The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 26, 1913, Image 3

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'"'"' Oisoy, HiiU'IiIp, Wllln Properly
to Wnrron llrotvn,
Mtou 'l'lmt ovtin ii county olllolnt tuny not
rmvnnl In IIiIh world nti well iih In thu
o lliiiiihoxt for nctM of klmliiuHH wns ovl-
tlmwod IiihI. w(inl( ut tho county mutt
Iiiui a miloldn lull nil IiIn worldly
lioodri, liiuliiilliiK n valuable much,
,,.!( JViirroti Drawn, rounly clork, lie
mi ii1u,',,,m" Hiown lnid befriended lilm nt
oi IHUI.(MM lni(,H
.IJlllll Casey wiih tlio iiuloldo, III)
"xtfiiKulHhud IiIh llfo via tint "nnld
routn" In ii hotel lobby Kundny, Unit
diirlim thin ono soason there woro
nultlolotit fiiudn nnd tlio l'ortluml
Commorclnl C'luli wnii, therefore, Jiim
tlllud In nut contrlliutliiK thu 12000
I wild relief anno no, rullof did not
coitiu. (IroNM noKlttct of your duty,
Incompetency, nnd your apparent ills
IlltUIOHtOdUIIHN iih n resident of till)
(touuty provilntod It rouiltiK. Vou aro
tlio direct mid only ciiiiko, nlthouuh
you, ynuimilf. urn tlio effect of n jit
niniitiihlo political Nltuiitlon Unit non
tlod a coiii ho now on it vol vol carpet
my pencil secmit to run to bona,
I luivo churned you with noulocl
of duty, and I ahull now proceed to
III" proof. Vou emtio to olllco on .Inn-
I, lit III, You worn plortKod to
oinry Imforo you could nvnll your-1 iNflTANTr,Y, In offered frco tlifs
nolf of thntlnw n tho Intoreit of tho weak hy iha i.Ai(0raon Drug CoAdv.
i milium, mini- mu uhi uu mnu iw
n lnn..'""1" '" ll uoiei loony niiuuiiy, iithi. ' ;.""
". '"'ilrihiiinw ii lurvu iiumi nf uii-v..inihi.. . iiary
H KrO,,ml ,lu ,,I,II.IV. .nMlllf ilnu'n l.iifiirn'HUPport ll (1 111(111 H t m 1 1 0 II furtii work III
.1.. . ttlovo. ii IcIiik IiIh nine until wiii-l('roA,l "ty. Vou know the jiooplo
., ',, "vU'NlniiH, nnd tliHii dentil chiiih to him.
""'" Casey, ii resident of the Powell lluttn
""loiintry, wiih it hind drinker, and IiIm
i innv ,,,,,,li followed a pmloimnd doliiiiich.
,nT ; Hit wiih nearly 70 your old, a tllvll
uMu v""ri"i ""'I "" OrHHott plmmer.
l.j ' iiiiit in ixiniiK'n, niiii it nun iiit"
ll tin
vop(H that hn wlllod all Iih had to
mil. 'r,v" '""' "linn
ilitok'i y ;,'rk "r,MV"-
of Iliu county Htood iih a unit for tho
woik, iih did thu othur county com-
inloHliiiiurH know of It mid approve of
it. tiih iiOKiHiHtiirn ptiMMHii within
IK) (luvH. or thereabout. aflHr you hh-
sumvd oIIIch, mi act nKreoitiK lo iM
lloHtw any mnoiint the county,
tlirotmli iIin County Court, nil Mli t
vote for HiIm work, TIiIh was vmy
lllmrsl mid eiiMnirKlfiK on t 1j part
of iIih state, (wptH'lHlly to now and
cpMiKoly untiled couutloH. nn In Crook,
mid It wan your opportunity to do
xouictliliiK for tho fiiriiii'rn In which
you prnfim no niuch Interest.
If you know miytliltiK, mid I nut
not koIiik to clinrxa that you do, you
know that on mentliiK of thu Ih'kI"
latttro it hill wan to ho presented to
stimulate duuionntrntlon farm work.
If you nay you did not know It, you
oxpomt your iKiiormiro of Important
economic affairs of your county, nnd
(litis III tin MoiiulnliN Wiih l)cfl
lent 'I'liU Yar.
4 total or 41,018 ntork woro fed
on tlm l)HNuhutH Natloiidl I'oritit
diirliiK tho imni noflHou titular rnKii
Imi KrnzliiK poruilt, clRHHlllud iih fol
low HhHp, 3l),728 oattlH, 20112;
liorNiw, HO.
Tlm fonml ofllrorH who hnvn linon :
touch with raiiKo condltloim t!iltiiipliiinln your In
nntiiititT report that nxxl I iittuor uhiiiuk iiio votorn or ltook county
liwttcr thin fall than iimiiiiI on account I to tunko you County Judito. Kutthor.
of tho coiiipariKlvoly Into kprlni: mid, I tuunt auunt that you know tho
hmtvy rainfall oarly In tlm noiinon. I'HI hccainn law In tltno for you to
Thy nlmi report that nimrly all of,v'ti fundH for dumotiHtrutlou work
tho Htock wn In nxcollont condition I diirlni? tho noanon or 1113. Hut you
on I oil v I iik tlm fnnmt ratiKo thin fall. I did not voto any fund with which to
(rim Mhoop tiro till Krarnd aloiiK tlio .carry on tho work, mid whon ohurKvd
ntitiiuilt of tho Cnncndo iiioiiutnliiH, with ticKhict or duty you, with char
(ilKli In tho IiIIIh, Tart of tho nuni.actorUtle ImtnodcHty, nay, In Jimtin
hi" hIiowu nn riinnliiK on tho forcali ration or your Icthnricy mid Indlffur
thU year actually ran on tho went once, "I would not voto tiiunoy until
nlop( or tho Caicadc. on tho Cancndo thn coIIcro proooutod dutull iixpciull
ntul Hantlatn National Korrnt, on nc- turn or iiionuyn alrcndy voted for
count or tho fact that ratiKo allot- ntirtdy tho voter have- n right to
iniitit, In n largo nuiulMir of thu cancH,kuow what oceanic- of tho tnonny"
Kxti'iiiln on hoth nldc of thn iiiotin- and "thu Judxu ha n letter on Ilia
tndiH. Mont of tint cnttlo am Krazcd ,ro1" ""' collcKu olllcliil anyltiK that
lower down where thn tlmlier Ih morn thn failure to report tho tntnt of
Kot tho report?
Did you, holwooti Jnnttnry 1, 1013,
mid thu (Into of patmaKo of tho nhovo
law wrlto to tho coIIoko for Hitch ro
port? Did you, llmronftor nnd up to Knp
totnhor 1, 1013, nnk fomuclt roporl
Old you a miicli iih wrlto n letter,
or oven drop n iontnl curd to tho col.
Ioko prior to Heptomlier 1, 101 II, ante.
Iuk for Inroruiatlon or any kind on
huh mutton
ir you did, kindly kIvo (lie puhllR
he (Into or teller or pout h I In tho
"HptluKnr Coluuin," or olnewhoro, to
KOtlinr with tho repllHH thereto. I
ilure you to do ho. If you can do no
ir you can hIiow hii honofit offort
to Kt thin Information ut tho proper
llinn-yoii will he commended hy
the voter. If you can't do no, your
"faith In tho good iMiin of thn vot
er will avail you uotlilnK.
I chnrKU you with miiy, eleMed or)
a platform, one Important plunk or
which you did not carry out, nor nt-'
tempt to carry out, whllo you drew ,
pay front tlio county. 1 rhnrxe you,
with n cowardly nnd lllinnorfttIe
Hct In nttctuptlUK to throw on tho
HhoiilderH of tho OreKon AKrlrulthr-j
bI CollnKf the Inrompeteiicy nnd neic
li.rt which jitHtly IioIoiikh to your
Holf. I chnrKft Hint thu only at-i
teuint you iiihiIh up to Heptemlier 1,
1018, wan to bI I'rofmHior Power,!
(ho you told iiio) who linn no con
nectlon with tho financial end of tho,
Oregon AvrlculturHl CoIIckw to need1
you tho detnllcd ntAteiuetit. Ho did,
not. Vou took no further notice t ,
noticj: von runMCATioy.
nopnrttnont or tho Interior, U.
l,iind Olllcu nt Tho Dalle. Oregon.
Novomhor 13, 1013.
Notice I hereby kIvoii tltnt
Kohcrt 1), (lould, wlione pontolllco ad
drcHH Ih llend, OreRon, did, on tho
'-'0th dny or January, 1013, fllo In
thin olllco Hworu Htuteinent nnd ap
plication, No. 011100, to ptirc'hflRo
IoIh 2 mid 3, nectlon 10. fownnhlp
17 wiutli, rniiKo 12 ennt, Wlllatnettd
Meridian, nnd tho timber t hereon,
under tho prorlnlonH of tho net of
Juno 3, 1878, and act amendatory
known a tho "Tltnhor nnd fllono
Law," nt Htich value as mlRht bo fixed
by nppralnomont, and that, purnunnt
to Hitch application, tho land nnd tim
ber thereon hnvo linen apprnlicd Ono
Hundred Boventy-Hlx Dollar, tho
timber ontltnnlod 12T, M. board reel
nt 10.70 per M., nnd tho land $81.00,'
that nald nppllcnnt will offer final
proof In support or his application
nnd Bworn atatoment on tho 24th
Dopnrtmont of tho Interior, U. 8.
Lnnd Ofllco nt The Dalles, Oregon,
November 8, 1913.
Notice Is hereby slvon thai Hnttlo
h. Huntington, or IJond, Oroson, wild
on July 27, 1908, inndo homcHteadl
entry No. 03 CO for HW'teo't, section
32, townnhlp 19 noitth, rango 11 cant,
Wlllnmotto meridian, has filed notloo
nni.iii muiuiniiifc iii iliu Aiiiii .....
day of January. 19H, herore II. C.ior intention to mnko final flvo year
KIM, V. H. CommlHHloner, at Ilond. proof, to ostabllsh claim to tho land
A 7lirtifl XVIro Cut Collar
Jir Haddls Oalt not wopottr
ial leave a dltfleurtoj;
la (tie Ulnht ncmedy for All
Abraaion of the llcb.
If tbif wound I rleannod and
iiio liniment applied promptly,
ths ln-allnsc prcH-e t.pglnn at
onco. anit in wound htf rron
(he Inude outwardly, tliua per
ormlng: a prrct cure that
eave no war. If the wound
liea U on the outilila too quirk
ly, pu form unUor the ur
farc and breaks .out Into a run
nlntr fro that I hard to euro
and Inevitably leaves a bad
tho matter wits duo to a tulsundftr
Mantling between tho coIIoko ortlo-
In vlow of thn fact that you were
plodKHl to support the detnonntra
tlon work. In vlow of tho uutned
fact that you know a law enabling
inticnM cam c I you to voto for iinmoimtratlon work
ifiyiOVJI JMI lwn. in,M, ntiil In view nf vnnr n.
1IN I U. orKIfNUUK nortlon that a colloRo reort wus nec-
min and tin feed more Miiltahlo to
that cla of ntnek. The localities
nupporlliiK thn Inrttent number or
aierk nro nlonc thu Motollu river,
at Crane I'rnlrju and In thn vicinity
of ICuit Lake mid I'lnu Mountain,
(Contlnuwl from 1'aRe One)
Jnft was dlscunned, as was Mr, C. C.
Otaputmi, reprenentliiK tho Portland
ComiiiHrclal Club, and Mr. Carl dray,
rHprimentlnc tho railroad. I there-
faro know that your mwertlon that
thn (HiliHKe HKretnl to "carry on tho
work two HuaiHins" Is not unqualified
ly true. Tho nKreeinent no to do was
subject to tho receipt of suftlelunt
fun it. It did not receive sufficient
finds, thoreforc, It could not do so,
tilud you done your duty as an officer,
the work could have been carried on,
as I shall later hIiow.
Tho f 10.000 to bo rnlnod as afore
said, was divided as follows: fSOOO
from thu railways, 13000 by tho Cen
tral Oregon Development I.cokuo
to bo railed In any manner thn rout
mlltee deemed best and $2000 from
thn Portland Cotuiuurelnl Club, con
ditionally. Thn railways mid thn tie
volopment leiiKUii had n direct Inter
oat In dutnountrntlon work In Crook
county the Portland Commercial
(flub had only a rotuoto and Indirect
one, and Mr. Chapman pledKwl thn
club simply as n friend to tho county,
should the work need tho $2000 be
fore tho UiKlnlnturo broiiKht relief,
put tho lxKllnture did bring relief,
at the siMMlon or 1UU, therefore, only
ono season, the uphhoii of l'Jl'i, ImiI
elep(Hl before the roller came, nnd
For Partridge, Wood
cock, Squirrel or Habbil
Shooting the
He. 101
r-uxL uwcriMuiu tiu.
V4lft if1,WM
U.t f(l 0lr 11.00
W ! tan w ri M .V
t IMm M fllwu.
I A kfflir
tni Itt IritJti in.
IMIHItl ti'.NtA)U
M M tm Iw. ITCVIHt
is no respeclcr of persons. Do yon wimt to
or tin you want n loud rollnblu nlnrin Iwforo a flro enn become
ilatiKorouH In your homo or bunlnorts Iiouho? Wrlto or sou us
for piirllctllnrH
n. o. taox hhii
JAxrt 7 Tlic
SkxyrA y of
I ill
i 1
Mowers, Sunshine
Summer Sports
Loy Round Trip
Excursion Fares
f loot All Stillou ta lb
O-W R. & N.
Sun Tranchco, San Jose, Del Monlo, Two
ItoLlcs, Santa llartxra, Loi Ar.sclri, raudeni
ltivcrtldo and All Southern Calilorula l'olnii
Cloic Connecttoni at Portland Afforded
lhuicngcri from Oregon Puh.ti
Stuol Coaciics-DIock System
Ak any Anent of the O.W n. Ac N
to htlp oulllne your Tilp
thlk luntortnut matter until rieutct
er, lli8. when I myseir Kondod yot
Into wrltltiK for tho Inroruiatlon.
iiio coiimks may not hnvo done I'n
duty. This does not oxcimo you, r )
will It. for noKleot of yours. No pc
son wishes to Inflict on you nn Injus
tice, nor win tuo county submit j
ono from you. Hut the !t tatlojt
snows eitner tnat you uiu not n !
estly want tho report, or that vr
worn Incompetent or remiss, Tho
first position, In vlow of your do
fenso, shows you to bo hypocritical!
tho second, unworthy tho respoc. ard
ronfldenco of Crook county voter.
Choose for yoursoir, Judgo. "You
pays your money and takes your
choice. If I bo pormlttert to express
personal opinion, I should say you
aro hypoorltlcal, Incompetent and ro
iiiIns. Hut docs failure nn tho part of tho
Orogon AKrlcultural CoIIoro to send
ileuil expeuolluro justify . In
failure to supply funda for 10137
Mail you any reason to believe tho
funds previously voted had been lm
iiroKrlv expended? You had not.
Did Htty of the taxayers or Crook
county hsk you to withhold further
appropriation until tho roport wan
received. Not one. Do you know
that President Kerr, and Professor
Kcudder have reputations superior
to your own, and aro Kentlnmon nnd
scholars, to whoso caro oach year aro
Intrusted tens of thousands of dol
lars and that not ono charite oven
by tho bravest or tho most cowardly
has over bean made against tho In
tegrity of cither? You do. sir, you
well know all these things, If you,
vourseir. may bo accented as author
ity, becatiso you told mo so. Your
defonse In tho entire matter Is dls-
iiunuraiiio nnu your conuuci cowaro
ly In nttacklnR tho Orogon AKrlcul
tural CollcKo. You stated when In
conversation with mo that It was
your custom to get such reports bo-
rore votlnK rurther money, but In this
ensn. Judge, I foar that
'Custom doth reason ovorrulo
And serves as roason only to n fool."
Tho lottor from tho coIIoro offic
ials, to which you rotor as being on
file and admitting some misunder
standing on tho part of tho offlolals.
Is dated Hoptombcr 23. 1013, about
nlno months after you becamo Judge.
In this lottor President Korr states,
Inforontlally, that only at this data
waa ho nwaro Uiat tho roport had not
been sent you, and ordered that tho
same bo forwarded at once. It was
forwarded nt once to yu and to
overy paper In Ctook county, nil of
which shor i honesty nf dmllng and.
inloKrlty or purpose I wish I could
say this of your treatment or this
matter. In a lettor to mo addressed
by Professor Sottdder. In reply to
mine of oarly Soptombor, 1913. ho
says that "any person at any tltno
by applying to the liulnoM olllco mar
have n roport or the expenditure of
this work (the Crook county dem
onstration work) or any othor ex
penditure rroin any fiinit." It Is,
therefore, apparent from these let
ter that hud you done your duty, ns
clearly It was vour duty to do, the
matter would havo boon drawn to
tho attention of tho tironnr oollocn
ofllolals In early January. 1913. and
what you nllogo to so oirnostly re
quire In tho Interest or tho voters,
could havo been obtained for the
prlco of a iostal card. Yet you did
not sond thn postnl!' but nrefor to
sit In vour offlco chair, draw nround
you official robes that mav becotno
your polllloal shroud rdbes that
May roach your toos hut can never
reach tho topn of your oars nnd
with bombast, vociferation nnd Intnl.
ornble okoUhiii oxolnlm, "Tho County
uiiko uioreioro una no itirtiior on r
. i nnlagonlio tho state Inatllutlch,"
Yours truly.
(SlKiiod) J. H. MOltSON. v.od'If lick pro
uan It
not only
la llnlnicr.t i
for that rctmcfi i. r.
.. ontir on fii r nla.
on Human non num ita
..1. .... - - -Y."
,wui. quicki tii . ouniiiy.
J'rlcc S5c, COo nad MM.
JmtF.OalUrd,Prop. CtLouls.Mo.
SUphtna Salve Is htallna
kinuiisnt fur uorv lifii.
Patterson Drug Co.
Oregon Agricultural
I"AIt.Mi:itS' WHKK
Pcrcmlx-r H lo 111, 1!1
This will bo a notable event In
thu educational history ol Ore
gon. Farmers' Co-operation will bo
the loading topic of a stimulat
ing series or lectures. Tho weok
will bo crowded with discussions
and demonstrations In every
thing that makes for tho welfare
or tho farmer and home-maker.
wjntkk HiioitT cocnsi:
January n to .10, 111 I.
Tho Callage has spared no ef
fort to make this the most com
plete short course In Its history.
A very wide range of courses
will bo offered In General Agri
culture, Horticulture, Animal
Husbandry. Dairying. Poultry
Keeping, Mcchnnlc Arts, Domes
tic Sclenco and Art, Commerce,
Forestry, and Music. Numer
ous lectures and discussions on
at homo and abroad, will bo a
leading feature. Mnko this a
pleasant and profltablo winter
outing. No tuition. Accommo
dations reasonnblo. Reduced
rates on nil railroads. For fur
ther Information address
II. M. TBNNANT. Itoglstrar.
Corvallfs, Orogou.
Farmers business courses by
correspondence without tuition.
V" z
Bakery Goods Home leaked
Refreshing Sodas and Sundaes
Retail and Wholesale
Tho Adlor-l-kn book, tolling how
you can KASILY guard ngnlnst ap
pendicitis, nnd how you can relievo
constipation or gnB on tho stomach
What Cures
We havo hail so many Inquiries lately
rrvardlnir I.'ciema ami ether akin UU
tuiiaa, that wo are Kind to make our
anwr public After careful Invoitlga
lion we hove found thut a simple wash
('f Oil of Wlntorgrten, as compouiuleJ
in I). D. D. J'roorlptlon, can be relied
upon. We would not uiako this atate
jnent to our patroni. frleiula and neigh
bors unless wq win- sure of It and
although there ' inany so-called Ko
eems remedies wilJ, we ourselves un
heBttatlnily reoommend D. D. D. Pre
scription. Drop Into oar store today, Juit to talk
over the merits of this wonderful ir
MAiWsaJsisiikaBit3sWgMnWll ICsssMSJMBtasMBBfM
I f, WHO
I k doe3 !
Then split next week's wiih. Comrare
eur half with the other fellow's. That's
Bend Steam Laundry.
Any person Is nt liberty to protest
this purchase hoforo on try, or Ini
tiate n contact nt any time bfore pat
ent Issue, i,y niinjf n rorrolioralod
affidavit In this offlco, alleging facts
which would defeat tho entry.
37 -tj Ileglster.
almo described, before If. 0. Kills,
V. to. Commissioner, nt IJond, Oregon,
on the 10th day of December, 1013.
Claimant names ns wltueevto.
Fred A. mtonouest, David Hill, Poter
8gK'ltiK, John W, Usher, all of IJond,
36-10 Uoglstr.
Our New Elevator is Now in Operation
We Have the Largest and Best
Equipped Feed Mill in the State
I r
Our Capacity is 30 tons per day
Highest Market Prices Paid For
Grain of All Kinds
Bend Milling and Ware
house Company
Hotel Wright
The Hotel for Winter.
Steam Heat and Running Hot
and Cold Water.
Get our rates for the winter.
Trie only stone hotel in Bend.
Headquarters for Commercial Men
Electric Lighted Throughout
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
Oood Rooms
Free bus to
and from trains
Qood Meals
All arrangements made for persona
desiring to go south end east of hero
Altamont Hotel
J. A. EASTES, Mgr. Airs. O. J. HERRINO, Assistant Mj?i
"Put Your Duds
In Our Suds"
ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will costjyou,
l'attoraou unts uotnpany.
" ' I ill .iW.,rt ,.