II1SND IlUMyKTW, BBNI), ORB., WKDNIMDAY, NOVBMI1KH 20, J 01 II. fVlOB . READY FOR SERVICE Wc are now ready to serve our patroiiH in our temporary quar ters next to the Bend Theatre. Our stock is all new and fresh and of the quality we have made standard in Bend. , You are In ssssssssvitcd to call The Patterson Drug: C LOCAL NEWS 1T1EA1S Cort Alton wnn In town tliu first of till) WOOK, 0. II, llnrinon of Hampton wna In town hut wook. Mr. nml Mm. J. II. Htnnluy woro In from tun ruiicli Mommy. Mm. Walsh, vim has boon III for a wook or more, lit botlor, Mr. nml Mm. !', KwIiik Mnrtln wont to I'orllnnd Friday nlKht. Mln Noll Mnrkiil Iium taken n no Itlon In tliu ulllcu of Ur, Con, Mm. A. I). Morrill or I'owoll Iluttu wn trnilhiK In Hond Monday. A. M. Kmulitll, n J'owoll Hutto rnnohor, wan In town Huiuluy. William I1, Thorpe of l.nldlnw wan lit tho WrlKlit Ilotol but nlKht. Howard I'nlmor and family nro now IIvIiik in tliu MutzlK liomn. Thuni will liti Hurvlco at tlm Onlho lie Cliureli next Huiuluy imirnliiK at . 10:30. John Kldnr of Alfalfa wan n visitor In Ilimd, Hundny, n rimmI at tliu Ilend Ilotol. County CMinlMitiiinr It. II. liny ley was a builne vliltor In town Monday. M. It. Conner and wlfn of I'rlnevllln worn rKltvriHl at the Hotel WrlKlit Hundny. M. A. I'nlmer went to I'rlnovllle yoMurdny mornltiK on a nlinrl bwtl newt trip. Itnnnld Holler lian recovered from nn nttnok of diphtheria nml l ahlo to lit out HKnln. J. I. Wind enmo In Irmt nlKht from Tlio Dallqv to vlult lil dnutshtor, Mm. Minor Wnrd. Mlimia Anno nml dortrudn Mnrkol nro In from their homttttomU for iiemi TlwilikMKlvlllK. Mm. Chorion H. MIIIh rnmo In Hnt iintiiy from hur homo a( Hold mid U at tlio WrlKlit. A, Leaf from llruih I'rnlrlo blow In to town Monday, roKUturliiK at (ho Ilotol Hunt. 1. W. IlimBlny, oiui of tlio Tmnnlo project oiiKliioorH, witM up from l.uld inw ovor Hundny. Jonn Holloro and wlfo wnro In sev eral ila)n lnut week from tholr 1'owull Hutto homotnd, Nan It. Cumoy, wlfo of W. I). Cur Moy, hold to tlio itrnnd Jury, liau ar rived In I'rlnnvlllo, (1. Htubblotlold, tlio 1'ortlnnil eni?l iiiinr. tmiieil throned town Monday on hli way to Ilurim. !,. M. Pom of tlio O-W It. & N. wont to Portland I'rldny nlRlit, re turn In c Monday morning. Tlio Iloml Company' mill waa chut down Friday ami Saturday to make rupulm to tlio Iok cnrrlKo. Korea! Huporvlnor Merrill wan out In tlio 1'lno inouutflln eountry Tliurn-' lay, rrlday and Haturuay. Toil. Mm. HnrrlriR'n Colllo do. died wilrday hh h rmult of boltiK run ovor by nu auto truck. Clnuilo Mannhelmer li In Portland thin wHk on a abort UumIiiom trip, KoIuk down Hnliiriiay night. Mra. W. C MeCulaton, who wni dnnKoroiiHly III with neuhrltl n few wookm nco, hna now recovered. Mr. and Mm. (leorgo It. Htnplolon liavo arrived In Han Pranclttoo and are vUllliiK Mr. Ktapluton'H tirothor. John K. Ityan today drove a bunehl of cattlo throiiKh to Tlio Till en irom tlio Ton liar ranch for wintering. Mr. mid Mm. C. H. UufT, with tholr datiKhtur, hnvo Kotio out to tholr homoxtond nt Kllvor Lake. Tim HrldKo Clnh mot with Mm, II, 12. Allon laat wook and will bo en tertained thin wook by Mm, Dement. M. H, Uttln nml V. A. Korboii wont to Portland Huturdny nlKht, ro turnlnit on Monday uiorulUK'n train. 0, M. (luntlll Iiiih mado n trio ur rmiKouionl o f "My Old Kentucky Homo" (parody) for tlm Hand Choral Club. Mm. ,1. M, Ityan hna boon nt tlio AlUmmit thin wook. fllio oxpootn to leave Tliu TiiIom for tlio winter, noxt wook. The ostorlor work on tlio J, P, Korea real l once la nanrly anmpleted and h uunilMRifl rdon wkll la all flnUliad. The condition of lhw Martha ld ii t, who ho been vufforlHK from rbMiiiNtfui, la eonnldernbly bettor Uila wiwk, 'I'Ho local turkay innrkot wh not rory 1rUk thin ymr, mIuh bwlni; ho ld w 1911. Tho irl(w riiKd from II to 17 oon U. Konnatli Minor enmo In from Port land thla moruliiK to apond Thanka IflvtnK with IiIm pnronla. Mr. arid Mra, P. O. Minor. Hurt Mhuoy, who la In tlio knlom lloapltat, It roeoverlnjc HHllafnetorlly from lh otiornllon which ho under went retitly. Horn Inat nlnht, to Mr. and Mm. Henry Ktihollch IIvIiik wont of I.nld law, twlHM. a hoy and it Klrl woIkIiIiik 6 IHiunda oacli. Mm. H. It. Pont loft Trldoy, Mr. Poat loft till wook, mid oxpoota to ko Into it wholoKulo confectionery buulnoHH In Hpoknuu. I.. I), Wlogt ban material on tho croiind for tho conatructlon of 300 foot or additional aldowulk on KlKhth and K aLroota, In Wluatorla. Mm. II, I. Ilrandon arrlvod Satur day from Portland to Join her hua baud and they have koiio to houao kuopliiK In Center Addition. Dm, Connarn and Wllllama will have thrco roomn for olllco quartora In tho now bulldhiK ovor tho De chutoa llanklnR & Truat Co, J. N. Hunter, W. II. HtnaUi, John IIIohh nml Carl Hunter wora up on Davla crook for tliu week-end, hunt- In ; duckii. They had tho uiual luck of tho houkoii but few duckH, li, C Cook, who la employed at Tht Hond Company' mill, returned iMt wok from n atny or novoral WMinthi In the Wlllamotto valley. Tho Ladloo' Aid Kocloty of the MethoiIlNt Church will moot noxt W4nMHlny aftornoon wltli Mm. Andoraon on (lronMid avenue. Mm. K. M. MaCulloy and dauRhtor Evelyn, who have been vuHtlns at the U. arton home here, loft on Mnmiay for their home at Hummer Itke. George Coiner of Dry I.ako waa In town for IiIm winter Miippllea laat week. He reported that tho hunt for Alec. Hall hud been practically Ktven up. 0. W. Bhrlner. Prod Iluoy nnd John Itlls have returned to town, tho work or poitliiR tlio boiindarloa of tho Deaehuton Kama roaorvo having boon tiHpendotl for tho fall. Hherlff l'rnnk Hlklnc nnd Deputy CHRISTMAS SALE STARTS SATURDAY For Thirty Days I am making speci ally attractive offers on furniture and house furnishings. No gifts can bes more acceptable than those I offer you, and nowhere does a dollar go farther in buying real satisfaction. Positively Everything at a Discount while the sale lasts. My building is not the newest in Bend But you are not Buying Buildings You are Buying Furni ture My furniture is new and my prices are fair, full value prices. EM. THOMPSON BEND, OREGON Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty iD. II, People woro hero Monday ovon Inir, returning from tholr unnoccemi ful hunt far Aloe Hall In tliu nouth- leant part of tho county. I Mr. nnd Mm. M. I. Hawthorno, wuo novo noon iivwk on tho ranch or II. C. Kill, will loavo aliortly for California, Mm. llnwthorno'a health hitvIriK boon poor recently. Mm, 0. W, Lowland 4-yonr-old ann nrrfwiil Ifrfflnv In Inlti ir Ijiti. who Ih olork In tho foroalry olllco. 'They nro IIvIiik In tho IiiKomoll Iioiiko inoroiw from IS. M. ThompHon'a, I John Dtihiilfi, who I here ovome- OreHou onnal for the Desert Iind ' Hoard, h announced hie imxkxv mon t to Mint .Marlon It. Curtis or Ithnn, N. Y. Mlai franc Newman, who hna been nUnogmpbar In the Tnmnlo prtrject office nt Ialdlaw, left on Satardny nlght'a train for her home lns8alem. Bbe xptta to no to l AnglM to live. The Odd Kellowa olocied the fol lowing officer Xondny ntgbt to nerve during the flmt term of 1114: M. A. Palmer, N. O.: V. S. Hoffman, V. 0,i CIoorRo P. Cove, neorotary; Clarence Mnnnhelraer, troaaurer. Iiat Thumday during the anow l flurrlea hundroda or robblna noiigh alienor around roeiuoncoe in town. Kvldently nreut flockn on their way wni Ih were driven out or their eoume by ktorma in the mountain. In Juntlre Ifantea' court will be heaid I'rlday n caoe brought by J. II. Htanley aRalnat Kam VaiiRhau. The complaint la that Vatican tiollutcd tho water of tho Control Orogon ca nal by drlvluK nhcop throuKh It. Tlio Pnmbytnrian Guild will aorvo a cafeteria auppor In tho old post olllco hulldlnK noxt Wodneaday ovoti liiK from 0:30 to 8-30 During tho day tho Indies will hato a dlaplay of fanc)-work articles nt tho name place. Tlio in na Gray made final proof Sat urday before Commissioner Kills on bin homcnload aauthoait of Hond. 1 1 Ian wltnottKca woro O. C. Henkle and J. W. McConnotl. Mr. Oray'a 320 acrca take In tho old Whltakor holoi water ing place. John A. Mooro and Florence Mouor havu been hold to tho grand Jury under S2G0 nnd SCO cash bonds, res pectively, on a atntutory oharKo. Tho complaining wltncw la W. It. Gay. Thoy waived examination In Juitlce ICnxtea court. I'nder the name or tho Hend Newt Company, It. G. illackwoll has opened n Hewn atand and confectionery es tablishment on Hond street. In the Kormott building. He will handle loral. state and Western papera and also magnxlnes. The Wennndy Llvory Co. has chos en pink tufa atone na the inntorlal for the construction or IU garage building, and the contract has been let to Y A. Heaver, who began quar rying Monday. Kxeavation work also started Monday. Mm. Powolson now has an art class In Redmond as well as In tho county seat, making trips to both towns each week. Sho has received ordors for Christmas art stock from theee two places and also from Tho Dalles, McMlnnvIllo and Hums. U A. Hrandonburg has brought to town several enmples or pink and blue granlto rock or which, he says. there Is a big supply In the Long uiUKo near Ills ration. Tho stono Is very hard. Should It polish well It may provo or considerable value. K 11 Post haa bought tho W. H. Courtney place, consisting or 40 r.rroa undor tho Tumnlo project, two mllca north or Kaldlaw. He traded In his auto an tho doal. This tract was originally taken tin by It. II. Mutrlc. It Is consldcrod ono or tho best pieces or land on the Tumalo segre gation. It. II. Loven will more his shoe shop next week to tho Ilalrd build ing on Hond street noxt to Carmodr's Half of the room wiP uo tnken by w i' iwwning u r ims lunch coun ter, now conducted outdoors. Mr. Loven Is ir .-tilng up-to-dato ma-chin-r hkb will he driven by elec tric motor, and will bo equipped to turn out u larger amount or work. We have just opened several new pieces of Wool Brocade ,j j immigs in the popular blues, inuhornnys, etc, ' 4 inches wide, nnd pi iced lo sell nt $1.50, $1.75 yd. Also some SMART SILK WAISTS in plaids, mc&snlincs, etc,, trimmed with the popular Medici collars, priced at $3.75 to 56.75 SILK PETTICOATS--Nevcr have we offered a prettier line. Lnrge assort ment $3.00 to $4.50 GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS-The most extensive nnd complete showing we hnve ever hnd. Every quality from the sheer lawns to the finest hand-embroidered linens and Armenian edge effects, priced from 5c to $1.00 each RIBBONS -New Plaids, Dresdens and warp printed effects, just at the time you need them. Splendid for making holiday gifts 20c, 25c, 35c yJ. SHOP EARLY AT Mannheimer's FINDS MUJOH HOME IIiirIi O'Knne From Antrim and Alex. McKcown or Dcrry, Meet In llcmt. Hugh OKano of the Ilotol Hond for the i8t 10 dnya has been living ovor his youth In Antrim, In the Hmornld Isle, meditating tho forma tion or a local brnnolt or tho Clau nn Cael, und planning an Invasion of I'Utor to quoll tho threatened outl.roak or Sir Bdward Canon against Homo Kule. Hnrly last wook there camo to town Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKoown with their sou. Al thoiiKh they registered from Seattle, something told Hugh that Uioro was u past in which Seattle did not rlguru. and he inquired. Then it dovelopod that his gaaata were Irom Uorry In tho beginning, nnd that Mr. McKoown had been born only seven miles from fl'K'inn'a nun II rat limnn A ullnli. difference of 32 yoars separated tholr ilmiill tlirrm frnm tlm ",iVlil ami' Hugh Inning left homo 49 years ago' nnd tho youugor man only 17 years ago. Hut yoars nio nothing whan you moot n man from home, and so tho two hnvo Bpont all tholr nparo tlllin tncrntlinr tnlklnir nvnr llin Inml of Citchulnn, and tho Joys of a "drop or Colornlno." Mr. McKoown has taken up a hnninatnnft 111 XTIlllnnn vnllnv nnH after spending tho wlntor In town win ko uiu io ma cmiin iu inu spring. DKATII OV KKLK HUFF. Krle O. Uufr, who had been ill for Bomo time, dlod early Saturday n rning ot acuta nopurttis. lie was 10 yoars or ago and the oldest culld and only on of Mr. and Mrs, O. . UufT. who Iimo n homestead nt Sil ver Lnko. Dosldos his parents a vo itigor Oitter survives him. Tho ftmornl was h9ld Sunday from Nis-vougw.-V undertaking parlors, the soivlcoa l.lg conducted by Rov. 13. 0. Nowhnm. Intermpnt was mado in Pilot Hutto comotory. Tho Motrouolltan? That's tho p.Jnc.0 to hnvo your barber whnta at ton'ded to and havo nn onjoyablo game or pool and billiards, Adv. COUNTY' HIGH HCIIOOTj. Crook County High School dormi tory la now ready lor occupancy. The room,s nro furnished with nil necessi ties except bedding nnd towels. These the girls muBt furnish. There Is a nice study room, bath and all con veniences. A Jiouro matron hi In charge nnd ono or the high school In structors, Mrs. Wnlkor, lives nt tue dormitory. Tho chargo per month la actual cost, $14. Address Super intendent Daughman, Prlnevllle. Ore gon. 37-3Sp NOTICH OP GKXnitAIi KLKCTIOX. Pursuant to order of tho Common Council or tho City or Ilend. notice la hereby given that tho general elec tion for tho City or Dond. will bo hold In the room' formerly occupied' by the Hond Commercial Club In tho I Johnson building on Wall street In1 said City or Hcnd, between the hours! ui o u viuviw u. ui. uiiu i u i;iui;k i. iti. on Tuesday December 2. 1913. for tho purjioso of electing the follow ing offlcora for tho period of tlmo set opioslto tholr names respectively: Mayor for one year. Treasurer for ono year. Ono Alderman for two yoars. One Alderman for two years. One Alderman for two yearn. And that Krank May aot na chair man or the Kloctlon Hoard, and that Jennie M. Sellers and Frank U. Mi nor act ns Judges or said election and '.bat Hom Farnham, Tot T. Prlugle tnd J. C. Jthodos net as olorka there of. Posted in three public places in tho City .or Ilend on this 20th day or November, 1913, by order or the Common Council or the City or Hond. II. C. ELLIS. llecordor. Coming soon; Hulgln. Adv. Parboiling is Unnecessary with a Swift's Premium" Ham Def ore broiling or trying Because of curing and smoking, it has at tained a perfection in flavor and tenderness that makes parboiling needless. BERT SHUEY.THE CASH GROCER Sugar, per cwt. $5.70 naiSit Wi 'j SU1 S? &5afett jjjjgKjajrwwB I hm II HS(n amVaBavSZ2i!a t - v yjnafS Mwm i sg&sft ft fcapigbikx km vvSlr RESOLVED THAT PEOPLE MAKE TriETIR-GooD LUCK BY DOIKgingRrgHr thing VEHAVEyvwDEOUnS BYNOTADWIN(THE CONFIJ)ENCE orouR PATR0N5. SQUARE DPALLVAY5,VAS. WElVANTTb KEEP OUR. PATRONS t)U CQJ1T HAVE ?Tn Ji2cr ibad luck bv wmc )R cr LTHE RIGHT THINQ WE ARE NOT DEPENDING ON LUCK. WE ARE MAKING GOOD AND TAKING A CHANCE ON WHAT HAPPENS. IF WE PLEASF. YOU AND GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY'S WORTH, WE CAN'T HELP BIT SUCCEED. ALL OF OUR HARDWARE V I. STAND THE HARDEST WEAR. LON( YEARS IN THE BUSINSSS HAVE TAUGHT US THE KINDS THAT BEST STAND THE TEST. WE ARE HERE TO STAY A LONG TIME. AND WE KNOW WE CAN DO BEST BY SELLING THE BEST, Skuse Hardware Company