The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 17, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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CLINK FALLS, Doc. 13. Mra.
fc. V. Pratt passed away nt Uor
lionio nt G o'clock Monday evening,
nfler n flrigorlng Illness. Funeral
anrvlona wnrft held tit tho Hailtlst
xjhurch ot Redmond Wednesday at
3 0 ClOCK.
xRov. and Mrs. Rngan and llttlo
oV tit Hedmbnd, called at W. A.
iMcLean'a Friday afternoon.
Thoro waa no school hero Tues
day and Wednesday on account ot
tho doalh of Mrs. Pratt, who waa a
cousin ot tho teachor, Harry Beck-
W. A. Mctan took a load of hogs
to tho Redmond warehouse to bo
shipped to Portland Friday.
A.,Mr. Crimea of Crooked river
(guled at tho Council Rldgo ranch
Misses McDougnl of ''Redmond
wero dinner guests nt tho River
eldo dairy ranch Wednesday.
Mr, and Mrs. K. C. Hanklo nnd
daughter Helen wore guests at the
Good Ilono Ranch Wednesday
Tho surveyors worked on tho new
county road this week, going from
hero to Sisters.
Armenia Htnch, who recently went
to ,Sprlngflold. Utah, has started to
school there and probably will not re
turn here until spring.
W. Claypoolo Is working on tho
road cast ot Redmond. A section of
It will bo graveled, tho material be
ing hauled from Tctherow Uutto.
Lloyd Harader and L. K. Prlckett
went to Laidlaw Thursday after luiu
ocr, returning Friday.
Lloyd Harador started to work on
tho road for W. Claypoolo Monday
Frank Donlavy took one of his
horses which had been cut on a wire
to tho new hospital for stock which
has been started In Redmond, Wed
nesday morning.
Wednesday evening tho young poo
llo of Cllno Falls gave a farewell
eurpriso party on Cora McLean, who
'will leave here soon. Games of all
kinds wero played until a lato hour,
and refreshments of canlv and nuts
were served. The following wore
prosent: Misses Marjorle Rhodes,
Maria Woods, Bessie Harader, Cora
McLean and Anna Donlavy, and Hen
ry and Carl Hclmholtx, Lesllo
Wright. Anthmer Woods, Lloyd Har
ader, John Donlavy, Karl Rhode,
Irvln Ruggs and Amos Hluoh.
Eleanor Grubo nnd Earlo Grubo
wore Sisters visitors Friday,
Mr. Chapman far Ixiwor Rrldgo
was a Sunday visitor nt ClovoYdnlo.
ALFALFA. Dec. 13. Tho Hans
Hansen family are selling their per
sonal property and expect to leaso
their ranch arid leave In a short time
ror Minnesota.
Mr. Graham who bought the C.
M. Redfleld place, has been putting
in a number of Improvements and Is
now getting settled tn this new home
with his family.
L. A. W. Nixon and family are
moving from Bend to tbelr ranch
north or Alfalfa.
A. O, Walker has been treating his
barn and other buildings to a coat of
J .B. Minor of Rend was In this
section the first of tho week with a
load of homeseekers.
Lee Davenport of Camas, Wash.,
was shaking hand with old friends
In Alfalfa valley Monday and Tues
day. Miss Bertha Goodsell, formerly at
Alfalfa, haa moved to her homestead
at Powell Butte.
Rev, D. (Loree of Burns will
nreaoh at tho Alfalfa school house
Monday evening, December 22.
Mr. Williamson ot Prlnevllle will
winter several thousand hoad of
Hhaep in this locality.
Quito a lot of land Is bolng pre
)wrod this fall In this seetlon for
earljr seeding to tame grass next
Mr. Minta Howard. Mrs. R. U.
FJteklnger and Mlae Fay Gerklng or
iLadlaw oamo over to Alfalfa Mon
day to upend a few days with Mrs. A.
O. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Har
ter, Mr, and Mrs. John Coon and Mr.
" d Mr. Rvmn Cndv oamo over f uos
dajr to assist In celebrating' Mrs. Wal
ter's blrtyday.
HUSTLEMORK, Dec. 0. J. 0.
Whltakor recently mode final proof
on his homestead. Ho has 100 acres
cleared, a good woll and windmill,
besides other substantial Improvo
monts. Mr. Whltnker has dono more
seeding than any one man In all of
this homestead country. Ho rontod
tho Irolnnd homestead and seeded It,
Ho expects to stay In tho Hustlomoro
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I. Wnrmoth, son
and daughter arrived last Friday to
spend tho winter on their rnnch.
Thoy brought two good Joraoy cowa
and other stock.
Mrs. Cora Mlllor nnd family ro
turnot from Bond with M. C. Mlllor
mat week. Mr. Miller has work and
will remain nwny for n white longor.
F. D. Bexona had tho misfortune
to loso hi wallet on his way out
from Bend Inst weok. Ho also had
n watch and spectacles and somo pa
pers In It. Mrs. Lucy II. Hicks, his
daughter's namo la on somo of tho
papers. Ho offers n liberal reward
for tho return of tho same.
M. S. Drown relumed from Bond
Inst week.
Gerald Hlcka accompanied his
grandfather to Uoud last week.
For the last ten days wo have had
Ideal wenthur for this tlmo ot year.
Santa Claus niy havo to come In
his now auto 'this year.
Miss Kato Ilrlckley haa left foHicr
five month's loave or absence.
Mr. Splolbcck from Idaho Is a new
homesteader In the valley. He Is a
graduato from one of tho Idaho nor
mals. Ho thinks that with nlno
teachers In tho valley there could be
a good literary club organized.
HELD. Dec 9. F. L. Ramsay, L.
White and Chas. H. Genung loft for
Rend this morning to work ror tho
winter. Harry Evans will bring Mr.
Ramsay's household goods from Rend
to their homestead.
Robert Cunningham has been
working nt Paul Hold's the past weok
building an addition to the post ofllco.
Max Ncllson will leavo ror Prlno-
vlllo noxt week to take teacher's examinations.
Clyde Balslcy has been digging a
well for F. L. Ramsay the past few
days. They struck water at 31 feet.
John Schmeer made a trip to Prlne
vllle last week.
Tho L. C. C. met at Mr. Petor
Ncllson's Wednesday, December 3.
81STKRS. Doc. IB. Messrs. Rico,
Grimes nnd Wolls nro over from
Prinovllto viewing tho running
cast from Stctora by tho Shaw rnnch,
This road It opened will shorten tho
distance a tow miles on tho routo to
Miss Jonuto Woods returned tho
last of tho wook from Prinovllto, Site
waa a witness thoro In the Crenshaw
Mlsa Lulu Montgomery pnnitod
through Slaters Saturday on hor way
to tho county seat. She writes In tho
examination tor teachers' certificates.
Mra. Fred Wolso spent Friday and
Saturday In Hi-tors, having comn In
to hnvo some work dono on hor
Dr. Kdgnr, n dentist. Is hero ror a
short tme.
C. S. Woods made n business trip
to Redmond today.
Rov. Hnrpor came homo with Rev.
Towno from tho Lower Hrldgo nnd
left for Itodmond today on tho stage.
Mr. and Mra. D. W. Farthing left
today ror Prinovllto whoro thoy will
BUy ror Romo time.
Owing to an error In tho deed ror
tho lota ror tho now church, tho work
will bo delayed ror n short t'tii'i
A r arcwoll party was Men to
Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnnlo McKlnnoy on
Saturday evening. Mr. McKlnnoy
will move to his rnnch near Olst.
Mr. Wado from I.owor Dcsort was
a business visitor In Slators and vi
cinity Saturday.
Mr. Klor has moved his family to
tholr ranch north of town. Ho will
do somo Improving and clearing ot
land during tho winter.
James Pulllam or Gist spent Sun
day In Sister.
Roy Davidson mnde a trip to Bond
tho latter part or tho week.
Mrs. Strahnt Is spending a row
days in town having dontnl work
LOST CREEK, Dec 2 Jim Smith
and son Archie transacted business
in Bend during the past week.
G. R. Young, Ben Do Witt and
Charles Davis are freighting between
Dead and Burns.
Mrs. C. O. Ashby entertained sev
eral ladles last Sunday In honor or
her mother's birthday.
At a social gathering at the school
house, Saturday evening Mrs. Haaler
won the spelling match and Miss
Alice Brookings the guessing contest.
6L0VERDALE, Dec. 15. Mr. nnd
Mrs0eo. Burnslde nnd Calvin Burn
Rjde spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm.
LV O. Grube,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Arnold spont
hunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hod
son, Rev. Harper proached at the achool
Hunday .afternoon. Almost all tho
neighborhood was out to hear him.
Mr. and Mra. Penland spent tho
day with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Pray
Ueyer Grube spent Saturday evo
tilng at the Templet on homo.
Miss Hazel Templeton spont the
'wo'ek end with her parentH.
, Fred Welso took a load of -mutton
o Rend the past week.
Ttie people nro putting up tnoir
Summer's pork now.
Mr. awl Mrs. Cli&a. Carson wero
SIstera visitors Sunday.
Several or the young people spont
Sundav on tho .Ice. '
DRY LAKE, Dec. 0 B. Jones has
located In 21-21 but has returned to
Charleston, Wash., to spend the win
ter. He expecta to come with his
family In the spring.
B. Cox Is working on the W. W.
Brown ranch at Camp Creek In place
or Mr. Fry, who is reeding his own
stock this winter. George Longford
is also working with Mr. Cox.
P. Ames has noarly comploted his
residence and wilt soon move on his
homestoad. He is living In S. Sam
son's house while building.
A dance will be held at the Dry
Lako hall on New Year's Kvo,
H. Snyder Is working ror John
Schmeer Rotting out a supply or posts
and wood.
LA PINE, Dec. It. A financial In
stitution to bo known as tho La Pine
State Bank will bo opened hero as
soon as a building to house U Is com
pleted. Work Is now under way and
Is expected to be finished shortly af
ter the first of tho year. Tho prin
cipal stockholders or the bank nro
Frank W. Tomes or Dwlght, Nob.,
James Kaclrok or Touhy, Neb., and
Alfred A. Aya, ot La Pine. Mr. Aya
has been elocted president; Mr. Kac
lrok, vlco president; Mr. Tomes, secretary-treasurer
and cashier.
Is tho place to buy
UIOHT KIND of prices
Near 28 Mile Post
ImWDLAW. Dec. IB. B. M. Couch
and slstor, Mrs. Clara Nichols, left
Saturday evening ror Kldon, Wash.,
on Hoods Canal, u trip of 00 miles by
wator, to nttund tho slok bod ot their
uncle, J. A. Little. Mr. Llttlo Is S3
yoars old and very llttlo hove Is hud
at his recovery.
Tho minstrel show has been post
poned until January 9 so tho Laid
law pcoplo can attend tho dance at
Bond on Now Year's Kvo.
J. N. R. Gerklng. C. J. Mock, J. II.
Winter. F. N. Wallace. Fred Wilson.
J W. Brown and J. J. Coon wero elec
ted directors of tho West Sldu Agri
culture Association. Mr. Gerklng la
president, Mr Brown, vice president,
Mr. Wallace, secretary. Mr. Wl-ucr.
treasurer, Tho secretary will fllo ar
ticles at onco to proceed with Incor
poration. Mrs. J. R. Snyder arrived homo on
Monday evening. cheek.
L0BT CHEEK, Doc. 0. B. J. Hilh
bnrd was a huslncks visitor In Bond
Inst wook.
II, F, Rhodes who has boon work
ing In eastern Washington for somo
time, linn returned to his clnlm hnre.
Mrs. Rhodes nnd children nro visit
ing relatives In Illinois.
C. J, Striuftor and Frod Overnll
havo gone to Bend for a load ot sup
plies. Al. Low or Bond, wan a guest ot
his slstor, Mrs, Overall, a short time
J. Curran left Monday for Califor
nia to spond sovoral wooka looking
nftor his property thoro. Mr. Whlto
side took him to Bond,
Don Yeck Is tho now mall cnrrlor
between Hampton nnd Stnuffor.
Mr. Knottier has been digging a
collar for Mlsa Allco Brookings,
S. W. Host linn boon making somo
Improvement on his nlalm.
PINEHURST, Dec. 14. Mrs. F.
V. Swisher and Miss Katlo Peterson
were Bend callers one day last week,
iL. H. Root and daughter, Mrs. C.
L. Johnson, were trading in Laidlaw
O. W. Snyder went to Bond Tues
day. Mra. L. H. Root spent Sunday at
Mrs. I. K. Winter's.
The Plnchurst Literary Society Is
progressing rapidly. Meetings tiro
hold every Saturday night. Every
body Is Invited to attorn!.
Raymond Wlmor nnd Georgo and
Russel Dietrich spont Sunday with
I.oator Snyder.
Mrs. Arthur Jackson culled on
Mrs. J. J. Cocn one day last week.
Nowh has arrived horo anounolng
tho arrival of an 11-pound girl In the
G. W. Horner family, who wero for
merly residents horo.
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers or tho GUI
neighborhood wero visitor nt the lit
erary club mooting Saturday night.
11. A. Newcombo was calling In
Laidlaw Saturday. )
Mrs. C. L. Johnson and family
called on Mrs. C. II. Spaugh Sunday.
Ray Root Is holplng Georgo Camp
bell at tho Star ranoh.
Graco Bradley spent Sunday with
Violet and Myrtlo Spaugh.
CRESCENT, Doc. 13. An autumn
bile party, Including W. C. Cooper
or Portland nnd H. Korston, M. S.
Lnttln ami Jack Pnrmlutor of Bund,
spont Monday tn Crescout on busi
ness. They wont on Tuesday to Stiver
Lnko nnd Fort Hock.
Young Jnmcson, tho well known
cnttlo man, wan In Crescent Wednes
day looking after cnttlo Interests.
Tom Jolly loft Saturday for Silver
Lake whoro ho will havo tho editor
chip or tho "Sliver Lako Lendor"
during tho nbsonco or tho editor,
which is occasioned by Illness duo to
blood poisoning.
Walter Smith, E. T. Rotvek nnd
P. M. Cleaves wore In La Pino Mon
day on business, returning thnt even
ing. A. L. Sognr returned to tho Lynea
ranch Mondny whoro ha nnd Mr.
Lynes nro engaged In trapping. Ed.
Santry, who accompanied Mr. Sognr,
returned Tuesday.
Earl Austin and C. C. Randolph
made a trip to Iji Pino on buslnena
I). A, Jones and family wero In
town from tholr ranch Friday.
Chas. Hsllck, who has taken up a
homestead near Croseent. was In
town from Wednesday until Friday.
Ho will take up residence In the
spring with his wire and four child
ren. Mr. Ksllck comes from Hose
burg. Frod II. Honshnw of tho lT. S. Geo
logical Survoy was In Crescent this
week, rending the guago tit the Cres
cent, hnvlng Just returned from Ore
cent and Odoll Lakes on similar busl
nesa. Mr. Honshaw'a headquarter
aro In Portland.
That tho wonderful resources of
tho Crescent country are becoming
wldoly known throughout tho coun
try Is shown by tho numorous Inquir
ies In regard to land that havo been
coming In ror some time. As many
as 30 letters, directed to tho post
master and secretary or the commer
cial club have been coming in with
questions about the vast area that is
to be thrown open to settlers. A
number or claims have already been
filed on and other applications are
v i
R. M. Smith Clothing Co. ;
Everything to Wcnr for Alctt Who Cnre.
pled with rheumatism.
L. P. Ilahlou wont to Bond yoalor
day to meet his brothor, who Is com
lug from Sweden. Ho had not yet ar
rlvod, howuvor, probably on account
ot tho bad weathor In the East, Ho
loft Now York on tho Oth.
Dave Travis ot Hoar Creek wan vis
iting In this neighborhood last wook.
Horn, on Frday, Dscombor 12, to
Mr. nnd Mrs, Levi Ernst, R 7H
jHJiind boy,
Tho llttlo daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs.
Osettr Prlckett as quite slsk hut
night from n cold,
Dottoy Johnson, who wan thrown
from n burs Inst woik anil severe
ly Injured about tho head, Is great
ly linproiod and ublo to bo out.
water la turned In tho canal again
and everyone Is busy flltlnj clstcnra
and (Kinds.
Irvln Blair, brother of Lowta Blair,
was In this neighborhood last weok
looking ror a location. Ho la a print
er In Portland whoro ho makes very
good wages, but "hnok to tho laud"
has called him.
Rosa Davis or North Yakima, Wn.,
oamo in Sunday nnd will stay ror
somo tlmo with his brother-in-law,
A. D. Morrill, while tho Inter Is crip-
Tho placo to buy
Wholesalo Orders takon at Portland
Fonolng Wire, Implomenta, Men's
Furnishings, Drygoods, Goneral
Get our prices! It Mill pay you.
Dry ImV.0, Oregon.
Buy Your Groceries of
HuccchMirtt (o M, A, MulinlTey, tho Pilot Uutto' Grocery,
J? It. .MISENER, .Manager. 41-14
POWELL IIUTTK, Dec. 16. Work
on tho Wilson Mhool house Is pro
gressing must itatlsfuetorlly under the
supervision of N. P. Alloy.
A. II. Rhodo nnd Goo. Hlsler wore
visitors nt the county sent Tuesday.
J, F. Young of Bend visited tho
foro part ot tho week In this section.
Harry Spcer bought a flno driving
homo last week.
Mrs. I W. Van Doron, who hna
been on tho sick list recently. Is re
ported as better.
Carl Llndqulst went to Prlnevllle
Friday with a load of oats rrom tho
Leo Hobbs placo,
Water was turned on In tho canal
Wednesday, allowing all to fill up
panda and cisterns, after which It
was ahut off again.
Dr. Rhodemeyer or Redmond was
called out this way last week to at
tend N. II. Golden. Mr. Golden Is
much Improved nt this vtltlnR,
Mra. Geo. ilockmnn and Earl Baun
dors wero visitors at Prlnovlllo Fri
day. Miss Gladys Ilayn was a homecom
ing passeugor on tho Thursday morn
ing train from Portland whoro she
had been visiting relatives for n.coii
pie of weeks.
Tho Klsolor-lleealoy wood saw
Itcdmond Is In this section, hsvlil
puuoi out Friday, From report!
work in thin lino Is plentiful.
Mr. and Mra. Allen Wlllcoxnn an
daughter returned from Portland
Thursday. Thoy report n pleasai
sojourn but nro all suffering from ,
voro colds, Mr. Wlllcnxon being' co
flnod to his homo Hnturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Chnn. Orowllor ni
sou Victor and Mm. Mary Orowller
Bend er In attendance nt tho fit;
oral or llttlo ChnrlM Hhenrer Tue
day afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs Ore I
or are gniiidHtreiils of the dtcoMc
I'rnparaiHins for n Chrlstmns tn
and program are being perfected I
the teacher nnd pupils of Wilson dl
met. Outside nnsUtntiro will be g
on tho program and nil are lo.lkli
forward to a delightful evening
Mr. and Mm. llnrry Bornml'
lly went to llend Saturday for a
wrtli tho parents of Mrs, Hpeor, M
and Mrs. J, F, Young
II. Manccatt Is doing somo extei
slvo ctoarlng on his new farm, li
haa also built a barn. Mr. Mancoaii
a gardener of ronsldorablo oxperleni
and gardoucd In tho Panama rnglcJ
ror soveral yoars. Hn also owned
Inren carden tract In the Puvnt RmnJ
country. Ho wilt dovolo his tlmo 9
vegetable growing hero and says It
hla Intention to try raising tho imal
whlto pickling onions, believing thil
ran be successfully grown for coni
merclal purposes In this soil ant cl
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foster rJ
turned Sunday rrom Prlnevllle.
Mlsa Hazel Bayn spont tho weel
end with her parents, returning t
Prlnovlllo Sunday. Miss Gladya anl
Mra. Ilayn accompanied her on hi
Goo. Trucsdnlo Is finishing a flis
big rock collar tho construction
which represents lots of hard woil
(Continued on Pago 11 )
and there nrc lots of the goods right
here in my .stock to mukc good, scr-
vicublc and appreciable tfifts.
of all kinds and
in general and a special line of hand
all going at greatly reduced prices.
Oregon Street, IJend, Oregon
jhij, ajiu niri(. is. pi, rray, ausb
"..:: .'.'-;; . ... m