VAUK 12. Rvn nuiiT.KTiN, nKN'n, our., wkunkhoay, imouMUKit it, trust. xtt 4-4- : .. f ' 4 T i Wt O'KAXE SEIIS TJHTS RECORD ' Local llotot Man linn IoMf:t Vountls In Iat Six Months. A news dispatch from tlio Knot Inst wcok told of tho happiness ot ox President Taft over tho loss of 69 jioitntla of flesh slnco ho left thq.wh.lto ilou8o lajif 'March. Ills record may Tfo tjuito a wonderful ouo, hut thoro la n mail In llond who has It outdis tanced, This la Hugh O'Kano. tho genial presiding gonitis at tho llend llotol. Mr. O'Kano six montha ago weighed 342 pounds, hut now tips tho scales t only 349, and ls,stlll going down. Ho 'has' lost 93 pounds In six month b conipartvl to Taft'a 69 pounds In -eight months. Tho aocrot ot this disappearance of flesh Is aoinn tablets which Mr, O Knno la taking and a certain amount of dieting, although he does not havo to starve htmsolt or anything like that. Ills health Is lino and ho Is ultlo to cet about with more agility that ho has shown In a long time. SAVINGS LIMIT 11KMOVKI). WASHINGTON'. Dec. 1C Tho House passed a hill yesterday remov ing the limit on tho slxe of postal sav ing?, though Interest will bo paid on no mora than $1000. BUILDING A RAILROAD. What It Meant When the Contractors DtQin Operations. With the right of wny established, a great army of men enter Into tho Held. Tho company does not build lU own road. It Is turned over to contrac tors and Is usually let In sections of from S00 to 300 miles. Tho contractor mtfst Hto up to cer tain specldcatlons. Just as though ho were building a house, and ,ho fur nishes everjthlngmen. teams, ma chinery, food and material. I'ew ttco pie rvnllie what this means. A con tractor must bo very near to a king. For lustance, there. Is tho Uaxelton section In tho mountains. It Is less tlmn 200 miles In length. Ueforo a stuglo jhovcl or pick was engaged In the building of this section tho ex tractor had to equip themselves with a fleet of steamboats at a cost of $200, 000. They had to build score of camps at from JZ000 to M.000 n camp. Kach of those centers bad to bo stock ed with provisions, lUpplles and mato rials almost beforo a builder was brought In. Before thcflo contractors more) a shovelful ot earth or fired a single blast they had spent over $0, 000.000. Itucb contractor's camp Is like a small city, with Ita stores, hospital, scores of shaping shacks, kitchens, dining rooms, warehouse and barns. WHITE PROPERTY SOLD Two Huslncss Coiners nnil Pilot Unite Acreage Go At Auction. Administrator A. C. Lucas was up from lledmond Thursday and put up at public auction tho property of tho J. V. Whlto estnto. Alt of It except tho up-river ranch whs sold, subject to tho confirmation of tho court. A. M, Prluglo wna tho highest bid der for tho cornor ni Wall and Ore gon streets, nt f3SilO. A. 0. Urook. of Seattle, who already owns proper ty here, bought tho corner nt Nevada and llond streets for JI7G0. Tho Whlto homestead, which Includes Pilot llutto, was sold to llalph Poln dexter, who hid $0000. No satisfac tory bid was received for tho up river property uud It was not dispos ed of. Hair Goods We have just received rt fine line and invite you to come in and look it over. We can supply your wants, in any color and at uny price. Free hair dressing until Christmas to all purchasers of hair goods here. Dressmaking Miss Nooner has charge of our dressmaking department and all "work is guaranteed. Mrs. S. Mcintosh Tho llulletln's wont nds get re sults and cost only on cent a word. NOTK'IJ KOll Pl'ULICATION. Dopnrtmont of tho Interior, United StntM Uml Olllce. Tho Dalles, otogon. Deoemiior S, litis. To Whom It Mny Concern: Notice Is hereby given that th stu o of Oregon linn tiled In this olllce tho following list of Innds, to-wlt, list No. S. for patent, all of which Is In cluded In approved aegregntlon list No. C, serial No. 011772. Descrlp- See. Two. 23 178 lO-U tlou SSNKH SKHNWU NUJi NKUNWU 8HMVV, sBttswn NRWSRVi SViSBH SW W NEUSRtt SHSEU KV4 shswjj SWSWV, swusnu swy NW4Sr:U S14SEV All of 8WHSWV1 All of 23 23 21 24 24 21 24 24 2fi 2S 25 SG 2C 34 35 17 17 IS 13 IS 19 20 20 20 30 17S 173 ITS ITS 17S 178 178 178 173 178 178 178 17S 178 173 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 Ilge. 12K 12K 13R 12U 12R 12R 12 R 12R 12H 12R 12R 12R 12R 12R J2R LIE 13R 13R 13R 13R 13K 13R 13B 13 K 13K 13K Acres 80.00 40.00 320.00 1C0.00 40.00 SO. 00 40.00 40.00 30.00 320.00 160.00 40.00 80.00 320.00 80.00 320.00 80.00 40.00 1G8.38 40.00 80.00 035.92 320.00 80.00 40.00 635.03 4309.33 and has applied for n patent for said land undor the Act of Aug. IS, 1891 ZS Stat, X72.422). Juno 11, 189ft 29 Stat., 43, and March 3. 1901 31 Stat., U3.1188, relating to tho granting of not to exceed a million acres of land to each of certain states: and that the said list, with Its accompanying proofs, ho op ened for tho Inspection of all persons Interested, mil the rubllc gonornlly Within tho next GO days following tho date of this notice, protests or Contests against tho claim ot tho state I "2 5 .sWw &MfZ-v-- iuNy w vim V hS5l 7 4Vl!sSlW t4 r Vs.cJ fy1KPrl yJ5rMVf u o ewictie ' S Qot.r- iVr iMnu & SfWxawrH ,r You Should See La Pine K! ml It iirioutiituiit rHtnlry. Tlic Uttil l licit, ilrtp tolraiilc lutnn llott. HiiKXV., It level. h ( ltltni. mnl rrllnt iltlnVlttg wlt ii(tt iltrtxr limn m fl. Tlielnltalnt Uiul wllh irtvlul wnlrr I'ulii. cn Ik iutchtil t yioi prcte on ttty itinu The iinoiinllng plitf nitntil mouiilnlnt t full nf ii.liuil weutUr -inl Ju.t Iht pUc for ctlon La Tim It only about two )r old, but Rtowlttg laplilljr II li a Ulcihant ajrilrin, Iwo o.l hottlt, Iwu Ug f"fi mctchanllMorrt.a Rnt cUallrry amllml occtlrnl n.itr Itht l.a line Inlrr Mountain), on l the mnal ro(rnlt( rommtrdat cluM In the tlatr atitt tlilaclub by lh way, haalUuwn luuinrly anil the eal yrar ftUil thrcroii an altiaclltr rlult hoi i nm are mnw amaii taw mill In Hit vicinity or l- I'liu, wit It h I. )ul tlir lr(lunlui nl III N lumbeilnt ana uilllliic ImtlntM I iiir liai brrn liiilll tlun httv- Thcic arc sow! ot-nlu In manurutluilnx ami ishvr Im.lnriM lliu. Iter k Ita-acre Mhool park fit the brail oflht itiilciir xtlioti and now Inxhmiii lolt-r III tx nil. . hrt. and other chutrhet at nUnnin lo r.ttliluh thrm-tlrrt owntra have cumincnrel loilevvlop and which alone woubl bullHs cool liel city Th big air f farm laml alone bulla and maintain a sonil tlrnl city Th va.l Iracu ot linilwr Irlbutanr lo La line would alon build a iwo pic ra.uriMn ayiirm to i. rin comlnc oflhe can be reached via Or hicti r a; Will IX WKIII III nlucallonal nut Iwrlllh aradr. A Calhohe thutch li I'tnr hat uvcr llniu available tlrttrlc hot tiower which Ihr tlltmlaiy lo l.a I'm woiim ou.1 altrd cilv Wllh lb development In and around M pint wilt b lapld Ia lln l.a rinr in aovanr 01 inr . N I" . O W K KN. and U I' Kv. Voil ran make nioorv bv Imvlna moiirtlv at railroad nthrraair dulnt ll. whv not YOl U'AKK Ul' lollir Tail thai a aolhl wrll-loratnf town In onr of lh nrwrtl and Ixtt arrtlont 01 Ihe .North wr.t U tound In grow rilill), andlrmt ptopeity valura wlllcllmhacvuidlnily I'flcrt now nm yiiMi. Tlirlrlhua only afewdolUrafier luontlioueach lot You dou't ! Ihe money, bul you aooa u)ulit rsluaklr ptopetly Wltt I0lay lur 'UI nnu ii I let mi to Tlir trlhi.arera.y HWet, LA PINE TOWNSITE COMPANY, La Pine, Oregon. MlV aienti. with oo bpk Mfc'ept., wtat In all paru oflhe fulled Hlalu. ! c.TH()i.M to .Hid.', I Work has been starlet! 6ft (he Imtn tlatlon for n rosldenca ublch (ho lo l mi vniuuiiGn win iitiiiu un inoir piop- to any tract desorlbetl In (ltd list, oil tho ground ot failure to comply with tho law. on tho ground of tiott-dejort character of tho land, on tho ground of a prior adverse right, or on tho WH..1...I ,l.. .1... ...... - ....... ...I.. riiuuuii umi lliu nauiu inuru "l'l- ,,. .... !! .!-.... It will l. t. able for inlnoral than agricultural '0Tty m ol,, "lrt,,t- ,l wl" bo r"r piirpoaoK. will be rocelved mid noted the prlsst ami tho locution Is sueh for report to tho General hand ORIce, Washington. I). ( II. KllANK WOODCOCK. Haglwtttr. I.. K. 1IOOTII. KtwolTtr. Laad Olllco at Tho DallM, Oregon. i)comiHr a, mis. Notice of the above application will lw published in The lleiid liitlin, printed at llend, Oregon, which I lierehy deslgunto as the Hevspair ptibllslieil nenrost tho land (lencrln-1 In said application. II. KIIANIC WOODCOCK. Itsglstor. that later when-the eoHgregathin do aires It oaii orott a chnroh tKlldc on the proMrty also, Thr TiiihhIo (Ihii Club suiioiHieos a shtHtt nvT Miinday titilll owner a sh (Mil every Sunday until the owner shlf of the sliver eup put up by tho luO Is decided, tlm cup Hollig to tho winner of three shoots. On Thanks giving tl) the shoot was uoti by C. 1'. Decker and last Sunday by lljron C. Cutty. Next Htindny llmro will ,io 'atiootliifc far ehlckrnil mill ttirkes IM.iaSltll WITH IIKND. Mr". Htl Mrs. O. D. IIIiiiim of WrIU vlllo. Mn., srrlvtHl In Iteiitl last Th'ifs tlay fur vhsfl of Htvrral weeks Th- are frlontls of If. H. Smith and fab I ly. Mr. Illmna ha a large ranch In Missouri and Is a big Mock raiser - peetally of ihuIm. AfrMtdy duri,i Ills short stay In llend has made li in j at ihhimst. as iiiiiai in tup Missouriti' n' are who coiho here, lie says he thml this n Hurt town. Mr. and Mrs Hum nr on n pleasure trip for tho wliit - ami will probably go to Califuri from hero. ' is ' .- ''- - T -- k ilaw ------t ----- --- --a..J..J.J.J..J. - aaV ----- -.-..... --..-.TTT -v T T T -w f ;TyP m V i - :; ------- - ----.-- ------ ---..- -....-.--. ........F --T----tttfffftt ----- sy -- Real Estate Real Estate H 5. fy r-N FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN iLOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM, LANDS 3 A ft. y Let us show you the property U v. ? conservative buyer that'BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservat. 've invcstnUnt' I TTI-- ' II " ' Office corner Wall and Ohio Sts. The Bend Company D. E. HUNTER;kiaI?EstVe Manag' .-AA..AA aa&aa... V . ? . l- -----. T T -vyv fTT 'w""''a'ttrllaaa. ------w'r-w-r-ww-w--w "rr-r , ---- . Mlrmtt a a ,. t M I I I I Itltlllini Ul 4 i Mtimiin -. - - , . . . . --- . . . . ; - - "?-S-t---'-...a..... . , '''t-k- V1 ' " ,. t , . , , ,. ,, J " "