ihjn'ii m'Llktiv, hk.vh, om:., wkilnkhday, dkckmiikh 17, totn. 1 ' ' PACKING GOLD LEAF. gt It "Hndlti," Oo lo OpU, by (It Aid of 11 Puff ol Droth. Tint gold rviiclit'H Ihu "homers" tlrat in wldu ImrH or imii("Im. It imiMt be weighed, molted nnil inuilo Into Inch wldu ribbons before tho "bcntlng'' bo lmi. The ribbon la then cut Into Inch tmr(4 mid Iwiiten with a Inimiiiur wielded by n slulwart workman. When each Imif hint been beaten thin it U transferred to n mold, where It U ben tun again for it period of foilr lioiiro. i'liv healing U accomplished by modus rt a wooden nauiuntr weighing from tovou eighteen pounds on sheep -4kln cushion resting on n grantUi hlo-k. 1'hu gold beaten U ummttr M or S3 carats Ilni. A llttlo alloy of copper or itlvor U ndded to make It spread. It would hu Impossible for tho lion turn to handle perfectly pun gold. Gold leaf In packed imtro by tho nld uf tliu breath tm 11 tlint of tho hands 1'Ikj upriillon of triiimforrlng n sheet of HlUHtxt transparent gold leaf from iinu iilnco to another In of surh Jllcn ay Hint It Is poMdllilu to iircoiiipllnli It (inl; lir 1 slight pun of the breath, llio imckura are fur Hit must part Klrls. to whom, uftor boating, thu fold .leaf U handed. Tliu girls lirt thu unshaped Icnf from kIid mold with m i4lr of wooden pin curs. Itiilten It out ti n sheepskin ctuli Ion 1 ctittlx blowing 011 It, cut It Into 11 perfect mpiurc, replace It lietwceu tint litivr of tho IxmiU mill (In It en It out with tlu breath. A book" con Ut of twenty-live leaves, anil n skill d lr I operator run pnek sevuiity JmuU In 11 day.-llarpcr's Weekly. ( . ILAYINQ A GHOST. A 8lmpU Oelutlon to tht Mystary of a "Haunttd" Houaa. Tho mystery of a "haunted" bouso was explained In recent number of Hcienee. It was a I urge, handsome Mtructur(u Huston's Hack Hay district Thu troubW ivnutrcd In thu third and fourth storlea, where tho slumbers of servant mill children were disturbed by strung.! ncii.atloix It wan n common occurrence for them do awako In Ihu n Ik tit with a feeling of oppression, "an If duiuo ouo were top ijiinu upon mo." Hound alio were heard, 11 a If some xiuu were walking .nlwut or orvrhisid Ouc a child ruah itl aiiri'umlim Into tho nuro' room, cVjrliiK Hint 11 iiihii wan wnkliiK htm up nud naklui; why ulio let him frlttbtmi dilm o In Urn nioniliic thu children wurc ikiIii nod liiBKlti. wen cold wa it r IniiLIiik lt uniiuI Kiwor to enliven tllHttl liirmlljMtlon at li'ticth rcvcnhil a "oiiiwrnlhily lniiU, mechnnlxtlc ' I111K111 In Ilia iicnK.' of n Iihki' nmount of furiHico K" Oflun thu Niilphur lu 41 wit o ntnuiir a to mnke thu cjriN wHtcr and lo hurt thu throat, wlillo '(hu Ni'iiattilouit or oppri'Miloii wuro typl cat of cArlNiu tnouoildu Tho iiuIhc may hnvi Ihvii ncliml aoundu comliij; from nu iidjolnliw tioimu, Mllhouch any nolm-ii at nil would pnilinhty Ih cxag curaln) In tlic inluila of (tentona awuk 4nrd In llir iiIrIiI wbllu MurTerlui; from tpoUonoua baa. I'niiM'c. wlicrc tlicy do no ninny lliliiK" m'Htl.v, UiIh In umlorHtood, l.lHteiil Yimiiik Itmiul ft it 4 1 mm down on hU kui't'H to miiiliini', tint Widow Loiuoliiu mid hnKKi'il h'tivu lo niurry lilnlai'lf with tinr (liiiiKlitnr, "Hut mil'' Aiild thu widow firmly. "It In liiipoNMlhlitl" Uomiliili'il, Itnoul htirat Into tanra. "Don't tukii It mo hiird, moii wma" in Id alio. "Thu prtlto Vvonno In iX' iiiInI(u, alio In ravlNhlwr, yot thcro nro uiAtiy olIierN In thu Kmuco. A llttlo of pntluniot" "Hut, mndnniol my doar madninol" howled Itaoul. "It U you that 1 ro-rotl"-Now York Trlhuno. Ourltd In Inttallmant. A. wull known local character of Towneond, Mont., lot a leff In a NwltchluK ynrd on tha railroad. Tho nil I roii i J hoya rolnod n llttln puriio for Hih victim, who vriiR rather down on IiIn lurk In other waya nalde from tho accident. After pnyliiK Ida board and hniipltnl IiIIIn ho went down and hoiiKht n collln and a lot In tho ceino lury. and had til nmputatod les burled In Kfxxl Atylu. "Now," hu aald, "when I cah In all they will Imvu to do will bo to dlit up the cnMlii mid put mu In with tho Iecl"-Utiturdny KvuiiIiik Host rtiturroctlona. Tho world U full 01 renurrcctldnN livery nlKht Unit folda iin up In dark lie I ii itiMith. and tlio or you that Imve Im-i'ii out curly n lid Intro Neeii the llmt or the dawn will know It. The day rlxcx out or tho ulcht Ilka n hclni Unit imN liurxt Iin tomb and uacaped luto llfo.-deorKU Mncdoimld. BEND SCHOOL NOTES A now boll It in bo 'ii ordered ror (hi rchool liouno. IMirlim tho nocond uemoxtor r.f thin your MIm lloyburn wll b-j mi nddl tlounl Inittructor In (tin 'i'hIi aoliool. MIm CowIoh Itna liO'i appointed a ilitnut prluclpnl of Jio hill aolioid, n poaltloii alio him boon pinctlcuily nillna; tho tiruaont iginoHtor. A akotcli from "Tliu Taming of tho Bhrnw" will bo proaontcd lu tho IiIrIi school Friday nftornooti. Mt Friday af tot noon tho Inrt half hour wn uod for pructtclr.R on parliamentary procodura. Jlp to Stttp Wilktra. "lopM' . T1t yw, my aon." " ' "I know thu rwiaon why pcoplo walk1 In their Nlcep " "Voi do? Why la Itr "Hecniine thflr feet dun't to to ilocp." Youker Ktalcmuan. I A Cai In Point. "Pome Ihlniw are better left wmald," qilotnl Ihe wle jjiiy. "Hum." mrrid the ilmplo miiRt "er. ery hreneh of pmmlu nult demon-trati-x thAt"-Phlladelihla Itecord. Inrn'Awd ineana and Increaaed leb un Are thu two clvllltura of man. DUrai-IL Tho Mothr-lnlaw In Franca. It la euuujjh to chill ouo'a paiulou for aewapaixrra to read Ibo motherlnlaw xitilpa, ai they an aad. aad Joke. A motboHtt'taw la not funny afterward; aba la only funny a be fore ha ad In THE. COMPANION, fjfe'a it foriMt where wo play llhlu niul Neck from day to day. Childlike, here wo Ho In wait 'i'u pumuu n cntno with Fate I'nrliiK tlcetly on Ihe race, WVvo no ihoiiKht Uku lutr face. Hlie doth bind ti cm nwnro Whether alio be foul or fair. Hut. whatever eUe alio be, Count on thli. her loyalty. Tbouch you wander wild and wide, Htlll alio IrudKea on bealde. And tieyond tbe forrnt'i end Fato will atlll your aotil attend. -New York Mun. REAL ESTffTEjrBANSFERS K. A. Wllllama to I,. K. I'rlckctt, WW NW NK, 12-1B-12. N. I. lly to Oenchutca l.umbor Co., Ni: NW. 11-19.11. 400. Htatn to U. J. Tltua, NWNK. 31 17-12. A. C. Chrlatlan to K. A. Davon port, tulnliiK claim In 30-13-20. II, A. Wloklo to K. A. Davonport, llotuoTlokot inlnliiK claim on Oohoco. John J. Junti to (loo. F. Soott, NW NW, 30-14-12. It. Martin IIiiiikou to duo. F. Scott, NW NW. 30-H-12. F. H. WIIIia to U. H., caNomont for rlKht of wny for phono norona It 2, 0-22-11. Horn! Co. to J. V. Bavoy, It 7, blk 2C, lloulovnnl Add., llond. Central OroRnn IrrlKatlon Co. to Thomaa Twoot, aurplus water at dam In 29-17-12. IrvliiR II. finoll to Mra. Jennlo' M. Hatch, Ha 7 and 8, blk 38; It 9, blk. 30, Cantor Add., Hcnd. 1700, Uend Park Co. to Vera Hammond Poor, It 4, "Ik 124, FlroH odd Donil Park. Northwest Townalto (ii. to John Henry Wade, It 16, blk 3, N. V. T Co, lit add Ilend. Hund Park Co. to Paul Uonnlnsor. Ita 22, 2.1, 24, blk 112, Int mid Hund Park; alio, It 13, blk 103, aaniu. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from Poro 2.) but It la tho kind that will last for ever, and then aoiiio. When Chrla Kelts tnkoa a ahot at any thins thera la n I wny a oomethlnR dolnK. nnd whnn ho nlmnd nnd lot Ko nt a floak of ducka on tha big canal near hla ptaca Hundny, tho rixiult waa no oxeoptlon to the rule, for aevernl flno dtieka woru killed. Upon close vxamlnatlon he waa aomowhnt horri fied to Itnd Hint ho had kilted four liidlnn runner ducka. tho property of hla nonr unlRhbor, Mra. Honry Twcot. Mra. John Skein hnn been In Hod inond tho pail week nurolnit her duiiKhtor, M!aa Jeaalo, who la III. Clarko Morao waa a Prlnovlllo visi tor Monday. C.ltl,OF THANKH. Wo deatro to thank thoao frlendi and neighbor! who ao kindly Ravo ua aaalatanco nnd aympathy In our ro- cent tereavoment In tho loaa of our llttlo boy, Charles M. 8hearor. Wo also wish to thank those who lent flowcra. Mr, and Mra. Josoph snearer. I iu A m 4itc BO ALV CXtXD WW m, . - Fakes All the Shivers From the Morning Shave The bathroom is warmed in almost no time and you shave in comfort if your home is equipped with a JRFJC1TI0, aNUHElli The heater is so light it may be easily carried to the dining room or living room or wherever needed. Easy to light and clean. So con structed that it can't smoke. Doesn't smell. Will last a life time. Finished in plain steel or blue enameled drums. Ask to see it at For Best Results Use Pearl Oil your dealers Standard Oil Company PORTLAND EUdENICO. If n Rlrl In taught Hint In nc ccplltiK a mnii iin hUNlmnd alio In chooftliiK the father qf her chil dren nid mado lo rcnllr.o nil that that mean tho chance nro that alio will bo attracted by tho rlitht kind of man to begin with and will choose with much K renter wladbtn. It Iff not a mat ter of opposlnjf love with reason, but of directing It wisely. It la only within comparatively recent times, you know, that women have been given tho power to chooso their male and apply to men certain tents of fltnrM. At first theso testi woro for prow esN In war, for daring deeds, for manhood, courage and honor. An tlmo went on these demand Increased to Include. Industry, virtue, honesty and Intelligence, nnd now they haro added n high, er moral atandard nnd physical nnd mental cleanness. Mn. M. Irwin. NIQHT. Must day return again) Will earthly Influence never cease? Unholy toll deaecratea tbe Heav enly calm of night When shall tho mystic mtcrlflro of love burn forever? Light ban Its own fix ed limits, but night haa a hound liws, unfathomable dominion. Tho relgu of jilccp haa no end. Holy alecp. a lied thy bleat balm on tho hallowed night of this earthly Hplionv. Only fools fall to uiulerxtiuul thee nnd know of no other alecp tbnii the shnries which thu ncttiiil night casta over us In kindly pit?. They nco thee not In tho purple blood of tho grnM). In the golden oil or tho almond, In tho dusty sap or tho potipy. They guana not It Ih thou who liovorowt nround tho tonder maiden, tunklng her heart the templo of lion ven. nor d renin It la thou, heavenly messenger, who iHtarnat tho Uay which open the dwellings of tho Hlosucd. Novulla (F. von Unnlenbergl. RUTH. She stood brwiHt high amid tho com. Chiapis) by the golden light of morn. T.Ike the aweetheart of the sun. Who ninny n glow lug kiss had won. On her check an autumn flush Deeply ripened. Such n blush In the luldxt of brown vnn born. Like red opples grown with corn. Hound her eyes her tresfics fell. Which were blacke.it none could tell. Hut long lushes railed n light That bud else been nil too bright And her lint, with ahudy brim, Made her trossy forehead dim. Thux mIic stood muld the atooko. Pmlxlng Owl with sweetest looLa. t Sure, I xnld, heaven did not mean Where I reap thou ahouldst but glean. , Lay thy ahenf ndown nnd couio Kharc my hurvext nud my home. TltoniUH II ooil, FRANKLIN'S PHIL080PHY. Itlamo All and PraUo All nro two blockheads. No man e'er was glorious who was not lalxirlous. .lack Llttlo aowed little, and little he'll reap. Ho that cannot obey cannot command. An egg today la better than a hen tomorrow, f you know how to apend leas than you get you have tho phi losopher's atone. Poor Illcbard. THE COOL, COOL RAIN. Oh, tbe cool, cool rain ou the dusty street. With scents of tbo valley and plain, And tlio freshened brccao in tho thankful trees. Whose wet leave laugh In tho rain! How tho panting lilies lean their lips And quench their thirst as It beats and drips! Oh, (ho cool, cool rain as It rush es down From the broken heart of the cloud! How It bathes tbo roofs In tbe blazing town To the (teal of tho thunder lo.nl! How ltd rapid rivulets leap and piny And cool tho steps of tbo burn ing day! Oh. the cool, cool rain, with its brightening drops. On tho hill and tho fervid vale, its vvetcomo fall on the thirsty crops, IIm balm In tho breathing gale! Ttcjolcc. O city, and slog, O plain. In tbe fall nnd call of tho cool ing rain. Frank L. Stanton. EVERYONE SHOULD SEE T1IK FKATUHK FILM a Quo Vadis" WHICH IIA8 IIKIJ.V SKCVKKII IJV Dream Theatre VOn TWO WAYH O.VIiY CHItlHTMAH MATINKi: AM) NlfillT IIKCHMIIKH 20, MATIXKK AXI NIGHT. THISIti: WILL III-: A-1110 MUHICAL I'ltOtiHAM HOTH KVKXIXUH. HOUltH. 2:o. 7:ao. H:ao i. i. A WONDERFUL FILM thk puTLitn of Tin: vkilsion Or "QUO VADIH" IB ItKMAItKAIILi: ON ACOl'NT OF THK CI It K AT NL'MIIHIl OF PKOPLU KMPLOYKI) IN MAKING IT, TIIH SIOSBV HPHNT IN 1'ltOHL'CINfl IT, THK ItKAL THItlLM CM)MIHNKir WITH IN IT ANI THK HTAItTLINO ItKAL IH.M OF IT. THK OHKAT SCl-LVKH HKI'ltKNTINO THK UUItNINO OF HOMH AM THK OHKAT AMPHI THKATItK IN WHICH CHUIHTIAN MAKTYILS AHK DKVOUHKI) IIY WILI I1KA8TS AHK MAItVKUS OF HTAOK DIKKOTIOX. THK FILM WAH MAIIK IN UO.MK, THK SCKNK OF THK 8TOKY. AD.MIHSION 23c. AND 13c. f CHANOK I AltltVNOK.MKNTH. Thord is tt change In tho arrange ments for tho Christinas tree at tho Gracgo Hall. The Sunday schools of tho First and Third churches huvo oomblned and will give a Jolnt'on tortalnmont, Tho evening will fin ish with a gonoral lunch for every body. Ladles aro expected to bring cako or sandwiches. No Individual presents will bo distributed. KOIIA FKOM IiAKK COUNTY. F. U Young of tho American Soda Products Company was here Thurs day from Alkali Lake, Lako county, bringing In a quantity of the product that Is found there In large supply. This Is washing soda and Mr. Young left sorao of It at Iiert Shuoy's and W. C. McCulston's grocery stores to bo distributed amone tho housewlrna of Dend as free samples so that they can test this Central Oregon product and find out Its excellent ouall- tlcs. Adv. 41c Great Sacrifice Sale ON SUITS AND OVERCOATS From December 8 to January -1 at the following prices $25.00 Suits and Overcoats $18.75 20.00 " " " 15.00 1 5.00 " " " 11.25 12.50 " " " 9.40 10.00 " " " 7.50 AI-SO, A LAItOK ASSORTMENT OF 11URNT WOOD IIOXKS CONTAINING SOX. SUSPENDERS. ARM HANDS, HAND KERCHIEFS. TIBS. ETC.. AND MANY OTHER USEFUL AND ATTRACTIVE PRESENTS TO PLEASE YOUR HUS HAND. FATHER OR I1ROTHER. A. L. FRENCH Oregon Street Bend, Oregon The Dairy Commissioner rules that Butter Wrappers MUST BE MARKED Dairy Butter full weight given in ounces nnd the name and address of the maker. Do yours comply with the law? If not, have some printed that do. ' THE BEND BULLETIN 3