken in tho comple tion of the new sewer system costing $70000, and in the construction of the new school house to cost $25000. The grading of the streets. Installa tion of cluster lights and the laying vi goon siaewniKs are otner matters or pride. One of the peculiar Industries of Bend Is the Ice harvest. From jonds ana uaexwater tne natural Ice is gathered, the pure water of the De schutes being unexcelled for quality of Ice. One Arm has Its sheds ready for 200 tons this winter, and while the season has not been particularly good from the ice man's standpoint, there will be that much secured with out trouble. Considerable Interest Is being tak en among grain farmers In this sec tion In the development of summer fallow land by the planting df beans. It is said that summer fallow land in Central Oregon has returned $18 an acre profit. Tbf beans are said to cost $C an acre to cultivate, and thereby weeds are kept down for tho next season's grain. There will be considerable summer fallow to beans next spring on dry land summer fal low If the season la what is called In Central Oregon a "wot" one. The building stone to be found In quantities within reach or Rend will some day bo utilized Instead of lum ber for farm buildings and city resi dences. It has been demonstrated to bo cheaper In the long run, but tho poopie are still in tno pioneer stage, lumber Is cheap, and to look ahead 40 years In putting in a resldonce Is id&toaaaacf&aaaSBasa: -$$ M FOR EASY . HOUSEKEEPING v USE FOR FAMILY USE OUR PURB JERSEY MILK AND CREAM IS OGST. Clover' leaf Dairy P. W. STAATS, Prop. Electric Irons . . . Electric Percolators Electric Disk Stove Electric Grills . . Desk Lamps . . . . Reading Lamps . . Electric Toasters . . Electric Hotplates . $3.50 7.50 5.00 5.00 3.00 6.00 3.50 8.5dj ..'' VI FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen, miles cast of Bend. Our trees nre the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come ami see our orchards and nursery. Oflicc address, Prineville. Ore. LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. '.1 ,.4 EBend Water Light (2b Pbwer Co. We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIQHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Drnn nt lowest priced. Tho Largest Barn In Central Orutron, WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOX The Owl For Busy People Dally train each way between Central Oregon points anrj Portland. Tourist sleeping car (Berths $1.00.) First class coaches. w9 'X - I &, n;w ,- V K'Jf jUil MW M .. , IffB vjt pji, ywk I IIbIi hI lltliv I HJr tW$M2fi3IK mM MsiwIbII 1 II mlrlHl I lis CENTRAL OREGON LINE Save a Day Each Way FROM CENTKAIJ OREGON Lcavo Rend 8:30 p. m. " DcHchutcB 8:48 p.m. " Redmond 0:10 p. m. " Terrebonno,.. 0:21 p. m. " Culver 10:02 p. m, " Metollus 10:20 p.m. ' " Mudraa 10:.'10 p. m. Arrivo Portland 8:10 a. in, TO CENTRAL OREGON Lenvo Portland . . . 7:00 p. tn. Arrivo Mndrua 0:00 n, m. " Motollu8.......0:lCn. m. " Culver 0:28 a.m. " Terrcbonno...7:08 n. m. " Redmond 7:211 n. m. " Deschutes..., 7:43 a. m. ' . ' r - in KpFFFIjqRPPPPFIPFIiaFPiaFFroiiWFCT Hond 8:00 a.m. Prompt despatch of freight between Central Oregon and Portland and Portland and Eastern Cities Connections mado In Portland to and from Wlllametto Valloy, Astoria nnd Clntsop Beach points, PuRot Sound, Spoknno, Montana, Colorado, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and CIiIcoko. Fares, time schedules, and other information tiv lnr m- ,,nnn annllcntton tn It. II. 0R055IER, A. a. P. A, J. II. COnnET, Agont, Portland. Oro, nond, OroKon. ., .WSrtKIfcSBSrA, Q. litPA... Portland, OtfSr??-.-,