The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 10, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
t VOI,, XI.
170. 40.
3llitn lUtrljr Idint liyrniiiK Vnii Mill
' Vlr
Out iif t.'oiiiiuUklun Dniimuc vfMnn
AiiioiiiiIm to g.'IOOl) ElroWftpt
ynwt Hirmln to Ihe-Jllll,
l'lio o unknown origin iiytfroyo'I
hn holler liauim nt The lluutP'Coni
I'nny'M mill curly Inst iilgb$ Thp
'corrugated iron covering $( tho
building kept the tiro wlfhln lt
Mulls except for onu or twl) )place.
vrhnro connections woro made with
adjoining airucluroe anil vftlclir.l
.work on tho part of mombori'W thn
. mill orow ko)t tho hUzo froniCl&riuil
Ing over llicip. . m
At 7:30 When It. II. Pnat. flihStolol.i
' watchman, mado hl round&Wvor).
thing In tho Iol1or homo won Ml ruth:
nnd ho nml Frank Blnvcna, tfH nfl?u
fireman, went to cleaning iU tho
,11)111. Tholr attention wua cXllo-l to
the nearby hullillnjc whon the lights
oo the lino serving It wont ntul
hoy hurried down to seo what tho
mntttir wan. Thr found the Insldo
, of tho room ntilnio and tho tU nl
ready ao hot that fllavcna could get
to the whlatlo for only a ahort hlow.
This wna hoard hy J. W. DlbiloX u
hl homo nomaa to river vuiiJ lt
, tlrod Mivornl ahnta na nn alarm.
All tho employe of thoflgiljmny
llvlim In tho noiKhhorhood otTSi mill
and ninny from ncrom tho rbftrkaiti'
orod nt tho flro and aueeowuliy U-
i i'imi niKir uuuris in Keeping it WIU
in ita orlKlnnl Itounda.
Tho heavy fog which onm'o mi tho
t' river onrly In the evening ,U't off
viHin ui mo nro mini iori ami m
mnseuuciico only a few went over to
According to J. !'. Knyoa, man-fccY
of trio company, thn loia nmounta to
' lietween $2000 and 13000, all of
which la covered ly Iniuranre. No
ldana havo heen mado for rebuilding
or putting tho old holler In conunla.
alon hut It U lelleved that same ar
i rangement to Procure nower.wlll ha
anado at oncn In order that tho plan,'
rr uir run inu no serious wicrrup
- 1lon occur In tho ahlpmenta of lum
ber. Hawing would have come, to an
nd for tho aeaaon Tory aoon even
" If tho Are had not occurred.
Thla la tho third fire that haa vlalU
( ed thla property In three and a half
nara. - A largo portion of tho lumber
in tho adjoining yard waa destroyed
i on tho night of January 13. 1012,
nnd on April 23. 1910. thn mill hulld
1nga woro destroyed. ' Ono of tho
1 lollera In Inat night's fire alio went
through that earlier ono.
Charles M. Bheror, tho 7yenrold
von of Mr. and Mm. Josoph Bheror
of Powell llutto, died In n hospital
nt Bnlom Bunday. Ho had been an
Invalid for soma tlmo. Tho body wa
lironght to lledmond for burial,
Ik Deschutes Banking (2b Trust
Company k
tK - .''' ' " . '
'$ , . ottth of Bean
H "' Bldg.onWnllSt. '
. Tr;
.1 - ' I.
Tho Gil Council hold n poc
Inl meeting Monday night to
rncolvo tho flnnl report of It. E.
Koon on tho aownr ayatom. A
dntnllod atatemeut waa submit- -ted
ii n (I thn city formally accept
od tho ayatom, hullt At k coat of
approximately $79,000. City of-
flclnla and Interoatod cltlzona
walked over the entire lino Inat -
Thuradny and Innpected It. The -
city will havo money ooourIi
to pny for It In full a aoon aa
tho rfowor aaaeamenta nro nil re-
reived. Thn ayatom la now In
lino, hnvlna heen placed In
charRo of Ooorgo H. Youiik. na
eiiperlntendeiit of aowore.
County Court Approprlato $U00 For
T1 of Miilei Inl on I'llol Untie,
I.'. V. ItlchnnlMiii lining Work,
iVnilor direction of tho County
Court, i:. W. Itlchnrdaon la making
nn oxperlment with cinder taken
from a pit on tho aouthweat aide of
rllot llutto, to determlno their value
aa u rond'Uiaklua; material. Work
waa atnrtcd Inst week, a atretch of
uhout u half tnllo ImvliiB been do
elded oh to ho Improved. Thla U
part of tho llentMlurna road. Juat
onat of the city dumping Rround.
Mr. Illchnrdnon appeared before
tho City Council Monday nlRht nnd
preaonted tho uinttor, naklnK for co
operation and an appropriation to
niilt In the work ao that a tnllo of
road could bo cindered. Tho coun
cllman thought that nn oxporlment
of a half inllii would be aa Kood aa a
mlln and ao took no notion nt thla
Tlioe Who Will Seno In 11)11 Hrlng
"T"ho lornl lodgea nro now pleating
otllcora lor tho coming year or half
year aa tho bywlawa may provide. In
addition to those already announced
In Tho Ilulletlu, the following havo
elected tholr Mafia:
Knlghta of Pythias V. A. Forbes,
C. C: Hnlph Polndoxter. V. C: J. B.
Engebretaon, prelate; Howard Pal
mor. M. nt A.; N. P. Bmlth, M. ol ;
I, M. Mcltoynolda, K. It. H.; Ouy Mc
Ituynolda. M. qf F.
Fraternal Brotherhood J. II. Con
nam, president; C W. Thornthwalte,
vice president; Julius Kortman, trea
eurer; Miss Allen Caldwell, aecreta
ry; Mra. F. O. Fish, chaplain; C. 11.
Bhumway, sergeant at anna; Mrs.
John I.lniter. mistress or nrma: Mlas
Ituth Caldwell, mualclan; Mrs. Q. Mc
intosh, captain of drill team; Mra. W.
P. Downing, Inatdo doorkeeper.' '
Tho Masons will hold tholr elec
tion tomorrow evening. 1
Lloyd L. Mullt, formerly cashier
of tho First National llank at Aah
land but now atato bank examiner,
apont Monduy In Ilend. Thla waa hla
first visit hern as a atato official and
ho mado n favnrablo Impression on
tho local banking people. Ho report
ed finding Ilond'a leading bank, tho
Mrat National, In a prosperous con
dition, aa usual.
r f
. t r
I I , " isvvr
ARE $390,816
I'nbllc Her vice !ororalloii At.Mhnl
nt,00f Uktlinntml KxiietiiiM
For 1014 I'laecil nt PI I,'-! 10
IHtnll of the Ilmlgct Olvcn.
Tho 1014 tax lovy fop ;ond haa
boon ajt by tho City Council nnd to
tufa IK iiillfu. Thla la divided itf fol
Iowa: 13.9 mllla general nnd 10.1
tilllU apeolal to pay Intorcat on aow
or bonda,
.Tho levy la made on nn naxeuod
valuation of $368,820 exclualvo of
railroad and other public utility
companii-n. According to n atato
ment received from County Aaacaaor
II. A. Foator, thcao public aorvlco
corporatlona ahow, within lUond, na
aetted vuluatlona totaling $31,096,
making tho grand total asacsiment
In tho city $300,816. Tho following
ohowa tho valuations of tho various
public aorvlco corporatlona aa re
ported by Mr. Foator:
Oregon Trunk Hy $2C.8S0
u.-w. H. ft N. Co 6,170
Northern Exp Co 26
Great Northern Kxp Co. . . . 2r,tlon, and tho outcome or the mattor
Amcrlnail bxp Co 201 waa that bo apcclal road levy aa had
. ......,, lutvi'lluilU w. ouu
The rollowlng Is tho budget which
waa used aa n baala for tho city lovy:
. 8TUHBT8.
New work $1800
l.lL'llllnfT I... OtAfl
Bprlnkllng ' jlina
water for oprlukllng ........ 3S0
Hydrants now In uso $595
Additional hydrants 701
Now ul)mont 360
Itopalra, etc. .' '.,.... 20(Jf
Balarloa and supplies $1600
Now JalJ building .......... 1000
Balartea of paid officials $1060
Rent and fuel 150
Library 120
Printing and codification .... 300
Postao, Btatlonery, etc 200
Interest on bonda .......... .$3000
Tntnl eatlmated exponsca ...$14,240,
Total deflclt Jnnuary 1. 1914 2,000
Eatlmated recolpta ......... $7800
To bo raised by lovy 8440
Tho council adopted u resolution
allowing tho aaloana to pay half of
the $1200 llconao fco at thla tlmo and
tho remainder at tho middle or tho
year. All eight aro ro-applylng tor
llreusca, oh la shown by the notices
printed clsowhcro In thla laauo.
s ' '
I m
' i i -
See, Ad, on
Bend Hardware , Go.
Hpringer'a J'etJidcn to Olre IJon'a
Hliuie or Itoiul .Money to liU Hide
VlgorounlyJ)pioMHl-Keveii llend
.Men Wefo n Attendance,
--- ....
Tho following In tho levy act -
jny tuo uouuty Court;
V Mllla 4-
General aehool 1. 3 V4
a County high aehool 2
County and all nurpoaca.. .14 K
Htato .........,,....,, j
- Total 26
Tho levy In school district No.
12, In which Ilend Is, Is 154
mills, nnd tho city lovy Is 24
mills, making a total or 41
in aistrlct 12 outside or Ilcnd
- nnd 65 Inside tho city.
PIUNEVIL1.E. Dec. 8.-From near
ly every port or tho county tho tax
payers gathered Saturday to attend
tho meeting hero called for a discus
sion or tho budget of expense for
tho coming year. A expected, tho
rnilft Ifnm wna p(vn tliA ntf ..-
been proposed waa mndo by tho Coun
ty Court.
Judge Springer proponed that tho
eastern part or tho county bo given
$60,000 for road work and the west
aide only $1S,000. It wna planned to
peud $6000 on tho "high desort"
road from Ucnd. $6000 on Uie Mc
Konxlo and $5000 on the Iloegli
grndc. The $60,000 waa to bo used
on tho roods between Prlnovlllo nnd
Mitchell, Prlnovlllo nnd Dear Creek
and Prlnovlllo nnd Paulina. Thla
$76,000 wna to bo raised liv a 7-inlll
levy. Vlgoroua opposition to such a
Bchemo canto from tho western dele
gatlon, the chief spokesmen of which
were J. W. Ilrowcr of Redmond and
George Altken of Sinters. Tho east
aldera trlod to mako it appoar that
tho biggest and the grentest number
of taxpayers live on tho eaat aide, but
thla waa effectually contradicted by
tho figures or tho laat election.
Springer's .Idea was that the east
aide did not nave railroad transpor
tation and therefore nhould get tho
county roads, nnd he was strongly
auported by Isadora Myers and Wm.
Congloton as spokesmen of the eaat
alders. The Judge trlod to force n
vote on hla propositus,' but waa met
with audi ahnrp opposition that ho
let the matter drop.
F. King spoko ImjUi as an Indi
vidual and .aa .secretary of the Good
Roada Association. In the course ot
hla remarks ho mado tho atatnmont
that It you draw a lino north nnd
aouth approximately 5 miles eaat of
Prlnovlllo you would have nearly
$2,000,000 of assessable property on
tho cast 8ldo of tho lino and $0,000,
000.000 on tho west slda; thai It you
draw a lino north and aouth 7 in Ilea
. i
Page 8
- i r
wcat or I'rlnovllle you would hayo
approximately $3,000,000 (oxclu
alvo or l'rinovlllo) cast or thla line
and approximately $6,400,000 (ex
clualvo or Doiid) west or the line.
Enforcement of tho atato weed
law waa dlacunscd and it waa the sen
timent that a strict enforcement or
thla law would bankrupt the county.
Tho Item In the nudget regarding
tho county scaler waa taken up and
II. C. Kills ot Ucnd suggested that
this offlclal be placed on a lee. baala.
Tho suggestion met with approval.
Ilcnd waa represented by a dele
gation constating" of V. A. Forbes. H.
C. Kills. K. A. Bather, J. P. Keyea,
Goo. B. Young, It. M. Elder and X
II. Foley.
Limit or Wright of Package Will He
Itnlaeil to M I'otinili.
Swooping changes ii the parcel
post regulations are announced by
Poatmaater General I!ureon to take
effect January 1. For tho first two
zones the limit Is raised from 20 to
SO pounds, and for aI tho rest or the
zones tbo 20-pound limit la made to
apply, tho present weight limit being
11 pounds.
In Addition to theid changes, it Is
announced that books will be at
lowed to bo sent by parcel poll alter
March 16, 1914.
In tho third zono the rates aro TO
duccd to 6 cents for the first pound
and 2 cents for each additional
pound. In the fourth zone. 7 cents
and 4 cents. In the fifth zone, 8
rents and C cents. In tho alxtb zone,
9 cents and 8 cents.
Tho Ilend Rod and Gun Club la ar
ranging for a big Central Oregon
Bhootlng tournament to be held on
tho local grounds Christmas day. All
tho gun clubs of thla part of the atato
aro Invited, and there will bo a big
Hat ol prizes given, na well as tur
keys. Tho poor shots as well as the
croaks will havo prizes for which to
compete. Tho eventa will Include
shooting with rifles, shotguna and re
volvers. A largo attendance is ex
pected. Itli-SALK UV WHITE 10STATK.
Tho ro-salo or the John W. Whlto
property will tako place tomorrow
at 10 o'clock. At tho first salo held
laat June, which was set aside by the
court, tho Wall-Oregon street corner
across tram the location or tho Dca
chtotca Ranking & Trust Co. waa bid
In at $3600 and tho lot at tho corner
ot Bond and Nevada streets occupied
by tho Holmes & Smith aalooh
brought $4050. Tbo up-river ranch
wont at $2950 and the Pilot Uutte
acreage at $2880.. TUb aalo la to be
by auction on tho proavrty.
Hugh O'Kane returned from Port
land Monday morning, accompanied
by Mra. O'Kano. While In the me
tropolis Mr. O'Kano attended the ho
tel, men's 'convention, and hla face
waa .distinguishable tn a picture ot
tho hotel men published la Satur
days Journal.
'Acting Secretary or Agriculture
Galloway haa recommended tho re
lease or Iota 4 and 5, 85.84 acres, in
acctlon 6-12-10, from withdrawal for
administrative purposes of tho forest
service. This tract waa .t of tne
which la now reduced to approxi
mately SO acres.
v .....: . .
you nre apt to be 50 excited that, even though yflU hav8
plenty of time., you will rush out and leave behind, to hd
burned up, YOUR WILL, other valuable papers and jewelry,
The best way is to put them into one of our SAFjETY DE
POSIT BOXES in out fire and burglnr-prool vaults. A
private box will cost you only $3 per year.
Ve also solicit your BANK ACCOUNT.
The First National Bank of Bend,
Contractor Hare Been Delayed ilet
ting the Material Hlilppeil Mengm
Work? !fil Off Saturday, Afioutv-
Staff Correspondence)
LAIDLAW, Dec. 6. Tho last lick
orwork on the trestles which are to
support tho steel flume or the Tuma-
lo project reed canal has bcn done.
Tho atructurcs are very aufislantl
nlly built, with cement foundations
ror the benta and with the tlmbera
oil thoroughly bolted together. At
each fld or tho trestle work the ca
nal has been lined with concrete.
W. P. Butler, representing the
company that has the contract ror
furnlihlnj, tbo flume, was here today
and went over the ent'ro dlatanco
that la to bo flumed. Tho flume waa
to havo been delivered long before
thla date, but tho'comoany has not
been ublo to make tho first shipment
yet and the wlrea havo been kept
hot with messages regarding the
delivery of tho material. Mr. ut
lar promised that tho flume would bo
dellrercd beforo January 1. to which
dnto the company naa been granted
an extension or time.. The finishing
of tho flume Is being done In Port
land, the sheet steel being shipped
from tbo Eaat. It is probable that
even if the flume arrives by Janu
ary 1 it will not be hung until a
couple of months later, as tho camps
aro being shut down and will not be
reopened until spring work starts.
The excaration work on the canal
la nil coninleted except for the J.
J. Adams fantracta. Ho has about
25 men nnqa number of teama at
work, but taWrer Is a big amount ot
excavating yet to oo done, lamely r
rock .work. Tho contractors, who
bid tor work on tho canal have 'not
made any money, na they took the
work too low and several of them
have loat.
Axel Dye. one of tho auperlnten
denta on the project, la leaving next
week for a visit to hla old home in
Norway, to be gone tor several
Men raid Off Saturday.
Tho men on the project were giv
en a very pleasant surprise today,
when the project offlclala camo
around and banded them their
checks tor laat month's work Thla
aurprlae waa not in getting tho
checks, but In getting them ao early
In the month, as heretofore they have
had to wait from a month to alx
weeka to get paid tor tbelr tabors.
The Improvement la duo to tho new
payroll system which la now In per
fect working order. The men all got
checka drawn on tbo First National
Hank of Rend, and a largo number
of them went to town tonight to get
them cashed. The pavroll amounted
to a little more han $6100.
If your house should take fire'