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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1913)
)1 iikni nvhhivriN, mmn, ow; wijdnkhdav, novkmiikk 10, una. VAQti 7. i fH GO PROCEEDING S A roKiilnr term of lho County Oonrt roiivnnotl on Novomhor G, 1013, ill 11 o'clock ii. in. thereof. I'romiiit: (?, Hprlnmir, JikIkc, primldlnit; 11. II. IJayUiy, commissioner; Willi W. Drown, comtnlRiilonor; Krnnk Klklns, nhorlrr, nml Wnrron llrown, elnrk. Whurotipon tlm fnllowliiK proceed Iiikh wnro had, to-wlt: In thn iiintlur of I tin 0, I. Ilrazoo jt nl county roml. Vloworn' roport presented, roail nnd' approved; said roport bolus unfavorable thu iimttor was illRcontlnunil. In tliu nmttor of thn Ucorfto Kontor roml, continued for reconsideration. In tliu matter of thu I, A, Hunt at nl roml, viewers' report rnml twlcn, lz on November 5 nua 0 mil view, tirs worn ruiiuntinl to nuiaiiil roport ooiiforinliiK to pint Mod by Attornoy DiRKt, tho name IioIiik desired by n majority of the orlirinnl potltlouorH, Ordered to in out on Doeombor 10, iiin. In tlio mat tor of tho I). I'nttik nt nl roml, viewers ordorod out on Decern bar 1, 1IM. In thn mnttHr of tho I. W. I.ouk joml In consldonitlon of tha fnel that tho oltlxmi hnvo suhorlljid 1180, or iluri'il thnt warrant for $260 ho tniwn In fnvor of Hoy Nowoll, to ho imwil In ItiipmvliiK unlit roml. Itoml Supervisor Monroe's roport noeeplod In tho innttor of thu Oslo- way Rrniin, nun it. i. jornan instruct ed to pay n hi nuporvlnor J0U0, bal ance of railroad contribution. Clurk ordorod to Imiio wnrrnnt for f 130.26 to Hupurvlsor Monroo, tho same bo- JiiK tho Amount oxpondod mora tlinn tho rnllroml contribution, vl., total ixnt 11701.83, limn $176 worth of nia- cerlsl nulvorta nua powder loft oviir. In tho nmttor of tho roport of 1. T. Monroo, supervisor of roml dls- trlct No. 10, l.rowi Knys, roixirt ap proved nml warrant for $11.25 or itur uil drawn In favor of aald aupor vhor. In tho matter of lllllmnn roml ills, trlrt No. 34, (Jiiirno Ilnnillton, sup ervisor, cbirk ordered to draw war ant for J0 In fnvor of imld Itnm 4tou In llmi of warrants drawn for John llnlfrlch. which warrants mi) ordered withheld. In tho waller of tliu roport of Allan (Vllleoxmi, supervisor of roml du ll lot No. St, rnpnrt npproved and warrant for $ I&2.6& ordorml drawn. In thn matter of tho Dan Callow roml, all iirorKHlliiK BppoarlnK to bo iKMlar. th tlHwntu wru orilurtHl uiit H lHwMiher 8. 1913. In the Hinltwr of tho J. A. VonburK road, nil nroemidlnKs niuioarliiK rK- wlar, tho viewers wore ordered out Mi IJWMIIbur 5, l'J13. In tilt innllor of the H. 1. Haater un road, all irocllnitH appoariMK tw raivlar. viewer ordered out an ManrtMbor II. 1913. Ih Ut matur of Him M. M. Davan lrt roml, lwen' roport praaaatad m) road twtr. li.. oh Nnvonibar & A 6, ad aaniM havlnx bu hm proved by IMatrtcl Attorney Wirt, tlrnl that . l. DnvvniHirt l In ainietaA to work out aHbacrlptlon. In tho matter of th H. IS. West ji4; and It nppmtrlHK that the l lUiHi)rH urn wIIIIiik to build Mid iml without coat to lit county, and U ahw HtnwarliiK that tho Hoy Kli dr roml will coat $600 to open, It In Ikvrtfore retuwtod that th vtow. At rpatmnldor their roKi;t on iald 8. M Went roml and It In undomtood gDt tho county will endeavor to le fcillio tho nntno. . In tha mattor of thn II. O. Thul atrup roml, HuporvUor I'otom nu ll berlu'A to do n llttla work on tho fbilflKc, not oxcccdlnK 10, ami thn inuniy will furnUli onn box of nowdor to bo tmed by ubRcrlbnra utidor tho tUoatlon of tliu npurvUor. November 5. f " wrrn repot I In tho mnllct of tha l. C. Moltho, tho IC. W. I'emlmll mid Hlii V. A, .) a rnmik, proauatod ..iil int'. lx., on Kotoinbur 0 nml ,". ami mi veil. V i tn innttor of tho O. II. Yco nfiB, UiH). I. Huston nnd A. II. Wll n.i.i rondi, Vlwwera Krnntod furthur "In tho liietUf f'l HfP. n. Boom inn road, vfeM' fobor prwontod. uiC twlco. vJx., 0 Movfcnibnr o and 4 and approved. In tho ninttur of tin? clnlm of ! l uah for dniiiHKim. dUallinvod. I.. l... nmllnr (if tllll ArmnOOIIN AM- j,Mioi)t of Wharton llroa., ordoroil i,ii ilin olork crodlt tho nhorirt with 2,62, bolng tho nmount of tho or lonuouM 1U11 aMannmont. In tho mattor of tho vnlunllon of Kva A. Staiilo proporty. ordered tho vnlunllon bo corroded to bo tho aamo At, 1913 ns(nmoiit. . , In tho mutter of tho nBBosnmont of 'Ilattlo H. LoucUn, It npponrlng thnt iiinld lluttlo H. I)iicka la iuOMod nvltli cortnln poraonnr Vroporty and ithat alio lind no poraonal proporty, It tin ordered thnt tlio omo lo "trloken In tho nmttor of tho error In tho ; nMoasmont of l J. IlrookH, ordorod that nald llrookfl bo nllowod u robnto li, tho' mattor of tho claim of O. It. ItondrlckBon for 19.VB wronKfiil as HO.mont, ovldonco not Biilllclont to provo that anld nBBOBHinent In Incor- t.'. it... nmllnr nt tho W. F. Kl i.tmlitoii rlnnr p tho tnrry YounK ,ro.d, report of tlio vlowor. .rem IMlQo. Vlt.i jNOVOiiiiiiii " " ;"--inld iwttor havliiR boon referred o tho dlatrlct nttomoy, ordorod that old road bo vuontod aa soon as tlio now road la put In an Rood condl- linn. John Ion, -IOii; (1. W, Knulknur, $l.2i lCniimt (larrntl, 20a; Iovl Knorr, Hoc: JoMDpli II. Jiiuknou, $0,9); l-ovl Knorr, ilric; H. U, Kiiblu for hum, $7.08; I'm nit MuOnrfory,; IC. W. Hlnliuril, H.ln; C. .1. Hhobiirt. HOe; .foil it ti it it HIiiiphIii, 77u; AiikId M Miulth, $2,41); 0. !'. Hmlth, $1.20; Holiit Kmlth, $2.82; ltnlpli Youiik, 22o; Alory Youiik, 30o; t, A. Youiik, our; .1. A. Wlluox, $3. Ordurod thnt VMirrunt bo drawn In favor of Crunk KIUiih, Hlimlrr, for tho refund of Hitld pDiuilty, November 7, In tho mutter of tho ncnlp bounty' fund: It appearing that tho ncnlp bounty fund la oxhnlintnd, It In or dorod that n wnrrnnt for $900 bo drawn on tlio Kniioral fund In fnvor of nld nenlp bounty fund to cover roKlfltorod ncnlp bounty wnrrnntn to date. In tho matter of tho culvortn for tho (Into way road: It appearing that Commlmiloner Drown purchnaod on hla own account for nnld rond out vnrta to tho vnlito of $108.70, It In ordorod thnt n warrant bo drawn In favor of wild llrown to cover nald amount. In the nmttor of tho J, O. McKln nay rond, nil procnodliiKH ImliiK rug ultir, vlnwora ordorod to meet mid vlaw out nnld rond on December 10, 1913. In tho mntter of tho I'rliiovlllo Klltor l.nkn road, vln Mllllcan'o nnd Wnlker'a Ciiblti to tho ho nth county Hiik. ordered that wnrrnnt for $260 bo iMiied to V. I". KIiik who In here by nppoluted to superintend the ro iiiovIiik of tho no rf iioo rooka nnd pine Iiik Kiildo bourdn oIoiik nnld rond. Klennor Ilnrnott npproprlntlon In- cronnnd to $40 nor inontli Tho following romln wero ordoroil ro-Rurvoyed and recorded: cIihiiko In Don 1, Hen rond; V. C. CoiiKtnton rond: V. J. Bouiiulnt rond extoiiBlon nnd chniiKo In tho Win. Hrownhlll rond. MIm C. Ileniloy ordered $300 for rlaht of wny of rond aoruaa nnr place, thnt amount bolng nxrcod upon In upon court. In the mutter of tha roport of W. K. Clnypool, rond nupvrvlior of din trlct No. 36 nnd 27, report approvad and allowed $624.90. NovciiiIkt 10. In tha matter of tho completion of tho floor of tho bnronmnt of tho Court llouio, bolng 2700 nquaro foot oouiDleto nmu Duality ooment work ai walk to foot of front approach. nl no oltlco room lu northoaai corner of haiomant 1S feet aatiara for $818, awarded to Hlilpp and Perry, Contract for painting court liuuio aa per apocltlcatlonn In auorlfi a or lie, lei to Bhltiti nnd Terry. In tho mattor for tho petition for ftMinlanco for the Holt family, nut tor raforred to tlio Judge- In the matter of wldowa' pennlona and aMlatnnco for Indlgont poraona, urdnrod wnrrnntn be liwiied moHthly. In tha nmttor of the bill of O. O. Adamn for $37.06, same waa contlu ud for aeKrogatlon. Wheroan, many bllln nro preiented not t'tuloriwtl. It la ordered that of ficials iiiuit O. K. bill for goods, etc. urdttrod by ttietit. Tho follow iiifc auuervliora' roportu were approvail and warrauta orderttd ImuhI. i'oul 1. Werner, dint. 19, $46: Hugh (lee, dlat. 21, $3 '.0; John IMter. dlMt. 2. $326.40, It. V. JHtikliiH. dial. C, $6.61; Dnvo Orlntwi, dlat. 7. $191; Hoy Newell, dint. 8, $66.60: John Wilt. dlat. 6. $247.(2: John ICIder. dlat. 12. $188.23; Henry Koch. dlat. 16, $206.60; Marlon Mny AnWI. dlat. 17. $114.60; C, It. Honry, dint. 20, $260: W. A. Caraon. dial. 21. $86; H. M. Hardener, dlat. 23. $194.76; I.. II. Hoot. dial. 28. $303.81; W. M. Jrrol, dlit, 30, $10.10; (?m. Hamilton, dint. 34, $108.86; A. O. Walker, dlat. 40. np. proved; W. J. Schmidt, dlat. 1. ap proval: 01 en ItandrlekMin, dlat. 30, approved, N'ovVmiRT ii. Illll of It. Harbin for $60 contin ued; for $39 should be ondoraed by Klklns. HoBlgnntlon of Hond SuporvUor W. J. fiolinildt, dint. 10, continued. In the mattor of tho county clurk attending (he atato convention, al lowed $30. In tho matter Of ranting of ator. ago ahod fcon. ft T.J I, at Hodmond, until Ootober 17, 1911. allowed $5. Hotel llend allowed $9 mi aUctton board worked over tlmo nnd for mouli. , . . Hotel rrlnovlllo nilowcit $s.bu m tho innttor of tho atato highway engi neer ot nl. . In tho mattor of tho Crook County Fair, directum appointed for 1914: J. W. Itrower. J. W. Wright. J. N. Wllllnmion. Hoiiuentod to inoet na aonn as powllilo to appoint superin tendent ami ro-arrango premium Hat. In tho mattor of mo uomonsirn llon trnoU for 1914: PropoBltloti of O. A. C. accepted and $1600 ordorod. It la tloaltod thnt 60 ono-acro trncta bo dlatrlbutcd aa followa; Mllllcan nolKhborltood, Horaco Hrooklnga, Kriutio. Qatewny, Madras. Dry Crnok. Culver, Lnmonta, I'ntilluu. Combs Klnt near Hroeso, Poverty Klata uoar Crimes. Tho foregoing to bo dry tructa nnd ono or more In each, or tho foregoing comuiunllloa. I-or Ir rigated tracln lu each of tho follow ing comiminlttea: Ln IMno, Hond, Hodmond, Alfalfa, Paulina. Dry Tint, Post. Powell Hutto, Hoar Creek pre cinct. BlBlora. Other trncta to lio Beloctcd by college. In tho matter or mo r. a. uiii road, whoro ob nn error haa boon .iiuih.ji,i In ilirt nrilnr oiieulllR aalil road, tho Buporvlsora nro rouuestml to dlBContlnuo work on Bamo until fise limn nrHnrd In tho matter of tho bill of Ora Van TasBol for work on road, allowed iSO. , In tho mattor of tho nurvoyora ro nott on tho SpnrkH Lake road and MoIConilo ronu, ropona niipruvwu tlmo granted. , .. Tho following wrongful naaenB innntH woro allowed mid clerk or dorod to credit nherlff with auld ...,.., to. n h wnnii j. ' county cluik'M report npproved. In the matter or tlio vacation or I'orryvlllo. Pint npproved and clerk liiNtruelod to mako proper order, In tho iiintlur of wldown' pfiinloriN, ro Kylvln Kinney and Jouotlo I.ittiln, tovlowed for tho reason thnt at for niftr FotialdHNitloii part of tho board waa absent; now board nil being proa ont, approved. Petition of Kmucoh M. Clark iImiiIikI bec.uiKii of non-roal-donee. In tho matter of tho troaaurora roport, approved. In tho innttor of chnngo In Pearl M. Pruott rond, mirvoyor'n report np proved and eliaugo oriiorcii. In regard to the conimiinlcntlnn from W, A. Hell regarding clnlmn of City of Prlnevlllo, referred to Coun tl Attornoy Wlrtx with request that Mr. Wlrtx tnKo enro or wia oouniy b Intnrnst In thn innttor. In tho matter of tho wrongful an- aesnment of Jnptha Hunt, reimto or $9.60 nllowod. In regard to tho complaint from Dry Lnko nboiit A. Huntainnn fenc ing tho county rond, tho road super visor Instructed to Investigate tho matter. Relinquishment & CONTEST APPLICATION BLANKS nt The Bulletin of fice. Regular ftp proved government lonn. Whether you wnnt one or 100 we enn supply you ut Per 100. $1.50, less quantities 2c cneh. BEND VIEW Commands n ehitrming view of the city of Mend nnd the surrounding country. 15 minutes wnlk from business center. Price 850.00 to $200. Some a little higher. Liberal terms $5.00 down $1.00 a week. Office opposite-First National Bank BIdg. Bend, Oregon Threo skilled harbors nro at In nes & Davidson's barber shop to aorvo you. Adr. N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. Estimates on Walt Paper at application Portland Prices Cheapest and Best Wall Paper Samples In tho county. (let My Prices. Shop en Orrgen Hlrrtt, Krir of IKtchuIrt lUult noxw IIIINIt.OKIiOON M44,44UH44NUi4)U4f U. A. Easiest - -- )- 1 AUCTIONEER I f BtZtZ , J.M.JUDD J i BEND : ORE. t HiHi-i-HiHiH Vienna Cafe ; ; Wall Street Good Meal, Prepared with Cleanliness, nt Moderate Itatos. A Trial Will Convince. -- t W. E.PARKER & CO. Real Estate Investments Pnrin and City Property M. i OroklA Lois $150 lo $350 Terms: 6.00 cash nnd $3.00 monthly. This rIvos you a chance to sccculnto o n Rend'a future on a Utile money Lots are all SO feet wido nnd every lot a good lot. Office on Oregon Street $ BEND, OREGON ? CAhh AT T1IK American Bakery on Wnll Htrwt opihmIIo tlio Vot olllco nml M'o full lino or bakery Kooil and confectionery. Hx lonvwi for'SS ccnta or Six llrrail tickets tor M Ccnta Tlirco atnlo loavea for 10 ccnta Back of chicken bread no conta HOT IWUA AT O 1. M. SANITARY THE WHITE IS KING IlUHINttflH AND I'ltOFKSfllONAL. itonintT ji. douiiii Civil fit ' Ucnd Engineer jl I y Oregon C. I. NISWONOBR, llend, Ore. VSltliUTAKKlU Licensed limbnlmrr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant II O 8 H " A It N II A M Attorney at Law Offlco la old First National Dank Dulldlng. J. II. Bell A. W. Alms CKOOK COUNTY AIJSTIWOT COMl'ANV (Incorporated.) Successors to The J. H. Hanor Abstract Company. I'rinevllle, Ore. Abstracts Insurance W. W. FAULKNEH, D. M. D. IIK.VTIBT Offlco Over Postofllco Den d, Oregon WILLAItO H. WIIITZ LA WYE II I'rinevllle, Oregon Steam nnd Hot Water Heating We carry the largest stock of goods In Cen tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly nttended to -t- --- The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to tho minuto steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on oasy payments. Sund name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. .. w, W I A- 4J I t 1. T11.1.- Oiu luercniuus .muuuuui uuuiv utu. San Francisco. California V. C. COK, SL I. I'hyalclan and Bargsoa Ofllco over First National Bank Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. BEND. :-: OREGON C. 8. IJENBON Attorney At Law Benson Building, Wall'street Bend, Oregon VEItNO.V A- FOItDES LAWYER First National Bank Building, Bend, ...... Oro&on GEO ROE 8. YOUKd Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer. Deputy County Surveyor. Room 5 First National Bank BIdg. II. II. DE AIIMOND LAWYER Satber Building Bend, Oregon U. N. HOFFMAN NOTARY FUHLIO Bulletin Office, Bend, Oregon. II. C. ELLIS A t to rn cy-a t-Latv- Unltctl States Commissioner First National hank Building BEND, OREGON The United Warehouse Company Bend, Oregon Roofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A, MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. li m ii VSi uam imw i in sii ii iwiiiiii maagas DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Offico In Sather Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sun days and ovenlngs by ap- polntmont. 1' DR. A. B. CROPP It, DRUOLESS PHYSICIAN. Office over Deschutes Bank Hours: 9-12, 1-5:30. Bend, Ore. FEE & SMITH ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon Street Bend, Oregon SWEAU. LEYESQUE & CO. 312 Mohawk Bldf. SPOKANE ARCHITECTS Schools and Large Buildings a specialty IlllliUUtllD. V. ". lv, T"--' -. Simpson, $1,70. and ola in at 0. Ollllll uv"."" ""-- .....,. a.i.w.r. I llnnnh illnrtlln WOl. - (11 tn wnrU IIOIIO UI1UU1 Hill'"." .vvm .. Vlaor Naco. n ,vn Suporviaor unuu '"""' ;.i, nt for ffiOO for uho on McKay rant In tlio innttor of tlio robnto on ..i"..1" 1 nnnnnrlnir tllllt llltOrOSt was erroneously charRod on tho boo nnd half of cortaln taxoa tlio fot- i.. i... .....Mm. nt Ihn fnrost BOrvICO tolophono lino on MeKeiulo crook, olork liiBtructod to mako proper order KranttiiR frnnclitao. . In tho mattor of tlio communion Hon of CommlBslonor lloopor ot i-.u i,,,v rntttrilllis: tllO COUIlty road nonr Muddy ranch. Judgo'B lu- FOR FALL and Winter Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Repnlr Man. WnlUtreot, Bend, Oro STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, MEATS Salt and Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard. TiTe United Warehouse Company A. M, Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In the machine line, having Installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind of Job. Automobile Repairing a specialty. Deyormond Machine (Sb Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave., Ucnd, Ore. 44 J. J. RYAN VbbWbhBIsshii O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET n Minnesota Street SANITARY PLUMBINO STtAM AND HOT WATER HEATINQ joBniNO Promptly Attended to ff - He "tr sffiSTJ-fffwii. l-ffw assffisrea .