The bend bulletin VOI. XI. I1I5NI), OIIKHON, WHDNHHDAY AFTKKNOON, .IANCA11V J I, 101 1. M NO. 40, r BUILDINGS Alt ' ENDANGERED L . M I I AD FIRE EARLY MON DAY MORNINQ 1 'mined by Wlnil, Flame Iiwhi Aero tlio Htrwl HAllier llrlck, llulldliig Have City Hhiiny, VI ' rnn Cafo Anil Other Ioe. l4lrn MlHrllnir In llijt Vlnnnit PafA .iihout 2 o'clock Monilay'mornlng do- strayed Hint building and tho ono next to It in which lltirl Blumy' ro- oo ry atoro waa located temporarily, and scorched nnd damaged U. A. Anther's hrlok building nnd half a ldion ntrncturcN on thn opposite aldo of tha street. Tlio loss will total np 'proximately $6000, alniont entirely covered by Insiimnco. ' Thtrit was n strong wind at tlio time and It seemed almost certnln 1hat tho buildings aero Wall street would catch. An It war thny worn all Imdly ncoroht'd. Mannhnltiior'a plate Kln (runt war lirokon by thn heat Mtid aoinu damage done by water; the 'llend Thoiitro front waa damaged, Ihn kIam In Patterson' drug atom ' broken, am wna also (hut In tlio old irtml hnll location. tho Art Mhop, (Thriithwhlle hnrnnn shop, the post offlin and O'DniineU'. The IIaihhh at limn leaped witirnly aero thn atrnot t 1. 1 flimsy framn building burning wih h rlnrrn llHAt. Th Nr cam alt I In tho Vienna , 1'Ti'i d) from the knatnr. about th middle tf tlm building. Ton Maran luki nut from the rr first. Mud thn from part ir both bMltdlnira waa AIM villi unman. Thta mad It Impom-t..- in i Airy out good there. Nothing viit. r In the rufe wa Mved. while nil ItiMl WAA gotten IIHl Of MhUOV'A )'!' were the wale. eAAb register! ! 'Mfwrllnr. In th one-story an ii ) inn building was stored n large Auioiint if cam mid narked groeorfe, and I'tMi'llcAlly nil of thno were ear II". I ntlt mid AAVAll. TlllA wiim about lull ot Mr. Hhuoy'a entire aUck. WlioloTimo In Danger. All tlmtanvml thu hulnoN part of low n rruiii ihiiiir wipmi out war WaIIi or a building ndJolnliiK tho Vlnimu l.ulldlnr. The lirlrk waII withstood thn Murco hrnt, althoiiKh tho coping caiiriu nun niirncii nnu tun riaam In the front downNtnlra and iipntnlra waa brokoA. Four lino of city liono pour mi water on thn two burnltiK Utilltl Ihra but could not invn tlinin. Mr. Kliuoy tHitluintOA tilit om At - I.AVlKiipur of the VIpiiiw aava hu t.T.oo ii0 hud lUAiirAiieo of ft 100. !' In f IJoe, with IliAtirAHra of f uu Mr Huthnr'A bulldlnic waa dAtiiAKAl 1 rnliAl t t tho wxlvttt of f 1000. fill It i-r'd by l"AurA. All thn iilii' r 1in-m on tb a ntliMr aMa uf th - I H-r covrd by lnurAnrH. Th iiiriu-d iiulldltiiCM. wlilrh with old fritin Alrui-lurMA. ImIiiiibi to V. 8. rum if Kt. Jihn. Orn. llncArriAA Jl'.ou ItiKurAHco tb rough a local j.Ki'iit, And whtitliHr h had Any mor li not Ioiiumi. Mr. Khuey will tnovn uoxt wnk In to th now Hnilth bulldlnic. In which thf MiiIkIii iuoaIIiika urn IioIiik hold nt hrt'nt'nt. Ilia ntock thul wan vml Im imw in tho Imck part of It. M. Mmlth'M tl'UhliiK atoro. Mr. l.nvlKimir AAya - ' 1 ., - ..- . -. ... . jk tv , ..! la. t , i ifW b W'" -i . HARDWARE g TT. Deschutes Banking (feTmist ; - W Company .; ... That's All 8 , . DENP. OREOONc ft S c and ) TEMPORARY A 11 r TL r i P l6cation ,. ., v l Allot lhat ? south of llemi ' i 7 z& JBhlff.onWollSt. , ( ' i 5 .- ;" BEND ; iW - . L,.:..., . ... :. .HARDWARE' m j. whmo&'wik-' f "'! '. cq. ...,.; i " .-- ' -" " i ..,-, , fteF - - MIWTINfJ I.V MHA'H IIAMi Tho niniitliiK of ottlnra horn Hntiinlny nlKht will ho hold In hnra'a hull at H o'clock, Man- nitnr (lotild of tho Cnmiiiorclul Cluh hfivlnir nrrniiKod for It iih. ICvnryono who la Jutoront d la Invltod to iittoud. - - ho will nxlpnli tho Vlonnn na nog it na n aultahlo loratlon la aoournd. Thn llAtid tolnphono ayatotn wna nl tnoAt nntlrnly put out of ImihIiii-hh Uy tho flro. nil tlio wlroa riiitnlitt; In front of thn bulldlne dontroyod ho Inn hum nl In two. I.lnoinnn Rot thorn r. ml red Monday and ycatnrday, PNEUMDNiyS FATAL IJttlo VloU (lAn-laoa Died Jlooday Afternoon. VloU Kdlth Oarrlann. the 4 year old tttURhtar of Mr. and Mra. V, C, (larrUon, died Monday afternoon. Him waa iakon III Now Year'a with hrnnchltli, which later darnlopnd In to imoumanla, which was tho causo of death. Khn waa born In I'ortland Novnm bnr 10, 1909, and cainn to Hnnd with hnr parent! a year oro laat Haptotii her. Blm wna a.vory lirlnht and at trnctlrn child and waa a Ronnral pot with all who knew hnr. Hhn war a tnomtntr of tho primary dopartmont of thn Mefhodlat Kiinday achool. Tho funeral will bn hold Thura dny uiornlnK at 10 o'clock at tho Mnthodlit church, conducted by Iter, h C Nnwhani. Inlnnnnnt will bo tiiAdn In Pilot llittto Cemetory. MGCOLLOCHjS OUSTED I Itniployiiii-nt of Attorney by ("iirporn- tlltll C'oillllllokloil Ull-Kdl, A 8lnm dlapAtrh of thn Uth aara: Tho i)HMloyiiiniit of Knnntor Claudn MnCollh by t'orporptlon Co in ml a Alounr It. A. WalAon ma IahaI AMlat Atit In thn eoriKirAllon dHpArtnmnt mm not IhrbI. And thn rIaIk tri-Aa-urr Acted prtwrly In refualng n nay Ihn iMmator'a Alary warrant. Ac cording to nn niilntoii of tb mipren court hHtidwl down KhIaj-. Thn court iiNldA ovAry roiitHtitlon inadii br lh HtatH trAAurr and Incidentally JuaIIm Hurutitt. who wrote thn opin ion, flay UowinlaAlonnr WaImih for attmptlHK to wiiiploy IummI maaIaI- Juatlce Ilurttnlt dlaroM tliAt the Httornoy Rurul aid! the dlatrlct nt Utrimyn are thn proper ofllclAl In rIvo Ingnl AMUtAtiAn or advice to all atatn ottlenra, nnd If olhr amlHtntico In till linn U nmnlnyed hi muni be douo out of-tliA.lndlrlduol h own pocket. GUN CLUB IN STATE SHOOT llend MnrUninon Drcldn In Knter the Hhoot Agnln Onirrr Klerlnl. Tho llund liod nnd Oun Club will enter thn atnte ahoot again thin year. Action to thla nffeot wna taken at thn mating held Ftldny evening at which unicern wero eloctwl aim. The plHii la to Imvn two league on thn roANi thla year- a major on com- ImmhhI of the Urgeet eltleA anil one comiMNHMl of All Iowiia llirtt dalrn to AHIr. KuleA ilmllar to thon In nt feet Inat vnar will be fnllowod. Th following offlcera wern electml hy the club: J. N. Hunter prenldent: Freil J. Wtlkey, vlro prealdeit. J. ('. IthiNtnn. AermtHry; It. M. Smith tre uror, C. It. Kurrln. field cnntaln Thorn will bo nnotliHr movtlng of the cluh ut thn eounoll ohnmbnr to morrow (Thuradny) oventuc nt 8 o'olook, nl which the question ot iIiiim will lio decliliHl. Tlio club liau nlfiut 40 luomborA nl prnaont. .. . ' ' H- - f t i.! fltet" '? tlkll HP ''Ca' READY TO AID IN DECLAMATION GOVERNMENT WILL CO-OPERATE Director Nmrell of Iteclnmatlnn Ker- vlco Write Governor Alniut North CanAl Troject JiiiIrw McAry Wilt Jin Here With WcnU (Rpoclal to Tho Hullctln) HAI.KM, Jan. 12. Governor West has recolved aaaurancea from K. II, Nownll, illractor of tho reclamation Knrvlciv that tho xovnrntnent Ij ready to coo(urata with the atatn In taking over and complotltiR tho North canal unit of tho Central Oregon Irrigation project If tho project la found to bo feaalblo. Mr. Nowell atatcd that K, O. llupann, engineer In charge of tho reclamation acrvlee In thla stato, has been directed to make nn Invtritlga tlon of tho project na noon na poa Iblo Thla Information was received by flovernor Weal Inat Friday with great RAtlifactton, aa ho enn now carry to thn nttlera and othora Intereatcd, wno will bo preacnt nt tho inuetlnRJ to hn held Haturdny nt llend and lied inond, duntilto nnaurnncoa of tho wll HnKiieaa of thn roclntnatlon aervlco to Join with the ntatn In the develop ment of Central OruKOti. Judge Mc.Nnry (oinln With Went. (Inventor WhM, nccoiiipAnlml by Judge CliArloa I.. McNary. who wrotn Inu aupromo court opinion upholding th validity uf the Approprmtlon for thn TiiihnIo I'nijnct, a lid my he Iiaa! allien IaKdii much Internal In the d-. VHloptfiHtit of the project, will 1aavm hern Friday nlht to Attend the mt- Ihra a turd Ay. Thny nxiMM-t to arrive , 1 In DamHuIma early SAturdAy morning And from thre will ro by BUtomobllw over the TumaM I'roJwct, clrellUK bAck to IfwtmotMl In time for the af ternoon mtlng and on to Itond for tk night meeting. WOMAN IS GOOD HIKER Curry Iuk Kultrnne, Mr. Itockviell Wnlkw Fit a MIIch In 1'nM Time. To tho Hit of fenta by woiiibii walk era In Crook county nnd thero aro qtilto a number of notable record mitat bo nddod thnt of Mr. Rockwell, u trained nurjc, lnt week, Bho had taken up n homeated Jouthenat of llend, boyotul Mllllonn. and wna hclng drlvon Into town In n livery rig. When tho 13 mllepoKi wna renclioil one of hortoa lieenine nick and died. Tho driver KOt on thn other and Htartad In to tlio noarnat farm houan to get nnothor animal, telling Mra. Hook well to watt At thn tig until hn ra tirned. Hut l til aim did not deelrn to do and. after the driver had left. AiArted out wAlklng. carrying hnri AUltrHKH. I)e.ltr thl burden, h hiaiIh gowl time for five mile, walk ing In ha far na thn Dunn place S iuIIaa out from llend. Mm. itoekwnlt Iiaa thn reputation of being nn export liorMvoiium. hh wnll na n hardy piMlnatrlan. I.aat yoT ahn rodo aoiuo 700 inlleA on trip mi nor thn nuaplee of the Modford Coin morclnl Cluh. She hna tnknn tho Hunt homoatoAd In tho Whltukor community. G IN TO UVE HERE IRV1NO STILES BUYS DRAKE HOUSE Kale Made by D. I. Hunter In Detroit, And New Owner Will Come Hero On I let urn From Trip to Orient Improvement are Ilelng Made Tho Drako log cabin, the pictur esque rcildenca on tho bank of tho Deachutca hero, ha been purchased by Irving Htllea of Chicago, who, with hi wife, will make hla aummer homo In llend. They will arrive In March, being now on a voyago to the Orient. Thla Information waa received from Hcattle In n letter from Mr. Silica to J. 0. Rhode, of tho llend Park Co. Thu aalo was mado by D. K. Hunter who met Mr. Htllea In Detroit. Mich. Mr, Htllea atatc that hla attention waa nrat directed to Central Oregon by Thomaa W. l.awaon laal summer. Mr. HtllcM la prealdent of a largo wholcRalu morpantllo uHtabllahment In Chicago. ImpnivcmcutN Hrlng Made, rrcparatlona nru being mado for thn coming of thu now owner In tho way uf Bovoral Improvement nt the roafdonce. John A. MacCloakoy la In Mulling a hot air heating plant and J. J. Hyati la putting In two bath room upitalr. The iiecoaMry car penter work I being done by 1C. I). Mclntoah. Mr. and Mr. John II'. ItUAftoll, Mr. Htllea' butler and honae keeper, arrived In Demi Monday night And will tAkn charge of all other Improvemenla Anil tho fitting up of the place. A carload of furniture U being ahlpimd In. It la underatood. Mr. Ktlln oalled from Senttlo on December 30 with a party of Hhrln era (or a rrulae through the Orient. 1'jhh hla return from Ue Philippine he will come direct to llend Inatead of going on to Chicago, VOITII DlliS AT I..V FINK. Melvln Hapor, the 19 year old son of 0. W. It per, of La Fine, died at tho family home Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Consumption waa the cause of doalh. Ho was taken 111 at Hood Hirer last aumtner and on Sep tember 13 waa brought to I.a Fine. The Interment wait that place Mon day afternoon. HKIHINO IIO.MK Ill'KNKD. Tho homo of Dan Helslng. on tho Metnliu river, wa deatroyed by fire luit WeiliiMiltiy, with practioally all rontAiita. U'-iul ,i-oplo will hq glad to loeni, bcwnvei. thnt he will re build, a hi plAce ha been a popular one for thote Aeeklng ah outing on , inn i mo i hi unnng me Hiimmor month. HILL FOR HKCOND ItNTItlKS. WA8IIINUTON. D. C. Jan. 13.--1 Senator ChAinberlalH of Oregon hai. Introduced a bill providing for sec- -oiul homestead and desert land en-1 trie where thn original eNtrles have been forfeited for other reason than .fraud; a I ho a bill regulating home steAd en trie by heirs disqualified by roamm of alieauge. ItlRTIIS. To Mr. and Mrs. Fotor Rlizl, on January 9, n girl. - 4- -- -4 HHOOTINO KSlrii THl'JWDAV. - Tho shooting aennon cloaoj - Thuradny and aftnr thnt dato It will ho unlawful to hunt - duck, gcciio and other fowl, - According to (he atnto law tho aoaaon doc not cloao until Inter but tho federal Atntutn super- cede tho Orogon Inw and make - tho cIobo on tho 16th BEND NOW DIVIDED INTO TWO ELECTION PRECINCTS County Court AUo Apjwlnt Juallco Of Fcacc And Con tabic For IUch; All of City Included In Order Tho County Court laat week di vided llend Into two election precincts which were alao designated as jus tice precinct. Dy the atate law thla action waa mandatory, the statute providing that where there are aa many as 300 voters In a proclnct It shall be divided. Inasmuch aa the precincts are cd-tcrmlnus with tho city llmltj, the city will not have to go to the expense and trouble of a aeparato registration, as was the case lost fall, but will uso the aarae regis tration as for tho general stato and county election. Tho counting of votes will also be greatly facilitated and tho results of an election learned nuicker. Tho court order reads: "That all that portion of the City of llend as lies southerly or Ironwood nvenuo. Oregon street, thn southerly lino of lot C. block 2, original plat ot Dcnd. and aald lino extended to its Inter section wltli the westerly limits of wild city or llend. be designated na South llund precinct No. 3; that the lioe house In the City of llend bo dmlgnnted as the polling place; that a. C. Caldwell, C. M. McKay and A. 8. Collin bo designated as judges and that IT. N. Hoffman. F. II. May and H.J. Overturf be designated m elsrks of the election board within said preelnct; that said precinct be also designated a Justice district and that II. J. Overturf be appointed Jus tice of the peace for raid precinct un- '11 the next general election, and that 8. K. Roberts be appointed constable or said precinct until the next gen eral election." All tliAt portion lying northerly of thn dividing line as aUted above Is designated as North llend precinct No. 3. The polling place Is Lara's hall: F. O. Minor, M. J. Kelly and K. W. Richardson are tho Judges; Stophen Steldl. C. W. Krsklne and ICItnor Nlawonger, the clerk ot the election board; J. A. Hastes, Justice of tho peace and L. L. Fox. constable, MKKTIXflH TO CLOSK SUNDAY. Tho Ilulgin meetings will cloio Sunday evening, it Is stated hy those In charge. Several hundred conver sions aro reported. Geo. L. Rose, who has been leading tho singing, left Monday for Walla Walla, Wash. FRHi: SKKD CORN. Farmers of Central Orogon who have determined to make corn Ono of their 191-1 crops, are to be given free seed by the O.-W. R. & N.. but only unuer rigiu eoniroci mat mey dmbi, cultivate and harvest in the muw prescribed by the eomanya crop ex perts. At the end of the season, when the crop la harvested, it Is specified thst every kernel shall be saved for seed. It may he sold or given away to neigh boring farmers, but with the explicit understanding that it lie reserved for future planting nnd that none shall be ud as feed. If the farmer has corn left after saving enough seed for his own and his nelghltor's uso. the connmuy will buy it of him at 10 per cent more than curront market prices. lEe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C, COE, President E. A. SATIIER, Vice- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - - K5.000 Surplus $18,000 The new Gurrency Bill is now a law. Panics are a thing of the past. Additional security and safety has been added to the banks of the U, S,, and therefore to the people. This is the greatest piece of construc tive legislation passed in fifty years. We cannot put its many provisions in writing for lack of space, but will be pleased to tell you personally of the many admirable features of this bill, which are for your further 3afety and welfare. Gall and talk to us about it. m FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND ' DIRECTORS i U. C' Cor E. A. Satheu C. S. Hudson O. At. Patteuson H. C. Elms 2G0 3QG?' ,CQSP 'cmp' "5aEpP 'CfiW' &2fr kcs iv ,rf-7JVN fKV v srr.n n ' V ; .H Q2 Jl K .11 3 Jl i iijvi iJU ff'jy wJA WJs EXPRESS RATES ARE GIVEN OUT BIO REDUCTIONS ON FEBRUARY I Fared Pot Charg aro Lower on Small FacIcosc for Short Hauls, Hut Not On Larger One For Distance- IlAtee Ar Glreou Tariff sheets showing details of thn new express rates which aro to go In to effect February 1 have been ro ccircd In llend and are given bclou In tabular form. Comparison of them with tho parcel post rates shows that on small packages the parcel post la cheaper and on largo one, the ex press rates, where it Is a short haul aa between IJood 'and Portland. On tho long haul, aa between: Rend and Chicago, the new express rates aro cheaper practically all the way through. These now rates are a big reduc tion over tho charges now made by the express companies. The change is made by order of tho Intorstnta commerce commission, which has un questioned rnto-maklng power, and Is effective over the entlro country. While definlto announcement ta not yet made, it ia considered that free delivery ot express will bo made In Head. In this case there will bo a further saving to tho consignee, who at present pays a minimum of 10 cents for delivery of a package, with proportionate Increase on .lar ger parcels. For one class ot goods eatables of all kinds the express rate be tween Bend and Portland Is almost as low as the freight eharges. For Instance, on 100 pounds ot this class of goods the rate by express Is 1 1.30 and by freight 31.01. The following table shows the old and new express rates and the par cel post charges, between llend and Portland aad llend and Chicago: IIBTWBBX I1BND AND PORTLAND. Present New Parcel Hxpress Bx press Post No. lbs Rate itate . Ratot 1 .25 .23 . E .CO .27 .19 B .20 .19 10 . -,i"5. , .34 .24 10 ' .26 ;24 20 1.10 .48 .34 20 .36 .34 SO 1.25 .90 .64 GO .68 .64 75 1.80 1.25 75 .94 100 2.25 1.60 100 1.20 I1ETWEEN BEND AND CHICAGO. Present New Parcel Bxpresa Express Post No. lbs Rate Rate Rater 1 .30 .29 .22 I .80 .6t .70 10 1.49 l.7 1.30 It .81 1.30 10 S.7 1.94 4.60 ! 1.48 2.10 t 1.71 4. it 5i S.42 ? $.62 6.7S 75 S.04 100 11.10 8.90 100 6.68 'Eatables and the like. Including fruits, vegetables, meats, eto. tlncludos 10 cents for Insurance, as the express company rate Includes Insuranco ot parcel at its full value. vi'sotn thv mt .II 32 V. U 1S" Iff cS tyjii 917 9Jxi P"9w P 1V fTagr Ttevv H 'QQJW' ,QMP &$jM$J ,