The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 21, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    IIHNI) IIULMCTIN, J1I5NI), OIlH., WKDXtiHIMV, .lANl'AKV ill. 1l 1.
( i
Tooth Paste
l'KOI'1,13 WHO I'HM IT
Ultl iu:. AM- TOOTH
tiii: nut mi in iu;i:i'-
I NO Til I! T KM Til
Till: (JI'.MH I'lllM AM)
.MO 1' Til IT It MA Ml
I'ltKK KltO.M THAT Oil
II ON -MO I' Til Kll
The Patterson Unix Co.
The HfexaCC Store
fc'H. 0. Huurk of Orwtmt l'ent
)torday 1u llond.
VO. 8.,Voodi wiih In town rltlny
from hl HUtora ranch.
Mm. Florence I'owolstin Iinm re
turned from n vlH nt Hint or..
Mr, A. li. Freitch I confined U(
hdr homo on itccomit of Illness,
t Oovnrnor West wn n itucst Hnt
iirdny nlnlit nt the llond Hotel,
i J. M. Illttnur nml J. I). Honey-
uinti left Monday nlKhl for Coon liny.
A. O. I.ucnn waa up from lied
tnond Monday transacting business.
Mm. Orncn McUel of Deschutea was
reulstercd nt Hits I'llot Hutta llotul
0. II. Hhumwny left last week for
IHirlland, on his way to Ills noma in
tliu valley,
' John Cnrmo'dy canio Id Hunday
nlKht fru'm Portland, fur n visit with
friends hum.
Htato Knglneer Iiwa was n nueit
itt the llend Hotel during hla visit to
IJeiid laat week.
A.' A. Ayn and CI, 1. Peterson of
ln Pfiin were hero Friday on their
May to Portland.
J. K. Ornhkin 'and Karl linker
nro In town from Alfalfa, guests t
the Hotel Wright.
' J. 11. Kanrr waa over from I'rlnn
vlllo Thursday and Friday, registered
U the llond Motel,
J.'rj, Maattn and wlro of La l'lnti
era lUtnd visitor this week, guests
t the I'llot nunc.
Tim Infant child of Mr. nnd Mm.
I'rlnco I'rUco. linn been dangerously
III for several duya.
Wlllnrd llounton, who la now lc
iwteil at I'rlnevlllo, 1a over visiting
relative thla week,
i W. II. Ilohb. a Itedmond business
man, wa u (lend vlattor Friday, rou
Uterlng ml Hi ii WrlKht.
Dr. 0: 8. Kdwnrda enmo over
Irtim I'rlnevlllo yesterday with Cor
dner P. II. I'olndexter.
W. T. Cowan, who ha n homo
tead In the Wncontlro district, canio
In Thuradny for supplies.
K. J. Moorw and wlfo or Mllllean
worn visitor In llend over Hunday,
guest at tho Wrlitht Hotel.
, Ward C. Coble lef lent week for
hla home n( Katun City, going by
way of Boutlivru, California.
II. A". Pureed of Portlnnd took
charge or tho dlnlnic room ut tho
Pilot llutto Hotel yesterday.
v II.. 0. Uuj).lt and O. B. Hewitt,
tnglnecra on tho Tuinnlo Project,
ivore Up front Laldlaw Inst night,
Hurry Walther of the Wnlther-WII-llama
Hardware Co of Tho Hallos
ipunt ycaterdny In llond on business
J), 11. Morluy nml family arriv
ed In llniiil TliiiiNday from Hmittlu
mid expect to locnto In Contnil Ore
Mth, .loliii 10. ilynii (iimn In yon
tonlny from Porlliuid' whnro nlit him
licoii vIhIIIiik vlnru lior rutiirii fioin
tho Knst.
(1. W. Hnpor, tho Lit Pino holnl
mini, Iidh liiutii vImIIIiik IIoihI for hhv
mill iIiijii thlM, woulc, u KUOHt id dig
I'llot initio,
ClHnnico I.. .Mnniili(ilmr will hmvo
Hiiinliiy for CIiIoiiko for it vlult of a
mouth or moro nt Ii'h homo In tho
Windy City,
Mr. ami Mm. W. II. Wllltomon
and tlttto hoii loft Mondny for thnlr
homo nt Willow Itanoli, Cut., nflur
vIsltliiK rolittlvt-H horo for hoiiio tlmu,
Mrn. J, II. Minor, who him bciu
vIsltliiK riilntlvim In Hmillln for hiiv
oral tnonlliM, linn roturmid lo hor
Iioiihj hiiri).
Mrn, Frank I.. Miller, mid Infant
son, will nrrlvn Hntiirdny to Join her
husband, who In Tho llulletln'M lino-
typo operator.
Uno of tho JarKO pinto' Khtsa win
iIowh In tho front of A, I.. Iliintur'a
ftirulturo storn uraoknd nnd toll out
Hntiirdny, Uuo to too much pn-snuro
from iiliovo.
C. (!, Wllman and family loft y
tnrday moruliiK for Portlund whuro
Omy will looarit, Mr. WUiuhh will
i'Iikhko In tho Inniirmiro buslneNH,
Wllllnm L. Foniytho linn linen np.
polntod postmnster nt Motolltm, auc
reodliiK J. A. Hoffiiinii, mid Jiuinlu K.
Hut lor has boon uppolnted nt Torro
iKiiino, succei-dliiK I. A. Cluland.
A reprosoiitiitlvo of lint Insurmico
compBiilo was hero several dnya Inst
week mid made satisfactory ndjust
nivnta with tho loser In the recent
Mr. and Mr. John Dubois spent
Hunday In town, coiiiIiik up from Do
chutea whuro Mr. Dubois I now
working on tho U. O. I. Co. wuter
Tho Pioneer Crenmery, which has
been temporarily located on Orec-n
street, has moved Into tun bi.lM'm;
on Wall street whero McCulstou'a
grocery formerly was.
Ilert Hbuey la KettliiK hla atock of
Krocerlrt In order In thu new Smith
bulldlnK and will be open for business
In a few day. It. M. Hmlth expects
to move Into hla own Uulldlui; this
Tho llend Park Company will
move Its offlcoi Into the building on
Oregon stroul noxt to J. A. Hastes'
omen. In addition to handllnic real
estate, tho company will do a Konoral
Insurance business,
Tho llend Insurance Company,
coiiUKJsed of V. A. Forbe. II. C. Kl
II and C W. Krsklne, ha taken over
thu Insurance busluesa of M. H. Ini
tio & Co., the chaiiK" beliiK n of
January 1. Tho business will 19
mainly In charicu of Messrs. Kill und
A tile floor hn been laid In tho
now quarters to bo occupied by tho
Patterson Drue Co., nnd a similar
floor I helm; put down In tho lobby
or tho room adjoining, whjch will be
occupied by tho Deschute llanklnK
& Trust Co.
A surprise party wn given Helen
Downing Haturday In honor or her
Uth birthday. It was held at thu
homo or Mrs. F. Ksteii, In Kenwood,
and 12 or Helen' little schoolmate
were nrfsent. Ice cream, cake and
candy were served.
l.n.ini. Iim vlallors hurt) for the
Wt'at meetlnir Saturday evening
.... i c iirwr. V. H Itodman.
nviv ... ..-, ' --
and F. W. McCafferty or lledmond;
J. II. Hell, JUUgtt u nprmger anu
CO. Pollard ol Prlnevlllo. nnd S .
D. Ilnrne of Laldlaw, all ol whom
were guests at the Hcud Hotel But
urdny night.
Mrs. C. B. Nichols and Mr. 1.. II.
riMrl.lnP will itiitnrtnln l)i Hnntlst
Women's Union and It friends at a
silver tea at Mr. Ilorblnx a homo to
morrow nftornoon nt ' o'clock, lm
IW..I fnllnwlnir n ahurt businus
mission or tho union. AH Indie uro
cordially Invited to attend.
P, W drown I spoiidliiK tho'wln
tor In Midland, Midi,
(Inrth II. Yoiuic, formerly horn
with tho 1'atlornon DniK Coiiipnny, I
now In Dnytomi, Fin.
Haiti nml Hii(H, Too, Tlmt PioiiiJmi
CiopH for Tin Dry Fnnnem,
Tho iiltnrnntlon of hiiow mid niolt
liu; wimtllor which Iiiik buiin tho ruin
ho fur diirlng January I n riiiino of
Hal Inflict Ion Ul Hid furmurM. In the
iiorthorti part of tho county plowing
Iiiim buun poMslblo nuiirly nil winter
anil though tho precipitation Hun not
boon us grunt thuru iih further to tho
Mouth It htm buon HulMclunt to make
dry farming crops curtain whore the
soil lias boon proporly propurod.
Asldo from tho lack of low torn
parnturcH porhnim tho moHt notice
iiIiIh f nature of the month' weather
hn boon tho high winds. Heverul
chliiook liavo blown, ouch (lino clour
1MB orr tliu snow tout hnppuuod to bo
on thu 'ground, mid In addition thoro
Imvu been heavy blown with ntoriu.
No particular damage hn been dono
by tho wind although Hint which
blow on the night of tho Vienna Cafe
flro threatened (o carry the IImiiip
ncros thu ntrcet to tho wooden build
lug adjoining Mitiiuhnlmijr'H store.
Tho snow which fell Hunday night
wan added to on Monday nnd Tues
day but yenterday afternoon ltbegnn
to bo warmer, mid In tho night n Chi
nook came up whlah with Him heavy
rain that has fallen today has molted
the snow away very fasL
Itev. K. J. Ilulgln left town Hun
day evening. Hervlccs were held three
times Hint day, tliono or the evening
ending In tlmu to let him catch bis
train. Ill next meeting nro to ba
held In Walla Wnlln, Wash,
' THAN VmftZ&5Zfl NOT
Just rweivctl first shipment of this fam
ous mattress. Will be sold at the same
low priee advertised everywhere, Come
in and see this wonderful mattress. Bet
ter .still, buy one and enjoy unlimited
rest. The guarantee of mattress satis
faetion. E. M. THOMPSON
Bend, Oregon
Where Your Dollar Doea Its Duty.
Wo Jinvo told you about having ni
electric hold drier; perlinpn the reu
son you have not been getting your
hair cleaned and having It dried with
tho drier Is you do nut know what It
I, llrlully. It dispenses either hot or
cool air 1 run nnd heated by electric
ity. Try It and bo convinced.
(let your Peter' shells at the
Hkuse Hardware Company. adv
' Ft'NKItAD HKI.l) Tlll'ItHDAV.
The ruueral or little Viola Garri
son waa held at tho Methodist church
lact Thursday morning at 10;30
o'clock, conducted by Kov. K. C.
Newhaui. Many friends or the ram
lly attended the services, and the
floral offerings were profuse. The
pallbearers wera four little friend
of the deceased, Mary Hotell, Ilea
slo Hmlth, Gladys Hathor nnd Mil
drod Kline. Interment was made In
Pilot IlUtte Cemetery.
To Mr. and Mra. P. W. Htants. on
January V, a boy.
To Mr. and Mr. H. M. Klder, on
January 18, a girl.
To Mr. and Mra. II. J. MKlm, on
January 10, a boy.
To Mr. nnd Mr. M. a. Coe, on
January 19, a girl, -
On account or the death or our bo
loved Hupreme President. James K.
Foshay, tho Frutornnl llrothcrhood
dance will bo postponed until fur
ther notice. Officers nnd members
please be present at lodge.
4Cc lly order of president.
Installation of olllcer will be held
Friday evening. Jnnuary 33, and oth
er Important business transacted. The
ladles have provided refreshment.
All member and visiting sister and
brother aru Invited to attend.
4Cc. lly order of Iodgo.
(Continued from Pago One).
with a row stringers and plank laid
across' and needing repair every
spring, but when you dismount and
go Into tho canal and under the
bridge, to get at the bottom or It, as
the Governor did, you co that In tho
first place tho brldgo rests on content
pier nnd thnt on them steel "I"
beam have been laid nnd tho plnnK
on these,
Aska AUuit tW of Work.
One moro atop waa mndo before
reaching tho hondgato, this tlmu to
look over tho treutle work In plnco
nnd waiting for tho stool llumu. Hero
n elsewhere during tho forenoon tho
Uovornor wanted to know tho costs,
not merely of tho completed struc
tures but of tho things that went to
make them- lumber, cement, labor.
Home Made
Dainty Lunches
Ice Cream
team hire, tools, did tho contractor
iiinku or Iuoko on hi part or or thu
Job'', hud tli" ntnto received miv bene
IHh It wnn not paying for? Through It
nil hn kept comparing price with
tint!, on other statu work with which
ho wan familiar, and It wan seldom
Hint ho found a price under that
which tho Tiinifilo wan paying. "I.nur
gnard In n good deal of it tightwad
anyway," ho nnld.
At the hemlgato on Tumnlo rreek
tho party found tho work completed,
iih Indeed It In everywhere on the
canal except for thu construction of
tho nteel llutne and tho finish of n
rock cut on which tho contractor I
now at work. In Hoptomber. Oov
nrnor West found n crow living nt
thin pot on tin) Tumnlo nnd the di
vision dam and headgnto under con
struction. Now tho dnm in finished,
the headgnto In nnd tho cminl loading
from It to tho beginning of tho nteel
II ii mo all concrete lined. This, as
well an tho ntcel flume, wn not pro
vlded for In the original ontlmatcn of
cost, but Mr, I.ntirgNnrd has been ablo
to cut oontn h that tho Improved con
struction ban boon posslbto with only
a slight additional total cost.
On tho hondgato Itself the Gover
nor's attention wan called to the tot
tering on tho upper structure, "Htnle
of Oregon, 1913," one of tho very
row mark or tho fact that tho state
In doing tho work. Here also It wan
noted that all tho sand nnd gravel fo
tho dam and cement work had boon
found right an the spot on tho banks
of thu stream,
Dig llliiNt HH orr.
Leaving tho hoadworkn nnd passing
back by Anderson Hros.' sawmill,
where tho lumber for tho Audio con
struction ha been sawed out. the
next top wn made at tho rock cut
whero J . J , Adam ha a crew at
work. Hero on Thursday a two-ton
blast hnd been set off. shaking UP tho
rock through the whole area to be
opened, nnd now the loose rock Is be
ing removed. That blast, Mr. I.aur
guard explained, hnd cost over $700
In powder and drilling In preparation
for Its use. With thl cut finished,
ns explained above, nnd tho steel
flume In, tho canal will be ready for
At this ik) I nt the party was Joined
by n party from Itedmond consisting
of W. H. Itedmond, J. W. Hrowcr,
Denton O, Ilurdlck and William
Phoenix and Fred N. Wallace Irri
gation manager of tho project, and
the run waa made to Camp 3 where
the Governor had dinner on hla visit
last year. Thla time thero were only
a few men In camp and It waa still
early to eat so no stop was made be
yond giving the Governor a chance lo
shake hand with the few men who
were about and to look Into tho
Juat to vary things a little, tho
whole party took to the canal from
here, sending the autoa ahead, and
for perhapn a mile they tramped
along on the banka, commenting oti
the beauty of the curvca and tho
strength of construction aa shown
both In the timbering for tho flumo
nnd the earth work in the banka,
Coming up to the machines again,
a quick run was made around to
Camp 4 where dinner waa served. It
was one or Mr. Jaurgaard's 23 Vt cent
meals that he charge 26 cents for
(though not to his guests to-day) but
tho half cent waa nowhere In sight
when tho hungry crowd put tho '23'
lgn on nil the feed brought on. Th
profit pigs that Mr. Laurgaard has
been raising on scraps from the table
had no scraps coming to them after
that crowd got through.
Moro to lb? Delrel Than Governor
ship, It wn In the talk oefore and after
tho meal that Governor West spole
of hi plan for the Iirlgatlon works
on the other side of the river. Hero,
he said, was an examplo of what the
state could do. Work bad been done
from the beginning at an overhead
expense of only about 10 per cent
and in the coming year it would show
lower than that because there waa a
larger sum to spend and because a
good portion of this expense or the
pant year waa In preparation for tho
work to come. The same careful ex
pcndlturo on the other aide of the
river would mean Just aa certain
success. Urged by ono of the party
that to carry out all thla work he
mutt serve as Governor again, he
aid, "I would rather finish these two
project than be Governor of any
state for 20 year. I havo a year left
and I mean to do all I can In that
ttmo In helping thla work along."
From Camp 4 a run waa made up
tho road to tho reservoir elto. which
was vlowed from tho hill overlooking
It, and a short walk takot over to the
alto or the waterway ncrow which It
Is planned to carry tho state road on
an ornamental bridge.
Tho trip back to Laldlaw was mndo
In quick time, but not fo fust that
tho Governor did not havo an oppor
tunity to observe tho apparent pros
perity of tho ranchers along tho road
and comment on the excellent ni
pearanco of tliolr Holds and build
ings. At Laldlaw a short atop was made
at tho project ofllce again nnd an Im
promptu reception was hold, nfter
which tho party started for Ilodmond
for tho nftornoon meeting or settlors
on the C. O. I. Co. prujoeu
Kltlo Lights on Governor West's Trip
j About Tlu? Valley.
I Whon II. F Nichols enmo up to tho
1 Govornor'8 ear In Lnldluw Saturday
morning, ho euld, "Judgo MoNary is
tho man I wnnt to see. Wlioro Is tho
Judgo?" Apparently no ono elso had
any interest ror him, but when the
Governor explained to him that It
was not tho Judgo ho wanted to soo
at all hut a cousin who llvod an "that
ranch ovor in Polk county, you leuow
tho ono 1 mean, Mr. Nichols?" tho
old gentlemnn seemed to renllio that
It might bo worth whllo to talK with
tho Governor after all.
This month we are featuring the
new White Goods for 1914
ines, Voiles, Crepe Novelties nnd Plisses.
Whether It mnrked tho distinction
tuition Itedmond und llond or dny
nud night no ono Boomed to know,
but tho Governor appeared In tho
former town In a flannel shirt nnd In
tho other In an Immaculate whlto
At ono tlmo tho Governor hocan Tool tho need of fedaral 'as-
Llnwenvo Lawns 15 -UO 23 30c
Llnwcavo Vollo 40 Indies wide per yard. 25c
Llnwenvo Crepe .lift to 10c
Llnweavo Hatlno .S3 to 05c
I.lnwoavo Ilopp per yard ;...., !I0c
Linweave Hulling, por yard fJc
Plisses at ir, in i:oc
Colored Linen Bulling at ,15 (to 75c
Htrlped Crepo Novelties at por yard ..T5c
Linen Finished Chambray, 30 Inohea wide,
guaranteed to launder perfectly specially
prlped at per yard -..... 13c-
Now 1914 Spring Gingham, regular 12 ',4c
value, our price , . .JOe
Bwlss Embroidery Kdglngs nnd Insertions,
new patterns, priced at 15 SO 25c
Greenfield Long Cloth, regular 15c per yard,
during our January Clearance, 12 yard
piece for 1.00
17c Long Cloth for this sale 15c
Don't Wait our January Clear
ance Sale is at it'stbest right now
(stance In getting from Itedmond to
llend, having left Itedmond in the
C. O. I. Co. car which broke down
on tho way, with V. A. Forbes, who
was to meet It. nowhere In sight.
Finally the state In the person ol
Mr. Forbe appeared and relieved
the altuatlon.
The Governor' vlewa on political
activity whllo In office are seen in
these remarks made at one time or
The First National Bank
t Dtnd, In the Mate of Ornron, t the
biulneM. Jin tjih I9M-KKSOUHCKS.
Loan and dlKounU ..... t
rrodrn, uml sod uncui l....
V H lkU lo troite circuWtin..
Itondt, ftKiirUir. Kte.... ..
Uinklor. bouK. furniture and fliturrt...
Due from National Banka (not metre
cloae of
1447 4
IO.K4 95
.7l 7 41
tin from Mate and IT(ale Rank! and
flankers, Trutt Companlea and Bar-
Inta Banka -
Ou from Approred Keaerre Agenta
Checks and other Cash Items . .
Noles of other National Banks
fractional fa per Currency, Ntcketa and
r Unn.v Hearnre In Bank. Tin
Speete . H6.4JI V mr
LeraMender notea ,. .. i.lj o 1I.601 jo
Kcucir.ptkm fond with U. H.Treasurtr
( per cent of circulation)
Kip nac .. . .
10.0SS T
? 'I
, 6j os
613 OS
Ml !
LThe Deschutes Baikiig &
Trust Co.
NO, Jt.
at Bend, In the State of Oregon, at Ike dose of
mmocaa Jan. tjtn. 1914.
Loans and discounts... ... .
Orerdrans, secured and unsecured
Bonds ana warrants-.- ,,
Furniture and Futures
Due from approred reserte banka
Checks and other cash Items ,
Cash on hand .
- lo,'9 !
Capital stock paid In 1'
Surplus fund....- . l 00
Undlrided Profits, leas Hipcnscs and
Taaea paid . .. 'T
National Bank Notes outstanding ujno 00
riti to nther Natlonsl Banks. .. . Sl 7
- . :" . . . . . . .
Indlrldnsl deposits suMcct to check
Demand certtneatea 01 deposit
Tlrue Certificates or Deejoslt
Cashier's checks outstanding......
94 70
IS.449 U
... 1 joo 00
Total . w. .J0.:w?OJ
Count; tf Crook,
I.C. K-lludsou, Cashier of the above named
bank, do solcmuly swear that the above state
ment la true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. C. S. 11UD&ON, Catbicr.
Coaascr STTCTTt
U C Con,
11 c kllis.
K. A. Saniaa.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11st
day of tan., 1914
LKWIS It. MeHKYNOLDS, NoUrrl'ubttc
another in 'the course of the day.
"1 m not looking ror office. I havo
only one year to serve aad I mean to
devote It to seeing thla project put
through. A man In office running
for o III co If of no Rood on earth. If
you want a renomlnatlon you will get
the people to give it to yob qulcxer
If you attend to business while In office-and
not go hunting the nomination."
. S4.
J9 l
Capital atock paid In. .f.,,, .113,000 00
UndlrMed pronts, ie capeasea and
Uses paid m it
Due to banks and banker s -... j.joq on
IndleMual deposits subject lo cbetk. J3.IJ3
Demand CcrtifieaUaol Depoait.... 173
Certified check 1 9?
Time Certificates of Twp.1, (jj ou
Total ...
ATivutiunul'r.nv k
U... ...w. -"M.-.IM.
County 01 crook, -
I. K. it. Lara. Cashier of the abore-namcii
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment la true to the beat of my knowledge and
belief. K. M. LARA, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this aottr
day of Jan., 1914.
Notary Public,
Correct Attesti
V. O. Jlmoa.
WUlthe LtnOmraFthe
tSuL(ri 1 szf
un nRAfidNfJ
t'mw: . h
LO Sw tJVz&V'tf$xvr$jft Cli
A good assortment of
other kinds of Beds and
all kinds of House Fur
niture including Kitchen.
Ware with 10 and 15c
counter of great values
in every article.
A. L. Hunter J
SSJUm. Oregon Street ' '
, Picture Framing NeaHjrilkflC.'