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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1914)
PACK 0. HKN1) UUIiLKTIN, I1KND, OIIK., WKUNKHDAY, JANUARY II, KM I. MNTHOMMER LIGHTS Hcnil llni WWto Wny Thnt Attract Much Attention. Twenty-four cluster street lights hnve now been Installed In Uoml, giv ing the. city n "white wny" thnt nt trncts much attention on tho jmrt ot visitors. Thoso lights hnvo lieen put In nt n cost of about $1260 to property own era, tho cost of each cluster being about J52.G0. In addition tho llcml Water Light & Power Co. ha3 been at an cxwenso of about $10 a cluster In making connections, making the total uxpcnuiture for the system about $1600. Tho cost of maintaining Is iKirne by tho city, each cluster requir ing a monthly outlay of S2.0S. Tho threo arc lights at Wall and' Minne sota streets, Wall and Oregon and Oregon and llond hnvo boon taken out, thus saving tho city $24 a month. On Wall street thoro arc S clusters, on Orogon 9, on llond C and on Min nesota 1, COMMERCIAL CLUB ELECTS Oftlccrs For Coming Year C!iocn Fri day Kvcnlng. Tho annual meeting of the llend Commercial Club was held at the council chamber Friday ovenlng and officers for tho year elected. A re port was submitted showing that tho club has practically liquidated Its In debtedness. Thoso elected at the meeting wcro: J. P. Koycs, president; J. C. Hhodes, vice president: C. M. McKay, secre tary; e. si. iara. treasurer: c. s. Hudson, H. W. Skuse, U. C. Coo, directors. Mr. Rhodes declining the office of vice president, A. U. French was chewen, and Dr. Coo declining tho offlco of director Floyd Dement was chosen to fill the vacancy. Manager Gould stated that during the year just closed tho remaining Indebtedness of tho club has been very nearly wiped out. REED PU1TINGJII PLANER Lumber Will Do Finished nt Planer In Lytic. Work Is under way on a planer mill to be located In J-ytle near tbo Standard Oil Company's plant. It la being put In by J. E. Reed for the purpose of finishing lumber cut by his mill locatod southeast of town a few miles. The Bend Water Light & Power Company -Is erecting a pole line to convey current to the planer, which will be operated by a 20 horse-power electric motor. The plant will be ready to begin operation In a short time. be used, and If n bucccss tho delivery of water upon tho fertile grain Holds will be a great boon to tno runners MARKET UKPOUT. NORTH PORTLAND, Jan. 0. Re ceipts for tho wook hnvo been: cnttlo 1604, calves 2, hogs f.318, sheep 9174, Tho receipts hero last Mon day Included SCO cattle, 2200 hogs and GC00 sheep. This wna tho lar gest slnglo dny'a .rccolptB slnco tho stockyards wcro established In Sep tember, 1909. Swine and sheep prices stnrtcd off tho week In a vitrong po sition, and In some Instances advanc ed sharply over recent lovols, but cat tlo values wero spotty, duo to wide range In quality and a narrow outlet. Ono load ot prime steers sold nt $8 and n few nioro nt 0 to $7. ST.. Tho remainder of medium cholco beeves averaged from $7.45 to $7,70. Demand has boon slow for steers and buyer's bldn forced. Killers hnvo a good-sited surplus on hnnd and It re quires extra cholco beef to bring $7.25 to $7.(0. uutchor stock Is In better demand than Bteers, but Is not as Arm at the cud as It was nt tho beginning. Packers are short hnnd cd on choice she stuff, which has been a scarco article. Heifers aro firm and bulls and stags found quick sale. Heof prlco tendency is weak, demand slow nnd outlet nnrrow. Over G000 swine hnvo arrived on tho mar ket In six days, but tho tnulo has ab sorbed tho supply at steady to higher prices. The bulk of primo light hogs has been selling from $S.OO to JS.10 with a few loads at $$.15 to IS. 20. Outlet narrowed Friday, when anoth er big supply camo In on tho week end stock train. $8.05 was top price up to Friday noon. Tho sheep mar ket Is showing Improvement as tho winter wears along, nnd while liqui dation was record-breaking, outlet was broad enough to discount it nnd both mutton and lambs sold higher. Prime weathers rcallio from $5. CO to $6.50 and ewej $4.25 to $4.50. Lambs brought $6.55 at market's close and there Is an unsatisfied call for fancy stock at that price. fled thnt tho Bald allegations will bo taken by thlH office as having boon confessed by )ou, nnd your Bald entry will bo canceled therouudor without your further right to bo hoard there in, cither beforo this ortleo ur on an peal, If you fall tti lllo In this olllcn within twenty days nttor tho FOURTH publication ot thin notlco, as shown below, jour anawor, under oath, specifically moating and ro Hpoudtug to thoso nllogattouH of con test, or If you fall within thnt tlmo to lllo In this olllco duo proof thnt you hnvo served n copy of your nnswor on mo said contestant In person or by registered mall. It this sorvleo Is in ml o by tho delivery ot n copy of your answer on tliu Bald conicstnnt In person, proof ot such sor vleo must bo either tho snld contest nnt's written acknowledgment ot his receipt ot tho copy, showing tho dntu of Its receipt, or tho affidavit ot tho parson by whom tho delivery was made stating when and whoro tho copy was delivered; It mndo by regis tered mall, proof of such sorvleo must consist of tho affidavit of tho person by whom tho copy was limited staMng when nnd the postofflco to which It wns mailed and this affidavit must bo accompanied by tho pOBtmastur's receipt for tho letter. You should stato In your answer tho name of tho poBtoftlco to which you desire further notices to bu sent to you. H. FRANK WOOnCOUK, Register. Unto of llrut publication Jan 7th, 1914. Ditto of second publication Jnu 14, 1914. Dntu of third publication Jan 21, 1914. Dnto ot fourth publication Jan 28, 1914, 4U44 COURT INSPECTS ROAD WORK Ten Days Will Ho Required To Finish Improvements at North Canal. Members of the County Court were over Sunday and looked over the work being done In changing the road at the North canal. In the party .were Commissioners U ay ley and Brown, Sheriff Elklni and Deputy Van Allen and County Assessor Fos ter. Road Supervisor Elder has a force o' 10 men at work, i.nU in about 10 days the Improvements will be com pleted. The building of the bridge across the canal is In chance ot M. j, uameison. 5 J. J. RYAN Minnesota Street I SANITARY PLUMBING ! $ STEAM AND HOT WATER 5 t HEATING 3 J JOBBING Promptly Attended to J XOTICK OF COXTIST. Department of tho Interior. United States Land Office. Tho Dalles, Ore gon. December 29. 1913. To Maurlco P. Powers of Bend. Ore gon, contestce: You are hereby notified that David A. Ames, who gives Bend. Oregon. care of C. S. Benson, as hit postoffico address, did on December 15th, 1913, file In this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure tho cancellation of your homestead, entry; No. . .. Serial No. 08884, mndo Mav stn. lsn, ror nhnevi, nwv. NMi SWU. Section 21. Township 20. S., Range 20 E, Wlllametto Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that Maurice P. Powers has wholly failed to establish his resi dence on said land, has totally fail ed to cultlvato and Improve same as required by law and hns abandoned the same for more than ono year last past. You aro, thorefore, further notl- MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In the machine line, having Installed new machinery with which wecan handle any kind of Job. Automobile Repairing a specially. Deyarmond Machlno (K Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave., Bend, Ore. NOTICE OF CONTENT. Dopnrtmout of tho Interior, United States Lahd Olllco, Tho Dalles, OroHon, December 15, HUH. To Theodore Torsion ot 2.12 Main Ave,, Spokane, WiihIi,, Contestce: You aro hereby not I Mod thnt (Jntun O, Johnson, who gives llend, Oregon, ns inn poHt'Odicu muiross, mil on No vember 19, 191'J, tile In this olllco his duly corroboratod application to con test and securo the cancellation of your hoiiHHstend, Kntry No. 0S513, Serial No. ... mndo March 29, 1913, for WV4 Section 18. Township 20 South, ltango IS Knst, VYIIIamotta Meridian, and ns grounds for his con test ho alleges thnt snld Theodore Tersloff hns failed to establish his residence on said tract, that hu has faded to cultlvato said trad or any part thereof, that snld ontrymnu hns abandoned unltl tract for upuard uf six months last past and that such failure and abandonment wnu not duo to his employment In Uiu army, navy or marine corps of tho United States In tlmo or war or otherwise, You are, thorefore, further noti fied thnt tho Bald allegations will bo taken by this olllco rs having boon confessed by you, nnd your said entry will bo canceled thereunder without your further right to bo heard there in, either bofuro thin olllco or on np ponl, If you fnll to tllu In this office within twenty days nftor tho FOURTH publication of this notlco, as shown below, our nnswor, under onlli, specifically mooting and re sponding to theso allegations of con test or If you fnll within that time to flla In this olllco duo proof that you havo served n copy of your nnswor on tho said contestant olthor In person or by registered mall. If this sorvleo la mndo by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to tho contestant in per son, proof of such sorvleo must bo either tho said contestant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, showing tho dnto of Its receipt, or tho nllldnvlt of the person by whom dollvorcd; If mndo by register ed mall, proof of such sorvleo must consist ot tho affidavit ot tho person by whom tho copy was mailed stating when and tho postofflco to which It was mailed, and this affidavit must bo accompanied by tho postmaster's receipt ror tno lottor. You should stato In your answer tho namo ot tho postofflco to which you dcslro futuro notices to bo sont to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Roglstur, Dato ot first publication December 31, 1913. Dnto of second publication Jan. 7, 1914. Dato of third publication Jan. 14, 1914. Dato ot fourth publication Jan. 21, 1914. I Complete line of Groceries, j Vegetables, Smoked Meat J Granite Ware Arrow Shirts and Collars Monarch Shirts Peters Shoes for Men, Women and Children Dress Goods and Notions , Royal Worcester Corsets . A. Sather Auto Delivery Wall Street w w k He k k Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES m The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. JBBEBaHSBrdaMriahcaaMaildd FARafERS IN SOUTHERN PART OF COUNTY SMILE (Madras Pioneer.) Did you ever see a farmer smile? Well, if you never have, Just happen out around this section, and every one that you meet is wearing a smile of contentment and satisfaction over the heavy snow that we have been having during the post few weeks and of its having melted gradually and the moisture gone Into the ground. It U reported by some that the ground is wet down for a depth of at least 2 feet on the stubbles, and in the sod ground at least a foot, and with the ground not frozen, many of the farmers are expecting to start in plowing soon, and will sow much of their spring grains in eaily wheat, rather than barley and, oats. Tho prospects ot the grain already 4n the ground Is very encouraging, as it is now taking on a greenish cast with the warm weather that we have been having during the past few days, or alnce the snow left the ground. There is In fall wheat a large percentage of last year's sum mer fallow ground and with tbo plen tiful moisture at present, Jt is ox post ed that a considerable amount more wheat will be sown during the next month if the weather proves favor able, as It has In years past. I'UOJECT AT OPAL SI'IUNRR. CULVER, Jan. 13. A project that is being looked upon with much In terest by tho farmers in this section is that at Opal Springs by which It Is proposed to lrrlgato by pumping the water from the springs. Earl Thompson, a civil engineer, has ar rived to take charge of installing the pumps, and If the weather Is fuvor ablo he expects to have them in op eration by spring. Tbo Laursen au tomatic pump Is the type that will FOR FAMILY USE OUR PURE JERSEY MILK AND CREAM IS OGST. Clover Leaf Dairy P. W. STAATS, Prop. FOR EASY HOUSEKEEPING USE Electric Irons . . . $3.50 Electric Percolators 7.50 Electric Disk Stove 5.00 Electric Grills . . . 5.00 Desk Lamps .... 3.00 Reading Lamps . . 6.00 Electric Toasters . . 3.50 ' Electric Hotplates . 8.50 iv ; jBend Water Light G& Power Go., '4, .- i ' A .ti ( ,r.f .f iV FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles enst of Bend. Our trees tire the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business in this neighborhood. Our prices unci treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come and .see ourorchardsnnd nursery. OiHce address, Prineville. Ore. LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIQHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hny, Barley, Oat, Wheat nnil Ilrnn nt lowest prlrcs. Tho Largest Darn in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOX The Owl For Busy People Daily train each way between Central Oregon points and Portland. Tourist sleeping car (Berths $1.00.) First class coaches. j& C7? VV 'Jftw BBIsimsM4AtfhK IssVfeH M I ! at MM&$&dJ UliLUllli IliUlill I li CENTRAL DREGDN LINE Save a Day Each Way FROM CENTRAL OREGON Leavo Hend ,,,, 8:!10 p. tn. " DcBchuteB . 8:48 p. m, " Redmond ... 0:10 p. m. " Terrel)onno...t):2'l p. in, " Culver 10:02 p. m. " MutolluH 10:20 p.m. " Madraa 10:.'10 p. in. Arrlvo Portland.. .. 8:10 . m. TO CENTRAL OREGON Leavo Portland ..,,..7:00 p, in. Arrive Madraa 0;00 n, in, " MotolluH fJ:ir n. m. " Culver 0:28 n. in. " Terrebonne,. .7:08 n. in. " Redmond 7:23 n. m. " l)eBchutca.,,.7:4!l a. in. " . Rond 8:00 n. in. Prompt despatch of freight between Central Oregon and Portland and Portland and Eastern Cities Connections made In Portland to and from Wlllametto Valley, Astoria and ClatHop Reuch points, Pugot Sound, Spokane, Montana, Colorado, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. Fares, time schedules, nnd other Information by letter, or upon application to R. II. OROZIISIl, A. a. P. A. J. II, CORDET, Agonc, Portland, Oro, llQnil, Orogon, W, C. W1L1CEB, A. Q. P, & P. A., Portland, Oregon I i: I i i !' a PPiaBiannnwiaiaraia'raniFiaiiOipfPFiigEgK