K w:m nuMiKTiN, ihcnd, our., wkd.vkhday, hkckmhkh n, iota. PAGR 8. WEATHER IN NOVEMBER' 'Niiinhcr of Cloudy Iii)n UtniNiinlly Clear ilnya lit Novoinhnr, IriHtwul V or1 IkiIiik In tlm majority iin In tint pro- ioiIIiik nioiitliM, wiirn fowur tlntn villi- r cloudy of imrlly cloudy, (hum lio- It'c only alx, Kviiii with tlio partly i (liiiiily iluyii, of whloli thnro woto r "iRlil, tlm ilnyn on which tlm miii allowu wore outiitiinliflhiil by lha i cloudy ilnyn, Tho hlKimat tniiiiirfi- (hid for tlio month wiih Mi, on tint ICth, nml tlio lowottt 2tt, on tlm Itli. ', Tlm menu in In I tn ii in leiiiiinrHtiiio wna . IN, tlio moan minimum XI) 14 nrtil I 'tlm iiiciui 3Hi. With tlm cloudy ilnyn tlmro wiih nnioh ruin, 1.91) incho Iiik In tho wIioIh IIHIIIlH. Of till , l fn II riouiit nourly ono half full on tlio V. 7.1, ii.,. fill lil'U 1 I IlltO ft k t . ii 15 10 17 18 10 id ii it Ha j it, 8 28 21) HO dully tuiiii(irNtnrwt worn aa 1 .Miiv. 41 60 HI 1? 47 01 it 48 411 34 43 67 fill 4ft 43 40 jr. 38 62 63 61 60 45 43 38 42 48 Mill, IS tu X4 XI III l IX ' II n; so 28 IX II 28 XI 34 30 30 26 20 26 28 32 SOU 2V 2tl 30 27 32 24 CHURCH NOTICES MctlioilUt. Horvlros Hundiiy 11 n. m., nnd 7!tl0 i, in, Hundiiy aehool 10 a. in, Kp worth Kuiikuo Oi.10 p. in. Illhlo fltildy CIiikn TliliiHilny ut 7i30 p. in, Choir prnctlcu Krlilny nt 7; 30 p, in, I'lOHhilorliiii, Knmliiy HDrvlcim: Humlny aehool nt 10 ii. in,, pnmvhliiK ut 11 n, in. nml 7:30 p. in. Yon uro Invited to thimo HiirvlouH, llrliiK nomolody with you. Cliureli of tlm llrclhicii, Horvlwtw ohoIi alternate Kumlny nt 3 p, in. In tlm Al, IC, Churtili, Kor vIcum iioxt Kuiidity, I'nloii. (Kaat of llrtnil notftl(r 7.) Mmt (!liunib MnllN Hi Klrh arilaon school Iioum. fttinday aehool Ht 11 n. in., prMialilHif Ml II m. wiinil Churoli Aleejtiiiit it thu nriuiKH Hull, HuiidHy wjhool nt 1:30 P. in. Third Churuh MwtliiK Mt Arnold Mliool Iioum. Biiwlay mshool ut 2 p. in., prtMrhlng nt S p. m. No collection. JCiisur WlKinore, puttor, ItuptUt. llllilo nohool 10 n. in.: profflehliiK, anrvlee 11 o'clock; youiiK Puopln'H iiiudIIiik. 0:30 p, in.: prmu'hliiK nor vlrn. 7 30: prayer inootliit: and lllhlu Mtudv Woilneadny uvciiIuk, 7 30. All Cordially Invited- WIJHKIiV MAltlCKT HKI'OftT. NOIITJI POUTiLANI), Nov. 0, ItrcolptH for tlm wuuk hnvo bonni Cttttlu 767, Calves, IB, Iiokh, 4330, Hlmop 6144, horaoa 103. Cattlo market holding steady for top iiiallty, with ntooru noIIIiik nt $7.60 for bout stuff, Morn mudliini Knulii cattlo worn offorod than oliolcn. Cow atuff wuh nhotit tlm mitno Krmlo of poor iiuallty that Iiiim linen offorod for some tlmo, nolllng from $4.60 to $6.76, with Juat onti lot huIIHik for 0 eanta. I'rlnm IlKht ohIvoh urn worth $0.00, hwivy oiim $0,00 to $7.76. IIiiIIh featured from $6.60 to $0.2.. j fttKM Rtady. A hi k run of Iiokh fori tho tliit or tlm wttok, hut top Mtlll hold nt s cm ih fur thrw loMdx Mon day Hint tho VMwk cloied MtroiiK with i ftfiHt'n lodM tor thu opon nmrknt mid top qiulity Ht III KoIiik Mt 8 ctMim ' nnd tlrlM prlca In tpt to hold until! ittuck (t)iow mioii. Th Hhow Im J litlluil Hutuilir 8-13 null will uttmrt nh I pom from thu oiitlr Nortlifl , mho In tho lnrKoftt mIiow MVttr llHld wont of tho Ilorklt. HliHi rfcelplB I woru IncroNMil from every northwwut- i orn hIhIm ihtN wrak, ntlll tlm Hum IoIhI whh not HxcHplloiiHlly lr8. hut: wlmt tlm run lacked In (tiaiitity it limply iimdo up In qtiitllty. I'rlmc hwhh liloiiKlit $4.00 hkuIii nml rholce wtttliHm $ 1.76 to $6.00 for oxcoptloii nl iiullty and ImiiiIw ollcltod n $0.00 hid with tho umrlittt cIuhIdk on a firm IjiihIm. noticu j'oit vvnUCA'rios, Dopnrtinont of tlio Intnrlor, U, B. hand Ofllco nt Tlio Onllcn, OrcKon, Novomlior 13. 1013, Notlco U liorohy Klvcn that Itohcrt II, Ootild, wIioho pontolllce nd (IrniiH Ik Ilond, Orocoii, did, on tho 20th dny of January, 1013, flic In thin olllco iiworn Hlutoinent nnd np iillcntlon, No, 011100, to purchnno iotx 2 nml 3, Hcctlon 10, towmlilp 17 noiilh, ranso 12 oarI, Wlllamotto 1 Tlli:V AltH (,X)MINO. HtilRln, tho North Carolina "korn Hrnokor" nnd party, nrn on thnlr wnv hero. Do not innko nny dntcn for week boKlnnliiK Doc. 28, oxcupl from it u. in. to U p. in,, uh llulnlti and party will diimund your tlmo and outhiiN Insm. hiIv. NOTICII, . All iiiimouii knowlRK tliHiiino1vii In OohtDd to un will call and with with out further dolny. Ilond MlllInK 4jb WarohoiiHo Co, 3'J ANNOI'NCKMICNT. I wIhIi to HMiinuueo tlmt I have opoiHHl n drwHiniaklnK parlor In tlm building on MluntMHitN utroot roriiir ly ocnuplod hy Mm. McIiiIihiIi You nn- IiivKihI to call. Ilortha Noon r Adv. 30p nri Accuracy and Penetration 4iiirvUi ,wr ' SR m W f& 1&. 'it, Hi "V! V')u km CBy I f-&WM? V ' v-. "High Power" Repeating Ri!loNo.425 lit I'lUc $20.00 IUn .A Big Came Rifle that r ii. i... r..j ft n. ' manes uoou. Hurcflrr Noltilki NoJam U4' . -,-!.. 't VBJ f.f jJHlr IHwIiititi ,IW llllkf ,M, J.'Stevcns Arms & Tool Co., N r o k Chkopct UDt, KjjC UDryGoods&Notions-i NEW STOCK OF GLOVES Churchill's Gloves for Men Work and Dress Gloves Auto Gauntlets Cotton and Knit Gloves for Cold Weather Ladies Gloves E. A. Sather Auto Dolivery Wall Street .NOTICK OK COXTIWT. Department of tlm Interior, United HtutcH Land Ulllco, Tlio Dalle, Ori'Kon, .Novombor 10, 1013, To Uldeon Wouver, I!ntryiiian, of 1 rluovllle, UroKon, Contvutco, nnd Mm. Jiottlo Krlcktton, trannforve, of Mend, Orexon: You nru hereby notiried that Ozro W. Toiuoy, who KlvoN lienu, urexon, an IiIh pontolflco addrenn, did on Aug. uit 27, 1013, nio in tun omco Jim duly corroborated niipllcatlon to con tcHl nnd aucuro tho cuncollatlon of your homuHtead, entry No, , Herlal No. 06381, mado October 8, 1000, flnnl certlflcato lirnued May 20, 1013, for SftNWU nnd loU 3 and 4 of Hcctlon 3, townhlp 18 H., rnnKO IC K., Wlllametto Meridian, nnd oh Kroundn for IiIh cunteit ho iiIIoko that mild ontrytuun mado said entry for Hpnculntlvo purixiii-n and did on or about October 1, 1010, enter Into it written contract with ono U, W. Joni', whereby ho acrwd to convey to Huld Juiioh tho Mouth ono-half of HMld tract for n vnlunblo ooiisldora- Hon. ah noon an lie. Mid entryman, nhotild obtain tltlo to ald tract from tlm I'll It wl KUtiM Kovoriitnont, under Hald entry ; thai the Mid Woavor. Hfter mnkliiB final proof under wild entry, conveyed ld tract to Mr. Hettm isrlckHon by warranty deed. rh the Mild Krlckson Imvlni; full knowledge of Hld contract of actio to the HUld Jonmi above mentioned. ton are, therefore, further noti ced that tho anld allecatlanH will bo taken by thli otllco rs havlnc been coiifetwt'd by you, nnd your imld entry will Ih) canceled thoreundor without your further right to bo heard there in, either before this offlco or on ap peal, If you fait to tlio In thli ottlec within twenty dnyn after the KOUUTI1 publication of thli notice. om thown below, your nnawor, under onth, iticclflcally mooting and ro IHindlng to theao nllogatlona of con- teat or ir you fall within that tlmo to nio In this ofllco duo proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either In person or by registered, mall. If this sorvlco Is mado by the dolivery of a copy of your answer to tho contestant In per son, proof of such nervico must be either tho said contestants written acknowledgment of his receipt of the eppy. showing the data of Its receipt, or tho nflldavlt of the person by whom delivered; If mado by register ed mnll, proof or audi sorvlco must consist of tho nflldavlt of tho noraon by whom tho copy waa mailed stating when nnd tho postoltlco to whloh It wiu mntled. and this ntudavit must bo acoompanled by tho postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You should state In your answer tho nnme of tho postofTleo to which you dealro future notices to bo uont tn you. II. FKAXK WOODCOCIC, KogUter. Dato of first publication Nov. 10, 1013. Dato of second publication Nov. 2C, 1913. Dato of third publication Dec. 3, 1013. Dnto of fourth publication Dec 10, 1013. Mop a couch before It develops Komothlnc mora crlous. Ballard's la The Utmttir TJit Ilota Ibe Worlr. It relieves coughlnfr fmrr.cdW Ately, oaies orenn Ih tin lung, looion phlegm and clean the bronchial tube. It Is a nna family remedy, plens- ant to tako and good for chll dren and Jult. I'rlve 33c. Wo nod II.OO. Iluy the f 100 alio. It contains flva tlmca aa much na tho 2Co site, and you get with each boU tlo a Dr Ilerrlck'a Hed reppcr 1'oroua l'lanter for the cheat. Jameer,Dallard,!rop. St.Loult,Mo. Staphena Eye Salve Curea 8ore eyea. floioAwoHccowntN3robv Patterson Drug Co. Oregon Agricultural College rAHMKItH' WKKK Drcrnilxr H to lit, 10 1 3 This will bo a notable event In the educational history ol Ore gon. Farmers' Co-operation will bo tho loading topic of a stimulat ing series of lecture. The week will be crowded with discussions nnd demonstrations In every thing that makes for the welfare of tho farmer tnd home-maker. wi.vrim shout coi'hkk January !i to ill), 11)1 i. The College has spared no ef fort to make this tho most com plete short course In Its history. A very wide range of courses will Ixi offered In General Agri culture, Horticulture. Animal Husbandry. Dairying. Poultry Keeping, Mechanic Arts, Domes tic Sclonco and Art, Commerce, Forestry, and Music. Numer ous lectures nnd discussions on FARMKKS CO-OPKUATION, nt home nnd abroad, will lo n leading feature. Mako this a pleasant nnd profitable winter outing. No tuition. Accommo dations reasonnblo. Reduced rates on all railroad. For fur ther Information address H. M. TKNNANT. Registrar, Corvallls, Oregon. Farmers' buslnoea courses by correspondence without tuition. 3C-39p HOLIDAY FARES From All Stations on thu Oregon -Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Sale Dates Dec. 18 to 24 1913 Final Return Limit Jan. 5th 1914 TO All Points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho and return The First Time In the History of the Northwest Tlmt Holiday Rates liavo boen in effect Tako ndvntago of tho Low Hares nnd spend ChrUtmaH and Now Year with friends. Ask Particulars of nny Agont of the O-W R. & N. NOTICK FOR PUI1M0ATI0N. Department of tho Interior, U. 8, l.nnd Olllco ut Tho Dallos, Oregon, November 2. 1013. Notice U horeby given that Charles F. HnrtwlK, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who on April Oth, 1010, mado hnmestend entry No. OtHlC. fur Kh Soctlon 9, tnwnahlp 30 South, raugo 16 oast. Willamette Meridian, has filed notU nt Intention to mnko flnnl throe year proof to establish claim to tho land above desorlhod, before II. C. Rills. U. 8 Commissioner, nt llend, Orogon, on tho Gth day of January, 1014. Clnlmnnt nnmes na wituoasoa: Wll Ham Todd, William T. Roam. How ard F. Dyer, nil of Mllllcan, Oregon, John A. Hnzukn, of llend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 30-43 Register. rijfS! HOME MADE CANDIES DAINTY LUNCHEONS Unkery Goods Home finked Refreshing Sodas and Sundues ICE CREAM Retail and Wholesale fdt yVAPtl B, V' I-" TELL US OVER THE PHONE Scratched 40 Years Used D. D. D., All Itching Gone! Thla la the actual experience of Anne Croir.un. Hanta Ituaa, Cal., with the won derful 1). V, 13. I'reacrlptlun. I). D. IX la the proven Kciema, Cure the mild wash that slvea tnatunt reltet in an lorms or bkiii iroueie. Cleanaea the akin of all Impurltlea uiuicnee unu luropiea. In aa smooth and healthy waihea away akl blolchea leavinK the akin aa ua that of a child. WHO J Then split next week'a wash. Compare our halt with the other felloWa. That'a all. LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. Meridian, ami tho timber thereon, tinder tho provlalona of tho act of Juno 3, 1878, and acta amendatory known m tho "Tlmbor nnd Btono Law," nt Rtich value na mlRht ho fixed by nppralaomont, nnd tlmt, ptiratinnt to audi application, tho land and tim ber thereon hnvo been appralaed Ono Hundred Heventy-Hlx Dollar, the timber catlmatcd 120 M. hoard feel ut 10.70 per M., and the land f 81.00; that aald applicant will offer final proof In support of hla application nml aworn atnternent on tho 24th dny of January, 1014, bofnro H. C. Kllln, V. H. Commiaalonor, at llend, Orcnoii, Any peroon la nt liberty to protot thla imrrhaMn liofore entry, or Ini tiate a content nt any tlmo before pat ent laauea, by flllnK n corroborated Hlfldavlt In thla olllco, alleglnK facta which would defeat the entry. 11. FRANK WOODCOCK, .17-40 KeglHter. .NOTICE- FOIt rOllMCATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8, I-nnd Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, November 8, 1013, , Notlco Is hereby Riven that Hattiu h. Huntington, of llend, Oregon, who on July 27, 1008, mado homestead entry No. 03C0 for w',hc4i aoctlou 32, townahlp 10 aouth, rnngo 11 coat', Wlllametto meridian, has filed notion of Intention to mako final flva yonr proof, to eiUbllah claim to tho land above riescrlhod, boforu H. U. Hllta, V. K. CommlMlonMr, at llend, Oregon, on the lath day o( Decombor, 1913. Claimant tiamea na wltnoeae. Kred A. honfuai. David Hill, I'tr 8eRllnK. John W. tlaher, all of Ileuil, Ormon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 3(1-40 Restaur. Our New Elevator is Now in Operation We Have the Largest and Best Equipped Feed Mill in the State Our Capacity is 30 tons per day WE ARE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF ALL CUSTOM WORK PROMPTLY Highest Market Prices Paid For Grain of All Kinds On December 1 we changed our terms to the retaif trade to fltrictly caeh. o COME AND SEE US Bend Milling and Ware house Company are- I r n Hotel Wright ORCENWOOD AVENUE. The Hotel for Winter.. Steam Heat and Running Hot and Cold Water. Get our rates for the winter. The only stone hotel in Bend. Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL Qood Rooms Free bus to and from trains MUQH O'KANE, MANAQKR BEND, OREGON Good Meals All arrangements mado for persons desiring- to go south and east of here -- Altamont Hotel THE MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE ROOMS IN THE CITY. STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER WITH BATH PRIVILEGE. J. A. EASTES, Mgr. Airs. E. J. HERRINO, Assistant Mgr. BEND, OREGON 44444t4 Pilot Butte Hotel Ideal Stopping Place for Summer Vacationists and Travellers. SPECIAL ATTENTION (HVEN TO COAlMERCIAL MEN. OOOP DININO ROOM. J. P. TAUOART, Proprietor. FREE AUTO BETWEEN HOTEL AND DEPOT. 4$ 0t a, 60o bottle of thla wonderful Eciema Cure today and keep It In th bouse, . Wi know that D.D. D, wlU do all that la claimed for It. Patterson Drug Company. if)i)t)f)f)t)f)f)f)t4r44'lft' "PutjYour Dudt In Our Suds" ONE CENT A WORD is all a ljttle want ad will cost you, , ,