PAK . IXKN'O NUIXKTItf, BKND, OnK., WKIINKHDAY, KOVHMItKIl llS, I01H. DOUBLE DEATH D E ' HARVE SI GRIZZLY MOUNTAIN HAS TRAGEDY jt Moonshine Whisky 1'lRureil In Shoot ing I'jtiit ThurMlnjr Xcnr lrIticlllo Which Claims Two Ylctlm-Ono Had n Wound In the Hack. PUINEVILLE, Nov. 10.1 oo count was tho scone o( .1 real Ken tucky feudal battle soma time Thtira tlaj night, when Felix Jones, a native of Kentucky, nnd generally known ns "KontuoU," and Hoscoo Hrown on Ruced In n flsht to death near UrU- ily mountain, about IS miles trom here. Jones had lived In this suction about thiee yearn, and during that tlmo had worked at J. V. Joiiim. saw mill. Jlrown camo to this vicinity about a ear ago and also worked at the sawmill. Soon aftet wards he married a daughter ot J. W. Jones, ltiown was a hard drinker and of a quarralsomo disposition and seemed to be Jealous ol "Kentuck." Thursday both men visited at a cahin occupied by Hrown b brothor-In-law and it family named Pinard, nnd all ato-togother, appearing to bo on frlendiyjjerms. Later' J'Kentuck." left for another ranch. That was tho last seen ot Jones and Brown allvo. Late that night sereral shots wcro heard but no attention was paid to them. "Friday morning Finard saw Urown s horse standing on a hill half a mile away. Going to It, ho found tho bodies of brown and Jones lying 36 feet apart. Each grasped a rlflo and each body showed one outlet wound. Jones was shot in tho back and probably lived but a few minutes, litown was shot .through the chest, the bullet piercing the heart and lireaklng -tho spinal column. Near llrown body were fount, two iu.rt bottles of moonshine whisky. Jones had quit work a day 01 two before and was preparing to leave for his former homo In the Illuenus utalo. t "AVKKKIjY MAltKKT HEPOUT. NORTH PORTLAND, Nov. 8. Receipts for the week have oeen: Cattle 1143, calves 35, hogs .1901, sheep -1973. Although cattle liqui dation has been a third less than to tal for same period last week, beef values have not been lifted appreci ably, so demoralising was the condi tion of the market ten days ago. However, tho decrease In receipts I wethers nt 30 nnd owes nt $4.10 were tuicop houso features. Lambs wore BtcoiiK nt ?r.7fi. Receipts woro compiuntlvely limit nnd demand ox , Was tho very nnnnccn tho irndo need ed, and whllo no general rise In tho prices was consummated n few alroiw bids for nn occasional load ot prlino steors or cows showed tho underly ing steadiness to tho market. Mon day and Wednesday voro tho only days which wore factors In hotter prices. Tho roiunlifdor of tlu weokls business wns tnvtisncted in poor .grade stock ot which there wns n largo quantity, Generally the cattle market Is steady to o, shndo firmer thnu It wns seven days since, nnd tho outlot for strictly prime steers and cows Is better. Top quotations nro steers S7 to S7.3S. cows Sti to S6.50. 'heifers $6.50 to $6.7S, calves S to $9, bulls Sb.DQ to '$.&. Depression hit tho swine market Into In tho week but was not entirely unexpected. Poitland has been S5c to 40c higher than other American markets for 10 days and has maintained strength up to Thursday ot this week. Prime light hogs sold steady nt $8.30 thot rootled supply. All prices steady nnd (Inn nnd trade brisk. GOOD XKW8 ITEM, TOO. Thrpo of tlio loading business mem of tho town wcro seen nt church on Sunday, nnd Tho Uttllotln Is asked by ouo of them to record this ua uti Item ot news. And It Is, too. MONEY IN HI'l'IM. A. 1). Morrill brought In a load of potatoes Monday from his Powell llutto rnnch Monday nnd took back n load or lumber yesterday. Ilo suld his spuds for 90 cents a hundred nnd says that oven at this price thoy are the best pnylng crop ho knows ot oil dry land, which his (a. THEATRE TO HE-OPEN TRIOAY, Tho Rend Theatre ns announced first half, but buyers lefuscd to bid ' elsewhere In this paper, will reopen that price at tho closo nnd tops were 'under new mniuigomcnl with a ..poo- down to $8.20. Trado opinion Is not so optlmlstlo as tho week comes to n closo. Mutton and lambs sold strong- and freely supported tho high prlco range established a few days ago. Prime yearlings nt $4 75, old Inl nrticram Friday evening. Musi cat features will Include singing by Sam Jordan nnd violin antl piano solos. W. Wolcott Is tho new mana ger and Harry Wyso will operate the machine The Daylight Route BETWEEN CENTRAL OREGON AND PORTLAND '3 You secure the advantage of THROUGH SERVICE and warm, comfortable STEEL COACHES. Insist that your ticket read via the O.-YV. It. it N. and meet and travel with your neighbors from adjoining towns. J. H. CORBETT, Agent, Bend, Oregon is iNKr' r s wstnrwc i M CSVW- ?K?.i.n ) 01 . h?a rffl'AVvvO mttKmVMWiVNmnm ntv :. ' v otjr.' ixvi f o mmjnmin laku if M - . m - Mar sVii-Viirfl' v xs Vs-4ic5H tviKfNrx it m' try w-w I ' "tv a a. . - J Lgnve. THIS NtrSttlNU en HWTIMrJHlMfr iotonrDunnviAl vmiHl. IWT9 RBVTK. rviBifMl MflpaSitUDy IT ,i INVESTICnTE, Hitrftisurir4ccHTBft Lknarn mill rntiin& mill COHOLNUIHti WOO PUJ.P MjUS n t altm prf atatiry "Vz-im CIalX Caa I Dlnn onaitHrioumiinieuuntiy. The land I llvh. 0cp Uttl th fonm I Ol) OIlOlflQ UVV -tll frlllU thin, ua rwk, li lrl. h iwl ttrmnK. mt (ittlltnt OiliiVlng wtr ucvri Juixr lliii N fed. Tbvltfliltil Urn! with rlul wattr llit. t rtnbt purtholl Joorr Hereon rttnii, Tht urtoumtlni jilnt euvctnl mountain! ma full ol nnturl wondrr iit Jutt Iht Uc farsricktloa L Mm li only about two )rt oM, but trowluc Mpltlly it hi t(tfihon rlm. two wl ItolrU. o lil( iinml , nt(rthiiill ttortt, fitlclM llrfty nii lent ulitr, nnltut iitwipr llh 1 I'liio Inter MminUIn), one of lh tnot ii(rrurr romnitrctM club In tin tUIr and IhUcIiili. by h wjf, ha Ua own llurly mul Ih wt( Vr errtlnl Ihrttuu n lltttlr club hwit , ' There trathrr null mw mill in the rlcfulty of La Vint, whli h lJurt tht IksIihiIiii uTllitlM luiulKtliif imI mllWn budiieH Ihil will I dime here. There arc gwM oeolni( In mnrucluilti(t mi J other bulneM line here In eiloeallunM nialtera lj line I trc(rewie. II hat un-acre.achool parkin tht bean oflhe re.ldence aeciion nU no l.hrni In ihe Iwelllh rale. X Catholic church ha been bulti . here, and other chtirthf are UnnlnK to raubluh lhialee lj I'liir lua orer now ainllabl elretrle borae Jer which the ' oienera hare roramenceJ lodceelop, antl which alone wouMbulM a (l aunt city The hl area of farm lamt Irlbulary to l.a Tin wouM -aw.. mmm. nwu .nill.a.H m HV.H. nrm lJ t Ol T II ) V I111 IW T 1 1 linilKf IO . 1'int W,ITI NlOlie IIUIIU OMl ltTl (lip Min in, comjm oflhe twoblc rallroait ayatcuw to M rint which willti aoou. iterloimenl In and aroun.) La I'lnt will w rai.t.1 l.a rine can be reached via Or. war . N l . u. u B fcN. mt i;. i- u railroad, other are vluln . why not VOt' WAKK Ur to the Uct that a olii. welt-locateil town In on of Iht newrl and bel aectlon orthe Northweat I tound to grow rapidly, and that properly ealuea will climb accordingly frlee now from ytup Tht term are eaay onlra few dollar -r moulh on each lot Voudou'l ml the mouey. but you aoon acquire ealuablt properly. Urlle to.tay lor plat, pike, a LA PINE TOWNS1TE COMPANY, La Pine, Oregon. Reliable agenta, with good bank reference, wanltd lu all part oflhe United Hlate. POWELL BUTTES (Continued from pane alt.) Saturday, returnliiR homo nunilay. their ilnuRhtcra, who are ntmlent nt the Crook County IIIrIi School. Mrs. I). A. Vat o wan hontcia to tho rowell llutto Boroala Wediteaday, Tho nftcmoon wna apent In plnnnliiK fur tho banauet ulilch tho latllea will servo on tho ovcnluR of the 20th. A Kooilly numlior of momhera woro tucacnt nnd all woro loud In their praise of the dollcloua reliant which wna acrved them nt tho clone of tho inoetlnR. Mm. Yatea wna iihly an alatcd hy her alitrr-ln-lnw, Mm. Ouy Soara. Tho next roicular meeting of tho club r ho with Mra. K. 1. Alloy nn Ducomhor 3, George Morgan nnd Allen Wllloox on wero hualneaa vUKora to the coun ty oat Monday. An 80-acre trnet of land belong ing to Mr. Adama of lledmoud waaf aold laat week to n Tncoma man who l will move hla fniully onto It noon. Mr. and Mra. Oeo. Mcl'hurland will ! ho honor gueata nt n pnrty to ho glvon I hy Mr. nnd Mra. W. T Hmlth Tuea.' day evening. Tho Mel'harlanda ura sooit to deavo for Wnahlnglon, Father, mother, brother and ulceea of 8. D. nnd W. 0. Muatnrd left for their homo lu Onkadule. Wnah., on Tutmday after n pleaiaut vlalt hero with their relative. Mr. nnd Mra. Muatnrd Hr. vUIIkiI hero live )enrri ago and are delighted to ao an many Improvemcnta In tho country almo that .time. J. I,, (llbr-on bought 16 ahoata (roju J. J. Kllluger of Itodmond recently I'uplla of the Wllaon achool are aniline plna which Itonr n plcluro of Old O lory nnd tho worda. "Our HctieM llouae ring." I'roccoila nro to go for n ling. Oeo. Mcl'liarlaiiil took n lend of potntooa to llond tho foro part of ihn week. Ilmiry Tweet wna on tho lieu 1 mnrket alto with n lond of dteaMl pork. Carl Charlton went to Prlnnvlltn laat week to tnko In th footinril gnmn ami have aomo dental woik (tone. Mr. nnd Mra. I'm ok MrCnffrry nifl aon I rod of Itedmond were dlnn if gueata nt the K. I.. Itnraon home mi Hiuiuny. Mra. a. r T ::::iia. aS -.,.. .- ..... ..,.., 4.4w.t. . 4 . , ..- t..,..... W- - "' ill lit - v - - . :j! Real Estate if v . St'' I I Real Estate 1 t FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property g ?Zl conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment fc 2k: jl !N . ''" II xu 1 ?. "I! e ill i ' 4 ' ' T i t 4 "t The Bend Company Office corner Wail4nd Ohio Sts. D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Marker " 4 i! t"t at t tt -II it r i- -4-- ------ - r--- - --------4 .--- - - T. - . - t ------- tym