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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1913)
IIIJNI) IIUIiLKTIN, I1BWI), OIIB., WKM.N'KHDAY, MWHMMBK tff, llrt, rACJB r. 4i P f CRESCENT (Continued from iiiiro 3.) .-with Jimmy Morrison to Orescent. Tom MoOord. who Iiiim huoli trnp iiIiik fur novornl wookn nnnr Groacont t.nko, returned Huturdny with a hum- .Dor of Alio turn. -(InorRti Mnyflold npnnt aovnrnl days 'in Crescent thin wook, returning to hln ranch Wodiiosdny nccoiupanlod by H. T. Hourk, Wnltnr Bmlth, Tom McConl nnd 13. T. Hourk spent sovornl dnya hutkllnir, nt Crescent .tho first of tho wnok. Mm. K. (1, Itourk antartalriod n .iiumhnr of guest nt turkny dinner Innt Wednesday, tho occasion Imllift her birthday. Thn dinner was thor oiiRhly enjoyed and ninny happy re turns worn wished her. m Mr. nnd Mm. I). A. Jones woro In "',from their ranch Friday. Thn woman a uivio Loneua mot 3'rlday with Mrn. Ilrtxol Hmlth, nnd tho flnnl preparations for thn Christ , inn troo woro inadn. Aftor thn husl noun wnn disposed of, n delicious lunch wna nerved. Tho next uiootlnft will bo with Mm. Winer Tyler. 1'OWKM UUTTK. POWKI.L IIUTTH. Dm, 22. !!- Trlct road atiporlnlundmit Wlllooxou wont to I'rinuvlllo Tuwuiuy On hU return ho wnn aooomimnlud by county JudKe HnrltiKor. who oanio out to per sonally upict tho brldKO norus tho old river bed. After InokliiK over thu situation thu JudKO Rave nrdors to liv oiiit) roncrato plum roplneo tho old structure, which wna much wwvk ond by wntor. MIm Mnbel Allen cnlorlnlnod tho :Horosls at lier homo Wodnoedny. A most oujoynlilo tlmo win had by tho ladle. Honsonnhlo quotatlotiH In an ibwot In roll call woro Vlven. A Christ inH Krab Iiok Into which each lady dropped her Klft nnd drew out anoth. or proved n moat popular Innovation. Dinner wnn nerved by tho hostess, Mr. nnd Mm. Karl Forrest, thn Inter the popular tonchnr of tho Hhop tird school, loft I'rldny for Houth llond, Wuh . whero they will visit m fow days with Mm. Forrest' par Mil, after which Ihoy will ro to nialllnRlimn for a visit with Mr. For resta parent, roturnliiK homo In .time to rentiino school duties. Mm. (Jeorgn I trek in a u wna n din ner r.m-nt nt thn l.ovl K. Truat homo I'rldny. Mr. and Mm. J. ft. Warner enter tnlned nl dinner Thtimdny In honor or their flmt nnnlvemary. Their (Riioata woro Mr. and Mm. Hurl Humi dor and family. Hum lliiMHtt and Mlaa Alum John aon worn married nt thn homo of tho farmer's iwronla In Hood River Sat urday evening. Dec. 13. These young people are ntuniip tho boat nnd moat favorably known In thla anctlon whwn iivery rttaldenl wish thum n Ishk nnd prosperous woildml lift. Up on their return they will Inks up tklr ruaidauca In the coltnNe recant- y ballt by tho Ktrxim or hi 10 acre farm. N. II. (loldon went to Portland WwlHeiHlnr whero tie will look over mime property which la holme offered blm In n trade on III Powell llutte tarni. lira. William Nnnuy of Deaehulea wna n Rtiont nt the Wlllooxnu homo Thursday, ruturnlnic homo I rldny. Mm. Nanny, who In "ioiiid walker jnndo tho Rreater part of tho trip on foot. Clarke Mora wna u Prlnnvllln via ltor Friday whero ho attendod tho "'Hound the World" aootal nt tho Vreabytnrlnn church In tho evonlnit. Mlaa Olndy Ilayn went to Prlno vllln'Raturdar for n brlaf vtalt with lior alitor. Mlaa llniol. Mr. nnd Mm. (loo. If. Hoe. and daughter, Mlaa Inn Hoe, of Pnaco, Wnah., woro InoomlnR paaaeiiRora on Tueaday mornlnpa train nnd will en Joy n vlalt with their daughter. Mm. Allen Wlllooxon nnd family. Friday wna tho laat day of school nt tho C. 0. II. 8. previous to holiday vacation and Powell lluttn Rlrla nnd bayn who oro atudontt of that achool nil flocked homo to help homo folka colobrnto and enjoy their vacation to Ilia follcttt oxlont. tli In fall nnd have Initiated ovor 40 now mombura, ThrouRh tho efforts of I)nn Illood, necretary of tho Commercial club, n Inrxo chorus of aliiRera hnvo boo:) prnctlcliiK Chrlatninn enrols, to ho an hi? on tho atrootn Ohrlatmnn Hvo, Thnro lire two now bualuesaos In Prluovlllo, Hint nro vary welcome. They nro thu Prluovlllo llnkory nnd tho Prluovlllo ClRnr Factory. Mr. HpalltiKar roportn buslnoss lloiirlsli Iiir. This Is duo to tho IiIrIi Rrnden of dainties that ho Is making In his (Contln ed. on Paro Bight) PltlNHVIMJ:. rill.NBVILI.K, Deo. 25. County naaoaaor II. A. Foator nnd JuiIro SprlnRnr hnvo rcturnod from tneet IniM of naaaom and county JudKw, held tho unat week nt Ha lorn nnd Portland, respectively. Tho romodHlliiK of tho bAsomont nf tho oourt houio la nltout eomplet ud, nnd Sheriff Blklns nnd Walter Maator 0. II. Ilrowatur will move In tho newly furnlahod o III con nltout tho drat of tho year. Tho K. P. lodR0of PrlnovlUo K.avo n baii(uot -Wedneadnv ovoiiIbr for their rotlrliiR chaucollor oommnndor Col. Draper, and commended blm for hla kooiI admlulatrutlou In that ollloo. DurliiK tho foattvltJoa ho wna pro- aunted with n nice woddltiR Klft, ho ! having boon mnrrlcd on Wednesday ovaninR to Aim. .tinry vnuaorpooi. Tho 1C. P. lodRO hn boon very nctlvo inmnBrannMarianaHaBaR NOTICIl OF CONTICHT, Dopnrttuont of tho lntorlor, United Htntpa Land Offlco. Tho Dalles, OroRon, Doc. 20, 1013, To Vloho Htnuqft of 328 Couch Hlroot, Portland. Oregon, Contostoo: You nro horoby notified thai Blmor Wilson, who RiVes llond, OrcRon, as h)n postofTIco nddresn, did on Novem ber H. 101R, fllo In this o 111 co his duly corroborated application to contest and Hocuro tho cancellation of your homostoad, Butry No. 08408, made May 27, 1013, tor WV Hoctlon 12, Township 20 Houth, HniiRo 18 B. Y., Meridian nnd na grounda for hla con test ho nllogos that "Hold Vlclio Htan off line failed to establish rcsldonco on Hiild tract: that ho has failed to cultivate said tract or any pnrl there of; that aald ontryman has abandon ed said truct for upwards or nix months last past nnd that audi fall tiro and abandonment was not duo to his employment In the army. navy, marine corps of tho U. 8. In time of war or othorwlao." You are, therefore furthor noti fied that tho nnld allogntlona will bo taken by thla office ns having; been coufeaeed by you, nnd your aald entry will bo canceled tbnrnundor without your further right to bo heard thoro In, either boforo thla ofllca or on an poal, If you fall to fllo In this oDlco within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this notice, ns shown below, your nnswor, under oath, specifically meeting nnd re sponding to theaa nllogatlona of con teat, or It you fall within that tlmo to fllo In till odlco duo proof that you hnvo served n copy of your answer on tho said contestant In poraon or by rcRlatored mall. If thla aorvlco la made by tho delivery of n copy of your nnswor on tho said contestant In jiorson, proof of such scr vlco must bo either tho said contest ant's wrltton acknowledgment of his rocolpt of tho copy, showing tho dnto of Its receipt, or tho nftldavlt of tho iron by whom tho dullvory wna made alatlng when and whero tho copy wn dcllvorod; If made by roRla. tered mnll. proof of such service muat conalat of tho affidavit of tho person by "whom thn copy wna ihnllod atatlng when nnd tho poatolfico to which It waa mailed, nnd this nftldavlt muat I accompanied by tho pogtiinater'a receipt for tho letter. You should atnto In your answer tho nnmo of thn iKistofTIco to which you dealro further notices to bo aent to you. If, FRANK WOODCOCK. Iloglater. Data of first publication Dec, 24, 1013. Dnto of second publication Dec. 31, 1013. Dnto of third publication Jan. 7, 1014. Dnto of fourth publication Jan. II, 1914. ''-" OltBdO.V TRUNK TRAIN Arrives ,..,,,,,..,,.. 8 a, rn, Loaves ,., .,..8: ,10 p.m. O..W. It. & N. TRAIN. Arrives ,..,,..... .7:45 p. m. leaves 7:20 a. m, HTAfJB MNU HOUTH. Arrives .... .1 ... . .7s30 p, m, ; leaves 10 a. tn, AUTO MNICH. Cam dally to Hums and points south nnd southeast. I'OBTOFFICK IIOURH. 4- General delivery open dally 10 a, m, to 0 p, m. General dollvory open Bunday 10:30 to 11 a. m. ; Railway mall closes 7 p. m. TKfiKOHAPH HOUltH. Western Union dally 7-12,1-8, 7-10. Bunday 8-10, 4-5, 8-10, TBI.BPIIONB HOUltH. Pioneer Co. dally 7 a. m.-9 p. m. Bunday 8-12 and 6-8. -- NOTICB FOR PUIIMOATION. Dciinrtmont of tho Interior, U. B. Land Ollloo nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Novembor 13, 1913. Notlco Is horoby given that Robert II. Oould, whoso postolllco ad dress Is llond, Orofton, did, on tho 20th dny of January, 1913, fllo In this ollloo sworn statement and ap plication, No. 011100, to purchnsa iota 2 nnd 3, seotlon 19, township 17 south, rango 12 east. Wlltnmotto Meridian, and tho timber thereon, under the provisions of the not of Juno 3, 1878, and acts amendatory known na tho "Timber and Htono Law," nl audi vnluo na tnlRht bo fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, thu Innd nnd Mm bor thoroon have been npprnlaed Ono Hundred Bovonty-Blx Dollars, tho timber entlmntcd 12G M. board foot at $0.70 nor M.. and tho land 181.00: that aald applicant will offer final proof In oupport of hla application nnd sworn stntomont on tho 24th day of January. 1914. boforo II. C Kills, U. 8. Commissioner, at llond, Oregon. Any person Is nt liberty to protest una puronaco oororo oniry, or mi tlato n contest nt nnr tlmo boforo nnt ent Issues, by filing n corroborated affidavit In this ofTlco, alleging facta Which would dcroat tho entry. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 37-40 Register, NOTICB FOR'ATION. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Offico, Tho Dalles, Oregon, December 8, 1913. To Whom It Mny Concern: Notlco Is hereby given that thf state of Oregon has filed In thla office thn following list of landa, to-wlt, lift No. 8, for patent, nil of which la In cluded In approvod segregation list No. 0, serial No. 011772. Descrlp- Bee. Twp 23 17R Is It Done Right? If It I. let well enough alona Hut nn I lets H I up to ill murk In ovary dotal: coma and eo us. l-'W PRICES, BUTTER SFRVICE Bend Steam Laundry, Put Your Duda In Our Suds" tlon HNBU BBUNWU H'.i NBVi NKUNWU BNWW HRUflwU NBUBBU 848B4 NM, 8W W NBUBBli HHHKU KM. HViSWU KM BttBWW BWKBHU 8WU NWU8KU BU8KU All of NW NM8WU 8WW8WH All of 23 23 24 24 24 24 21 24 26 sn 26 2K 20 31 35 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 SO 20 30 178 173 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 i78 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 173 It go. Acres 12B 80.00 12B 40.00 12B 320.00 12B 100.00 12K 40.00 12B 80.00 12H 40.00 12K 40.00 12B 80.00 12B 320.00 12K 100.00 12B 40.00 12B 80.00 12B 320.00 12B 80.00 12B 320.00 UK 80.00 1H 40.00 13K 168.38 13B 40.00 13B 80.00 13B 036. 02 13B 320.00 13B 80.00 13B 40.00 13B C3C.03 NOTICK FOR PURMCATION. Department of tho Interior. V. 8. Land Ofllco at Tho Dallos, Oregon, Docembar 8, 1913. Notlco Is horoby glvon that John Peters of llond. Oregon, who on No vember 26. 1907, mnde homostoad entry No. 16801, HorlaJ No. 012316, for HHNWV4 nnd NKUBWU, seo tlon 7, township 20 south, rango 11 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make flnnl five year proof, to ostMbllsh claim to the land above deserlbed, boforo II. C. Hills, U. 8. CommliHilonor. nt .Pond. Orogon, on the 22na day of January. f914. Claimant nntnus as witnesses David Hill, Cortot il. Allon, John At kinson and Fred A. Shonquoat, all of llond, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 40-11 Register. NOTICB FOR PUIILICATION. Dcpartmonl of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, December, 1913. Notlco Is horoby glvon that Mary K. Harrytnan of llond, Oregon, who on January 11, 1910, made desert land entry No. 06U9, for WttNWH nnd NHSWH, section 8. township 17 south, rango 12 east. Willamette Meridian, hna fllod notlco of Inten tion to mako final desert proof, to es tablish claim to tho land above des cribed, bofore It. c. Kills, U, 8, Com missioner, at llond, Oregon, on tho 22nd day of January, 1914. Claimant names as wltnosses Martin B. Rogers, Frank Dasl, John i'. Young and John I. Mooro, nil of llond, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 40-44 Roglster. nnd hna applied for a 4300.33 patent for snld land under tho tots of Auk. 18. 1804 28 8tat., 372-422, Juno 11. 1800 20 Btat., 43, and March 3, 1901 31 Btat., 1133-1188, relating to tho grantltm of not to oxcood n million nemo of said land to each of cortatn states; nnd that tho said list, with Ita accompanying proofs, la op ened for tho InBpoction of nil persons InteroHtod, nnd tho rubllc generally. Within tho noxt 00 days following tho dnto f thin notlco. protestH or contests ngalnat tho claim of tho stnto to any truct described In tho list, on tho Kround of fnlluro to comply with tho law. on tho ground of uon-dcaert character of tho land, on tho ground of u prior advnrso right, or on tho ground that tho unnio la m oro valu able tor mineral than agricultural purposoe, will ho received and noted for report to tho (lonaral Land Ofllco, Washington. D. C. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. L. 13. I10OTH, Hocolvor. Land Ofllco at Tho Dallos, Orogon, December 8. 1013. Notlco of tho ahovo nnnlloatlon will bo puhllshod In Tho llond llullotin, printed nt llond, Oregon, which I horoby doslgnato as the liQwspnpor NOTICB OF CONTKST. Department of tho Interior, Uultod State Laud Ofllc. Tho Dallos, Oregon, Docembor 12. 1913. To Helm of Jonas A. Johnson, de ceased, of Hold, Orogon, Contostoe You nro hereby notified that Frank L. Ramsay who glvos o-o J. W. Allon. Tho Dallos, Oregon, as hla post-ofneo address, did on December 12, 1913. fllo in this offlco his duly corroharnt ed application to contest and secure tho cancellation of your homostoad entry No.. . Serial No. 01016C made April 8, 1912. for 8WU NBV4. SBVi NWHBWU. WViBHU. section 17, Township 19 8.. Rango 10, B. Wll- lamotto Meridian, nnd as grounds for his contest ho alleges that aald ontry man, prior to hla deconso failed and nogloctod to establish hla rosldouco on anld land or to make any Improve ments thoroon other than to cloar a very small portion of tho land con sisting of a small yard in front of his cabin and to construct n email cabin thoroon: that ho did not establish his rosldouco on aald land at any tlmo; that aald ontryman dlod -In Match 1013, leaving no holrn or do vIboos, uolthor wlfo or children, who aro resldonts or olllreiis of the Unit ed States, of who hnvo declared their Intentions to bocomo ouch oltlzons. You nro, thereforo, further notl floil that tho said ntloiratlans will bo taken' as confessod, and your said ontry will bo ouncollod without fur thor right to be heard, olthor boforo this ofllco or on npponl. If you fall to fllo In this ofllco within twenty days nftor tho FOURTH publication of this notlco, as shown holow, your aiiRwor, under oath, specifically ro- Bpondtng to those allegations of con test, togathor with duo proof that published noarost tho land doner) bit l until fi tttl Inn t Irtfrl IIJ","'' . i i i II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Rejttstor. " "ve uorvon nt vuyy ui juur im- 41-49 swor on tho said contestant either In person or by registered mall. You should atnto In your answer tho nnmo of tho pont ofllco to which you dcslro futuro notices to bo aent to you, L. B. HOOT! I, Hocolvor. Data of first publication, December 17, 1013. Dato of second publication, Decom bor 24. 1913. Dato of third publication, Decem ber 31, 1913. Dato of fourth publication, January 1, 1914. RBKTORATION TO KNTItY OF LANDH IN NATIONAL FORBHT. Notlco Is hereby Riven that tho landa described below, embracing 100 acres within thn Deschutes National For est, Orogon, will bo subject to aottlo- mont nnd entry under tho provls Ions of tho homostoad lawn of tho Unltod States and tho act of Juno 11, 1908, (34 Btat., 233), at tho United BtalcB land ofllco at Tho Dalles, O lo gon, on February 18, 1914. Any settlor who was actually and In good faith clnlmlng any of said landa for agricultural purposes prior to Janu ary 1, 190C, and hns not abandoned sumo, has a preference right to mako a homestead ontry for the lands ao tually bccupled. Bald lands wero listed upon tho applications of the persons montloncd below, who hnvo a preference right subject to tho prior right of any such settlor, pro vided such vettlor or applicant is qualified to mako homestead ontry nnd tho preference right is exorcised prior to February IX, 1914, on which data tho lands will bo subject to set tlement nnd entry by any qualified person. Tho lands aro as follows: Tho WU 8BU section 24, township 19 8., R. 13 B., W. M 80 acres, lilt ed upon application of Aborham Bvons, of Hcnd, Oregon; tho W'Vt NBU, section 24, said township and ranRO, upon application of Charles Hobb, of Park City, Utah; list C-1028 Docembor 3, 1913, C. M. HHUCE, Assistant Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Ofllco. 41-44 OUDBIt FOR IIBARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Crook County. In tho matter of the Bstato of George II. Pulllam. Deceased. Now at this tlmo this cause coming on to be heard and It appearing to the court that Louxotta Pulllam, tho ad ministratrix of tho estate of Georgo II. Pulllam. deeoasod, has heretofore fllcd In this court her final account as aueh administratrix, It la thore fnro ordered that tho 10th day of January, 1914, bo, and the aamo la horoby set as the date for the hearing of aald final account of said admini stratrix at tho court room In tho nbovo entitled court nt PrlnovlUo. Crook county, Oregon, and la tho tlmo nnd placo nt which objections thereto. If any thoro bo, may bo made and heard by tho court, and It Is furthor ordered that the said Ixiuxotta Pulllam as such administra trix of tho cstato of said deceased, glvo notlco of tho hearing of said fi nal account by publication thereof In tho Hcnd llullotin, n weekly news paper of gcnoral circulation, pub lished at llond, In Crook county, Oro gon, for tho porlod of four succes sive weeks, Datod at PrlnovlUo, Oregon, this 2nd day of December, 1913. G. BPHINGBR, Judge of tho County Court of Crook County, Oregon. 40-44 NOTICK TO CRBD1TOR8. In tho County Court of the Stato of Oregon for Crook County. In tho matter of the estate of George Auno, Docoased. Tho undersigned, having been ap pointed administrator of tho estate of Georgo Auno, docoased, notlco Is horoby given to tho crodltom of said cstato and to all persons baring claims against said deceased, to pro sent them duly verified as required by law, within six months from the da(e of this notlco, to the undersigned Jit tho office of C, 8, Donson, lawyer, Uend, Oregon. Dated this 3rd day of Dccorrtbor, 1913. 39-42 ANTON ANDREAS AUNE. NOTICK FOR PUIILICATION, Department of tho lntorlor, U. 8. Land Ofllca at Tho Dallos, Orogon, Novombor 24, 1913. Notlco Is hereby given that Charles V. Hartwjg, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who on April 0th, 1910, mode homostoad entry No, 0C416, for EH Section 9, township 20 South, range 1C oast, Willamette Morldlan, has filed notlco of Intention to mako final throo year proof to establish claim to the land abovo described, boforo IL C, Bills, U. 8. Commissioner, nt llond, Oregon, on tho 6th day of January, 1914. Claimant names a witnesses: Wil liam Todd, William T. Ream, How ard F. Dyer, all of Mllllcan, Oregon, John A. Hazuka, of llond, Oregon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 39-43 Register. r i WE ARE STILL DOING IT DOING WHAT? Making the BEST FLOUR in Central Oregon. Bluestem Blend and Flaky Loaf For Sale at all Grocers We also have trie best roll feed and mill feed that money can buy and are prepared to han dle the trade of Crook County Bend Milling and Ware house Company j 8or lAinza and a Dry lUcklnc Cough can Us relieved br using Ballard's Horehound Syrup Its effect In th lungs la soothing- and healing, -very grattrylnc to thoso who am racked by a painful cough. Ro lleves tltrhtnoB. loosens phlegm, clean the voice of hoarseness and quiets alt Irri tated conditions, so that the sleep Is no longer disturbed at night. Trie 23, SOo and (UW. Duy tho $1-00 slxo. It con tains fivo times as much as tho 5c size, and you Ret vrlth each bottlo a Dr. Ilerrlck'a lied Pep per porous Plaster for tho chest; JameiF.Datlard.Prop. Bt.LouU.Mo. ra Jam 13 Step Stephens Eye 6alva la a healing ointment lor oere uyc. , Solo And RccoMtiCNOiDBvl Patterson Drug Co. Hotel Wright O.REENWOOD AVENUE. The Hotel for Winter. Steam Heat anel Running Hot and Cold Water. Get our rates for the winter. The only stone hotel in Bend. . Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout Special Attention to I Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL dood Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUGH O'KANC. manaqkr BEND, OREGON Good Meals All arrangements mado for persona desiring to co south and cast of hero iTiwoag' The Barrels rr and Lugs of i5v- STEVENS 3 Double and Single Barrel SHOTGUNS j-JrtBtt ik.r fun ! JprviUlU, CMfiti timu Khruu j"f t ki iw o rtk, a nt. Ay cur tuun tkioujUjt. I Y-HiSy.l-vr-: Altamont Hotel THE MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE ROOMS IN THE CITY. STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER WITH BATH PRIVILEGE. J. A. CASTES, Atgr. Mrs. E. J. MERRINO, Assistant Mgr. BEND, OREGON - Our SMtcua Cfttilo lko.1 11m fUKMI llM ( Sl.HM nXl" - PmiUI-Su. tUv If rw nuiwt Uiin iTtVEM (rem (our 4MUr-ltl ui Imw, inj w UI this diitcu ea almi riH f nct(4 tt Ciukv rrin. 'I. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY P.O.B(S003, .CHICortC rAU4,MAtS. riMssMrXsaaBaHSBBHSBHasaasaBHaaaaa -K-(-K-rX'-rt-(-K-rt-rti't-CC- Pilot Butte Hotel Ideal Stopping Place for Summer Vacationists and Travellers. SPECIAL ATTENTION fJIVEN TO COMMERCIAL MEN. a00l DINING ROOM. " ;?', '-. J. F. TAUOART, Proprietor. r FREE AUTO BETWEEN HOTEL AND DEPOT. Jrjf) j ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost you.