ifr: tKsn ijui.licti.v, hknd, ours., whunichdav, jauvmiy 7, iom. imob t. 1 I vH POWELL BUTTE (Gontlntioil front 1'nno 2) ,wll lm tho Wilson school hniian, Following In (Iiu woiitlmr roport ifor IXiconilior nn kIvoii by local Co oporntlvn Ohsorvnr HniimlorH: Monti maximum 41, innnii inlnlniuiii ir, niitxliiium 4.1, inliilinuin 2;. moan 2H, i'rool)ILa(l(iu 1.1(1 lnclius, Hnow full I, ft Inolio. Ulimr ilnyn, 11) partly ;ltnr lOi cloudy 10, I Mr. nml Mt. 13, N. Hull emlor- tiilnml nt ft (llnnur party Hiinilny, I'lntos worn Inlil for nlno nl tho wnll jippolntml tnlilo, Himtml wuro Mr, , Jim! MrH. (lnoriio Hon, Mr. nml Mm. Allen Wlllcoxon nml ilntiKlilor Har riot. Miss In ft Hon, Houviij Wlllcox- i i , on nml Mr. nml Mra. Ilnll. ' ' Tim hmiollt diiiico Klyon Monday ovoiiliiit In (lm now houso Imllt liy MUliRoriutloit ly tho noonlo of school , illntrlct No. DO, wliloh will lator bo , lurried nvor to tlio illntrlct for Hclioot iiurpojiua, wna n ilncliloil auccoss. A I iiirKo crowd wmi lit iittoiiilnnco nml nil expressed tliomsolvos nn havltiK linil n Jolly Rood ttmo. A liouiito our Mippor was sorvod nt mldnlKlit liy tllll IftlllOl. Mr. and Mm. Hurry Hpoor mid ohlU tlron wiuil to Ilmid Tuvmlny wliuro tho latter will rolunln for n wook Vls IHiir relatives. Upon their return tliay will tako up rnsldonco on their honiostoail. Mr, nml Mr. Frank McCnffnry mid Mr- mid Mr. J. IL llolmrta of Hod mond nttondod the bo no fit dnneo on Mondny ovonltiK. I'OWKUi llt'TTI-:. I'OWKM IIUTTK, Jan, 4.-Tlm water waa turned Into tho cminl last week hut farokn out near tho Htanloy ranch nnd wa ahut off Immediately. Until tho break la repaired thnao at tho lower nnd of tho canal will lm Mhorl of water, aa It pnMiahly never reached them. Hcnrclty of wntor haa hoen a handicap to thoio foodlnK Jlock thla winter, A Rood ruin visited us Wednesday night, with vary mild aprlimllko won ther since. Kldor II. W. Cottroll and J. J. Nothery, president and vlco- pres. 4lont of tho Western Oregon Confer ence K. I). A., wnro Intro lail wook nnd organised an Advuntlat church of IS inmnboro. Thla la tho first church to bu organlrcd hunt. I.lttlo Kay I'rlckott la uultu alck with a anvnro cold. HcMsle Culver la n new pupil to be onrollod at tho llutto Valtoy aehool nnd tho enrollment la now 10. Mls 'llortlin (looilsell, who has a horaestonil adjoining the Will llrown anil I'rod I'nrou places, hna her Iiiimso finished. Kd rrMn did tho vurk on tho building. A I). Morrill itold n dairy oow to Lewis Itlalr. A dnne wna hold Mondny nlgljt nl the WIIsuh school houso. It wna n nuliMrliitlou nffnlr and was attoudnd bv oini of the Inrumit eroMils tlmt tins turnwl out Io h 1'owelf llutto dance for h long time. "li. . .J? ,. ." i X I1?.""" How thoy meltHd like n snowbank In n Jnnunry tltnw, And tho mnn who broke his meer- seliihim juit! vnweti ho'd arndko no more JCow smokes nn old two-cent olny plK) behind the cnllnr door." - AU'AI.IW. i miii "n mniiu natia hi; ii"ii AI.I'Al.KA. J nn. K. Mlsa Iromr HnrniM and (Intl Itarnea nnd wife hnvo been spending the holtdnys with Iioiho folks. The Alfnlfn school hnd n Christ inas trtto and gnvo n very pleasnnt Utile untertnliimeiit on Chrlsluiua Bvo. A. O. Walker ahlpped n load of fat hois to I'ortlnud thla week. Mr. Walker has reeeutly ndded n ftnek of MUlUin typo sheep to "Alfnlfn Valley Psrm." Mm. Kerdlnn, Mrs. Nixon nnd Mr. nail Mrs. Joan Holloro of l'owell llutto were enllers In Alfnlfn roeunUy. Mrs. (Inilinin'M mint. Miss Corn )Umh, tins returned to her lioiiio lu Wallu Walln. Wnsh. Trnppora hnvo been hnvlng a fruit ful lmi vest In this section tills wln tor. Hay Leonard tins captured 36 coyotes In tho last few wroka, nnd (ithant hnvo done about ns well. .hoy Woolley Is helping V. O. llar Oy ulonr nnd plow his ranch north or Alfnlfn, this winter. Jamoa Clinmbera nnd sons hnvo lonsed the llmu llnnseu plaoo for tho vomlng season. At tho meeting or tho wator users' Association In llend Inst Saturday, A. O. Walker or Alfalfn was elcotod n director. Mr. Walker won also chosen to represent tho association In the Irrigation congross which will convene In Portland In February. 1IAM1TON IIUTTK. HAMPTON IIUTTK. Jan. ft. Mra. John Terry nnd Karl Hogora or Olnsa llutto spent a row days with Mra. M. W. Hheppnrrt nnd wntcuod tho oiu yenr out. A rabbit drlvo la In prospect In thU vicinity. Tho matter Is being ngltnted by Messrs. ZloroU and Whll nkor or Hampton, who nro soliciting subscriptions to procuro tho nocousn ry wire. Itny Harper, A. T. Shtivor, Kmll Cnrroz nnd Mr. I'lnkun wore visiting friends horo during tho holidays. Mr. filmver, Mr. Tlnkui and Mr. Hnrpor made a trip to Hond. Mr. Hnrpor lld not roturn with tho others, but wont to his homostoud nenr Cllno l'-nlls. Bovornl purtloa or nuto-tourlsta tvuro help ui horo becnuso or snow. When tho warm wenthor molted tho snow thoy procoodod to tliolr doatl lintlon. Chris Tinner la limiting a lalr or bobsleds. If mora snow comoa v;o will tnko n alod rldo. Wenthor prophets say It will bo nn opon win ton John 1'orry roturnod from Hond lajt week, walking most of tho way. O. U Hlnmnn nnd V. 8chrodor nro nt Thick Crook nnd Fife on buslnoBS. J, Tt. "Wlogol, who has n olnlm nenr fiUuftor, wna In thla locality InBt weok. ' ' Jay SnUman, whllo on routo to Hums, had tho misfortune to bronk n wlicol on Ills now Oldimobllo. Kd Htroot nnd wlfo of Muck Crook wero visiting Mrs. Street's pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. V, flchrodor, tho lat ter part of last woolt. CIiiib. Stuurfor roturnod from Hond Bundny with a lond or Biipplloa. THACIIKIW AVKIIAUK WW. (I'rlnnvllln Journnl.) County school stipurlutomlonl My. era, In mnkliiK out n rocord of tho (lUiilincntloiiH or tho toitchoN of Crook county for thulr worft, found tlmt ho Inn) 10 tnnclmra tlmt worn only olghth Krndit graduates. Twoiity.filim tench. era Intel no imllflcntlonn nsldo from nomo IiIkIi aehool trnlnliiK. Thoro wnro 12 high aehool graduates who hnvo no apodal training. Tho coun ty niipnrlutondiiut roporta G3 tench m who hnvo hnd norninl (mining, hut only 0 of Ihoso nro normnl grnd untosi Not ono of whom la from tho atntn normnl nt Monmouth. Thlrty soven tnnclmra of tho county hnvo hnd no in (i coIIoko trnlnlnx, but only Id or til ono nro coIIuko KrnduntcH, NOTICIJ ()!'' CONTIJHT. Dopnrtiiivnt of tho Interior, United Htnlua 1-niid Olllco. Tho Dullva, UreKon, Doc, 20, 1913, To Vloho Htancff of 228 CoUch Htnxit, I'ortlnud, OroKon, Contvatno: You nro liurohy notified thnt Hlmor Wllaon, who kIvuh Hand, UruKon, aa hla poHtofllco nddrcdH, did on Novoin ber H. 1013, (Ho In thla onico hla duly corroliornted application to conteal nnd aoctlro tho cnncollntlon of your homoatoad, Entry No. 08408, mndo Mny 27. 1013, for WH Boctlon 12, Towiiahlp 20 Houth, Hliniio 18 K. W., Meridian nnd na Krounda for hla con teat ho nlleKoa that "Hntd Vlcho Otnn- yff Jiaa railed to establish realdenco on aaiu tract; inai no nan railed to cultlvato anld tract or any pnrt there of: that aald futryinaii hna nbnndon od anld tract for upWnrda of alx inonlha lout paat and that audi fall nro and abandonment wna not duo to hla employment In tho army, navy, marine cor pa at tho U, U. la time of war or otherwise." You nro, therefore, further noti fied that tho aald alletjatlona will be taken by thla offlca na having boon confeasod by you, and your aald entry will bo canceled thereunder without your further rlaht to bo hoard thoro In, cither before thla office or on ap peal, If you rail to fllq In thla office within twenty daya after tho FOUIITII publication of thla notice, aa shown ImIow, your nnawer, uudor oath, specifically meeting nnd re- apondlnit to theso allojtatlona of con teal, or ir you rail within that time to file In thla oflko duo proof that you hnvo served n copy of your nnawor on tho aald contestant In person or by registered mnlt. If thla acrvlco la mado by tho delivery of n copy of your answer on tho aald conteatnnt In peraon, proof of audi -or vice must bo either tho anld contest nut' written acknowledgment of hla receipt or tho copy, showing thu date or Its receipt, oLtho affidavit or the person by whom thO' dvllvor); wa mndo stating when nnd whoro the ;Vaiiy wns delivered; if mndo by regis. tercd moll, proof or such service must winalat of tho ntndnvlt of tho person by whom the copy wns mnllcd ststlug when nnd the pontolllco to which It waa inniioii, ami thla amunvii must be accoinpnnled by tho postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You should state In your nnawor tho nnmo of tho postotllce to which you dcslro furthor notices to bo sent to you. H. FUAN1C WOODCOCK. Heglster. Dato of first publication Dec. 24, 1013. Date ot second publication Dec. 31, 1014. Dato or third publication Jan. 1, 1914. Data or fourth publloutton Jan. 14, 1914. f . notici: van ruiiMtwno.v. Department or tho Interior, United State I-mid Olllie, Tho Dalles, Orognn. December 8, 1913. To Whom It Mny Concern: Notice Is hereby given thnt thr state or Oregon has filed In this olllco tho following list of lands, to-wt; list No. 8, for patent, nil or which Is In cluded lu approved segregation list No. 0, Berlin No. 011772. Dcsorlp Hon Soa Twp. Itgo. Acres BNKU 23 178 13K 80.00 BBWNWVl 23 17H 12K 40.00 tit, 23 17B 12U 330.00 NKU 24 178 12K 1C0.00 NI-M;NW44 24 178 12H 40.00 HM.NWV1 24 17S 12K 80,00 BKVlSWVt 24 178 12K 40.00 NKU8KU 24 178 12K 40.00 8W8KH 24 17S 12K 80.00 NV4 2ft 17B 12K 320.00 BWU 2G 178 12H 1G0.00 NK4 8KU 25 178 12H 40.00 BVijBKU 25 178 12K 80.00 KV, 28 178 12H 320,00 8H8WV't 34 178 12K 80.00 KVs 35 178 12K 320.00 8U8WU , 17 178 13K 80.00 BWUBKtt 1 17 .178 13K 40.00 BWU Ijl8 178. 13H 168.38 NWU8KU r 18 ,178 13K 40.00 BU8KU 18 U78 13K 80.00 All or ', 19 '178 13K 035.93 NU , 20 4178" 13H 320.00 NV48WH n-20 ?178 1310 80.00 BWU BWU SO l78 13K 40.00 All or 30 178 13K 03G.03 4309.33 nnd linn applied for a patent for bii Id land under tho nets of Aug. 18, 1894 28 8tnt 372-422, Juno 11, 1890 20 Stat., 43, mid March 3. 1901 31 Btat., 1133-1188, rolntliig to tho granting of not to exceed n million acrsa ot anld lnnd to 'each ot certain atntes; nnd that tho aald list, with Its accompanying proofs, in op oned for the Inspection ot all persons Intoreatod, mid tho r.ubllo generally. Within tho next 00 days following tho dato of this notlco, protests or contests against tho claim ot tho stato to any tract described In tho Hat, on tho ground 'of failure to comply with tho law, on tho 'ground ot non-dosort charactor ot tho lnnd, on the ground of a. prior adverso right, or on tho ground that tho saino Is mora valu alilo for mineral than agricultural purposoB, will be rocolvod nnd notod for roport to tho Oonornl Land Olllco, Washington. 1). O. II. FRANIC WOODCOCK. Roglstor. L. K. HOOTH, Roculvor. 41-49 -- OHIKIOX TlllNK THA1N Arrives .............. 8 a. in. I.onvoH ,,....,,,,. .8:30 p. In. II.-W. It. tt , TIIAIH. Arrives ,,,,,..,., ,7:4ft p. in. - leaves ..,,,, 7:2ft a. in, HTAOH liINK HOUT1I. Arrives ,7:30 p. m, Leaves , io a. in. AUTO lil.VKH. Cnra dnlly to Hums nnd points south nnd southenst. - l'()HT()Knri llOUItH. Oonornl delivery open dnlly, 10 - n, in, to 0 p, in. " Uotiornl delivery opon Bundny 10(30 to 11 n, in, - - Itnllwny mnll closes 7 p. m. - TICIiHOItAPII IIOUHH. - Western Union dnlly 7-12,1-6, 7-10. Bundny B-J0, 4-fl, 8-10, ti:m:iiioni: iiouiw. I'loneor Co. dnlly 7 n. m.-9 p, m. Kunday 8-12 nnd C-8. NOTICK 1'OU I'UIIMCATIO.V. Donnrtmont of tho Interior, U. B. I.nnd Oirico nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, November 13. 1913. Notice la hereby given that Hubert II. Could, whoso postolTIco ad dress Is Hond, Oregon, did, on tho 20th day or Jnnunry, 1913, file In this oftlco sworn statement and ap plication, No. 011190, to purchase Iota 2 and 3, aoctlon 19, township 17 south, rango 12 enst, Wlllnmetto Morldlnh, and the tlmbor thcroon, undor tho provisions of tho act of June 3, 1878, and acta nmondatory known aa tho "Tlmbor nnd Htonn Law," nt such vnluo an might bo fixed by appraisement, and that, pursunnt to audi application, tho land nnd tim ber thereon have boon appralsod Ono Hundred f!eventy.8lx Dollars, tho timber estimated 12C M. board root at S0.70 nor M.. and the land 181.00: that aald applicant will offer final proof In oupport of his application and aworn atatement on tho 24th day or January, 1914, beforo H. C. Kills, U. 8. Commissioner, at Hond, Oregon. Any person is nt liberty to protest thla purchase beforo entry, or Ini tiate n contest at any ttmo beforo pat ent Issues, by filing a corrobomtod nffldnvll In thla oftlco, alleging facta which would defeat tho entry. II. FHANK WOODCOCK. 37-40 HcglBtor. mr- NOTICK It) It PUIIMCATIO.V. Department or tho Interior, U. B. I.nnd Ortlco at The Dados, Oregon, December K, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that John Tot era or Hond, Oregon, who on No vember 25, 1907, made homestead entry No. 16801, Serial No. 012315, for KUNWU nnd .NKV8WU, soo tlon 7. township 20 south, rango 11 oast, Willamette Mtrldlan, hna filed notlco or Intention to make final five year proof, to establish claftu to the land nbovo described, boforo H. C. Kills, U. 8. Commissioner, at llend. Oregon, on thu 22nn day or January, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses Dnvld Hill. Cortex II. Allen, John At kinson and Fred A. 8honn,uest, nil or llend, Orogon, II. FHANK WOODCOCK, -40-44 Register. NOTICK FOIt I'lMH.ICATlON'. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Laud Offlca at Tho Dalloa, Orogon, Doccmber 8, '1913. Notice Is hereby given that Mary H. Harryman of llend, Oregon, who on Junuary 11. 1910. mado desert land entry No. 05839. for WUNWU and NV48WU, section 3. tqwushlp 17 south, range 12 oast. Wlllamotto Meridian, has llled notice of Inton tlon to inako final desert proof, to es tablish oliiliu to the land nbovo des cribed, beforo II. C. Hills. V. B. Com missioner, nt Hond, Oregon, on the 22nd day of January, 1914. Clnlmnut names ns witnesses Martin K. Rogers, Frank Hnsl, John i . Young nnd John I. Moore, all of Hond, Orogon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 40-44 Iloglster NOTICK OF CONTKST. Department nt tho Interior, United States Land Olllco, Tho Dalles, Orogon, Docombor 12, 1913. To Heirs of Jonas A. Johnson, de ceased, of Held. Orogon, Conteatop: You nro hereby notified thnt Frnuk L, Rnmsny who gives c-o J. V. Allen, Tho Dalles, Oregon, as his post-ofllco address, did on Decembor 12, 1913, file In this office his duly corroborat ed application to contest nnd socuro tho cnncollntlon of your homestead entry No.. . Serial No. OlOlftlt made April 8. 1012, ror 8WU NEU, 8BU NWU8WU, WU8BU, soctlon .17, Township 19 S., Rnngo 19, B. Wll lamotto Morldlnn, nnd as grounds ror his contest ho nlleges thnt aald entry man, prior to his decoaso railed nnd noglectod to establish hla roaldonco on snld land or to mako any Improvo- niontu thereon othor than to clear n vory small portion of tho lnnd con sisting of n Binall yard In front of hla cabin nnd to construct a small cabin thoroon; that ho did not establish hla rosldorco on said land nt any tlmo: that anld ontrymnn died In March 1013, loavlng no helra or de visees, neither wlfo or children, who nro residents or cltlxona of tho Unlt od States, or who hnvo declared their Intentions to bocoino such citizens. You are, thoreforo, furthor noti fied that tho enld allegations will bo tnlcoq aa confcsBod, nnd your said entry will bo cancollod without fur ther right to bo hoard, olther boforo thla offlco or on appeal, If you fall to fllo liv this oftlco within twonty days aftor tho FOURTH publication or this notlco, na shown below, your nnawor, under onth, Bpootflcnlly re sponding to thoao allegations or con teat, togothor with duo proof thnt you hnvo sorvod n copy or your nn awor on tho anld contestant oltlior In person or by roglstorod mnll. You should state In your answer tho nnmo of tho pool office to which you desire future notices to bo sent to you, h. K. IIOOTH, Itocolver. Dato or first publication, Dccomher 17, 101.1. Date or second publication, Decem ber 24, 1913. Dato or third publication, Decern bor 31, 1913. Dato or fourth publication, January 7, 1914. ItHHTOIIATIO.V TO KNTllV OF IjANDH IN NATIONAL FOUIWT. Notlco Is hereby glvon thnt tho Innds descrlbod below, embracing 1C0 acres within tho Deschutes National For est, Orogon, will bo subject to settle ment and entry under tho provis ions of tho homestead lawn or tho United Btntcs mid the lea or Juno 11, 190C, (34 Stat., 233), nt tho Unltod States land oftlco at Tho Dalles, Oro gon, on February 18, 1914. Any settler who was actually nnd In good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to Janu ary 1, 190C, and has not abandoned snmo, has a preference right to mako a homestead entry for tho lands ac tually occupied. Said lands were listed upon the applications or tho persons mentioned below, who have n preference right subject to tho prior right of any audi settler, pro vided audi sottlcr or applicant Is qualified to mako homestead entry and the preference right Is exercised prior to February 18, 1914, on which date tho Innds will bo aubject to set tlement and entry by any qualified person. Tho landa aro aa follows: Tho WU BKU section 24, township 10 8 R. 13 K., W.M., 80 acres, list ed upon application of Aborbam Kvens, or Hond, Oregon; tho WU NKU, section 24, aald township and range, upon application or Charlca Robb, or Park City, Utah; list C-1028. .Decombcr 3, 1913, C. M. IIRUCK, Assistant Commissioner of tho Gen eral Land Offlqo. 41-44 ORDKIl FOR HKAItlNO OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In tho County Court of tho Stato' of Orogon for Crook County. In the matter of tho F.stato of George II. Pulllam, Deceased. Now at this time this cause coming on to bo heard and It appearing to the court that Lotizotttt Pulllam. tho ad mlnlstratrix of tho estate of George II. Pulllam. deceased, haa heretofore filed In this oourt her final account na audi administratrix, It la there fore ordered thnt tho 10th day of Jnnunry, 1914, bo and tho same Is hereby sot ns tho date for the hearing or said final noeount of said admini stratrix nt tho court room In the above entitled oourt at Prlnovlllo, Crook county, Orogon, and Is the tlmo and placo at which objections thereto, If any thoro bo, mny bo made and hoard by tho court, nnd It Is further ordered thnt tho said l.ouzettn Pulllnm aa such administra trix of tho otata or said deceased, glvo notlco or tho hearing or said fi nal account by publication thereof In tho Rend Ilullotln, a weekly news paper of general circulation,' pul lis hod at llend, In Crook county, Ore gon, lor tho period or four succcs- CONSTIPATION Indlrfstlon. Had freath. Dlni nH, Vertigo Ibllnd stacRert), JlmJachc, fiallow Complexion, a Tired, Dlscounised I"ellnff nr a:t symptoms of a Torpid Liver. HERBINE Is aa UfTerffve Liver Tonlo aad I lluucl Ilesnlnlor. Its powerful rsvlvlnir Influ. onco In the torpid liver brings on an immeiiiaio imtirovcmrnL You feci hotter at once. Tho bowels move freely eo that tho impurities vrhlch nave clogged ud tho dlcesttve orcansr nnd an outlet When tho system haa been thus purified, tho bilious, half sick faellmr dlaanneari. tha complexion clears, tho breath becomes sweet, tho mind alert and cheerful and thero Is a, One reeiine of exhilaration all .mrousu mo lou jr. Trie CO per Dottle. JamesF.Dsllsrd.Prop. SLLoult.Mo. rc 6or Cyss. Cure. 5ocoAMoRicoMncNDioBv Patterson Drug Oo. i 'TEM Accuracy "High Power" Repeating Rifle No.425 l.Ut Trice $20.00 ,.ss KO-.i-jnJ.a caliber I'M Kmlnv-taa Allntlin Vb Big Game Rifle that Makes Cood. Sure Fire Nollalka N'oJams Onkr fivm yvwr Vk.Ur, ,StnJ fvr IbnJwmtl lllutrUil Jlilie CuUW .N. II s J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., I1 O lk( into. tnicopee talis, mass; KK'JV"'; 3 dvirri'H1.' ana jr. Penetration.. dUtinguuh eur i --t. 4fmmf: MS5d$i f.Wi3 I? slvo weeks. Dated nt Prlnovlllo, Oregon, this 2nd day or Docombor, 1913. ' a. snuiNOKR, Judgo of tho County Court or Crook County, Orogon, 40-44 mi NOTICK I'OIl PUIILICATION. Department of tho Interior, V, 8. Land offlco nt Tho Dalles, Orogon, Decern bur 20, 1913. Notlco la horoby glvon that Hattle L. Huntington, of llend, Orogon, who on 4ily i27th. li;08, mado homestead entry No. 0300, for BWU 8BU, Boc tlon 32, Township 19 South, Rango 11 Kast, Wlllnmotto Meridian, tins tiled notlco of fntontlon to mako final flvo yonr proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo II. C. Kills, U, B, Commissioner, at Hond, Oregon, on tho 13th day ot Febru ary, 1914. Claimant names an witnesses: Fred A. Shonqucst. Dnvld Hill, Peter Beg- WE ARE STILL DOING IT DOING WHAT? Making the BEST FLOUR in Central Oregon. '- Bluestem Blend and Flaky Loaf For Sale at all Grocers sjaBaiaaassaasasstMagasaMSnMsssssaMeaeasassaiaaa8gaegS' &-i We also have the best roll feed and mill feed that money can buy and are prepared to han dle the trade of Crook County Bend Milling and Ware house Company Hotel Wright OREENWOOO AVENUE. The Hotel for Winter. Steam Heat and Running Hot ; - and Cold Water. Get our rates for the winter. The only stone hotel in Bend. Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL i HUGH O'KANE, manaqkr BEND, OREGON Oood Rooms Free bus to and from trains Altamont Hotel s) THE MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE ROOMS IN THE CITY. STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER WITH BATH PRIVILEGE. BEND, OREGON I Pilot Butte Hotel Ideaf Stopping Place for and Travellers. SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO COMMERCIAL MEN. J I QOOD DINING. ROOM, J. P. TAOQART, Proprietor. FREE AUTO BETWEEN 4f)fifif)fif)ffif4'f)fJf'f'f'ff)f)i4)(-)ff4fffiff)fifif4f't,fhy- ONE CENT A WORD is all gllng, John W, Usher, nil of Rend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Roglstor. 43-47 oven es years' cxpcnicncc Traoc Maakb Dcaians CommiaHTS Ac. ABTon tmAlm itolrh nd rfcucrtstlon mT qnlrtlr lurtrinin our otHnkrti tin whtthvr in mnn if prnnnoif ntiffmnni rlnu Ukn tbroa.h tin an A Co. Klr rprrMiiwiKf, wii iwm wwi, io mm Scientific Jmtm, A fcMfnlr IIIintrilM itr. Tai-itou nr. riiUilofi nt mnr wHttttt ttnL Trm, 14 b rri fnariuonUu.il. ootai bf all nawftf wItx. Bf torn pal'., eg V ft-. WMd ten. 1. 0. .Special Attention to Transient Travel I Oood Meal All arrangements made for persona desiring to to south and east of hero . a- Summer Vacationists : $ . HOTEL AND DEPOT. It OL u little want ad will costu! IjrjjTra