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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1913)
BKND BULLETIN, KRND, ORK., WEDNESDAY, NOVKMRKit S6, 118. THE BEND BULLETIN (Publirfiod Kvorjr Wednesday) GEOUOE PALMER PUTNAM Editor and Publisher. U. N. HOFFMAN Managing Kdltor. ROBERT W. SAWYER Assoclato Editor. An Independent nowspnpor stand ing for tho square donl, elenn bust noes, clean politics nnd tho beet in Uresis of Bond nnd Central Oregon, mClUNHON IMPltOVINM. Tho condition or J nines B. Dickin son, who wnB phot by Aloo Unit, continues to Improve Tho phynl-, claim attending htm say Hint unices some complication arises, duo to tho J pnssago of tho bnllot, through tho! kidneys ho will probably recover. Tho search for llnll tins so fnr proved fruitless nnd una been practically abandoned. Tho place to epon Metropolitan la n plonsant u your evenings. Adv. Ono yonr. 51.50 Six niontliB SO Thrco months . .. .50 i i All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAYAULH l.V ADVANCE. Notlees ot expiration nro mailed subsortbora nnd If renewal Is not made within retwon , ntdo nine the paper will b discontinued. PIomo notify ub promptly of any chango of mUlree. or of lallure to re colvo the paper regularly. Otherwise wo will not bo reepoaslblo for eApIea ' missed; ' Mhko nil ohcoks and orders pay able to Bend Bulletin. CIVSSIF1KI ADVERTISEMENTS. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 2fi, 1913. WATER. FIRST, SALES SECOND. , Settlers nnd those who havo como into close contact with Oregon Irri gation nro disposed to applaud tho action of tho stato engineer an ac tion apparently backed up by tho en tire land loard In refusing the certify to a patent list Involving bo mo 20,000 acres, becauso complcto rec lamation had not been accomplished. Shorn of its technicalities, tho meaning of tho matter Is this: Tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company desired permission to sell theso acres, or to get patent to thorn; tho atato engineer refused to mako such per mission possible, contending that tho land should not bo offered for sale until thcro was positlvo assurance both of a Bufflcioncy of water to care 'for It, and that this water was ready to bo placed on tho lands. Tho principle involved is an old ono In Western irrigation. In count less cases tho companies havo been permitted to sell land beforo they were in a position to deliver water to it. Tho pica usually has beon that water was "practically ready", and that tho money from tho sales would make posslblo the completion of tho project this with variations. After failures galore, nftor highway-rob-bery promotion and offlclal milking of company administrations and, especi ally, after a vast amount of needless 'and cruel suffering on tho part ot settlers, thdro Is manifest a disposl tion on tho. part ot the responsible officials to Insist on tula all-Import ant fundamental law: Let no land .'bo sold -unless there is water ready 'lor It. - Enforco this law to tho letter, and Irrigation will be a success far settlor ',nnd Investor. lst nnd Pound. LOST pirso nonr depot Nov. IS. Fluder please return to II. G. John son nt Oregon Lodging House and re ceive reward. 87p LOST Some where on tho road between Bend nnd Fort Rook, four pair ot rubber hip boots, one pair oft ugni leatner snoea ami a fur linen coat. Fell from auto bound south Friday afternoon. Finder pleas re turn to. or notify, either Tho Bulle tin or United Warehouse, Bond, Re ward. S5tf For Bent. FOR RHNT Offlees on Wall stroot very cheap. Apply Bulletin Office. FOR RENT Rome, centrally lo cnted. Electric lights and water. Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap. Apply Bulletin Olllco. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, suited for light housekeeping. Iuqulre, Mrs. Frank Schoolor. 38p FOR RENT Largo store, moduru front Good location. Apply to F. O. Minor, Deschutes Bank. 27t( FOR KENT Entire second story of Bean building over Thompson's furniture store Every room com pletely furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water. Seo II. J. Ovor turf. 3Gtfc FOR RENT Three room house. Seo Joo Inncs at tho Metropolitan. 3Gt Wanted. WANTED Girl for general house work. Inquire Shucy's grocery. 38tf WANTED Cattlo nnd horses to feed during tho winter months. Chas. L. Wlmer, Star Ranch. Laldlaw. 37tf WILL CONSIDER a deal on a good farm proposition by putting In about 20 hoad of good horses and colts. Chas. L. Wlmer, Laldluw, Oro. 36-3'J WANTED Position as cook or helper In kitchen. Apply at Auno's Btable. 35-39p For This Fall Weather Ladies' Raincoats, From $6.00 Up Men's Raincoats, From $5.00 Up Ladies Mackinaws, Men's ' Mackinaws, Sweaters Reductions in Overcoats $1 5.00 Overcoats Now $1 2.50. $12.50 Overcoats Now $10.00. $ 1 0.00 Overcoats Now $ 8.00. R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Everything to Wear for Men Who Cnrc, HsHeHBaH mm .iiBMeMMWsjMe1tmwieaea UDryGoods&Notions-H MY STOCK IS C. ROWING New Goods in New Patterns Calicoes, Prints, Cotton Batting Wool Batting for Cold Weather comfort E. A. Sa ther Auto Dolivcry Wall Street To KxrtiniiKo. TO TRADE Income proporty for land. II. B. Oldrldge, New Meadows, Idaho. 38-41D wil.u K.(jiiA.ut: 4 passonger cnaimera. to norsenower Aiitntnnhlln : --,- .. wor improved land. Henklo & Ryan FOR EXCHANGE Good lots near Presbytorlan church for team or horses. Apply nt Bulletin olllco. 3Stf THE ROAD WORKERS. A short timo ago citizens ot Prino- vlllo turned out as road workers, 'Tnoy wnnted to improve a highway 'south, and so they went out and Im proved It. About a dozen auto own ers contributed the frco use of tholr eerriccs. Tho county tools and camp equipment were borrowed. Only . 9SC0 ot actual cash was involved, and iialb was secured from the County Court. Then tho "road gang" went oat and stayed out for a week, re moving many rocks and Improving bad places. Altogether, it Ib es timated that tho equivalent of sever si thousand dollars worth of Improve ment vo6 affected. For Instance, the nuto running timo from Mllllcan's to Frinoyillo was cut closo to an hour. There Is a moral for Bend In this example. The Lord helps those who .ielp themsolvos, but certainly neither the Lord nor anyone elso seems dis posed to do much about the fright ful roads that lead from Bend south east, east and north, unlets Bend get on tho Job first. For Sole. FOR SALE 25 pigs and hogs William Hnnke, Deschutes. 38-3'Jp FOR SALE OR TRADE Sovon passenger IMerco-Arrow automobile. Wrlta Box 193, Bend, Ore. 35tf FOR SALE Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys. Phono Mrs. Shon- quest. 37-42 FOR SALE R. I. Red pullets nnd crystal Whlto Orpington hens. Mrs. Carl Hatch, Laldlaw. 37-38p FOR SALE Ono fresh cow and ono cow and two helfora coming iresn. J. M. Judd. near limit st church. 38c FOR SALE Bay team, wolsht about 3000, 3 and 4 years old.-well broken. Price $100. Inquire Bulle tin office. 37-4 In FOR SALE Very finest, new mod el unused White sowing machine nt big discount. Apply "V," Bullotln olllco. SGlf FOR SALE Chcnp, C40 acres, sec. 1G-21-10. 35 miles south of lloiid on Deschutes river. Address W. II. Melrose, Colfax, Wash. 38p FOR SALE- All kinds or llrowuoJ In all lengths. Telephone orders to os, 3 rings. Kckmnn & Wilson. 40p FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Concert Roller Organ with 17 pieces, will exchange for a suitublu Shut Gun. Inquire Dick Tailor shop. 3Sp FOR SALE 160 acre ot irrigated land 7 miles northwest of Bend, ai coastderable lees than C, O. I. pflrea. Ovor $1200 worth of Improvements go with this place. Bond Brick ft Lumber Co. 32tfc FOR SALE Hogs and pigs, good breed. Ed Halvorson, Bond. 30tt FOR SALE All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, nt Anderson Bros, sawmill half way botwoen Bond and Laldlaw, on old Tumnlo road. Reasonable prices, rough lumber $10 per M. Delivering to Bend or Lald law $2 por M. Tolophono. 19tf FOR SALE Cabin near Bond Co. mill. Inquire at Bullotln olllco. 1CU VfMt BAI.t-'nnn linmn n-nlirlit 13C0, JC6 ono buggy nnd harness, J $25. II. E. Jones Paint Store. 3 lit FOR SALE Half acre closo In. $300; $25 down, $5 per mo. II. E, Jonoa Paint Storo. 30tf FOR SALE Half aero, two 2-room houses, wood shed, water, closo la, $600, $100 down nnd $15 por mo. 11. E. Jonoa Paint Storo. 30tf Wlllnmotto Meridian, and as grounds ror ins contest ho alleges that said Daisy Moon has wholly failed to maintain nnd establish hr residence upon said land; has wholly failed to cultlvnte and Improve tho samo and has wholly nbandoncd tho same for more than six months last pnt. You nro, thoretoro, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bo taken by this olllco as having boon confessed by you, nnd your said entry will be canceled thoreundor without your further right to bo hoard there in, elthor before this olllco or on ap peal,, If you fall to Illo In this olllco within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication ot this notlco, as shown below, your nnswor, under onui, spocliicniiy mooting and re sponding to those allegations of con test, or It you fall within thnt timo to file In this ortlco due proof that you hnvo served n copy of your an swer on tho snld contestant either In person or by registered mull. If this sorvlco Is mado by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to tho con testant In person, proof of such ser vice must be either tho snld contest ant's written acknowledgement of his receipt of tho copy, showing the dato of Us receipt, or tho atlldavlt of the person by whom tho delivery was made stating when nnd whore tho copy was delivered; If mado by mow Interod mall, proof of such service) must consist or tho allldnvlt of tlm person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and tho postortloe, to which It was mulled, and this nflldav. It must bo accompanied by tho posl-j master's receipt for tno letter, You should stato In your answer, tho uitittu of tho postottlrn to which! you destro future notices to bo seut( to you, II. FUANIC WOODCOCK, Itogliitor.j Dalo of first publication Nov. C., 1913. Datu of seoond publication Nov MX,! 1913. ' Dato or third publication Nov.. 19,. 1913. Date of fourth publication Nov. , 1013. , NEW MUTllG BUILDING ON OREGON STKEET IS HANDSOME BUSINESS BLOCK. -NOTICE. The, county budget calls for $5000 for widows' pensions. Even for a county Where tho administration is notoriously kindly disposed to wid ows, that seems a bit high. Soon It will io chenpor for a woman to bo a widow than to support a husband. ?t Harney County's budget totals $138,510. Crook County's Is $287,-393. And ten men In Ireland precinct ,(La Pine) voted for Judgo Springer! THE TYPO TUYST. She held hor sweet mouth up to him And then remarked, to-wlt: "You may print a kiss on my lips, donr Jim, But you must not publish It." Boston Transcript. But In another moment Jim, Unless wo nilss our guess, Hadgntbercd her form closa to him And rushed right off to press. Youngstown Telegram. And after that, without a doubt, Jim took a strong position. Insisting that they should get out An extra lato edition. Chicago Record-Herald. But James stopped pressing presently And oald he'd bad enough When she confessed she's "shopped around" 'And this wus "reprint stuff"! ; . i PaclDc Printer nnd Publisher. But ere be went he 'paused awhile . 'By' nor fair "head" distracted, And wondered, as be, saw Its "style," HVhat '"make 'up rule1' she prac ticed. . Bond Bulletin. PHOTOS Come in nnd see our new line of XMAS Folders They are nifty and up-to-date. Get the prices and ar range n sitting. We are sure we can please you. Be sure to be in time for Xmas. THE ELITE STUDIO PLAYER PIANOS and Straight Pianos Come in and hear the beau tiful toned S. W. MILLER PLAYER PIANO. Sold at a very moderate price, AIbo other makes. . M. Thompson PIANOS TUNED. In tho County Court of tho Stato ot Oregon In and for the Coun'y ot irooK. In the mattor ot the estate ot John W. White, deceased. Notice la hereby Riven by the un dersigned, the administrator of the state of John W. White, deceased, that In pursuance to an order ot re sale, of the County Court of the County of Crook, OroRon, mado on the 1st day of Septombor, 1913, In the matter of tho ostato of John W. White, deceuBed, the undersigned will sell at public auction oil Thurs day, tho 11th day or Docornbor. 1913. at the hour or 10 o'clock a. in. at Bend, Crook county, Oregon, on the premises, uu mo rigm, utio nnu in lorest of said John W. Whlto ut tho time of bis death and all the right, title and lntorost the snld ostnto has acquired In addition to that of the said John W. Whlto, had at tho timo of his death In and to tho following described real estate, to-wlt: First. Lot 7 or block 2 or Bend, Oregon. Second. Lot 4 In section 1 and lot 1 and the south half of the northeast quarter of section 3, in townBhiji 21 5. of range 10 cast of the Willamette Meridian and the SWViSWfc. section 35 In township 20. B, In rango 10 east of tho Will amette Meridian and tho WSEU, sec. 3. nnd the NWNEV4. see. 10, township 21 south of run bo 10 K., W. M.. and. third, tho BMNWM. soc. S, In township 20 south of ranee 12 oast, W. M. Fourth. Lot 12 In block 11 of Bond, Oregon. Fifth. The SK4NE and the MS 1(815 of s no tion 33, township 17 8., It. 12 east or tho Willamette Meridian, nnd sixth : Tho S Mi N W 4 nnd N is hV 14 . sec. 3L T. 17 8.. It. 12 E.. W. M.. all In Crook County, Stato or Oregon. -jcrms and conditions ot sulo, cash. Dated this 11th day or November, 1913. A. C. LUCAS. Administrator of tho cstato of John w. wiiite, deceased. 3G-40 I ' ' r t a pa NOTICE OF CONTKHT. Dppartment of the Interior, Unltod States Land Olllco, Tho Dalles, Ore gon, November 3, 1913. To Daisy Moon, of Portland .Oregon, corner Dth and Yamhill Sts Con testee: You are hereby notified that John ii. Williams, wno gives care S. It. Hogln, Bond, Oregon, as his post olllco address, did on October 9, 1913, Illo In thin olllco his duly corrobora ted application to contest nnd secure the cancellation or your homestead entry No. , sorlal' No. 07209, made August 3, 1910. for so M soli. BAA 'lt Al..Al. n.lM1 .. I Iovv, -V, 0731107, 00711074, BUCMUJII 29, township 1C south, rant'o 11 E.,l II, , j , 7.7- - - . . , 1 ; -r- i 1 ' a isJlBmftJrF i vSwsrali firings?'? S$,'5 . A vt'-' - ,ilf n.n 1 1i0C,d n.1 .R "."J of n5n.rl?' f 000 'y ." M'"' ' I" ono of tho best business buildings In Item!. Tho front Is of Imported brick and the other walla of locally mintifacturwl i-rlck It ro iiialns three store rooms occupied by A. L. French s clothing store, Innes, Davidson & llarllelts barber simp and Miol and M Hard hall and A. L, Hunters furniture ostnbllshmont. Tho location Is on OroKoi street 1 o tween Bond and Wall streets. Each storo room contains n basement n the rear. Mr. French nnd limes avldsoi. & Bartlett have hot air heating plants, and the latter firm nso has tub and shower l" h faelU-' h,-,. Tm Tpn,C. ,,ci,w V.'0 p,at0 .n,M .,rl.n.t, of l,, mk ' I'M. cement sidewalk and c us r lights add to tho attractiveness of tho building. ti f VjEP Wear Located in tho modern building shown above, wo havo tho best facilities for handling our fino line of goods for men. Every thing is kept clean and every article you purchase is freo from dirt or soiling. Goods of the Best Quality Goods at the Lowest Prices. This combination has won and holds a large clientele of the most discerning buyers. A. L. FRENCH Oregon Street, Bond, Oregon. Furnitur Our stock is now housed in the now brick building pictured herewith. At this storo you find tho highest grado of furni ture and house furnishings. When you furnish your homo you want articles that will last a long timo and look good oil tho timo. QUALITY is what you seek. There is no better place to find it than hero. Your attention is also directed to our very complete lino of NOVELTIES Useful household things at small prices at this big store. W ) I II A. L. HUNTER Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. "WPfBT" 1.: 1' '-&&ttiiL& JJl.