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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1913)
The bend bulletin. T- VOL. XI, UEND, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 10, 1913. NO. 37 -i 'K s SHOT I CABIN ASSAILANT AT LAROE TO SOUTHEAST ' -Jiuur H, lllrklnsoii Perlinp I'Mnlly Wounded lijr Aire Hull Latter Hhnot When ttnitiil Willi Mr. i Dlckliioii Irfixt Friday Night. I a A hhoollng which narrowly on ri''l bolng a killing, and which I Hit r i niititltfil liy considerable mystery occurred lit u homestead oaliln nouin (in mili.R southeast of llnnd Krldn 'bight, when A I oo Hull phot mill e mm fly wounded Jnimti II, DIokliiHOii Dickinson now ih In Ilorxl mul i)ivtoliiiiH express hope of lili re covery. '. Mull In Mill nt large, ntul It In 1 believed linn iiiniln lilit escape to tint .fAllrortil. J Thu tragedy ronultml from leal 'gutsy. Aliont lx week ago Dlckln- Akiii took up a homestead olnlin In Iho Hear Creek lluttu country, ntul after liAtl erected a shook nnd cot 'not- Hod wroto to hi wife, nt Klnin, , Wnsh., to coitiu down. Thin ho did, fringing her two little daughter, (nd accompnnled ly Alec Hall, it A.lshliiir at Minn, mid. reportedly, n .unrrled mnn. Arrived here, nooord- Jnn to her slory. alio received no word from hor huhnnd, and no do iftf riiilnrcl to ko out to thn claim, Mttnr ramnlnlng In town, nt the Hhnn- , tion and Oregon Hotel, for nearly n wk, Hlu', Unit and Iho two chil dren worn taken lo a point near thu Vlalm by Carl Anderson. In hi car. t Pnrtlr Pn mi llonil. In lh meantime, Dlskluson, hear- jl tin nothing of hi wife, started for "tonn to Had her. In notno way he inid thn outgoing inrty on thn r d When ho not hum ho dlscov- "rr. that Mm Dickinson, together viih Mali, had been hero several la. and apparently hi auspicious w,r nriHiMMl. At nil event, no Mr,-i V H Hpeek' ear and hurried , . t 1. 1 i ho haniMtiMd, leaving Hpeek Hit,, ouarter of n mil from the i t In. which wan reached jutt he for midnight. rrordlng to Dickinson' story. to Sherltf ICIktn horn flaturdnv, li found Ik cabin door bolted. ' itn-.iklng It In. ko entored, to And. m ha claim hlu wife In bod. ond Mll. fully (treated, ehine at hand. ' v iihfxil savin m word, Hall fired tho lut that laid Dickinson low, the bill , l.-i hitting him Huor iho stomach "l Juki shot Dickinson. Cot a doc tor " la what gpeek rmxirla Hall a , i Iiik. when 8HMik arrived oh the wne. Nothing wm tlono In apprehend Hull, and whIU nlghbor wore al tomiitlng lo care for thn wounded man. who wm In Kreat agony, ho dl- amx-armt. Dlcklnaon. lila wlftt and iho children, toHAilmr with O. I). Mllm, n tioinniili.ader, worn hroiiRht to town In Himaka' car. Rhnrlff Kl klna and DUtrlct Attorney Wirt met them aome nix mile from llnnd ntul Dickinson waa trnnrnrnd to tho county car. liolnR In to thn Oregon Hold whom ho received med ical treatment. Thn bullet, which wan located and , removed Monday mornliiR !' Dr. I'nrrell ntld Con, hnd pierced thn liver und right kidney. It nppnrently had t nt ruck a hiitton on hi ihirt, nnd It li lo thin allKht dnrteetlnn that Dick. Iimon will owe hta Ufa If ho rorovnm. Thi Deschutes Banking 6th Trust Company xssssallKND, Si,' r i TEMPORARY LOCATION south o f Hean h. v,'lldK.onWHllSt. o At II ml no hope wan ontertiilmid. Hherirr Klklim placed a. A. Htov e li no u In clmrKO of tho puritilt of Hull. Hull, It Ih uiidorHlood, lina n had record, IihvIiik recolved u 00-day aentiinco not Ioiik ako for knlfliiR n mnn In n hrawl, Ho In nhnut 40 yearn old, DIukliiMoii In nlmtit 30 nnd hlu wlfo 25. Monday Mrn, Dlcklnnon'a parnnta, Mr. and Mrs, HtroiiK, arrived from ICIma. Mm. Dlcklnaon nt flrat claimed that alio had In no way been India cruet In hor relntlona with Hall, hut on further examination, nccnrdlng to Dlatrlct Attorney Wlrtx, weakened from thla alAiul. HnU'N nhootliiK nnd lllKht aoeiu to Ititlmato Riillt, hut on tho other hnnd, It la pointed nut, It la not rcfMoniihlo to nupponn that If nil nnd Mm. Dlokltmon would havo Komi to Iho homcNtend toRethor, where thoy hoth nxpeeled to Unci DlalilliHOti, had their rnhitloiiM hnen Improper or had Hall had reaon to fear an encounter with tho huihund of hlu companion. No douht IiinIiIo fnctn nnd motlven of lha affair will come out hfor Iho Kniiiii Jury, next munih, uliould Hall ho captured. HAM. KNOWN AH I.OTHAIUO KI.MA. Wnali , Nov. 17. Alee Hull, hoam tho reputation of IicIiik niilok-lempered' nnd a man to ha avoided when drlnkliiK. Ha him been In Iroublu auvernl tlmca, nrer attention ho waa pnylim another man' wife Hall wa l)leklnon'a iielKhlKir In Klnin and, It I reported, alno dcNlrod to Inko up a liometend In Central Oregon. Thin In tho ron non Riven for hi 'departure from Klmn with Mm, Dlcklnnou and 1:1 huyliiR tha ticket for hoth when lie left. EIUU8E SEEMS ASSURED Wennndy Mvery Coiiipnny lliiy Hlto I'or It on HnMlliornn Axcntic. A modern RtirnRo for llnnd seem lo be n mini proiipect. nt an early date. Lnttt week the Wonaudy Mv ery Co. boiiRht pronerty on llnw thorno avenue near Tlilrd itreet from Mr. Corn A. J on oh nnd Mis Mary K Coleman, nnd I.. I.. I'nx nnnoiinced yesterday that a RiiraRo hulldlnR SO by 100 feet In ftUo will he erected there. It will bo of brick or alone, probably tufa rock, nnd the oot will lie about 13600 or $4000. It will havo n cemeul hanemtinl throiiRhout. In addition lo thn KrnRe tho com. imny VIII build a hlncknmith nIioji on Hie alley, only n nhort dlatanco from the rear of the Wenandy table. Thla will be eonduotud by thu coiupntiy. It I probable tbat tho Krnxe build-lnrtwill-lKrlaioJ. new wmm OF BRICKS It. M. Kniltti Will llullil Home In I'nrk Addition. Material I twin placml on the Kttiuud for a brick bungalow which ft. M. Rmlih will build In 1'ark Addi tion. It will be one of the handaom Ht realdence In Hand, when complot oil. The plana are for alx room on the Aral Moor and four on tho oceottd. hut Irr. Hmltti tloco not Intend lo Union the upir lleor room now. The walla of tha houe will be made of red lletid-mnnufaetured brick, alter nntliiK with niURh black clinker brink laid o Hint ilia end will pro ject a little huyond tho other brlok. This will Klvo a rustic effect. In fact. the feature of thn houno will bo It rusticity, till Idea bolnR carried out In nil tho construction. There will bu a front porch nnd a amallor back porch, and in tho living room will be a hlff ftrenlaco. Oiro w, Tnnioy liaa tho contract for tha brlok work, and construction will bo ntartod a soon a poulhlo. Tho loeatfon of thu house I norm tho ntrcot from tho stone, bungalow of W. C. McCuUlon. OREGONG L TAX EXPECTED BUDGET FOR 1914 IS PREPARED Total et Hxwur of District Ill nutted nt tfHV-tHO After Hcbulo I'i-oiii Hlnlo mul (.'ouily Iwy of I ."Hi .tlllU Would Kulllce. In accordance with tho new law (ho olllcera of ctiool district No, 12 linvo proimred n budget of ctttlinnted expenHon for 1011, which will bo pro Kcnted and acted upon at a public meeting, probnbly tills week. At that meeting tux pay em aro expected to bo present, unit a full (IIscuhhIoii of thu budget wlll'hu Indulged In. If Iho figure prepared by Clork Overlurf tiro adopted, tho tax for next year will bo, probably, 15 mill. Last year tho levy waa 19 mill, n reduction of 3V4 mill for thl year a proposed. Tho etlnint ed total expense will be $25,070, of which $5840 (estimated) will bo re turned lo tho district from itato nnd county apportionment. Thn estimated expense Include $1706 Interest on outntaudlng bonds, $3500 for Improvement at tho now Rrade hluldlng exclusive of tha struc ture Itself, and some Increase of ex isting leaching salaries, a well a $2000 shortage for tho present year. Tho estimated expenses arc as fol lows horowllh. It should bo remem bered .that tho btnlRot I almply the olerk'n estimate, aud may bo changed after discussion. Bupt.'a salary $1,000.00 AMUtnnt principal 1000.00. Two high school toachora at $900 each 1800.00 7 grade teaehera at $76 . . 4725.00 One primary tender nt $R0 720.00 Arnold school nt $00 .... (40.00 Young school lit $G0 640.00 Jnnltora for two tfountry school 90.00 Janitor for city nehooU . . . 900.00 Wnler. light, ote. nt $0 . . 270.00 fuel nt $60 660.00 Clerk hire 1S0.C0 Hooks and supplied (ost'd) 410.00 In tore I mi howl ....... 1.701.00 II cat lug plant and rejwlm ott old building, 1,000.00 luuianeo of $l',03o on new hldg J-yar term . . 900.00 Walk. Heworo aid other Improvement nooeosary at the now bhlg X.lflO.OO Catlmaled sluirtago 1913 2,060.00 Total $26,166.00 Stale and county apporthtn- uienl for 1914 oh baala $10 por capita and to- croaao .of 20 pet on aeh population oror 1912 6. $10.00 A int to be raised by direct taxation, l&fc-iulll levy neeeeeary 19.376.00 A general meeting to dlsouM tha levy will bo held at the school Iioubo Saturday. Novombor 2n, nt 8 p. m. MAUKrrr I'Olt IfWATOKS. I.AIOLAW. Nov. 17. Tho Tumnlo project hua called for bid for furn ishing potatoo to tho camps. Tho bid must bo In by this Saturday, tho 22nd, when they will bo oponcd at 10 n in. Tho spuds must ba sorted nnd no email onoa will bo accepted. Tho prlco will be for dollvory nt I.nldlaw, nnd ionic dollvory will bo wanted Immediately. LOWER THANKSGIVING DAY Calls for a Carving., Set or Roaster and perhaps a nice Aluminum or Granite Percolator. The line of Silver and Aluminum Ware is complete at ; Bend Hardware Co. SPRINGER 1 IRE BUDGET HE NOW IS FOR HEAVY TAX "Come One, Coma All," I III Inrl- Inllou I'or Tax Jcvy Meeting to bo Held nt tho Court Houc In i'rlnctllla on December ft. rrlnevlllB. Oregon. Nov. 13, 1913. To the Tax payor of Croak County, Oregon: The oMtlinalo published for your consideration aro liberal, a wo nra bound to koop within tho limit, nnd It 1 batter to bo long than short. Wo havo paid oil Indebtedness nlnco Jan uary 0, 1913, of $139,000, bo that nt prvnent we aro out of debt, but n no taxo of any account will bo collected during the next two month, wo oh tlmuto that wo will ba $20,000 be hind by January 1, but that like tho other estimates I consldor vory liber nl, Tho fact that tho state tax I nearly treblo tho amount of lost yoar make It difficult to nrrango for weed fighting nnd road Improvement, with out going skyward with tho levy. Tho court desire next year to Inforco tho weed hT to tha limit, also to Improvo tonio llitig neglected roads; to do so howevor will roijulro about one mill or posslbry two, higher than I ant soa. ton. I am writing thl that all may offer auggestlon clthor In person on December C, 1913, or by Icttor. We will be pleased to hear from any and all. We have appropriated the smallest amount for farm demonstration work that tho college would agree to han dle It for, a wo aro Inclined to be lloto our former work cost more than necessary. ,l '" tno Iurpoe of tho Bfiuri to cultivate 80 one-acre tract distributed throughout the county' and we will be pleased to hear froml one or more farmers In oach of the) nuTerai cumiuinuus, whu iu umu to cultivate an acre or even one-half an acre, under the direction of our agricultural expert. If our $75,000 road, bridge and wood budget la approved It will en able im to do tomethlng more than It on the lid" but unletf tha peo ple are willing to ntnnd n heavy tax, very little ean be donu. It will be well to bear In mind meanwhile that the.levy hi only one half aa high a It npuears for the roa aon our aMeesment Is not 60 per oent of our actual vnluos. o. si'itiNcmn. County Judge. NORTHERN PACIFIC IN HERE Party ArrUwl Sunday Night mul Left ICarly Monday Morning. ' Headed by Col. W. P. Clough. the chairman of tho hoard of directors of tho Northern Pacific Hallway, a party of oltlclula wero In Ilend Sun day night. They arrived at 11:30 nnd loft Monday morning nt 7 o'clock. Some of tho members of tho party wero up boforo tho train loft, but they had nothing to say regard ing railroad work or tho like. Tho party came from tho East and wont from hero to Portland. J. M. Haunaford, president of tho North ern Pacific, who was hore last weok with the Hill party, returnod with tho N. P. officials. J TU1L0 WATER USERS DISCUSS NEW CONTRACT Committee Conslatlnt; of Hwllierf Coen anil Forbes) to Muko Itecom- mcndatlon lo tho Hcttlcr I.AIDLAW, Nor. 18. At n general meotlng of tho contract holdora on tho Tumalo project last evening. Project Knglneer Laurgard outlined tho policy of the Desert Land Hoard as to tho method of dealing with the water users, reading a rough draft of tho contraot proparcd by the Hoard. A commlttco consisting of F. I). 8wlhor, It. II. Hayley. C. I. Docker. O. M. Couch, J. J. Coon nnd W. D. Ilarnon was appointed to go over the different matter at Issue. At n meet ing yesterday afternoon a final com mlttea of three was appointed to care for tho matter, consisting of Messrs. tiwlsher aud Cocn nnd the settlers' attorney, V. A. Forbes. Tomorrow thl committee wilt plnco before thn settlora Its recommendations, which later go before tho land board. A completo report on details of tho contract will lie contained in The Hullctln noxt weak. FIGHTING FOR TREIR UNDS !.upliia ami Crescent CHIzeua Object to Ofllclal Blur. I.APINE. Nov. 17. Mass meet ing were held here and at Crescent Saturday at which resolutions wero passed condemning tha attitude of the Secretary of Agriculture as shown In his lotter regarding elimi nation of 30,000 acres of forest re serve lands in this territory. Tho phrase in tha letter Mbjocted to Intimate that tho Jack pine lands of tho upper Deschutes valley are practically worthless for agricultural purposes. Secrot&ry of the Interior Lane was appealed to for aid. When Chief Forester Graves was In Oregon, he failed to make any Inspection of this roglon, although urged to do so. Apparently Infor fatlon at Washington Is baaed en tirely upon reports emanating front Portland forestry oKlco. FLUME REPLACES CANAL Arnold Company Will Not llo Hoth oreil With Any Mora Caic-In. The cavernous condition of the earth beneath the flrat 2000 feet of the eanal of the Arnold Irrigation Company after It leaves the canyon or the Deschutes river necessitated the construction of Uiihio to carry the water, the eompany last Saturday commuting 1060 feet which has been under construction for the past few weeks. This flume Is 14 feet wide and 3 feet deep nnd makea a connect ing link between two piece of Hume previously butlt. The company now has a mtic and a half of continuous flume, tho part Jnt completed ooeo log approximately $2000. Heretofore the canal people have had much trouble Juo to oavo-lna along the canal, the botjm and Idea of the ditch repeatedlr break ing and dropping Into tho caves bo low. On .three different occasions the crust of the earth was broken through by horses engaged on tho flume work. 1IKND FOLKS OOIXO. Tha Hend Kodand Gun Club an nounces that It has made arrange ments for an auto truck to take nil who deslro to tho Thanksgiving shoot at Ialdlaw. Information may bo obtained at tho Skuso Hardware Co. or at the Hond Hardwaro Co. wi iwmti. S f JT!k x"-"" " "". -n 4 -" ; feh. , ' 'M j-ar:ji. - f .;iVBSxrzzrzjr.'-z sjtttr -r RsnnJL-L3flaoK cBl0wi3nYWLatdn4ft " ih. "X IHHW .GeK. aKJaJ' Ma Jfclji- f-Xa(JL-- -yfJ 4W5o: " JT JtSi . BVf A JL VKaw SJsjil-1 S- - Lap ""bB .4tl'B2BEBa o-"" e iBfc VrBawMamSaiSMA jnjsjiajBtj FIRE? FIRE! FIRE! If your house should take fire you are apt to be so excited that, even though you have plenty of time, j ou will rush out and leave behind, to be burned up, YOUR WILL, other valuable papers nnd jewelry. The best wav is to put them into one of our SAFETY DE POSIT BOXES in our fire and burglar-piool vaults. A private box will cost you only 8 per year. We alho solicit your BANK ACCOUNT. The First National Bank of Bend. "LEVY H'lLL BE DECEMBER 6 ALL HANDS MAY EXPRESS VIEWS Ktttlmatetl Kxpcnsex for 101 1, Include Ing Debt of Proicnt 1 cor,.Aro . KIH7,:i.'l-Honil .Matters' Will Come In For Attention. FRIN'BVILLB. No. 17 Satur day, Docembor 6, has been net by tho county court as the dry when tax payers may meet with It and discuss the budget of expenses for the coming year and aid that body In determining what levy Is to be mado for 1914. Judging from report, tho court will play to a packed house, and a lively show Is expected. Including an es timated debt by January 1 next of $26,000, the budget for 1914 will bo $287,393.50. While the court has as yet, ot courso taken no official action, It Is generally understood that the lory for noxt year Is oxpectod to bo 2 S mills. In 1913 It was 24 mills. Tho proposition of placing road expendi tures under three road masters, each' supervising a district of the county, will probably be settled upon, and positive assurance given tbat every district will have expended in It, for roads, nt least 76 per cent of tho road tax originating in it. The following Is the budget for 1914: 1. Itoads, bridges and wceda, special $76,000.00 2. Crook County High Sc 19,940.00 3. Widows' pensions .... 5,000.00 4. Indigent persona .... 4,000.00 6. CIreult Court 9.000.00 c. Justico court 500.00 7. Judge's salary, sto. utlonery and postago . 1,050.00 8. Commiealoners' salary 1,200.00 . qirk'a offiM . 6.650.00 10. sheriff's afflec 7.215.00 11. Aseeaoor's office 8,000.00 12. Coroner's office 600.00 ,18. Comity school supt,. . 4,340.00 , 1 1. County sealer 1,200.00 1 15. Truant olBcer 360.00 .16. Treasurer's elSee ... 3.260.00 j 17. Janitor at court house .1.758.60 IS. County fair , 1,300.00 1 19. Mlectkins 4,000.00 i 20. Telephones, telogrsrrih 1.000.00 1 31. Scalp bounty 2.000.00 32. Lining Jan 1,000.00 33. Water mooter 2.760.00 24. County gen scu fund 36.000.00 26. Iload viewers 1,500.00 26. Surveyor's omce 3.480.00 27. State taxes 66,000.00 28. Traveling expene of county court road Im provement, inoludlng auto repairs, gas, etc . 600.00 29. Steno. for Co. Court 120.00 k30. Countyphyslolan .... 1,000.00 si, uouniy priming .... i.uvu.vv 32. Estimated dobt Jan 1 ., 25,000.00 33. Library fund 500.00 Total $287,393.50 Estimated receipts from clerk's office $7,500.00 Next week The Bulletin will pub lish tho detailed budgets of tho var ious county oQlcers. It fAWT RIIOKTVOfl PAPERS AND VALUABLE FTHEY ARE IN OUR i .'. i-.. v .. . .. mm jnaiarvamim'BWi