IlEND ftUMF J i. GUARANTEED TOR TWO YEARS r When you ! a lint win it liiillle ir miy other rubber KiiimIn iinU fur "MAXIMUM" .-' Trniln tliii only Mini over aolil Unit curries n TU'O YI'AH, UNIVIIIIHAL Gl'AIIA.V.I.I'. llily n Minliiiinn ut nliy Itevnll Hloi-o horo or nlirunil, niul wears out wltlilii two years, you go Imuk wlloro you IioiikIiI It -or to uuy othur Itcwiil Minus nnywhord ntnl Kut your money bunk, , Mnilo ft inn tint IiiihI unit purest rulitinr, oxtra strong, uxtrn rnliifoicitil, with a imrfoclloii of finish that stniiiiw ovory pliioo in n wgrk of art. Maximum. Iiooiiiisit or Km groat durability, saves you mutiny ami In a guarantor! ngiilnsi ilmiKr of scalding niul other luronveiiloiicim arising rrom the iimii or an lurerlor boltlu, which often kIvim out Just wIiiiii moHt neoilod. Kncli lit Imx, with printed, two-year universal ittuir antcninaloiiiiil. .'Mitxliiiiini water hot flex. Iro nip, luilh sprays, syr inge, He., mil sold only at Tim Itr.iiil Htou. of ulilcli thero urn iiiouj Hum 7,000 In the United Hint", Great Ih-llalii niul CiuiuiIii. They aro llio World's Greiitct limit HtorcM. The Patterson Drug Co. iir.Ni !! 1-t .s . LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. A. A. Ollmoru ut Mlllloun wan In llend yt-sterday, . Horn,, to, Mr, .and Mm. John Wsl ton. ut Janunry 0. n rl. Mrs. Aila II. Mllllcnn In In town 'today, .staying nt the Wright, , Olo Dragsvold U InJrvw hU Hamil ton homestead for BboHUmo. , W. I'. 'Ynndryrrl came down from the much tho last of the weak, Oeorgo Mllllcnn was In town Man day .registered ft the, Wright Hotel. J. C. Hho'dea got back tbo first of tho week from lil holiday trip to He attle. . Mm. Florence Powolson la vlittlnie 'her mother,Mrs. II. E. Smith, this week, y ', ' . 1 J, II. Curl. fnroshranKor stationed nt U Pine, "was a (lurid visitor yes t tordsy. v '' A board walk baa been laid from tho Kenwood walk'ncrvis to Aubrey Heights. '-; . T.'.k.- Mm. 1'. A. Rllonaulst wan a guiMt nt tho Pilot llutto Hotel several days Inst week. . , The TfexaJll Store '.C. T. NUwongrfri lsfasslitlng In Thompson's store durlnic Mr. Thomp son'j itlnemi. Sim- 0. Shrlner Kan returned ii Hcnltlo whofa she visited durlnx tho holidays. Mm. C. 1. Nlswonger la on tho alok Hit thin week, suffering from malaria fever. . Mr. and Mrs. A M. 1-nra, who snent tho holiday! lie re, returned Friday nlKht to Heattle. ' William Hantoy camo In from Ilurna yoatejriay. going out on tho train last night. ' Mm. M. Vogcl returned yesterday mornlnKr ffarrtIWttUnd wbera alio , pant tholldjpV) C. W. Kmklne returnod Mundny from Yamhill ajid I'prtland whuro he ifnnt tho hollifdyi. Frank J.JftVJltcad 4 tmldlnK a itibitantlal hotnu on luti 11 and 12 In block 3 of KenwUid. C. H. BhumWay, Vho apont tho hot Idnyp nt his homo at Salem, returned to Mend thli niornlnR. Hchool nopondd Monday mornliiK. Tho now prlmnry'clnca will not atari 'til Monday, January 19. William Todd, a Mlllloan valluy homriitcador. oninn In tho first of the 9j wank for a nhort may. Mln Hoio Schlnttinftn ipont tho holldayH In Prlnovllle, Uio Kuest of MU Claudia Wonderly. Mr. and Mm. A. M. rrjnitlu rjnturn , cd" Friday ntornlnir from tb'ijlr trip to various points In WatihliiKton. lr. and Mrs. W. B. Baylor spont RESOLUTIONS My luinlncjm for 11)1 1 will ho fur nlnliliii Iioiiioh nmt inuUlnit people liappy. 1 havo Vf rtliliitf from tlio ciKk Htovo lo tho beautiful piano that adorns llio parlor. Prlres ttio very lowest ctmsUtnt with imUly. Tonus to milt. E. M. THOMPSON s , Bend, Oregon Whoro Your Dollar Docs Its Duty. '.Mnilc ft ohkuo.v 4 llio week-end In Ilmid, koIiik out to their ranch Monday afternoon. J. II. Htlllwell cntnu In Friday from Henttlo and accoui)anlod Mrs. Htlllwell to Portland Haturdny. ,r. and Mrs. II. W. Hkujo, who wero vliltliiK In Hpoknuo durlnr; Uio holidays,, returned homo Hunday. On account of a tlldo down .the eanyon, tlui OreKou Trunk train did not reach llend until noon Hunday. O. M. Cornell of Prlnovllle was a llend visitor Friday and Saturday, a guest at the Plot lluttu Hotel. Tho condition or John tyteldl and K, M. Thompson, who havo been on (ho slqk list. Is reported Improved. . join Trlplott, Jr.,, absence of uioro than two years, has returned to Iloud. Ho has been llvluic al Ash land, Mm, and Mrs. C. M. McKay and children returnod Monday from Port land, whore they wore over tho holi days. W. It. Wilkinson camo up front Willow Itanch, Cnl., last week to visit his wife, who hai been hero for soma weeks. II. I.. Maurot.'who has been act Iiik as timekeeper on Hut Tumalo project, has returned to town for the winter. Mr. I., II. McCann arrived Bun day ovenlnK rrom Alberta, Canaila, to visit her daughter, Mrs. llalph Hpeusor. Tho llrldgo Club was entertained last Friday by Mm. F. O. Minor. Tho hostess this week will bo Mrs. Floyd Dement. William FIcmltiK and Matt Trow wor over from Prlnevlllo Friday and Saturday, registered at tho Pilot llutto Hotel, J. II. Fox oame In yesterday from L'ratiwtnl utt4-M tiu tSnss ti sslsirn nllil I I'lVlltVllk nHVIV IIV M (.wu ' lnr;e ranch. He registered at tho J'lioi iiuuo. MK and Mrs. J. J.. Coen and Mr. and Mm. A. J. Harter were up Man daay night from haldlaw for tho Odd Fellows dolus. Mlssos Anno and Gertrude Market loft Hunday for tbolr homesteads In Mllllcan valley, after spending tho holidays In town. Tho annual meeting of tho direc tors o( tho It. M. Bmllh Clothing Co. has been raited for Wednosday, Janu lory 21. In Iloud. i Hubert II. Oould returnod Rundny ' from his holiday trip to Seattle. Mrs. , Oould will remain In Seattlo for it I few weeks longur. Miss Uthel Williams or Prlnovllle Is visiting Mm. Clark Paul. .Miss Hlnnchu WIIIIiiiiib wus over froiirtho county sent last week, for a fow days. After an absence of Heveral months spent tu California and Mexico, Clint Whlttod roturnod to llend. last wuok and Is it Kit In nt H. C, Caldwell n atoro. Over at Prliinvlllo tho rotintv Jail In empty, for tho first tlmu In hovit.i1 yeiim. Hhurlrr Klklns tins hud id "iIihmIm" mIiico Uio Uucomher term of court. K. K, llontiott, orKniilznr of tho Uiiltiid ArtlsmiH, enmu In Monday nlKli) from Portland and will ho hero n work or so In tho lntonwt or tho local IiiiIko, , A purty from llend took dlniinr at Mook'H on Now Year's day, Among thnm wore MIhs Katherliio Trntitnor, I tho Misses Mnrkol and V, A. Pdrhes- -Tumiilo Times, I Mrs. M. I. Morrltt will nccomtmny 1 her liiiHlmnd to Portland Hunday iiIrIiI on his trip to attend tho meet lug or rorost supervisors, which be gins Monday. Mrs. J. II, Itoliortson, who tins been visiting her rousln Mrs. F, A. Hhoiuiulst for tho last six months, has loft for n visit with relatives In Victoria and. Vancouver, II. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Morrill of Powell llutto woro trading In Iloud yesterday. Mr. Morrill, who has been mirroring rrom sclaflca rheum atism, Is greatly Improved now. Miss Mildred Kosn left Hunday for Prliinvlllo to entor tho Crook county high school, where sho will tako a normal course, boarding at tho dor mitory' ror glrli recently completed. Denton 0. Ilurdlck, who Is well known In llend, mid Miss Koa May llroiihon wore recently married at tho homo or tho bride's paronts at Kpon cor, Iowa. Mr. Ilurdlck lb practicing law at Redmond. F. T Ilonn, who recently filed on 40 acres below town adjoining tho llyrd uliico. as a homestead. Is build ing u nice seven-room bungalow. Mr. Mean win irrignm tne tract witu wa ter from tho Hwnljey ditch. Announcements havo been receiv ed In lictid of tho marriage, In Ithaca, N. Y.. on January 1 of John Dubuls and Miss Marlon It, Curtis. Mr. Du buls was hero for soma tlmo lust fall In connection with the enlargement of tho Central Oregon Canal. Tho Vlcnnn Cafo Ij having a new floor laid and putting In a private dining room. A. Lavlgaur, tho pro prietor, Intonds to keop open alt night The making of bakery goods lor tho public bus also been resum ed. ' Tht Russlsn Frentlsr. One fssturv lu which the Russian frontier dlttVrs from others Is the com plete IguoruBcr of these living ntsr tbr border of what lies beyond. A curryi poodout of tbe Autocar ssys lost lif calltxl at tbe Automobile club in llrrslsu, hoping tu gain some I u for mation. Tbv uieiubvrx m-elred me must kindly slid did all tbey could to tielp. but explslnrd Hint tbry never erossett the fruullrr Hud bad no first baud ktiuwlrdgv. Ths Uerwiiu customs otUcr. living for leu years within yard of liussta. spoke no word of Itus Inn, und the ttusidaus beyoud tbe -hnln snokf no Ocruuin. "Therv In a neutral strip some three or four yards wide between Ilux.lii and tlrrtnsny. along which many Itus ilau mAi tries ure innled. and raounti-d CuMMicks pass at short Intervals, rid lug tbe boundary." New York Sun. The Word -Poultry." Poultry, according tu tbe definition given In one staudard encyclopedia, tu eludes "the whole of tbe domesticated birds rrclnlraed by umn for the sako of their flwb and their eggs." .The word comes from tbe l-ntln "pullus." which could mean a young bor or donkey as well as a cblrk ltd English "foal" Is skin to Iblm. through tbe French TKiule." a fowl, flut It Is curious thut "poultry'' has no French version, the oesrrxt equivalent Mug "volallle," or "otseiiux cle Uix-e iMiir." birds of tbe low yard, tlermun In Its descriptive way knows poultry as "frdcrvlcn, feather rattle. A Vsnlihtd 8hrlr. "What of your trip abroudF "My wife was deeply disappointed In cue thing. Hhe visited Shakespeare's home all right.' "Welir "Hut she also wanted to pay a visit to the tub of Diogenes." Kansas City Journal Important. "Dobbledny eeem to think himself t very Important person." "Why. he can't eveu stand oo,a street corner and watt for a trolley car with out putting on as many airs as If be were laying a cornerstone. Mruilng ham A um-Horn Id ffifc. Oftt Home Made Candies Dainty Lunches and Ice Cream dti Oar Notable Annual January 'i i , i ,i i ii 1 1 i , , Beginning Thursday, January 8th, and , con tinuing throughout the entire month- Our great est Mark-Down Sale the Big Event of the Year SAVINGS IN JOc Kverrtt Di-ch Oliiglinius reduced to, . . . .Otic J'-!'ic York Dress (JIngluiiim rediircl to.... JOc Ific Ited Heal Drcts Oingliams redurcd to, , . .l.'tc J'-4c Perralni In ii"al stricM and flgun-s reducrl lo 10 He He Outing Flannel In Pink and lllueHtrlites checks mid plaids, special at .0 He Damasks I5c Mercerised Ihuuask re- ducd to . . llOc One I'nloii DitinnHk rttlucoil to.ftfir 91,00 All Linen Dainnxk re duced to HOc l.ftO All Mnen Damask re duced to ..... ..... . 91.-0 Ladies' Union Suits A Hpclal lot of Iadlea' 1-leece Unel t'nlon HulU, $1.00 value, for this sale. . .... .H5c Our $1.75 Wool and Cotton Ladles' Union Hulls rcduc ed to ..$1.45 Ladies' Coats OL'lt ENTIIU: LINE OF LADIES COATS Values to $20.00 for this sale ,$10.t5 The majority of Uieso are below cost. Comparisons of real values offered will make it clear that the REAL SAVINGS are at the REAL January Clearance Sale of MANNHEIMER'S council mm bills Tills tho ClUef Iluslness Transacted at Meeting Held Lost Night. Tho principal business transacted by the City Council lat night was tho navlng of bills totaling IH91.C2. Ow Ing to tho alscnco of tho mayor-olect no new offlc.nts woro swern In. Tneir oaths and bond woro all filed, but action was. continued untl tho next tnoetlng, on Tuesday evening, tho 13th, at which tlmo It Is expected that tho now administration will go In. It. Q. Dowser put in a claim for 1110.27, on account f demages hq alleges were dono to his property in I.vtln br sower blutlug. - The claim waa referred to the special sower M. A III k4k There was a discussion or side walk building but all petitions went to tho strcot committee for action la- tor. m, UnrlnnAr Ynunr tmlimltted II report on tho matorlala turned over by tho sower cansirucuou ouKincor, In which the amount sold was shown, tin thnt so inwor nermlt3 had been Issued and 14 plumbing. He turned oyer to tho troasuror $169-05 i.rivn.l frnm hhIi's and ncrmlt fees. ml... fnllnwln la thn llt flf tlllts for which. warrant woro ordered drawn Geo. Young, cemetery plats f 28.C0 Oco. Young, sewer ongng .. io.uo Ooo. Young, gen mgng '. . . 22.60 Anton Anno, filling in sower trnnehea that HOttlod .... 11.00 S. K. Itoberts, Dec salary . . 126.00 . !...,,.. u.nfniiiiiflii nr flro 3.00 llend Hdw Co, supplies from March to January 1 32.27 H. C. Ellis, city registration 29.40 C It. Kurrle. work on Jail . . 24.7" Tom Murphy, crosswalks . . 7.00 O. Horpan, crosswalks .... 4.80 F. T. Crowo & Co., reinforc ing ror Jail roor 30.00 11. W. h. & P. Co 210.90 llond nullotln, sewer notice 1.C0 J. P. Johnson, rout 20.00 ' Rlnmn Hdw Co. nulla 3.60 Anton Aune, draylng ...... P. Lohrman, blnckBinlthiiiK Owl Pharmacy, supplies .... , T .......m .l,u ,w -nlim. 10.06 27.60 6.60 28.C6 II. J. UVUIIIIil. VllJ n ".J tKiiitnnmii A r niulllltifr Inn Bowor books 102.19 0. D. Urown, sowor work . . 5.60 H. 0. Ellis, saly recorder .. 30.00 llend Co., lumber 47-20 V. A. Korbos. saly olty ntty 40.00 aiass & l'rudhommo Co., Iron work for city Jatl 598.95 LODGE NOTICE. Tho Tlond Lodge of tho Fraternal Urothorhood will hold Its eoml-au-nunl liiBtallPtlon of olllcors next Thursday ovonlng, January 8. All inomhora are requested to nttond. Advortlsomont. Wo can rightfully bo callod pio neers In our lino, nftor moroly ektng out an oxtstonco while tho town was PIECE GOODS AT THIS SALE Sheets and Pillow Cases 7fc Hlieets reluced to,.,. ..flOc Hrtc KIhh-Oi rediircil to. .. .70c Oflc Hhet'ts rcliicid to . , , . . . HOc Pillow t'ascs rwliiced to ....... l-i!S 14 18 2.1c Ladies' Waists all styles $1.25, $1.00 values, for tills sale $1.15 Ladles' Handkerchief Hpecial H 1-1 and 10c value re duced to , ,...5c small. We are still here, better able with'all tho latest appliances for your wishes and comforts. Shoes shlncd whllo you wait. THE METROPOLI TAN. Adv. HOWLING FOIl THE LADIES. In order that ladles who are In terested In bowling may have an op portunity to indulge In the sport. Carmody Droi. havo, announced the setting aside of their alleys on Thurs day afternoon for the women and their friends. At that time all other spectators will ba barred and the al leys kept for the use of tho ladles alone. It is also expected that bowl ing clubs will be formed and con tests held regularly throughout tho winter. GUN CLVI! NOTICE. A meeting or the llend Rod & Gun Club will be held Friday night at 8 o'clock In the old Commercial 'Club room in the Johnson building, for the purpose of electing officers. All Interested aro urged to attend. EENTOI-VED w That it js prettv harp To CjET OUR, PR.lCe-S ANY LOWER, BUT WE ABIT ALWAYS tf AMM"ERINCJ THE7A DOWN. ALL THE TIME VE WANT TO KEtP 1UING5 moving AQR'EvSSn TilpS Sea i -i?u5I tkgSszM wit S NOT TO MAKE AN OCCASIONAL SPLURGE DO WE MAKE OUR HARDWARE LOWER, BUT ALL OF THE YEAR AROUND WE KEEP PRICES HAMMERED o DOWN TO THE LOWEST NOTCH. WE WANT THE CONFIDENCE OF THIS COMMUNITY WE KNOW WE CAN GET IT ONLY BY GIVING. YOU RELIABLE HARDWARE THAT WILL STAND HARD WEAR WHEN WE TAKE YOUR GOO. MONEY. COME IN AND PRICE OUR HARDWARE FIRST THE HIGH QUALITY AND LOW PRICE WILL PLEA St YOU. Skuse Hardware Company IHc lllpplctto and Bcrpcntlne Crcic, rctluccd KlniHun Full Count Calicos for this salp fie it!ic Cretonne reduced to,.,,,,.., i!lc tWc Hntlno Crcjte1, Wlilto only 10c J2Jic Countess Clialllcti , . . 10c Comforters Reduced Vl.'S Grade Seclal $1.05 O'rado special 91hKT $1.75 Orndo sieclal ...... . jl.fi5 9".00 Grade special $1,70 Embroideries 10c Insertions 5c 12?, 15c Kdrinw ,10c 00, 75c Flouncing 27 Inches wide , .50c $1.25, $1.50 Flouncing, 45 inches wide , .$1.15 Shirts and Shoes OUIf KM1IU? LINK OF ME.V8 $1!3 HIUUTS. Itcduced to .......05c Broken line of choc at greatly reduced prices. CLASS IN DANCING. Miss Eva Graves will return la about a week from Portland and. will start a children's class in danc ing, giving lessons one .hour a week In Sather'if hall, after school. Fop further. Information Inquire of MIsi Graves. Adv. 44 NOTICE. The Royal Neighbors Will give, a social dance in Bather's hall next Tuesday evening, the ,l3Mi. All aro Invited to attend. Adv. 44o The best grade of typewriter car, bon for sale at The Ilulletln office. Ilox of 100 sheets, bluo or black. Tor 92.50. Adr. HOWLING ALLEYS. Our new bowling alloys will be to served for the use of ladles and their friends Thursday afternoons. Other reservations made upon re quest. CAHMODY HROS. 44tf - Adr. iff "' i- irrV --. -jsjfk V M VM ?gv. tw