f 5 t IlKND IlULLKTlft, BKNIL OBK WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, lflj. PAGPJ T. jFor Foil Late Shoppers We Have a Large Assortment of V V Ojffi Vafl Jv vACjBf I LjITS - to jt r.. HV iStf'A. SLLW IfriLLLV 0 aLLLLLr MlflT,i?l ' frtiKwJo!( yj'--f B " "-"-" Si mT m. i. i f i.n ...i n i i erchandise to seled; from. Here are a few suggestions from our large stock: I NAVAJO Art Craft I 1 NAVAJO Art Craft I I FELT SLIPPERS, I AH Wool Blankets LOUNGING ROBE all colors and styles Just the tiling to send to the an acceptable gift, till wool. A suitable gift for anyone, folks at home lied, Tan, Gray Priced at Priced from jg$5&$6.75 I $10.50 I 70c to $1.50 I Suit Cases & LADIES Black Cat Hose Silk Waists I I i m ALWAYS A.N ACCEITAIILE GIFT. Tr.veiinisB.g Hand Bags j-g gg-uj ,-j . ... SHkWaist A"p?ShB"t &?,' BS!ftff2feSSJ".:.rS Patterns m. i in tm. leathers, priced from .Men Aii-snu, ir pair soc $1.75 to $13.50 I $1,25 to $7.50 gg555 Kimonos DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING, WITHOUT DELAY, AT ANNHEIMER'S 1 " ' ' " ' J i i 'i iii iii iii. i i i i r i , ii i i . t m4mJ mmm4 LOCAL NEWS ITEA1S recherche, recipes. OYSTER HIHqUE Load sev en adult oysters out back of tbo barn and shoot them. (If you havn't ft barn or gun, borrow your neighbor'.) After pluck ing tbcm and removing tbo foot, parboil Itinui until they aro els tic. cavur with crumby bread and bake. VnrnUh with' dill ploklM, add hot nlr nnd icrvo. I'hll Cardinal was In town from Imperial lam wcok. T. II. Danlola Jr., on mo In Friday inornlnic from Boattlo. Mm. A. O. Wnlkor lias lifrn rtap jmlntud poitmuitor at Alfalfa. Mill Eva Qravei loft Monday night for Portland to visit during tha boll daya. Itcdtnond'a iccond aunual poultry how li icbodulad to bu bnld Janu ary 21-24. Will J. Sproat haa rtturnod from uirlvvr whoro ho wn Init week on foreitry builnoii. Chrli Tlnucr, who hn been In town for tbo pait faw wueki, left for hli humeituad at Holyat Haturday. The llend Company hai reconUr had n cruw on the rlvor KultlnK out log that had gono by th boom. V, I. Warmoth. who recently moved from Motollua to Hampton, wai In town Uit weeic for auppllci. Dainty candle In prottv boxon, In die appreciate thorn. Tho Mutro polltnn. Adv. i , CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE n &&!&& . ddn4 tfoutil&bgL S&tts fflP IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHfcv frtrG Nd llEXTKIt OUT CAN IlKfiKIiKOTKU THAN A NICK TIKCK OK FUIINITUHH. 1 1IAVU A HPIiKNDID A8SOHTMKNT OK llOCKKUS, LlllltAUY TAllIiKH, 1UNINO TAIU-KH, UIIKHHKIIS, 111 WHS AND UtQN IIKDS, KITCIIION CAllINIiTfl, HUGH, 1'IOTUIUvfl, IlItAHH GOODH. MOHT ANV OK Till: AIIOVK WILL UK HUIIK TO I'liKAHH AND I WILL MAKK DKLI VKIIY ANV TWIK YOU HW E. M. THOMPSON ieil, Orso Where Your Dollar Doea IU Duty, TONIGHT! Bend Theatre OOOI) riOTVUKH AN IU. HIO KVI1UY MIIT. TOXIOIIT'H I'UOOItAM: "Itnikru Vom-k," In tt Heel, "llunny Hlnrneyed," or "Tho Illaruey Ktono" (Comedy) muhio iiy Kix-rmci: on- CIIKSTItA KVKIIY NIGHT. A DM IKS ION 10 ANI 15 CKNT8 Mlia O'Donnoll, daughtor of tho Into John O'Donnoll, la hero looking nftor tho property left by nor rnthor. It. W. Smith, the attorney, loft Friday night with hla fumlly for Portland. Ho will probably return eait. Tho Fraternal Ilrotherhood will glvo n itoclal dance tomorrow ( Thun day evonlng) to which tho public In Invited, Win. A. Dalxlol, Btato deputy labor commlBHloner nnd factory Inspector, arrived In town Monday morning on u vlilt of Impcctlon, M. h. Morrltt wont to Portland Sunday night to attend a mooting of tha district forest Investigation com mlttoo. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Morrltt. Tho Tutnalo project la' advertising for bids on half n car of food oata and half n car of rolod barloy, to bo dollvorod at Doschutea. Dlda will bo opqnod Friday, Mr. and Mrs, Charloa Ultnoa, frlonda of It. M, Smith and family, arrived Thursday night for a visit horo. They llvo near Wollsvlllo, Mo., Mr. Hlraoo being a largo stockman. Jamos 11. Dickinson, tho home atoador who was shot by1 Aleo Hall, haa left Jlond for Elma, Wash., nc companlod by his family. Nothing has boon Ijarnod of tho whereabouts of Hall. Wo have JUBt a few boxos contnln. Ins ten cigar each, vory nice Tor Bontleman for that Xmafl sraoko. Tho Metropolitan, Adv. vj33 Thorson the Jeweler WE DO NOT (H'ARANTEH THE "iai7 KOGEItH HHOH." SILYEKWAIIE AH HOME MAKEIW HO, HKCAVHK A N Y PEItSON W I T II " II O US K HKXHE" KNOWS THAT SILVEIt PLATE!) WAKE WILL NOT HOLD OUT KOK BO YEAH8 UNLKSH IT LIES ON THE SHELK. THIS IS THE GUARANTEE THAT ItOGEHS GIVES: "KVEKYIMECKOKHILVEUPIiATH lU-UItING THE "117 ItOGEHS HUOH." THADE SIAHK IS GUARANTEED IIY THE SIAKEHH TO GIVE PKUKECT SATISFACTION IN EVERY HESPBtT." JUST HIXnCIVED A NICK LINE OK STERLING SILVER GOODS AND WIS AUSO HAVE THE FINEST STOCK OK JEWELRY EVER SEEN IN REND. REMEMRER, EVERY ARTICLE ItOUGHT FROM US HAS GOT TO IIE AS REPRESENTED, AND IK IT DOES NOT STAND UP WE ARE HERE TO MAKE GOOD. WATCH OUR SHOW WINDOW NEXT WEEK FOR SILVERWARE AND CUT Gli.SS. THORSON THE JEWELER 1 Jir ummum Mra. Clyde M. McKay leaves to morrow with her children for Port land whoro she will spend tho holi days vliltlng with relatives. Mr McKny oxpects to Join her at tho end of thu week. Clyde McKay returned Thursday evonlng from a weok'a trip to drone Prairie, Davis Crook and Davis Lako whoro he weut to observo gamo con ditions and Inspect Uio trappers who aro now active In thoio localities. A party of Harrlmau railroad offi cials woro In town Saturday, having come In from Portland In a now pri vate car, the first the traffic man have had. in the party woro William MoMurray, 11. E Lounabury nnd It. il. Mlllor. Aftor spending too morn ing In town they weut to Prlnovlllo by nvtto. ti. L. Hall, superintendent of the Warm Springs Indian reservation, was horo Friday conferring with sup ervisor Morrltt of tho Deschutes for est about the building of a telophono lino from Allen's ranch, on tho Metol Iub, down the river to tho Reserva tion. This work will bo undertaken next spring. Don not wait until Xmaa Eve for that haircut, wo may bo crowded. Tnls week will do Just oi well. Our bath rooma are boated with hot air, try one. Tho Metropolitan. Adv. niRTIIS. To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parkor, In Portland, on Docember 3, a girl.' .' To Mr. and Mra. J. A. DrlnVley, on December 13, a boy. CyMAyjtfa ft ' $-EMGnFJm tlm I tHall VsM ' I ill w9vWail'llll T-tr cm "sfp ri toMElhTAND-LETl5 5HOV U WHAT WET HAVET, YOU'LL BUY WHEN YOU JEE. -VET ARE WILLING; ToTURNTHETLICjflT ON OUR WSINCSS METHODS ?-lv.lfl WE WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR! YOU HAVE MADE THE OLD YEAR A HAPPY ONE FOR US. BECAUSE YOU HAVE GIVEN US LOTS OF BUSN NESS. YOU ARE GOING TO. COME BACK TO US NEXT YEAR. BECAUSE YOU'VE ffEEN SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU GOTt FROM US. WE KNOW YOU WILL BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO TRADE WITH US. THOSE FRIENDS YOU BRING WE WILL MAKE OUR FRIENDS, GIVING THEM HONEST HARpWARE AT HONEST PRICE& Skuse Hardware Company 111 I I