The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 17, 1913, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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P.K 1).
G. 0. 1.
aiuward lYoinlawi to runiUli Weir
.MtNiatireme-nta -HcpKO H li o u I (1
Jot lift Omaldcrod, (n Contend.
I'roiHXtrd Mitt 1000 Acrrn
(Hpoclnl to Tlio llullotln.)
fiAl.HM. Uo. 16. "it you Htlck
mlrlatly to tho aoounKu loaa tliuro
iiiIrIiI Iiu n amnll niitount moro of
:innd thmi wniiir,',' ndiulttAd itoaoon
Howard of tho Central Orimon Irrl-
.KiUloii Co., whun ho mill Joaao Htnnrint
mot with tho Dcaort Lund llonrd ItiHt
wook nml nRnlii oiulwvorud to ki.
tlio lionnl nml Hlnl Huglmmr liwU
to nitron to certify to a uronoMud paU
tint list of IiiiiiIh.
Mr. Ii win n Kill n rofuaiid to certify
'to tho Hal, nml tlio hoard took no
"Aa you nro Kitting tlowir to tho
lull tint) of tho ayalnm," mid Mr.
I.owla, "tho itoopnKo qucatlon In very
luiporlmit. Wo wmit to know If
oiir canal will actually dnllvor to
tlio I ii n tin tho muount of water ro-
mulreii umlor tho contract."
Tho atnto engineer mild tho com
pnity had roftiacd to furnlah htm In
formation na to wolr monauromonU
taken during tho Ut two apaaons
wnrt which In needed to dotortnluo tho
iftinaunl of RcopuRo. Ilo Raid tho com.
Iimuy wn nvn" nkklriR hi in nnd tho
Di'itort I .nnd Hoard to net on n pro-
jnod pntont lint which hna not Won
aiihmtttad to tho hoard. Ilo mild ho
did not know what landa worn In
vftluduil In tho Hat.
AVIlor lengthy nntuinenti nhout tho
iMntKr tho company omolals agroed
to kumnlt tholr wlr mftAatirAmenU
to the hoard on onndlllon tlmt tho
Romano of a Oalniborough,
A great di'iilur, now dond, onco told
inn tlmt miiititcrliiK Into nn miction
rimui lui ulmurt wl tho portrnlt of u Imy
In ii-iit. naurlhwl to (Inliialmroiigh.
Ilo hiniflint powiT of eyo which am
plurco Through miperpoNi'd piilnt, mid,
looking iloi-ji down Into that picture, ho
fnlt ctirinln tlmt tlio tint wna nn nddl
tlnn nml tint hoy n girl. Ilo bought
tho portrait for a aong, to find tlmt
hi (I renin hnd como truo. It wn a
truo Unlnabnrough, mid tho llkern-m of
a hmutlfitl Klrl. What lirtd probably
happened bring n drama boforo ua.
Homo old Hipilro Wwtern had dlaln
limited nn eloping dauuhtor, had putt
rd tho Oalnsborough down nnd aent
It to n country dnubor for tranaformn
tlou. "DiihIi hla wIk nnd buttons"
lonly tho oath wna worao) If ho would
ever look on tho undutlful, ungrato
ful baggngn ngnln. Th plcturo bad
com pood money nnd mint bo kept,
though bud ah had proved. It ahould
bo n boy.-Wnller Michel In T. I'.'a
Weekly of I-oinluii.
Oolng Upitalra Dackward.
Wnlkliiu npaliilra tmiltwiird la urged
by n IaiihIhii phyalWiin na n uoful
pnictlco In ruaea of luiirt wcnkni'M
and na helping In n more i'iiinl dlatrl
tuition of mtiii'Uliir wwtr nml Kxir.
"Klmlly mid iwwt Important." he
anya, "ivnlblng iipxtnlifa 4mckwnrd
would prevent nny tendt'iiey to hurry.
No miitlnr how luteiornte n 'ntnlr ruali'
n man might Im. lie would hnro to
moderate hla pneo If going backward
,7'hla enforced deliberation would, of
courao, be of great value In heart dla
enno, Tho accoiid effect would bo to
relievo tho train from tho ordinary
walking mid climbing muachit (tlione
on tlio front of tho tliljjli) mid to prea
Into aervlco thoxo on tho buck of the
lee which ordinarily do no work In
cllmblmt atalra. Tho total reault.
Ihemforo, iiiIkIi! bo n wivln In miucii
lur weor nnd tear thrutiKh n moro eco
nomical dUlrtbutlon of effort. Thla, of
rourao, would uhwi bo of raluo In cnaca
of heart wenkiiea." IOii'loii Malt.
Juit Dalng Human.
Whatever oUo i may lo nahnmr of,
let mo not bo nabamed of bclmt hu
man. I may well bliuh for my llttlo
atoro of knowledge for It mlclit hnro
been crontur, and for my Imperfect
wUdom, which iiiluht hnvo boon aouml
en for til)' alua, that iitlfjtit hnvo Ihhii
fewer, mid. for my" rlKhtwitianeaji.
which la pnllry enouBii,
ll Wl
iHcka nml
I'or oxewwea,
v-ahl of bnlanco I may lo
Inwnl would ooiwlilor tho Information iiutlv lilanuxl. but for unr ceiiultii tin
tiontldoutlnl mid would not lot It pr- mnn feolln I huvo no rlxlil to banc
Juillet tho bonrd nRaluat imteiitliiKJ Inr hiwd. Ho I dare any frankly that
tho landa. i i luro to oat mid to drink. I lovo wo-
wm Mr. Hownrda contontlonj ,HU , (K. r,u, giv fllmwc.1
ithimt that tho opaK9 nhnulil oam nnd n clmt wijfi pxd coifilmny,
1 lovo nil cut nro nnd tho MdiiltiK anil,
I lovo n roUNliiK Uiok, n flcrcf play
mid n fair llulit. Ami wlintcvvr prldo
or Joy la built iikiii tlio contempt of
olbora, I hnlo. Tho Im-hI iinrt of tho
hnvti -MotMaR lo do with tho mntlnr
i that Whim ibe contpnny onlarKod tho
eannl to moot tho apooirioatlouB of
tho oontrurt tliv anl nml oiiKlneor
.ahould certify In tlio patent? Ilt.
HoplyliiK to thin, Statu KnRlnmr bcrlus the tjrcatlrlh century brlmra
M.owla InalatoA that tint Important
thliiR to him waa to know for A cor
Ua'lnty that Ino cnnnl could deliver
1.8 here foot of water To tho land.
To Tho llullotln correapondent Mr,
Howard aald that tho acopago wna
about 35 or 30 per cent, and that tho
contract required tho aeepago ahould
not bo ovor 30 por cent. Ho aald
4hnl whon the canal waa enlarged
and n uroftter nmount of wnter waa
turned In, tho percentage of aeepaso
would bo reduced.
Ilo anld tho propoand Hit covorod
9,000 tr 4,000 ncrea In tho I'owell
Hutto flHtrlct, and perhapa na much
'moro "Oita aide." He would not
utnto (hucact norenxo. Ho nald the
land wna all hold by aottlera, and ho
wna aceklnic tho pntenta In tho In
itereat of the aettlora.
"Jt la of no partlmilar honoflt to
1m." )ro laid. "Of courao, It would
UMmlllo h Vow to borrow money
m xtnjtr itaxb ud jmy ua what thu
own u,H
Htuto Knglnoor I.owla piilrilM out
Hint tho compnny'n contrnnt fof Km
jlalmlnR tho Innda In Hat 0, In llltf
I'owell Hutto district, expired onrly
tlJa year. Ovor tho KiiRlneor'n pro.
teat tho jonrd oilunilod tho tlmo of
tho oontrnot to October 7, 1018,
which la tlio ilnto of oxfdrntlon of tho
aompuny" contrnot for tho main pr
ntnto KnRlneor I.owla nrotoatoil
AKnlnat fixtfindliiR tho tlmo of tho old
contract on the Krnuud Hint n now
prnvlalon nhould bo Inoludod to tho
affect tlmt nn land ahould bo oponod
for entry nnd unlo until it wna dearly
tdiown that tlioro wna nmplo wntor
to furnlah 1.8 acre foot, na called for
In thu contract.
tno 1 tho prlvltcKP of Udmr wholly
hiimnn nnd not lulmimil of It Dr
Prank Crnno In Wotunn'a. World.
Is It Done Right?
Loublt Surprlttd Cenatana.
In aplto of bla Imperturbabtllty M".
Conatana admitted tlmt one man had
aucceeded In natonlihlni; htm. Kmlle
lubet. afterward prealdent of tin re
public, did thla.
"When I left the mlnlatry of the In
terior," anld M. Conatana In telllmr
the atory, "I handed over to my auc
ceaaor the key of the aafe contniiilnff
the aecrvt nerrira money. It wai then
the bexlnnlnff of Mnrcb. nnd I bad
nice little a um. more than n million. In
bundlea of 10.000 franca. It Loubet
did n thins which 1 ahould not hnvo ho
llered poalblo."
Hero M. Conatana atopped and aakeds
"Do yon know, vr litt be dld7"
Borne one v 011111 rod a gucSX
"Not at nil," reaumed M. Conatnnrt
"M. Ipln't signed mo n receipt for
the aum without even opcnluj; tho aafo
to aoo If It wua tlioro." Philadelphia
.(li dwri Mtdlcin4.
A uiPilfcflf practitioner on board Afl
America n lllief Admlnlatercii rnthcr
freely mil water nfonrnt tlio patients
who were III No ufAffer what their
Ailment were, n ilwo of the briny
fluid wua nulckly linmled to tli'ijW. and
thny were told to drink It up. Ore
mornliiK tho phyNlclnii fell overboard,
which cntiMcd imlto n cotiateriintlon
nmnnu tho puaaoiiKcra. The captain
came on tho nceue nml lucjulrvtl tho
cntwo, "Oh. It'a notliliiff. nlr," unawcr
ed nuo of tho nnllorx. "only tho doctor
hua fallen Into hla own medlcluo
cheat" I.'xcIiuiiko.
Upper Hirer Man Hiiyn Ho Hiiw Hunch
of iin or 110 ToKctlicr.
From aottlorn up river It la learned
Hint Wllllnm Koaa mid nuothor man
report at'dlng a htinch of 25 or 30
coyote runnltiK toRothor. They aald
Hint It lookod Ilka a hand of ahoop
nt flrat. The nnlmnla woro traveling
Many old tlmora In thla aoctlon
any they nevnr know of coyotoa run
nliiK togethor In hunchea of morn
than hulf n dozen nnd think thla big
pack were wolrea, Mr. Koaa In n
newcomer to thla part of tho country
nnd It la thought by nomo that ho
m In took the wolvea for coyote.
Thnt llond offered tho heat market
In the Doachutoa vnlloy for the arm
or hna been anld tlmo mid ngnln by
rnnchora from the Powell Hutto coun
try who come horo rnthor than go to
tho nearer towna with tholr produce.
Now cornea n clincher In tho nhnpo of
J, M. I'orry of Terrohoiino. Mr
1'crry drlvca hla tonm to Hend wookly
from Terrebonne with n Wagon load
of iirodpco whlah ho illnponim of horo.
It la n.3R-iiillu trip for him mid ho
pnaaea through Itedmoiid on tho way.
lwSStml "JT ""
Tt It la, 1t will anoiiKh alone Hut im
lia It ii up to tho mark In svery detail
coma nml et ua.
Band Steam Laundry.
Put Your Duds
In Our Suds"
Cautloui Hiram.
Two fnrmera mot In a certain town
a day or two after n cyclone hnd visit
ed thnt particular neighborhood.
"Bho nhook up pretty bad out
ut my plnco," wild ono, atroklm hla
whlakcra metlltntlvoly. "Uy tho way.
HI." he uddeil, "that uow barn o' yourn
get Imrt nnyl"
"Wnal," drawled tho other, "I dunno.
I hain't fouuij It yet" Youth' Com
pimlon. '
No Evldonca,
"They tell tno tlmt fellow Whlgglea
la n mnn of IcHora," anld Jormji.
"I've heard ho." wild Snlppo. tho
tailor, "btitil enn linnll believe It I've
written to hi m ten tlmea about n llttlo
bill he owoh me. nml miry a letter can
I get out of hlm."-Hiirpor'a Weakly,
Daicrlblng It.
"How do jiii like thla chowder, Mr.
HtitrhoiirderV" nuked tho landlady.
"It in cold, hut not dummy." replied
'Mr. Btnrlwurder. Philadelphia Itocord.
Dopnrt'mont of tho Interior, United
Htntea Land Orflcii, Tho Halloa,
Oregon, December .12, 1913,
To Helra of Jonna A. Johnaon, do-
ccnaed, of Hold, Oregon, Contosteo:
You nre hereby notified thnt Krnnk
I, Itamany who given o-o J. W, Allen,
Tho Halloa, Oregon, na hla poat-ofllce
nddreaa, did on December 12, 1913,
lllo In thla office hla duly eorrobornt-
ed application, to contest and anoure
the cancellation of your homentead
entry No.. . Kerlal No. 010100 mado
April 8. 1911, for BWK NH14. HBVi
NWWHWV4. WH8BW. aoctlon 17,
Townahlp 19 A., Hange 19, E. Wll-
lametfo Meridian, and aa grounda for
hla content ho allogea that said entry-
ninii, prior to hla decoato fallc'd and
neglected to oatabllnh hla roaldonce
on anld land or to make nny Improve
nionta thereon other than to clear n
very amall portion of tho land oon
atatlng of a amall yard In front of hla
cabin mid to conatruet a amall cabin
thvroon; Hint lie did not entnblloh
hla roaldonco on aald land nt any
tlmo; thnt aald ontrymnn died In
March 1913, loavlng no holm or di
vlavon, nolthor wife or children, who
nrft reeldentn or oltltenn ol hv Unit
ed Htntea. or who have declared tholr
Intention to heeomo audi cltlxona.
You ore, thorofore. further notl
floil that tho anld nllcEntlona will bo
taken na confoaaod. and your aald
entry Will 1)0 cancelled without fur
ther right to ho heard, either boforo
thla olllco or on appeal, If you fall (o
fllo In thla olllco within twenty ddys
after tho KOUHTH publication of
thla notice, n ahown below, your
nnawor, under oath, specifically re
sponding to thcto allogatlona of con-
teat, together with duo proof thnt
you have served a copy of your an
awnr on the aald contestant either In
person or by registered mall.
You ahould stato in your nnawor
the name of tho post office to which
you desire futuro notices to be sent
to you,
L. E. nOOTH.
Date of first publication, Decoinbor
17. 1913.
Hate of second publication, Decern
bcrlt, 1913.
Date of third publication, Docotn
bor 31,. 1913.
Date of fourth publication, January
7. 19H.
P. I Younu of tho American Soda
Products Company waa horo Thurs
day from Alknll Uko. I.nko county,
bringing In n rjuantlty of tho product
that la found there In large nupplv
Thla la waahlng nodn nnd Mr Young
left som of it at, Uert Shuoy'a nnd I
w. i". aieuuieion 8 grocery stores to
ho distributed rtftloiiKf thu houaewlvea
of Hend na free Haiflplen no thnt thov
eft'n' teet thla Central tirogon product
iiiuT nnd out Ita excollem ijiinli
tles. Ad U3
Notlco la horob glron Hint the liuulfl
deacrlbod below, o1Yi(flng 160 acres
within tho DeachuYetf N(lonnl Kor
ost. Oregon, will bo ifutVfcat to settlo
inent nnd entry uudoj tfiof jirovls
Inns of tho hotnoatoaif Ikws of tho
Unltod States nnd tho act of June 11.
1900. (31 8tat., 233), nt'tVie United
States land olllco at Tho Dulles, Oro
gon. on February 18, ltir-t. Any
aottlor who was actually nnd'lfi good
faith claiming any of anld lands for
agricultural purposoa prior .-to Janu
ary 1. 1900, nnd hna not abandoned
nmuo, lias a pfoforenco right to nuiko
n homestead on try for tho lntids ac
tually ocouplod. Said lands were
Pstod upon tho applications of the
persona montlonod below, who have
a preference right nubject to tho
prior right of any suoh uottlor. pro
vided nuch Bottlor or applicant is
(Itinllflnd to miiko hotneatond outry
nnd tho pro;fornnco right In oxorclaod
prior to Kobruury 18, 1914, on which
date tho landa will bo subject to acU
tlomunt mid entry by any qualified
person. Tho landa nro na follow:
Tho WVi BK'i section 24, township
10 H., It. 13 K.( W. M 80 ncrea, Hat
ed upon application of Ahorhnm
Kvona, of Hend, Oregon; the W!4
NE'4, section 24, anld township nnd
range, upon application of Charles
Itobb, of Pnrk City, Utah; Hat 01028,
December 3, 1913, C. M. IHIUCE,
Aaalatant Comtnlaaloner of tho (Jon
oral Land Office 41-44
All hbusftB, nboren and shop abut
ting on the aanltary newer may now
be connected with It on obtaining a
permit from the superintendent of
sowers. No pormlt-Tflll be Issued un
til sower naaeanment In paid to tho
City Treasurer and tho license fee of
$C for Inspection of connection and
for maintenance Is paid to tho sup
erintendent of sowers.
Uy ordor of tho Common Council
of tho City of Hond. Hated Decem
ber 8, 1913.
OI50. 8. YOUNO,
40-4 lc Superintendent of Hewers.
In the County Court of tho Stato of
Oregon for Crook County.
In the tunttor of tho Eatato of George
II I'iiIIIAiii, Deceased.
Now nt thla tlmo thbi cause coming
on to bo hoard-mid It appearing to the
court that Iouzettn Pulllam, tho ad
mlnlatrntrlx of tho catnto of George
H. Pulllam, deceased, has heretofore
fllod In this court her final account
na nuch ndmlnlatratrlx, It Is there
fore ordered that the 10th day of
January, 1914, he and the name Is
hereby set aa the date for tho henries
of anld final nccount of and ndmlnl
atrntrlx nt tho court room In the
nbovo entitled court at Prlnevllte,
Crook county, Oregon, and la tho
tlmo and place at which objections
thereto, If any there bo, may bo
made and heard by tho court and
It la further ordered that the aald
Louzetta Pulllam as such administra
trix of tho eatato of sold deceased,
give notice of tho hearing of aald fi
nal account by publication thereof
In tho Hond llullotln, a weekly news
jmper of general circulation, pub
lished at Uond, In Crook county. Ore
gon, for tho period of lour succes
sive weeks.
Dntod nt Prlnevlllc, Oregon, thla
2nd day of Dceeuibar. 1913.
Judge of the County Court of Crook
County. Oregon. 40-44
In the Coupty Court of the State of
Oregon for Crook County.
In tho matter of the 6stat0 of CeOrgo
AUlio, Deceased.
Tho undersigned, having been ap
pointed administrator of the Mtttte
of QnHtge Auhe, deceased, il6tic3 la
horoby NlrU to the crodMOrft of said
eatato and to All pcWOna having
claims against stfld deceived, to pre
sent them duly verified a raqulred by
law, within alx months frftn tho date
of thla notlco, to the undcttalgncd at
A iurtd Trlre Cut C!Ur
or fteddla Call not protxrlf
hal4 avf a tfUas-urtnC
la the Right fumed (or Ml
Abrasloaa of the Flrsta.
Alt tho Tfound la.cleansad and
tho liniment appllrd promptly,
tho hcallnif process brclmi at
onco unu ino wuunu ncaia irora
ho Inildo outwardly, thus por-
"" i.vv. tuia i ita i
cavitf po aear. If tho wound
ical Cit Ili4 QUtalito too quick
y, pus (ottrif unJef tho sur-
faro and Irttlki.bul into a. run
nine; ro that li bard to euro i
and inevitatiiy leaves a bi
. Owners et ,;ood"d clock pt6
icr iiiu iinimrni 1 1 nil Olllcrs
tor that reason or. I I . . y uso it
not.onlr on imi i.mmals. but
on human, (nun. a loeti Ua
wort. quicKiy anu tudrouniy.
Price 23c. C0j nntl a 1.00.
JamtiF.OalUrd.Prop. CtLouli.Mfl.
tho offlca of C, H. Honson, lawyor,
Uond, Oregon.
Dated thin 3rd day of December,
Department of tho Interior, U. 8,
Land Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Oro-
gon, Novombor 17, 1913.
Notlco is horoby glron that Isaac I.
Gorby of Portland, Oregon, who on
Novombor 8, 191.1, made desert land
ontry No. 012188, for 8W-4NWU,
aoctlon 13, township 18 south, range
12 east, Willamette Morldlnn, has
filed notlco of Intention to make
final desort land proof, to establish
claim to tho land above described,
boforo II. O. Ellis, U. 8. Commis
sioner at Hond, Oregon, on the 26th
day of December, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Henry H. Ford, James Tlyan, Otis
C. Henklo and Joseph P, Thomas,
nil of llond, Oregon.
37-lip HoBletor.
Department of tho Intorlor, U. 8.
I.nnd Office at Tho Hallos, Oregon,
Novombor 24, 1913,
Notlco Is horoby given that Charles
V. Hnrtwlg, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who
on April Oth, 1910, made homestead
entry No. 00410, for KVt Section 9,
townahlp 20 South, rnngo IS east,
Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice
of Intention to make final throe year
proof to establish claim to tho land
above described, before H. C. Ellis,
V. 8, Commissioner, at Hond, Oregon,
on tho Oth day of January, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil
liam Todd, William T. Itenm, How
ard P. Dyer, all of Mllllcan, Oregon,
John A. Hazuka. of Hend, Oregon.
39-43 Register.
Making the BEST FLOUR in
Central Oregon.
Bluestem Blend and. Flaky Loaf
For Sale at all Grocers
We also have the best roll feed
and mill feed that money can
buy and are prepared to han
dle the trade of Crook County
I Bend Milling and Ware-
house Company
Hotel Wright
The Hotel for Winter.
Steam Heat and Running Hot
, and Cold Water
Get our rates for the winter.
The only stone hotel in Bend,
Stephens Eyo 6atvo la a htallna
s art I Mm m n at . ... ?..-
-Ftafterson Drug Co.
For Partridge, Wood-
; cock. Squirrel or Rabbit
Shooting- the
Ne. 101
-. .. nrM'W .W UI.WY.
i'.r. " r mu" 3ui4
mwih nriuf.
Liti'pti.a um. in nn A.
i' "" " T - ,V
noncrnl Idonn nnd grout conceit nro
nlwuyn In 11 ftilr wny to cause tcrrlblo
Business Directory
Directory of each City. Town ami
Vlllaa. alvlns; descrlptlv sketch ot
each place, location, population, tele
crsph. ehlpplnr and banking; point)
also Classified Directory, compiled by
hllsl-IASS KHil tlMftSllftH
wueie.twei aateu yt vvatytt
fit i ruu vu KKATTIM
$vl ttr itM J...
Headquarters for Commercial Men
Electric Lighted Throughout
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
Oood Rooms'
Free bus to
and from trains
OQQd Mcnlj
All arrangeinenta made for persons
deslrliij; to jo south and cast of hero
Altamont Hotel
J. A. EASTES, Mgr. Airs. E. J. HERRINO, Assistant Mj-r.
M . t4i twAi'SrevCNS
Pilot Butte Hotel
Ideal Stopping Place for Summer Vacationists
and Travellers.
(1001) OIMNQ ROOM.
J. F, TA1QART, Proprietor.
ONE CENT A WORD, b all a litttewant ad will cost you.