PAflR 8. www nurxKTiN, nRNn, our., wi:iniway, DKOKMiinn n, in in. SUCCESSFUL YQUNB HUNTER ;LEVY.Na 4 m w a hxm' Not Nccefcwry to Auto to Silver Inko To Hlioot Ducks. Clot Them Nearby On Saturdays through tho fait tho lending duck huntcra of tho town mako much preparation, load up with shells, ntninunltlon and supplies, to Bay nothing of gasoline and Inner tubes and start off (or Silver Inko. or Boavor Marsh or soma other equally Inaccesitblo place. They motor all night, thoy sleep with In dlnns, they looso tur coats, nud rub ber booto, they got cold, they break down. Sometimes they got n frac tion of a duck apieco, and oven then it Is a quostlon which member of the party shot it or Btolo It from tho back end of so moo no's store. All this they do when thero is a river flowing down through tho town on which ducka may bo fouud every morning during the season. One hunter, however, knows this nnd all through tho fall ho has regu larly none to the river evorv morn ing with his gun and his dog nnd shot his ducjkB. That Is Hilly Hunt, tho young con of Mrs. It. P. Mlnter. In tho wholo season ho has shot about BO ducks of different sorts and the family has had ducks to eat un til it has tired of them. All it takes to do thta, according to Billy's for mula, is a willingness to get up early In tho morning rather than to stay up late at night. Hugh O'Knno Is In Portland nnd with him will return Mrs. O'Kane. who has been thero for several weeks for tho benefit of her health. (Continued from Pago Ono). tiro county asscssod valuation. In squaro miles this rortlon Includes very close to one-half of tho county's area. With this information In vlow, west-alders find It difficult to under stand how Uio cast-sldera can reas onably fight high taxes very hard or how thoy can expect to got tho lion's sharo of road expenditures, Tho following Itst of road district valuations, compiled from official records, tolls an Interesting story of exactly where and how tho county's Income from taxes will bo dorlvod. District Amount No 1 $ 517,280 Ireland, No. 2 525,20 1 Montgomery, No. 4 ..... 114,250 bisters, No. 5 411,439 Haystack. No. 6 38G.215 McKay, No. 7 363,315 Hay Creek, No. 8 110,360 Willow Creek, No. 9 .... 174,050 Cross Keys. No. 10 108,030 Aahwood, No. 11 480,936 Deschutes, No, 12 (in city nlso $358,830) .... Johnson Creek, No, 13 Mill Creek, No. 14 . . . Howard, No. 15 ...... Try an ollvo shampoo, lino for tho scalp and hair, no danger of catching cold whon thoroughly dried with our electric drier. Tho Metropolitan, (successors to Iuncs & David son.) Adv. NOTICK TO CRKIHTOItit. In tho County Court of the Stato of Oregon for Crook County. In tho matter of tho estato of George Auno, Deceased. Tho undersigned, having been ap pointed administrator ot tho twiiue of Oeorro Auno. deceased, notice Is heroby given to tho creditors of snld estato and to all persons having claims against said deccasod, to pre sent them duly verified as required " law, within six months from tho dnto of this notice, to tho uudorslgnod nt tho office of C. S. Benson, lawyer, Bend. Oregon Dated this 3rd day of Docombor, 1913. 39-42 ANTON ANDREAS AUNG. &fc- JLs. Jt Vojel tTasiionable Dressmaking and L.adics. Cf alio ring iPrces Reasonable ytour SPatronage Respectfully Solicited Summit- No. Ill Hear Crook, No, 17 . . . . . Ciunp Crook, No. 18 .... Hardin, No, 19 Beaver Crook, No, 20 . . . Maury. No. 21 Nowsom Crook, No. 22 . . Kutchor. No. 23 ,..,,. Breese, No. 24 . Powell Butte, No. 25 Warm Springs ......,., Tuthorow, No. 27 ....... Lnldlaw, ,No, 28 Lamonta, No. 29 I.ylo Gap, No. 30 ....... No. 32 Hlllman, No. 34 Cllno Kails, No. 35 Black Butto. No. 36 .... Lava, No. 37 Hat Rock, No. 3 3 ,. Centralo, No. 39 ...... Alfalfa, No. 40 1,031,1)70 211,760 255,970 142,930 255,070 328,351 107,015 118,510 300,000 146,095 253,654 074,010 102,175 67,090 1,000 405,925 394,513 233,846 135,666 311,195 176,566 140,300 560,766 173.535 80,000 47,005 114,770 8IDK LU9HTS ON TIIK IIUIWKT. PRINKVILLE, Nov. 80. Tho county budget calls for $1600 for road vlowora. But It happens that chapter 3 43 ot tho 1913 session laws specifies with a good deal ot clarity mat noreattor tnoro is notning in tho world for road viewers to do oxoept draw tholr salary . Tho law In ques tion emphatically states that ' the county surveyor shall do nil tho du ties heretofore handled by tho v low ers. Whereforo taxpayers are won dering why tho "economical" admin istration has tho nerve to allow tho ?i600 to the vlewors who actually have no legal work whatever. Whole Burn Family. Another matter In connection with PLAYER PIANOS aad Straight Pianos Come in and hear tho beau tiful toned S. W. MILLER PLAYER PIANO. Sold at n very modentto price. Also other makes. . M. Thompson PIANOS TUNED. FOR FAMILY USE OUR PUKU JERSEY MILK AND CREAAl IS BUST. Clover Leaf Dairy P. W. STAATS, Prop. 01 ft? 'dVR SrMrrAK O RESounocsop ) XtSSui Shi sW 4,u A? iton-oic mmtim I. Kltfi.. I . !t I X. m .W7 V uT lllllllulu I V h"31 ivltt I xt v which rviKM f .7 rJ ? Wj&fi teltOttfr-wt r Hif J eawsyaus J 4uMMn ntioTi m 4 HtJtiTM"i'geirti"y - frX dinivlfl Coo I Da ""l utruumtiMii iMuitiy. TlwUsil Its rich. ilp kiil li fifiii A UH VJfllUlllU OCC JLCl Jrillw Hon, norexk. l Ifvtl, litt uwl lltlnKr. ntt ttrtllciil ilrlnkliiK wtttr iir ilrKr than w frtl. Thtlitlitlnl Uuil with rlutt Mttcr lllit ciititpurihiK.lttlyl.prtctcontiirternii, Tht tiirroiimllns pine canml muunllnie fultol n.tutl wouitti-inl Jutl Hit plc for vmllon. t I'lntltonly about Iwo yrtit olJ, bul (tiowlnf npMly It htt lUjihunt )lnn, two goot hulrlt, two Ms iittt -!l41i?t..,.t?,7,fl.flMU",'T,.y!n.l,.,rU,',,'",, ' "'W'ttltrtlht l. Pine InUr-MounUlii). one of the mt ptogMulvt T?T.L "I.r "'' "w jnHtt In thtTlclnlty of U line, whlrh UJinl the Utliiulni otitic W luinlwrliif ami nillllns Un.lntM Hitl will I- ilanehcrc hlii& ..a.taaa I m IHhi Ik il.iitl.ulM altaacteKhnolparkntththrattorihefoUUnc tntlon n.l nuw tractm unto the twrlllh nii.U. A Calholle chuicli h li nere, ann omer cnurcM are plannlne. to ..ubll.h thunWn lj line hi over atalUMt elrdllc lior Kitr hlh the 11 hat tn imltt .1-. t Mi ".;. I ""-;'' 7". " iuur iii i"iim m norei en cur i ne ii( aira 01 laim laiw S.mi- rii. a .'1i '" Sw,," 'y . The van tract uf liml-r Ullxiury to U line wonl.l alone liull.l can l rracht.1 rta Or ir , N I'.i O W K iN. ami U I'. Mta V..U ran make money l.r iiln muixtiv at rauroaua. otntra aredolnit II. whv hai VfifT U'iftc iti. .!. r. .k.. ....i . ',-.. ..r ....... . r . .r.. w... tiiwi. an .i.v v. of the Northwrat It lund to grow rapidly, anil that property falurt will only a few dollar per mouth on each lot You don't inuu the money, but andttrmtta ..i.....u .;. . .!..& u.u... I tllin.IV, J W ,. ..IT wfMI a goud alinl city Wllh.lhe mi win te tapm. ta nnt La 1'lne In adraure of the the newetl and bed Motion climb arcurdlngly rrleet now front Iwenup The term ale eaty. you aoon aoiure raiuaMe ro.eriy write louey tor pit, prier LA PINE TOWNSITE COMPANY, La Pine, Oregon. KtiutMe agent, with good hank reference, wanted In all pattt of the Dnll.d Klalr tho proposed budget thnt Hconia dostlnod to Ret nonio attontlnn nt the mooting thla Saturday rolutog to tho county survoyor'a office It seeks an appropriation of $380, which In cludes "$2-100 for atirvoyor'4 fee." Tho law allows tho surveyor 1 6 a day for tne uas lie actually works,. That tho present surveyor Ir lndftri'"i It Indicated by examining tho bills allowed nt tho last term of County Court. Thoy show tho following. Fred A. Hlco. 1430: Claronro Klco, tlSO: V l.. lllriv Jf.O Vrnnk tllrn. 1 10. That Is for two months. KxiHMiMio KcnlrM. It Is understood thnt n Rnntlpmnn from Culver was appointed County senior. No ono sooms to know exact ly what n county scaler docs, but thu liudRot mnkca It apparent, anyway, thnt part of his otllolal duties Is to draw 11300 a year. Folk about tho court hntino maintain that bin sole duty la to Inspect tho scalos to Crook oou n I y, Kxperta imtlmnin that thnrn can't nimtltilr lin morn than 800 scales In the county, If tlmt ! many. Which crontes this coniin idrum: "If the Itispoctfir of scalps Keta II 100 when thero sro only K00 seHlas, whnt will he ho nlluwiHl when , there are lflOO?" The answer Is re i forred to the taxpayers Wlilmta' l'eiiloiin, ' A very uuneral howl Is scheduled on tho widows' pension appropria tion of $6000. Where tho widows nro In conio from, and wIipI IoriU In vestigation of their clalmd has been or will bo made, ore sinotiR tho rtuerles prottounded. NOTICi: TOIt I'l'IIMCMTIOSV. Department ot tho Intorlor. IT. 3. Ijinif ortlcfl at The Dalles, Ore- koii, November 17,' 1913. Notice Is hereby Riven that Isaat k (lorhy of Portland, Oregon, who on November 8, 1013madn dtwort laud entry No. 01S1RC, for 8U'HNW. ? Action K3, township 18 south, run so t oast. Willamette Meridian, has Hied bollcn of Intention to UmkA final desert land proof, to establish olnliti to tho land nltovo descrlbeiL before II. C. Kills. I'. R. Comiuis. slonor at Hand. Oregon, on tho 26lh day of Docombor, 1913, , Claimant names as wltnesaes Henry II. Ford, JnuiM Itynn. Otis jC. Ilenklo nnd Joseph I. ThmmuJ 'nil of Uend, Oregon. 1P II. FItANK WOODCOCK, 37-tlp Jteglster mn: mm- x iiii ii! ;::, ii:. I Vi --.-.... M-'-' -------- --- Real Estate Vf, f it 4t ti5 a. 4w if r 5? aj.iv. --------. Jl pH -"- ma a Real Estate S FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property ?i conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment IZR. t " 'L V 4 LtifK ' '" . x ' g i. ttt u i ?:' T ' ' T ' ' T ' ' T ' ' T ' ' & i ?' The Bend Company IV . :t- ,v I t Office corner Wall and Ohio Sts. D. E. HUNTER Estate ManigYr tl tl t ' tti H .i,-. ?5 MMMMMMMMIMMtMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIM)MMMMM v iY -fA'j' J. yj "f -a 4tt , 5 AA A.. .... ...... -e ' 1 1 4 j V ,, tifi lT;:i .ttttt -. rinm fc.i 4 4,4M -- M1