The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 03, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Issuing Worthies! Checks Given (Vtn
tyldrratlon !)' Graml Jurj- True
NUN llrought lt Agnlnst M)cnt
nnd Wllkoy Moons Is Ict OlT.
PU1NKVIM.R, Dec. 3. V. D.
Curacy Is now being tried on throe
counts brought against httn by tho
grand Jury, for Issuing worthless
checks. Tho caso against him for
mortgaging property to tho Hend Mil
ling & Wnrohouso Co. was dropped.
A largo number of wltnosscs havo
been subpoenaed from Hand In this
Tho grand Jury returned n true
bill against B. O. Myers and Fred J.
Wllkey, Hend saloonmon, on a ehargo
ot allowing gambling In tholr placo
of business. Thoro are several
The gambling charges ngalnst Sil
via. Parish and Charles Mason, bar
tenders ot Hend, werq dismissed as
C. J. Stauffer, tho complaining wit
ness, failed to appear.
The charges against John A. Moore
and Florence Metier were also dis
missed, no truo bills being found.
A true bill was found against 1).
Struble, Who was bound .over from
Uend on a statutory ehargo In which
appeared the name of Mrs. W. K.
PIUNBVILL.B, Dec. 3. The only
Important caso thus far ground out
by the 'circuit court was that ot tho
Stnto of Oregon vs. W. D. Clark.
Clark Is a rancher, and tho Stato
neods about 50 acres of his land for
the reservoir of tho Tumalo project.
Tho State, represented by Attorney
Crawford, sought to havo damages
for tho land allowed at a basis of
$10. H. II. Do Armond of Uend rep
resented Clark, and desplto tho fact
that his opposing council was an at
torney general secured tho handsome
School Algebra, by Well and Hart.
13, Composition Horrlck and Da
mon, or Kimball's EngltBh Grammar,
14. LHornturo, American Nov
comcr'8 American Mtoraturo, una
classics listed below.
IB. Physiology Krohn, or Conn
and Iluddlngtun.
1 C. Psychology Head : An Intro
duction to Psychology,
17. liooKkoopIng Ofuco .Methods
nml Practical Dookkuoplng, or Lyon's
IS. Hotany llergon: Blemuuts of
Ilotimy, or Practical Uotuny, by llor
gou and Caldwoll.
19. Goology 1e Conto.
20. Geometry, Piano Wont
worth's Plane nnd Solid Uoomotry,
1911 edition.
41. History, Goneral Moyor"s
Uoneral History, or History ot tho
Ancient World, by Hotsford, and M
dlnvvnl and Modern History, ltevlsed.
by Meyers.
XI. HlBtory of Bduentton Davidson.
J 3. Literature. Kngllsh NewM
comers ISngllsu Liters lure, or KtiK
llsh Literature, by William J. Long,
and ctaMlcs lilted below.
24, Physics Mllllkan and Oslo: A
First Courso In Physics.
IV Chemistry McPherson and
Henderson. tFor graduate of non
standard colleges or universities on
ly.) Classics: Macbeth. (Lake. Bng.
classics.) Scott, price 25 cents pre
paid. Lady of the Lake. (Standard
Bng. classics.) Scrllmtr. price 35
cents prepaid.
Schurxs Abraham Lincoln. (Illv.
i.u. ser.) Houghton, price 17 cents
These classics may bo secured from
the local dealers, or from Tho J. K.
Gill Company, Portland. Oregon.
Subjects for tho Thesis for the De
cember examinations:
1. Picture study..
2. Tho 8tory Hour.
3. Play and Play Grounds.
4. Tho Montessorl System.
5. The Kindergarten, as an aid to
the primary school.
County School Superintendent,
For Rent.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms
and housekeeping suite at Hcan
Building. 39-40 p
FOR RENT 2 room cabin with
stove, bod, etc., W. II. Lcsh. Ono
block east of depot. 39tf
FOR RENT Two small build
ings near dopot partly 'furnished.
Blthor sultablo for llxht houso keen
ing, or rooms ror two
ForThis Fall Weather
Ladies' Raincoats, From $6.00 Up
Men's Raincoats, From $5.00 Up
Ladies' Mackinaws, Men's
Mackinaws, Sweaters
Reductions in Overcoats
$ 1 5.00 Overcoats Now $ 1 2.50.
$12.50 Overcoats Now $10.00.
$ 10.00 Overcoats Now $ 8.00.
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
Evcrythlnjc to Wear for Men Who Care.
horses. Apply at Bulletin odlco. 3Stf
For Hale.
8ALB 25 pigs
award of SlfifiO fnfr hla pllnt frnm '" ur "",B r i" persons, in
?h r,? r Ma cUwl rrom aulro at this offlce. Prlcea J6 and
""- $S. 39-40.
,,, ,, ., , ,, . I FOR RENT OtTlces on Wall street
Odd and Ends From the County Seat vory choa. App,y uMMn OHlco.
PRINEVILLB. Nov. 30. Judge O. FOR RENT Roms. centrally lo
Sprlnger has been shorn. Ho re- catcd. Electric lights and wnter.
turned baturaay rrom "the outside" Suitable for housekeeping. Choap.
entirely devoid of tho mustache and
whiskers which havo added to his
fame at one time and another. "I'm
In disguise now," said tho Judge.
"When Morson comes to town I ex
pect to hire a man with whiskers to
meet him, so that perhaps he'll get
tho trouble instead ot rue."
Bend folks who think that W. D.
cursey, defaulting ex-hotel man, is
languishing in tho county Jail, have
nnomer guess coming, instead argot
ung mm on Dresa ana water, or
whatever Sheriff Elklns elves tho
prisonors for Thanksgiving dinner,
Cursey Is fatter than ever and lives
in comfort, mora or less at large, and
with bis wife. He seems to bo a
"trusty" and has entire liberty, ex
cept that bo sleeps in tho Jail.
Ex-Sheriff Balfour is now a candi
date for city marshal in Prinoville.
Warren Brown says that his offlce,
tho county clerk's, has shown a net
proflt of $300o a year for the last
three years.
Prlnevllle's city attorney, T. E. J.
Duffy, Is having his troubles, too.
Somebody's suing tho elty for J5000
damages because his name was put
on mo uiacKiist.
Apply Bulletin Office.
FOR RENT Largo store, modorn
front. Good location. Apply to F.
O. Minor. Deschutes Bank. 27tf
FOR RENT Entire second story
ot Bean building over Thompson's
furnlturo store Every room com
pletely furnished, steam heat, hot
and cold water. Seo H. J. Over
turf. 3Ctfc
FOR RENT Three room bouso.
Seo Joo Innes at tho Metropolltan.SCt
WANTED Girl for general houso
work. Inquiro Shuey's grocery. 38tf
WANTED Young man to wash
dishes, etc. C. if. Corkett. 39
WANTED Cattle and horses to
feed during tho winter months. Chas.
L. Wlmer, Star Ranch, Laldlaw. 37tf
WILL CONSIDER a deal on a good
farm proposition by putting In alout
20 head of good horses and colts.
Chas. L. Wlmer, Laldlaw, Ore. 36-39
WANTED Position as cook or
helper In kitchen. Apply at Aune's
stable. 35-39p
The auto faro between Redmond
and Prlnevlllo is now (3 one way and
$fa.50 for tho round trip. That means
less net profit for tho Jurors and wit
nessea on mileage.
To Kicliange.
TO TRADE Income property for
land. II. B. Oldrldge, iew Meadows,
Idaho. 38-4 lp
WILL EXCHANGE 4 passengor
Chalmers, 40 horsepower Automoljllo
for Improved land. Honklo & Ryan.
FOR EXCHANGE Good lots near
Presbyterian church for foam or
FOR 8ALE 25 pigs and hogs.
William Hanke, Deschutes. 38-39p
passenger PIorco-Arrow automobile.
Wrlto Bux 192, Bond, Oro. .Ifitf
FOR SALE Thanksgiving and
Christmas turkeys. Phono Mrs, Shon-
quost. 37-42
FOR SALE Bay tonm, weight
about 3000, 3 and 4 years old. woll
broken. Price $100. Inquire Bulle
tin oflleo. 37-1 lp
FOR SALE Very finest, now mod
el unused White sewing machine at
big discount. Apply "V," Bulletin
office. 3Glf
FOR SALE- All kinds ot tlrowoU
In all longths. Telophono orders to
DS, 3 rings. Kckman & Wilson, 40p
FOR SALE Hogs and pigs, good
breed. Ed Halvoraon, Bend. 30tf
FOR SALE All kinds or rough
and dressed lumber, at Anderson
Bros, sawmill half way bot,weon Bond
and Laldlaw, on old Tumalo road.
Roasonublo prices, rough lumber $10
por St. Delivering to Bend or Lald
law $2 per M. Telephone. 19tf
FOR 8ALE Cabin near Dend Co.
mill. Inquiro at Bulletin office ICtf
FOR SALE Roll top desk and
chair. A bargain at $20.00 cash.
R. E. Koon. 39c
FOR SALE 8 fcodor calves, two
cows or trado for draft horses. Ad
dress Box 224 Deschutes, Ore. 39p
FOR RENT Room and board. eo
Mrs. K. IX Mcintosh. 39
FOR SALE Ono fresh cow and
ono cow and two heifers coming
fresh. J. M. Judd, near Baptist
church. 39c
A nice fresh lino of cigars, tobacco,
candles and chawing gum. Tho
Metropolitan, (successors to limes
& Davidson.) Adv.
CBagU -r-l MB g
In tho County Court of tho Stoto of
Oregon 1 1 and for the County of
In tho matter of tho estate ot John
W. White, deceased.
Notloo is hereby given by tho un
dersigned, the ndmlnlstratur of the
estate of John W, White, deceased,
that In pursuance to an order nf r.
sale, of tho County Court of tho
County of Crook. Oregon, madtt on
tho 1st day of Sontembor. is 13. In
tho matter of the estate of John W.
Wlilto. deceased, tho unrforjliMiivl
will sell nt nublla auction on Tlmr.
day, tho 11th day of Decombor, 1913.
at tiio nour or io o'clock a. in. nt
Bend, Crook county, Oregon, on tho
promises, nil tho right, title mat In
terest of said John W. White at the
tlmo of his h and nil tho right,
tltlo nnd Interest tho said cstnto has
acquired In addition to that ot tho
said John W. Wblto, had at tho tlma
Christmas Shopping
may bejone QUICKLY, COM
with SATISFACTION at Bennett's.
Tho tfmil question of Christmas liiutj is what to
jrive the men of your family or acquaintance. There
si'cnis to he an impression that men are hard to
please in the matter of jiits. If you cannot make
up your mind what to give, come to us and let us
olli-V some .siiKKcslions. We know men and what
they like. Every Christmas ift sale that we make
is made with the understand intf that the jjift may he
returned tiller Xmas and exchanged.
All kinds of gloves make good gills; ties, collars,
muHlers, hosiery, handkerchiefs, sweaters, and .scores
of other things are always welcome to any man.
Shirts of stylish and conservative patterns make ae
ceptahle gifts.
It will cost you nothing to come and look and you
will not find u store in town where goods will he
shown more gladly without the least insistence upon
your Iniying.
After all, it is not the money hut the thought ex
pended fon a gift that makes it worth while. To
translate into a modest token the taste and wishes of
your friends is a liner compliment than to overwhelm
with a costly gift that makes them assume an cm
harrassing obligation. This store is full of such
fitting gifts.
Shop early and let us help in planning.
R A. BENNETT, Manager.
of his doatlt In and to tho following
ilncrllnd real estate, to-wlt:
First. Lot 7 of block 2 ot Bond,
Oregon. Second. !ot 4 In section J
and lot 1 nnd tho south half of tin
northeast quarter of section 3, in
township 21 H. of rango 10 east of
the Willamette Meridian and tho
HWUSW',4. section 35 In township
20, H. In rnngo 10 cm ot tho Will
nuiotto Meridian and tho WV4SICU,
sec. 3, and tho NWUNEU, soc. 10,
township 21 south of rango 10 E.,
W.-.M., and. third, thoUNWU, oc.
5, In township 2G south of rang 1
east, W. M. Fourth. Lot 12 In blork
II ot Bund, Orognn. Fifth. Tho
KEUN'UV. and thoNKHHICVi of iwk-
tlou 33, township 17 H., It. 13 oast'
of tho Willamette Meridian, and
sixth . Tho H N W H and N 1 fW .
sec. 31, T. 17 8., R. 12 K., W M .
nil In Crook County, rltato of OroKin.
Terms nud conditions of snlo, canity
Dated this 11th day of November.
1913. A. C. LUCAH.
Administrator of tho estato of John
.,WhUjJjj.liwc,d.. ACj
At Sather's Hall on Tuesday night.
December 9, tho Royal Neighbors of
America will give a basket social.
Admission to gentlomon, 50 cents at
tho door. Admission feo rofundod
to thoso purchasing baskets. No
baskets sold for less than 50 cents.
Special features of tho ovenlng will
bo music nnd dancing. Commlttco
0 ladles at tho door.
Adv. 39 Recorder.
Frank Elklns says be has run tho
county car 11,500 miles slnco March.
VILLE ON DECraUlEU 17, 18, 10
AM) -M, iDlil.
Following are given the sources of
questions fpr tho teachers' examina
tion which will be held at each coun-1
ty seat on December 17, 18, 19 and I
su, lvi. tui list contains the old
as well as tho newly adopted text
books. The questions will be so
worded that applicants may pass the
examination whether they have pro
parod themselves on the old or the
now books:
1. Arithmetic One-sixth from
tho new course of study and ffve
slxthtf from Smith, or Watson and
2. Civil Government Strong and
Schafer, or Relnsoh.
3. Geography One-sixth from the
new courso of study and five-sixths
from Redway and Hinman, or Tarr
and McMurry.
4. Grammar One-sixth from tho
new' course of study and flvo-sixths
from Buehler, or Kimball's Elemen
tary English Book II
5. .History Ono-ulxth from the
new course ot study and flve-slxtbs
from JDoub, or Mace.
6. Orthography One-sixth from tho
new course of study and five-sixths
from Reed's Word (Lessons, or Hick'sj
unampion spelling Book.
7. Physical Geography Tarr's
New Physical Geography, or Ele
ments ot Physical Geography by nap
kins. 8.. Reading Ono-half from the
new courso of study and one-half
from oral reading,
9. School Laws of Oregon 1913
edition. j
10. Theory and Practlcoi-Col-
grovo, "Tho Teacher and the School."
11. wltlpg Tho Outlook wrltln
system, or me raimor Metnoa
Xmas Specials
I am just opening up a nice line of Dishes
including a line of
Painted China
of good quality nt prices in reach of nil.
Have just received A NICE LINE OF
Rugs and Art Squares
of nil kinds nnd sizes. Cnn show you
some great VALUES in
Rocking Chairs
' for both large nnd small, and our line is
complete in everything for, house fur-
nisliing, nt prices that are sale jlrices all
the time.
Oregon Street,
Bend, Oregon
Now is the time to do your buying
but before doing so you should visit,
A ND look over our nice
line of Christmas Sta
tionery, Cut Glass, Genu
ine Handpainted China,
Silverware, Leather Goods
Fancy Box Candies (Lowney's),
Sterling Silver Deposit Ware, Toi
let Sets, Traveling Sets, Christmas
Boxes of Cigars, Fountain Pens
and other articles too numerous
to mention. Goods now displayed s
v s NH'
S .
H'q;. 4.g..Virf.v:.m-Vit r aUMMT
Jiusiness writing.
12. Algebra Wells: Algebra for