The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 03, 1913, Image 1

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, vor, xi,
iin.N'D, oiieoo.v, vkm:hi)AV afternoon, oechmiikh h, 101a.
no. a.
llnail M filler May llo Hoi I led Hnrtlor
lly PrmldliiK Tliiw IHeHw
Kitat Half 4f (.Nullity l')'OHly
I'lflJi of Tmmw, IUikmIn Hliixv.
Wnnl hm Juat ooiiih from
I'rlnovlllo (lint ruHldiihtH of tho
Paullnit country plan to do on
lunil ut tho luvy mooting Hal-
tinlny In form, nml (tint they
will ilmiiuiiil that I 10,000 or tho
proponent road-work fund ho
nput on th extreme east Mtiln.
Thnt lit, whllo paying Iobb thnn
oncflfth or tho tnxoa, thuy wnnt
mora than oiic-foiirth of tho
moiioy. Iledmoiid, Hlstora nml
l.aidlaw report they will huvn
representatives to ftKht any audi
grab to thu last ditch, nml
many llend men oro expecting
to lend a hand.
Thero la nvory promise of tho hot
test kind of a nicotinic at Frlnovlllo
thta Saturday, whim tho County
Court hcara a puhllo discussion re
garding tho proposud tax luvy for
next year, Thoro will ho heavy rep
mentation from ninny stations of
din eounly. Tho oxtromo oaat-aldom,
It la understood, will kick desperate
lv agaluxt anything npproaohlnK a
high tax. for roada or anything olio.
Itrdmond and Monti, and, for that
umttcr, moat or tho west aldo, nro
willing to boo tho court place a heavy
Imy for road work, on tho condition
that n largo percentage of tho oxpoti
Milium ho In tho district or. nt leant.
the Immediate territory, Mhortt tho
taxes actually originate.
It U paid that tho court will ngreo
l audi a Ulan Contrary to thl. Iiou
'er, Is tho rumor that already tho
xi milium or 126.000 on the Frlno-
ill-Pnullnn road nan heon pledged.
Three DUtrlrU Proixwrd.
However, tho road matter proH
t,lv ulll Im threshed out by tho
County Court lioforn Saturday. Hep
roseutntlvt from Iledmond, fllatora
and Hond expect to ko ovor perhaps
toduy. Thn plan that ieoma nearest
to thi certainty of adoption la to dl
vldo tho county Into three dlatrlcta,
-each presided over by one man, an
tar aa road work la concerned. Tho
divisions which It la understood meet
tho approval of tho majority of tho
County Court oro approximately aa
follow: One north of Crooked riv
er and wrat of a line continuing the
old river bed, one eaat of tho old
river bed. and tho third aouth of
Crooked rtvor (thla lino continued In
the Cascades) and weat or tho river
bod. Tho boundarlta Riven aro only
nmtroxtmatlon Thn part that It la
understood will bo Inalated upon la
that at least 75 tier cent or tho mon
y originating In any dlatrlct be apent
In that illitrlet, which, It la argued,
It an abaolutoly Juat achomo.
it la a fact that. If ono drawa a
north and aouth lino through tho
ounty, Intoraectlng .1 liolnt ono mile
04iit of -I'rlnovlllo, the territory In-
eluded to tho end or Hint lino ling nn
i.ncMcd valuation or only f 2,000,
000, or leas thnn ono-flftli or tho on-
(Continued on laat page.)
Deschutes Banking 8b Tryst
south o f Bean
Only I'lvo VoIoih nt .Mretlntf, nml
All Vol.. I'or 15)4 .Mill".
Thn tax lovy innotlng for achool
dlatrlct No, 12 had Ita uaunl nttrnd
unco thla yuar, It waa hold laat
Hnturday ovonlng nt 8 o'clock nt tho
achool houao, Aa ndvortlaed, nnd flvo
tnxpayora wore on hand, Including
two mnmhora or thn achool board,
tho clork, school principal nnd n
iiowapaper roprenonlntlvo, Throe)
other taxpayers arrived Inter, two
or them women.
Tho hudgot propnrod by tho clork
win cofiflilnnnl and It wna votod thnt
tho lovy bo pluemt nt 15 Vi iiillla,
which H 3V4 mllla lower thnn nil
year Tho assessed valuation of I ho
dlalrli't It. 11.811.748
Odd Fellow nutl llolmkiilia Will
llmo InterrMlng (ViTiiiony.
A Joint public Installation or offi
cers in being arranged by tho Hond
RuUirdliinto nnd ltaboknh lodges or
tho Independent Order or Odd Pel
Iowa, for Monday moiling, Jnutiary ii.
Thla Mill bo thn flrat ceremony of the
kind over hold In Hond and la expect
ed In bo an Interesting ovont. In
connection with those exercises, thiro
will bo other ontortnlnlnK feature
which are being worked out by a
Joint coiiimltteo or tho two lodgea,
In conoctlon with tho I'mtallatlon.
thero will bo a reunion, not only or
tho memhera or tho Wil lodavi,
but or nit who belong to tho) two
ordora nlaowliorn and aro now In
Ui la locality,
Public I'tlllllc In Crook County
Taxed on that IIamU.
(Special to tho Hullotln.)
8AM!MDcc 1. In Crook county
thn total Boomed valuation la f 1 1 .
r.93.6SB. Thla Inoludea tho public
utllltlca, which nro .valued at 12,
bM.8C4. and nMi-mrd for taxation
puroia at 11.277.432. Thn naicas-
ment or puimc utiiuioa ior laxnuon
plirpooa waa baaed on 50 iter cent,
or caah valuo, whlah tho tax oommlr
aloncr detnrmlnml wa Urn bal on
which other property In the county
mai aaioitnd. '
Tho rnllroada In Crook county
were valued nt 3,490,4zn ana aa
aviad nt $1,248,210. Tim "tele
phone! worn valued at $5,0d:, nhd
ntacaaod at I32.&40.
Thoro Mill bo a Chrlatmaa treo
for tho neighborhood filfcn at tho
(irnngo Hall on Chrlatmaa Kv, with
a program by tho Sunday achool. No
Individual pronenta are ox pec ted to be
brought and the poopto of the com
munity are providing a treat for tho
children. i:verybody la Invited to
the exercise.
VAL'dllAN fini:i ira.
The caae or the Htate v. Bam
Vaughan, In which J. II Stanley wai
the proaecutlng wltnoaa, wna hoard
In Juatlcca Kaatca' court Friday and
tho defendant waa fined $25 for pol
luting tho watera of tho Central Ore
gon canal by driving aheap through
them. V A. Korliea appeared for
Mr. Htanlcy and C. 8. Henaon lor
tho dofondant
Acting 8ecretnry ot Agriculture
Galloway haa recommended thnt the
aouthweat quarter or auction 10 In
township 34 aouth, rango 14 eaat,
V. M , bo openod to entry and -tlnment
nn accordance wltli tho pro
visions or tho net or Juno 11, 1008.
O. N. Hotcnmb or Tort Hock la
nnmod aa having tho prior right or
Plrat Mortgngo on Iwimla to Holm-
burao Htntn for Cimatriirtloii Coat.
PoymeiitN In Ten limtitllmciitN
At Hlx Per On I Intcrt-nt.
(Kpccriul to thn Hullotln.)
8ALHM, Uro., Dec. 1. Conceding
to tho aottlora ovcry objection rnla
od to tho provlnlotin ot tho contract
to bo made between tho statu and
tho aatllura on tho Tumalo Irrigation
project, tho desert land board Inst
Saturday nftornoon formally approv
ed tho contract.
Another Important action tnkon
by tho board waa tho entering of nn
order that 05 per cent, of tho Innd
held by settlors In tho flrat unit ot
tho project must bo algnod up wlta
tho atato before tho conatructlon
work will bo commenced on tho dis
tribution ayatem for that unit It
wuh understood that If tho land la
not algnod up within n roaxonablo
length or tlmo tho board would dl
reel that aomo other unit or tho pro
ject ahould bo completed flrat.
Thla order affecta practically oil
tho ecttlora who have boon xotllni;
wator out or tho old Columbia Boutn
orn canal.
The contract provides tor a flrat
mortgago on tho land to rclni'mrso
tho atato for tho actual cost or con
atructlng tho project, bo until tho
work la practically, completed tho
oxact amount tho sottlora w,ll havo
to pay for wator will not bo known.
In nddttlan to tho actual coat price,
tho Inw provide that tho stnto shit II
chargo $6 nn aero additional. Do
ferret! payment will draw alx ier
cent Intnreat. 1'aymenta mnv be
madn In 10 Installments. Tho Oral
nnvinmit will become dUrt allC tho
' interest will bogln to run on rtr.rrod
Itaymonta when the wntw la nxall
abla for tho land, orrordlng to tn
explanation by tho atato engineer.
UcRlnnlnirJatiiinKXflJJrall frwii her
nuin tioww' )&, 1R-T -X.
Poitmaator Ford haa received word
that beginning January 1, 1914, wall
will Im brought In from Shermat h
the O-W. It. & N. train that arrWca
here nt 7.45 p. m. Inaamuch aa no
thing la aald about any dlacontlnu
nncn of tho present aervlce on the
Oregon Trunk by which mall from
Portland arrlvea nt 8 a. m. It la be
lieved that thla new arrangement
will bo In addition to the preeont
Thla la a change that haa been
aought ever since the Oregon Trunk
put on Ita night train for whllo that
train aervod to bring Portland mall
to llend aooner than was possible un
der the old achedulo It actually
lengthened thn time In which eaatern
mall waa on the road alnce It bad to
go In to Portlnud nnd roturn from
thero. Under thla new way tho eaa
tern mail will bo put off tho train
from the east at Sherman and
brought direct to Hond. In tho
aamu manner outgoing mall will bo
expedited making tho tlmo on tho
road much shorter thnn present.
Latest 'and only successful ,
remover of Carbon in
Automobile Cylin- ,
Bend Hardware Co.
COST $77,000
City HnmlloO Job Itaelf, It. K. Koon
Holng Kuglnrer In Cliurgo NcoU
of Toun ot U.-.000 InlinbltiiuU
Jfmv Caroi I for lly Hyotcni.
Hond'a aownr ayatem la oompleUd
Tho odtla and cndit of finishing and
cloan-up Mork will bo out of the way
during tho next ton daya, and aa soon
us tho ClOy Council! formally accepts
tho Job from tho engineer, tho system
can bo placed In operation.
Tho completion or tho work equips
Do rid with nn absolutely flrat claaa
modern tower, serving not only tho
business district but a considerable
amount of residential property aa
woll, Tho lotnl outbiy, Including
labor, material, engineering and pur
chase of right of way, and property
for tho dlsMiial plant, la approxi
mately $77,000.
Tho system embraces about ik
miles oi main nnd lateral bom era, and
gives llend sewer mains capable ot
caring for n town of 25,000. How
ovor, In making the plana for thla un
it, n complete system waa laid out,
Into which thla unit flta. The bal
ance or tho work thus planned em
braces about 13 V4 mllea or mains
and laterals, and will cost In addition
about 1210,000.
It. i:. KtMirt lii Charge.
Slnco February 27, 1012, the firm
ot J. II. & n. K. Koon or Chicago
havo been In chargo or the work aa
engineers, It. K Koon being on hand
to auperlntend. Blnco Jnnunry 22
or thla year Mr. Koon haa had com
plcto chargo or tho Job, tho ctty at
that tlmo abrogating the contract
with tho South Portland Crushed
I Hock Company, tho latter being un
ablo to complete It. and doing tho
balance or tbo work itaeir
I The money expended haa been dl
1 vldod up under separate heads ap
proximately aa follows iabor, 3
000; pipe, $14,000, manhoUa. $1800.
real estate. $22,000; ,dllpial plant.
10000: engineering. $7500; mis
cellaneous, Including equipment, pow
derp extraworkc$ 1 0,080pt-awjttl,osffWrttenlk'iuVer
Dctsila of the Kyatcm.
The' pipe ayatom Involves tho use
ot approvlraately 6C00 feet of 30-Inch
pjpe, 3300 feet or 16 Inch pipe, 3800
feet or 12 Inch pipe. 2200 feet of 10
Inch pipe, and 4800 feet of 8-Inch
pipe: tno excavation ot anoui vvvv
I d accreKatlng a total length of
no m.nhnlM. HI tunnels are renulr.,
50 manholes. Six tunnela are requlr
Tho disposal plant consists essen
tially or a settling tank of tho Imhoff
type and beds for the ultimate dis
posal of tho liquid wastes
From the tank the clarified bow
age flow a onto half aero beds, ao
piped and arranged as to provide for
tho rapid and uniform distribution
of tho riow.
C. It. Cook, one of tho roretmln,
waa laid off the flrat. nnd It. J.
Morehouse quits on tho 10th; togeth
er with Frank May, timekeeper. -Mr.
Don't forgot that ahlno every day
in tho weok. The Metropolitan, (suc
cessors to Innes & Daldaon.) Adv.
cubic yarda or rock and 5000 cubic " committee W'Betol 'r
yards of earth and the building of with other committees from the oth
50 manholes. 8lx tunnels are rcqulr er towna Interested. ..... ..
Koon will leavo aomo tlmo In Do
combor for Portland, whoro ho will
opon nn offlcq. Ho wilt 1eop la
touch with tho oporatlon of tho plant,
nnd ahould occasion requlro, roturn
lioro aa wanted,
HP ?' flsalsH
' BsM'2 x St - fyvSfxSBSKMF
I Inducer 11. II. Koon
SUE SPRIhWOR $10,000
Ia Pine Man Will Give Judgo Chance
To Air Cfiargca in Court.
The Hullotln received the following
telegram from J. K. Morton thla
Portland, Dec. 2.
"Uond Bulletin:"
Came here today to begin procood
Ings against Springer for ten thous
and dollars but find my attorney on
hla way to New York to ho gone ono
nionth. I nm aorry to keep .the
Judge waiting to make good his
(Signed) J. E. MOHSON"
Two weeks ago County Judge
Springer made some scathing rofor
oncea to J. J3. Morson of La Pine In
n published letter. In last week's
Hullotln Mr. Morson ropJIed. It now
appears that Mr. Moraon will sue
Judgo Springer for libel
develophehtTeague meet
O nicer KlcctctL League Favors Ap
propriation for Iteclamatlon.
A. Forbes that the towna of thla sec
tion take actloa toward, securing m
Federal appropriation for ' reclama
tion of additional land adjacent to
the Tumalo Project met with favor
at a meeting or tbo Laldlaw Develop
ment Leacue last Saturday and a
uiner uuhuicm uu.iwu . m
was the appointment of a
committee cona:aungoi r. u. vii-
son. J. J. Coen. and F. II. PlnKstatr
to audit the bllla incurrea in tne can
atructlon of the hall In which the
recent ralr waa held. They amount
to about $600. Caah In hand and
nledxea applicable on thla Indebted
ness amount to something over a
third or thla aurn.
Officers for the coming year were
elected as follows: President. v.
D. Hnrbes: vice president J. J. Coon; t
secretary, S, It. Urown; treasurer, F.
, Wilson.
J. J. Adams, Jamca Dreen and
Dennis McCole wont to The Dal'ss
Saturday to Join tho K. of C. ordo-
ii -, y -, i j ,,, -, - . MftjrHjUal
FIRE? FIKE! FIRE! If your house should take fire
you are apt to be so excited that, even though you have
plenty of time, you will rush out and leave behind, to be
burned up, YOUR WILL, other valuable papers and jewelry.
The best way is to put them into one of our SAFETY DE
POSIT BOXES in our fire and burglar-prool vaults. A
private bo will cost you only $8 per year.
We also solicit your BANK ACCOUNT.
The First National Bank of Bend.
CViunclInicn Kloctcd Aro Anue, I)av
Idaon, anil Knutaen ,MIa Oolc
man, im Trcofiurcr, Will He Flr?t
Woman Ofllclal In County.
After January flrat, 1014. H. A.
Miller will "bo mayor of llend, Theo
dore Aune, J. D. Davidson and Mar
tin D. Knutsen oounollmon, .nnd
Miss Mary E. Coleman treasurer.
That was decided at yesterday's "mu
nicipal election, which was the quiet
est held hero for years.
H. A, Miller, who had -no opposi
tion for the raayorallty, led the field
by 175 votes. Miss Coleman, nvho
wins tbo distinction of being tho
first feznlnlno official In Central Ore
gon, polled 172 votes. The' other
vote was aa follows: Aun, 149; Da
vidson, 149; Knutsen, 127; H. J.
Overturf, 97; R. V. Polndexter, 56.
In all 204 votca were cast, of which
56 were women Of those vo-lng, 38
were sworn in, 166 having register
ed. At last year's city election the
total vote was 365, and 114 women
The councllmen who hold over
next year 'are H. E. Allen, A. S. .Col
lins and E. A. Sather. The cpun
cumen who go 'out of offlco the first
of tho new year aro A. L. French,
John Stcldl and II. A. Miller. 'The
election board was composed of
Frank May, Mrs. Jennie Sellers, Mrs.
A M. Prlngle. Ross Farnhara, J. C.
Rhodes atid F O. Minor.
Immediately after the count bad
been completed the council went In
to session and canvassed the retnrns.
"To Inspect Sewer.
Routine council business was
transacted, bills being paid. Con
struction engineer R E. Koon report
ed that the sewer was complete, and
requested that the council make Its
iV4OBl"-lKiwU!.t"cept the
work. The council nndHinvhb 'wish
to go will start from Koon's offlco
tomorrow, Thursday, at 1:30, and
walk over the entire ayatesa. Al
ready it ha been laspected by the
eagtaeers. water has been passed
through its entire length, and
"sights" taken from one manhole to
another with lanterns.
The recommendation of Mayor
Putnam, as chairman of the sower
committee, that all the books ot the
engineer he exported was endorsed
by the council. This will be done
as soon as practicable, and a report
published showing the nature of all
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Judd gao them a surprise by bring
ing them a number of valuable things
Intended to make their Thanksgiv
ing day a time for real gratitude.
These gifts came not only from mem
bora ot tho Baptist church, but man
of their friends In Dend and the
surrounding country and those liv
ing In Deschutes contributed liberally
to the collection.
i .&i