7 The bend bulletin i VOL. XI. M IlHNI), OHEOON, WF.HNKHHAV AFTERNOON, I1ECEMI1HR 151, J01. NO. 4a fnr Tariff ahoola showlnR tho oxnet rntns nrn not yot available, hut na aoon as thoy aro dotnllod Information will ho Riven hy Tho Hullotln. CALLED BY WEST TO f AT BEND TO GET S IEAMERY BURN REVIVAL SERVICES WILL OPEN SUNDAY EVENING MAIL CARRIER HEAVY LOSER MEETING U W 4 PARCEL POST PLAYS HAVOC ;iutfiKCM EffrcllvoJiiiuiitry I Will On. y Add to IHlllcnllli'N On Hllvor Lnkn Iilnn HircN4 Rules To iict Hitcrplng Cut In CoiiivU'. Tho parent post tyRtrn Inaugural ed by Uuohi Ham In playing havoc with tho purso of tlio contractor mi the tnnll roulu from llond to Hllvor Lake, with the iiromlno of even gront ir damage bolng wrotiKhl lifter Jnnu u ry 1 when tha no-pound limit law become offcctlvo. It I stntod by olio who Is In it poult Ion to know that Contractor Cormitt In now losing from 10 to 112 n day. Tho mnll rtitiM do heavy that tlinrn I llttlo vliAtico to carry express nnd bnggago its In Dm dnyit of yoro, wlillo tho nu tomoblles hnva prnctlcnlly tnkrn tha nntlro psssongor business which used to bo n rovonun hrliigur. Aftur tho Tint of tho year. U It ald, ninny or llm merchants to tho .south Intonil to havo tholr goods ship ped In horn hy freight nntl thnn mako nil of It they onn tip Into 60-ikiuiiiI package "nil mall It. Tho mall rnto on 60 poumU to Hllvcr I.nko. which lit In tho second xone. will ho 5 cunts for tho first iounil nnd 1 cent (or meh additional poiunl. or a total of l eeuts. Tho rnto charged liy tho freighters la now 101 cents a hun dred to Nllvor I.ako. making tho mall cbaago hut 7 oentn n hundred high er. Tho mall Is upod to ro throHKh In 48 hours, h gnst Rain In time over freighting. If thin method Im employed, thn contractor will lie obllNod to put on freight tenuis to rnrry tho mall, thereby adding to hit already dully loo. And. wontt of nil. bis contract do not expire un til J.hm 10. 1914. .NcW Mall Hortlrn Not Wt-ek. A double dally railway mall service will twgln on tho lid. with thn going Into ffoot of the ooHtrnrl with tho O.-W. It. & N. Co. AeoordliiRtn MM onielal Information received here, thla will ho thn saiiio sort of aorvlco hi la now on tho Oregon Trunk. Mnll from tho Hast will reaoh horo mora than IS houra oarllor than at proa vnt, and thorn will ho null to nnd from I'ortlnud hoth mornlnR nnd v cinlnR. OnrlnR tho paat wcok tho local post office pooplo havo had tholr aharo of tho trouble of thla world. Tho In coming nnd outRolnR psckagra havo been like n flood. For Inatanco, on Thursday lfl IiIr aacka wont out, on "Friday 18 nnd on Halurday 30. Down at tho express offlco there haa been 110 approolnhlo rush, na It la cheaper to send hy parcel post than by ex press. Nnrrplng Reduction February I. However, Undo Sam la not to Rot nil thn business. Aftor n year of tiulctudo, tho express companies hnvo nwnkenrd to tho fart that thoy must make reductions to moot tho govern mont competition. Advance Informa tion hna boon rocolvod hy Agent Cor holt horo that thoro will ho soino MWoplnR cuts nnd ovon on somu ar tloloa It will ho chonper to havo thoin co nin In from Portland, for Instanco, hy express than hy frolRht. Thuto now nili'B 11 ro to 1:0 Into effect Febru nry 1 naoordlnRlo word rocolvod so & lhe Deschutes Banking (ft Trust Company aDEND. TEMPORARY LOCATION 1 south o f Beim liidg.onWallSt. llor. H. J. Ilulgln to bo Clilef HKvk en -Tliroo Cliurrlie Join In Pro motion Also Musical Features, Undor tho nuaplcoa of tho Protost nnt churches of llond, n series of rovlvnl aorvlcos will ho hoRun on Hun day nlRht, Hoy. K, J. IIiiIrIii conduot InR thn inrotlnRd. Ho Is oxpnotod to nrrlvo Haturday iivoiiIiir. nccomptin lud hy .Mr. nnd Mrs. lloso. who will assist In tho musical fontiiros of tho sorvlcwi Mr. IliilRln, who la known In thla country. ImvliiK conduolud 11 rovlv.il cniiipnlRn In I'rlnovlllo two yoars no, la nl prosont complntltiR n sorloa of incctliiKs at Hod llluff, Cat., nnd will cotmt from thoro direct to llnnd. Ills homo Is In Portland, whom ho has llvnd mIhco lonvliiK tho reRulnr ministry. To assist In tho aervlcea 11 choir of 70 voices haa been aolectod from tho thrnn churchos nssoclntod. Tho choir will moot Haturday ovnnliiK for ro- hoarsal with Mr, nnd Mrs. lloso, on tholr arrival. All tho meotliiRa, which will ho hold n k htly. will ho hold In tho Pros hyicrlan church, Larso audiences nro uxpoclod, n number of pooplo bav in k indloatod tnoir intontion or com Iiir from nearby towns. Itoomn for a number hnvo nlrondy been en Raited hy Itedmond nnd Prlnavllla church pcoplo who nro Intorcstad . Tho committee who hnvo made or ranRomonta for tho mcotlnRs, Include tho mlnlsdira of thn three churches nnd i. I). Wlcst, ltnsa Karnham, I). P. Winter, C, H, Donaon nnd Mrs. Monro. BIG SROOT TOMORROW Ntlillntv MnrkMiieii Oimliiir. t' To Oirry On" I'liio Cup Thoy Kny. KiiKliieer LaurRaard of tho Tumato projeet was up from Lajdlnw Monday and stated that tho l.aldlaw marks moil will be here In form tomorrow nnd ttxpoct to oorry away llm cup whloh will ho oompotod for In th CMiitrnI OroRou ahootliiR tournainoHt to ho hold oil tho Rrounds or tho Hod nnd dun Club. Tim cup Is here and Is n dandy. fthontliiR will lieiiln at 10 n. in. Homo of tho 'hoya" woro out Sunday ReltlnK their slRhta In trim. Tho l.aldlaw oluh hold tho third ovont In lt shoot Sunday, IiIrIi man holiiR T. (I. Itcckor. with SO out of 2j. Next Bundny tho fourth ovont wilt coma off nnd In tha ovont that C. P. Decker Is IiIkIi man tho cup will ho cinched by him, as ho won It on ThanksRlvlns; day, COUNTY ATTOIINKY MAIMIIKD. Wlllard II. Wlrta nnd Miss Avar Dobhs of Prlnevlllo wero married last Wednesday ovnnlnR nt tha homo of tho hrlda'a parents at tho county aoat. Only a few Intlmnto frlonda and relatives of tho coupla wero pres ent. Mrs. Wlrlx Is tho dsuRhtor of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Dohbs nnd alstor of. Miss Nora Pobbs, who was In tho llond telophone exohango for so mo weeks In tho summor. Mr. Wlrtx Is tho popular county attorney. ISIHTIIH. To Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Coffey, on December 10, a boy. The child died Monday. To Mr. nnd Mrs. M. U llnlloy. on Docnmbor 10. n hoy. To Mr. nnd Mrs. Ooo. Couch, on Docomhor S3, n boy. To Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore Luna InR, on Decombor 18, a boy. OREGONc North Canal Project Matter Taken up With Secre tary of InterlorRccjamatlon Service Engineer In Pavor of State and Federal Aid. (Hpeclal to Tho llulletln.) 1 8AI.HM, Doc. 22. Settlors on tho North Canal unit of tho Central Oro Ron Irrlnntluu Company's project will bo milled to moot In llond Haturday afternoon, January 17, to consider Governor West's plan for brliiulim about co-operation between U10 Rtiito nod tho fndentl Rovornuiiint In taklni; over tht unit of tho prwjeet and coin plutliiK It, nnd thus enable tho om piiny to llnnnco tho romnlndor of tho pronet. Opposition of State MiiRlneor .lohn II. Uiwls to tho Governor's plan for corporation has had tho effect of iiccoleratl.iK tho (lovornor'a uctlvltio and ho has already taken tho matter up with K. (J. ilopson, suporvlsliiR enulneor of tha reclamation aorvlco of thla state, nnd with tho Hocrotnry of tho Interior. It Is tho (lovornor'a Idea to submit his plan first to tho settlors on tho projoct and hoar tholr objections If thoy havo any, and then take It up with tho llond Commercial Club, which will bo asked to Rot back of tho plan nnd conduct an educational camnalKn amonir tho other eomniar- clal clubs of thn stntc. Then ho will present tho plan to tho Oregon Irri gation Congress, which wilt moot In February nnd seek Its endorsement. When tho plan Is doftlnltoly worked out tho Oovernor will protont It to tho Secretary of tho Interior, nnd when tho LoRlslsturo meets n mens uro ombodylnc tho plan will bo In troduced. Already tho Oovernor has naked tho Secretary of tho Interior to Rive assurance, that In nvenl tho project Is found to bo feasible and satisfac tory, ho will favor expending 1400. 000 or 1S00.0Q0 of novornmont funds on the hosts of dollar for dollar with tho State. HopMiii Apprme tho Plan. KnRlnoor Ilopson of thn reclama tion sorvlco has Riven his approval to tho Idea. The oomiMUiy stales I there nro 34,000 Irrigable acres in tho unit, nnd $300,000 haa been spent on It nn nbout JdOO.oOO u needed to complete It. "I do not hrsltnto to oxprcua my conviction that thla project la a very low priced ono, tho low cost bclnR merely duo to tho peculiarly favor ablo to)ORrnphy nnd the cheap canal construction posslhlo In this locality, also to tho absence of storano re quirements," says Mr. Ilopson In his letter to tho Governor. "I bellevo sufllclont la known about this project to warrant n careful examination of tho situation by tho atato and gov ernment, toRothor with an appraisal of tho company's plant, theso to bo natural resources can only bo solved tho company, with a v1ow to tho ulti mate elimination of tho company's In terests and tho oarly completion of tho project by tho stata nnd nation, or both." West Writes To Secretary Inne. Governor West mado a strong ap peal to tho Secretary of tho Interior for co-operation In connection with this projoct. "Many of tho most difficult prob lems now before us In ut'Ilklng our by hearty co-opcrntlon between tho stnto nnd nation," wroto tho govor nor. "Tho Doschtitea co-operative InvostlRallons now In progress may bo ox poet ed to open up a largo nnd CHRISTMA ' GREETINGS J I . 1 1 1 in I V t '' J " v ' '"''' ' " ' I Bend Hardware Co. useful field for future work. During your last visit horo and slnco your return to Washington you havo ox pressed appreciation of tho attltudo of Orogon and your Intention to allot n sum for co-oporatlvo construction of an Irrigation projoct In Central Oregon. "The state la now constructing the Tumalo project In that region and tho work has every Indication of suc cess. In tho vicinity of tho Tumalo project thoro Is a largo segregation under tho Cnroy Act by a company known as tho Centrnl Oregon Irriga tion Company. This work was vis ited by you last August. Work by thin company hna been tiractlcnlly at a standstill for a long time, owing to tho Inability to finance further ox tensions of tho work. Tho company desires to Have tlio state or nation, or both, anpralsn and tnko over an Important unit of Its work, Including soma 34,000 acres, thereby relieving In of nn obligation under which It cannot mako good. "1 have given tho matter much consideration and havo obtalnod ad- vlro from qualified experts. Includ ing tho reclamation service. Enclos ed Is n copy of a letter from K. O Ilopson, supervising englncor, U. S It. rt. written In answer to my roquost or a row days nco. 1 am reasonably convinced this Is ono of tho cheapest and most fosslblo projects In the stato: tno cliaractor of tlio country you will yourself recollect. "I bellevo an oarly examination and appraisement of all legal and physical facta bearing on tho project nnd pertinent to a possible ncqu'al tlon to tho Company a plant and the early completion by tho state and na tion In co-operation should be made. "If the project l found feasible It might he built during 1914 and 1 ill IV. poMlhly being completed in 1915. Presont Indications are that all oxpetidlturoa, Including the ac quisition of the presont plant will not bo more than $800,000. While nothing should bo dono that would commit either tho Stato or Nation to a project not yot fully Investigated or determined upon, I would llko to havo. If possible, an Informal asstir anco from you that you will alldt some $400,000 or $500,000 for n dollar for dollar co-operation with tho State, In the event tho project bo found generally foaslblo and sat isfactory. On my part I will pledge my earnest endeavors towards seeing a similar sum In duo time provided by tho stato." Icnls Oppose AVcst. Stato Engineer tawlg says ho Is opposing the. Governor's scheme for co-oporatlon because he thinks the government owes it to tha state to take over tho project by Itself and put up all tho money for its comple tion. Ho hns presented his vlows In tho following statement: "Tho rapid settlcmont of 34.000 acres of Irrigable land In tho vicini ty of Redmond and Bend Is Involved In President Stanley's offer on behalf of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company to turn over for $300,000 Its North oanal project, to tho Unltod States, or tho stato, or both, In co oporatlon. "Tho Hon on Carey Act lands ad- ( Continued on Page 8) DINNER FOIl TIIK POOH. Tho wants of all In Hand In the way of a Christmas dinner nro today bolng cared for by tha First National Hank. Baskets of food hnvo been provided and nro being distributed to all who would othorwlso pass the day without a special foaat. Each baakot contains groceries nnd other things to caro for the wants of m family, NEW WOODMEN OFFICERS. The llond lodge of Woodmen has elected tho following now officers: Howard Polmor, V. C: O. A. Thor aon, W. A.; N. P. Wlcder, Clerk; E. A. Sathor, E. H.: W. C. Griffin, ss cprt; C. O, Vlnyard, wctchman; M. It. Knutaon. sentry; M. It. Knutson, A. A. Hanna, C. W. Iloech, board of trustees; U. C. Coo. II. Forroll, A. L. Williams, physicians. OANCE IN SMITH BUILDING New Year's Hall Will bo Iniortint Social Etent. Tho Now Year's hall which tho Knights of Pythian will glvo promises to bo a loading social ovont of tho holiday season. It lias been dennlte ly decided to hold It In the new It. M. Smith building, Instead or Bather's Hall. With this largo floor avall nblo It is expected that a big crowd will bo In nttondanco. Thoro will be no entertainment of any kind at neighboring towns, nnd many out of town people are expected to be here. REBUILDINGJOILER HOUSE Ilenil Company Will Hnvo Holler To 0crato Planer Next Week. Tho IJcnd Company hns begun the creation of a now boiler house to tako tho place of tho ono destroyed by firo on tho night of December 9. It la expected that one boiler will be In oporatlon next week furnishing power sufficient to run tho planer, and tha two others will bo set up In the winter In time to start sawing whon the soason opens. Inspection by oxports showed that tho loss was not so great as at first believed, being only about $2,000. Tho shells of the liollors wero prac tically undamaged, but now steam fittings are necessary. Tho building will be rebuilt. ATTKNIIKI) CHI.W.O MKHTINO. Vernon A. Forbes, a mombor of the Celllo Commission, went to Tho Dalles Sunday to meot with tho other members and make nn Inspection trip along tho Columbia. Mr. Forbes1 returned Monday night. Tho com- mission has choson Wllllnm E. Mor-. rl8 of Portland na Its engineer. Mr. Forbes and Stato Engineer Lewis wero appointed to represent tho com-) mission at a meeting of tha directors 01 the Oregon Irrigation Congress in Portland next month. SNOW FOR CHRISTMAS. Slightly more than an Inch of snow rn Qimrffiv ihnrl flitmitt nit mtirh tost night and today. The earlier fall haa stayed on xno grounu nuu iw nr- .!.... n-lll mill, m whlln Phrlilmin. although thoro ! hardly enough for aieigbinf: aa uicru won met j if Vin Mtm nv nt t1A nnv thn worm sunny days that were enjoyed during mo earner pari 01 wie moum iu gono and tho feel of winter Is final ly here. HUNTER 11HEAK8 ARM. Hilly Hunt, whoso record as a IiixV hiinlnr hna benn described In The Bulletin, broke his left fore arm and out hla nana sevcroiy on xnonauj whlle hunting about three miles out from town. Ho fired at a squirrel when tho gun burst nnd Injured him. Dr. Coe dressed tho wounds nnd ho was nblo to be out tho next day. IT Takes MONEY INTHE BANKTO MAKE THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS wShKSssw ft 71&4kil.- wMLxm: LTOiL,m Ki t.r-toP -- 7ft -f -mmikr m --- -- uifAmsv "i . v&mntm' Clu'istmns, with its good cheer nnd its joy for the chil dren will never go out of fashion. It is money spending tiiffe, , Hut if you have been BANKING your money all year you can spend a' few dollars and not feel it. It will make' a" lots more Merry Christmas to- have money in the bank, Suppose you give your wife or child a BANK AgCqjNT for Christmas. j Make OUR bank YOUR bank The First National Bank of Bsnd. LOSS TOTALS AROUND $13,500 Spark on Roof Relieved to Havo Started Maze No Water Available For Fighting Flames Much Property Carried Outf Saved. The building In which was located tho creamery and Ico factory was burned to the ground last Thursday night. Tho flro U supposed to have started on the roof of tho creamery sldo of tho structu.o, from sparks from tho stoveplpo. The total loss Is estimated at $13,500. Insurance of $8,000 was carried. Tho flro' started about 10 o'clock and the one-story building burned very slowly, not being consumed until after midnight Had It been possible to get a good stream of wator on tho burning structure, it could have been saved, but the nearest city hydrant was too far away to be of any service. Tho best that could he dono was to get out all of tho contents that was rofrlble, and a big force of volunteers iiccoedod in saving a Jargo amount of goods. Theso conslstod of about two carloads of beer In kegs and one car load of bottled beer In barrels, to gether with soma 400 boxes of ap plies. This was practically every thing that was In tho cold storage room of the building. Something over 100 pounds of butter and a lot of empty milk cans wero saved from tho croamory. It' wag also possible to get considerable machinery from tho Ice plant. Including the electric motors. Tho chief loser Is the Central Ore gon Ico & Cold Storago Co. Tho company owned the building and the Ico factory, Its ontlro property bolng valued at $12,000. Insurance car fled totaled $7000. The Pioneer Cream Company's loss Is estimated at $1G00, covered by $1,000 Insurance. Plans for rebuilding havo not yet been made but It Is expected that a stone or brick building will go up. H. Kersten of tho Ice concern and S. R. Cooper of Prlnevlllo. tho creamery owner, went to Portland Sunday night to havo a conference with par- tics Interest as to plans ror the fu ture. In the meantime the creamery office Is located next door to J. A. Eostes' and cream will be shipped to the Pioneer creamery at Prlnevlllo and butter aent back until the local plant can be re-established, 'as it will be whether or not a building Is put up again on the old site. The Ice factory and creamery be gat, operations here in the spring of I'll 2 and have been very successful. Thr Ice factory supplied nil the towns Inputs part of the state, YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED. At the Pilot Dutto Inn yesterday morning at 10:30 Clarence V. Enloe and Miss Flo McKoehUn were married by Rev. E. G. Judd. The witnesses wore Mrs. Hoveta Eendres and Miss Myrtle Chapman. J. F. Taggart and Miss Chapman accompanied the young couple to Prlnevlllo Monday to get the license. Mr. Enloe lives at Sink. In Lake county. Mrs. Enloo formorly resided In Bend. After spending a few days hero they will go to Sink to mako tholr homo.