The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 26, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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I for hor nhnro of ndtutrnUon,
......, And hors will bo tho lion's sliiuo, tho
powiu.ii nirriK.
I'lMYUiiU uuiin. 4uv iiirriuju . i.i j.. ,. ..!,n.
Hoover la building a hunjralow for Lot "'8 "" trlea "VStaw milt nnd
. E. Kiiddor. Mr. Huddor calls hU,Lot , hr , "I' '?l ,VUU nnd
tilnco "Kulrvlow" and tho nnmo Is
well chosen slnco It In located on ton
of tho highest butto In this locality,
llcnrr Rdwards Is busy clearing
land for Mr. Still or l'rlnovtllo. Mr.
KdwardR In under contract to clear
100 aero, which moans soma work.
Mr. Wnlcon took a load of oats to
rrlnovllto Tuesday.
learn to farm, not Unlit.
Improved farming la tho talk of tho
country far and wldo;
It's county fairs, with llvostock
shows nnd poultry sldo by sldo.
Tho meaning Is plain, 'tako It from
mo:' great showers all start by
And our old 'Undo Sammy' Is going
to spcclallio on crops.
C. H. Charlton roturned to tho So hero's to our farmers, our Contra!
bultos Monday from a few days' visit
with tho folks in rrlnovlllo.
Somo of tho local people contribu
ted their share of turkeys to tho
Portland ThnnksgiTlng trade. Among
those shipping tho pattor part of tho
-week woro; E. N. Hall, 30: N. P.
Alloy, 3D, and J. E. Warnor,35. Tho
birds worn dressed.
Hoad Supervisor Wtltcoxon and
crow finished work on tho Wilson
rond Wednesday. This Is tho road
repairing, requested by tho Club
Indies and allowed by Judgo Springor.
Tho rond was placed In good condi
tion and tho ladles yxprfss their
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mustard, who
visited tho past two mouths with tho
former's brothers, S. D. and V. Q.
Mtiitard, loft for Spokano Wednes
day. A yoiin mule, tho property of
It coves Wlllcoxon. is in grave danger
of being taken before a fedornl grand
jury for robbing tho U. S. mall. Last
week tho scamp watched his chunco,
nnd taking tho Redmond Spokesman's
weekly I'owoll Butto budgul from tho
mall bag, proceeded to mastlcato It.
Some of those Jaw breakers used by
tho correspondent, however, proved
too much oven for tho mule, but tt
Is safe to say tbo Spokesman contain
ed no I'owoll Hutto Items last week.
Mrs. M. M. Patton left Thursday
for Opal City after a pleasant visit
with her brothor, N. P. Alley nnd
family. Mrs. Pntton's homo Is In
Portland and sho will return thcro
after overseeing somo work on hor
Jiomcstoad near Opal City.
W. II. Pulkorson, fathor of Mrs.
Earl Saunders, left for Wtllaraotto
valley points Thursday whero ho will
visit numerous relatives. Ho will
spend somo tlmo with his son, Pearl
Fulkorson. and family, former pio
neers of this section but now located
at Seasldo.
Mr. Llnqulst is building a barn
for n. Manceau on tho lattcrs new
Powell Hutto farm.
Tho now houso on tho Jesso Tuck
lace Is about completed and Uio
family haro taken iiossoMlon. Mr.
Idndqulst'a folks have moved Into
tholr new home.
A family bv name of Humphrey,
hairing from Torrobonne, have taken
MP their residence among us, having
rested tho McCBffcn-WurtzwIle
place lately vacatod by McPharland.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Soars and
family haro moved to Redmond.
J. h, Gibson wag a visitor at the
1 CoHnty seat Saturday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Warn
er on Friday, Nov. 21, a daughter.
Tho little lady tipped tbo scalos at
t pounds.
Hev.'Ragpn of Redmond conducted
services at tho Shapnrd school houso
Sunday. A large audience was In
Mrs. A. W. Itayor visited hor
tJaMghtcrs in Prlnevltle Saturday,
retwrnlnc Sunday. Miss Gladys no-
vompaaled her mother home and
wont to Portland on Mm M-njay eve
ning train for a weok s visit.
The latt road news trom tho
Musty Mat is to the effect that tho
Geo. iL. Hraioo road petition has been
turned down, while tho Geo. KIsslor
petition hearing will bo continued to
the December session.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kissler and
family and Rov. Ragan and small
daughter, all of Redmond, were tho
quests at tho Ceo. KIsslor home Sun
lay. W&Gll
Miss Mabel Smith suffered from
tho effects of a soro throat last week
nnd aa a consequenco school In the
Wilson district where sho is toacher
was dismissed for several days.
Mrs. Van Morse returned to Prlne.
vlile Friday after a brief visit with
Mrs. Ida Morse and daughters.
Mrs.- Allen Wlllcoxon entertained
a numbor of friends at her homo on
Monday afternoon at a quilting bee.
Tho ladles busied tbomselvos making
quilts and all enjoyed tho afternoon
immensely. Tho hostess served de
lletoua refreshments.
All of our young peoplo who nro
students at tho C. C. II. S. will bo
home for Thanksgiving. Most of
them will ooine Wednesday and re
main over until Sunday.
J. A. RJkks moved his steers from
tho Wilson place to his home place
Saturday. With such line open wea
ther tho oattlo are doing well on pas
A banquet served by the members
of tho Powell liutte Sorosis to their
husband and sweethearts at the
homo of Mrs. Ida Morse Thursday
ovening tbs a docid'd success. Con
vevftflcuft befran to arrive at 7 p. m,
and by 8 o'clock tho entire company
had urrlvod and almost immediately
dinner wan announced. I)y previous
agreement no lady was permitted to
tako her husband for a dinner part
ner and Indeed this exchange seemed
to be most agreeable to tho hus
bands. Plates were laid for 34 in
tho well-appointed dining room whose
unowy tables were ablaze with num
erous candles. A delicious three
courso dinner wna nerved consisting
of oystor cocktail, celery salad, baked
chicken and dressing, escalloped po
tatoes, baked beans, roast pork, cran
berries, pickles, pumpkin pie, as
sorted caltes, plum pudding and cof
feo. A short literary program fol
lowed tho feast. Mrs. O. Truesdale
In the capacity of toastmastor re
quested a roll call, to which each
lady responded with a toast to tho
guests. Mrs. Van Morse next fav
ored the company with an excellent
reading, miss Mabel Allen also read
a humorous selection. Doth these
nurubora wore much enjoyed. Tho
Sadies also gave in concert the fol
loMngtoa8t' composed especially for
the occasion:
"Hore's to farming, the backbone- of
our nation,
She's comlug down the home stretch
Oregon plonoors,
May you live long nnd prosper, with
tho coming of tho years."
Mrs. O. C, T.
POWELL nUTTB. Nov. 21.
Water waa turned In Uio canal last
weok for a day and a half. It waa
welcome as nearly ovory ono's els
torn nnd watering places woro dry.
Somo work will bo dono on tho canal
in this vicinity right nwny.
N. II. Reach's now houso Is ncar-
Ing completion nnd Is a most at
tractive Improvement to hla hotno-
Ed. Persson hns his new barn fin
ished, to roplaco tho one burned
Melvln Foster Is putting up n
bnrn on tho homo place. Ed Pers
son Is doing tho carpenter work.
E. F. Archer Is Improving his houso
by enlarging tho kitchen.
A. D. Morrill Is suffering with n
severe- attack of sclntlc rhoumntlsm.
Mr. A. D. M.
SISTERS. Nov. 21. -Lewis Glover
has sold his farm to Nicholas
1 rank Arnold and wlfo havo moved
to their homo after spending two or
three months working on Art Wurx
seller's bungalow.
'Iho Sundny school confoion-i by
Rev. R. 0. Illack.iiru was un lu;dr.v
tions of tho Sisters peoplo. Plans
arc being made to put Into operation
many of tho good things which Rev.
Rlnckman outlined. Hoth tho nftor
noon nnd evening sessions wore woll
attondod. There was a good repre
sentation In from Clovordnlo.
IMPERIAL. Nov. 20. Tlild section
was visited by sovornl light snows Inst
Tho small neighborhood dnnco was
attended by eight couples last Satur
day night.
. Two hundred nnd nlnoty-olght foot
of 4-Inch plpo was lowered Into tho
Imperial woll Inst weok. Tho engine
and other equipment Is expectod to bo
put on in a tow days.
Tho feed stablo Is nearly complolod
and Is oxpectod to bo In roadlnnss by
Theo. Uurna, who has been out In
tho Madras country for harvest, has
returned with n team and wagon.
Emit Van Lake lias his now C-room
resldcnco complotcd, It Is modern
nnd up-to-date,
Henry Anderson from Chohnlls,
Wash., located In this township a few
days ngo.
Huffman nnd Rnbcock roturned
from Hond this week with two loads
of freight.
Warren McConnoll has built nn ad
dition on tho Illxby store, It being
10 by 10 feet.
Mr. Wnllo. who has been working
In llond tho last thrco months, Is
again on his homoatend.
will spend somo tlmo visiting with
hor folks,
Tho uuw bnrn nt tho school hotmn
wnH put up Saturday by nliotit an
workmen. An olnhorntn dinner was
solved by tho women,
Mrs, Pago, who has boon seriously
III for somu tlmo, wns tnkon to tho
hospital at Rodmond Saturday,
nt present for tho decoration of thn
ThiuiltnglvltiK tnhlo,
A. Martin linn gono to l'ont, Ore.,
where ho experts to slay this winter.
Id, lllncknluno hns put up a houso
on bin hoimmtuiul nnd Ih liiisy picking
The "water witch" linn boon very
busy In thin vlululty "witching" for
E. Dnnlolsoii luul n sovoro uttnok
of tho grip Inst wook.
farewell pnrty was given for Mrs. J.
U Roeurn at tho A. S. Cnttlnuliiun
homo Frldny night, A dollKhtful
PORTLAND. Nov. 3.--For the suppor was served nnd Iho evening
nrst tlmo In history, railroads oijorn - wn spent In games nnd music
Ing In tho Pncino Northwest will this Thorn qU(a jtt0 taU ,,low.
year glvo reduced rates fni nR being dono In this neighborhood.
Christmas and Now Year holiday I Ry Wlntorn has plowed 30 acres
porlod. A faro and a third rato for and A. 8. CottliiRham has just llnlsh
tho round trip from December 18 to c,i plowing do acres.
January 6 will bo announced shortly,
LA PINK, Nov. ai.Ernost lloes
loy nnd mother. Mrs. J. S. Ilueslny,
spoilt Thursday In llond on business,
It. E, Eaton wnn In town todny
from hla homnstond,
Geo. Ginf was In town Inst week
SISTERS. Nov. 20. Mr. Lockmll
lcr Is hauling lumbor for his now
houso near Sisters.
Tho total enrollment of the Sis
ters school reached 10 pupils last
week. All of tho first nlno grades
aro reprosonted.
Homer Farthing and Roy Davison
went Into tho mountains near Hunt's
cabin the first of tho week to get
tho formor's traps which woro used
thcro last winter.
Mrs. Wm. Edmunson Inst Sunday
celebrated her 63rd birthday by giv
ing a dinner. Sho rccolved somo
very beautiful presents. Mrs. Ed
munson Is a pioneer of Crook county,
having come to tho Ststors country 33
years ago., whero sho and her hus
band have been ongaged In'furmlng
and stock raising.
CRESCENT. Nov 22. Ner.l Sly. of
Iji Pino wnH In Croscont Tuesday, on
routo to Chlloquln.
Han Zimmerman was in from his
trap-line Wodnesdiiy.
Jim Redmond, who has boon In
Crescent tbo past two weeks, loft Fri
day for Long Pralrlo.
Gcorgo Mayfleld waa In from his
ranch near J. a Pino Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanniur woro
In town Wednesday for supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith nnd son Man
nrd, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonea and son Paul
nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Jones, who wero
Rend visitors tho pnst week, returned
Sundny. Mr, and Mrs. Smith woro
visitors nt tho Jones ranch Thursday,
Fred t-n Follotto camo In from La
Pino Friday to tnko up roeldonco on
his homostead hero.
Tho Ladles' Civic Lenguo mot Fri
day afternoon with Mrs. Maud Rlngo.
During tho business session Christ
mas plans nnd arrangements wero
made. Dainty refreshments woro
sorved nnd tho meeting adjourned to
bo held noxt with Mrs. Rourk, Friday
afternoon, Dec. B.
PLAINVIEW. Nov. 21. Mosdame
Strahm and McCulloy nnd Miss Evel
yn McCulley woro tho dinner guests
nt Scoggtn'a homo Monday.
Mrs. Florence Powelson of Hand
called at her mothor's, Mrs. Smith's,
Monday afternoon.
Glonves Strahm spent Inst week
at the Sayler homo.
Nelee Peterson was transacting
buslnoM In Redmond, Monday.
Mrs. Sayler and Gloaves Strahm
were trading In Sisters Tuesdny.
Mrs. Will Lovorenz oxpects to
lonvo at once for Spokane whero she
for lumbor to finish his cabin.
A. R. Donohuo will, haul 11,000
pounds of wire fencing for John At
kiiixon lliin week.
Tho Intor-Mountntn will move to
tho corner Just north of llogun & Co,
W. G. Fordhiuu. Iho m-w tHnlniHa
tor, will move In this wook from hs
homostead. Tho nlllro will bo located
In tho room Just south of tho Ln Pino
Supply Co., tho family occupying
rM.u n tho rear of tho orllce.
Chris Anderson will start driving
ila&o Wednnsdny between hero and
iiummlt Station.
Tho mnrrlngo of W. Ernest Reoa
ley and Miss Mary llogue, daughter
of J, S. Roguo, Is announced for tho
2ilth. Mr. Ileesley hns been a resi
dent of tho valley for four years and
nt present la managing tho ranch of
Dr. Glasgow.
Miss Ilesslo Darker In staying with
Mrs. Nettle Shulti during thn nh
senco of tho boyn on tho Mnyflold
ranch. Gcorgo will wlntor his cattlo
at Fort Rock.
Jon Mathonlo nnd Frank Hylvestor,
who havo boon to tho Crooked rlvur
with n hunch of cnttlo, returned Sat
urday to thn Mike Mayfleld placo.
Mrs. W. O. Fordham. who had
been visiting hor mother, Mrs. Nottlo
Shultz, nt tho Geo. Mnyriold placo,
roturned homo Sunday.
Tho papers for tho school lmnda
for this district havo final'' Inn
signed nnd It Is said that tho new
building will be ready by February 1,
C. 1). Todd Is dluulnir n well mi hla
plnco. A, II. Davis has Just had n
well drilled that proved to bn quite
a success, Ho has over 100 foot of
Mr, and Mrs. Cottlnghnm and chil
dren and Mrs. I. L. Rogers took tur
key dlnnor with Mrs. Frod Hamlin
' Mr. Kennedy Is hauling liny.
Lillian 1 1 tt mil it hns been sick for
the past wrok but Is hotter now.
Mm. Chits. Mills Is exported haok
nlHiiit tho z7lh to stny for tho winter,
Mrs. Will Wlgguin left for Port
laud Inst week to Join her husband.
They will spend tho winter In Idnho.
Mr. Stnpleton Is going out for tho
Mr. Hill oxnortN to nnund thn win.
i fur In Ijim Aiii.u1.lm
A. 8. Cottlnghniii will go to llendg
thin wook for Iho sontH fur tho m4um '1
houso, row
Mrs, I. L. Honors In going to llnn.uox
for tho wlntor, den
HAMPTON. Nov. 17.Mrs, XT. T ",,
HurrlMiiii visited Iliiiuptoii school Iiih. .
Tuosilay, , ,
Mr, mid Mrs. McCimo, who tiiivL.t
Just lately comn unto tholr lioiiii(rol
nluud un Hampton butto, woro Jien ir
Inst wook netting tholr mnll nnd gro,,,,,
curios. ' .,
Mrs, Vnn Lnkn mndn a trip" t(...
Hnmptun iRHt week after grot-orloni',,'
Tho Vnn Lakes nro building a jioh,,.,
houso on their hoiuostond. ,.,,
Iliirr lllnok nnd mother havo mov ,
oil to Mrs. (Hack's homestead on-jst I
xnrd Creok. Thoy scorn to IlkeTTlu .j,,
now plnco very much although tlnvi)1
coyolea nro bnd and thorn nro ,iiollt.
any clone neighbors. Mrs, lllnck i
(Continued on Pago 0)
In lltn piece in buy
the UKltir KIND of
(lUOCIUilUS at tbo
UIGIIT KIND of prices
Near 28 Mile Post
HIGHLAND. Nov. 17.-0. Tack
man nnd sister from Indian Crook
visited here Saturday.
Martin Hnllmeyor and son Joo loft
for Hond Saturday morning. They
oxpocl to bring nut a load of grocer-1
lo to r J. It. Rivera store.
ICrnent Nelson nnd wlfo have re
turned from a trip to Colfax, Wash.
Walter Taylor will leavo for Hond
thin weok whero ho expects to stay
for tho winter.
Quite a few turkoys nre bolng foil
Building Material
1 - -. ' gs- " ' " "in i a in 1 1 in
The Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
""J i
Our nursery is located on Powell Hutte, fourteen miles '
enst oi'Dcnd. Our trees are the kind we reeoiuiueud'
after over thirty years experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will
please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see
our orchards and nursery. Oillee address, Prineville. Ore.
You are a stranger in a city.
You want a cigar, or a hat, or a pair of
shoes, a magazine or eats.
You look for a sign on a store that
carries the thing you want. ,
The sign that catches your eye is an
electric sign.
Strangers come to Bend every day.
They want to buy things.
They will buy in your store if you can
attract them to it.
Once attracted you have the opportun
ity to make a permanent customer.
$,': Our Electric Signs Attract.
4 v We have a new proposition in electric '
signs to put before you.
See us about it.
We Deliver the Goods
Hay, Barley, Onto, Wheal nnt! Bran nt lowest prices.
Tho Largest Bnrn in Central Oregon.
Bend, Oregon.
Bend Water Light Power Co.
it $
t i
The Owl For Busy People
Daily train each way bctwoen. Central Oregon
points ana romand. Tourist sleeping car
(Berths $1.00.) First class coach.
Save a Day Each Way
Lcavo Bend 8:30 p, m.
" DeschuteH 8:48 p. in.
" Kcdmoml ,..0:10 p. m.
" Torrebonno59:2l p. m.
" Culver 10:02 p.m.
" Motollus 10:20 p.m.
" Madras 10:30 p.m.
Arrlvo Portland 8:10 a. m.
Lcavo Portland 7:00 p.m.
Arrlvo Madrap 0:00 a. m.
" Motollus C:l6a. m.
" Culver 0:28 a.m.
" Torrebonno...7:08 n. m.
" Redmond 7:23 n. m.
Doschutc8....7:.13ii. m.
Bond 8:00 a.m.
Prompt despatch oMihthotwoen Central Oregon
anq rormnq and Portland and Eastern Cities
Connections mado In Portland to nnd from Wlllamolto Vnll Afnrl'
appIlcaS to"10 8ChC(1UlC8' nml0t,,0r ,nforn,ntlon by letter, or upon
R. II. CJKmR,A.aO. P. A. J.II.OORDHT.Awnt n '
W. O. WILKIS8, A. O. P. & P, a., Portland, OrK' r0g0D' , ,