The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 21, 1914, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 40.
Ilia homo Imro wan aavod from burn
Iiir by friends living nearby. Ilia loan
la nbout $000, with Inaurnnro of
$200, Mow tho flro atnrtod la not
known, Among tho property de
stroyed woro about 00 thoroughbred
chicken. Mr. Ilaxnkn nlao hnd nth
or brul lllok Init wmik, hla homestead
homo being blown over by a high
wind anil badly damaged,
Tho llond Hod and Gun Club last
Thursday evening voted to rnako tho
annual dura $2.50, and It la believed
that aaaeaamenta totaling not more
limn vz.&o a year will bo necessary
to maintain tho club. Tho treaaur
or submitted hla report at tho meet
ing and turned the books over to tho
now official.
i i
i i
i 4
(V 1
IFIrst Merlons Arrlrlrnt on Ttimnlo
Project Construction Work Vic
, lltn I-HTCt WMw sud Tliwo
Children (oronfr1 Inqurat
Caught beneath a falling derrick
.liptiiG used In moving rock In tho ox.
"vavntlon of tho food canal of the Tu
malo Project, Hon Lundhorg waa al
turmt Inftnntly killed yesterday mor-
'nlnic about 11 o'clock. Tho rrmaln
wero brought to llond laat evening
and an Inquest held today by Coronnr
1 II Polndnxter, who came over
from Prlnovlllo yesterday afternoon.
, l.undborg wai employed by J J
Atlanta on hla contract. having been
-on the worka since December 17.
Last Thursday two tnna of dynamite
wero net off In tho cut being opened,
nnd tho loosened rock were being re-
a moved Tho derrick had been In
use day nnd night alnco Friday and
had handled no me very large boul-
, dora. Yesterday morning tho hooka
worn placed around a large boulder
In tho wall of tho cut and when tho
H)wrr una applied to tno machinery
In lift I ho rock n guy wire that aui
lorled the derrick gave way The
foreman of tho worka. Davo I'raaor
hollered ''lookout" aevernl tlmoa nnd
l.titidiirrg made nil effort lo Ret out
cf danger ll ran the wrong way,
however. Hit derrick striking him.
Ilia head, neck nnd ahouldera rocolv
n the full blow nnd within 10 min
ute lie waa dead.
Thin la thn llrat serious accident
n I be state's Irrigation project nnd
Ini'p'-ni'd on the only atrelch of thn
ficd rmiMl that remains lnrinpltod
I undiierK enme to Mend laal April
nil bad been engaged In farming nnd
l ad n)o workud nt h local aawmlll
'I he fuiillv live In Center Addlllon.
near Leah's grocorv. Hurvlvliig him
nro .i widow nnd three children.
llrpirftcitlntltr Of hlnlt (initio lie-
. pnrftiirnt Going Tn lrtl le.
In tumult of specimens of rnro
ttnlinais. to bo ndded to the colleo-
I tlon being mndu by tho atate, Htanlny
G .lflwott. naturallat, and O J.
( Murlf, field naalatnnt, arrived In (lend
thta morning on their way lo Dnvla
Lake Thoy will leave tomorrow.
, iiccompanlcd by dlatrlct gamo warden
T M. McKay nnd deputy warden
John Itlla.
. Thn particular species which tho
ntnio gamo department la seeking In
Oniral Oregon la n whlto-tnlled doer.
, TIM hiiIiiihI la not found In many to
talities In tho state nnd la rnnldly
).T'inill)K extinct, henee thn effort
of Gam Warden Kin ley to secure a
i4lnin for mounting. There are
vral of ths deer In the vfelnlty
or Davis l.nkn nnd the party of bun-
' tra will ondoator to get at least
two adulln lieforn rUirnlng to llond.
I "Ire Snturdn) night destroyed the
4 I'Hrn nnd out bufldluga beloiiglng
to J. A. Ilaxnkn, In Lytic. At thu
limn of tho Urn Mr. Iluiuka wan out
in hhi homoatond In Mllllcan valley.
- w
?JK Deschutes Banking 2b Trust
south of Rerin
Ily-Lnnk Adopted anil Ofllcrrs Chosen
At Hunilny MreGng Ntatemrnt
of INURe'n Htnnd la Made,
At thn afternoon moating Sunday,
Dr. K.J. Ilulgln. who haa been hold
ing a aerlea of rovlvnl mmtlnga In
tho Hmltli building, aiwko on civic
rlghteouaneaa and brought up for tho
conilderfttldh of tho aaacmbled cltl
xena tho matter of organizing a Law
nnd Order League, tho tnomborablo
to bo nitdu up of persona of both
aeica of voting ago realdlng In llend
nnd vicinity. Tho proposition met
with hearty approval and a conatl
tutlon waa adopted nnd a nominat
ing co nun 1 1 to appointed to bring In
at tho evening mooting a propoaod
ant of by-lawa. and nomlnatlona for
tho varloua office provided for In tho
At tho nvenlng mooting tho not of
by-lawa proaonted by tho committee
waa adoptod nnd tho following offi
ce woro eloctod by unanlmoua bat
lot: Itoaa Farnhnm prealdont; M. L.
Merrill, vice president; llert Rtiuoy,
treaauror; At. I). NVIeat, aecretnry,
(V K. llonaon, nttorney and (). V
lloovnr. J. M. Judd, J. A. Ilrluklvy
nnd Lawrouco White, mombora of tho
oiiicinl iionrd.
I TJin pumbvr of chartnr tnembois
, la 101, and It la oxpoctcd that thla
number will bo luoreaaod to 200 or
1 moro within n abort time, rut nil pur
' miii of voting ago who oarnoatly dn-
alro to m enrrled out the prlnclploa
for Khlah tlm organliuttlon atanda are
, IIkIIiIh for muiiiliorablp.
i Itov. K. C. Nowham. chnlrinnn of
thn proM comiidIIIhh on thn Iwikii".
Iihm furnliilnHl. thn following alute
mnnt for publication:
"The litaitlle la lilixlilml to unforrn.
' iimnt of nil Inwa of otty. county and
atatn, nnd eaiioclally tboao pnrtalnliiK
to gambling nnd Immorullty, and to
Ih(HH) whoan olijoct la thu anfogunrd'
Iiir of minora, but tho organUatlon
wlihca It to Ih fully uudoratood Hut j
It hna no iunrrl with any man b
. cniiNo of hla biiHlnoaa ao long na It la
li'KlUpiatujyid la luting conducted In
conformity Midi tho law.
"Tho olrtcnra, logethor with tho
mombora of tho official board, conatl-
iiii.i iin iiArviiinu uumu ili hub
Inmrd Ik Invested with full power nnd
authority to act for tho organization.
"Thn name of any peraon furnish
ing tho lioard with ovldnnco la not to
bo published In any manner..
"In addition to thn executive board
thero nro four coinmlttca appointed
from tho momberahlp nt largo, being:
vigilance committee, thn Voraonnnl of
which shall bo known only to tho ex
ecution iHiard and the duty of whoao
mombora ahull lie tho detection nnd
securing of evidence of vlnlntlona of
law. a proaooutlng committee to aid
tho attorney In all pnwmHtlloii which
limy 1h nocoMary; a iiioiiilwtmlilii
Mimniitloo to irnaa iiwn tho qualm
catlona of propoaod iiiwmbora, nnd u
prima commllleo to huvo chnrgo of all
mattera of Intornat whtah'thn organl
xatlon may wish to hnvo publlahel
from tlmo to time.
"A mooting hua been called for
next Bundav nftornoon nt 3 o'clock
nt tho llaptlat church nnd ovory mem
ber la urged to bo proaont ua thero
aro n number of dotnlla to bo arrang
ed nud plans to bo "perfected."
' )
- r '
,, ' r
V 1 .
West Would Have School Fund Take Up Settlers'
Notes and Legislature Approve Use of Money on
North Canal" -Settlers' Approval Conditional
Htato and federal co-oporntlon for
thn completion of tho North -canal
I'ruject, tho atato'a share of Uia funds
to coma out of tho Tumnlu aptiroiirla-
Hon, released fcr tho purpose of bnv-,
ing mo acnooi runu tnKo up tno tuiii
pIo aottlor'a notoa, la '.n brief Gover
nor Wcst'a plan for a notation of tho
C. O. 1. Co., muddlo na explained
by him Hrturday to largo midloncoa
nt Itedmond and Hand. "Wo'ro with
you If tho company la not to hnvo tho
apcndlnn of Uio money received from
tho North Canal aaHi," waa tho an
swer of the settlers, Doing assur
ed that tho money would bo apent
"under tho supervision of the atoio,"
the settlers wore aatlaflod nnd voted
to naslat tho Governor In every wny
Tho Governor, ncxompnnled by
mombora of tho Itedmond Commer
cial Club nnd others who had spoilt
tho forenoon with him going over tho
Tumnlo Project, nrrlved In itedmond
nbout 2:30 In tho nftornoon. Thero
waa llttro demonstration on hla arriv
al beyond tho playing of tho local
band, but tho crowded condition of
Iho ltroctM and thu huggloa and farm
wngona Hod up at all tho hitching
posta gavo evidence of tho Intercat
that wan being tnkon by tho farmorn
from tho aurroundlng country, Thoy
showed too, that Itedmond had been
iiilt) right In urging uikjii tho Gov
ernor thn donlrnhlllty of holding n
mooting there aa well na In llond, ful
ly -100 pooplo turning out to hoar
him thero.
Governor ItxplnliiH Plan.
At the mooting, called promptly .it
3 o'clock, Governor West wua Intro
duced by W. 8. Itodmnu nnd began
at once on thn oxplnnntlnu of hla
ncMoine. "Thn C. O. I. Co.," bo anld.
"hna some 214,000 ncroa w Hidruwii
for reclamation. Of thla thn llen
ham Fnlla unit haa uoor boon touch-
imI utiil tho company la.rondy to aban
don ii. ui ino intiii uuiior tno cen
tral Oregon and I'llol llutto eannl
om la Irrlgatvd nnd Home la not.
Then thorn la thu North Canal unit,
on which nothing haa boon done but
to build tho dam nud n part of thn
onnnl. Now tho compmiy wants thla
W, Goucher Owner of Watch
Found on Field of Waterloo
A relic of more than ordinary In
tercat la owned by J. W. Goucher, tho
Oregon atreet Jeweler. It la n watch
which haa come down to him through
throe genorntlnua of hla unceators.
Mr. Gouchor'a grout grandfather.
I'llllllll flnuehnr. wim In Him Primed
nrmy under Nnpoleon and fought In 'made soon by Commlsslouors Evans , TWENTY NHW PIUMAItY Pl"PILS.
tho battle of Waterloo. After tho and Clifford nnd State Game Warden ' new primary class In the llend
battle he picked the watch up on the' Flnley ,H.hoo waiPslnrted Monday, and there
field, nud It haa boon handed down Mr McKay served as district isms are 20 little boys and girls Just be
lli the family from father to son until warden last year and took much In- tfnnlHg school work The pupils or
It came to the present owner on thu terest in the gamo of this part or the the llrat and second grades are being
denth of hla father In 1K'J7. ,ataie. Through, hla offorta a laige bandied b three teachers. Mta
Tho wutch la of French make nnd '
nil hand made. It U In n silver case tocklug the lakes and streams of
alntuped wlHi the letters C. K. and Contral Oregon, and he waa also In
itio number 108, nud wlnda with n ntruinetital In getting China phous
key through an opening in tho dial, ants for this territory. '
Mr rinueliHr Ha'H f hnl hn Itim hniir.l nr A Din mnntlnc nf thn tlnml Un.l
the existence of one other of similar
manufacture In thla country
Ho bo-
liovon it o no very obi
That's All
All of That
' ' BEND
hardware; "
CO. "f
unit taken over to release money for
tho completion of Ita other projocta,
which would Include tho rebuilding
of tho flume undor tho supervision of
tho auto.
"There la no rcaaon why the atate
should bear the whole burden of tho
reclamation of tho North Cnnal unit,
which will coat about $800,000, This
Fedoral Reclamation Hervlco la Inter
ested to Join with tho state, putting
up dollar for dollar, and already the
officials of the aervlco In Oregon have
boon directed to make the prelimin
ary Investigation necessary before the
government can go Into the work.
"I propose to raise tho atato'a aharo
of thla aum In thla way: At the end
or thla year tho Tumalo Project will
bo flulshod, the lands all sold, and
aettlcrs' notca therefor In the hands
Of tho atate. Let tho school fund
take over theso notea, thereby releas
ing tno original appropriation, and
lei Uio Loglalature authorize Ita use
,vb Mu mKimniuiQ fltulMUfllU lUi UHI
with a like amount from thn tTntfort
States for the completion of the C. O.
----- WF.-
I. Co work. Thla does not mean any
additional burden on tho taxpayers
and It does mean tho completion of
another Carey Act Project.
"That's all I have on my mind,"
said the Governor," trying to keep
boozo out of some places and get
wntor Into othora."
Tho Govornor brought hla atato
niont to an end with a ploa for aii
port and co-operation, especially urg
ing that favorable action bo sought at
tho meeting of the Irrigation Con
gress to lie held In Portland In Feb
ruary. PWdliiKM of The Audience.
It was when he aaked for ques
tions and discussion that the feeling
of Hie audience came out. Nothing
waa said of the North Canal project
that waa taken for granted but
from all over the hall came ques
tions. Who should apend the com
pany's money? How waa It to be
apont? Would certain officials have
n chance at It? Could not new offi
cials be put' In? One man standing
In the front of thj hall and face to
(continued on pngo four)
Sportsmen Want McKny na Deputy!
Gnmo Warden Again.
Sportsmen of Central Orogon have
Joined In their endorsement of Clydo'
M. McKay, of llend, for reappoint-'
mont as district deputy gamo warden. ,
holtowlug the recent disruption of .
tho game department of tho atnte. n-
potntiiients of new oftlelnls aro to bei
uumlier of trout fry were Boeured for
nud Gun Club last Thursday evonlng
strong endorsement of Mr. McKay for
reappointment wim mnde.
, O'J.jt -t;
Hoard Will Make IU DccUlon Till
Week Work Will Kmploy Over
400 Men When It la Itcgnn.
Tho consulting board of encrfneera
who are to determine tho character
or the darn for tho Tumalo Project
had Ita first meeting laat week. The
board conilsts of Project Engineer
Laurgaard, State Engineer Lewis, C.
M. Itedfleld of tho C. O, I. Co., and
D. M. Honey, of Portland. They
met early In the week and apent
some tlmo In going over the ground
and considering the data which had
been collected by Mr. .Laurgaard the
paat year, aa well aa getting certain
additional Information Involving a
change In plan. Some time thla
week the board will reaasemble In
Portland and como to a definite de
cision, Mr, laurgaard expects to employ
ovec 400 men In the construction of
the dam and completion of the pro
ject and will begin work as toon as
I ,v- -..- ".., vu -.
condltlona nro favorable.
...... . . '
wmifl in iiena Mr. Lewia took the
opportunity to Inspect tho enlarge
ment work on tho Central Oregon
canal, on which the company was en-
gaged at tho end of last year. Ar
rangemonts were also mado to gath
er tho seepage data over which Mr.
Howard and the Desert I .nnd Hoard
had their controversy last fall, Mr.
Howard having now agreed to fur
nish the board with all tho Informa
tion he haa. To collect thla data and
put It In ahape for use by the lioard
IU representative. John Dubuls, Is
now going over tho company's rec
ords and making a compilation of Hie
water figures for the paat Beason.
Mr. Lewis left Friday night for
The Dalles where he was to attend t
meeting Saturday In connection witii
the Collie project.
C. h. Smith Get Prize Up ItUer
IloKft For Good Price For Skin.
A silver gray fox caught by C. L.
Smith above the Minor cabin up river
attracted conaldorable attention on
Friday. Mr. Smith was hunting
when he saw the fox and fired,
wounding It. Tho fox sought its holo
and that nlglk Mr. Smith set a trap
in which he found his prize the next
morning. The animal died Friday
night and since then tho akin has
been on exhibition In a window at
Mr. Smith believes tho akin to be
worth from $500 to $1200.
from icon to Il'dO lln hna
written to fur dealers asking for of-
Sldner has 1A and 111. Mrs. David
son 1A and 211 pnd Miss Dolson 211
nnd 2A clauses. To glvo room for
her additional numbers Mrs. David
son's rlass.has been transferred from
the Lawrence building on Wall atreet
to tho building on llond atreet for
merly occupied by A. L. Hunter's
furniture store.
Ihe First National Bank
U. C. COE, President E. A. SATH.ER, Vice- President
C. S. HUDSON, Cashier
Capital fully paid - - - 25,000
Surplus ...'---. H8,000
The now Gurrency Bill is now a law.
Panics are a thing of the past.
Additional security and safety Jias been
added to the banks of the ly S., and
therefore to the people.
This is tho greatest piece of construc
tive legislation passed in fifty years,
Wo oannot put its many provisions In
writing for lack of space, but will be
pleased to teli you personally of the many
admirable features of this bill, which are
for your further safety and welfare. Gall
and talk to us about it.
U. C' Cob E. A. Sather c. S. Hudson
O. M. pattkuson H. C. Elms
West FlnuVt That Four .Months Havo
Drought Great Change Caaal
Work All Done Kxcepfc For Short
Hock Cut Iteady for Flame
(Staff Correspondence.)
LAIDLAW, Jan. 17. Govornor
Weat.camo over from the Willamette
valley to the vaHey" of tte Deschutes
this morning to spend an active day
of Inspection and explanation. The
Inspection part of the visit was tho
Tumalo Project, In which be Is tak
ing so much Interest, and a good part
of the day was put In on the project,
the Governor going over It from head
gate to reservoir, seeing everything
there was to be seen, and asking
quesUons about the rest.
The Governor arrived at Deschutes
on the morning train and was met by
Engineer Laurgaard and Roscoe
Howard of tho C. O. I. Co. After
taking breakfast at Mr. Howard's
home and going over some maps In
tho company's offico in preparation,
for the meetings of the afternoon and
evening, he started for Laldlaw with
Mr. Laurgaard and a representative
of Thn Bulletin. Judge McNary of
the Supreme Court, who wrote the
opinion affirming the constitutionali
ty of tho Tumalo. or Columbia South
ern, act had expected to accompany
the Governor on hla trip but waa un
able to leave his work.
At Laldlaw a brief stop was made
at tho office of the project long
enough to givo the Governor time to
meet the members of the offleo force
and also have a little chat with I). F
Nichols, tho oldest living ox-offlclal
In tho state. Hero W. D. Ilarsos.
president of the West Side Water
I'ser'a Association Joined the party
for the trip over the work.
"High Siieril" I.aurxiinnl.
On the former visit made by Gov
ernor West on September C, the trip
was made from tho lower end of the
canal back up to the Intake. To-day
tne program waa reversed and tho
party started for tho head or the
works, pulling up the grade from
town In an auto driven by G. F.
Hoover of Dend. This hill, llko all
others In the neighborhood, and all
between Itedmond and llend as well.
Is one that Engineer Laurgaard, ao
he aays, always takes on the high
speed. His machine was out of com
mission Saturday so there waa no op
portunity to put to tho teat hla asser
tions In this regard: but there can
Iks no doubt that if he has tho same
aldllty to imbqo Inanimate thlnga
with the energy and bustle that per
vades hla forces In tho field his auto
takes hills, ditches and everything
else at high aueed. The results he has
accomplished In the fow months he
haa been In charge on the Tumalo,
running from organization to acoom
pllshmont, merit him the appellation
that came to him to-day, "High
Speed" Laurgaard.
The first stop was mado to Inowf
the bridge over the canal put in by
the county. In nasslng over I'
seems llko any other ordinary affair
(Continued on page flvo.)
jiteAiK-h. ..) .