H rAon 2. 11KND HULtiKTIN, IKNI, OIIK., WIWKICSDAY, KOVKMIIKH ID, tDM. --- ---------- --------------- CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. .------ .-. - ...... ------"-- HAMPTON -.---.---- (Special to Tlio Dullotln) HAMPTON, Nov. 10. Itov. C. A. Burnt Ictt for Ucmt thla morning to gat n toad of suiiplloe. A groat ilonl ot travel Una been lasslng through lioro recently. Louis Mlllor and wife, who went tn Hend last week, had Tory hard tltno getting homo on account of tho ot woathor. They had a.hoavy load o( supplies hut Mr. Crow helped to bring it In. Molvln Crow returned to his homo Btcad last wook. Ho Is going on mutches as tho result of an accident In tho lumber canm whero ho was vorklng. Mr. and Mrs. Rood of Dry Lake woro over getting supplies from tho Rtoro hero Friday. Edward Kogg of Ilend spent last 'Meek at Hampton visiting his par ents, beforo ho left for tho coast. llert O. Donmrls and Georgo W. MoVay ot Held wore In Hampton on the 8th to fllo on additions to their honicstoads. A. T. Shaver, who was drilling a -well for Hurley Hoguo, struck water at about 170 feet. Trod Ii. Stapleton of Colfax. Wash., filed on a 320-acro homestead before Commissioner Fogg hero last week. iturr Black and Mr. Harrison re turned Sunday from Hend with sup plies for Hampton storo. Mr. Wllqutst has been burning tho brush on his placo this week. Mrs. U. C. Peck, Mrs. M. U Peck, Miss Ethel Fogg and Master William 1'eck spont Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Harmon and daughter Darlc. a HAMPTON BUTTE (Special to Tho Dutletin) HAMPTON DUTTE, Nov, 8. This locality was visited by a lino rain 'IhU week which will help plowing and sprout the fall roun grain. Jack Whltakcr Is sowing ryo on tho Isoland place Earl Rogers Is cutting wood for Mrs. Suoppard. It Is sUtod that Jack Perry &. Co. drilled a Well for Rob Whltesldo 67 feet deep and got 23 feet ot water. Till!" is tbo shallowest wo 1 that has been drilled in this part ot tho coun try. It Is located about 10 miles somhweat of disss Hutte. A. T. Shot or & Co. are drilling a well for Edward Glllam. T. C Ewlng made n business trip ' tp Hampton tho first of tho weok. , ' Bert Mcelcs is plowing for C, W. Ashbaugh. 't 2 HELD --- t Miller, all ot llond, wont through Crescont last Friday on tholr way to Klamath Marsh, returning Sunday. David hyues camo in Monday for supplies, roturning to his ranch on Wodnosdny. Jim Redmond ot Ln Pino has boon tn Crescent tho past week. Mr, and Mrs. Jones and son Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Smith and son Manard loft for llond Tuesday morning. H. C. Heard, who has had charge of tho experimental farm at tho Hun tor Land Co. property at Lonroth, re turned Tuesday to his homo In Moc cow, Idaho. Ed Santry left Tuesday for his ranch near Crescont. Tom McCord, who was In Cres cent tho past weok, loft tor his homo stead Wednesday. Tho party given by Mrs. Rlngo at tho Hotel Crescont last Monday even ing was a most onjoynblo affair. A number of clever and amusing games were played, n prlzo being awarded to tho winner. Dancing and cards wero othor amusements of tho oven Ing and delicious refreshment wero served. Thoso present wore Messrs and Mesdames Rlngo, Cleaves, Jones, Rourk. Davis. Smith. Jncobnon, Sun try; Mtssen Alice Lund, Gladys and Margaret Rourk, Josephine Rlngo; Tom Redmond. Roy Davis. Tom Mc Cord, H. C. Heard, Tom Hyskell, Manard Smith, Paul Jones, Sinclair Work and Uud Rlngo. IMPERIAL (Special to Tho Dullotln) IMPERIAL. Nov. 16. Miss Ethot Strcetcr has completed her cottage on tho homestead and has moved In. Dill TUub returned homo from llond with a load ot vegetables which ho sold among tho settlors. C. R. Johnson has gono to Maury mountain mill for another load ot lumbor. Tho roads In tho mountains will soon bo too bad for hauling and so all of It will then bo dono from Rend. Ira R. Huffman and R. L. Dabcock havo gono to Rend after tho house hold goods ot Mr. Hubbard and for freight for tho Illxby store. Mr. and Mrs. Stovons and Mr. Ste vens' brother aro on tholr claims after tholr flro months' leave of ab sence Tho largest herd of cattlo seen tn this part of tbo country for some tlnio passed through hero last wok. It comprised 812 cattlo and was vul uod at about $50,000. W. M. Tando has finished seeding flro acres of winter oats. Tho A. T. Shaver well drilling out fit, having completed work at Mr. Glllam's, Is moving to Mr. Plucus' ranch about CO mllos southeast of hero. Mrs. Slaven and Mrs. Monteomsry visited with Mrs. J. J. Holt Friday. C. IMshon has taken his wlfo to , Rend nud she will go to Portland for luomcni ireaiiueiu. .Mr. iiismip win return to stay on his hotuoatead until December when ho will go on his annual leavo of absence. Glen Sloven wont to Rond today after goods for tho Johnson store, A very onjoynblo hop was hold at tho Volcht hall Saturday night, tho attendance being mostly thoso from tho neighborhood closu to this place. POWELL BUTTE HUSTLEMORE (Special to Tho Dullotln.) HUSTLEMORE. Nov. 10. Judd Ztcrolt recently mndo a quick trip to Rend, Ho drovo his team C7 mllos it day and tho horses wero none tho worso for It. W. Snellman expects to go out In a few days for bin tlvo months' loavu of absence. Mr. Roxonn has built n barn on his ranch. Ho has mndo 12 trips to llond nnd nine to Maury mountain sluco last February. Thla Is a part ot tho homesteader's life. Messrs. Drown, Rrlokcy nnd Welts report bad roads on tho way to Maury mountain since tho rain. Tho Hlghpockot outfit mado a fow homesteaders happy by leaving some i.'to apples at a few places along tho route. Tho coyotes mako the sngo brush take notlco thoso fall nights as they glvo their concerts. Thero aro bo- Ing soma traps sot for thorn. Mr. Vlssar of Hampton visited Isaac and Judd Zlerolf last Friday Ho has contracted to mako 1000 posts for Mr. Dalontl. i Henry Monster has returned from tho Latdtnw country, w Mr. Glllam's woll ts.180 feet deep Ho has CO feet of water. Mr. and Mrs. "Mlllor spent Sunday at Mr. Dezona s. - LOST CREEK f e -- . (Special to Tho Dullotln) LOST CREEK, Nov. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Ren De Witt's Infant child died on October 33. Mr. Harris has been doing carpen ter work In Hampton valley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and two daughter vera visitors at Hustlo nioro leoontly. J. K. Curran and Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. It. Mohror mado a trip to Rend re cently. Mr. and Mrs. J. Porry vlsltsd la this valley a few days ago. - - (Special to Tho llullatlu) POWELL DUTTE, Nov. 17. Tho most delightful uncial affair or tho season took placo Tuesday evening when Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Smith on tortnluod In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. McPhnrlann and family, Tho Smith homo (n cozy now bungalow) was crowded to Its capacity with tho mentis ami neighbors who gathered to wish tho family Godspeed In tholr Journey to tholr new homo In Tokoti, Wash. Tho evening waa pleasantly spent at all sorts of gatuos, nftor which tho hostess served a most np potlzlug lunch consisting ot sand wlchos, cotfeo, cakos, Ico cream nnd honio-mndo candles. Thoso attending woro Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McPhnrlano, Mr. nnd Mm. N. II. Golden, Mr, and Mrs. L. W. Van Duron, Mr nnd Mrs. E. N. Hall, Mr and Mrs. I.lnilqulsL, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F, Rice, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Truesdnle, Mrs J. J. Chapman, Mrs. Ida Morse, Misses Ada nnd Ednn Morso. Mabel Allen, Mabel Smith and Miss Llndiiulst, H. F. Allen, Clnrko Morse, Goorgo.Holih and Carl 1,1ml qtilst. Georgo Morgan had ttio misfortune to loso his big black horso "King" Inst Tuesday, Death waa no doubt duo to an ovorfood ot barley tho night pruvlous when tho horso got luo.o nnd helped himself to tho grain. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. McPhnrlano and family loft on tho Thursday morning tinln for Tckoa. Wash,, whuro thoy will mako tholr homo. A. II. Rhode sold sovornl head ot fat sheep last week to J, D. Roe, tho Heumonu outciier, Mrs. Mary Orowllor camo out from Dond Tuesday for a Visit with her grand-dnughtor. Mrs. Joo Shearer, and family. Mm. J. F. Rico, who has boon on Iho sick list for tho past fow days, is reported improving. Joo Shearer has niovod his family from tho Ross Russott place across tho road o tho homo recently vnoat od by Mrs. Androw Mlllor and fomll), II. A. Kendall, tho Redmond hard ware merchant, was a visitor In this section Thursday. II. Manchoau, who rocontly bought tho Adams 80, has returned from his homo In Tncama, accompanied by several members of his family. In cluding A married son. Mr. Mnnchenii will start Immediately to Improve tho place, on which ho Intends to make his home. Doubtless othor mouthers of the party will buy laud hero also. , MIsmb Gladys and Hasol Rayn ' oamo home from Prlnovlllo Friday evening, roturning to school dutlosi Sunday. Mrs. Ilayn, who aeoompnn-, led them, remained till Monday. Alvln Rlggs was a Prlnovlllo visi tor Friday. , Mrs. 8. D. Mustard nnd ltd Mustard NOTICE Tim fiuinnl opening of the new RoimI Mounts Mt. I'luo Inn, H iiiIIoh from llond, mi llcmMliiiii enmity mini, villi take iiliiro Nntuiility, Nnwunhci' i!'J, llllll, Fieo dunce, fieo luiieli, nooii tnii hle. ('onto unit get iictimln(t'tl. EVERVIIODV WELCOME. JOIINHO.V & OWK.V, Proprietor. woro visitors nt tho county seat Sat urday, Mr. and Mrn. Allen Wlllcnxon nud small dnunhlor Harriet visited In Rend Sunday, roturning homo Mon day. J, J. Chapman Is adding n bath room to his liouso, It might bo added that ho Is going to Instnll n really, truly bathtub whon tho room Is com plutod. Reoves Wlllcnxon took n load of spuds to Rend Saturday, Mosdamcs A. W. Ilayn. Allen Will coNon, E, N. Hall, D. A, Yntm and E. L, Iverson visited Mrs Henry Tweet Thursday afternoon. Tho Indies had planned their coming ns n nurprlsn, but Mrn, Twrot was oiinl In the oe niHlon and provided a dainty lunch for her guests nt the clone of a pleas ant afternoon of conversation, Guy Sears Is building u fine largo barn on his place. Tho structure Is 10 by 48 feet. Ono sldo will bo fin ished with stanchions for dairy cams while the othor side will bo used for horses nnd to house vehicles, the contor will bo for hay. . Mrs. M, M. Pntton camo In onWm train Monday morning from ber I homestead nt Opal City and will vis I (Continued on Pago 0) i if i P. B. JOHNSON'S ' MILUCAN, OKliUON Is the ploce tn buy the KKHIT KIND of (IWOCHHIUS at the RIGHT KIND of prlcws m Near 28 Mile Post Hfe J H' w w w Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES . The Miller Lumber Company .! Uencl, Oregon. (Special to Tho Dullotln) HELD, Nov. 10. Since tho nlco rains tho past few days the fall sow ing of grain looks better. Rev. Mr. Dalley peached at Paul Hold's Sunday evening to a number of Interested listeners. John Schmeer's family visited at Hurry Evans' Sunday afternoon. Tho well drilling outfit has been moved from Mr. Davis place to Mr. Martin's whoro a well will bo put down. 'Ernest Nelson arrived on his homo. tead after making a visit at Colfax, "Wash. The potato raisers here havo had Ao trouble selling their corp. Mr. Hope, the cobbler. Is kept quite uusy monaing stiocs ror the people of llnl.i ....I nl..,.i ri-. - ..oiu huv i iiubio rials. DRY LAKE n -- (Special to The Dulletln) "DRY LAKE. Nov. 11. For the )mst few weeks the weather has been axaollent, with some showers that havo started the fall sown grain. R. Amos of Charleston. Wash., has arrived and is now erecting a house on hfs homestead. J. E. Mooro of Minneapolis has es tablished rosldonce on his claim In section 36.19-30 and will move his family ln soon. Thoy are now In Bond. tfr'lwSiRio&inson of Elma. Wash., lias bulltrn-resldence on his claim and ouieots his family hero in a short time. Mr and Mrs. J. R. Whitnkor aro tho proud parents of a baby boy. The Dry Lake dance hall was dod icated with a ball last week and tho affair was well attended dosplto the bad-weather. Dry Lako postofflco has now been 1 operation nearly a month, havlpg been opened October IS, and it Is eportod as having a large patron, age. Mail comes once a week from Held by special carrier, T. Landford. Mall leavoa Dry Lako at 7 a. in. and nrrlves at C p. m. every Tuesday. t Jolm Wilson has .moved his faml Jy to .J. J. Cunningham's placo for mo school term. H. A. Pursley of Hampign was at pry, IaUo Sunday visItlnrTends. SJ, A. I'cngtson is drilling On hll , 34t 4x 'uiif,ir.vu la hdmestcad'for wntor '- J BBBB&Frv'.l msssM CRESCENT - o Tho Dulletln) CREgfiBNTi Nov 15. Mr. nnd MreHpyin Tylor roturned from Rend Tuesday. A duck shooting party consisting of Messrs. Hudson, Lara, Prlnglo and !K v i ELEfTRIf. SIfiNS I R -: U i . M f .... You nre a stranger in a city. , ' You want a cigar, or a hat, or a pair of I . r suoes, a magazine or eats. 1 , r ' Yu look for a sign on a store that ' '" j I " carries the thing you want. . ' V; jtlL S 1 lie sign that catches your eye is an "J " g i i-fift electric sign. -. W3 " .' Slmnnorc onnio in TL.rwl mro.... Jn.. 't ' ft SlSr7L i - r v- z : ' " r i g .f, v .. i ney want to buy tilings. ,'-. g ' JJh , ' They will buy in your store if you can . g v. . . attract ttiem to it. . ' , g . - ,' . Once attracted you have the opportun- " g (iillW. U X 1 1 ..A '.' ' k S&r "kc u ciiuuucui. uiuiumer. ,, B Its i" ' . 4 , t 1 5y; Our Electric Signs Attract ! 8 ' ' s ; , ' i i ' We iave a new proposition in electric , w l signs to put befdve you. I E aee us nhnnr. it:. ' te , i 1 " . Bend Water Light (3b Power Co. i " g I g I 1 ' J S 1 5 J i FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell IJuttc, fourteen miles, cast of Hend. Our trees are the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business, in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come ami see, our orchards ami nursery. OhMce address, Prineville. Ore.' LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. We Del i ver t h e Goods ' " ! I I I ' !! II !! WM1I1I BUS AND DRAY LINE1 LIQHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barley, Onto, Wheat nnd Dran at lowest prices. Tho Largest Uarn In Central Oregon. ' ( WBNANDY LIVBV CO. Datidi Oregori J. II. WENANDY loN L. FOX s CENTRAL OREGON LINE The Owl For Busy People Dally train each way between Central Oregon points and Portland. Tourist sleeping car ' (Berths $1.00.) First, class coaches. Save a Day Each Way FROM CENTRAL OREGON Lcavo Bend 8:30 p. m, " DcschuteB 8M8 p. m. " Redmond 9:10 p, m, Torrcbonno...9:2'l p. m, Culver 10:02 p. in. Motolius 10:20 p. m. Mudrns 10:30 p, m. Arrive Portland 8:10 n, in. TO CENTRAL OREGON Leavo Portland 7:00 p, m. Arrlvo Madras fi;00 a. tn. Motolius C:1G n. m. " Culver 0:28 a. m, "t Torrobonno...7:08 a. m. ' Rodmond 7:23 n. m, " Desehutos...,7:13 n, m. " Bond 8:00 n. m. . BajaBJEgEiBiBSBaiaCTBaaaiBijfflgigjBia Prompt despatch of freight between Central Oregon and Portland and Portland and Eastern Citio7 Connections mado ln Portland tn nnd frnm Wlllnm.i. u.n... ..... and Clatson nottdi nnlntw. Pncrof fimin.1 c..b.. .:" ,wy,?no'K I . --.--T r nrVV u,t.a, KwuniiijUi AiitiiiLiinii n nrn a' St. Paul. Omaha. Knnsiis Cltv nml C.Mnn, ' """""" Fares, tlmo Bchedules, and other Information by Jotter, or unon application to ' ' R. II. OIIOZIER, A. O. P. A. J, H, COUDET, Agont, Portland, Oro. hnnrt nn W. C. WIMCKB, A. O. F. & P, A, Portland, OregSu g0n