nn.Ni) wllictin, iibno, oiie., wj:ini:hiay, ii:n:.Miii:it , iota. PAOE 7. i v'v ; r ! NOTABLE W : ATLAU i i i '81C1 THANKSQIVINO CELEBRATION Attcndanro nt Hlinotliig Tournament nnd llancn lmrn O. 1 IWkrr Cnrrlf ofT Honor h Mark- i m n n Anotlirr Kntertaliiinrnl Tho shooting tournamnnt nnd 1anon nt I.nlilliiw on TlmnksulvInK lirovod to I'o n sront oiitnrlnluliiK , ronturo nnd ilrnw n laru alloiidnnco ' frnin nil tilt) HUrrolllUlllIK tOWIIS llund wn thro with it tritmumlotin i , crowd, oipnrliilly In III" uveiilim for tlin (liitico. Tlui onllro niTnlr wuh Vary iinjoyaliln nnd sucresHfiil. , DurliiK tlio iluy whk hold tin shoot- ' I ii if ii ml thlH whm mtrtlclimtml In by . mom lliuii fit) witrniita. Tim honor ,ff9k f tli day wore cnrrlod off y Clintiii- ' iy 1. Ilonknr. who tirovod hlinsnir I h KtMid tiuti kitiiiHti. 1'or Him hlKlumt uvnruxi nf Kill ilNV llll Willi 110 In i Hold. Ilii also win lit tho lop for Iho ItlKhMt Konnrnl hwmeo with not Ion (linn RO Mint rocks. Ho lirokn 05 t and mlssml 17. kIvIiik a nrconUKn of 80. It. 0. LnnilliiKlinm, tho mm oliutiNt hulol nmii, w second with 1 lirokon nnd 1! inlssnd, u purcon tnKo of 7. In tho Tiuiinlo Club Mhootoff C. I Ilcckor wnii llrnt, K. J. l.nndliiRhnm second nnd T. (1. llnokur third, Tho ilanco In Iho i-vonliiK wn In otiiUKo of tho wost hid" ladles ii nd was liuld In tho now Imll. Tho spa- i olotm floor in itmplo for thn largo i crowd thnt wan present, nnd good I music win furnished hy nn orchestra 1 fnitn llend nnd a player piano which waa Installed for tho occasion fri'o of coarse hy K. C lAnillnKhnm llend pioplo who wnrn nt tho ilancn alaln I thnt thoro worn mora thnn 160 l oouplo dancing, nnd tho Kaynlloa , lastod far Into tho inornluc hour. I .Mlnotrfl Hhow New Yiri Hve. Another Id entertainment I al ready under way a minstrel show in b islvitn under tho direction of lira. A. J. Welton on New Year's Kve, SILVER LAKE FORMERLY FREIGHTED 230 MILES 1'. .M. ClirUniMii Toll of l)n When Knur IVntu it I'iMiiiil wnt Itato for 1 1 Mill from the Italic. I'. M. Cbrlsman of Hllvor l.ako trill soino tall tnlna of freighting lo tils town In tho old dn. when n round trip from tho Dallca took jtltoul 40 (ln a. nnd -I cent a pound lor tho 230-mlln limit waa uaunl. Anyone will ndinll thnt with thnt limit nnd that frolcht rata, tho hlxli cost of living, not to muntlon tho coat or hlRh ItvlriK. iiiuat havo boon yrotty steep In Chrlaman'a bailiwick in the 00 'a. Tho otd trail waa hy way of Hhoarcr'a llrldRo, Hako Ovon, Cow Crock, liny Crcuk, I'rlnovlllo, llcnr Crook Hulto nnd Mutton Hprlni?. whon 1'rlBovlllo waa tho only town tin tho routo. Thon, whan tho Columbia Southern wna built, frolRhtlni; waa dono from Mhanlko, it more matter of 178 mile, with n rnto from lVt to 3 cnU a jiound. Noxt waa Madraa. aa tho Dcnohutoa roads built, nud now llend, only 88 tnlloa dlatnnl. Tho proaont rnto vnrlo from 90 oonta to 11.00 tt hundred. Mr. Chrlaman hold anmothlni; of n lonc-dlalnnro record na n poat iniutor. Ho wont Into onleo In 1890 nud hold tho Job until Novombor 1, nf thin ytutr, whon oitunl auffraKo nud iloinocmoy Kot In It dendly work and jio wn aucceedod hy MIm A. I). jUunln, IS.V ORENSRSrsis '1ST EVERYONE IN REDMOND Irnto MlnMor Woulil fVillwt $r,noi DaiiuiKtm Fitim INsipIo Vli Ho i Alli'Ko, I.llwlnl lllin Their. PHIN'KVIM.K. Dec. 1 If Hond . iiwllo think ovoryono In town Iiiih t iwen auhpoonnod to npponr at court thla wook, thoy may bo comfortod by "UnowliiK thnt Itodmond I protty well ' )onruontil nlao. For tho fnmpu. r InfnmouB, cniio of J. M. Cronalmw vonin nlmot-ooryoni-ln-lUidmond 1 U Bohoflulod for trial, whether or not it notunlly Kot n honrlng. Oronahaw, tho ntlnlitor who atlr ' tfA up no much trouble nt Itodmond Inrt. year. I ulnK 15 Itodmond oltl aonn Mr GO,000 nnd tho ownora of 1 tho Itodmond Hpokifomnn for $17,- fiOO. nil for nlloxeil llholoun nnd dam HKliiK HtntomontB, etc., ill roc tod ' tiKnlnst htm. Tho dofondiintH nro 1 . II. nud O. U. l'nlmor. J. W Irnwor. J. V. UOBDh, J W. Monro. Frnnk Mc 1 Caffory. O. W. WolU. Alliort Mui, J T. AlcOlny, J. A. Huckloy, W. II. , . IlohbB, ,. Tnlllnforro nnd It. Ii. Jnmr. K W. Myora In attorney for Oronahnw. Itodmond peoplo rognrd , .llio mill tiH iv Joko. A THKAHIMIKI ItlM'Il'K. i Tho nnwly elected city tronBiiror luiH furnlshod Tho Hitlletln with tho following roolpo for duto iiuildlnrc mil. in unllnl.ln linwl. two lirOIIK- fiiBt ouiib of hroivd crumb, oi)0 of . ' - l..lf ..I mini ftlWtll. Hour, ouo nnu niio-uini " v..... pod Hnolyj two of dutoa chopped .... i.i.. .....I ,.r..liiilf nun nf HUKIir. Add llbornl pinch of Halt nnd two t i teaBpooufuia or unniiiB pw uui. mn- ton with two eR8 bonton In n llttlo ; L tullk. rut Into woll huttorod howl, ' ! " cook hy BtoamlnK from thrco to bx ' hour. Servo hot with oroaro or , other Bwoot Bauce," I'JtATHllNAIi HOUIKTIIM. I. O. (. I. lleuil IoiIko No. lilfl llogulnr MeotliiR every Monday night Vlnltor welcome, J, K, Kiiffohrotnon, N, U, U. N. iloffinnii, Bocy. M. W. OK A. Pilot Ilutto Camp No. 9704 Meota ovory Tuoadny In Bather Hall. VlaltlnK Noliihbor alwaya welcome, W. W. Orcutt, CohbuI. Martin it. Knutaon, Clerk, DIvHCHUTlCrt liODOK NO. 100 K. of P. , Meota ovory Wodnea- "n nvtiln nt x n. m. In Caatlo Hall, K, A. Bather DldR. Visiting KnlRlits wclcoiuo. Joo Innra, C. C, Ii. M. Mcltoynolda,, K. nf it. & B. III.'NI) M)l)(Ji: NO. JUU f A. h Al A. 31. Y nieoia on hccouii nnu lotirui inirMiiuy ovoiiiok oi onon month. VliltlnB hrothcra alwny weloomo. J, U, UnvldiMin, A, M. I.ara, W, M. Bucrotnry I'ltATKIt.NAIi IJItOTIIHItllOOll. ItoRiilar mootliiRB held hy llend liOilKti No. 897 In Knther'a Hall on ovory Thursday ovenluK each month. Visiting momher of tho order nlwnya wiilcome. Mr, (i. W. Bhrlnor, Prcs. Alice Caldwell, Beoy. ui:iii:kaiih. Ileud ImIro No. 208 meota over) second and fourth Friday ovonltiK, nthor'a Hall. VlaltlnK brothers and sinter wolcomml. Mrs. Ariel Lnttln, N. O. ItOYAIi.NKIOIIIIOUH ItoRular nicotinic on first and third Friday ovoniiiR at Bsthor'a Hall. Mr. MarRarot Ilntca, Oracle Mr. Alfarottn Orcutt, Itccorder. OltlWIt OF KAHTIIIt.V HTAU. Hond IndRo meet In reRular so slou on the Second nnd Fourth Mon day Kvnnlnx each mouth, In Masonic hall. Vlsltlns; brothers und slstora wnlcomo, Fannie Farrl. W. M. Arrlo Illnck, necy. DIIIHCTOItY OF OFFIU1AUS. L'nlti'il Sun if.. President Woodrow U'llson Vice President.. ThnmuM It. Marshall Itoerotary of Stuto V. J. Ilryan Mveretary of Navy . . Josophus Daniels ttcerotnry of Wnr .... I,, M. (Inrrlson nonrotary of Interior . ...F. K. I.ino Hecretary AKrlculturo D. F. Houston Bocretnry of Treasury . W, F. McAdoo Hucj-utnry Couiuiorcu.. AW C Ilodtlold Bccrotary of I.alor . . . .V, II. Wilson Attorney Oeuoral ..Jaa. Mclteynolds Postmaster General .Albert Ilurlcaon HtMte. Governor .......... Oawald Wost Secretary or Stato ....II. V. Olcott Troasuror ...Thos. II. Ka Atty Oenoral A. M. Crawford Buporlntoudont Public Instruction . . J. A. Churchill Btato Printer W. S. Duulwuy Commissioner Iabor Statistics .... O. P. HoR Uamo Warden XV. U Fluley State KnRlneer ..... .John II. Lowls United States Bonators . . w . . . . . Ocorso 12. Chamberlain Harry W. Iaao Congresamen A. W. Latterly N. S. Blnnott W. A. Hawloy Seventh Judicial DUtrlcU JudRO W. U Ilradahaw Attorney W. II. lloll Crook County, JuiIro O. Springer Clerk Warren Urown Sheriff Frank Hlklna Trcnattrcr' Italph Jordan Assessor H. A. Foster School Supt J. Ii. Myers Coroner P. II. Polndoxter Surveyor , . Fred A. Illpo Commhwlonora ......It. II llayloy Willis W. Drown Iho Court. Circuit Meota first Monday In Beptomhor and December and second Monday In March. Probata Meets first Monday In oac't month. Commissioners' Moot first Wed nesday In January, March, May, July, Boptembor nnd Novombor. I loud Kcliool District Xn. 1'-'. Dlrootora F. M. Kay, Chmn . . . . J. N. Hunter Clyde M. McKay Clerk H. J. Ovorturf City of Hond. Mnyor , ... ...... O. P. Putnam llecordor , H. C. Kills Treasurer H. J. Ovortarl Chief of Poltco B. R Roberts Clt KtiRlneor ....aoorgo 8. Young Councllmon ...II. 13. Allen A. Ii. French .A. S. Collins .......,.... l. A. Minor John Btoldl B. A, Bathor JtiKtlrc of Iho Ponco Hond Product J, A. Knstoa DoBQhutea Proclnct ...W. W. Orcutt POLK'S OREGON nnd WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of each City, Town and VIIUs. slvlnir dMOtlptlvo ktch of ch pt&ot, location, population, tela graph. shlppInK and banking polntl alio Clutlatd Dlraotory. complltd by biutnM and prortuion, m " n. u roix OO BKATXLB Ml To meet tho demand for Kb flour, tho llend Milling & Wurehoiiso Co hn rnenntly bovn compelled to put on night crow, - OltlttiON TltUNK TltAIN Arrives . , .8 a, m. lionvos 8! 30 p.m, O..W. II. A N. TltAIN. Arrive .......... . 7 : 4 fi p. m. leaves ..7:25 n. m. htaoi; i.im: south. - Arrive 7:30 p, m. - Leave .10 a. in. AUTO M.NKH. - Cars dally to Hums and points eouth nnd southeast, POHTOFFICK IIOUUH. General delivery open dally 10 a. m, to (J p, m. Ooheral dellvory open Sunday 10:30 to 11 a in, Hallway mall closes 7 p. m. TKLKOItAPII IIOUKH. Western Union dally 712,1C, 7-10. Sunday 8-10, 46. 8-10. TKI.HPHO.Vi: HOUIIH. Plonoor Co. dally 7 a. m.-9 p. m. Sunday 8-12 and C-8. - Relinquishment & CONTEST APPUCATION BLANKS nt Tlic Ihillctin of fice. Rcfftilur ap proved government Jorni. Whether you want one or 100 we can supply you at Per 100. $1.50, less quantities 2c each. N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERH ANGER. Estimates on Wnll I'npcr at application Portland Prices Choapost nnd Bc9t Wall Paper Samples in the county. fict My Prices. Shp on OrrfWi BHirvl , POX HurcflleMhutM Hank nii.VD.OKHOON X444XX4r U. A. Eastes ! Real Ustatc Investments Farm and City Property OroklA 1 Lots $150 to $331 Terms: $5.00 cosh and $3.00 monthly. This Rives you a chance to speculate o n Bend's future on a little money Lots are all 50 feet wide and every lot a Kood lot. Office on Orejjon Street 5 BEND, OREQON $ CALIj AT TII13 American Bakery nn Wnll Street oppoilto tho Post olllro nnd sen full lino of Imkcry Khk1s nnd roiifeclloucry. Six 1ohoh for "5 cents or Kk llrond tickets for 'M Conta Thrvo Htnlo lonvra for 10 cents Bark of chicken hrend HO renta HOT ItOI.US AT B V, M. "L Hoofinp of nil kinds. Repairing promptly dono. J. A. MacCLOSKEY T1NNINQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. FOR FALL and Winter Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Repair Man. Wall street, Bond, Ore BEND VIEW Commands a charming view of the city of Bend and the surrounding country. 15 minutes walk from business center. Price 850.00 to $200. Some a little higher. Liberal terms $5.00 -down 81.00 a week. Office opposite First National Bank Bldg. Bend, Oregon Thrco skilled harbors nro at In nos & Davidson's barber shop to servo you. Adv. THIS PAPCn flCPRE3ENTCD TOR FOREICf) ADcRTISIMG DY THE ocnerau orncco NEW YORK AND CHICAGO DRANCHES IM ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES ----- Vienna Cafe I -! Wall Street Good Meals; Prepared with Cleanliness, at Modorale Rates. A Trial Will Convince. -- - W. E. PARKER & CO. SANITARY Steam and Hot Water Heating t We carry the largest X stock of goods in Ccn- tral Oregon. Jobbing 4 promptly attended to 4 The United Warehouse Company Bend, C" " '"'"" aaawsatsasisaau STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, plour, Salt, Hides, MEATS Salt and Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard. The United Warehouse Company A, M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL UNION m THE WHITE IS KING BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbPbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmVll'B The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR Btyles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on cosy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National Bank Bldg. Son Francisco, California Oregon mssmmmmmmmmMammmmmm BROTHERS MARKET UUHINKH.4 AND 1'ItOFKSSlONAL. KOI1I3HT 1). OOV1I) Civil If Bend Oregon Engineer C. P. NI8WONOBR, llsnd, Ors. UM)i:ilTAKEIU Lkned Kmbalnicr, Foneral Director, Phone. Lady Assistant m w "C. m KOHH KAHNHAM Attorney at Law OOce In old First National Dank Building. J. D. Dsll a. W. 81ms CItOOK COUNTY ATJSTIWOT COMPANY (Incorporated.) Successors to Tho J. if. Haner Abstract Company, Prlnevlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurance W. W. FAULKNEIt, D. M. D. I KSTI8T Ofllce Ovor Postofilco Bond, Oregon WILLAIU) IL WIItTZ IAWl'EIt Prlncvllle, Oregon V. O. OOK, M. It. I 1 y a I c i a n and Surgeon Offlco over First National Bank Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; l to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. BEND, :-: OHEGON C. 8. IJENSON Attorney At Law Benson Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon VEItNON A. F0HBE8 LAWYEIt First National Bank Building, . Bend, ----.. OroBon GEORGE S. YOONG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer. Deputy Comity Surveyor. Room E First National Bank Bldg. II. II. DE A ItM ON D LAWYKIC Satbcr Building Bend, Oregon U. N. HOFFMAN NOTARY PUULin Bulletin Ofllce, Bend, Oregon. II. O. ELLIS Attorney-at-Lan- United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND. OR.EGON" DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Offlco In Satbor Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Sun days and evenings by ap pointment DR. A. B. CROPP DRUGLESS PIIVSIOAX. Office over Deschutes Bank Hours: -i2, 1-6:30. Bend, Ore. PEE A SMITH ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon Street Bend, Oregon SWEATT, LEYESQUE &-C0. 312 Mohawk Bldg. SPOKANE ARCHITECTS Schools and Largo Buildings a specialty MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In the machine line, having installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind of job. Automobile Repairing a specially. Deyarmond Machine & Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave., Bend, Oro, ! J. J. RYAN . Minnesota Street $ ! SANITARY FLMBINC I I STEAM AND 110T WATER $ HEATING J JOBBING $ J Promptly Attended to $