The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 19, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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(rnbllsltfjt Kvcry Wednesday)
OEonan PAhMKU Putnam
Editor and Publisher.
Managing Editor.
Associnto Editor.
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1913.
It was only after n don I of consld
oration that Tho Uullotln decided to
publish Judge Springer's letter, lit
which ho so maliciously nttaokB J. M.
Morson of U Pino, The hesitation
Was duo not entirely to n weariness
on the imrt of editor and random for
Mr, Springer's affusions, but chiefly
beoaUM It seemed nnjuat to give nub.
Holly to matter apparently so libel
ous ami certainly so gratuitously In-BiilUng.
However. The llullotln had pledged
Itself to lirjat what tho Judge sent It,
rpgardlet of whom It hit, for Mr.
Sprlngor had complained that ho
eouiu get no nearing in me cuuiuy
nrcss. And. out of Justice, submit-
ting tho communication to Mr. Mor
son, It Is ovldont that while he far
from rollBhos publication or sucn ma
terial, ho Is well prepared to retali
ate, Indcod, thoro sooms excellent
reason to supposo that a handsome
libel suit will result Immediately,
llocnrdlne tho lotter Itsolf. Its last
paragraph nlono merits comment. It
Is hard to comprencnu wny it too
the form It did for so far as Tho Bul
letin Unaware there Is no reason, at
all why Mr. Morson's name should
havo been dragged In. Springer's
moat characteristic statement Is that
ho "defies all promoters." Good
enough; after all, tho farmers aro tho
backbone of tho community. But
how many powerful forces for tho de
velopment of tho county Incur tho Ju
dicial wrath! Pity tho poor promot
ers! Sympathize with the railroad
promoters who havo opened up Cen
tral Oregon; with the promoters
(Including somo of Prlnevlllo's best
citizenship) who nro endeavoring to
get a railway for tho county scat;
with tho mlsorablo wretches who
havo promoted the electrical devel
opment of Deschutes water power;
with the misguided capitalists who
have promotod Crook county's Irri
gation enterprises; and. Indeed, with
each and ever Individual who Is
nwaro that tho war Is over and that
the only way to dovelop a great
country Is to creato great enterprises.
Adcrtliciuen(,H Inserted under thin
Itendliii; nt the rno of one cent n
word for each liiettlon. DUcount on
OMcitilci! ItiMnilnnt. Charges nro
payable In mlvunrc oveopt for nth or
titiei having n rot; ill n r account with
The llulletlii.
I.wt nnd Komitt,
LOST -Parte ttwr dt Nov. IS.
Finder please return to U. 0. John
son at Oregon Lodging House and re.
celve reward. STp
LOST Somewhere on the road
between Uend and Fort ltook, four
pair of rubber hip boots, one pair ot
light leather shoes and n fur lined
coat. Fell from auto bound voutk
Friday afternoon. Finder please re
turn to. or notify, either Tho bulle
tin or United Warehouse, Ileud. Re
ward. 3tf
In n recent magazine article Sena
tor Albert It. Cummins offors the foi
lowlnir definition of a Progressive:
"A progressive In public affairs is
one who wants tho government to
servo clllolently the common good, ac
cording to tho conditions and needs
of tho tlmo in which he lives, and Is
willing to go ahead and take tho
chances that Inhere in ell reforms.
He may belong to any political party
or he may belong to no political par
ty. It Is bis work and influence that
count, and he must give them both
in the way that will most certainly
and most completely promote the
general welfare."
It may be unnecessary to add that
Senator Cummins is himself a Pro
gressive, and glories in tho title. Dut,
Senator, why not do away with this
verbiage and state your definition
succinctly; why not not Just say "A
progressive is political perfection,"
and let it go at that;
In its session the other day the
County Court wont out of Its way to
appoint three directors for the Crook
County Fair, namely, J. V. Brewer,
J. W. Wright and J. N. Williamson,
as shown by the records. According
to Commissioner Dayley, tho idea was
& fruit of Judge Sprlngors brain.
Altogether It is a good Joke, for the
law specifies that tho court shall havo
no authority to appoint directors
where a regular fair association is in
existence, as It is in this county. So
the "appointed" officials havo no
power or position, and Mr. Drewer Is
Just as free as ever to bo a recall can
didate for the Judgeship when the
time comes.
Samson was the first advertiser.
He took two columns and moved theH
Deputy Game Warden Shrlner, who
with John Itlls and Fred Huey is
posting the boundaries of tho Dob-;
chutes game reserve, was at homo
again last week for a few days. Mr.
Shrlner reports that the fog In tho'
territory around Antelope Springs,
where the men aro camped, has been
so dense for several days that it was ,
impossible to do any work. The mist i
settled over the country every morn'
ing about 3 o'clock and did not dls
appear until about 5 iu the evening.
Tho finishing touches were given
tho new quarters of Innes, Davidson
& nartlett last week and their placo,
the Metropolitan, Ib now a handsome
and woll equipped one. A big elec
tric sign over the sidewalk scintil
lates "Metropolitan." Tho barber
shop and pool and billiard room are
fitted out with tho best equipment,
giving Iiedd an establishment that
would be a credit to a town larger
than uend.
The Dend Theatre, under the man
agement or Mrs. u. w. tjnnner ana
Mrs. Georgia Fisher, opened last Fri
day night fo a packed bouse. The
plcturo program Includes a change
every night except Monday, when the
Saturday and Sunday programs are
repeated, making ono show of six
reels. Mrs, Webb is playing tho
piano and Harry Wyse operating the
To tho members of the various or
dera'and other friends who were so
klud-and sympathetic upon tho occa
sion of the death of my wife I take
this means of . expressing my sincere
thanks. Their assistance in deeply
appreciated. C. M. DRAQQ.
For Rent.
FOR RUNT Flvo room bungalow,
Deschutes addition. Hlcotrlc lights
and water. Inquire S. II. Roberts. 32tf
FOR RENT Largo store, modern
front Good location. Apply to F.
O. Minor. Deschutes Rank. 27tf
FOR RENT Entire second story
of Ilcan building over Thompson's
furniture store Every room com
pletely furnished, steam heat, hot
and cold water. See H. J. Ovor
turf. 3Gtfc
WANTED Cattle nnd horses to
feed during tho winter months. Chas.
L. Wlmcr, Star Ranch. Laldtaw. 37tf
WANTED Employment nt odd
Jobs by hour or day. H. Cornish,
box 1S3, Uend. 37p
HAVE your bicycle ropalred. II.
Cornish, box 183, Uend. 37p
WANTED Young man desires to
obtain room and board with private
family. Inquire llulletln office. 37
WANTED Competent woman for
goaornl housework, willing to stay
with children In evening. Wages $36
a tronth. Apply by telephone or let
ter to Mrs. Roscoe Howard, Des
chutes. 32tf
WILL CONSIDER a deal on a good
farm proposition by putting In nlout
20 head of good horses and oolta
Fall & Winter Wear
In the wind nml ruin, insure your comfort
by wearing wnrni underwear, dry clothing
and water-tight booLs,
Insure your pocket book by buying where
price and quality are right.
Reductions in Overcoats
$ 1 5.00 Overcoats Now $ 1 2.5.0.
$12.50 Overcoats Now $10.00.
$ 1 0.00 Overcoats Now $ 8.00.
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
Everything to Wear for Men Wlio Core.
Chas. L. Wlmor, Lnldlaw, Ore. 30-33
WANTED Position as cook or
hnlier In kitchen. Apply nt Aune'ft
stable. 35-39p
To Exchange.
FOR EXCHANGE Good lots near
Presbyterian church for team or
homos. Apply at iiunotin oiuco. jou
Come in and see
our new line of
They arc nifty nnd
up-to-date. Get
the prices nnd ar
range a sitting.
We are sure we can
please you. Be sure
to be in time for
and Straight Pianos
Come in and hear the beau
tiful toned S. W. MILLER
very moderate price. AIbo
other makes.
E. M. Thompson
For Sale.
vcrn rai.k oil TRADE Soven
passenger Plorce-Arrow nutomobllo.
Write Hox iz, iienu, uro. u
PHI! HAl.K Thnnksclvlnc nnd
riirlatinaa turkovs. Phono Mrs. Shou-
luoat. S7-IS
FOR SALE R. I. It ml pullets and
Crystal Whlto Orpington lions. Mrs.
Carl Hatch, Laldlaw. 37-38p
FOR SALE Hay toam, wolght
about 3000, 3 and 4 years old, well
broken. Prlco 400. Inquire Uullo
tln ofllce. 37-4 lp
FOR SALE Very finest, now mod
el unused Whlto sowIiir machine at
big discount. Apply "W," Uullctln
olllco. 3tf
FOR SALE Tho Altamont Ilotol
building and furniture, all new and
first class. J. A. Eastcs. 4tt
FOR SALE Good property on
Wall nnd llnnil streets, alio in non-
wood. For particulars apply to H.
C. Ellis. 17tf
FOR SALE- All kinds of flrewooJ
l nil innirtha Tolonhmin Onlem tO
68, 3 rings. Eckman & Wilson, 4 Op
FOR RENT Threo room nouso.
Sco Joo Inncs at tho Metropolitan. 3Ct
vnn rai.K ICO acres of Irrigated
land 7 miles northeast ot Uend, nt
considerable less than U. u. 1. prices.
Over 11200 worth of Improvements
co with this Place. Uend Urlck &
Lumber Co. 32tfc
FOR SALE Hogs nnd pigs, good
breed. Ed Hatvorson, Uend. 30tf
vnn sai.H flnn art Kntiaro. two
hand mado rugs; will soil cheap. In-
nulro at J. W. uoucuei h jeweiry
store. 36-avc
for sale All kinds of rough
and dressed lumber, at Anderson
lima anwmlll half way botweon Uend
and Laldlaw, on old Tumalo road.
rinnsnnnbln nriccs. rough lumber Jio
per M. Delivering to Uond or Lald
law 2 per M. Telephone. ltf
FOR SALE Cabin near Uond Co.
mill. Inqulro at Uullotln office. ICtf
l-on HALE 1400 bushols of good
seod ryo, 80c a bushol. J. S. Itloh
ards, six miles north of Laldlaw. 37p
FOR SALE Team, harness and
wagon; weight about Z7uu; pneo
300. J. S. Richards, Laiuiaw. ajp
FOR SALE Ono horse, wolght
1360, C&; one buggy nnd harness,
J26. II. E. Jonoa Paint Storo. 34tf
koii HALE-At once team of hoavy
geldings about 0 years old. Inquire
"B," Uullotln. 34tf
FOR SALE Half aare closo Jn,
$300: $25 down, SS per mo. II. K.
Jonos Paint Store. 30tf
FOR BALE-Halt aero, two 2-room
houses, wood shod, watdr, closo in,
SC00. J100 down nnd SIS per tno.
II. E. Jonos Paint Storo. 30tf
The Dalles Fruit Growers' Association will have
a car of apples for sale at the depot at Bend, Saturday,
November 22. Every one ih Weed of such fruit is in
vited to call and supply your wonts.
We guarantee that the fruit and price will be
satisfactory. 4
E.L. CURTISS, Agent.
Department of tho Interior. United
States Land Olllce, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, November 3, 1913.
To Daisy Moon, ot Portland .Oregon,
corner Mil und Yamhill Sts., Con
testou: You nro hereby notified thut John
It. Williams, who gives caro S. R.
Ilogln, Uend, Oregon, ns his pom
ottlco nddress, did on October 0, 1913,
Me In this office his duly corrobora
ted application to contest and secure
tho cancellation of our homestead
ontry No. , scyrlal No. 0TJ8U,
made August 3, 1910, for iVeV4.
see. 20, oHnU, swVineVi, section
1(1 liiu'.iatilit 111 afitillt 11 !
WUIamettn Meridian, and as grounds
for his contest he allefiua that said
Daisy Moon has wholly failed to
maintain mid establish her resldunee
upon said land; has wholly failed to
cultivate and Improve the same nnd
has wholly abandoned tho same for
moro than six months Inst past.
You aro, thereforo, further noti
fied that the said allegations will bo
taken by this olllco as having been
confessed by you, and your said entry
will bo canceled thereunder without
your further right to bo henrd t hero
in, cither before this oftlco or on ap
peal,, If you fall to fllo'ln this offlco
within twenty days after tho
FOURTH publication of this notice,
as shown below, your nnswor, under
oath, specifically meeting and re
sponding to theao allegations of con
test, or if you fall within thnt lime
to fllo in this oftlco duo proof that
you havo sorvod a copy ot your an
swer on tho said contestant cither In
porson or by registered mall. If
this servico is mado by the dollvory
of a copy of your nnswor to Uio con
testant In porson, proof of such ser
vico must be either tho said contest
ant's written acknowledgement of
his receipt of tho copy, showing tho
dato of Its recoipt, or tho affidavit of
the person by whom tho delivery waa
made stating when and whero the
copy was delivered; if mado by rgo
(stored mall, proof of such servico
must consist of tho nllldavlt of tho
porson by whom the copy waa mailed
stating whon nnd tho postofflco to
which It was malted, and this affidav
it must bo accompnniod by tho post
master's reoolpt for tno lotter.
You should stato in your nnswor
tho nnmo of tho postofflco to which
you deslro futuro notices to be sent
to you.
Dato of first publication Nov. 0,
Dato ot second publication Nov. 12,
Uato or third publication Nor. 19,
Date of fourth publication Nov. 2G,
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon in and for tho County ot
In tho. matter of tho estate of John
W. Whlto, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby givon by tho un
dorslgued, the udmlnlstrntor of the
oatnto of John W. Whlto, deceasod,
that In pursuance to an ordor of re
sale, of the County Court of tho
County of Crook, Oregon, mado on
the 1st day of September, 1913, In
the matter of tho oatato of John W.
White, deceased, tho underslgnod
will sell at public auction on Thurs
day, tho 11th day of Docomber, 1913,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m. at
Uond, Crook county, Oregon, on tlfo
promises, all tho right, title and in
terest or said John W, Whlto at tho
time of bis death and all tho right,
tltlo nnd Interost tho said estate has
acquired in addition to that of tho
said John W. Whlto, had at tho time
of hla death in and to tho following
described real estate, to-wR:
First. Lot 7 of block 2 or uena,
Oregon. Second. Lot 4 in section 2
and lot 1 nnd tho south half of tho
northeast quarter of section 3, In
townshln 21 S. of rango 10 oast of
tho Willamette Meridian and tho
8WKBWK. section 35 in township
20, a. in rango 10 east or tno Will
amette Meridian and the WftSKU,
sec. 3, und the NWUNKVi, see. 10,
Are You Ready for
the Cold Weather?
! ,, i hi., i ii jiilj. it iii J....I Liiiiiiiniirrri
Have (you heavy underwear
and outerwear, gloves, hosiery
and shoes? Why not seled:
now before the lines are picked
over. Even if you doVt in
tend to buy we want you to
come in and look the goods
over. We want you to feel
perfectly free to make our store
your headquarters at all times.
""specials for this week
16-in. tops, rVog. $8.50, Spec $5.75
16-in. lops, R.og. $7.50, Spec $5.00
16-in. tops, Reg. $6.50, Spec - $3.95
12-in, tops, Reg. $5.50, Spec. $3.65
Ladies' Hosiery, Reg. 25c, Spec 19c
Ladies' Hosiery, Reg. 20c, Spec. . 2 for 30c
All Embroidery Cottons 2 for 5c
Dress Ginghams, Reg. 15c, Spec. - 10c
OUR POLICY! A square deal to all, prompt service, cour
teous treatment, money back If not satisfied,
BENNETT CO. Cash Store
r. a. uiiNNirrr, Mgr.
township XI south of range 10 K,
W. M , and. third, the SHNWVi. see
5, In townshln id south of range 12
east, W. M. Fourth. Lot 12 In block
11 or Uend, Oregon, filth. Tho
HKN'ieit nnd the NKVIBICV, or sec
tion 33, township 17 H.. It. 12 east
or the Willamette Meridian, and
sixth- ThetlHNWVi nnd NViMV'i!
St, T. IT H., It. 12 K W. M.
all In t'rodk County, MUto of Ortjron.
Terms and conditions or sale, eash?
Dated this 11th day or Novewbajr,
1912. A. C. LUOAft.
Administrator of the estate of Jobi
W White, deceased. !!
- Dry Goods&Notions
New Goods in New Patterns
Calicoes, Prints, Cotton Batting
Wool Batting for Cold
Weather comfort
E. A. Sather
Auto Delivery
Wall Strcot
; ) .
- , , j
f !
Clean Plastering: Sand
When tho small partlclos of ennd nro
coated with dirt or other foreign
matter, tho llmo cannot cotno Into
Intimate contact with tho tiand par
ticles, thus reducing ( tho cohesive
strength and making n weak planter
Bolton, Ruetenik & May
Washed Sand nnd Screened Gravel.
. FRANK MAY, Mgr. Bend, Ore.