- , BKNI HULLKTIN, BEND, ORR., WKDNK8DAY, DKCKMRKtt Id, tftllti MBaniaaaIMaBaanaaanaaainMaaHlwllauaal Sii&fca fS "" "f1 ?k TEe Patterson Drug Comp'y. TAe rRoC3JuL Store TR Patterson Drfg Comp'y. . Mjwcffwsrx. satEs-a W7ZX SETTLE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT PROBLEMS Our temporary quarters are crowded with the best articles, suitable for thoughtful Christmas gifts. Our slock is new and our prices the lowest consistent with quality. As we Hiust move our entire stock to our new building soon after the holidays we have priced a great many things at only a slight advance over manufacturer'; cost. This gives you the opportunity to buy your Christmas goods at a substantial saving. We have done tin's because the less we havo to move the less will be our e.pcnsi of moving and the saving is yours if you buy at our store. Here are a few of the many nice things we have on display for your inspection: i ,r t , .... i . 71 t.' . .?, i-J -- t 71 i. 71 i i ' ' 7 I Cut Glass Genuine Llbbcy Cut Glnvt at lowest contract price. Rich American Cut Glass (the beat) nt prices (tint mean n. saving to you of 30 per cent over others. (let our prices before buying. KODAKS The Itleiil flirt nt from . . $0.00 to $0.1.00 Hrtmnlci which work like Ko links .tl.00 to $11.00 CUTLER.Y Pearl Ring urn! pyrnllno pocket knlvci. Diamond Edge" brand, fill ly guaranteed. BOOKS Hoys' nnri (IlrlV Rooks nt 2.1e nml noc. Clillilrcn'M HookH nt .1c, 10c nml J. 1c. Irfttot copyright booktt nt puhllHhort' prices. Host reprint cupyrliihtM reg uliir 73c, nt flOc nml 00c. Floral edition or the authors for itlft purpora nt -Lie. ,10c, Beautiful ttooklotn of liter ury gcum nt !Wc to 91,00. Dainty Clirltftnm booklets nt nil price)). DOLLS AND TOYS I.arno Display of doll, Imth divfiictl nml umlrcKHMl. Kid nml Intent character dolN nt from Ic to 97. call and hki: Tin: kbw- t'IKM, the beat doll yet Toys for the children from flc to 91. I Community Silver Tho hit gent tiKiorlnicnt in town. Tho iH'ot plated ware niaiUi (uiiarantecd for no jcnrit) nt tho lululmum re tail price. . Ytiti ennnot lx4tt our price on theno good. TOILET ARTICLES (iei'niliio PiirUInn Ivory toll et nml niMiilctiro hi'Ik. Uory Notrlllr, I lent American nml Imported pei fumes unit toilet Hitter nt popular price, Although somewhat crowded in our present quarters wo wilhdo our best to serve you prompUy and well. A call will convince you that PnUcnwn'u Is tho place to do your Christmas Bhopplnjr. wjtasaajto. m PATTERSON DRUG CO. . P& s Mm AMD "B2" Chef or J. P. Rogers' Car Has Bees "oa tho Job" for 14 Yean. Deep sea mariners may boast bf their craft, but anyone who has voy nged on tho S. P. ft S. or Oregon Trunk right of way knows that tho craft with a real gilt-edged record is the good ship "B2," tho private car of J. P. Rogers, superintendent of tho S. P. & S. About 24 days out of every month the "D2" voyages somewhere over tho COO-odd miles of main lines under Mr. Rogers' Jurisdiction. Mr. Rogers, perhaps more generally known Just ns "J. P.." is skipper, but the Initiated maintain that the man at the helm Is none othor than Ran dali, who presides over the desti nies of the kitchen, Incidentally serv ing time In such other capacities us bottle opener and entertainer for such guests as require it. The han dle to "B2's" dusky chef's name Is Ernest Ernest Randall. Ho has teen'wllbVMr. Rogers some 14 years, the first employment being In Alas ka after Randall left tho U. 8. Army ftnrl whin Mr. nnnn torna vltti th.. While F&sa & Yukon Railroad. Be fore .that Randall had seen service In'Cuba, not to mention the fact that ho alto had survived employment by the Pullman Company. The third member of tho "B2 'crew Is Her mann Plantenberg. Mr. Rogers' secretary. SEWER NOTICE, All houses, stores and shops abut ting on the sanitary sewer may now be connected with it on obtaining a permit from tho superintendent of sewers. No permit rt III be issued un til sewer 'assessment is paid to the City Treasurer and the license fee of ?D for inspection of connection and for maintenance Is paid to the sup erintendent of sewers. By order of the Common Council of the City of Bend. Dated Decem ber 8, 1913. QUO. S. YOUNG. 40-41c Superintendent of Sewers. NOTJCE OP APPLICATION FOR SALOON LICENSE. To the Honorable Mayor and Com mon Counoll of tho City of Bend: Gentlemen: The undersigned. J. S. Smith, having subscribed and sworn to the affidavit hereto attached, respectful ly tenders herewith the receipt of the City Treasurer for Six Hundred (9800.00) Dollars and applies for a llccnso from the City of Bend to. sell wine, spirituous and malt liquors and fermented ciders as a retail liquor dealer Li the building situated on It 12 of block 11 of Bead, Oregon, for the period of one yenr from the 1st day of January, 19J4. Respectfully submitted. J. 8. SMITH, Dated at Bond, Oregon, this 9th of December. 1913. State of Oregon. County of Crook, es. I, J. S. Smith, being first duly sworn, depose and say: That I am tho applicant In the foregoing appllt cation for retail liquor license; that ( am an American citizen: that I havo never been convicted of allowing fe males or minors to loiter In or about place .where Intoxicating, liquors City Treasurer for Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars and applies for a llcenso from the City of Bend to sell wine, spirituous and malt liquors and fermented ciders as a retail liquor reaicr m the building. situated on lot 11 of block 11 of Bend, Oregon for tho period of ono year from the 1st day of January, 1914. Respectfully submitted. F. J. WILKEY. Dated at Bend, Oregon, this 9th of December, 1913. State of Oregon. County of Crook, ss. I, F. J. Wllkey. being first duly sworn, dopose and say: That I am tho applicant-In the foregoing appli cation for retail liquor llcenso; tncl I am an American citizen; that I havo never been convicted of allowing fe males or minors to loiter In or about a place where Intoxicating liquors were sold: that I have never sold In toxicating liquors to a minor. ' ' F. J. WILKEY, Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 9th day of December, 1913, at Bend, Oregon. N. II. MARKEL. Nqtary Public for Oregon. this 9th day of December, 1913, at Bend, Oregon. MYNOR S. LATT1N, Notary Public for Oregon. ORDER t'Oll HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Crook County. In tho matter of tho Estate of George B. Pulltam, Deceased. Now at this time this causa coming on to bo heard and It appearing to the court that Louzetta Pulllam, tho ad ministratrix of tho estato of George 11. Pulllam. deceased, has heretofore filed In this court her final account as such administratrix, It Is thoro foro ordered that tho 10th day of January. 1914, be and tho aamo Is For 81. FOR SALE OR T.RADE 8evsn passenger Plercc-Arrow automobile. Wrlto Box 192, Bend, Ore. 36tf FOR BALE Thanksglvlhg and Christmas turkeys. Phono Mrs, Shon quest. 37-42 FOR SALE llav teftm. weight about 3000, 3 and 4 years old, well broken. I'rico $400. Inqulro Bulle tin otneo. 3T-ii: FOR SALE Very llncst, now mod el unused While sowing machine at big discount. Apply "W," Bulletin otuce. 3Ctf FOR SALE- All kinds of firewood In all lengths. Telephone orders to 68, 3 rings. Eckman & Wilson, 40p FOR SALE Hogs and pigs, good breed. Ed Halvorson, Bend. 30tf FOR SALE All kinds of rpugh and dressed lumber, at Anderson hnrntiv not nn tho data for tho hoarlnc of said final account of said ndmlnl-i Bros, sawmill halt -ny botwoen Bond strntrlx nt tho court room In thoinnu uniumw, on oiu luraaio ronu. above entitled court nt Prlnovlllc, lloasonnblo prices, rough lurabor 10 NOTICE OK APPLICATION tfOlt .$ALOON i.ICKNSE. j " To tho HonorableAMayor and Com mon Council of the City of Bend: Gentlemen: The undersigned, Jos. F. Taggart, having subscribed and sworn to the affidavit horeto attached, respectful ly tenders herewith the receipt of the City Treasurer for Six Hundred Dollars, first one-half ii) llccnso for the year 1914, and applies for a llcenso from the City of Bend to sell wine, spirituous and malt liquors and fermented ciders as a retail liquor dealer in mo ouuaing suuaiea on ln 3 nt IdnrV 1 nf Ilend. Oreeon. for the period of ono year from tho 1st ist day of January. 1914. Respectfully submitted. JOS. F. TAGGART. Dated at Bend, Oregon, this 9th of December, 1913. btate of Oregon. County of Crook, us. I. Jos. F. Taggart, being flrBt duly sworn, depose and say: That I am tho applicant in the foregoing appli cation for retail liquor license: that I am an American citizen; that I have never been convicted of allowing fo males or minors to loiter In or about a place wnero intoxicating uquurn were sold; that I have never sold In- toxioatlng liquors to a minor. JOS. F. TAGOART, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of December, 1913, at Bend, Oregon. VERNON A. FOKISKS, Notary Public for Oregon. Crook county, Oregon, and Is thu time nud place at which objections: thereto, If any thero bo, may be made and heard by tho court, and It Is furthor ordered that the said Louzetta Pulllam as such admlnlstraf trlx of tho estato or saiu ucceasqu glvo notice of tho hearing pf said fl nal account by publication thereo: In the Bend Bulletin, a weekly news paper of general circulation, pub. llshed at Bend. In Crook county, Ore gon, for tho period oi tour succcs slve weeks. Dated at Prlnovltle, Oregon, this 2nd day of December, 1913. O. SPRINGER, , Judge of the County Court of Crook County. Oregon. 40-44 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. were sold; that I have never sold in toxlcatJn liquors to a minor. J. S. SMITH, Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this, 9th day of December, 1913, at Bond Oregon. N. D. MARKEL, Notary Public for Oregon. NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR v 'SALOON LICENSE. To tho honorable Mayor and Com mon Council of the Cfty of Bend; Gentlemen: Tho undersigned, F. J. "Wilkey, having subscribed and sworn to the affidavit IjeretoatjAched, respectful ly tendergefewththe)recejpt of the NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SALOON' LICENSE. rTo the Honorable Mayor and Com mon Council of the City of Bend: Gentlemen: Tho undersigned. M. J. McGrath. having subscribed and sworn to tho affidavit hereto altacnofl, r.cspcewui ly tenders herewith the receipt of the Cfty Treasurer for Six Hundred Dollars, first one-half PA) llcenso for tho yoar 1914, and applies for a llcenso from the City of Bend to sell wine, spirituous and malt liquors and fermented older as a roiall liquor dealer In tho building situated on lot 7 of block 13 of Bend, Oregon, for the period of ono year from the 1st day of January, 1914. Respectfully submitted, M. J. McORATH, Dated at Bend, Oregon, this 9th of December, 1913. State of Oregon, County of Crook, si. I, M. J. McGrath, being first ri-ily sworn, depose and say: That I am cation for retail liquor license; that I am an American citizen; that I havo never been convicted of allowing fe males or minors to lojter in or about a place where Intoxicating liquors were sold; that I havo never sold in toxicating llquors'to a minor. n M, 3( McGRATII, BubcrlbedndLBwpni to before met ..)wii,i.- T7tsrUs ."". '.f , For Rent. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms. Address Box 335, Bend, tip FOR- RENT Furnished room o private family. A. L. Hunter. 40tfc FOR RENT Furnished rooms and housekeeping sulto at Bean Building. 39-40 p FOR RENT 2 room cabin with stove, bed, etc., W. Jl. Leah. Ono block east of depot. 39tf FOR RENT Two small bulld- Ines near deuot -tmrtlv 'furnished Either suitable for light houso keep ing, or rooms for two peroons. In qulro at this olllce. Prjces C and 1 8. 39-40. FOR RENT Omccs on Wall street very cheap. Apply Bulletin Olllco. FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo cated. Electric lights and water. Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap. Apply Bulletin Olllce. FOR RENT Large store, modern front. Good location. Apply to F. O. Minor, DeschuteB Bank. 27.tf FOR RUNT Three room house. Sco Joo Inncs at tho Metropolitan. 3Ct per M. Delivering to Bend or Laid law 2 per M. Tolophone. 19tf FOR SALE Cabin near Bend Co. mill. Inqulro nt Bulletin offlce. ICti FOR SALE Cheap, C40 acres, sec. 1C-21-10, 26 miles south of Bend, on Deschutes river. Address W. 11. Mel rose, Colfax, Waih. 4 Op ' LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between my homo nnd Doyarraond's garage, brass hub cap, Alio,, tool box cover and roll of tools by side of Silver Lake road, Inlle and half south of town. Finder return to II. Q. Ferris or Bullotln. 40-41 acquired In addition to that of Ilia said John W. White, had at fho time or his death In and to the following described real estate, to-wlt: First. 1M 7 of block 2 of Bend, Oregon. Kccond. Lot 4 In section J and lot 1 and the south halt of tho northeast quarter of section 3, In township 21 B. of rango 10 east of tho Willamette Meridian nnd tho RWUHWU. section 3b In township 20. 8. In rungo 10 east of thn Will amctto Meridian nnd the W4Bi:u. sec. 3. and tho NWUNEV4, soc. 10, township 21 south of rango 10 K, W. M., and. third, tho BttNWtt. sec. 6, Irrtownohlp 20 south or rnngo 14 eastrWVM. Fourth. Lot 12 In block 11 of Bend, Oregon. Fifth. Thn SE&NEAl and the NUUSEU of see-' tloniiJ,! towimlilp 17 a, R. IT ast of the WlllRinetto Meridian, nnd sixth: .ThoUMiNWV; andNbfWV.,i sec. 3VT. 17 S., It. 12 B.. W. M , ull In Crook County. Htnta of Oregon, Terms nnd conditions of sale, oahIi,' Datad this 11th dny of November, 1013. A. O. LUOA8. , Administrator of the ststo of Job a VV White, deceased. S0-4 Wanted. WANTBD-Man to do Janitor work and odd Jolts. Apply at once at Iluj. latin olllco. 40 WANTED Contract wood chop pars Juniper cord wood. Write or telephono Central Oregon Irrigation Co.; Deschutes, Ore. 40tl WANTED-To buy good team, har ness and wagon, cheap. Mnreu pre ferred. Inqulro at Bulletin. 4 Op WANTED Girl for general houno work. Inquire of Mrs. O. M. Pat terson. 404 lc WANTED Cattle nnd horses to feed during the winter months. Chns L, Wimor, Star Ranch, Laldlaw, 37(1, NOTICE. In tho County Court of the Stata of Oregon in and for the County of-t Crook. In the matter of the estato of John V. White, deceasod. ' Notice is hereby given by tho un dersigned, the administrator of the estate of John W. White, deceasod, that In pursuance to an order of re sale, of tho County Court of tho County of Crook, Oregon, made on the 1st day of September, 1913, In the matter of tho estate of John W. White, deceased, tho undersigned will sell at public auction on Thurs day, tho 11th day of December, 1913, at tho hour of 10 o'clock n. m. at Bond, Crook county, Oregon, on tho premises, all tho right, title and in terest of said John W. White ut tho time of his death and all tho right, title and Interest tho said estato has RUBBERS! BOYS' OVERSHOES 9l.- MEN'S MIUCKLE OVHR? SHOES ittuw...I.K5 MEN'S K-IIUCKLB OVER- ' SHOES ao,i.j. , . .HW.7.1 MBN'S'LIMTHER TOP MUH- ' HERS f.L.10 MEN'S LEATHER TOP'KUIU IIERS . .....lU. .... , 4AO IIUIIBERS FOR GERMAN SOX !.flO RUBBERS FOR (JKRMA'N SOX ViJIS ltllllllERS, KM. NCI I TOP' ....3.no HEAVY GERMAN SO.T,.. . .1.(K) FELT HOOTS AND RUBBERS l.00 TVrORM RUBBERS . .ROc, 7.1c, 1.00 WE HANDLE THE FAMOUS HALL HAND RUBBER. i", , R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Everything to Wear for; Men Who Care, W . To Exchange. t FOft SALE OR TRADE Houso and lot In North Addition, Will tako good Jersey cows or Berkshire hogs, HJalroar Olson, Sisters, Ore. 42p TO TRADE Incomo property for land. H. B, Oldrldgo, Now Meadows,4 Idaho. 38-4 lp WILL EXCHANGE 4 passenger Chalmers, 40 horsepower Automobile for Improved land. HoakIo& Ryan. .FOR EXCHANGE Good lots near Presbyterian church .for team or horses, Apply at Bulletin offlco. ZUt i. 1 $ CHRISTMAS! MsMsmsmbjmsMMBMssssjbsmwsjsjbj Now is the time to do your buying, but before doing so you should visit THE "OWL PHARMACY AND LOOK OVEROUIt NICE JJNtfOr&IIHIItTMAB STATIONERY, CUT OLARS. GENUINE IIANDPA1TED CHINA, HILVERWARHtMI.KATHUIt 600RS, FANCY BOX CANDIES, (LOWNKY'lH, STEHLINfnifLVKK DK. POSIT WARE, TOILET SETS, CHRISTMAS BOXES OF CIGARS, TRAV ELING SETS, FOUNTAIN PENS and other Ai tides too nunftfous to men.. WE WRAP AND MAIL CHRISTMAS PACKAGES, ' A i rfofl( . VJiiY i Ml .( I ,- l'r- ' - w W, VTwS5