VAOV. 4. 11END lll'LLKTIN, 11KND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY l!l, DM I. THE BBNU HULLliTliS (Published Every Wednesday) GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Editor nml Publisher. U. N. HOFFMAN Mnuaglng Editor. nOUKUT W. SAWYER Associate Editor. An Independent newspaper stand Ing (or tho squnro deal, clean bust' ness, clonn io1ltlC8 nud tho best In lerosts of tiend nnd Ccntrnl Oregon. uno year. .. $1.60 Six months ,.S0 Throo months .GO All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mailed subscribers and If renewal Is not mndo within reason nble tlmo tho paper will bo dlscon tlnued. Ploaso notify us promptly of any chango of address, or of talluro to re cetve tho paper rogalarly. Otherwise wo will not bo responsible for copies missed. Mako all checks nnd orders pay nblo to Bend Bulletin. elected on tho honrd of directors of each mntiufncturlug company In which thin corporation luvestH Its money, and no Investment shall be mndo In any mnnutncturlnK concern that lb not a stock company Issuing fully paid up, non-nssessnblo stock. "Tho Jacksonville Manufacturers tnvestmout Corporation, In addition to or In Hon of purchasing slock In manufacturing companies, ngrco to furnish n factory slto on terms of lease, or free for a tur n i? years with' option to purchase at a pttco llxcd at tho tlmo of entering Into the. ngreu ment, such prlci to Include n reasoiv nblo protlt, Interest and taxes." WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 21, 1914. CITY BUILDING. The town of Jncksonvlll6, Florida, acquired something of a reputation for progrcsslvcness some years ago when It practically Initiated the con structlon of municipally owned docks on a largo scale. Just now It Is or ganising a scheme for city-building through manufacturing development that promises much. It Is a scheme that well may bo studied and copied In the Pacific Northwest. While Its general details no doubt ore consid erable presumptious for Bend Just at this stage of Its career, there Is no doubt that there is great merit In the general plan, and that some bene ficial borrowings may be made from It In connection with efforts along tho ndo unes aircaay undertaken or planned here. Below we reprint tho essence of the Jacksonville plan as set forth In a profpfctus:' , ,. "Realising that one of the best Xoundatloni" upon which to build a prosperous city Is found in manufac tories, the Jacksonville Board of Trad bos Investigated WJd endorsed plan whereby Inducements CAP. be offered to Industrial plants to estab lish their factories here."" r- "Only such Industrial plants will be sought which It can confidently bo believed will pay and prosper on sty count of tho geographical location of Jacksonville. When theso natur al advantages are pointed out. how ever. It frequently happens that a plant Cannot be induced lo locate uTJ less some assistance ( rendered local Iy In the way of stoOk subscriptions or favorable prices are made on iltes. Such assistance must not be looked at In the light pf a bonus, given to overcome local disadvantages but merely to overcome In some cases the expense Incurred In removal from a less favorable location. Practically all go ahead, upUo-date hustling cities are today adopting this plan, and those which do not are getting left In the race of progress. "The capital stock will be $100, 000.00 divided Into 1000 shares of the par value or $100.00 each. Stock to be paid for 10 per cent on signing application, and" not more than 10 per cent. In any one call and never more, than 25 per cent. In one year. Not more than five shares will be sold to any one person, Arm or corpora tion. , "Tho corporation will be managed by a board of nine directors to be elected by .the stockholders, who in turn will frohi among their number elect a president, first vice president, and second vice president, and secre tary and treasurer, all of whom shall be stockholders. "Tho expenses of management will be kept down' to the lowest possible amount. The officers -and directors will receive no salary until such tlmo sb at least fifty per cent, of the capi tal stock has been paid In cash. "Tho income of tho corporation will be derived from dividends re ceived from Industrial companies, from stock purchased by this corpora tion and the profits from rents and sales of factory sites. "Tho Jacksonville Manufacturer's Investment Corporation will assist now manufacturing companies by purchasing not moro than ten 'per cent, of tha,lr capital stock, provided, that not more than, ten pen. cent, of the capital of this corporation shall be Invested In any one manufacturing company. Provided also, that the remaining ninety per cent, of tho capital stock of such manufacturing company must bo paid In cash or Its physical equivalent In the form of machinery and equipment. The mer its of each manufacturing company will first be thoroughly Investigated by the Board of Directors of this cor poration and tho Now Enterprise Committee of the Board of Trade. ' "This corporation will Insist on at least one of Us stockholders being ON SATURDAY'S MEETINGS. In any consideration of Saturday's meetings at Redmond and Bend throo things stand out clearly. Tho first, shown mora emphatically at Red mond than hero. Is that tho settlers will not bo satisfied with nny arrange ment that loaves tho C. O. I. Co. to spend tho mono) received from tho snlo of Its North cannl Interests. Thero Is much they want done. Thoy want the Central Oregon flume re built; they want the canal onlarged; they want to bo assured of tho de livery of water thoy hove bought; and they know that none of theso things will bo certain If left to the company to do. At Redmond sug gestions were mado running all the wa) from tho sponUintf'of tho money by tho governor, to having It done by a new set of company officials: but tho undertone waB, always tho same, "Tho present officials must havo no chance at It." This point The Bulletin has Insist ed upon and, on behalf of the settlers, will continue to Insist upon Until the matter Is settled. For once tho C. O. I. Co. has come forth to ask n favor. Let the terms on which that favor Is granted be satisfactory to those who have had no favor from the company in tho past. The second matter is tho spirit shown by tho three towns chiefly In terested. It was only to bo expect ed that Redmond and Bend should Join In the common purpose, but when Prinevllle, whoso chief Interest Is In another project, sends a delegate to pledge the support of his town tor any plan the others might agree up on, It Is causo for congratulation. It murks n ttcw growth of spirit nnd of community fellowship that surely will bo fruitful of Kod to all, Finally, thero Is tho meaning of tho whole thing which tmtst nut bo lost sight of. No no can delude himself with tho Idea that those two great crowds turned out Iiooimino of overwhelming Interest In tho North canal project. All truly woro In terested, for nil want to sou done every possible bit of development work needed In thin county. Hut tho chief Interest In tho plan Is Ktt boarlug on tho other projects'. It In a means to an uud. And since that end Is out: that touches so closely tho lives of ovory person on th eogrcgn tloit wo urgo every effort toward Its rttnlumout. !i 1 Classified Advertising Tho current number of tho Oregon Historical Society quarterly Is In scribed to the memory of nltrvoy W. Scott, tho former editor of Tho Port land Oregonlau, nnd contains rovluws of Mr. Scott s life from tho tlmo he en in o to Oregon with his parents In 1852 to his death In 1910. In tno span of his life Mr. Scott saw Orogon grow from a frontier territory to a modern statu nnd ho had a largo sharo In promoting thnt growth nud directing It to tho forhi nnd .strength of today. Ills struggle against pov erty In his youth, his light for an education, his years of clear think ing nnd forceful writing, all mako him nn Inspiring examplo us a great Orcgonlan. icr FOR RENT. FOR RENT -Furnished bungalow. 116 pur month, Seo Noll Mnrkol.-Htr FOR RwNT 2 roum cabin with stovo, bod, etc., W. II. Lesh. Ono block past of depot. 3ltf FOR RENT Small houso partly furnished. Jfi u month: aim tent houso adjoining. Near depot. Iitqultn this ofllce. ice FOR RUNT Offices on Wall strout very cheap. Apply Bulletin Olllco. FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo. cnted. Electric lights nnd wntor. Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap, Apply Bulletin Office. FOR RENT Largo store, modern front Good location. Aimlv to l. O. Minor, Deschutes Bnnk. 87tf OFFICE ROOM for rent. Will rent tho olllco recently occuuleil w it. k Koon, sower engineer, nt n very rott- huuuuiu rental, accjss given to vault In my office If desired. Robert U. Gould. HU NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ,j of the U, S. A. vn-'enos Issues, poliuius that pay larger returns than the uv(:rage eoni-' puny anil have clauses that are more heiiulieiaj M. S. LATTIN District Superintendent BEND OREGON Full line of heating stoves at tho Skuso Hardware Company. adv Get your 1014 hunting And fish ing license by making; application nt Tho Bulletin office.--Adv. ALTAMONT HOTEL Modern Room Attractive Surrounding Steam Heat. Hot and Cold Water With Hath Privilegta Breakfasts Served Minn A. I). Spalding, Proprietor II K N I :: 0 11 K CI O X 46-49p Off With Your Hat! fthd on with n new one bought at the WINTER SALE All Hats Sold FOR ONE WEEK MORE AT 50c to $1.50 VALUES UP TO $7.50 Must Have Room for Spring Slock First Choice to First Comers Beavers, Felts, Children's Hats 50c to $1.50 $4.00 Wool Hoods for $2.00 $1.50 Wool Hoods for , 50c Old trimmings put on new.hats. All Hair Goods reduced The Bend Millinery Store MRS. S. McINTOSH WANTED. WANTED Work by tho hour" or day. inquire at .Mrs, Stevenson's restaurant, 4Cp WANTED Whkuii nnd doiililo harness. Cheap. Morse weight about 1200. Inquire Bulletin. , 4 0ch WANTED School boy to do light chores in exchange for board nnd clothes. Wrlto or call on F. II. Plnkstaff. Latdlaw. 40-47p WANTKD Position as housekeep er for widower or bachelor. Mrs. Molllo Ivy, care M. II. tllllotte. Laid law. 46-46p TO TRADE. TO TRADE Residence lots for business lot In town. Address Box 65, Bend. 40tf TO KXCHANOE 40 ncrcs one mllo from Redmond. All cleared. Good 4 room house, barn. Will trado for Bend city property. Inquire A, uuiicun. , 46tr TO BXCHANOB 40 acres Irrlg ablo land under Sunnyslde Govern ment canal In Yakima county, Wash, for land In Crook county, Orogon. Good bearing orchard, 9 acres. Good buildings, cloie to good school. Ad dress E. P. Dopps, Outlook, vvasn. TO TRADE For house and lot, 160 aero desort claim. 8 miles south of Prinevllle: level land, 35 acres In crop; 30 more ready for crop; 86 acres can be put In crop after taking off 200 cords of wood; creek runs 9 months oul of year; spring; all fenc ed. Don't answer unless you mean business. Address Box 481, Prine vllle, Oregon. ' 43tf Tu TRADE For team or howes lot and cabin or lots, 3 14 blocks from First National Bank. Inquire Bullotln. 45tf GOVERNOR'S PLAN (Continued from pngo one.) face with Governor West said, "If you can toll us that tho company will not havo tho spending of this money, wo'ro for you; If not, woro against you." This apparently was a matter vt detail thnt hnd not fully been worked out In tho Governor's mind, hut when ho assured his questioners thnt tho money would be spent under the sut orvlslnn of tho stale the assurance was accepted and a vote passed to assist the Governor In carrying out his plans. Before tho vnla was taken remarks wero mado by Dr. P. II. Dencer and L. E. Smith of the ('. O, I. Co Wnter Users' Association, CO. Pol Inrd of the Prinevllle Commercial Club and J. W. Brewer of the Cn trnl Oregon Development lingua. Mr, roilnrd aroused considerable enlhu and J. N, B. Gerklug, jj ; Tho linn Is Apprmrtl, As nt Redmond, all gnve their np , proval lo tho plan, but tho shunt tin , dercurrent of hostility to and distrust of tho C, O, I. Co. was shown, per , haps In no speech moro strongly than In thnt of Mr. Walker, who spoko us the representative of the Water Its. era' Association. Ilo snld that Hie association had passed a resolution calling on the state to hold back pay. meuts to the company until tho work had been properly done on tho flume nnd other parts of tho system need- , Ing repair. Hn also asked that an arrangement bo mado under which the maintenance charges to bo paid t by settlors should be mndu to agree with tho watered acreage. Judgu Springer snld that ho re- Jolced In the shniio tuntters were as suming and pledged the nsslstaurc of his office In any way X)Mlbl. No i felt In n wny the originator of tint whole affair since, as he said, ho had. started tho movement to get Heotrr- ' lary Lnna in hero Inst summer. slasm when ho said that, although i-riiiuviiie wu morn particularly in- I ! . ,,-i, r wm.i, ,a ..i.i tt,-. i tercsted In tho completion of the ,"VP!T!.h'.i,C'LAiW' Fall. unit, hn was Instructed r " -',' ..,u"tV. . ' u. 'LZ The meeting closed with Mr, Oerk- X i REOPENS THIS WEEK I have moved my stock of groceries Into the new Smith Building and will be open for business again in a few days. LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS ON HANT. BERT SHUEY CASH GROCER Wall Street, Bend, Oregon FOR HALF. FOR SALE OR TRADE For horses or cattle, four passenger auto mobile. Inquire P. Bulletin. 4Gtf FOR SALE Snllt and llmli wood. all lengths. Prices reasonable. For price address S. Murasakl, City, 4Ctf FOR SALE Marc colt 2 years old. Weight 853 poundj. Prlco reas onable. S. Murasakl, behind Presby terian church. 4Stf FOR SALE By J. 8. nichards, No. 1 seed ryo, $20.00 per ton, all sacked on King ranch north of Latd law. 4G49p FOR 8ALE-i-Lot 50x96 with 12x14 tent Price f 325. Terms to suit purchaser. Address P. O. Box 05, Bend. 4Ctf FOR SALE Two thoroughbred 8. C. Rhode Island red roosters. Inquire of D. E. Fox. 3 miles north of Bend. on Redmond road. 46-47c FOR SALE Dairy cows and heif ers, 3 cows to freshen within 30 days. 'i no mux rrom.tbeso cows teats from 4.2 to C.4. Also, 16 high grade Quornsey heifers 2 years old.' Theso wore recently shipped from Southern Wisconsin and are all tuberculin tested and bred, most of them are springing now. Registered Duroc Jersey bred sows and 3 months old sow pigs for sale. u. A. Bradley, ranch 1 4 miles north or depot, Red. mond, Oregon. Inquire of J. M. Judd, Bend, Oregon, , 45tfo FOR SALE By ownor, 80 acres 3 1& miles northwest of Lnldlaw, 6ft acres Irrlgablo. J, L. Couch, Iild law. 4B-47p( FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, ohoap. Inquire of J. B. Miner. 44tf FOR SALE 1013 five passenger Ford our. Just overhauled and as good as now, prlco $400. $50 wOrth of oxtras go with this car. Inquire Bul letin 42-46 FOR SALE Four-holo cook stovo. Inqulro at Bulletin office. 42tf ,FOR SALE All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, at Audorson Bros, sawmill half ay botwoen Bond and Lnldlaw, on old Tutnalo rond. Reasonablo prices, rougtt lumbar $10 per M. Delivering to Bond or Laid- law $2 por M. Telephone 19tf FOR SALE -Team. Weight nltout 2700. Mara nnd homo, 8 and 1) years old, I lumens and wagon. J. S. Rich nrdH, C miles north of Lnldlaw. 46-40p FOR 8 A L K Devonshire cow. Hoavy producer. Seo J. J, Ryan, 4fi.40c. Bsnham to say lo the meeting that the Prln vllle Commercial Club wanted to help uenu ana itcutnond get what they were after and that It "would work hand In hand with them to do what can be done to develop tho North Canal and other C. O. I. Co, pro jects," Mr. Brower urged unani mous support of the Governor's plan and asked for tho appointment of del egates to the Irrigation Congress by alt bodies entltlod to representation, The Meeting In Bend, Although tho evening mooting In Bend was not attended by as large n crowd as bad turned out la Redmond, tho Bond Theatre where the meeting was held, was packed nnd many woro unablo to get In. The Governor came directly to the meeting from tho din ner at the Pilot Butte Hotel, appear ing an the stage shortly after S o'clock, After a few words of Introduction by V. A. Forbes thn Govornor lanch cd Into tho explanation of his plan, In somewhat less detail than nt Red mond but covering all the omportant features. On concluding he naked for remarks and questions, turning to Mr. Forbes for' his opinion In par ticular. This Mr. Forbes gave, an alysing tho proposition In detail. Ho pointed out that at tlip next election a constitutional amendment would bo voted on giving tho state power to Isiue bonds for reclamation pur poses, which, If adopted, would ob viate the necessity of going to the Legislature for permission to use tho Tumalo fund. Nevertheless, hn thought that tho permission would be granted, and ho believed tho plan a good one. Other speakers follow ing Mr. Forbes were Dr. Dencer, A. O. Walker. C. S. Hudson, C. O. Pol lard, J. W. Brewer, Judge Springer get results. That was the way theY had been aba to succeed . In thti Tumalo and that yould mean oquafc success hern. . : From thn tboatro Governor West went to tho revival meeting In tht Smith building, where he spoka"tm hls efforts to have tho laws enforced', making particular referraco to his actions at Cotiperfiold and toJufrao tlons of the liquor law, He left on his return to Portland on tho morning train Sunday. GOVERNOR ATTENDS BANQUET Ilium With llutlnc Men Brforr TliW Evening Meeting No HjKokInjC . Under tho auspices of thn Com mercial Club, Governor West wa tendered a banquet at thn Pilot llutt Hotel before thn meeting Saturday evening. Ills wishes In tho matter had been consulted by V. A. For !)'." early In tho week and hn had replleifi, that ha put himself entirely In Mr Forbes' hands during his stay horc Accordingly tho dinner was arranged on very short notice. Tho Governor arrived from Rod mond shortly after C o'clock and ntr tlmo for a short rest before dinner., which began at 7:15. Nearly 50 at tended, Including suvural from tajir law and Redmond as well, as urlr all tho business men' of thtr tow a Thero was no speaking as the tliuu'' was so short, tho diners going dlrtct- Iy from tho hotel to tho .meet Ing, at tho Bend Theatre. Full lino of heating, stoves at tho-' Skuso Hardware Company; ' adv STALLIONS WE HAVE 26 IMPORTED PERCHERON BELGIAN AND SHIRE STALLIONS. TWO TO FOUR YEARS OLD. WEKJIIINO FROM 1800 TO A TON, WITH PLENTY OF JJONE AND AC- t TION, THB OOOD RUGGED KIND. THE KIND THAT WILL' DO YOU LOTH OF GOOD IF IN THE MAUK.BT FOR A HTAI ION OF EITHER BREED. OR IF YOU IIAV1AN AGED BTAU ION OR GELDING YOU WISH TO TRADE IN WRITE U8 YOUR WANTS, OR BETTER ST ILL, COMEAND BEE US. H. SHIT. HONH ,J 4C to 3-ilp i Pendleton, Oro, LOST AND FOUND, ' L08T Ono Hamilton gold watch, between First National Bank build luff and my homo. Tho caso perfect- iy plain, open raco. Kinder roturn to in j or Bulletin and rocolvo sultnhla reward, II, J. Overturf. 43tfc LOST Probably at lost wook'ii llro small open faco Elgin watch. Gold. 7 Jewels. W. II. O. monogram on back. Finder kindly leave at Bulle tin office 40-470 MISCELLANEOUS. Registered Duroc Jersey boar for sorvlce, Ed Halvorson, 44tf cent a word IS ALL A LITTLE WANT AD WILL COST YOU i V 1 '. . 'PHONE IT IF YOU WISH. k- ... ...i auiB.