The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 17, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin
SO. 41.
'Would Hnvo All tfcttlern Como Hero
For Advice n to lorntlou Hrewer
In Lint Lnndi imil (lltn Ali
ijwirn Fund Arc Fledged.
PlniiH for mnklug llond (liu head
imrtorn or ttu Central Oregon Do-
rlnpmeiil I.hiikiiw woro dismissed ut
n nioetlng of the Commorsliil Oluli In
tlin City Cutnieil room Monday even
ing nnd r resolution wiim passed
pledging miincidiit fund topny office
rxpennus If llio proposed lianrinuart
era nro established linro.
0 B. Hudson opened tho illitriitiNlon
by explnlnlug n lnn that Imd lom
developed lv (ho rnllron' n nntt oMier
Interested In tlio work of tho
lo hnvo J. W. Hrowa", aecrnlnr cf
tlui league, apod nn olllro here und
devote, nit his lime In prcpnrlnn Hutu
or landa In Central Oregon nion for
-entry or purchnso nnd to tha organi
zation ot associations In tho differ
out (own llul would provide Mm
with detailed Infortnntton or tho
lands In their vlolnlty. Through tha
ntflroads nil prospective settlors who
holiest tlokcto Into thin oountry
would 1m Instructed to ennto to Hand
Mini ronmilt with Mr. Ilrower. who
would h'nrn Just what iort of land
they bw looking to: nnd ndvlie
them whom to go to find It. What
to an wattled of Hand, Mr. Hudson ex
pUlned, wn to hnvo nn office fur
uihd with water, hunt. Unlit and
tcIn.ihoKo service.
H wan tin entlmfttil of the pwt
viii hnt such work on the mrt of thi
learnte would Im of considerable twnr
lit 'o ttiH country nnd thnt an effort
h .ild bo rttMit to hnvo tho head
i.nn.tsrs In Pond. Tho resolution
tiini wan iwrvKd pledges' tho Com
uii-n Inl C.i to provide the tioees
snrv onion. Indlvldunl gunrnntewi
hiilTirlrut to fiver nny shnrtngo were
Klvcu U business men present. Tho
Tiinttur will ho decided nt n inrctlnR
to ho hold In Portland tomorrow nl
which Hcud will ho represented.
Meeting lit Lnldlnw RntunlM)'.
Tho only othor nutter hrouRht up
ut tho Tnr-ollng wan V. A. Forho'n
proposition thnt tho towns Intercut
cd nhotild lake action to procure gov
eminent aanlstnnco lo flnUh the rr
lion of the Tuiunlo project not In
cluded In tho protcnt atato work. A
committee coniUtlnR o( V. A. Forbes.
'. 8. Hudson nnd J. P. Keycs has
been appointed to meet tho commit
toea from tho othor towna nnd oon
sldor plnnn of notion. Tho Joint
mooting la to he held at I.aldlaw on
ISaturday. -n... .,
(N-iitnil OrRon Connmny Stop Work
for KnMin .Will KlnUli III Hprlng.
Tho worV of ontnrRlnR tho Central
OreRon cnnM between tho R nnd 11
lullopoam which tho company bognn
Thi Deschutes Banking (Sh Trust
south o f Bean
nomo tlmn aro hna hoon finished for
tho season, thn Rround having frozon
to auch nn extent nn to proronl fur
ther work on It. Hovornl men nro
Rtlll huay ROttliiR out tho rock from
thn hottorn of thn cnnnl nlonR thn
portion enlarged, hut will finish In
u abort tlmn.
According to Hoacoo Howard of
tho 0, O. I. Co. nhnut alx weeks' work
In thn aprltiR will comploto tho on
InrRomnnt. Thla will hn dirt work
nnd will he undertaken na aoon nn
tho Rround la In condition.
Smiting CmrIiiv la llcltvd up Willi It.
RIllplllPllln til tlllt IIltNl ItfNIICIIld.
AllJlC-ICI Of I'llt) IIHN lMM(C(l.
AlthoiiRh Ita Itjller hotiso w.ia
completely iliMtrood by titat wnnk'a
lire, Tho llnnd Com puny hnd lta pinn
er In operation within -18 hourn niter
tho Urn und hud remuned ahipmotitn
of lumber to tho Knat. Thla wna a?
compllahod hy hellltiR up with tho
plnnur tho IorkIiir cnRluo tho corr.
pnny purclitmed n yenr ro. l"or aoino
time tho vnRlno hna ntood lillo on n
lot off Wall atrvct, hut on Wodnca
dny It wna put III order nnd taken
nround to tha mill hy wny of tho of
tho county hrldRo. On Thuradny tho
pinner wna nt work.
Pinna for relmlldltiR thn holler
homo nro wnltliiR thn ndjimtmcnt of
tho Imurnnco. An ndjuater la jx
pectod to nrrlvn today or tomorrow
when the toa will ho nacortnlned nnd
nn Innpcotor la expected to report on
tho condition of tho hnllora thnt went
throiiRh tho flro. It la undendood
that tho holler houao will bo rebuilt
during tho winter.
Council Anieililx Onllunnrc to MnUo
Annual Clinrurri 31000.
Tho anloon men of tho town up
penred before tho City Couuell nt n
npeolnl mentltiK ttulil jantiirday nf-
tornoon to nik for ft reduction In tho
lloenne foe for tho coiiiIiir yonr.
After lionrliiK romurka on tho auh
Ject from thn liquor dttnlora nnd other
cltltena present, tho council voted to
tnko tho matter under ndvlacment
and thla afternoon r.notlmr moetltiR
wna held et which tho council voted
to rod'uee tho annual fee from $1200
to 11000, payablo qunrtorly In ad
vance. Thla roductlon !a In tho nauro of
a rompromlRO na tho anloon men
nuked that tho reduction ho to $800.
Tho meollni; yesterday afternoon wna
attended hy a InrRa crowd. Inoludlng
aoverul local mlnlatcra.
Jeaio Pouaoh, who haa been In tho
aaylum twice, haa boon mlaalnR from
hta homeatond SC miles cant of llond
alnco lnat Prldny n week. Ho wna out
then looking nftor atock for Krnel
I.utliy. It In f on red thnt ho may hnvo
atrnyed off nnd committed nulcldo.
The aherlrf hna boon notified but no
vonrch haa boon mnde na yet, accord
ing to roporta received here. '
l h
President of Central Oregon Irrigation Company
Makes Proposition to Desert Land Board Land
Can be Irrigated for $24 an Acre, it is Stated
(Bpeolnl to Tho Ilulletln.)
HAMM, Dno. IS. It la ponlh!o
tho atato tuny tnko over the North
cnnnl unit of the Contra! Oregon I rrl
Kntlon Co in pa n yH projvet and com
ploto It lu u nlmllar manner to tho
Tumnlo Project. Iluch a proponltlon
liM bwn iiroaontod to tho Doaert
l.nnd Hoard by F. H. Htnnloy, provi
dent nf tho company.
Thla proportion wna mnde nt tho
DiiKKontlon or (lovnruor Wit, who la
advooatliiK Htnto and federal co-op-
oration In completlnR tho Irrigation
proJcctH In tho atnto which nro atrug
Kllug under llnnnolnl dldlcultlea In
tho haudi of private ennccrna.
Qovornor Went stated that Indica
tions point to n successful outcomo
or tho Tumnlo Project, nnd II thla
proves to bo tho cuso, then ho would
favor taking over tha North cannl
unit of thn Central Oregon Project.
Tho Desert Land Hoard took no no
tion, favorable or otherwise, on tho
proposition nnd tho mnttor wna left
for action nt tho next meeting. Tho
board could do nothing mora nt this
time, It favorable, than ondorae tho
proposition nnd prepare to present
It to tho Interior Department and tho
ot I5llnUir0i
Btnlo Treasurer Kay strongly op
posed tho proportion, na ho said ha
wbb opposed lo tho Tumnlo Project
nnd he will oppose the state taking
hold of nn othor Irrigation project.
Stanley Submit ProMixlllon.
Pros I dent Ktanloy, In his proposal,
snys the coniny hua oxpended $200
000 on this unit of the project, nnd
hn estimates It will cost $160,000 to
$AOO,000 to complete It. Ho says
the comiHiny submit the proposition
j for the purposo of securing sufficient
funds to pay Ita Indebtedness ami to
complete tho work under tho Central
Oregon nnd Pilot Ilutto canals. Ilia
letter to the Desert I -mid Hoard says:
"Thn Ktnte of Oregon nnd tho Unit
ed Slates nro Jointly expending $100
000 on a survey of tho Deschutea
country, seeking a feasible Irrigation
project to bo developed by tlio United
"Our knowledgo nf tha country
leads us to bellovo that tho survey
will not discover a project wherein
the land can bo reclaimed for less
than from $50 to $76 per acre.'
"Wo herewith offer to turn ovor to
tho United Stntea or tho atnto of Ore
gon, or iKith, part of our project,
soino 34,000 Irrlgablo acrea, known
na tho North canal sstcm. which
will coat only $24 per acre to reclaim
and which can bo cleanly cut away
from. the balanoo or our lands now
being watered by our Central Oregon
nnd Pilot Hullo canals.
"Aa you know, wo have built a
ooncroto dam, arch type, 33 feet high,
In tho DcschutcH river, ono mile north
of tho town or llond, nnd about ono
nnd ono-unir inllea or 1000 cubic
second root cnparlty canal running
townrd tho onat. lor tho purposo or
reclaiming tho 34,000 acrea nbovo
mentioned, nnd nlao to Increase tho
1? ff- jT . IjmJFJHEY ARE -IN OURyfJ.
Bend Hardware 6o.! ;
flow In our Pilot Hutto nnd Central
Orogon canals. Tho North cutinl Is
partially conoreto lined, nnd we will
complete tho lining us far nn tho In
tersection with tha Pilot Hutto canal,
n distance of about ono and one-half
"Wo hnvo built tho Intake and tho
first ono nnd one-half miles of canal
twlion lining is completed) to carry
114 cubic second feet of water for our
Central Oregon cnnnl, and 307 for
our Pilot Hutto cnnal, also (79 cubic
Kccond feet to Irrigate tha 34,000
ncrcn under tho North canal system.
"In providing for tho construction
or tho extension or tho North canal
system It will be necessary to include,
ns wa hnvo dotic. In our estimates
cited herein, the enrringo and deliv
ery or tho necessary wntcr to 2200
acres or land heretofore gold under
tho system Theso deliveries, how
over, will bo found to Ite a simple
matter nnd will not compllcnte tho
handling of tho North canal system
as n separate unit.
"We will relinquish our contract
to tho North cnnnl Innda nnd turn
ovor tho North cnnnl nnd dam, tho
deliveries mentioned nbovo to bo pro
vided for In tho construction of tho
extension of the system, for the sum
at $300,000. This la loss than our
cost of thla part or the project; nnd
wo make thla offer for the purposo of
securing sufficient funds to tray our
Indebtednoua on thla work and to
complete the work undor our Central
i Oregon and Pilot Hutto canals, so
! that wa may turn thum over to the
sot tiers: and further to sctire under
the auspices of tho sttoor tha Unit
ed States, a more rapid aottlomont
of tho lands than wo could accom
The coat or completion. In accord-
tanco with tho aoparate roportit of Kn-
glnoers C. M. Itodflold and O. I.aur-
gaard. la approximately $450,000. Wo
' bellovo theso estimates to bo conser-
'vntlve, but should tho cost of com
pletion bo $600,000. tho total cost
would not exceed $800,000, inolud
lng the amount paid ua for moro than
three-eights of tho work, which wo
have completed. Tho reclamation of
34000 nores would thus cost less than
$34 per aero.
"Thla la of coarse less than It
would cost private parties to complete
na thoy would have to pay for Hnanc
Ing. "It would bo of great benefit to
tho atato to mako this largo body of
low priced Irrlgnted land quickly
nvnllnble for settlement'
Party or Ilend Odd Hrllovro Had III
Time Saturday Night.
Fifteen Pond Odd Follows, aspir
ing to membership In tho higher
branch of tho order, the Encamp
ment. Journeyed to Trlnovllle Satur
dny evening nnd nt nn all-night soa-
alon at tho Prlnevllle lodgo hall re
ceived "what was coming to them."
Itoporta nre thnt everybody hnd a
bushel ol fun, especially the county
scat folks who had cuargo of tho cer
emonies. Thn Visitors returned homo
Sunday. Klve auto loads composed
the party.
Tho Ilend Kneampmcot aprang a
surprise on tho Prlnevllle men la
tho way of a banquet which had been
arranged without the knowledgo or
tho county scat lodge. Thla wna serv
ed nt 12:30 a. m., after which the
Initiation ceremonies wore conclud'
Tho following Odd Fcllowa "rode
the goat:" J. H. Connarn, M. A. Pal
mer, Clarence Mannhelmer, Willis
Noiand. N. V. Caldwell, U. N. Hoff
man, J. B. Ilalaey. H. O. lUlney, B.
C. Cook, Klnor Moistad, Dr. A. U.
Williams, it. J. MeKlm,V. A. Forbes.
A. H. Oove nnd Kdw;n V. Anderson.
Othor members of tho loaal Ha
campmpnt going ovor were O. M. Pat
terson, N. P. Welder, Ralph Poln
doxter, A. I French, J. B. Hngobrot
son, Geo. P. Covo, U. U. Vox and A
H Collins, and W. D. Uarnes and A.
J, llarter of I.aldlaw.
Co-Opcrnfloii of SUte With federal
Authorities Is Commended Ite-
port Outlines Work nnd Iand.
The nttltudo of tho atato of Ore
gon In co-operating with the federal
government In making surveys and
undertaking the reclamation of land
Is commended In the annual report
or the Heclamntlon Service recently
submitted to Congress by Secretary
Lane. Speaking or the Joint fund of
$100,000 contributed for the Inves
tigation of tho Irrigation possibili
ties of tho Deschutea, the report aaya:
Th lplfiitlitt ftekil iiftroaf Afl
In the Deachutos basin contemplates!
tho storage of npproxlmately 700
000 aere feet or water by moana or ajnlso owing to tho fact that a propo
dam at llenham Falls and the lrri-jsltlon was submitted to amend the
gallon of three largo units of lam I city charter so as to allow an In
Tha first or south unit Ilea oast of trease in tho bonded indebtedness.
Itenham Fails and south and west of This proposal carried and It means
Crookod rlvor; tho second or west that tho city will be able to go ahead
unit Hen west of tho Descnutes river,
and would covor part of tho Tumalo
! project now being constructed by the
'state undor direct appropriation: the
.third or north unit lies north or tho
j Crooked river. The total Irrlgablo
I area has been estimated nt between
1 200.000 and 300,000 acres. Test
boring ate being nude at tho pro
posed dam site and surveya started to
determine area or Irrlgablo land In
the units described and preliminary
estimates of cost. No Investigations
for other projects have yet been tak
en up."
Final estlmntes of crop produc
tion nnd vnlues for the year 1913 re
cently made by tlie Department ot
Agriculture show a general falling
oft in production and a alight Increase
In values. In tho whole country the
production of wheat and rye only
made gain over 1912. while in Ore
gon tho only gain was In oats. Tha
moat noticeable difference between
the flgurea for lnat year and thla Is
In the potnto crop and values. Tho
production la off about 4.000.000
bushels nnd the price up 27 conts.
FIRE? FIRE! FIRE! If your house .should take fire
you nre apt to be s.o excited that, even though you have
plenty of time, you will rush out and leave behind, to be
burned up, YOUR WILL, other valuable papers nnd jewelry.
The best way is to put them into one of our SAFETY DE
POSIT BOXES in our fire and burglar-prool vaults. A
private box will cost you only $8 per year.
We also solicit your BANK ACCOUNT,
The First National Barf of Bend.
Clifton Klected Mayor by Illg Majori
ty Woman U Defeated For City
Treasurer Hx-SherllT Italfour
IxttCN la Itace For Marshal.
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
PIU.NBV1LLB, Deo. 16, Tho city
election here yesterday was n de
cidedly hot ono, and a big voto was
polled. For every offlca there was a
contest. Up to Saturday It appeared
that O. N. Clifton would be unoppos
ed for mayor, but Earl McLaughlin
then entered tho race. Clifton won
In a walk, however, polling 288 votes
to McLaughlin's 57.
In tho councllmanlc race there ap
peared seven candidates, and the fol
lowing three were chosen: C. 11. Kl
kina. Carey Foster, Dale Jones.
For recorder Dr. E. O. Hyde do
feated A, H. Bowman, the Incum
bent. The' only woman seeking official
honors waa Mrs. F. O. Glaze and she
was defeated by Lako M. Dechtell
for treaaurer.
E-Sherlff T. N. Half our came out
behind In the race for city marshal,
T. 1 Coon, the Incutnbeut, being re
elected. Tho total vote cast wes 408, there
being 200 women to go to tho polls
and use their suffrage rights.
Hooding Amendment Carrie.
Tho election had added Interest
and Issue sewer bonds.
Crook County Cattle Win.
At tho Portland Livestock show
last wcok Crook county came in for
honors. Stock from tho warren, Mc
Dowell tc Dickson ranch carried off
n second prize. Tho exhibit Includ
ed a beef that weighed 2SC0 pounds.
Tangn Craxe Hit Town.
The tango craze has struck this
burg. Soon the society folk here will
be enmeshed In the fascinations ot
this dance, for there Is to be a teach
er to give instruction at the Commer
cial Club halt.
County Officials on 1 lp.
County Judge Springer Is avav at
tending the annnal meeting ot the
county commissioners' association of
the atate which la being hold In Port
land, and Assessor Foster leaves on
Thursday tor Salem to attend the
sessions ot the assessors' convention.
Four Bend teachers arj In Prlne
vllle taking the county examination
being given this week, these being
Misses Holmes, Young and Dolson
and Mrs. Davidson. During their ab
sence tho following aro taking their
placeiv respectively Mteses Un
burn. Vandevert and Aniie Market
and Mrs. A- G. A.l'n.