IIHNI) IIUMjKTIN, MINI), OIUJ., WKIIXKHDAY, .TANTA1IV 1 1, KM . PAOK rt. i GUARANTEED FOR TWO YEARS When yon buy n hot wnlor bottle if any oilier rubber ii(i(In link fill' MAXIMUM" Tuilll! .Mllllt llio only hind over sold (IiuI nit ties it TWO VISA It UMVKItHAL (MJAIIANTKK. liny ii .Mit iitiiMii at miy llmall Kioto limn or nbroail, mid If It wimrH out within two years, yon ko Imuk whom you Itouitlit It or to any utlior lletiiil Hlote, nnywlmro--mill gut your money back, Ma (I it from tho best ami purest rubber, nxtrn utrniiK. extra reinforced, with u perfection of llulsh Unit hIiiiiiiih very pIhoh a u work of arU Maximum, beciuisit of Km groat iluralilllty, saves you tnomiy mill Im a guarantee against danger of scalding mid other liinitivciilmiros arlNliiK from tint iihh of an lufitrlor bottle, which often glviM out JiihI when most iieeilud. Knch In hox, with prlutml, two-yimr iiulvursal guar antee lUirlOKUll. , Maximum miter holt lex. ho caps, hath Npray, syr luges, ( am Mihl only at Tim lletiill rltotes, or which then' ate mote- than 7,000 In tin I'tilted 8111(1 (Jmil Itrltaln anil Camilla. They at it tint World's (lieiitct Drug Stores. The Patterson Drug Co. IIKNII :! !: ft OltKUO.V me 3feslJ st 'r LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Charles Carroll linn opened a icro- .cory storo In Kenwood. Thorn will ho no services nt tho Catholic church next Humlny. II Kor-iteh went to Iti'itinoml ami I'rlniivlllo on business Mo ml ay. (liorKu and Io llohht wero In (town from l'owell lluttu Monday. H II Kelly ha returned from Port Mnnd wheru ho spent tlio holidays. Mr. and Mm. M. U. .Morrilt wont to Portland on Humlny nlghl'M train. I 3, V. I'opo of the I'lonver Telo uitiann Co, U over from 1'rlnuvlllu. J. O. Terry of Holyat wna In town HiimUy, n guest at tho llolul Wright. Tba llrldgo Club will meet I'rlday t THE NEW "WARNERS Corsets ylRE HERE Mannheimer's nftiirnoon lth Mrs. (icorgu A. Jones. J. I'. Koyea ami family moved Hat unlay Into their hauiUoiiiu uuw home. (Icorgo Mllllcnn ruturued Thurs tiny iiIkIU from n trip to i'endluton. C. Ilautmkratt was registered at tha Hotel Wright 011 Sunday from In I'lno. Forrest Nmld wni In town Monday on IiIh return to Da son, Nub., from Ilntnpton. J. I1. Rogers, superintendent of tlio H. I. & H wm In llend tlio first of Ihu HUtlk. Thorn In a mora on foot to oricanlio a New Thought society lu lleud, wltli In tin) next fuw weeks. K. M. ThotniHion, after n slcgo of Illness for several week, win nblu to be out okhIii yesterday, W. J. Hproat waa tip nt Ilk River rniiKur Htallon nud lv I'lno Init week, returning to Hand Haturday. J. M. J mid iiiadu n flying trip to I.n I'liii! yenturday morning, going up uiul ruturulUK lu tint orunoon. V. A. Forbes. 11. C. Kill and II. II. Do Armond were In I'rlnuvlllo attending county court Friday, John K. Itynn returned Monday morning from bin trip Kant. Mm. Itynn mopped ovor In I'ortlnnd. At Hnthcr'a hall on Friday ovonlnK thlt wenk (Instead of Haturday) thu bulmcrlptlon Club will kIvu n dance. F. It. Voutu: and hli son. C. II. Yoiiiik, cauio In from llorax Itko Fri day, reKlaturitiK nt tho Hotel lleud. John Hteldl l slowly Improving from thu rhouinatlc attack from which ho Iiiih butu MUffurliiK for aov ttral weeks. Tho Ladles' (lulld of tho I'ritiby- terlun church, will meet with Mm. H. (I. Illnkeloy Wednesday, Janu ary 21, at 2:20 p. lu. J. K. Cooper went to 1'rlnavlllc Humlny and while he Is away the lo cal croamory Is lu chortle of bis brother, O. It, Cooper. Tho old MutilK bulldliiR which was moved by Millard Trlplutt to bis prop erty on Wall street Is boltiK repaired and a roof will bo put on. Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Jackson and Miss Jackson loft for Ixis Anitolos Inst week, Tho Altauiout has beou HAIR STUFFED' Just rci't'ivcd first shipment of this fam ous mattress. Will he sold at the same low price advertised everywhere. Come in anil see this wonderful mattress, Bet ter still, buy one and enjoy unlimited rest. The guarantee of mattress satis faction. E. M. THOMPSON Bond, Oregon Whoro Your Dollar Doca Its Duty. rented by MInh Alice I) HpnhllnK- i .Mityor-olert Miller not linvliiff yet returned from tlm Kiih(, tho iiiccIIiik of thu City Cmimll Hvhndtiluil for nM nlKht wiih coiitluuud until ho KU back 1 (J. W. Tlionitliwnlto will leavo for, I'ortlnnd MuturilNy to nlttuul the ron vnutliin of tho Northwestern Hmlijlerii AHNoclittloii to bo liuld tlmri) IickIii 11 1 11 K Momlity, Mra. J. W, Dltulok roturneil this uiornliu: from u visit of xoventl weeki with her dnuttlitur, Mrs. Ilatph livor liiK Nt Mouth llotul, WiihIi., 11I11I with ftiemls In I'ortlnnd. I County TrmiHiiror Jordan nnnoiin cim that tho l!M!i tax rolls will bo In his hands bv February I arid current 1 tuxim can be paid nny time between , that date and April 1, , II. J, Hlmiwon bus donutod to tint lltuiil public library threo hooks , "WliiHton of tho I'rnlrlo," "That! I'rlnter of Udell's.'' mid "Tho Win-, iiIiik of llarbara Worth." I Kil (leutry Is lu I .a (Irnmlo whoro j ho waa called by tho sudden Minims t uf his brother. Mihwhko" received 1 from him my that thorn seems little chance for his brother's recovery. A pnrly of county officials, Includ Iiik ('(immlMloners Ilayluy and llrown, Hliiirlff KlkltiM. AHsossor Fos ter mid Deputy W. A. Van Allen were roistered at tho Hotel lleud 011 Hun day. (JcorKO H. You n k made n trip to list Creek In thu extreme eastern part of tho count , last week, return Ink Huuday iiIkIiI. Olo DrnKsvolil went out with hi in to his Hampton 1 homestead, 1 It, A. Woolloy had too planer nt ( 1110 uiii un nun nuur luciury muvcu Monday to his shop and will put It In ruhnlnK shape. It was not Krcutly damaKod lu tho fire that destroyed the sash and door plant soiuo months ago. The new Kcncrnl suiierlntcndent of tho H. I'. & H. lines has Inaugurated a (Millcy of retrenchment, cuttlni; off a larKo number of station employes alouK tho lino. One man at the lleud station was affected, Tom llarrett be- HiB lei out. WANTBI) Nurse girl to nssht mother In carlni; for bnby durlnr tho day. No house work. Apply F. T. i'nrker, Altamont Hotel. PLAY OF THE BLUEJAY. It Llkss to Tsstt Hawks and Owls by Imitating Thtlr Calls. The bturjay likes best to live In thick woods, but It often comes Into open fields, orebsrds and near dwelling lu search of food. When It discovers you It assumes a proud and on fry air of conceit and defiance. The bluejay'a upper porta are pur pllsh blue. The lower parts are pur pllsli gray. The wlnpt nud tall un Li-lKtit blue with blnck bora. Tho tab feathers are tipped with white. It tins a created bvad. The bluejity builds Its nest about twenty feet above tcniuud. It Is made of twlm and flnu roots. From four to six t-cifs ttrv laid. They are of a tirvuu UU drnb color ttveked with brown. UuiibtlcMs the bluejay holpcd In name ltclf. as Its common utterance Is a Iouk drawn "Joy. Jay. Jay." Thl cry. with the hrlcht bluo colors, hn etven It Its name. While the Jay sines no sour It Is able to Imitate the rails of other birds, by which menus It often attracts them It likes to ten mi and torment the owl and especially the little sparrow Dawks. This Is done by ImltaUuc the cry of 0 wounded bird, which draws tho hawk near. Then several Jays will dart at the bawk, squealing and frol Icklug nUAit In great glee. HomeUmes tho play ends In n tragedy, for tbe hawk pounces upon one of them to tbe dismay of the others. Jaya may be i-nwvd and turned like crows, and some writers say they can be taught to utter words. From Ulrd Studies by Dermau U. de Grunt. Tha tnartlttlo Frock Coat Let the Chinese wallow lu nil our virtues and In all our vices, but nt least let them preserve Asia from our clothes. Can you tmaglue Confucius In a frock coat and a top hatT I re gard the frock cout as thu most horrl lilo vestment ever worn by that ab surd uuluinl tunn. When 1 pass n brouxo statue of a llrttlsh statesuiun buttoned up tu a brouxo or marble frock coot I rover my eyes and slink tiy tu a paroxysm of horror. There Is only one thing worse thuu 11 frock cout tu brume or marble nud that Is a pc.lr uf trousers lu marble or b route. 1 thtuk our sculptors ought to strike against the brouxo frock coat nud the fijfgjT Home Made Candies Dainty Lunches and Ice Cream MANNHEIMER'S January CLEARANCE SALE The RADICAL REDUCTIONS during this sale afford savings that should not be overlooked. SALE LASTS THE ENTIRE MONTH. SAVINGS IN PIECE GOODS AT THIS SALE I Or Kvcrctt lM CiliiKhams reduced to UUc 12 )4c Vork Ore (IlnghnniM reduced to,,., 10c l."5c Ked Heal I)rcs (iliilumm reduced to. . . ,1,'tc 1'JJir Ferrule In nel stripes and figures reduced to 1034c He Outing Flannel In I'Ink mill llluo HtrifieN cliecka and plaldi, upevlal at Hc IHc Itljiplctto nnil Kcnontlnc C'reix, rciliiced to XTic HlmpMin Full Count Calicos for this sale Tic !!': Cretonnes rcdureil Ut Sic 25c Itntlno Crepe, While only 10c 12J4c Coiintexs (linlllei 10c Damasks 1,5c Mercerised Ihuuask rc- ducil to flOc fine Union Damask reduced (o.nftc 91.00 All I.lnen Dainakk ro- tlured to ..... ..,.,. 80c fl.no All l.lncn Damask re- d 11 ceil to .9l!0 Sheets and Pillow Cases 7ftc Hhects rrilueed to. flf)c Hffc Hheets reduced to , 70c ttnc KhcetM t-eliireil to HUc I'illotv Cases reIiic4'il to ...... 12)i 1 1 1H 23c Ladies' Union Suits A Helnl lot of ladles' Fleece Unel Colon Hult, tjl.00 value, for this sale. Mc Our 9I.7A Wool and Cotton IvkIIcm' Union Hulls reduc ed to 1.4r. Ladies' Waists all styles 91.23, 91JJO values, for this sale , $1.15 Ladies' Handkerchief Hpcclal H 1-0 and 10c value re duced to Ac Comforters Reduced 91.2.1 CJrodo special ...... .91.0.1 9IO tirade sfteclnl -... .9IJW 91.75 tirade special 915 92.00 tirade spcinl .91.70 Embroideries 10c Insertions 5c 12)4, 15c Kdginpi 10c 00, 75c Flouncing 27 Inches wide 50c 91.25, 91.30 Floancing, 43 Incbes wide $1.13 Ladies' Coats OUK KN'TIIIK MXB OK IJiUlKH" COATS Value to 920.00 for tills sale 910.03 The majority of Uieso are below cost. Shirts and Shoes OUU KXT1KB IJNE OF MEN'S 91.23 HIIIUTS, Iteduced to 03c llroken line of shoes nt jcreatly reduced prices. Comparisons of real values offered will make it clear that the REAL SAVINGS are at the REAL January Clearance Sale of MANNHEIMER'S marble trousers. If they ranst moke etllKles uf our statesmen let them mod el them In their pajamas. I-ouduu Unitilun. Osttlng Mlxod In Art. Occasionally Uomer ond the other reputable classics nod lu thu Itoston environments. A woman In Rhode Island wrote to the bead of a Itoston Institution that advance art all of them are supposed to and asked when and where sho could buy a Gilbert Htuurt portrait subject Immaterial This recalls the Orreland woman who said that a woman on Knrlld ave nue bad a -full length Iteiutiraiidt tn her collection-but be bad forgotten who the artist waa. Cleveland l'luln Dealer. Out of Ordsr. Little Froneei Wo dot a new baby Mr. Neighbors-You dou't aay! I.tt tie Fratnvs -Vea'm; nn' Its eyes open jest like my dolly's, but I dens some tin's the matter wlf Ita works, cause its eyea don't ko shut evwy time they lay It down- Chicago News. An Explimtlon. She presented hetveir at a fashion, able wedding- "Friend of the bride or the bride gronui?" asked the usher "I'm the tlaneee of the organ blow, er," sbo explained, blushing. Llppln eott'a. Thoe who Jump nt conclusions ore more Uian apt to fall ttou uncertainties. Hard to Bast. "This." said the man of tho houso as tie mournfully, mirveyed three ciinieta and ten rugx hanging un the clothes line, "this Is n eoiuhluatton hard to beut-"-l'rlncetou Tiger. Lucky Horscthoss. Shi' Po you believe tn horseihoes its an emblem of luck lie Yes, It they are 011 tho wluului; Uurso. Lou dun Oplnleu. Consider tho Daw, The qnestlou U often akcd, Does the dow rise or fall? Dewfall Is as admis sible nn expression as suurlso or sun set, lu both cases the expression-Is nt variance with scientific fact. Moteoro loglcully, the forumtloii of dew Is not accompanied by mutton in tho vortical plane, hence there can bo no questlou of rise or fall. Under certain condi tions of wind, cloud nud temperature variants dew Is produced. Warm ulr charged with moisture comes In con tact with n cooler surfaco. Wbon In this coutact the hent Is subtracted from tho air uud tho saturation polut for that temperature Is reached, the uioIb ture which In the air has existed, us water vapor. Is ronJcnsed npon the cooler surface at the point of contact The dewdrop, also good English, al though false physics, has no existence In the air, but cornea Into being upon tbe surface bedewed. It does not tall nor dues It drop. Harper's. Dspsnds. "Do yon think, talking of expression, that nmld Is better than omongr" "Yen. espeelally If It Is nt Annapolis, where a mid Is among lasses." Haiti more American. The Lurs of Work. I like work: It fascinates me. I ran sit and look at It for boors. I love to keep It by roe: tbe Idea of getting rid of It nearly breaks my benrt. Jeroino K. Jerome- There Is always a bright aldo; look for It Florida Tlmr-Unlon. The best grade of typewriter car bon for halo at The Hutletla office. Hox of 100 hheets, bluo or black, for $2.50. Adr. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE lied room furniture. Willow table. Wicker chair. " , Oak book case. Small mahogany desk and chair. Davenport. Wm. Walsh, Lara house. 4Sp FOR RENT Good three room house In Kenwood, water In houtio. Rent very reasonable. Two good atovca for sale cheap. Inquire Sani tary barber shop. 4&p FOR RENT Thice-rbanr furnish ed house. Inquire of lhnes at tho Metropolitan. & Jusr once MORE. ' .Jili ftXMWMr fl&ii y$3srJj YmErr-fc 1 X if 1 . 1 vl'l'l III WW, 1. 1 . in. !' I 1 n,rj'' V I If ?7..l?S ,. &iV:' ;&& nrc?nT re re rs . hrAT THERE "IS OME PRETTV SPARKLING PICKING LEFT IN OUR SPLENDID STOCK ANDWEHAV;JU5T MADE A FEW MORE 5PAfcKS FLY OUT OF THE PftlCE.roYoUR CHANCE .M- J UWiUMl ' r.sawi ; sZj&2Ss2C f an irzms.'? ". -: Sw it r-L S lAU jKL, -sV tU t, . P "t- 1 ' i05" iaaWsl7TU7vf 1 WE ALWAYS KEEP HAMMERING DOWN THE PRICES ON OUR DIG STOCK OF HARDWARE, BUT It WE NEVER HAMMER DOWN THE QUALITY. I) OUR HARDWARE WAS SELECTED FROM THE DEST MANUFACTURERS TO INSURE THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF QUALITY. YOU MAY RELY UPON GKTTING FROM US RELIABLE HARD. WARE. THAT WILL STAND THE ROUGH, , HARD WORK OF BUSY TOILERSI a Skuse Hardware Company