rXott i. RKND ttUIXKTIN, BRND, ORM., WKDNKHOAV, llKCKMllfelt 17, 10111. PHEASANTS ARE RANCHES WILL BE LIBERATED IN SPRING Klilpincnt of 114 of the 'ttiuuo Ulirili Arrived 'itcCciitly llnvo lloon UN tribute. Among Itnnoliox For JP V'lmrJuTmjy Ouurt Aid; TIiq (Jhlna nheasants whloh tho Stnto Fish and Camo Commission proposed to send to Central Oregon ' arrived a short tlnio ago nnd have been plnccd with ranchers In different parts of the count)' to bo kopt thro tho winter. In the spring, when thoy will havo become In sonio measure acclimated and when weather condt tlons will bo better, they will be lib erated. It will be soma time nftor that before tho birds may bo shot, and measures have been taken to protect them aeainst Illegal killing In tho interval. This shipment comes through tho efforts of Ciydo M. McKay, district pamo warden, who has been in cor respondence with officials of tho state commission nearly all summer mak ing arrangements to have the birds Bent here. When thoy woro secured he began to provide for having them taken care of on arrival and as a re sult fouud four rancher-sportsmen, who agreed to take thorn until tho spring. These men aro W. D. names, of Lsldtaw; C. O. Pollard, of Prlnevlile; Wm. Phoenix, of Red mond and J. S. Stanley of Bend, who have received six pairs of the phea sants each, there hnvlng been 48 in the shipment from the game farm at Corvallis. For protection against killing the pheasants before the law Is taken off them, the County Court has offered a reward of $2S for information which will lead to the conviction of a poach er. In addition under tho state law n fine of from $50 up Is provided for killing out of season, half of which goes to the Informer. It is expected that these provisions, as well as tho sentiment of the sportsmen of the count) will serve to protect tho birds until they will have gained a foot hold here. As showing that conditions aro fav orablo for the pheasant, Mr. McKay cites the cage which several havo re ported to. him of a cock pheasant which has been scon with a flock of sage hens in the' vicinity of Antelope Springs south of Mlllican. It Is not known how he camo to that locality but ie has -apparently dona well there and has gone through at least one winter without difficulty. MF J . iW W -m - BUH '"'it. aV" ,v- MH,"wNwmvv"xVX' If You Value Your Child's Eyesight 8 S their rlvnls. Vber IjUihI uiul Mcuf clles mi numslni; niievdotu of diplomatic life In tho eighteenth century, In 1711 Count Hostusluw was sent by the emperor of Itussln to HtocUtmlm to put tho taii'stUm of war or pence to tho Swedish government, upon unlv iiiK tho count mndu known lit mission ami (lieu waited patiently for nn mi Hver. Fltuilly when ho liud nliunt kIvou up hojio of Kottlutz u reply ho rtivlved u Unit: loiiiinuiili'iitlon from tho Hwedtsh mliiNter of wnr. Hngerly Count Uentu show oh'Iiih1 the letter, for he knew that It loiittiliied the hum oxptvtod mi swee Itul to his donpulr ho found it so em umbered with olllelnl phrases and formalities that he could make iiothluK "' It" nnwnlnif. For two hours ho Mii'CKled In vuln to roniireheiid the coumimhI dtH'Uiiieut. Then lie luMteneil to the minister of war. "Sly deal Count IIohIuhIiow." snhl the minister when the count hint ex plained his dlllleulty, "I have no .an thorlty to i-omimmlente Jo you orally tho coiiteulM of thin document. I could not thluk of It." "Hut I have puttied over this for two hours, mid still I can make noth ing of It." Tray, do not lihimo yourself, count," said the minister. "You could hnrdly expect to unravel In two hours a doc ument that took me two days to knit nud knot toeother." You will provide him with a poqd oil lamp. K Scientists agree that an oil light is best for study- 0 ing and reading. hI . The Rxy rOLamP results k use lium give a soft mellow light. An ideal lieht for the home circle. Scientifically constructed. No glare: no flicker. Easy to lieht and care for. Ask to see it at your dealers. Standard Oil Coihpany (CaUfcnUl PORTLAND CARLOAD OFGIFTS COMING Thomas W. Irfttrson Sending live stock to Crook County. The following dispatch sent out from Doston will be read with inter est in Crook county, where tho Bos tonlan's grandchildren, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCall of Prlnevlile, live: "Thomas W. Lawson is sending out to his grandchildren In Oregon this novel Christmas gift in a special freight car: "One hundred and fifty Plymouth Rockand Ithode island hens with two roosters. "Two Slameso cats. "Two English bulldog pups, names to be supplied by grandchildren. ".Five Jorsoy and Holsteln oows. "Two sons of champion Flying Fox's son, a nrizo winner." YOUR OWH VOICE. How You May Hear It 41 It Sound to Oth.r Persons' Ears. Laloy, who appear to have scien tifically investigated the mutter, as sure us that uot only does one not see himself as others see him. but that he does pot hear himself as others hear him. Bomu interesting experiments were madb by tho French savant in thju connection. in order to ascertain whether a man really knew the sound of his own voice, liloy has been at some pains to determine tho facts. Ills experiments show that If a person record on a phonograph disk a few sentences pro nounced by himself, together with oth ers recorded by friends, and causes the machine to reproduce these, it most frequently happens flint the mau more easily recognizes the voices of his friends than bo does his own. It appears that the differences lies In the quality of tho tone. One hears his own voice not ouly through tho aTr. as do his auditors, but across the .solid parts between tho organs of speech and thnoo of hearing. The sound thus produced has a different timbre from that conducted to the ear by the air above. If one entertain any doubt as to thk let him try the following pxprnmcuts: Take the end of tdon rod between tb lertu and pronounce the rowel continuously. Let the other end bo taken alternately between the tooth and released by another person who at tho same time stops his ears. The lat ter will find that every time ho seizes the rod in his teeth the sonnd will be si ro riper than when It reaches tho ear through the nlr Rbovc and that It has a different quality. The passago of sound through n solid body nugmenta Its Intensity and modifies Its quality. Harper's Weekly. A DIPLOMATIC KNOT. It Wasn't Tied In a Tannl. Jutt For the Fun of the Thing. Ever since diplomacy was first In vented Its most eminent practitioners have expended their best efforts In tnystlfylug if uot In actual! deceiving FROZEN COAL MINES. las Way They Manage to Risen Their Fust In Holland. It was nut nutll I8KU when Poetsch Invented the "fiveslng method." that llolhiud'M ciuil fields becnum of any practical vuluu Where coal Is encountered immedi ately under the willd rock there U u stratum of drift sand that contains great quuntltlcs of water. This con dition of things mtidy It practically liuHlbto to build the shafts. The freezing method, however, has suc cessfully imiIvmI the problem, and Hol land now has a flourishing mining In- diiHtry On the spot where tue s tin ft Is to be dug frtuii twenty five tu thirty borings are made dowu through the drift siind to the solid ruck In a circle five feet larger In diameter than the projected HluifL riM are then sunk Into these bore holes, nnd through these Is circu lated by K)Werful frtvxltig iimehlues n rheuilenl sulutlun cooled down to be low xeni. In this way the drift sand coiitalnliiu I lie water Is frozen ns luinl as n rm-k nftcr the freexlng machines have been working day nnd llglit for two months. In this frozen cylinder of sntid a shaft It then dug nnd lined from bottom to top with strong segments of cast Iron serurvly soldered together with lead. Chicago .News. , One thorn of experience U worth n whole wilderness of wcrnln-I.owell 33sfeseat353sjaar32 3BS3333SESS3SSSSS33!3ESS3BSS33SSBS3SSai 4f ' t -, H?u tfl V !. FOR FAMILY USE OUR PURE JERSEY MILK AND CREAM IS DEST. Clover Leaf Dairy P. W. STAATS, Prop. For Christmas Electric Irons . . $3.50 Electric Percolators 250 Electric Disk Stove 5.00 Electric Grills . . .' 500 Desk Lamps .... 3.00 .Reading Lamps . . 6.00 Electric Toasters . . 3.50 Electric Hotplates , 8.50 fiend Water Light Sb Power Co. wy: New in Bend "Say, I am now in Bond, and havo got to purobaoo a bill of oatablou. Whoro io tho boot plaoo tfo buy thoui? Whoro do you got your grooorioo?" "Well.,' air I'll toll you. I havo tried thorn all, and I think, or at loaot my wife oayo, that SHUEY'S GASH GROCERY really givoo the boot all around oatiofaqtion. Ad for good quality, low priooo, and prompt de livery, they cannot be beatan." "I boliovo I'll try them." Hest enne sugar, per cwl - - - $5.?0 Hast standard pack Tomatoes pur can 1 Oc. No. '2 .solid pack Tomatoes - - 10c. A fine line of candies at 10 cents per pound and 13 cents per half pound. Shuey's Cash Grocery w tr W w w Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. iH4H4U4MM44U)t4UUMM4 FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell IJuttc, fourteen miles cast of Uend. Our trees are the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business in tli is neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come nnd see our orchards and nursery. Ofllce address, Priucvillc. Ore. LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. liny, Durley, Onto, Wheat nnd Brnn nt lowest prices. Tho Largest Darn In Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. II. WENANDY LON L. FOX AOregonTrunkkf ifiSUUL CENTRAL OREGON LINE Holiday Home-Going Rates for Christmas and New Years FHOM OltEOON TRUNK 1'OINTS to 1'olnta In WashlnBton, Ilrlt lah Columblu, Idaho nnd Oregtn. Reduced Tickets Sold ? December 1H to U I. I-'liml limit January fl, 10U ' FROM UEND TO i, BpoVano f 10.70 Tacoma- , ,.. 15. 2Q ,Coeur d'AIono, Ida. ,.'17.75 Salem 4 , . ,. . .11,90 Kugono 14,70 Portland 0.90 Vancouvsr, Vn. ... 9,00 Vancouver, 11. C, ,, 22,90 Seatilct , , 16,90 North Yakima ,..., H.3G Further details on request, Tho "Owl," dally, betwoon Central Oregon and Portland, saves a day each way, Xoav'6 Uend 8:30 p. ni arrive 1'ort-' land 8:10 a, m. w J, M, COItnKTT, Agent, Ilend; Ort. II. n. CnOZIF.U, A. a, V. A Portland. 40.43 "t 4 ygigpappppmBBPirnTliT ' !" "i,imi-"- ""Zigxp,