The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 14, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAOK H.
A roRitlnr torm of county court
convcnod nt tho court house In Pj-iue-Vlllc,
Oregon, on January T. 1014, nt
10 o'clock a. m.
1'rcsont: 0. Springer, judgo pro
uldlng; It. It. Hayloy, Commissioner;
"Willis Hrown commissioner; Frank
Elklns, Sheriff nnd Warren Drown,
county clerk.
whereupon tho following proceed
Ings wero had, to-wlt:
In tbo matter of petition for nciv
Blons by cortnln widows, tho following
were snowed Jonnio Grain, two
children. 17. 50; Jessie Viola Jones,
one cnu-i, $io.
In tho matter of the petition of W.
C. Duckncr ot l for a county tout,
tho utno was referred to tho county
attorney and tho viewers were order
ed out.
In tho inAttcr of tho U A. Hani
ct al count)' road. tho. viewer' re
jwrt presented and read first tluo.
In tho matter of S. K. Sonteson et
nl county road, tho vUvj.'s report
presented end read first tints.
In the matter of tho petition of W.
M. Ogg, et al. nnd O. W. VclU. ct
nl, for 49 foot roads, petitions pre
sented and granted.
In tho matter of tho vacating ot
South Addition to Madras, Oregon,
pouuon presentee; Ana it appearing
that tho petitioner Is tho only owner
in said addtion, ordered that the said
petition be granted whon tho taxes
have been fully paid.
The report of Guy Lafollette as
fr.ult Inspector presented, approved
and ordered published under court
Tho report of W. K. Lucy as county
sealer presented nnd approved.
In tho matter of the petition of J.
If. Windom estate for a. refund In
taxes, whorcas a receipt is presented
showing a second payment for the
ynr 1911 amounting to tho turn ot
$12.75 It Is orderel that tho same
bo rebated.
n tho matter rt an orror In tav
receipt. It appearing that tho sheriff
wild to tho treasurer $3 more than
oolleeted on tho taxes ot J. II. Ovor
ttirf on 1912 taxes. It Is ordered that
the sheriff bo credited with said $3.
- January 8, 101 1.
In the matter of the assessment of
the SWA, of See. 14. NWV4 NWV4
IS. 9.17. tintltlnn nt V M rtvan at all
fer a correction granted.
In the matter of widow's pensions.
Mella K. White, one child, allowed
In the matter of the change In the
Win. RrownhIM road, survevors' re
port presented and approved and all
that portion of the old Dsllos-Ochoco
rosd covered by plat submitted bv
surveyor In sold report, Is declared
to be n county road.
la tho matier or tax collector's
bond, ordered that the sheriff's bond
as tax collector be reduced from $20
000 to JG.000. nnd that the troas-
K63l XL
"' Ji4
t i
1 4 41
Office comer Wall and
uror ns tax collector furnish bond ot
In tho matter ot tho chnngo In tho
Don V. Hen road, surveyor's report
presented nnd approved.
In tho matter ot tho Geo. K, Hus
ton et nl, county road, viewer's report
presented nud road first tlmo.
In tho matter of L. A. Hunt, et nl,
county road, vlowor's report read sec
ond tlmo nnd approved.
Jnnuary 0, 1011,
In tho matter ot tho S. K. West ot
al county road, surveyor's report pre
contod nnd action therein continued.
In tho matter of tho J. O. Vosborg
ot al. Dan Callow, ot al, A. YV. Mll
lor, et al. petitions for'county roads.
vlowor's reports presented nnd road
first tlmo.
In tho matter ot tho B. II. Ycomnu
et nl county rond, vlowor's report pre
sented recommending an nmonded
petition, nnd said report approved.
In tho matter, ot the Cbas. Austin
ot al. W. P. a lit et nl. C. n. Swnlley
ot nl, II, M. Austin et nl and K. A.
Strahm ot al, petitioners tor count
roads, referred to tho county attorney
and viewers ordered out.
In tho matter of tho D. Frank ct
al, county road, viewer's report pre
sented ana road nrst time.
In the matter ot tho Hill Creek-
Ashw'ood road, survoydr'j report pre
sented, approved nnd aurvoy ordored.
In tho .matter of tho J. O. McKIn
noy, ot al, county rond. vlowor's re
port presented, and read first tlmo.
In tho matter of the caro of Mrs.
Robinson, report of II. C. Kills with
statement to January 7, 1914, pre
sented showing n balanco on hand of
$41.10. annrovod.
In the matter of petition for voting
precinct and road district nt Opal
City, petition presoned nnd granted.
Tho Centrnlo nnd Mllllcnn road
districts wero nlso created voting
precincts as por petitions for same.
In the matter of Lower Hrldgo vot
ing precinct and road district ordered
thnt tho surveyor correct error In
boundary es petitioned for, and said
pctltlon granted
Voting precincts and road districts
wore created nt Imperial nnd Hamp
ton, as petitioned for. nnd clerk or
dered to enter record of all voting
precincts and road districts accord
ing to petitions as corrected by coun
ty surveyor.
In the matter of the petition for
North and South precincts at Hend,
Oregon, petition presented nnd grant
ed, and Lara's hall designated as vot
ing place for North Head precinct mid
the Hend hose house voting place for
South Hend precinct: all south of
Ore-ton street to he known as South
Hend precinct and all north of said
street to be known as North Hend
January 10, 101 1.
In tho matter of the chance In tho
M. M. Davenport road, matter referr
ed to tlio district nttorney nnd con-
TiTe Bend Company
Ohio Sts.
tinned tor wnnt of dnto of posting no
tices. In tho matter iff tmllot punches,
matter continued for Investigation by
counti clork.
In tho matter ot n chnugo In Mo
tollUB voting precinct, petition pre
sented and granted.
In tho matter ot Justice of tho
pence for Motollua precinct, A, J,
McKonito appointed to aurvo until tho
next election.
In tho matter ot preparing court
proceedings for publication, the fol
lowing charge wero mntlo Crook
County Journal. $10. Mndrns Pio
neer, $lli, nud llond Hullctln llR.ond
snld ii mounts wero ordered deducted
from tho nnld pnporn' respective bills.
In tho matter ot the division of
Prlnovlllo Into two voting precincts,
putltlou presented nud granted nnd
snld precinct divided Into Hast nnd
West Prlnovlllo voting precincts ns
set forth In order.
Martha Itnndlo allowed $10 por
month, also allowed n wood bill of
Tho following rond supervisors' re
ports wero presented nnd approved:
K. V, Jenkins, district 6; Hoy New
ell district 8; P. T. Monroo. district
10; S. K. Sears, district 11: Paul
U'j.rn.r .Ilatrlxt 10. t l ll.n...
district 20; W. A. Carson, district
Si; II. M. Gardiner, district 33; Al
ton Wlllcoxon. district 25; W. K.
Clnypool district 27; II. M. Farroll,
district 30; Qoo. Hamilton, district
3ii A. O. Walker, district 39.
All surveyors ordered to mnko ro
port showing nmount ot monoy ro
colved during tho year, amount on
hand, list of tools, whore located, Al
so that guldo loards are eroded nt
cross roads, nnd on all roads whero
more than $100 was oxponded show
tho exact amount of expenditures.
- In tho ninttor of county health of
ficer, clork Instructed to advertlso for
.sealed proposals for handling tho
work of said office.
In tho matter.ot voting precincts
J tho county surveyor Instructed to pre-
pnru u iraeiug mi owing uiBiinciljr inn
nanio, number, polling place nnd
boundaries of each ot tho several
election prtcincts throughout tho
county nnd that he furnish the coun
ty clork n bluoprlnt of such tracing,
to bo mallod to each registration of
ficer deslguatod by tho county clerk.
In the matter of tho settlement of
the Win. Hrownhlll rond. Mrs. Hens
Icy rof using to accept the amount
agreed uon in the settlement of tho
said matter, tho warrant for $300
drawn in favor of Mid Mrs. Honstoy
In snld matter Is hereby ordered can
celled. In the matter of county printing,
clerk Instructed to call for bids In the
usual manner, same to b awarded at
the March term. i
In the nutter ot the following ,
roads the viewer's reimrts were read
the second time and approved and
same were ordered opened when suf-i
tlclent funds are available for the
purpose: Geo I. Kiistln. lien Cat-
low. A. W. Miller, nnd D. Frank.
Whereai bills for equipment for
various olllccs are presented amount
ing to several hundred dollars, It is
ordered that all oltleers shall In fu
ture obtain a requisition from the
county court session and If not con
venient to make request to the oouu-
HsV A 3 Tn M aW .s-tfant Mm I ji
For Close-in Acreage
Let us show you the property Xd Sf-SS
conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment
ty, tho namo must bo obtained from
tlio county Judge.
In tho tnnttor of tho 8. 13, Hun te
non ot ul county rond, viewer's re
port rend second tlmo nnd approved.
H. K. Hnntcaon appointed to look af
ter tho working out of tho subscrip
tion work.
Thereupon court adjourned, aub
joct (o call.
HeiMirt of tho County Fruit Inspector
For HecemlK-r, IIMII.
To tho Honorable County Court of
Crook County:
During the month of December I
Inspected approximately 3000 fruit
trees In Iho county orchnrda nud n
part of tho Inspection wna mildo In
company with Mr, It. If. Weber Of
The Dalles, who Is commloslonnr for
tho fourth horticultural district of
which this county la n part.
The greater part or tho trees In
spected wero free from disease, but
In many of tho old orchards npnlo
trees wero found to bo Infected with
nuthrncnoso, which Is perhaps the
most dangerous dlsenso to applo cul
ture that Is lo bo found In this part
of tho atnto. Two orchards wnro
found thnt aro affected with tiro
blight. San Joso scnln was found In
but one Instance, whllo red spider
and numerous deposits of aphis lar
vae and other minor pests worn morn
Tho spread of nnlhrncnnso and flrn
blight aro so rapid and hard to con
trol jthat It will necessitate rapid nnd
thorough pruning nnd spraying to
destroy these disease- nnd hearty cd-
operation on the part of growers only
will pravont tho spread of theio dis
eases that will, If unmolested, wlpo
out overy orchard In this part of tho
stato. The pruning from tho in
fected trees must bo burned to pro-
vont mo inroctiou ot growing trees in
the community.
Tho growers scorn to appreciate the
effort that Is being made by the coun
ty to protect tho fruit Industry nnd
hnvo Indicated a willingness to assist
In every way to eradicate tho differ
ent pests.
The original source of them Infec
tions Is shipments Into tho country
of winter npplcs and nursery stock
from Infected districts. Tho atnto
law protects ovory community alike,
nnd shipments of diseased or Infected
fruits aro absolutely forbidden, yot
tip to tho time of tho creation of the
office of county fruit Inspector, this
county was mnilo tho dumping ground
for soma of Iho woll known
growing sections of the stnto Tho
dealers throughout the country rea
lise this condition better than the
people themselves, and nil are plou
d thnt thorn Is now n way to abso
lutely prevent the shipment of this
finality of fruit Into the county.
Apples In storage In Prlnevllte,
Hend. Hedmnnd, Deschutes nnd l.ald-
law have been lnreetttd by me during
the month, end many bote of hadlr
Infected Hindus have lnn condemned
A special request was made bv Oer-
ernor West to Inspect the itu In
Ijildlaw which I found In contain
enoiiKh Infection to eventually d
stroy every tree In that community.
The obfpctlfinal fruit was condemned
and the matter adjusted.
The largest quantity of IhkI fruit
was found In Hend where n car Of
apples had Just boon received, a greet
many boxes of whleli were Infected
almost beyond belief, nnd lit wholu
l)(xoii Iohh than half n doxon jululilo
apples wore to bo found.
1 hnvo not as ot boon over enough
of tho rounly lo inukn any ntnloinent
an to the gonernl conditions In tho
orchards, but tij this tlmo It Is mif
tlclnnt to stuto thnt fruit treea am
nubjectud to (ho aiimh pests hum as
In other localities, and tho sumo vigi
lant pruning nud spraying will bo
necessary lo produce llrst quality
run ns in ouior communities. , Tlio
host fruit found during tho Inspection
I hnvo inniln was giowu on Crook
county orchard.
IIAMI'lllN lltt'1-II.V .Inn 1".
llornco llrooklngs litis catuhllNhiid
a jiioio In conueelloii with his hotel
nud la doing n good business,
Alex llnulo), wife nuo twins wore
guests al The Hotel llrookluga Wed
nesday and Thursday.
Mrs. Ulrt Miller of Hums wau u
visitor hi this vicinity Iniit week.
uert weeks is cutting lonco posts
In Hampton Huttn,
District 77 received an liicreiisn of
several books to tho school library
last week,
Next Monday evening, In Hnthor's
Hall, there will bo n smoker for mom
bars of Hend UiiIro No. 218 nnd vis
iting brothers. Coma and siieiul n
social evening.
The Ebbing Tld 0v ths Phlteiaphsr
a Tsst Fer a Strmon.
In "John Foster and Ills Friend
ships" tliu author records an Incident
markedly characteristic of Thomas
Cnrlyla. The author tliida tho great
Scot nt 8 o'clock nuo morning In 1S7U
on the Chelsea embankment gaxlng nt
tho Thame-, Hero Is the Incident,
hitherto unpublished:
I should ns noon hnvo thought of
assaulting ns of nitdrralua him. IInp
ptly I was spared nii.vtblug of tho
kind, for the old man, reserved ns he
was to the xilnt of uioroxeneHs eurll
iiiioi, his enemies called Ithoarsely
llung n query nt me. The tide was
out. I tuny mention, the river being nt
lis lowt. "Where cue It? Where
B'MS It7"
The very manner of bis say Imp It
sliarpem-d my wits, ami I uattiervd, of
coure. that be referred to the stream
or what there was of It.
Hwlllnaiy I replied that It returned
lo the mm.
"Itlgln. ulr, rlghtf he snapped nut
Then, relxp-dnK Into tile meditative
hhhI, he wild softly. Iwt Imprewlvely
"The greet, sneet hm of Him! Al
mlsbly's xhhIiih, and we are nil re
turning that wny Don't forget thnt.
rir-rctiirnltiK to the Kon-tbe great
llllmllMble seer Willi Hwt lie nbnipt
ly turned nwny ami moviil ai-fowi the
roadway toward I'liuym- row with that
curious slow hliuttle habitual with him,
and I snw him no mora
- - - -
K '
D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager.,
Couuiessmiui Hlnnott Would O-ffaiiloi
Hrliool Hoys mill (Hi Is, A
WASHINGTON, I), (.., Jnn. 18 "f
Ctingressmnit Hlnnott of Oregon Ml
IUIhIiIiik n scliomn to cut tlio qoiu4
or living nud liutkt) sclontlllo fiiriuoiVi1'
out of tlio school children of Ills dirt
trlcl, nt tho sniim time, by tirgln( Jtlu-Vj
stiidenlH In overy unliool to orghntirti
a boy's nnd girls' poultry club. f
Tim lunmbnis or the club must be
between tlio ngoH or 10 mm! 1H yennt
nud must agree lo not nt least unej
setting or 13 eggs, To all (ho toach
era and sohonl siipnrliilniiileiiln In til
district s being sent n llttlo piuii
lllllnl Itml ImniihiI lit Itln nlllflltll lllix
biindry division or tho lnirimu of null
mat Industry called huHe'ln No. Ctir,
This lolls In detail how to orKatiln
poultry clubs and how to rnlsu poulk
try, build Iho chicken house, ;jolocl'
tho stock, feed It, test tho eggs am.
market them. Thorn am no duns oy
nssessmentn In these clubs but tin
in em tiers must agreu to follow tin
Instructions of the t. H. Department
or Agriculture nnd report on worh
when requested. If the clubs get to,
gether nnd hold mentions In sonit
central place like the boys' nnd girl j
corn clubs In the ICnstern stato, tit f
deparlmeut will try to send n specie
nllst on poultry lo advise tho menst
bora on selecting stock, securing II r'
class utarknta and nlso give candlltA
demonstrations. Any group of schoo'f
boyn and girls forming such a cluV
can get one of the bulletins by writ
ing Congressman Hlnnott,
Ma . touih txfow It
dsvtlsps something more
Is Tks lUmfdr TMC
t)oa IV Work.
It relloves coughing Imrr.tdl
ately, soreness In ths
lung, looians phlegm anil
clear ths bronchial lultn. It
Is a nno family remtklv, pUat-
ant to ttke ami good for cbll
dron and adults.
I'rlr 33v 10a and sl.OO,
Iluy the tl SO sls It c rttnlno
fl-rs Urns as imieli S4 the 25o
ls, and you t Willi (act! but-
He a J)r ltrrlek's llrd Pepper
Parous l'ailr fur Hie client,
JsmtiP.Dallsrd.Prop, Ot.Louti.Mo.
eisphens By tuivs Curti eora I
Oo.nAMDH-:cohMf Mocohvl
Patterson Drug Cd.
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