I1KNI) HUfXGTIN, IJKN1), OIIB., WKJWKHDAY, DKCKMIIKK SM, JBJJ1. 'ii H k CHOOSE BOARD OF ENGINEERS FIRST MEETINa TO BE . ; NEXT MONTH ('linineter of Hum for Tmiiiilo lteer. . wlr Will Ho Considered Ailiinw (Jl ni IIxIoiinIihi of Tlnio lo Jim tuiry 1 Oilier Projett Item. I.AIM.AW. I)oo. 22. At tlm IhmI inuiitlni; of tlio Desert l.iiml lloiinl, It wmh rieelded to hold n consulting ! I'liuliiuiir'H iiieotliiK Homo tlino tlio I'urly part o JAnunry, pruauninlily Velween Jitiiiinry 10 ami 20, to con sider tliu clinrnolor of iliun to lie con- ' structed. Tlio personnel of this lionrd will lio I), u. llcntiny, cotmitli liiu enitlnecr. Portland: O. M. Hed Hold, clilof engineer of tlio Contrul OroKon Irritation Co.; John II. Iuw 4s, stnto eiiitluorr and secretary of tlio Desert l-itnd Hoard, nnd 0, 1.nur rKiinrd, oiiKlneer of tlio Tiinmlo pro ject. Tlio J, J. Adatun contract At camp I for tlio exonvntlon of approximate ly 13,000 culilo ynrdw of material ox- idrvd on Dccainhitr Int. but word tinit uut neon received from tho Desert .and Hoard that on tlm rocomniomln tlon of tlio Project KiiKlnoor onu ml s jl'tlonal month has hecn granted for tho completion of this work. DurliiK 1 tho pnsl week n marked Improvement ' Jim Wm noted In Mr. Adam' method " of unndltiiK tho contract, and If he koopH ti(i tho preiienl Rait, ha should A Merry Christmas and arecm z .. - -- -- . Happy New Year S. MURASAKI, the Wood Alan emmmmtmuHttmatwmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmfmmmmmtmmmfmmmimmmammmm (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL) LIMB AND SPLIT WOOD in all lengths. Not any wet wood, not short measure. Price reason able. Post office, Bend, Oregon. How Much Are Your Eyes Worth? Everything as much as life itself. But are you takinp; care of them ? Aro you reading carelessly by "any old light"? Do you know that the best reading light in thp world recom mended by scientists; used by men who can afford the best is the soft mellow light of an oil lamp 6uch a light as that from tho JRjSy& Lamp Ask your dealer to show you tlio famous Rayo Tabic Lamp. No glare; no flicker. Easy to light and caro for. For 'boat1 Dealer Standard 'rojrults uaS PUJ '- "ST complota tho contract by tho ond of tno yonr. Tho J, J. Adams contract nt camp 0 tindor tho direction of Mr. Hosnl, foromaii, Is helm? pushed hard, nnd lr tho work contltmuH ns It linn tho print week or ten dnyn, Indications nro that Mr. Adiuim will niiiko hoiiio iiioii oy on thin contract, Cunipu 1 and 2 huvo boon nlmndon oil and tho work of IioiikIiik tlio steel lltniio and tho complatloii of tho Ad funis' contracta will bo done from cnmpN n mill 4. Camp 0 In still run iiIiik to take caro of tho crew on tho drill IrtvoHtfuatlontt at tho dam slto. Tho hnulliiK of hay and other prop arulloiiH uro now ImliiK made for tin early start In tlio spring on tlio eon Htruotlon of the dam. Tho contract was lot Wednesday for a carload of explosive to the Tro jan Powdor Co., for $2:180.81, for Iinmedlutely delivery. Kioiu rereut expression of various settlors and from lottern reenlved from non-resident water usors, It would appear that praotlcally all aro wIIIIiik to slxn up tlm now contract an noon ua It Ih received from tho printers. Tito construction of camp B la prno. tlctilly completed. Krom thin camp Hull Creek dam and drop No. 'i Into tho reaervolr and all ion da nroiuid tho lonorvo r will lie constructed Camp 7, whloh will bo looated somo whuro near tho A. K. Will placo, will tio conntructed In tho near rutiiro. Krom thin enmp tho main oannl from tho reservoir on the dlatrlbiitlon s) lorn will bo conntructod . At tho rloao of business for tho month of November tho tiroject rec ord allowed that to data .10,424 meals at a coit or 18830.8.1. or 24 20 ritnla per meal, had been nerved at the project campa, showing a profit of ubout Vt cont per inoal sorv d, which In conaldorcd o very Rood record when the character of tho food that ban beeu supplied la considered. Tho Jlullotln'o went oda Rot ro aulta and coat only ono cent n word. Everywhere . Oil Company zz& W (CsUfornU) PORTLAND SURPRISEDJT FRIENDS Mr, mid Mrs, K. W. Itlchardson Tk vii Uiiiwnrc Friday Niulit. When IS. W, Itlchardnon sold bin ranch and moved into town, ho re gretted to leave his old neighbor. Ho know that ho would find new one mid make now friends In town, but they would not bo rjulto tlio same UN tho folka ha had ranched beside mid talked crops with and Joined with In all tho neighborhood activ ity or tho country. Ho both ho and Mrs. Hlchardson disliked to leuvo nnd ba forgotten by tho old friends. On Friday night, however, thoy found thoy wore still remembered an warmly as they ever were, when n number of tholr former neighbors gave them a surprlso party. There woro all tho good things to oat that could bn desired and also gamos mid music. Knturday was well on Its way as u now day before tho party broke up. Those who Kitvo tho surprise wcro Mr. and Mrs J', 11. Dcncer, Mr. and Mrs. ICImer Woruataff, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Huttoug. Mr and Mrs Tom Mer chant mid tholr daughter, Mr. and Mrs. it. II Deyurmond. Mr. and Mrs. inmost urimn, Mrs. W.in. Arnold and Kverett Arnold, I'ny Deyannond nnd Kuth Caldwell. DON'T KNOW Tlli:V iiavi: APPENDICITIB Many Hand people have chronic a p. pomilcllla (which Is not very pain ful) and think it Is Just bowel or stomach trouble. Bonto have doc tored for years for gas on tho stom ach, sour stomach or conatlpationTnnd the Pattersno Drug Co. states It they will. try simple buckthorn bark, gly. corlne, etc., as compounded In Adler-l-ka, tho Oornian appendicitis rem edy, thoy will bo surprised nt tho QUICK bonoflt. A HINOl.ti DOSti stops these troubles INSTANT LY. Adv. N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPER-HANGER. Estimates on Wall I'nper nt application Portland i'ricca Chonpost nnd Best Wnll Vniwr Samplus in the county. fiet My PHeoa. Box HI), - - Bend Oregon 444444444444stslsxf4sf I J. A. Eastes! Real Estate Investments Farm and City Property I OroklA I Lots $150 to $351 Tcrmi: $5.00 cash and $3.00 monthly. This Ktves you a chance to soeculato o n Ilend's future on n little money Lota aro nil CO feet wide- nnd every lot a good lot. Office on OroRon Street BEND, OREQON K CALL AT Tin: American Bakery on Wnll Street opposite the PoM olllrfl anil soo full lino of bnkcrjr goods mill confectionery. Klx loaves for 'M cents or Six llroAil tickets for S3 Cents Tlireo stnlo luovcn for 10 cents Hack of clilcken urcml HO cents HOT H0LI.3 AT O 1. M. Rooilng of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY T1NN1NQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttoring, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights, FOR WINTER Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Repaic Man. Wall street, Bend, Oro BEND VIEW Commands n chnrming view of the city of Mend and the surrounding country. 1i minutes walk from business center. Price $50.00 to 8200. Some a little higher. Liberal terms $5.00 down $1.00 a week. Office opposite First National Bank Bldg. Bend, Oregon Tliroo skilled barbers arc at In- ncs & Davidson's barber shop to servo you. Adr. THIS PAPER nEPMBErlTCD FOR FOREICN ADVERTISIHG DY 7HE ocnpkal ornccs NEW YORK AND CHICAGO ni7ANCHC3 IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES t -- Vienna Cafe r f ' .1--... rr.Tij,-; Wall Street Good Meals, Prepared with CIcanllnoHS, at Moderate Itutos. I A Trial Will Convince. ----------- - - i w E parker & c-1 SANITARY Steam and Hot Water Heating We carry the largest stock of goods in Cen tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to The Unite Warehouse Company Bend, w -STf3- STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, Salt and Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard. r TEi United Warehouse Company A. M. Prmgle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL UNION MARKET THE WHITE IS KING KfsStH SBHBf sHsKI The BEST all-round Family ScWing Machine that can be produced. Mnde in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minuto steel attach ment with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National Bank' Bldg. San Francisco, California Oregon BROTHERS BU8INK8B AND I'llOPKSktOJIAL. ,--- f-simrM'T Civil n Kngincer Bend Oregon IIOHH FAUNHAM Attorney at In OfHco In Jones Ilulldlnp on Wall Street. J. U. Uoll A. W. BlniB CltOOK COVXTY AlkSTIlACT COJIl'ANV (Incorporated.) Successors to Tlio J. II. Honor Abstract Company, I'rlnovlllo, Ore. Abstracts Insurance W. W. FAULKNBIt, D. M. D. BXTI8T Office Ovor I'ostofllco Bond, Oronon WILLAItn II. W1IITZ LAWYHIl I'rlnerltlc, Oregon U. O. O OK, M. . I'lifslcian ana Mnrgooa Offlco over First National Dank Offlco Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 d. hi. BEND, :- OIIEOON -L. C. . I1ENBON Attorney At Law Benson Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon VErtNO.V A. FOIIUES LAWYER First National Bank Building, Cen(1' Ve6on OK OH OK H. YOUNO Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer. Deputy Count Sarrcror. Room C First National Bank Bids, II. II. I)E AKMOJfl) I.VWVEK Sathcr Bulldlns Bond, Oregon U. N. HOFFifAN ' NOTAItY VVUhir BulIoUn Offlco, Bend. Oregon. II. C. KhhlB Attorncy-nt-I.atr United States- Cummlssloner First National bank Building BEND, OREQON DR. J. H. CONNARN DENTIST Office In Sather Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sun days and evenings by ap pointment. DR. A. B. CROPP DItL'GLKSS PHYSICIAN. Office oror Deschutes Bank Hours: 9-12, 1-5:30. Bend, Ore. a P. NISWONGER, Bend, Ore, UNDERTAKER. Licensed Embalracr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant SWEATT, LEYESQUE & CO. 312 Mohawk Uldg: SPOKANE ARCHITECTS Schools and LarRo Buildings a specialty I MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything in the machltio line, having installed new machinery with which wecanhandlo any kind or Job. Automobile Repairing a specialty. Doycrraonci Machine (Si, Repair Stop Hawthorne Ave., Bend, Ore. J. J. RYAN Minnesota Street SANITARY PLUIBINfi STEAM AND H9T WATER HEATING JOBBINCI Promptly Attended to IlOllKIlT JL QOVhn 1 1 KR