The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 17, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    rAOK s.
I 'i'i'i'i .1 . J . i. i.Jni ., .f i i i -in ill , .
Andrtw Jaekaon Showed Ha Had s
Qrlm Ssnss of Humor.
A Virginian veteran used to tell how
Andy Jackson used boles of cotton In
tho ramparts tbttt he threw up In do
fenso oC Now Orleans, mul It was nat
urally n matter of Indifference to Ultu
whoso cotton lie employed.
Some of tho cotton happened to bo
Jons to n rich merchant. The mer
chant followed his bales with dogltko
devotion, lie could not bear tu tear
himself away from them. He was
standing over them when Jackson tin
pencil to draw near, and. running up
to the chief, bo will: "Monsieur. It Is
damage for your men to take my cot
ton. All property Is sacred uud must
bo protected."
"But," said Jackson, "are you mire
this Is your cotton T"
"Oil. sure, most sure." said the mer
chant "I know the marks, nil of them.
Kt puis, nlora. thla cotton, sir, must be
Jackson turned to n private and told
him to fetch n musket at once. The
musket being brought, tho general laid
It lu the merchant' arms and said
with n grim smile:
"My friend, you are the most proper
person 1 know of to defend your own
property. Stay here. then, and do to.
Btlr at your peril."
On Ton of It Would Equal In Powtr
1,500,000 Tona ef Coal.
If ono could utilize tbo energy of a
ton of radium through a apace of thir
ty yeara tt would bo sufficient to drive
ahlp of 15.000 tons, with englnea of
10.000 horsepower, at a rate of fifteen
knots throughout the wbola thirty
yeara. To do thla 1,500,000 tons of coal
rs actually required, aaya the Chicago
Theso are not fanciful figures, for the
energy Is there, though, aa a matter of
fact. It Is unlikely that man will ever
produco much more than half an
ounce of radium a year.
Still, the fact li Important for this
reason that science Is convinced that
the radium In radium bromide la not
tho only clement which possesses this
marvelous store of energy, but that the
calcium In gypsum and the sodium In
common salt contain also this energy
Tbo evidence of the wonderful atomic
energies In the common elements of
everyday material Is rapidly accumu
lating, and scientists aro of tbo opinion
that perhaps theso same discoveries
may In tlmo alter tho whole future of
tho human race.
The Kitchen Sink. '
It lsLa.Btatisticnl fact that farm wo
rn en dToicarlicr than do farm men and
I, "
We Want You to
fjIPerhaps you may think, Mr. and Mrs. Christmas
Shopper, that because this is a hardware store, car
rying a complete line of goods, we do not have ar
ticles suitable for holiday gifts. But do not be de
ceived: This is THE STORE THAT CAN FUR
NISH YOUR WANTS. For your convenience we
will enumerate a few of the excellent articles that
we have in stock that would make gifts for man,
- woman or child.
IJFOR MOTHER An Aluminum Percolator, Table
Grille, Sewing Machine or Electric Iron.
(JIAND SISTER might use a fine pair of Scissors, an
Oil Heater, or perhaps a few nice Dishes.
DAD and
Knife, Razor,
fJAND THAT KID BROTHER always wants a Sled,
Watch, Compass, Gun, Tool Set, Traps, Pocket
Knifebr Pair of Skates.
CjjSee our windows for suggestions.
fllOnly two weeks are left for you to do your shop
ping. Come in without further delay and make
your selection. We will assist you gladly. If you
do put off your purchases until the last day, come
here, for from our large stock you will be able to
select something appropriate without trouble.
Bend Hardware Company
BOND STREET :: :: :: :: BEND,
that those who survive tho years of
drudgery break In health sooner than
do tho men. The opposlto Is truo In
town. There Is no doubt In my mind
that tho biggest factor In tho develop
ment of this state of affairs Is tho woo
ful lack of labor saving contrivances
In tho fnrm woman's homo. Many
houses In tho country nro still without
that greatest of labor savcrs-n kitch
en sink, n sink with n pump or faucet
and with n drain leading out from It
The cnrrylng In and out of water is
the most laborious and bark brvnktng
tnsk of all the hard tusks Mnngtng to
the housekeeper. There Is no suMI
tute for a kitchen sink. If you can
mid but one thing to your home this
year nnd If you have no kitchen sink
let that bo the addition. -I'arm nnd
Why PaopU Travsl.
necnuse they think they nro going to
learn something, and It Is only by trav
ellng that they can discover that
knowledge does not come by travel
Became It helps them to get better
acquainted with their neighbors some
of whom they are bound to fall In with
on their travels.
Because the doctor tells them they
ought to.
necnuse It gives them the Illusion
of superiority nnd furnishes them with
topics of conversation.
Bccnuso It costs more than they can
Because they don't know nil the dis
agreeable things that will happen to
Because It Is the only way In which
they can discover how comfortable
they are at homo. Life.
Hum of th Wire's.
Anything that Is stretched Is apt to
be thrown Into vibration by the force
of the air blowing against It If It vi
brates so fast as to produce the air
wares that our ears can bear tben that
is what we call found. This Is what
happens to the telegraph wires when
they hum. and If wo put onr hand on
tbo telegraph pole wo shall feel that
the wires vibrato strongly enough to
set tho wbolo pole trembling too. But
when tho air la quite still tho telegraph
wires do not hum.
Vary Attsntlva.
"I can't get old Snip tho tailor to pay
any attention to me," remarked Dub
blelgh. "That's strange." said Slathers. "lie's
most assiduous In his attention to me.
Sends me three or four bills every
month." Harper's Weekly.
Easily Explained.
Elder If you believe that everything
that takes place Is foreordained why
did you wnllop tho man you caught
stealing your wood? Deacon Because
1 couldn't help It I felt that It was
foreordained thnt 1 should wallop him.
BIG BROTHER, need a Saw,
Watch, and many useful
ri .ii inn Mini o
Santa Claus!
"nello! Hello! Is this Santa Claus?
Well, this Is Marjorle Brown. Oo. I
Just knew you'd "member me. Awf ly
nlco of you to bring all thoso things
last Christmas. What do I want this
year? Ever and ever so many things.
Four dolls with real wake up eyes,
an' a set o dishes, an a sled, an' ono
no. I want two, three story books, an'
games, an', oo, ever so much candy, au'
Thcre, you old eavesdroppcrl Been
listening, bavo you? Well, perhaps
yon have a right to. for It Just hap
pens that In this enso you nro Santa
Claus. Get all the order? This llttlo
girl trusts you to bring theso things.
Then there are tho boys and tlio folks
and your friends. Better go right out
now nnd stock up while it Is fresh au
your mind nnd whllo the good In tho
stores are fresh, llcmornber llttlo
Marjorle or Esther or Mary or Helen,
as tho enso may be.
Also remember to shop
early, relieve the tired shop
girl and get the best.
In this world It Is not what wo take,
up. but what wo giro up, that makes
ns rich -Henry Ward Bcccher.
things not
Only the Camel Knows lt Henee the
Sneer on Its Paoe.
The PttO widows of the mosque of
Rultnu Sellm remind one of the ninety
nlno names of Allah Theso ninety
nine name, the Arriba sny, nro written
In the pulms of the hands of all truo
believers The explanation Is Inter
esting, nnd even nn unbeliever can
test It
Tho Arabic numeral 8 Is written like
an Inverted V of .the English alpha
bet By holding up your left hand, with
thetluimb nnd linger bent slluhtly
In waft I the lines of the palms will be
seen to take the form of n rough A I,
which makes the Arable figured HI
Placing the right hand under the left
In the same way make the figures
ISilMi. The total Is IH
There ought retilly to be 100, but the
hundredth Is loot to very creature
hut one
Why does the camel wear sueh n su
perelllous expression? The heavy pen
tlulotis under Up uud the snarling curl
of the upper u-lve nu expression of
sneering contempt which ran hardly
be equated In the tinilu creation,
No wonder The camel alone knows
the hundredth name of Allah, and be
won't tell It Manchester Guardian.
Bcrvlcos Sunday 11 a. m nnd 7:30
p, m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Ep
worth I.pnmin fl-30 i. tn. Itllitn
Rtuilv Clnss Thursilnv at 7:30 n. in.
Choir practice Friday at 7:30 p. m.
Church of the Brethren,
Sorvlcca each altornato Sunday at
3 p .m. In tho M. E. church. No ser
vices noxt Sunday. 1. II. Fox, minis
Services noxt Sunday at 10:30 a.
Special Christmas services. Blhlo
school nt 10 a, in. Preaching scrvlou
nt 11 n. in., subject "Tho Dawn of u.
Now Year." Anthem by a doublo
quartet and solo by Mrs. Fish. Tho
young people's meeting at C:30 p ,m.
An address will ho given by II. II.
Do Armond. Breaching at 7:30, with i
special singing Tho Christmas enter-'
talnment of tho Blblo school will be
held on Weduosdny evening, begin
Ing at 7:30. All uro Invited. ,
Christmas services. Subject "Tho
Evangel Mossngo" for all sorvlcca on
Sunday, tho 31st, Special music, In-
Has Oregon Products at United States Land Show In Chicago
CUii.auO. II.U Fotq ruud Tillman Itouter the "liuruank of tho Dry Farming World,'1 About ten yearn ugu
he left his home lu Evmuville, Iud., broken lu body und spirit, nnd ho wont west In. qucnf of health. Ho
not only found health, but won wealth nnd fame as woll. Ho located In Central Oregon and plonoorod It
as n cultivator of the dry farming vnrioty. He worked wonders, growing ovorythlng In tho shape of grains
and vegetables that aro produced with more umplo rainfall, ,
This year at tbo International Dry Funning Exposition in Tulsa, Okla., Itouler, for the third consecutive tlmo,
swept the boards In competition with the exhibits of the entire North American contlnont Louis W. Hill, chair
man of the board of directors of the a rent Northern railway, has installed a portion of tho famous Iteuter exhibit
in tho Great Northern railway's booth at the United Btates Land Show, which oponed Nor. 20th In tho Chlcugo
Coliseum, Houter, meanwhile, Is too busy getting ready tor bis next year's crop to attend tho Chicago show. lie
Is ont to make It four consecutive "world's championships" by improving bis noxt dry farming congress exhibit-
Mrs. 4t. Vogel-
tjf'asiionaila SDrassmatinff
La dies 4 xJaltoHny
UWce.i 'MtiMnttfU
,)' UKiranaff fixpHtfnllv Soffolttil
WitA Uanni
Mtruuientnt nnd vocal. All welcome.
(Hast of Bond December 31.)
First church Meeting at Itlch
nrileon school house. Hundny school
at 11 n, m., preaching nonrtcu at 13
Second chur'.'i Meeting at (JranRO
Hall. Sundav trhtxl nt 3 p. in.
Third cnurch Mooting at Arnold
tchcil house. Sunday school nt 3 p.
ra. preaching service nt 3 p. tit.
No collection, Ensor W'lginoro,
All who aro Interested In tho hoys
and girls of Bend are Invited to meet
In tho mass meeting nt tho Metho
dist church on Ohio street Frldav
night nt 7:30 o'clock. Iter. E. 0, Judd
will preside at tho meeting . Adv
New Equipment nt Cnnuody llnw. of
First (lass: l It, Curtis Winner.
Tho now bowling alloys which Cnr
mudy Bros, have put In, In connec
tion with tholr pool hnll on Bond
street. More llulsliml last week and on
Saturday were opened for uso with
a match between U It. Curtis and
Dr. t'. C. Coo. Neither of tho con
testants had had practice In the sport
for some time, hut In spile of that
tli oy showed some good iKiwIIng, Mr.
Curtis winning.
Tho now alloys havo been laid In
1. i .j
eincr s
nu addition to tho pool room running
Imuk from Bond street to I he alloy.
This measures 70 by 10 foot and In
built of Boml-madu brick, Tho al
loys nro of iniiplo, worn imulo by tho
Brunswick, Bnlku, C'allvmlor Co, In
MuskcKon, Mich., and shipped to
Band In sections. 'Tho weight of
tho sections Is 13,000 pounds. Two
of tho company's experts en mo from
Portland to lay the alleys, which
with local assistants, took ubout 10
days. Tho cost amounts to 1800.
For tho present, only ten pins will
ho bowled, Mr. Carmody plnnnlng to
add candle nnd duck plus to tho
oqulpmont at a later date,
Department of tho Interior, U. H.
Land ORlco at The Dalle-), Oregon,
Decomhor 8, mi 3.
Notice Is hereby given (hat John
Peters of Bend, Oregon, who on No
vember 36, 1007, mndo homestead
entry No. 16801, Serial Nn. 013116.
for IIHNWU mid NKViMWU. see
tlon 7, township 30 south, range II
cast, Wlllnmetto Morldlan, has Mod'
notice of Intention Ut insko final II v
year proof, tn establish claim to tho
land nhovn described, before II. C.
Ellis. V. 8. CouimlsflUiuor, nt MnI,
OrHgun, on the Sine day of January,
Claimant names as wlimmiw
David lllll. CurtM II. Allen. John At.
klnnon and I rml A. Slionijuest, all or
Bond, Oregon.
40-44 Itcgtster.
- ji in'.