The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 03, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    rAOK a.
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towkui huttk.
roynt.i. hutte, Dec. i. j. p.
Hlco took bcIiooI comum In No. 90
Inst Tuesday. Tho report shows that
tho district has 26 children ot school
AuguBt 11. Droyor loft for Clovo
land, Ohio, Monday nftor spending
tho summer and fall horo with his
fath or.
John Rohdo left Monday for Wll-
inmetto vniioy points wuero ho will
visit rclatlres for tho noxt two
Among tho Powclt Hutto farmers
who had hoRs' In tho Bhipmont which
went from tho Union Warehouses In
Redmond Tuesday wero E. N. Hall,
John Tengman, N. P. Alloy, Lcland
Casey and O. C. Truesdalo.
Clarke Morso went to Prlnevlllo
Wednesday to sco the foot hall Rnmo
Tnursday. Ho remained over for tho
ilanco Thursday evening nnd rcior(s
n nno tlmo.
Ross lliiBsott and Miss Ollra John
con had qulto an exciting tlmo Wed
nesdny evening whllo on their way to
the Snopard school Iioubo to nttond
nn entertainment. Their team lio
enmo frightened at a largo wood In
tho road and started to run. turning
In sueh a mannor as to break tho
buggy tonguo out. Tho occupants
wore uninjured, however, and con
tinued tholr journey on foot.
Miss Mabel Smith took tho even
lug train Wodnesdny for Madras
whero sho enjoyed Thanksgiving
dinner with her sister nnd family,
going from thoro to Lamonta for n
short visit with her parents. Sho
returned Sunday to continue her
school work.
Henry Tweet and W. O. Mustard
were drawn on tho Jury, for circuit
court servlco beginning Monday.
A meeting of stock holders in the
Grango Hall Company wao held at
the N. P. Alley homo Krlday night.
About throo years ago this company
was for mod, having for its purpose
tho building of a community hall.
Stock amounting toi $210 was sold
nnd everything looked bright for tho
erection of tho hall. The company
bought an aero of land from A. H.
Rohde. It being decided by n majority
that this would be a proper location.
This matter of location, however, has
always been a sore one with some of
tho stockholders and Is the direct
cnuto of tho failure of the company to
build. Tho recent meeting was for
tho purpose of dissolution. Tho ma
jority of paid in stockholders
transferred tho monoy to tho Wilson
school house fund and It will be usod
to build a school house Instead of a
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shearer and tho
later' grandmother. Mrs. Orewller.
-nt t 'lend Thursday to onloy
Thanksgiving dtnnor with Mrs.
Shearer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donlnvy of
Cllno Falls wero guests at the John
Skoln homo on Thanksgiving day,
returning to their home Friday.
Mr. arid Mrs. E. N. Hall wero din
ner guests at the Allen Wlllooxon
home Thanksgiving day.
Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Sears camo
out from Prlnevlllo Thursday to en
joy Thanksgiving dinner with the
.former's brothor. Guy Scars and
family. Miss Ora Sears accomnanied
them and remained over with her
parents until Sunday.
Mrs. Mary V. Charlton and sons
came out from Prlnevlllo Friday for
a visit at tho farm. Tho boys re
turned to school duties Sunday, Mrs.
Charlton remaining over until Tues
day. Miss Clare Dunn of Redmond
oamo out Wednsday to enjoy Thanks
giving with the Guy Sears family.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Doron and son
Raymond were guests at the W. F.
Smith homo for Thanksgiving din
ner. N. P. Alley and G. C. Truesdalo
wore chosen on tho committee of
farmers who are boosting the farm
ers' get together day at Redmond,
Saturday evening, Dec. uth. nt which
time ail farmers and families aro In
vited to meet at Burets' hall for a
jolllfleatlon of visiting, speech mak
ing and a general get acquainted
time. Everybody wll take lunch.
Miss Lillian Maucean left for lior
home In Taooma Saturday after a
two week's vls't with relatives.
IS, L. Johnson and sons. Miss Ailna
Johnftoo and Ross Ilussett wore
guests at tho Truesdale home Thanks
giviHg day.
Mrs. Ow, lieekman served a big
illnner at tlia lieekman hotel Thurs
day. Uesldee the family and board
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Miller were at the
tabla. The Millers are new comers
here. Jiavlng recently bought the
Paulson plaee, while their parents,
who eame hare with them bought the
forty kuown as the "Dick Meyers"
A. W, Hayor and Geo. Morgan are
unloading a car of wlro for the W. F.
King Co. of Prlnevllie.
J, Ar Rlggs, Leo HobbB and Allen
Willcejnn will shin a car of hogs to
the Portland market Wednesday. Mr.
Wjjtoixon will accompany the stock to
Portland and remain over. Mrs. Wll
coxop . and daughter Harriet will
join' HI in and tho family will enjoy
city life for a few days.
Mrs. A. W. llayn and Miss Hazel
went to Prlnevlllo Sunday, Mrs. Ilayn
remaining over till Monday.
Misses Viola and Pauline Trues
dale, Jess lieekman and Harold and
Chas. Charlton returned to Prinevllle
Sunday, after a few days with homo
llglnli Jones camo out from Prlne
vlllo Friday for a brief visit with his
neo. Ifob'w blew homo Saturday
evening, from tho county seat whoro
lie hqd bean for several days,
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mustard en
tor.awl Mr. und Mrs. S. D Mustard
' to oiuirar Thursday.
,Qno hundred and tnlrty-four coy-
mo bchiihi nave rewarded me enoris
of a voting man who I" doing trapping
In this section since September Uth.
The li'iuttKoh thoje pets Is fixed, at
SI SO each, while the hide is worth
4'proKJniatly $3.50. making a total
of ;?Pji0Qr for each animal trapped.
' Tills sJIMi fluiv showing and should'
mean a decided lessening of the coy
ote pest in this section.
- -
- - - -
POWELL 11UTTE. Nov. 30. Tho
pupils of Htitto Valley gnvo n short
program Wednesday afternoon.
Thanksgiving dny was celebrated
hero In tho usual manner. Whllo
this Is a busy community, thoro la
something about Thanksgiving that
makes all lay nsldo their cares, ro
now old friendships nnd make now
ones, and cat pop-corn.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Patterson
spont Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Wolcott
Mr and Mrs. Lewis Rlalr and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Archer nnd
family, Mr and Mrs. Oscar Pricket
and little daughter and L, P. Hah -
Icn spont Thanksgiving with Mr, and
Mrs. A. D. Morrill.
Tho house of Lewis Rlnlr caught
fire Saturday night from the stove
pipes coming npart In tho attic. One
of tho children saw tho blaxo just
as the family was about to rotlro.
As It hnd just started, It was easily
put out.
Mrs. Culver and little daughter.
Resale, who have beon visiting for
sonio tlmo In Spokane, are expected
homo Boon. Mrs. Culver was visit
ing hor daughter, Mrs. Forrest Dunn,
formerly of this place.
D. A. Patterson sold a largo beet to
Uend butchors last week.
PLA1NVIBW. Dec 1. -Floyd Scott
spent the afternoon at tho Crawford
homo Sunday,
Chas. Powelson was In Sisters Sun
Waldo Peterson was transacting
business In Redmond Monday.
Mrs. Strahm spent last Monday
nnd Tucsdny In Sisters.
A. A. Ilurgnrd and wtfo were in
Redmond Tuesday.
Mr. llcrdean and Harvey Hunter
of Freowatcr aro visiting nt the Ad
ams home.
Mrs. Thompson of Colvlilc, Wash.,
Is here visiting with her daughter,,
Mrs. Rurgard nnd family.
A number of peoplo of this neigh
borhood attended tho Thanksgiving
danco at Sisters Thursday night.
LOST CREEIC. Nov. 28. Ernest
Hester made final proof on his homo
stead last week beforo Commissioner
Fogg at Hampton. Messrs Harris and
McGlnnlty being his witnesses.
Mrs. C. Ashley was on tho sick
list during tho past week.
Robert Whltesldo was calling on
his neighbors last week and Inci
dentally taking tho school census.
Press Do Witt has moved over to
his claim. His brother Ron took him
over Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Hubbard wero busi
ness visitors in Lnkovlow last wok.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stauffor trans
acted business In Hampton tho past
S. W. Rest come homo from Pauli
na last Thursday. Ho expeots to
spend tho winter at home.
i The
- - - - - -
CRESCENT. Nov. flS. Mr. nnd
Mrs. J, I j. Rlngo, Joitophlnu nnd Hud
Rtiigo, loft Saturday for Klnmnth
Falls, whoro they will spinal tho
Mrs, A. L. Scgnr loft Monday for
Snohomish. Wash., with hor grand
son Goorgo. Tho lattor will romntn
there with his parents, nnd Mrs. So
gar will roturn nftor visiting relatives
on tho Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin spent tho woo
In Rend, returning Friday,
A well nttcndod Thanksgiving on
tortalnmont was given nt tho school
houso last Wednesday nftornoon.-Tho
1 room was nnnronrlatelv docn-'Med
and tho following program was Slveu'
Song, school, rvcitntlun. ".t
Grandma's, Ueutah Sognr; Song
school; recitation, "Landing of tho
Pilgrim Fathers," Zoa Sognr; recita
tion. "A Poor Llttlo Hoy," Mnnard
Smith; Song, school; recitation, "Tho
First Thanksgiving," Gladys Rourko;
"A Little Pilgrim Dialog," Milliard
Smith, Uoyd Stevens, Gladys Hour):,
7.-m und Houlah Sognr.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Normnn Jiob.on
loft Crescent Tuesday for Lakovlow.
Mr. Jaoobson is n special man In tho
U. S. forestry service nnd has boon
stationed In Crescent tor several
A shooting uintch ami rnftlo In
Crescent Wednesday rvultwl In the
distribution of turkeys nnd other
meat. The shoot was conducted by
Fay Howard.
PLNEHimST. Dec. L -V. Swlshor
made a trip to llehd nno day last
A number of people from this
neighborhood nttcndod tho shooting
match Thursday.
Miss Mary Dietrich was a caller
nt tho Snyder homo Saturday aftor
noon. The Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Swisher Is very III.
Tho Literary Society mot Saturday
evening, tho :9th, and report a fair
slxed crowd. Klootlon of nlucors was
held and tho following officers wero
chosen: President. H. A. New-
combo; vice-president R. Y, Couch;
secretary. Mrs. I. 13. Winner; treas
urer, C. II. Spaugh; sergeant nt arms,
I. B. winner.
Tho question decided on for de
lta to for next Saturday night was,
"Resolved, that Intemperance Js moro
destructive than war." Everybody
Grace nnd Kunlco Rrndloy and
Ruth lyly called on I'thol and Ivy
Snydor Sunday.
Raymond Winner nfont Sunday
with Reginald Rayloy.
SISTERS. Dec 1. Mrs. Fryronr
returned homo Saturday tpm nn
oxtnnded visit In Idaho.
Mr. Strahm nnd family wero guests
You nre a stranger in a citj.
'You want a cigar, or a hat, or a pair of
shoes, a magazine or eats.
You look for a siftn on a store that
the thing you want.
sign that catches your eye
Strangers come to Bend every day.
They want to buy things.
They will buy in your store if you can
attract them to it.
Once attracted you have the opportun
ity to make a permanent customer.
Our Electric Signs Attract.
We have a new proposition in electric
signs to put before you.
See us about it.
Bend Water Light $b Power Co.
- - ..- - j
of hor ilntiKhtor, Mrs. F. I", Hublo,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Hardy Allen visited
nt tho homo of Ctnrouco llrnnton
Tho water system Is progressing
rapidly, Tho tank Is nnlshod and In
plnco. Tho pipes nrn being laid.
Mr. and Mrs, Kesnor, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Zumalt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Loo Zumalt
worn guests at tho card party given
ny Mr. and Airs. Frank zumait nn
Thanksgiving evening.
Tho school board has agreed to
soil the old school house tn the agri
culture assoc at on for n fair navlllon
It will bo moved In tho near futuro
north of tho Shaw hnuso near tho
rnco track.
November 2(1 wan Miss Jesslo Wit
son's wedding dny, yet sho was prob
ably no happier on that day than
Miss Muriel Ediuunson. On return
lug homo from school Tuesday sho
was confronted by a Wellington pi
ano, an early Christmas presout.
Mr, and Mrs. II. K. Vincent will
go to the Alllnghum-ranger station
on tho Metnllus rlvor Tuesday,
Nicholas l.iwnliort. Louis and Robt,
Glover made n huMlnos trip to Cul
ver nnd Prlnevlllo Friday.
The dnuco given hy II, K. Allen
wns well nttonded. Ho will give
nuothor on Christmas night.
W hoi ploy Is doing somu clearing this
Mrs. Mclstor moved bnok on hor
homestead Tuesday.
Mrs. Harvey Mlllor and children
visited Mrs. I. L. Hnrader Tuesday,
L. E. Prlckett movod back on his
ranch Inst week.
Cora McLcnn. Anna nnd John Don-
lavy attended tho Y. P. C. A. social
In Redmond Tucsdny night.
Sylvia Fctty has returned to her
homo after nn extended stay at Laid-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donlnvy spent
Thanksgiving with John Skcm nnd
family nt Powoll Rutto.
Irvln Ruggs, Anthmoro Woods
nnd Isllo Wright wont to Lnldlaw
Thursday to spend Thanksgiving.
W. A. McLean nnd daughter at
tended services nt tho Redmond Rap-H
list cntircu.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ilcckwlth at
tended the Thanksgiving servlcos nt
tho Redmond Ilnptist church, aftor
which thov wero the dinner guests
of Albert Mohler and fnmllv.
Mrs. W. A. MeLesn left on the
evening train Friday for an extend
oil visit nt her home In Sheridan.
Miss Hese King of Heud spoilt the
weok end at the home ot Harry
The school en loved n vacation on
Thursday for Thanksgiving.
Mrs. J utm-s Whelpley nnd sons,
David and John Ruggs. Ilessle liar
a dor, Anna nnd John Donlavy spent
a very delightful Thanksgiving with
W. A. Molxinn.
Miss llesslo Hnrader, who sprained
is an
1 ' 1
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it 1
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in u a
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) 7
: i
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hor nnk lo a fow dnyn before nho loft
Cnllforulu for hor homo hero, Is
nlowly recovering.
Tho Richards children nrn Kiting
to ulteiid sclioul In Redmond from
How on,
E. 0. Iliinklo will luivo n milo on
Saturday, Ho uxpncla to move to
Sliuriimn county.
Mrs. MoCaho-s fnthor, (loo, L. Wit
tnl, of Detroit, Mich., gnvo a short
tnlk to tho Suudny school Sunday,
Mr, nnd Mrs. E, C. Hnuklo nnd
(laughtor worn dinner guests of tho
Troyors of Hlstora Thanksgiving.
IMPERIAL. Nov 28. Warren Mo
Council is partitioning off n small
room In tho Illxhy store to Install
n harbor shop,
Mr. Lnbeni from Washington Is
building a nlco hnuso nn his claim.
Ed Hansen Is clearing sagebrush
for Mr. Holt.
E. P. Nlolsnn nnd Carl Anderson
donated four acres of plowing to Mr.
Mr. Lamb la building on his claim,
Mr. Ilubbnrd and family hnvo
moved Into their now house.
Chns. Plerson returned tn tils
claim with u team last weok,
Thus. Hums Is in lleud after his
son and u load of supplies.
W, M. Tnndn hnd tho misfortune
to lose u good horsn Inst wotk.
Tho fend stable was open to travel
on Thanksgiving for the first tlmo.
HIGHLAND. Nov. H. F. Psrimn-1
tor and T. Huortso returiimi from '
Horn! Thursilny nflnr having snont u !
weok or moro there.
I The Miller Lumber Company
Our nursery is located on Powell Hutte, fourteen miles
east of Henri. Our trees are the kind we recommend
after over thirty years experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will
please voti. Catalog free on request. Come and see
our orchards and nursery. Ofllee address, Prineville. Ore.
We Deliver the Goods
Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Uran at lowest prices.
Tho Largest Barn In Central Oregon.
Bend, Oregon.
The Owl For
Daily train each way between. Central OrefrArv
points and Portland. Tourist sleoping car
(Berths $1.00.) First class coaches.
Save a Day
Leave Bond 8:30 p. m,
" Deschutes 8:48 p, m.
" Redmond 0:10 p. in.
" Tcrrebonno,..9:24 p, m.
" Culver 10:02 p. m.
" Motollua 10:20 p.m.
" Madras 10:30 p.m.
Arrive Portland 8:10 a. m.
Prompt despatch of freight between Central Oregon
ahd Portland and Portland and Eastern Cities
Connections made In Portland to and from Wlllamotto Vallov Astoria
and Clatsop Beuch points. Purtt Sound . Rnnl xfil. iV.T'fl'
St, Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. ' wuu'
UcatioT' tt,m 8che(lulc8' flnd othor 'n'wmatlon by letter, or upon
R. II. OnOZIKIJ, A. O. P. A. J, H, COUIIET, Agent,
rortlttnd "0. ' Sinn.! rr.n.n
W. 0. WILKB8, A, O. P. & P. A Portland, OrW050"
lingers, left Tuesday fur
will rosldo there for tin,
Mrs. It
llnud nnd
Mm. Chns. Mills Is tixpncted out k
this wook to remain for tho winter.
Mrs. Ilnlsley and Mrs, Hiuusny vln
Hod Mm. Rivers Sunday.
Miss Ruth Rivers has boon vdry
sink tho past weok,
E. Ilaiilolsoti visited Pule Nlnlnoit
A. Cottliighnm returned from
llnnd today with tho now seats (or
tho school house, '
Chas, Marrln and wlfo loft Hun
day for llond. (
Walter Taylor and Con O'ICcnfo nr
rived homo Inst week front Rend.
A. Palmer, who has made flunl
proof on his homestead, loft Frldny
ovoulijg for his former homo where
no expects to spniiu mo wnunr.
Other Cnrrmntlriu'e on Page ,
Is the place tn buy
iho Rlfllil' KIND of
RIUI1 1' KIND of prices
Near 28 illile Post
Busy People
Each Way
Lcnvo Portland 7:00 p. in.
Arrlvo Madras 0:00 n. m,
Motollus 0:15 n. tn.
" Culver (1:28 n. m.
Torrobonno,..7:08 a. m,
" Redmond 7:23 n. m,
Deschutes..., 7:43 a. m.
BonJ 8:00 a.m.