THE BEND BULLETIN Til ii III il II I VOI. XI. IIIJ.VD, OHF.OO.V, WKUSKHUAY AITHHNOO.V, JAXVAUY 7, llf. XO. II. rrr V 7 and Otlj ind h KW rof r hat Hid I fi inn "J t TWO MEETINGS FOB SETTLERS ONE AT BENC OTHER AT REDMOND i'lintntrhrliil CIiiIh ro-ojMTMtlng Willi yfmrrnor Wwl, iuhI nil llm 'nr incri nrn l?rul to Attend Hm ' Um on Hnturtlay, January 17 In addition to thn inontliiR of ant- lora already announced to ho hold at lu-iiil on Haturilay, January 17. thorn will bo a almllar RatharlnR at Ited- iiioud, on the aamo date, Thu hour for tho Itodmond montlnR la 3 p, in. ami for thn npmIoii here, 8 p. in, Tho pur wmo of tho tnoetlfiR la to obtain tho vlowa of thn aattlorj on tho Cen tral OroRnn IrrlRatlon Co, tonroRa. tlona on'tho matter of ilato and fed oral aid for completion of thmo pro- Jocla. Tho followliiR la a copy of a letter , which tho Governor hna addrried to (ho Commercial Clulm at Hoduioml and llend: "I wUh to asik your co-operation In arranging ror n iiioetinR of tbo not tlors of tho ContralHon'Koii Irrlgn- 'lion Project at IteiFnToud, January J 7. at 3 o clock ti. in., ami at .1 mul. , nt H p. m. Thin nitlro la (tiwlrmnoif taking up tho proposition of sceur - ItiK s'ate anil foilnrul ro-aporatloti In urn manor oi completing mo air "are act project." Irur Imrgo Attendance. ' ! , Thn llMiid flub. throuKh Manager Itntrt II. tlotild, ha iMtied tho fo. lowing communication addressed tot'" "" ,nr"" '" o mern- Mil settlers of tho t'mi l rat Oregon lr- ,no,,t wn .afforded by thonii who had rluatloM Co. segregations: never bowlod before or had a one In "A lotlor Iihh Ihmoi received b thla ,nH " hand, a waa the eaiio with h ' irwnlMtloii from (lovernor Onwald Wwit. atatlug thpt ho will he In llhd Matiirday, January 17. at X p. hi., for the piiriMHMt of meetliiR with tin- hit ler and olhora IntHrimtml, for a dui cmmIoii or Hih proposed statu and fed eral Kuporvlsloii or thn Central On Knit CiniHiny'N joRreRntlons Vn are urgod to bo at thl moot ing and to bring your neighbors with ym. It U a most vital subject for )our consideration." HUGE SIGN CAUSING WAR "MrrrlinntN or One Htrrt Claim (o be More INxndable Than Other. The following dispatch from I I'luo waa printed In thn Portland OroRonlan of January 1: "A luminous war la lining waged hero between the merchants on Main alrtMl and those on Morson street, rad by thn erection of a huge fllgn on all approach to tho town, MiMlIng that the Morson street mer chant uro tho most dependable. mtti.i: (Jim. vhhv hick, Viol ii Oarrlsou, tho little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Onrrlson, U quite 111 thla week with pneu monia. Hho Iiiih brou delirious part of tho time. Her grandmother from Portland arrived Monday morning In help nursu hor. .WOTII Hit JKMIKIIS AOHNT. Fred A. Matx nrrlovd In llend last Week and will bo associated with P. aq w--''-v-r--fNnfNwv S?'S?,SS2? ''' "'" ''"' r ii '- .'.' '."irvj '" ? ''' , l "'; ' HARDWARE . , E Deschutes Banking Sb Trust ( W . ; Company. " That's All )W ' I ' ' . jdend, orcoon5 a s jy . cxnH v vLi7 ' ) - v ' ana f ) ;$& TEMPORARY , - Vn C T1 '"'"' W location : All or 1 hat ' J I " south of Ueon b c JSf j JJhlg.onWallSt, s' ? , . N . j ."j: , ' . .. . -BENE) .'I 1. ;.v 'J' . . HARDWARE si I wiPQffMHP 0, Clarrlaon In looking nftor tho lie torosts of Tho ItoRtfN Lumber Com pany In Contra! Oregon. Tho oxtnti alvn tracts, of timber which nro liulil hy thn company will bo In charge of uieso two mon. ami Mr. Harrison huj'm thill thoro will ho much Mold work carried on In thp way of so- riirniK own which ij necessary bo font milling operations can ho under taken. Mr. Mats was formerly with tho forum Mohrlco, bng a ruomlior of tho crow that spent lam summer ex amining tho noil mill tlmhor or tho MutolltiM rtvor valley. PARTY IS VERY UNIQUE . 'MD ENJOYABLE AFFAIR NUtecn Couplra Dimco at the Oregon, Dinn Ml tho Wright, nml Howl at Cnrmody llroo. Pool llnll. Unique In Its conception ami thoroughly onjoyublu was a party given last Friday evening, It bolng In tho naturo of a "progressive" af fair. Firm, thorn Was ilnnclnir. limn dining and following thin, bowline iiininru ana pool. Hlxtcon couples Kathorod at tho Oregon Hotel about 0 o'clock whoro l hoy found tho floor cleared of ovory thlnic tnovnhlfl ami In tho bent of condition for tho "Unlit fantastic" Tho hostesses for this part of tho evonlng'a fun worn Mrs. Whitfield and daughter, whoso hospitality waa pnrlaknn of until 11,30. At that hour tho party wont to tho Hotel Wright, whnro thoro wo wait In a splendid luncheon, served hy thn management. In connection with tho oatliiR of tho good tlilnx. thoro was iiiuilc. furnished by a his crnnhn- phono which had been provided by llalph Polndoxter of tho Owl Pliar- maey. . From the dining Initio tho party ' proceeded aa the gucsta of Dennis' i 1 ariuotiy lo bin pool bull. Thn placo wns lurumi over entirely to the mcr ryiunkori, tho (loom hoi on locked to J1'" 'lle. Hero tho fun reached J!" ". with every pool and Ml-, '"d fable and the two bowling alleys malorlLv of the wniiinii nf llm nariv - - ---- -- --..-.. ,,. ..--. mm of the Place by Mr Cnrmody. and tho revelers hold forth until an hour not wry rar from daybreak, the gath ering thou breaking up. The party was chaHrnned during tho evening' fttlvltltu by Mrs. Whit- te'i SPRING WEATHER PREVAILS IW Week Unn Hern Ciiiixiially Mild For This Nraaon of Vcar. Tho proper motaphor for cold and anowy woathor In tho middle of April la something about wlntar lin gering In the lap of soring, and It son ms only right to reverse It ror thu present conditions nnd aay that spring Is trying to ornwl up Into win ter's lap' and gel a tight hold about tho old fellow's neck. Kver since tho ehluook began to chuse the snow last week tho dayrf huvo been mild and pleasant, with tho snow on tho rilJtant hills tho only wintry thing in Mgiit. tiio temperaturo up to this morning have bean aa follows: Date Max Mlu 1 48 KG it it IS -17 38 I 62 32 ft 68 -13 fi B7 43 7 30 Thoso nro In marked contrast to those of n year ago when on tho 5th tho mercury stood at zero, on tho Oth at 2 and ou tho 7th at S ubovo xoro. Thoro was no tlmo limit set on the.!''"1- " w waitio, u bcott, who succeeds Mr. Itussell; J. P. . )mm t I : : 1 ? NEW RAILROAD T wnmM in wi" Wbt w& HK' WKmm . i'-7. . :M KWIHUA - H HBP''?VBBSS&yJHH I aBM&BSL .fflKumsBSHaBm h. V. (II,MN. OKIX.ON Tho new head of tho Or gon Trunk Jtnllw.n, 1. C Gltmnii. made bin first Visit t Mend Mstirday inomlliK. accompanied liv other ofnplHts iifl the road. The parly consisted or J , ... ... .. . , itogerM. aiiiennieiKieui. j i.inuwy. iiiro. ami ja;iicH iiuduoii. enter special n special train mid left nt U u in. It they did not get up town. At n later vlttlt the will call on thu huslntMi inon of the town and maka their acquaintance. Mr. (Jltman, formerly assistant to the president or the Croat Northern Italluny, became tho active head or the Oregon Trunk nnd the North Hank system and ntllllated lines In Oregon mid Washington, last Thursday. He la a WiUtvrn man, having boon lopnted at Hoattlo ror many years. Ho was ror a tlmo assistant to U W. Hill, stationed nt 8L Paul, whan tho younger Hill was president ot tho Croat Northern. When Carl It. Gray became president or tho Croat Northern, Mr. Oilman returnod to Seattle. For tho last year and a hair ho has been tho Groat Northern's chief executive on the Western division. As president or tho nlllllated lines or the system In this stato Mr. Oil man declares It to hi his purposo to energetically carry forward tho de velopment of thu properties under his direction and at tho samo tlmo further every enterprise having to do with tho upbuilding and settlement oi too agricultural sections. MINSTREL SHOW FRIDAY Inlllmr Folk Will Present Kometlilni; Quite Coitilcnl. Down ut l.aldlnw this weok thin; are humming. In typical Lnldlaw style. In preparation ror tho minstrel sliow and dance Friday ulnht. and thoje who are getting up tho enter' lalnmont uru expecting a big crowd from llend, Deschutea and other neighboring towns. Quito a unique aunouncomunt regarding tho show has been mado. It being na folowa: "You nil bo aiinh to como to do minstrel show nox' Friday night, nliilhcos It'j goln' to bo somo show you bet. All oh do cullud popuht hety In do rlty Is goln' to palpalltato GRIEF VISITS THINK PHIXIIHAT. ItiiMell ret'.rlnK eeneral sutierlnteml-1 . -- -"- auporiutendent of tirldges and bulld- agent Tliev urrlvtMl at a. m. nn was a hurried trln over the line and -8L In do sho' ami Iloslo Jobnstng'a lit' tie boy I.amb Is one or do wonderful lest chile prodigals ovah on do stage. Hob dat cute an swoot an' smart.. I Came and git a dollah's wort ob laffl tor inirn-nvB cents, and aevonty-itve , cents worr ob dance wld do cullud ac ta h folk. It will be worf any fan's money. Itoele Johnalng or I.IICo White will elthah ono gib n swuol klsa to do hansumuat white man fob tun dollahs ir smack." The curtain will rise at S:1B and after the show the lloor will be clear ed for the dancers. I'OltKST NKUVICK MKKT. Forost Supervisor M. I.. Morrltt will leavo Sunday night tar Portland where he will meat with tho other supervisor of national fo rents on tho eastern side ot tho Cascades, for u T conforenco on forcit probloma, Tho' incoiimpi win cover a poriod or 10 daya and will afford a moana for tho official charged with forest nmnage ment to comparo notea and dlscuas tho various qucmlona of admlnlatra tlon, Bflven foreata will bo ropro ftitod nt ho mce'lnB tho Doa chutca. Crater, Blaklyoii, Cholan, Col vllle, Wonatchco ami Okanogan. COMI'f.KTKVO HKy JAU,. Tho brick work on the new city jail la bolnR dono this week and In a. Miorl tlmo tho bulldlnK will bu ready for ue. It contains two atcel rolU, In each of which aro four bunka, giving tho prison a capacity OI CIRIK, FARMER'S SHORT COURSE ArPRINEVILLE IN FED. I'ractlrnl Infonnation Will He Key note O. A. V. Instructors Will Ile In (linrKo .Vo UiarKe Is Made. (Special to Tho Uulletln) PHINKVILLB. Jon, C Tho agri cultural department of tho Crook county high school has Just complet ed preliminary arrangements with tho Oregon Agricultural Collego for tho holding of a short courso in I'rlnovlllo In February. The exact data Will be announced lator, Thero win be no charge whatever In con nection with tho course. This short courao will consist of a series of -lectures, demonstrations und exercises on the various phases of agriculture and aomejtlc science. Every effort will be mado to make tho course of practical benefit to those who attend. Kzoerts from thn rnl ' lego will bo on hand, not only to glvoi Stno lectures and conduct tho demon-1 stratlons, but to answer any questions whlrh mar be asked. The object or this courso Is to pro - vide the largest amount of practical information the time available will , permit, and to offer It at a season of the year when the ranchers can bestin' lne siaiomeni tnat tne public leave their farms. Tho work In do mestic wlence will aim to furnish to tli home-makera or Crook county In formation which will be of benefit In the everv ilar routlnn of the home. Taken nil tocether It i u III t.A n wuiilr Altn.l u'l.l. umaIImI i - - . "- r . '. -r'. .,, i3 n noui Hiiiru n,t,a 'l(.l.. Information and Inspiring thoughts j a week that one can not afford to miss. Farmers are urged to begin J now to plan their work so that the, family can spend a week In rrlne-l vllle next month. .MISS MKDA CAKTI.K MAUUIKD. Word has boon received from Nez Pcrces, Idaho, that Miss Meda Cas tle, formerly of llend, waa married there on January 1, to Leroy Hotal Ing, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. C. l. Hotal Ing. Tho Hotallng family formerly lived In llend: The bride U the sis ter of Irs, Georso S. Young and has many friends In Uend who wero sur prised at tha announcement ot her marrlago. Tho young couplo will mako their home on. the Hotallng tarm near Nex Perccs. WHITi: KAI.K CONFIIUIKII. Oh Monday thd oourt confirmed the sate of the JoliVi W. White proi- erty at the iirlcea reeelvoil at tho re cent auction sale. Hy having this rwMle the estate has reeetvod sov oral hundred dollars over the sums offered at the first auction, but tho up-river ranch still romalns In the estate. Thla will bo sold privately. NIfiHT TIUI.V TO COXTINTK. The, rumor that has been circu lated recently In llend and other towns along tho Oregon Trunk lino that' tho night train Is to bo discon tinued Is entirely unfounded, ac cording to railway officials hero yes terday. Thero Is absolutely no grounds for such report. It Is Jtated. I 333fM3S The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C. COE, President E. A. SATHER, Vice- President C. S. I1UDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid ... $25,000 Surplus ....... $18,000 The new Gurrency Bill is now a Iaw Panics are a thing of the past. Additional security and safety-has been added to the banks of the U. S,, and therefore to the people. This is the greatest piece of construc tive legislation passed in fifty years. We cannot put its many provisions in " writing for lack of space, but will be pleased to tell you personally of the many admirable features of this bill, which are for your further safety and welfare. Gall and talk. to us about it. - TSk riRST NATIONAL DIRECTORS U. C Cob E. A. Satiieu O. S. IlUDSOX O. M. Pattkusqn ii. c. Ellis 3Qy(0 LUNG EON TALKS TODAY NOON AlEETINQ BUSINESS MEN OF More Than 100 AAcmb!el In Hmltli HulhUng and Town's Need Are IIcusmm1 in UnrtwcHctcd Man- ' nev--Is Arranged by Cliurclt A luncheon arranged by thoio In charge of tho evangelistic services was held at noon today In the Smith building, and there were more than 100 business men present The meal, prepared by tho church ladles, was served for 25 ccnt3 a plate. Fol lowing the lunch, thero wore short talks hy a number or men. Dr. Bs J. Huigln. the evangelist, bclne tho eon. eluding speaker. The toastmaster was II. H. Do Armond. It was In tended to have the sDeeche? limited to Ave minutes each, but a number nf those on tho program were unable to say all they wished In that period. j. ii. anonie rns called on first. Ho said that ho had been taught that our Bchool la our business but added lhU to nomoextent, this was not " ln enu. lie aaxeu tnat the . c"ltcn8 a,J '" tho educational worjc, 'and among suggestions ho mentioned 1 keeping the boys from loafing at the I'00' halls, the school pupils from staying out late at nlghU at lodge and revival mooting. He concluded can work quite a change outside or the school. J. P. Keyee had been assigned to the topic or die needs. He spoke having a curfew law that (s OBforerd. declaring suoh or iwrticular cood to f h t-lrlfl nt thn Iawii. I)ArA..lHI. A .. .. " . . --"-' r"" - m v .,c. .ciu4.i. Id saloons, ho said he thought that tho fewer of them the better. He nald thero were many angles from which to view this question, hut that ho spoko only from tho economic stand point. In regard to tho llcoase fees paid by them, ho stated that he con sidered It an expensive way ot col lecting taxes. A committee waited upon C. 8. Hudson this morning and persuaded him to speak on the (immerclal needs of the town. He had been given to understand that he might say what he wished, and he took oc casion to reply to some criticisms that had been made by Dr. Ilulgln. Ho said one should not Judge a town by the number ot church members and the number or saloon It has but by the character or Ita citizens. He snld the citizenship ot llend is or a high class that It never was as good commercially and clvlcnlly as now. He would not nut the saloons out of business It he had It In his power to do so. and declared 'that the only way to end the liquor buslaemi Is to stop the manufacture or whlskev. ' I stand ready to glvo all poMlbln aid In this direction." he Mid. ( lived In Kansas and Oklahoma under nrohlbltlon and la la a farce. Put a high license on saloons nnd make tha nroprletorj run decent places, don't make them social and moral outcasts but holp them Into other lines ot business. One or the highest duties n man has 13 to. provide a homo for hlmsoir and falnilv," ho declared, adding, "Character to me Is above re ligion, and everything that tends to (Continued on page eight.) lANK OP BEND )(ODSMi3S)I9$lSli) aj