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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1913)
IIIWI) BULLETIN, IJKNI), OltK., WKDNKHIMY, NOVEMBER 20, 101.1. PAQ13 7. t s 1 1! I' V' ;, ii )) ! )) J v c V TO CONTRACTS UP AMENDMENTS ARE SUQQESTED Commlltco of Tumalo Water User Heck ClituiKcrt in I'roposcd Con. tract WIUi Htato Matter to la Taken ui With Innil Ikinnl. LAIM.AW, Nov. 2. Tho discus nlon of tho now rontrncL to lo alitor oil Into liotwoon tlit stnto untl sotttors upon thn Tmniilo urojuct resulted In roaominoiiitntlons for iwvnrnl cIimikus helm: inndo, nncl tho coiiiinllliio vvs Instructed. tliratiKli Attorney Korlios, to plum those recommendations ho rn r tho Desert I.nnil Hoard, Thn iimttor In not forth nil follow In tho Tuitmlo Tlmos: Tho contract mini In hy tho Dnsorl l.nnd lUmrd starts with n sort of history of tho iirojcol nnd tho old oontrnctH with tha Columliln Houthom Irrigation Co It Ih very long. Tho commit ton oonsldurod thn eon tract hII iiiornliiK nnd t tho montliiK tho objections to It went Minted hy Mr. I'orlwm. Tho first ohjcotlon wns to tho lonvltiK of thn IrrlKtiMo ncro iiko on nftch trnct to tho llonrd. Thn oohunfttDn thoiiKht Hint thin nhould road "IrrlRiitdo nnd npnllod for." Tho Mconnd ohjoctlnn wnii to tha clause transferring tho prior rlRhl already held hy tho wntcr nsnrs to tho stnto nnd making no provision for n prior Hunt or iirnforttiicn rlRhl to bo trans Torrnd Itnck nKnln. Tho roinmlttco thoiiKht thnt tho rlxhU nhould bo transferred hack nKnln to tha extant of their vested rluhts. Tho nn.t objection wns to tho omission of nny definition of the duty of wntor on thn project. Tho reason tor wanting thin Included won thnt thn membership of tho l)cnrt Land llHriI will not always ho tho nnmo thnt It In now, nnd they mny send In n political appointee who would havo no knowlmlga of Irrigation nnd who would try to extend thn project to Includn other lands furthor north. A definition of tho duly of wntor would provnnt thin. Tho oonimlttoo MHKKOMtod thnt two ncro feet would be nbout rlKht. Another objection ' to tho owls mIoii of nny Npnelfloil Installments. Tho eonlrnct merely nnyn that thn tmymont shnll bo In Installments. It was thoiiKht desirable thnt no pn-n-nt should be inndo for three years Hfler tho Initial paynmnt hnd boon inndo, nnd tho Installments nhould .xtHod over ten or fifteen onr. flier wns also no provision untile in OHHi tha nnlraet holder should wliih to py Id (l 1 nnd rocalva r deed. FOREST SEJIVICE NOTES HmornlTrml of Ijind Itecoiuinond- oil foi Ucnlomtliiii or Itolciifcc. Bttporvlsor Merrill of tho Des butoa forost hns recdvod notice of tho rsoouiimtnilntloti by tho Dopart iHMitt of Agriculture to tho Deport Meat of tho Interior of tho oponlug for entry nnd settlement the fol IowIbk traets of land: On hundrixl aers In sections 7 nd 18. township IX, range 9, hh hIIimI for by JoMph (I llrov.n. a car penter living In (lend. The Department of Agriculture han ulna recomuiendod thnt tha ranger station nlto nl HprltiR Crook, In nee. 1-21-7. oonildtlnR of 1(10 ncro, bn tnkon from tho withdrawn lint nnd nmtorod to thn forent territory. It U Wooded Innd nnd will not bo opon d to utitry, CRESCENT OFFICE ABOLISHED Mcrrltt Will Hiuo lllrect rimrKn t 3ro.try AtTnlm In Thnt IHntrlct. t)n nocount of tho elimination wliloh will noon bo inndo from tho Vnnllnn foront, tho olllco of tho ner- Vloo ut Crecont wnn illBcontlnuoil MomUy iih n HiiporvlRor'n oltloo. A dUtrlct rnuRor will ocoupy tho pres ent qunrtom nnd will hnndlo tho lo on 1 hiiRlnottN. Tha northern nnd woatnrn portion . a,' Tht Paulina foroet will bo ad 'lie Vterod by l'oroet Huparvlnor M. I.. Tdorrltt, wIioro hoadiiuartara .ire ut Hand. Tho oxtrnmo onHtorn nnd con trnl portlonn will bo udmlnlstorod by RuporvUor 0. I. Drown of I.akovlow, Tho oxtromo nouthwostorn strip, ly InK t of Crntor I.nko nnd vicin ity, will bo ndmlnlstorod by Supurvl nor l. 1.. Krlokon of Modford. RnnorvUor W. W. Orytlor. who Iioh lioen In chnrRo of tho I'nullnn for vnt, han Rono to Hoppnor to tnko qhorRo of tho Umntllln foroRt na ru VorvlRor. HupervtHor Itunkln of tho Umntllln Ih IihIiik tranRforrod to tho HIubIiiw, which Iiiih boon touipornrlly in clinrKo of J, Hoy Ilnrvoy,, foriuorly t llond nu miporvlBor, who will ro minio oharKo of land cliinRltlcntlon work with hoadqunrtgrn at Portland. llUHOIilJTIONH, WharonR, tho monthorRhlp of llond 'Itolmknh LntlKo No. 208, 1. O.O. R, linn mifforod a Rovero Iorh In tho un. timely denth or SlBter Klla N. UrjiKK, wIioho nnmo la onacrlhod oij our clinr- ;tor: nnu ... . Wharans, our Iobb Ir but InRlKnlfl onnt dh compared with tho Iorh of hucIi n IovIiir wlfo by hor hUHbnnd, llro. 0. M. llrnRBi thoroforo, Ho It reHolvod, thnt wo dooply do ploro tho passing of tho spirit of 81b tor llrnBKon Novombor 13, 1013, nnd that wo oxtond to tho horonvod hus band tho doop and slncoro sympnthy which wo fool nnd bosooch n I.ovlng llouvonly Falhor, tho AII-WIbo Hulpr 'of thq Unlvorso, to hind up tho brok en hear and Rlvo comfort as no earth ly being can; and Tlo It furthor rosolvod, that In tok on of tho doop fooling of loss bur- OB INS tnlnod hy thin IoiIro our charter ho drnpod for u period of at IoiirI no ditynt that it copy of Micro iohoIii IIoiih ho Hunt to llro, llniRK, a copy nproad upon tho recordn of our IoiIro mid n ropy rIvoii Tho llond Ilullotln Tor tiubllcntlon. Done by ordor of llond IlohnUnh UmIro No, !!0H of llond, OroKon, In rcRUbir honrIou itRsomhlod this llth day of Novombor, 1013. Allltfl. N, iLATTIN, N. 0. U, N. IIOKKMAN, Boo. pro torn, BILLS ALLOWED BY COURT Homo Approved County Kxpondlture of Iocnl Intorcwt. KxcIiirIvo of n loot?-list of hills for witnesses nnd Jurors' foot allowed at tha rocont term of County Court, tho following lillli nro of Rpoclnl Intoreit to llond pooplo! I'nttornon DniR Co., mdsn , . . 22,00 I)r, Con, niUost homlcldo , 10.00 C, P, NlnwoiiRor, funeral oxp, Henlparn ' .Ifi.OO I,. I,. Fox watching body .... 7,50 J. II. Wounndy oxp. Cursoy ensn .................. 00,35 I,. I,. Kox HorvInK RUbpoaiins . 10.00 W, W. Oroutt Justice foes . . 13.65 J, II. Wonandy dep shorln J o 5.20 .1. A. Kustos Justlon fees .... 10 80 l I,. Pox deputy sheriff Jo.. COO .1 II. Wonnudy, deputy sheriff 4.00 John Peters road work dlsl 2 225 40 II. -M. Kldur road work dlst 12 188,23 A. Wlllooxou r'd work dlst 25 452 55 J. II. Wonandy, deputy sheriff C2.10 C, M. MaKny, oxp llro wanton 82.45 iHHPH ii:atii COSTS VW. A Ioiir trial In Justice Hastes' court Thursday amused and Interest ed a lnro uudlouco till tho afternoon, nnd resulted In $25 damnRos boliiR ndJudRod by n Jury nRalnst John A. i Moo to for running over a sutler dog boloiiRliiR to C. II. DiiRonhory. Tho plaintiff, Diuenhory, wns represented I by Attorneys Parties nnd Un Arniond, untl W. P. Myers of Portlnnd hnn- died Moore's case. Tho allegation, npparontly party RURtalned by tho Jury, wns that Moore, til thn time of tho accident, was oporntlnc his auto molillo negligently, Costs worn also nssosscd against tho dofondant. Duko", tho dog killed, wns a woll known cnnlno tlguro about town. NOTICIJ Ol" COXTUST. Depsrtmont of tho Interior, United Htntos 1-nnd Olllco. Tho Dulles, Oregon, Novombor 10, 1013. To flldeon Weaver, Kntrymnn, of rrlnovllle, Oregon, ContRtev. and Mrs. Hot tlo Hrlokson, trniisfuree, of llond, Orogan; You nro hereby notified thnt Ozro W. Tnnsey, who gives Hood, Oregon, ns his iiostotlleo nuilroM. ultl on Aug lull 27, 1013, lllo In this olllco his duly corroborated niinllcatlou to con 1 tvb and secure tho cancellation of your homosttMid, entry No. , i Serial No. 05381, made October 8, 1 100D, llnnl certificate Issued May 20, 1013, for HHNWVi ntul Iota 3 nlul 4 lot section 3, towustilp 18 H., range 1(1 IC, Wlllnmetle MarlJlnn. anil ns Igmunds for his oantest hu nllogtNi ; tl.nt wild entryiuan inuuo siua entry , for siieculntlvo iitiriwROH and did on or uliout October 1, 1U10, outer into 'n written eonlrnct with one u. v. , .IfitttMi u-hnrnliv ti nirriMil In (taifivav to ssAl JoniM the South one-half of Issld tract for n vnlunble ooiuldora Itlon, as soon ns h", said entryman, I should obtain title to snld troct from I tho I'nltod States government, under said entry; thai the said Weaver, after making llnul proof under said entry, conveyed said tract to .Mrs. Ileitis ICrloksou by warranty deed, hIih the said Krlcksou having full knowledge of said contract of sale to tho said Joum above mentioned. You nro, thoroforo, furthor noti fied that tho Raid allegations will bo taken by this olllco r having boon confessed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled therounder without your furthor right to bo hoard thoro In, olthor boforo thla olllco or on ap peal, If you fall to file lu thla olllco within twenty days nttor tho FOURTH publication of this notlco, no buuwu uvivw, juur auswvri uuuvr nam, RpocincAiiy mooting nu re sponding to Micro allegations of con tost or If you fall within that tlmo to nin In this otilco due proof that you havo served a copy of your anawor on tho said contestant olthor In person or by registered mall. If this service Is mmlo by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to tho contestant In per son, prnof of such service must bo olthor tha nald contostnnt'a written acknowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, showing the unto of its rocolpt, or tho utlldavlt of tho person by whom delivered; If niado by register ed mall, proof of nueh Borvlco must consist of tho affidavit of tho person by whom tho copy was mailed stating whon and tho postotllce to which It was mailed, and this affidavit must bo accompanied by tho postmaster's receipt for tho lottor. You nhould stnto In your answor tho namo of tho poetonico to which you doRlro future notices to bo Boat to you, II. FItANIC WOODCOCK, Ilogtstor. Dnto of first publication Nov. 10, 1013. Dnto of second publication Nov. 20. 1013. Dato of third publication Doc. 3, 1013. Onto of fourth publication Doc, 10, 1013, NOTICH 01-' COXTKST. Department of tho Intorlor, Unttod States Land Olllco Tho Dallou, Ore gon, Novombor 18, 1013. To Russall Darker of Hood, Oregon, Contostoo; You are horoby notified thnt Frank Ilurwltz, who gives c-o 13. 13, Parker, llond, Orogon, as his postofllco ad dross, did on Octobor 31, 1013, lllo in this olllco his duly corroborated ap plication to contest nnd socuro tho cancellation of your homoRtnad entry No. , Horlnl No. 00870, niado January 25, 1013, for BQU soo. 3, township 11 OS., range 14 lOnst, WII lamotto Meridian, and na grounds for his contest ho alleges thnt said ontry man has abandonod said entry for nioro than six months last past; that ho has novor constructed on. snld land a habitable Uouso nor any other Im provements other than thn cultivation of n trnct not to exceed ton acres. You nro, thoroforo, furthor notified Mint (ho snld itllugatlomi will bo taken as confessed, mid your said entry will liu canceled without further right lo bn hoard, olthor boforo this olllco or on appeal, If you fall to lllo In this olllco within twenty days nftor tho FOUllTIf publication or this notlco, as shown below, your answor, under oath, specifically responding to those allegations of contest, to gether with duo proof that you havo served n copy of your nnswor on tho sold contestant olthor In person or by registered mall. You should stato In your nnswor tho namo of tho post office to which you dnslro future notices to bo sent to you. II. FItANIC WOODCOCK, Koglstor. Dnto of first publication Nov, 20, 1013. Data of second publication Doc. 3, 1013. Dato of third publication Doc. 10, 1013. Dato of fourth publication Doc. 17, 1013. Relinquishment & CONTEST APPLICATION BLANKS nl The Bulletin of fice. Rcf(iilnr np proved government lonn. Whether you wnnt one or 100 we can supply you nt Per 100. $1.50, less quantities 2c each. N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPER-HANGER. Estimates on Wall Paper nt application Portlnnd Prices Cheapest and Best Wnll Paper Samples in tho county. Get My Prices. Rhep nn Orrgen Klitrt. Mer ( Drtchutc Junk DOXm I J. A. Eastes ! I Real Estate Investments J Farm and City Property OroklA Lots $150 to $350 Terms: $5.00 cosh nnd $3.00 monthly. This Kivos you n chnnco to socculnto o n Itend'a future on a little money Lota uro nil CO feet wide and every lot a good lot. Olllco on Oregon Street t BEND, OREGON J $ CAM AT TDK American Bakery on Wall Street opposlto the l'ost iilllro nnd m'o full lino of bakery Kooris mill confectionery. Klx loaves for 'M cents or 8k ltirnd tickets for 2.1 Cents Tlirvo stale loaves for 10 cents Hack of chicken breuil 60 cents HOT ltOLUS AT O 1 M. l Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. HacCLOSKEY TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices nnd Skylights, FOR-FALL and Winter Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold y R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Repair Man. Wall street, Bend, Oro BEND VIEW Commnntfo u charming view of the city of Bend and the surrounding f country. 15 minutes walk from business center. Price 50.00 to 8200. Some a little higher. Liberal terms $5.00 down $1.00 a week. Office opposite First National Bank Bfdg. Bend, Oregon Thrco skilled barbers dro at Jo nes & Davidson's barber shop to sorvo you,- Adr. U..-4-4. -- AUCTIONEER f f BEG ? i I BEND i ORE. t - H-l "! !-- -! Vienna Cafe i i Wall Street Good Meals, Prepared with Cleanliness, at Moderate Rotoi. A Trial Will Convince. W. E.PARKER & CO. SANITARY PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating Wo carry the larRcst stock of frooda in Cen tral Orejron. Jobbing promptly attonded to The Unite Warehouse Company Bend, Oregon STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, MEATS Salt and Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard. The United Warehouse Company A. M. Pringle, Mgr, Bend, Oregon r O'DONNELL UNION MARKET THE WHITE IS KING il"i i i 'I in f """""" ""Bim i " I' The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 510 Morchants National Bank Bldg. San Francisco, California vrntmrnenmimmimemtm BROTHERS IIUHINKBH AM) I'ltOFUSHIONAI. ItOHKUT U. OOULD civil ff Bend Oregon Engineer C. P. NISWONOBR, Dsnd, Ore. UNDKUTAKEIU Licensed Kmbaluier, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant m II08 8 1'AIINIIAM Attorney at Law Office la old First National Bank Building. 3. B. Bell A. W. 81ms CBOOK COUNTV AIJ3TIIAOT COMPANY (Incorporated.) Successors to Tho J. 11. Haner Abstract Company. Prlnerillo. Oro. Abstracts Insurance W. W. FAULKNER. D. M. D. BKNTIBT Office Over Postofllco Bend, Oregon WILLAKD II. WIItTZ IAWYKIf Prlncrlllc, Oregon U. C. OOK, 31. 1). Physician and Surgeon Office over First National Bank Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p, m. BEND, :-: OREGON C. 8. 11KNSON Attorney At hnvr Benson Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon VKKXON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Building, Bend, ...... Oregon GEOItOE S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer. Deputy County Surveyor. Room C First National Bank Bide. II. U. UK AIIMOND LAWYER Sathor Building ' Bend, Oregon U. N. HOFFMAN NOTAKY PUBLIC! Bulletin Office, Bend, Oregon. II. C. ELLIS Attomcy-nt-Lmr United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Office In Sathor Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to S. Sun days and evenings by ap pointment. DR. A. B. OROPP DRUGLHSS PHYSICIAN. Office over Deschutes Bank Hours: 0-12, l-:30. Bend, Oro. FEE & SMITH ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon Street Bend,. Oregon 1 SWEATT, LEYflQUE & CO. 312 Mohawk Bldg. SPOKANE ARClflTECTS Schools and Largo Buildings a specialty MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In tho machine line, having Installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind of job. Automobile Repairing a specialty Deyarmond Machine Sb Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave, Bend, Ore. jf,), J. J. RYAN Minnesota Street . SANITARY PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING! JOBBING Promptly Attended to M- 4 I) j'i. A t.'Js.