BHNI) HVIj ,- ! i . j f IN A FEW DAYS We will be open for busi ness. Our goods are being arranged as rapidly as pos sible, and will be ready for inspection the latter part of this week. Temporary lo cation next to Bend Theatre The Patterson Drug Co. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Tim Jnnk Htunloys woro In town nt Hkuao's Friday. Miss Mnrthn Hldnor haa licon III with rheumatism. Tom Rlinrp of I'rlnovlllo wtta a Yin Itor In Himil Thursday, 0. II. Duannbury cmiio In from Portland this morning. W. (I. Fordhnm Iinm been appoint ed pontmastnr nl 1m 1'Ino. II. II, On Armoiiil returned Moiu tiny morning from Portland. Tim Ladle' (lulld la meeting tlilit afternoon with Mm. Format. Mr. nml Mra. J. II. 1 Inner woro over from I'rlnuvlllo Htinday. Mr. nml Mm. Alli'ii Wlllcoxon of I'owull llutto went In town Monday, O'Donuoll Ilroa. niinounro tlmt they will not bo open nt nil on Hun day. N. I', Welder wont to I'nrtlnml on Monday iilKlit for ti trio of about ton day. Tito IorkIhk camp of Tim llcnd Company have whut down fur tlio winter. A now (iroMwnlk la being laid to ilny tin Wall atreql at tlia corner of Oregon. Tho Afternoon 660 club waa onter tnlned laat Thursday by Mm. Trunk llttnuelt. Mm. Nulllo WrlKht Iim bought nn MHto for iim as n tiitl bus mid fur pleaaurn, Oharli RlmiiliuryiUKli returned last week fr,om n mention trip to Portland. Mr. mid Mm. It. H. Koon rotnrncd Tuesday mornlni; from thulr honey moon trip. Joo llruior of Rpoknno arrived In town Monday to look ovur hla prop wrty hero. Walter Coomb took n party of hunters from Luldlaw to Crane 1'rul rla Hunday. The Uend Company haa replaced Iti msaw with a turgor mnclitno of tlio snmo kind. Jnck Tanaey liai taken Into part nemhlp with him B. K. LIuso, recently from 1'orttand. Mr. and Mm. J. II. lloyburn enter tallied n number of friend at n uji per Haturday night, Tli.. ririilftr ilnnrA mt thn Htllu narlptlon Dancing Club waa hold on Inst Haturday night. Prnnk Kulp rotiirnod Monday from lila trip to thn Knat. J. II. Wenandy went on to I'ortland. Fred Htanloy. Josso Htoarna mid Mr. UyltHi of tlio o. I. Cumpany were In llund Hnlurday. An electric sign wna hunK Mon day In front of A. I.. Proueh's atoro advertising "Men's Wwir." . Tho Lndloa' Aid Society la inuot Ing for n aoclnl aenalnn nl tho Van dovort homo thla nfternoon. (leorKo I'. Iloovor loturnod laat wenk from Portland whero ho hud been In a hoapltnl with fovor. BEND THEATRE TDMIBHT TWO-REEL FEATURE "A Littlo Teaso" and "Getting up a Practice" THURSDAY NIGHT Lovo Before Ten" "Portrait" and "Near to Earth" SiniiiK Wednesday and Saturday Nights by SAM. JORDAN Admiuion: Adolti 15c, Children 10c A "hard times" danca will bo Riv en by tho Fraternal Itrotherhood In Hathur'a hall Thursday evening. Thorn liaa boon nn unuaunl amount of foK bunging over tho western hllla In tho early morning for tho past week, . Mr. and Mm. I.. D. Wlcat wont to Portlomt Hundny night to cotiault phyalclana regarding Mm. Wleat'a health. Itev. Ilortram iJ. Warren, tho Kpls copal clvrgymun, will not hold aor vlcea tonight aa announced, becauao of lllneaa. Tho Ileiid Company haa hod an tin uaual run of III luck with Its horaea lately. havliiK had ono dlo at tho log kIiir camp and another vary alck. Pulton P. Ilnfnor mode final proof before Commlaeloner Kills Monday on hla homcatoud In Mllllean valley. Ilia wlineiawi wore J. A. Ilatuka and Prank Itlkstoad. Mm. (I rllll ii and hor two children nru visiting hor brother, Kdward P. (Heene. Mm. Orllfln haa resided In Japun for n. conaldorable llnio mid la now on routo to Ohio. C. II. Harmon wna In town from his Hampton humeaload yoaturdoy. A nrew under Tom Murphy graded OreKon atreet In front of tho uuw Mtitilg building yoaterday. II. P. Ilrnndon of I'ortland han ar rived In llund and will bo conneotod with tho United Waruhouaa Co. na r Parboiling is Unnecessary with "Swift's Premium" Ham lioforo brolllntf or trying Because CC88 of curing and smoking, it has at tained a pcrfcclion inilavor iiiul tandcrncBH tlmt makes parboiling noodlesB, BERT SHUEY, THE CASH GROCER Sufiur, per ewt. $5.70 Wi.SKsL VISITO There is no doubt you will have them Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 27,191 3. Nice furni ture adds greatly to the pleasure and comfort of entertaining your guests. Look around your par-, lor, dining room or kitchen, see if anything is needed, and I will appreciate the opportunity of sup plying your wants. Everything for the home. Prices and terms reasonable E. M. THOMPSON Bend, Oregon horo Your Dollar Does Its Duty, bookkeeper. Ho will bo Joined by hla wife In n abort time. U. II. MnOIII, who linn been em ployed In tho Owl Pharmacy, loft laat week for hla homo nt Hhorldan. Joo McKay, formerly horo, In nillnt; tho poaltlon vacated by Mr. McOIII. It. II. Hamilton and wlfo of Knter prlno hnvo como to Ilond to mako their home. Mr. Hamilton la em ployed In Pattoraou'a drtiK atoro. It will reopen thu Inat of thla week. It. II. MutrlK, who haa been horo alnco aprlnK ovomeoliiB tho construc tion of hla new bulldlnK, loft Monday nlKht for hla homo In Ponnaylvnnla, koIiik hy way of Kan Antonio, Texan, whero ho Ima property Intoroata. ICd (loiitry had a narrow ocpe from a n-rloua acclditat at The lnd ComiMiiy'H yard Monday when a whiwl druppod off a truck ho waa Wilding, overt u nil ii k tho truck with ita load and the homo that waa haul ItiK U. Applo Day wan olmorvtHl In Ilend yectorday. At the Hotel Wright v ory eoumo on tho dinner bill of faro oontnlutHl apple In Homo form, nnd at MaunhttltHer'a atoro a box of tho fruit atood oen for all tho help themaolvea. Adam I'nlmor waa in town Mon day from hla homeatcad nt Highland and mado final .proof before Comrala aloner Kllla. Mr. Palmer lived on tho land only a year, bolng credited with two yoam an account of nrmy aervlco. Mia wltnoaaea wero Martin Hallmeyer and Cornellua O'Kcefo. P. II. Johnaon, who waa In town on Monday, stated that tho Mt. Pino Inr roadhouac, locatccT at tho 28 mllepost on the road to Hurna, would bo formally opened next Saturday with a IjIr dancn and ontortalnmont. It will bo conducted by Mr. Johnaon and I. L. Owen, homesteaders In Mll llean valley. BEND SCHOOL HOTES A program waa rendered Friday afternoon by some of tho atudonta In tho hlKh-srhoo). The main feature waa tho rwltlnir uf fairy talea, which has been nearly clawed with claiulcal Htorlwt uf lato. Thoae taking part wen Leltoy Fox, Mario Pox, J.loyd Itoynolda. Mlaa Mlxter, lluth Cnldwell and Uenovlevo Uerrlsh. Miss Dotaon alao had ono of her ceoond grado pupils recite. A party waa held nt tho homo of Mlsa Ulndya Fleming, Saturday night. Kvoryono had a aplondld tlmo. After rofrcMhmonta had been werved, miialo wna furnlahed by ills Dalphn Klinefelter, nnd ovoryono had n ftno danco. Tho main foature of tlio dancing wna n moonlight waltz, na all of tho llghta wont out for n abort tlmo. Thoo attending wero: Mnrjorlo Smith, aonevlevo Uerrlsh, Mnrgarut ThompHon. Sualo Kelley, Francea titeldl. Mario Pox, Uladya llrandonburg, I.eoim Spring or, Allco Howard, Mary Llnstor, Dolphn Kllnofoltor and flenovlove Mcl.aurln. Wllllo I.fliBtor. Molvln Uodlonta, Clydo llnuck, Ilaymond Tiioraou. llugn Tiiompson, i.oroy Fox, Arthur Vandovort. John Stoldl, Itobort Innea, John Johnaon, Kver ott llrandeuburK, Hvorott Arnold. Kmniett I.lpplncott, Ualph I.urar, Charlea Hosell and Howard Uorrlsh. Mnny onjoyahlo games woro played to nay nothing of tho fun pulling tntfy. Tho gtrla caught tholr pnrtnora by throwing a hook and lino a hole- In tho door and pulling on It. Mrs. Illttner has this week had perfect nttomlanco, thoro bolug no ono olther tardy or nbsont. FONEIML OF MRS. BRAGG Hcrilci'M IVMiiy J.nrKoIy Attended by Friend of I'lifortunnto Woman Tho fimornl aervlcoa of Mm. C. M. Ilrngg, held Fildny nftnrnoon at tho liuptlHt elmrcli, woro iHrgoir attend ed. PnrtlclpHtfnK woro tho itobok- ahH nml tlio inuinhoiH of tlio Ksnleni Htar OrmiKo. Ilov. 1C. 0. Judd preached n abort armou, nnd thero waa mIiirIiik by a picked choir and a 10 by quartet of OraiiRH memtmni. . At the grave Mr. IC. Jl. Poet Nflug the IieliokaH Ioi1k ode mid the Oraiino rendered "Nearer My Clod to Thee." The burial ((temony of the llebekaha wae car ried out at the grave, The pallbear er were M. 8. Uttln. K. It. Webb, W. (i. WatWH, O. C. Cenlwell, A. U. Krcnrb and II. W Ukuae The floral oTcrlnKa wera rwy heaoilful, conalat- inK iiKmiix or nieea, eamatlona, ehrya a ii i be m nine and panalee. WKICKI.V MAHKifT ItUI'OItr. SOUTH PORTIAfn, Nov. IB. Iticcipta for the week hare beea: (Mttio X3, calvee 1, hone. 2727 apd aheen 2'i2D. LlveRlrk Market Cattle liquida tion haa been eomewlHit leee thfe isc'k (him It waa a week ago, but tlio nrrlvala did not farolah a very large number of prime head. For the few rliolf aleera 7.25 to 7.60 waa bid. Thn extreme top of the weok wae $7 ;o on Friday for IK atoera. Iluteh cr atock wna In, fair demand during thn entire aeeelou. Cow atuff wae the only kind to atiffor price decline mid this only when the quality waa poor. Dulls mid ataga woro steady nt Arm price. Iloga Hwlno valuoa lowerod 20 rente from tho old nrlcc Monday Tho first naif of tho week furnished big receipts, Monday having one of tho largest totala on record. Quality Htock hna neon generally good nnd pork la being finished moro carefully, Klght dollara aa n light hog quota tion hue atood tho toat right through tho week. Good demand prevailed at tho lowered prices, market clos ing steady to firm. Sheo--IIUBlnesa wob very active. A plentiful supply of choice lambs and mutton wna offered tho buyers, who havo been short handed for some time. They advanced prlcoe Monday, but Inter receded and tho close waa about whero It waa seven days ago, but la steady. Prices on tho best Ktuden ant aa follows: Yoarllngs, $1.75 to fl 80: old atleep, H.I6 to J4.50; ewee, 3,90 to 4; lambs, lb. SB to sa. ib. Getting the most out of Christmas is buying your gifts in November. We urge you to do it now.-' Some desired Items m SILKS ICNTKItTAINMKXT AT ALFALFA ALFALFA. Nov. 17. JThe enter tainment horo Haturday 'night waa good, and enough money wae cleared to finish iwylng for the orgr.n. The play, "Pride of the Prairie," waa well rotiuereii, .Mr. and Mrs. Ham uoyu and Mlae Itva Bturdlvant, the leading lady, playing their parts exceedingly well. Others having parte In tho play were Frank Ilobarge, Omar Chamber. Olon Molony, Otha Molouy, Fred and Leonard Sturdl vunt. Mm. Danborry and Mrs. Molony s&ng a duet, "When the Dow la In tho Llllea;" Chester Williams gave a recitation entitled, "Jnno Jones and Hor Troubles In School." "Alfalfa llutcher Shop." n littlo play, made a hit with tho children. Edgar Ilarnca gave n recitation nnd Harold Molony'a song, "Old Undo Joo," mado a big bit. county man hchool. Crook County High School dormi tory la now ready for occupancy. Tho rooms are furnished with nil necessi ties except bedding and towels. These tho girls must furnish. Thoro la a ulco study room, bath and all con veniences. A houso matron Is In chnrgo and one of the high school In structors, Mm. Walker, Uvea at the dormitory. Tho ehnrgo per month la actual coat, $14. Addreee Super intendent Uaughman, I'rlnovlllo. Ore gon. J7-lp rilKt'KH IVK "AI." Hoaultlng from a recent arrange ment entered Into between tho state and tho First NnUonnl Dank of Uend. nil checks In payment for labor nud materials on the Tumnlo project aro now made out directly on tho looal banking institution. Instead of tho stnto treasury, aa heretofore. Thla means that on every check used In connection with the project Is In the nature of an ad for tho First National and for Uend Itself, going as they do all over tho country. PItUHIlYTKItlAN HKCF.ITION At tho Presbyterian ohuroli Thurs day night thoro wna a reception In honor of tho now mlnlator, Ilov. Q. II. Wllklnu, Measra Judd nnd Now ham, of tho Ilaptlat nnd Methodist churches apoko Informally, and thoro waa much dollghttul vocal music. Mm, Coo sang n solo, Mrs, Poet and Mr. Forrest ducts, and tho Choral Club aovoral numbora, Mr. Forrest played a cornet solo. Light refresh. raontB woro sorvod. Dllil) On tho 23d of October. Rlma lleobo. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 14 . eebc. died j' sci m.i t ojiii- teat of town. Aenth resulting frrm tuborculoala. She was S3 yoam old. waa born In tho State of Washing ton, and Is survived by throe sisters and six brothers. FUNIUMUNTAL MUSIC TUAININO SCHOOL. Classes for children and adult be- glnnors now forming. Class days Wednesday at 4 p. m. and Saturday at 10 n. m. 36-7 EVA LILLIAN OltAYKS. Just Received . . You'll want some of these lite SHk Waistings At $1.00, $1.15 & $1.25 Silk Kimonas New Neat Patterns, Priced at $5.00 & $6.00 Crepe Kimonas Never Before Have We Offered These Values Priced at $1.50 & $1.75 Ladies' New Blanket Bath Robes A Most Desirable Gift, Priced at $3.00, $3.50 & $4.00 All Linen Table Damasks For tbe Thanksgiving Spread, at $1.00 & $1.50 For the NewestFor the Best SHOP AT Mannheimer's WE HAVE IT FOR LESS" CHURCH NOTICES Methodist. Services Sunday 11a. m., and 7:30 p. rn. Sunday school 10 a. m. Hs worth League C:30 p. ra. Dlble Study Glass Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Choir practice Friday at 7:30 p. m. Presbyterian. Sunday serrlccs: Sunday school at 10 a. m preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. You are Invited to these services. Drlng somebody with you. llaptlst. Illble school at 10 a. ra. Preach ing service at 11 a. in. Subject. "The Chastening Hand of God." Young peoplo'a meeting at 0:30 p. in. Preaching service at 7:30. Subject. "Where Patlcnco Ceaaca to Be a Vir tue." Illblo atudy and prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:30. Ed win Gcorgo Judd, pastor. Catholic. Thoro will bo services Sunday at 10:30 a. m, conducted by Her. Fa ther Sheohan. Church of the Hrethrcn. Sorrlnee oaoh alternate Sunday at 3 p. m. at tho M. E. Church. No ser vice next Sunday. IOTATO YIHLO IlKDUCUD. Tho United Stctes Department o' Agriculture has leeued a crop report as of November 1 covering Oregon. Among the more Interesting facta contained therein aro the following: The yield of potatoea la reported at 135 bushels to tho acre as against 165 in 1912; tbe Quantity la 7,290, 000 bushels aa agslnst 10,076,000 In 1912; tbe quality la 94 per cont aa against 92 tho year before Tho price la given aa S2 cents n bushel aa compared with the 1912 price oC 36 cents. NOTICK FOIt PUm.ICATlON. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, November 17, 1913. Notice la hereby given that Inaac I. Gorby of Portland, Oregon, who on November S, 1913, made desert land entry No. 01218C, for SWKNWK. section 13, township 18 south, range 12 east, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to mako final desert land proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before II. C. Kills, U. 8. Commis sioner at Uend, Oregon, on the 26th. day of December, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Hoary II. Ford, James Ryan, Otis. C. Henkle and Joseph F. Thomas. all of Uend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 37-Up Register. w 'e.sLSi' Jd MliTOMlM WOT" ORDER MADF. Commissioner R. II. Duyloy was up from his Luldlaw ranch Monday and stntod that ho waa called to I'rlno vlllo for n apoclnl session of the County Court Saturday, as Judge Springer had forgotten to make the order placing MetoliuB In tho "wet" column again, Tho Judge and Mr. Dayley mot and made tho proper entry. Ireland's Guaranteed Gloves $1.50, $2 AT Mannheimer's We Sell Dents too fX Mfe. ,SSk FSm Wvfwf a. (' A I W7 ymr ' S w -mMJ&z RESOLVED THAT"WECAVE The: priced When G00P6THERE5'OME. FINE PICKING IN OUR, J STOCK NOV - AND AWCTS wqst WE DO NOT DO "SHARP PRACTICE" WITH THOSE WHO BUY CUTLERY AND HARDWARE FROM US. OF COURSE. WE KNOW WHICH DRANDS OF HARDWARE' ARE THE BEST. THESE WE SELL. WE STAND BEHIND EVERYTHING WE SELL AND MAKE GOOD IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG. WE DON'T DO THIS OFTEN. BECAUSE WE HAVE LONG SINCE CUT OUT ALL LINES OF GOODS THAT DID NOT STAND THE TEST. m Skuse Hardware Company .M JHi &- - mm .- . . qpwmw.Mvtl xtjKaawaxw- w - '-," saaHaasHal IIB ! i WMingnnn prn i, ,' tr i & ik wli' i tJBM-'ilityL ;ML5iv J '" !!,. iia. j. . U'l 3..., .,.' .i. &&k& A i Kt si.-Mi &: