rAOR 8. iwni nuiJiiCTiN, ni:Ni, onn., wkiiNksdav, novkmi.kii an, inn. i OF WATER FINAL CROOKED RIVER IS INVOLVED About iSM Users of Water on tho Stream Wlicra -10 Certificates Art IrniichI !y Water Hoard ,Jlo ard, Last sWock. (Special to Tho Dulletln) . SALEM, Nor. 24. Tho final do- erco In tho adjudication of tho waters of Crooked" rlvor, In Contral Oregon, was entered by tho Stato Water Hoard nt a meeting held last Wed nesday. There nro about 22G users of water interested In tho stream. Tho board nlso tssucd tho flnnl wator certificates to tho users having title to tho waters of Squaw creek. Tho Issuanao of the II rat certifi cates of water rights under tho water codo enacted in 1909 were author ized by tho wator board. Theso cer tificates convey ns bona fldo a title to tho wator Involvel as a warranty deed docs with land. Tho certifi cates aro based on & showing by tho persons filing on tho water that tho same tins been put to benoflclal uso as contemplated when a permit tor use of the wator was obtained In tho first place from tho stato engineer. About 40 ccrtlflcates wero issued. hoad op htoie valley? Indications Point to Hill Line Mora Strongly Titan Krer. EUGENE. Nov. 23. Thoro aro in dications that tho Oregon Electric Railway expects to extend its lino from Eugeno well up the McKenrlo valley, tho coming summer. Announcement made last night by Hydraulic Engineer George S. Ed ntondstono that wr am cosi!': for the Oregon Electrlc'g $5,000,000 )ower plant nt Clear Lake add to the bollef that tho railroad will built for at least 40 miles up tho M. eiuzlc this coming year. , The construction of this proposed road acrem the mountains f join tho Oroffon Trunk at llend has been ro repeatedly rumored. AUI OK THANKS. Wo take this means of thanking nur friends In llond who assisted us by tholr kindness and sympathy through the illness and death of our son Erie. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ruff. 1 Real Estate yq&'i i e t i k t t' '". r Office rcorner Wall PP ' "ff PIe ' MHtHHMMIMtn' "'" FLOUR MILL IMPROVES PUNT About 9U00O Kxpcittlcd on Now Kle vntor nnd Kinlptnent. An announced Inst week, tho nddl- tlou recently put on tho south oiul of tho Uoiul Milling & Wnrohouso Co.'s Hour mill la now completed. Tho storago room In tho now olovntor hiB a capnclty of 6000 bushels, ns won ns holding n cnrlond of barley nnd oata ns required. Hereafter nil Brain recolvod from cars or teams will bo dumped di rectly Into tho elevator nnd taken to tho top or tho building whora It wm bo weighed. After passing over tho scales It goes through n receiving soparntor which thoroughly cleans It before It Is stored. In addition to other Improvements, whoso cost has beon about $3000, tho company has Installed n now food roll, of n dally capacity of 20 tons. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS llend Park Co. to John Johnson, lots 7-S, blk 27, nond Park, $220. U D. Wlest to J. Q. 8houp, lot C, blk 9, Wiostorla. Tho llend Co. to ltond Turk Co., iota 10-11, blk 45, Contor add, Hond. llend Park Co. to Edwin Lyman, lot 13, blk 101, lot 2, blk 110, 1st add. Hcnd Par, ?340. llond Park Co. to (loo. K. IConyon, lot 3, blk 92, llend Pari. $200. Frank W. McCaffory to Presby torian Church of Slaters, lota 1-2, blk S, Sisters. EVENING LIGHT. Hero dn the bleb hill's dusky crest I look fur down tho valley dim To where tho sunset In the west Hums fnlut against tho great earth's rim. The home lights dot tho shadow ed rale. They twlnkta on bills far and beacon lights that never fall To point tho feet tho home ward way. They send across tho twilight miles A cheery word to hearts who roam. Each Is n star that brightly smiles To mark the plnco of lovo nnd homo. i Yea. tittle stnrs of earth, whoso boa mi I see far down the valley dim. Yo light to love ns tbey whoso betiuts In beuven far light us to him! Arthur Walluco Peach. ? v and Ohio Sts. fr UNION TIIANKHtltVlNO HHUV1UKS. At tho Presbyterian church tomor row thoro will bo union Thanksgiv ing services, participated. In by tho MethoMtst, Presbyterian nnd Hap'tist churches. Tho hour Is 10:45, llev. K. C. Nowham will preach. A special musical program will bo given. CHURCH NOTICES Methodist. Services Sunday 11 a. in., nnd 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10 n.m. En worth Lcaguo 6:30 p. in. Mole Study Class Thursday at 7:30 p. tu. Choir practice Friday at 7:30 p. in. Presbyterian. Sunday services: Sunday school nt 10 a. in., preaching at 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. in. You nro Invited to theso services. Urlng somebody with you. Church of tho llrvthtcii, Sorvlcos onch altornnlu Sunday nt 3 p. m. In the M. E. Church. Sor vlcos next Sunday. -------'--- --- OUHCiON TKIWK TRAIN Arrives S n. m. Leaves 8:30 p.m. IJ.-W. k. .v .-. Tll.I.. Arrives 7:45 p. m. Leaves 7:25 a. in. - STAGE LINK SOUTH. Arrives .7:30 p. m. Loaves 10 n. m. AUTO MNKH. - Cars dally io Hums nnd points south nnd southenst. POSTOKI-'ICE HOURS. - Goneral delivery open dally 10 a. in. to 6 p. in. Goneral dollvery open Sunday -- 10:30 to 11 a. in. - Railway mall closes 7 p. m. TELEdltAPH HOURS. Wostorn Union dnlly 7-12.1-C, 7-10. Sunday 8-10, 4-0. 8-10. TELEPHONE HOURS. Pioneer Co. daily 7 a. m.-9 p. m. Sunday 8-12 and 5-8. FOR FAMILY USE OUR PUKE JERSEY MILK AND CREAAl IS OUST. Clover Leaf Dairy P. VV. STAATS, Prop. FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR FARM LANDS "wwwawaaaaBaawiaMaaM Let us show yot the property av?dc" ZSH conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment JjSn, Bend ( "'"" 11 S& 110 k JWII (k JY V wsrMSMM To Pn"W l Ol N&cMp'A ll-fyV Ay K? vaihgmbW W C F?v yjil J " y wmrovi ) i J8owo ? rr a j-t&a n . wruiunuToeuTc I -5.. f V I ?;inv .. lff lu "w WMflM MlUI JHVE. THIS MflPgrfuny IT-INVESTIGATE You Should See tn tir purthl l fSeo twracteon my Ictmt. Tht iyiitounillni Ihc mvctTil monnUlntc fullol mImi1 wiimtrt ami Jml lh Utt for vncallon La line It only (taut two )ttoM, bul iulns uplilljr II Iim Utrphoiie ipltm, two gum! halfU, I wo lil( iiiftl mtrchtmllM tern But cUMtlrcry nut lriUublr,n ecrllnil ncuirr llht !. Ilnr Inlcr XounUIn), of of lh mol rarrlt rMiimftrtlcliilnlii Ihf ttetr unj (tilt dull, by tnt wy, lit IH own pM.iwilynmt lh imU tmt ttrU, llirivun llicll tUU hu. Tlitre te lhrt null uw mlltt In the vicinity of I I'lue, whl. h l Jiut tht lfliinhu at llif 1I lumlwilns unil milling timlutM that will I ilane here Thre aic o.l onliita lit maiiuructuiiUK ami olir tmtincn Ilnr hi In Hucallonal raalltra I.a lln li invgirulte It haa a ttn-actr Khool park iu tht lirart ofthetttlilcnCT aetlton ami now lrthc Ui loth Iwclllh sta.lf A Catliitllr thurth hat ! built here, ami other churvhva ar mannm in riahli,h ihn,iva tm iin h.. ., nmi ...itiiii. iM-,ti !.,.. .,. .kii. ,,. owutij hcommicrtl to develop, awl wlilrh alone wotiM bulM a ol aiinl city Tht bl area of farm laml lilliutary Io I.a Ilnr woubl alone bull.l and maintain a txl al'etlctly. The vaat tiart of timber liltmlary to La Pine wnnM aloue build a jo.i.1 .lied city With th comhig of the two big railroad y.uin, to l. rine, whleh will kkiii development In and around I.a Pint will I rapid I.a pine can be reached via Or Nr., N ! . O U - K AN and V P. K Vu ran make mener br huelne tirotiertv al La fine In advance el the rallroada. ixher are ilolue It. why nul YntV ofthe Northwet It taund to grow rapUly, and that proietty valura will climb areurdlngly only a few dollar per l)uth on each lot You don't mlu the Money, but you uo acquire ' aiucrniio CLINE TALLS (Continued from Pago 6) Ktiosts of Harry Ileokwlth Suiutay. Mr. Jtnh and friend, of VaIom, rolled at tho Council HIiIks farm Thursday. itnv. Irn Vox of Rmlmnnd prentthsal at the whool hotum Mtmday iHurntHK. Mrs. Harry lisckwltti U on ths sick ! Illl. Drop In nt tho Metropolitan, not your sliavo or hair out nnd have a Rnme of pool or billiards In n oloan, pleasant place. Adv. .,. Company ----- -e-t t IMOMtMllfl ""' i...i,,.i..M t t lttttl-ftttttntlt t ts'sta) I ! I La Pine ml ilamiiiuuintins iwinlty. The Uml ! tlth, ilrrp ralttnlc h form IKmi, iioluck, l ctl, li el ilralnatt, ami rxtlltnl itilhltliis ltt lirtrrr Utf iwr tlinii Mfrcl. The . WAM UP to the fact that a aulMl. welldwaled LA PINE TOWNSITE COMPANY. La Pino, Orogon. Htllable agenlt, with goo.1 Unk refereurea, wanted In all patlaof the Uullcd Stale. ni'CKlNd MIHHAPS. Automobiles nnd ducks don't al ways agree Saturday O. l.ur guard of (.aldlaw. with C. 15. lions and Al fred Hanson, loft for Crano'Pralrlo. Whttii about 1ft iiiIIhs from tholr dtMllnatlon thny gut stuek n: n young Itllsmrd, and had to turn Iwek. Hun day thny tried again, on tho upper rlvwr, but the oar broke down, and Tuny ualkml. On the 11th J. C. IthtHltaH and Clydo McKay Isft for Xllvttr lMk. Nliio mllM from Xyean tH iiinIh drlva pinion bruku; they enmpwl thorw two da). After now part had arrived, they got home, urrtvltiK Niindny. IthudtM says thoy got plenty of ducks; McKay says they didn't. ..-..... . . ... .,v,4V. - - Real Estate T. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager coNPtNitmct WD PWJ.P MtOl VvfcOUM MIUS ... cittrme fowtrt TMrtifiArs'n MtaiTM Woll'!TV Inlolnl Unit Willi iximIu! xtUr llilil town Inont of the lieweit and bed aectloua Pf Icea now from Imoouh. The lerma are eav. valuable piony Write Inlay far plat, prke NOTH'K I'Olt PUIH.IC,TI().V. Dupartmoiit of tho Interior, V. H. Ijtnil Orilcti at Tim Dalles, Oro gon, Novembor 17. 1013. Notice Is hereby given Hint Isaac I. (lorby of Portland, Orogon, who on Novomber 8, 1011, made desert land milry No. OUIK, for HWV.NWW. section 13. township 18 youth, rsngo 12 oast, WHIrtiiifltto Meridian, Iihn lllml notlen of liiletntlon to innkn tltinl dmKtrt laud proof, to oslni'llsli' claim to tho land nixnH desr-riiied, Imforo II. C. ICIIIm, If. H Commie slonor at llwml, OrHon, on the -Otlt day of DwHinlMtr. 1913, Claimant iinmwt as wltuesaes Honr It. Pord, JaniM Itynu, Otis C, lluukltt nnd Joseph V. Thomas, all of Ilmul, OrngoH. II. KRANK WOODCOCK. 37-1 Ip Register. - 4 f ' .V J