rAon a. nKNI nUIJ.ETIN, IlKND, OUR., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1014. e - ! CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. - - - 4 1)KY LAKE DRY LAKE, Jan. 10. Tho danco nt Dry Lako linll was tho biggest event of tho kltul yet hold In thti community. T. l.angford camo In from Hond Inst wook with a load of freight (or tho Dry tako sloro. School has reopened, after a vaca tion oC two weeka. John Garsko of Dry Lako has been naked to rIvo nn exhibition of wrest ling at Imporlal. Ho hold tho light weight championship of tho North west until a Httlo over a yoar ago. It has not yet been learned who will be his opponent. Postmaster Rcngtson of Dry Lako carried tho mall last wook In tho alt sonce of Carrier Langtord, who had gone to ltond. In- hurst Every body Is cordially vtted to attend. A basket social will bo glvon Fri day ovontng, January 23, togothor with a literary program. Each lady Is expected to bring a box for two. Hoses nro to bo gold for not less than 25 conts and not moro than $1. Tho proceeds will go toward holplng pay for tho piano. HAMPTON. HAMPTON, Jan. 10. Mr. Spur- beck, who has tho old Jones rolln qulahmcnt. has his houso built. IL. G. Peck. Mr. WUault and Wm Vlssor have bcon cutting posts tho last two weeks. Mrs. Hurley Hoguo has boon sick for tho naat month. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley wero In Hamp ton Monday. Jim Owen, tho Hampton storekeep er, has invested In a typowrltor. Some of tho Portland papers say the WUIametlo farmers are complain Ing becauso their hens don't lay dur ing tho winter. Tho farmers should come to Hampton whero all tho hens are glad to lay and the housewives nre hannr. On account of the bad weather last week the mall stage didn't get In until 10:30. Tho Stauffcr stago waa also a little late. PKINKVILLK. PRINEVILLE. Jan. 12. A dele gation of local men appeared beforo tho County Court nt its session last week and submitted a proposition to raise roonoy by subscription to assist tho county In building roads leading Into town. It is proposed to Improve tho Crooked river road by changing tho route so as to eliminate tho Combs hill grado. Gcorgo Husscll has returned from a trip to North Carolina and other Southern States where ho took a shipment of mules raised on his ranch near here. Lake M. Uechtoll. city treasurer, and Miss Adolo Crooks wero married at noon last Wednesday at tho homo of the bride's parents. Rev. M. A. Prater officiating. There wore pres ent only a few relatives and close personal friends. Tho young couplo loft for a trip to Portland and other points. They will make their homo bore. Uoth aie popular In Prlno- ville. Roglanlng Monday night, a twonty- rour hour telephone service was in aug -rated in Prinevllio by the Pio neer Company. Miss Mabel Grant of Lamonta la the night operator. A similar scrvlco will be glvon the Bend natrons as soon as the company moves into its new offlces there, about tho first of February. M. S. Mayfleld Is having an artoslan well drilled on his ranch, 1G mites south of here on the Dear Creole road. Tho school population of Prinevllio this year la 329, according to Clerk J. I). Shipp. Tho district will recclvo 13948 from tho state, the largest amount ever received. The Central Oregon Livestock &. Agricultural Association, at Its an nual meeting, elected J. X. William son, J. Ii. Shlpp and J. F. DIanchard directors, and the directors chose Mr. Blanehard president, Mr. Shipp treas urer and J. F. Cadlo secretary. Grimes' ohapel, a beautiful ooun try church erected hy the MUhh1IsU near Prlnvllle was dedicated Sunday by Rev. II. O. Perry, the district superintendent. CUKSCKNT. CRESCENT. Jan. 10 B. J. Rourk was in La Pino Tuesday on business, returning to Crescent Wednesday. Frod Ia Follotte, who hoJ boon In iLn Pino tho past wook, roturned Fri day. Joo Tripoli canro In from Uend Thursday evening. Ho was on the way to his ranch six miles west or Crescent with n load of housohold goods. A very pleasant evening was spent at the Rourk homo last Thursday, Jan. S, tho occasion being tho anni versary of Mr. Rourk's birthday. Tho evening was spont nt cards, and a delicious luncheon was served. Tho following wero tho guests: Messrs. and Mcsdamcs Smith, Davis, Rourk, Tylor, Misses Alices Lund and Gladys Rourk, Messrs. Ray Davis, Tom Mc Cord and Mnnard Smith. Tho Ladles' Civic Club hold Its monthly meeting at tho homo of Mrs. F. M. Cleaves Friday afternoon. Jan uary 9. Roll call was answered with a current ovent, and during tho busi ness session soTorat Important meas ures wore discussed and voted upon. Tho delightful luncheon sorvod by tho hostess helpod to mako tho af ternoon a pleasant ono. The next meeting will bo with Mrs. Davis Jan uary 23. Walter Smith and family left for a brief visit at tho Jones' ranch west of town. Crescent is Indebted to tho wcathor man for the delightful weather of tho past tew weeks. Tho days have a feel llko spring, whtlo nt night tho thermometer scarcely roaches tho freezing point, and tho pussy-wlllowa nre beginning to bud, a sure sign of spring. Considering tho storms and snows in so many parts of the coun try. Crescent considers itself espe cially fortunate. Thursday. S, A. Pratt roturned to his homo In Spoknuo last Thursday nftor a vory pleasant visit with relatives hero. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jesslo Rcckwlth and Bon Frank returned to tholr homo lit Lnldlaw on tho Tuesday ovonlng's train, after n visit of a couplo of weeks with Mr, Hockwlth'a brother Harry. Irvln Ruggs nsststcd Hubert Rich ards with his farm work last week. Wm. Claypoul, road overseer, aid ed by Anthmor Woods, has boon lin ing up tho chuck holes between tho Falls and Redmond, tho past week. Mrs. Frank Donlavy visited Mrs. Porry of 1'loasnnt Valley Friday at tornoon, Mr. and Mrs. I,. E. Prlckott wore tho dinner guests nt 1. L. llarador's homo Sunday. After dinner tho Haradors and Prtckotts wont to tho homo of 11, F. Chnso and spoilt u vary pleasant afternoon. Word Iibb been rocclved from tho McLonns, who loft somo time ago, thnt W. A. McLean arrived Bafoly In Corning, Cnl., with his car of goods, likes tho country and hna routed n ranch with nil modern conveniences for this coming year. Frank nnd Cora, after enjoying a visit at Sheri dan, Oregon, for n couplo of weeks left last Tuesday for tholr new homo. Mr. Lodtettcr was tho dinner guest nt tho homo of Frank Donlavy Sun day. Ucssta and Lord Harador, R. M . Rlshop and Mr. Mullor attended tho "movies" In Redmond Saturday night. SISTERS. SISTERS. Jnn. 12. Rurton Onoy was a business visitor irom iienu Saturday. Mr. Oster ana Mr. LocKmiuor wore pleasant callers In Sisters today. Mr. and Mrs. stranm were visiting In Slaters Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Wilson b house and most of tho contents burned last Friday. Mrs. Wilson had Just come in on tho stage and a large 11 ro was built for her which caught on tho roof from a de fective stovoplpe. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Welsso roturn ed yesterday from a trip to Portldnd whore they took their son to a phy sician to have his eyes treated. As yet there Is no certainty as to wheth er his eyesight can bo saved. Rev. D. Loree of Redmond Is hold ing a scries of revival meetings hero. Ho Is representing the American Hap tlst Association. Meetings closo neit Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cllett wero vis itors In Sisters Saturday. Miss Inls Fullerton, a homesteader north of Sisters, was n business vl Itor In town ono dny last week. A surprise birthday party was giv en last Friday evening at Hotel Gist for Geo. E. Altkon, editor of the Hor ald. Everyone report3 a Jolly good time. Dan Heislng's home on the Motoll- lus river was burned last Wednesday POWKLJi IltnTK. POWELL RUTTE. Jan. 11. Mrs, Chaa. Hardy Is aufforlng from an at tack of asthma. Dr. J. F. Hosch of Redmond bolng callod Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Foster la ill with tho grip. Her mother, Mrs. Long, of Prinevllio Is staying with her. On account of tho mild woathor lately a groat deal of plowing Is bo lng dono. Tula is for spring grain, which will be sowed next month, and for seeding down to alfalfa, which Is usually sown In May nnd Juno, after tho woathor gota sottlod. A. D. Morrill sold a cow' to Rend butchers last wcok. Eighth grade cxnms In googrnphy will bo conducted nt Ilutto Valley school January 15. Graco Illalr. Joy Morrill, Leonard and Edward Frost will tako tho tost. Mrs. Georgo Moss, aged about 72 years, died at her homo hero Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Mom came to Powoll Ilutto about a month ago and had been living on tho Georgo Konrus' place. Mrs. MoM was taken 111 with paralysis and heart trouble and those resulted In her death. Interment was made In tho Powell Ilutto ceme tery. Mr. Mos will stay with Wm. Johnson for awhilo. POWELL RITTK. POWELL IIUTTE. Jan. 12. Lou A. Reed left Tuesday for Hormiaton, after a two week's visit nt the homo of tils wife's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Tuck. Mr. Reed may concludo to locate there. In which evont Mrs. Reed and daughter will Join him later. X. P. Alloy was a business visit to Prinevllio Wodnosday. Mrs. A. W. Rayn and daughters, Gladys and Hazol, went to Prinevllio Tuesday, tho former returning homo Wednesday while tho young ladles resumed tholr school duties In tho C. C. H. S. A plonsant sosslon of tho Powell Ilutto Sorosls was hold at tho home of Mrs. J, J. Chapman Wednesday. The afternoon whs Khan over to plans The house was a large one. built to for a ale ana supper which the la accomodate summer tourists, about I dies are to give on the evening or two years ago. The fire caught from February 21, In the new Wilson a defective flue and everything was I school house. Ilefore the hour of l liiirniul excaot a newliur maehlno and! imrture a delicious luncheon was IMPERIAL. IMPERIAL, Jan. 10. Glen Slavon and wife returned to their home In Glen Elder. Kansas, after visiting Mrs. Slaven's father, R. C. Johnson, for several months. John Ring has roturned to his homestead, Mrs. Ring and children romalned on the claim during Mr. Ring's absence. Imperial school district No. 92 has been organized and tho following wero elected directors: Sherman Montgomery chairman: Mrs. Amanda Combs, MIbs Ethel Zlesenlss, Miss Harriet V. Uixby clerk. It 4s ox pected that school will opon about the first of February. Miss Mabel Streeter has come out from Portland to spond the winter on her homestead. Dill Titus took a wagon load of young people to the New Year's dance at Dry Lake. Returning home they wound up the festivities with an im promptu dance at E. Van Lake's, Sherman Montrtmery has been appointed game warden for this dis trict. Carl Anderson has gone to Bend after supplies. Mr. and Ivan Knotts are spending tho holidays with Mr, Knott's par ents near Rond. One of Chaa. Plerson's horses died the other dav, making tho second one he haB lost this winter. LAIDLAW. LAIDLAVV, Jan. 12. Geo. Tlsller has traded hla storo hero to a Mr. SKlnner of Hermlston. for land about 4 to miles from Hermlston. The minstrel show and danco woro n decided success. The proceeds of the entertainment were 1114.80. Af ter their expenses have been taken out the balance will be applied on the hall. The "niggers In de show" were Messrs, Weesle, Orover, Gerklng, Leo nard, Darr, Paul Scoggen, Ray Gerk Ing, and A, J. Welton, Mrs, Wessol, Mrs. Cody, Ruth and Dorothy Day ton, Hazel Drown, and Margaret Mock. Mrs. Mock was Rosle John alng and Fred Wallace was her little boy Lamb, Mrs, Coen was Ltllle White. Preaching services will bo hold hero next Sunday morning and even-inn- niifl In tltrt riftnrnnnn nt Pino ' a very small amount of bedding. Mr Heislng will rebuild lmmeuiateiy. W. F. Edmundson killed two large porkers last week, each weighing about 300 pounds. CLINK FALLS. served by the hostess, assisted by her Bister, Miss Pooro. Tho next meeting CLINE FALLS, Jan. 11. L. E. Prlokett and Hubert Richards took hogs to Redmond last Tuesday to be shipped to Portland through the farmer's union. I Mrs. Frank Donlavy attended the meeting of tho Haptlst Ladles Aid which was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Dlttemore In Redmond last POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory "Directory of ech Cltr, Town and Village, tlrlnr dcrlptlv (ketch of etch place, location, population, tele graph, ahlpplnc and banklnf polntl alio ClauMed Directory, compiled by btulneee and protection. A B. X. rOUt CO BEAT-TLB !N - California Winter is the name of u Season, not the description of a Climate. LET US HELP YOU PLAN A VISIT to the land of Sunshine, Fruits und Flowers. Outdoor Sports Auto Trips among the Orange Groves Trips to the Ueaches Surf Bathing and the hundreds of varied amusements for which California is famous, ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT REDUCED FARES For handsome hooklets descrip tive of California, also for Fares Tickets or Reservations Call on any Agent of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. 43.4n.47 will bo on January 24 nt whlrdi Umo Mr. Morso nnd dnughtor will ho hos tess. Alton Wlllcoxon and father In lnw Goo, H. Roo, woro Prinevllio visitors. Wodnosday, Miss Mario Austin, a popular "hol lo girl" In tho Rodmoud telephone oxchnngo, visited nt tho Wlllcoxon homo. Mr. nnd Mrs, N. II. Ooldon, who re cently sold tholr farm hero, loft Fri day for Portland, whero thny will spend somo time visiting with a son and daughter beforo tho docldo on n lncntlon for tho future It Is pos Btblo thoy will remain In tho Wll Inmotto valley, however. Mrs John Ktsslor of Redmond rnmo nut Friday for n vlnlt, at the homo of her sou, Geo. Klssler mid family. Mr. Mooro and anna have been hauling lumber from Redmond tho pant week preparatory to starting work on tho now houso which they will build on tholr recently acquir ed farm, "The Goldon plnco", H. I). Mustard, II. K. Alton, J. U, Gibson, W. G. Mustard, Clirln Holts, G. 0, Truosdnlo nnd A. O, WnUor woro Powoll Ilutto fltriiiorn flhlpplng hogJ to Portland tho torn part of last week. Tho fnrmora warohntmo nt Redmond had vhnrgo of the shipment. J, P. Dnhorty has been visiting tho pnst wook nt Uneven Wlllcoxnn'a place tl la understood thnt Mr, Do horty will iMtnhllsh his residence mi his ditch laud noon for tho purpose o. making llnnl proof. Savoral of tho farmorn started plowing Inst wook, This would not indlcnto n very aovero winter. Mrs. Gen. It, Roo, mother of Mrs, Allen Wlllcoxon, has been III nt the tho homo of tho latter whero alio Ij visiting. Dr. Hosch of Redmond was callod In attendance Monday. It la hoped the lady will recover speedily, Mr, and Mrs. Frnnk Mct'nlTorty of Rodmond visited Thursday In thU section, guenta of Mr, nnd Mr. K. L. Ivorsou. Notwithstanding the ninny dimctil lien encountered by pntronn of tho now school district No. 00, their dream of a comfortable little school houso whom tholr children might bo Instructed In tho ways of future good citlxenshlp la fast being rnnllxod. 1 Ml id tilt) ( build. tUfltl't With thn lant mat of palnl nnd preparing of black Ixmrdn, tho inir fwhlnh Ij n thoroughly sn inrv nun to I he needs of the preMnutl will bo priwmitod to thn district by tho building emninltteo with only it ninnll debt again Its othorwlso olimr title. Thn land for tho school was donated by Wllllnm Wilson of Ainu Idi, n honvy land ownor In tliosn parts, Mr. Wilson also gnvo tho paint. (Jiish 1 (Continued on pago novon) W ONLY a FEW of my prices, everything In proportion. Does It pay to haul your groceries over 3H iiillos of rough, rooky road7 Rest caiui sugar 14 V4 lbs. H lllun Htoiti Hour, per Mil, & Good sun dried peachen 12 lbs fur fl P. B. JOHNSON'S n m MII.LICAN, OREGON. f Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary RRICK IS AR80LUTKLY FIRB PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON. FLAORATION. I1RIOK RUn.DlNOfl NEVER ItURN, ALTHOUGH THKY AUH BOMF. TIMES INJURED HY FALLING TIMIIKR8 OR COMIIUBTIIILE INTERIOR WOODWORK. A RRICK nUILDNO IB AII80LUTELY FIRE PROOF IF WIRE OIABB IB USED IN THE WINDOWS AND IF IIURNED CLAY FLOORS ARE USED. AN INTERIOR FIRB IN BUCH A RUILDING IB CONFINED TO THE ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATES; NO 01JT8IDE FIRE CAN ATTACK II' THE PROPORTION OF RURNKI) CIVY IN RUILDING CONSTRUC TION MKA8URH8 ITS FIRE PROOF QUALITIHH. IIURNBR'CLAY 18 THE ONLY RUILDING MATERIAL THAT HAS REEN THROUGH THE FIRE HEI'ORE YOU GET IT. IN SUCH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RESIST FIRE. ALL CO.MIIU8TIIILK MATERIAL 18 IIURNED OUT OF THE RRICK REFORE YOU GET IT. WHEN YOU HUILD USE HKICK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. THE METROPOLIS OF CENTRAL OREGON DO YOU ItlULIZi: THE RAPID KTRIDIM THAT REND IS .MAKING? DO YOU EVER HTOP TO COMPARE IIKNDN OROUTII AND I.M PHOVKMK.Vr WITH OTHER NEW TOWNS VOf KNOW? DO YOl' REALIZE THAT IN TWO HIIORT M:RH REND HAH GROWN FROM A HMALL COI'NTKV TOWN OF I IVE OK HIX HUN DRED PEOPLE TO A WIDE AWAKE, I P-TO-DATE LITTLE CITY OF TWENTY-FIVE Hl'.NDKKD. REND HAH III ILT OVER I'Ofll HU.N IIRED HKHIRKNCKH LV THE I.AHT TWO YEARS. IN THE MHT YEAR KIIK IIAH Rlllr HIX Hl'RSTANTIAL RRICK OR STONE llfHINHHS IILOCKH, CONTAINING I'HTEEN HTORE ROOMS RESIDES ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO OTHER III ILRINGH, SHE HAH JfST COM PLETED A MODERN HEWER HYHTEM AT A COST K 5711,0(1(1. IH .IUHT STARTING ON A 91!.V" SCHOOL ROCHE, THE RONIIH FOR WHICH HOLD AWAY AMOVE PAR, HAH GRADED HER KTKKKTH AND HAH JUHT INSTALLED AN tP-TO-TIHWIINl'TE HYHTEM OK CLUSTER ELECTRIC LIGHTING. DO YOU KNOW OF ANOTHER TOWN TO COMPARE WITH HER? REND'H IMPROVEMENT AND GROWTH IH JUHT REGINNING, NO OTHER TOWN ON THE MAP OFFERH A KETTBH OR .SURER REWARD TO THE INVESTOR OR HOMEHBEKKK. WE ARE OWNERH OR EXCLl'HIVE AGENTH FOR THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY WHICH COMPRISES THE MOST RKHIHAHLB IN REND. Original Townsite of Bend Park Addition Lava Road Addition North Addition v Riverside Addition Lytle H ' Center Addition Bend Park First Addition to Bend Park Second Addition to Bend Park Boulevard Addition 11 Wo Invito You to Cull or Writo for Further Information or Descriptive Matter, Maps, Etc., BEND PARK COMPANY 455 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash, First National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon. 1 t .. , M..W...WWM .MW.